Trademark Center is where you can file a new trademark application, pay application-related fees, and use the docketing feature to track the status of applications filed through Trademark Center.
All applicants must include:
- Their name and domicile address
- Their legal entity
- The citizenship of each individual applicant, or the state or country of incorporation or organization of each juristic applicant
- One or more filing bases that satisfy 37 CFR 2.34, 2.44, or 2.45, as applicable
- A filing fee for each class of goods and services
- A verified statement that meets the requirements of 37 CFR 2.33, 2.44, or 2.45, as applicable, dated and signed by a person properly authorized to sign on behalf of the owner
- Correctly classified goods and services with identifications selected from the ID Manual in Trademark Center
Other requirements are based on conditional information about the applicant, their trademark, or their application.
If the applicant, their trademark, or their application | The application must include |
Is a domestic partnership | The names and citizenship of the general partners |
Is a domestic joint venture | The names and citizenship of the active members of the joint venture |
Is a sole proprietorship | The state of organization of the sole proprietorship and the name and citizenship of the sole proprietor |
Contains goods and services in more than one class | Information that complies with the multi-class application requirements of 37 CFR 2.86 |
Does not claim standard characters | A digitized image of the mark. If the mark includes color, the drawing must show the mark in color. |
Claims standard characters | A mark comprised only of characters in the USPTO’s standard character set, typed in the appropriate field of the application |
Includes a mark in color | A statement naming the colors and describing where they appear in the mark, and a claim that the colors are a feature of the mark |
Is not in standard characters | A description of the mark |
Includes non-English wording | An English translation of that wording |
Includes non-Latin characters | A transliteration of those characters |
Includes an individual’s name or likeness | Either:
Owns one or more registrations for the same mark, and the owners last listed in USPTO records of the prior registrations for the same mark differs from the owners listed in the application | A claim of ownership of the registrations identified by the registration numbers |
Is a concurrent use application | A filing basis asserting use in commerce under Section 1(a) and a verified statement including the information required by 37 CFR 2.42(b). |
Is domiciled outside the United States or its territories | Their attorney’s name, postal address, email address, and bar information |