Ex Parte Appeal Roadshows

Are you a Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) practitioner? Would you like to learn more about ex parte appeal proceedings? Would you like to meet and learn directly from PTAB judges? Attend an ex parte appeal roadshow!

The PTAB is holding in-person training focused on ex parte appeal proceedings in cities across the country. PTAB judges will teach all sessions, which is a rare and unique opportunity.

The roadshow is free. Click on the date below to register at a city near you. CLE credit is pending per state where the roadshows are being held.

New Roadshow Stops

DateTimeCityU.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Venue
February 6, 2025


All events will be held 1-5 p.m. (local time)


SeattleUniversity of Washington School of Law
4293 Memorial Way Northeast
Seattle, WA  98195
March 6, 2025
BostonBoston Public Library 
700 Boylston Street
Boston, MA  02116
April 3, 2025
RaleighNorth Carolina State University
James B. Hunt Jr. Library
1070 Partners Way
Raleigh, NC 27606-7132
May 1, 2025
AlexandriaUSPTO headquarters 
Clara Barton Auditorium
600 Dulany Street
Alexandria, VA  22314


Past Roadshow Stops

DateTimeCityU.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Venue
Thursday,         December 7, 2023


All events will be held 1-5 p.m. (local time)

Networking reception 
to follow

Los AngelesLos Angeles Public Library 
630 W. Fifth St. 
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Thursday,           February 1, 2024AustinUniversity of Texas School of Law 
727 E Dean Keeton St. 
Austin, TX 78705
Thursday,           February 29, 2024AtlantaEmory Law School 
1301 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30322
Thursday,               April 4, 2024IndianapolisIndianapolis Central Public Library 
40 East Saint Clair St. 
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Thursday,                 May 2, 2024PhiladelphiaFree Library of Philadelphia Parkway Central Library 1901 Vine St., BRIC, Ground Floor 
Philadelphia, PA 19103

What you'll learn

PTAB judges will teach all sessions and share best practices for how to succeed in an appeal. Attendees will learn tips for more efficiently filing an appeal brief, making more persuasive written arguments, and presenting an effective oral argument before a judge panel.

Check out the presentation materials 

Local timeTopic — Description
1 p.m.Welcome — Gain exposures to the local services available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Center to aid with securing a patent.
1:05 - 1:30 p.m.Fireside chat — Meet a PTAB executive leader and listen to their experience in deciding appeals and receive the latest updates on new PTAB developments, including PTAB programs to develop the next generation of practitioners and to aid inventors.
1:30 - 2:15 p.m.                                             Filing the Appeal Brief — Learn about your options after receiving a final rejection and considerations such as cost, timing, and outcome for filing an appeal of the final rejection to the PTAB. Also, learn the steps in the appeal process and how to correct any defects.
2:15 - 3:15 p.m.   Written advocacy in briefing — Discuss, via numerous examples, how to effectively argue against the examiner’s final rejection in your written opening and reply briefs.
3:15 - 3:30 p.m.BREAK 
3:30 - 4:10 p.m.                                                   Oral advocacy in hearings — Receive an overview of tips for making persuasive oral arguments and watch a mock argument demonstration where various argumentation techniques are evaluated by the judge panel for effectiveness.
4:10 - 4:25 p.m. Options after a Board Decision — Hear about the options available to an appellant following an adverse Board Decision.
4:25 - 4:55 p.m.    Practice Makes Perfect: an exercise — Pull together all takeaways from the previous sessions and apply these takeaways to a hypothetical for reinforcement.
4:55 - 5 p.m.USPTO resources and closing — Wrap up by noting many UPSTO resources available to help with succeeding in an ex parte appeal.

Why attend a roadshow?

After attending a roadshow, you will walk away feeling more comfortable in advising your client about whether to file an appeal. You also will have confidence in filing an appeal and persuading the PTAB—both in writing and orally—on the merits of your case. And you will gain behind-the-scenes perspectives about what PTAB judges expect and have seen in winning appeals.

The upsides to your practice are big and the risks are low, so register to attend today!!

Past PTAB Appeal Roadshows