While our in-person course materials are workshop-specific and designed for in-class use, they are derived from public material used to train USPTO patent examiners and are available on our Examiner Training Materials page or the Examination Guidance and Training Materials page. Here are specific courses we are currently offering:
Inventor four-day course (virtual)
This course is intended for current and future inventors. It is limited to those who cannot represent applicants before the USPTO. The training covers statutes, rules, and guidelines relevant to submitting a patent application.
The four sessions will focus on how examiners review patent applications according to the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). Each module builds on the preceding session as follows:
- Day 1 focuses on the role of examiners and the steps they take when reading an application for the first time.
- Day 2 uses the information gathered during Day 1 to plan and conduct a search and focuses on application formalities.
- Day 3 builds on Day 2 in mapping prior art to claims.
- Day 4 finishes discussing the mapping of art to claims and focuses on writing an office action.
The course ends with a presentation on resources available to inventors, plus a roundtable discussion. Similar to the training of new USPTO examiners, a sample application will be provided as the focus of exercises during each module.
Prior to attending, those accepted into the course may wish to complete pre-activity homework. This includes reviewing several computer-based training (CBT) modules and reading the sample application.
For a detailed schedule, please view the appropriate webpage. Please note that the content and schedule are subject to change.
Agent/attorney four-day course (virtual - Domestic/International)
This course is limited to USPTO-registered patent attorneys and agents. The training covers statutes, rules, and guidelines relevant to practicing before the USPTO.
The four sessions will focus on how examiners review patent applications according to the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). Each module builds on the preceding session as follows:
- Day 1 focuses on the role of examiners and the steps they take when reading an application for the first time.
- Day 2 uses the information gathered during Day 1 to plan and conduct a search and focuses on application formalities.
- Day 3 builds on Day 2 in mapping prior art to claims.
- Day 4 finishes discussing the mapping of art to claims and focuses on writing an office action.
The course ends with presentations on pro bono and professional responsibility, as well as a roundtable discussion. Similar to the training of new USPTO examiners, a sample application will be provided as the focus of exercises during each module.
Prior to attending, those accepted into the course may wish to complete pre-activity homework. This includes reviewing several computer-based training (CBT) modules and reading the sample application.
For a detailed schedule, please view the STEPP international agent/attorney 4-day course schedule. Please note that the content and schedule are subject to change.
Agent/attorney three-day course (in-person****)
This course is similar in detail to the four-day virtual course for USPTO-registered patent attorneys and agents but is held in-person over three days. Each module builds on the preceding session as follows:
- Day 1 focuses on the role of examiners and the steps they take when reading an application for the first time.
- Day 2 uses the information gathered during Day 1 to plan and conduct a search, and focuses on application formalities.
- Day 3 builds on Day 2 in mapping prior art to claims and focuses on writing an office action (these elements are covered in one day as opposed to two in the virtual course)
For a detailed schedule, please view the appropriate webpage. Please note that as with the four-day virtual course, the content and schedule are subject to change. This offering is slated to return in 2025.
Course enrollment for interested STEPP participants
Entry into the STEPP program is granted based on available resources, slots available, and the intended target audience for each course. While our in-person course materials are workshop-specific and designed for in-class use, they are based on public material used to train USPTO patent examiners and may be found on either the Examiner Training Materials or Examination Guidance and Training Materials pages.