Anti-Counterfeiting Video Contest


Banner introducing the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s 2018 Video Contest called Consumers Combat Counterfeits. Banner shows the contest logo, which is three large bar-codes with Consumers Combat Counterfeits written under each bar code.


Think there’s no harm in buying a fake handbag or mobile phone? That’s not really hurting anyone, right? Wrong. Although counterfeit goods can be bought at a cheaper price than their legitimate counterparts, the actual cost of fake goods is high. Counterfeit goods are often produced in ways that include no quality controls or safety checks. This means that they are not only of inferior quality, but can even be dangerous to the consumer. Think of counterfeit pharmaceuticals containing inactive or even toxic ingredients or untested electronics that catch fire without warning. There’s real harm in fake goods.  

Contest winners

Thanks to all contestants for participating in Consumers Combat Counterfeits, the 2018 anti-counterfeiting video contest, and helping us raise awareness about the harms associated with counterfeiting. We recognize all contestants for their hard work and creativity. Congratulations to the contest winners: 

Category 1 (grade school): Zoe McDowell
Watch Zoe's video

Category 2 (high school): Joshua Galovin
Watch Joshua's video

Category 3 (college undergraduate students): Eric Grigoryan 
Watch Eric's video

Category 4 (general public): Princess Stephanie Donato
Watch Princess' video

Category 5 (federal government employees): Roberto Ortiz 
Watch Roberto's video

Honorable mention: Olivia Ferri
Watch Olivia's video

Learn about counterfeits