A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- CAFC ( See Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC))
- Canceled matter, before papers executed— 602.08(b)
- Canceled matter, cannot be recaptured in reissue— 1412.02
- Canceled matter, Restoring— 608.01(s)
- Canceled matter in patented file— 901.01
- Canceling claim after issue— 714.16
- Canceling claims not appealed— 1214.05
- Canceling drawing— 608.02(t)
- Cancellation of drawing figures— 608.02(t)
- Candor, Duty of ( See also Duty of candor and good faith)— 2001 ; 2001.03
- Carbon copy, application papers— 608.01
- Carbon copy of amendment— 714.07
- Card catalog in library— 901.06(a)
- Caricatures, Offensive— 608 ; 1504.01(e)
- Catalog and circulars— 901.06(a)
- Central Facsimile Number— 502 ; 502.01
- Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) ( See also Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA))— 103 ; 1002.02(c)(4) ; 2212.01 ; 2224 ; 2227 ; 2229 ; 2231 ; 2233 ; 2235 – 2237 ; 2239 ; 2240 ; 2242 ; 2245 – 2249 ; 2258.01 ; 2262 ; 2265 ; 2267 ; 2270 ; 2271.01 ; 2274 ; 2281 ; 2283 – 2287 ; 2289 ; 2294 ; 2295 ; 2803.01 ; 2812 ; 2812.02 ; 2812.03 ; 2816 ; 2816.02 ; 2817.01 ; 2819 ; 2822
- Certificate, derivation— 901.04
- Certificate effect of signature— 402.03 ; 410
- Certificate,
Ex parte Reexamination—
- Format— 2290
- Certificate, Inter Partes review— 901.04
- Certificate of correction—
- Applicant’s mistake— 1481
- Assignee’s name— 307 ; 1481.01
- Branch— 1002.02(l)
- Copy required in reexamination
- Ex parte— 2214
- Date of issuance— 1485
- Domestic priority— 211.01(a) ; 211.01(b) ; 1002.02(b) ; 1002.02(p) ; 1402 ; 1481 ; 1481.03
- Electronic publication— 1485
- Expedited issuance— 1480.01
- Foreign priority— 216.01 ; 1481 ; 1481.03
- Form PTO-1050— 1480 ; 1480.01 ; 1485
- Form PTO/SB/44— 1480 ; 1480.01 ; 1485
- Handling of request for— 1485
- International application priority— 1481.03
- Inventorship— 1412.04 ; 1481 ; 1481.02
- Matters requiring TC Director’s attention— 1003
- Office’s mistake— 1480 ; 1480.01
- Official Gazette listing— 1480 ; 1485
- Paper— 1485
- Patent in litigation— 1003
- Petition of refusal to issue— 1002.02(c)
- Reissue application— 1411.01 ; 1443
- Report by examiner— 1485
- Third party standing— 1480
- Certificate of mailing or transmission (37 CFR 1.8)— 502.01 ; 511 ; 512 ; 513
- Certificate of service
- Ex parte reexamination— 2220
- Certificate, post grant review— 901.04
- Certified copies
- Abstract of Title— 320
- Appeal to federal circuit— 1216.01
- Application as filed— 608.01 ; 1730
- Certified Copy Center— 501 ; 502 ; 1730 ; 2209 ; 2232 ; 2435 ; 2803.02
- Civil litigation— 1216
- Facsimile submission not permitted— 502.02
- Facsimile requests for— 1730
- Foreign application— 213.04 ; 215 ; 502.02 ; 1402 ; 1417 ; 1481.03 ; 1504.10 ; 1893.03(c) ; 2138.06
- MPEP— ; 1730
- Orders for— 1730
- Patent copies— 1730
- PCT application— 1801 ; 1828 ; 1893.03(c) ; 1895.01 ; 1896
- Photocopies not permitted— 502.02
- Provisional application— 103 ; 104
- Reexamination file
- Change from small entity status ( See also Small entity status)— 509.03(b)
- Change of correspondence address— 601.03 ; 711.03(c)
- Characteristic feature in design applications— 1503.01 ; 1504.01(a)
- Chemical compound— 608.01(b)
- Chemical practice
- Enablement— 2164.06(b)
- Generic chemical formula— 2131.02 ; 2144.08
- Markush— 803.02 ; 2117 ; 2173.05(h)
- Chief Administrative Patent Judge— 1002.02(f)
- Circulars ( See also Publication)—
- Citation of prior art
- A.P.C. publications— 901.06(c)
- Abbreviatures— 711.06 ; 711.06(a)
- Abstract— 711.06 ; 711.06(a) ; 2120
- Allowance, Listing at— 1302.12
- Applicant’s— 707.05(b) ; 707.05(d) ; 1302.12
- Complete data— 707.05(e)
- Copies furnished— 707.05(a)
- Correction— 707.05(g)
- Correction, period for reply— 710.06
- Cross references— 707.05(e)
- Data used— 707.05(e)
- Decisions, orders, notices, memoranda— 707.06
- Defensive publications— 711.06 ; 711.06(a)
- Electronic Resources— 707.05(e)
- Examiner’s answer— 1207
- Foreign language documents— 2120
- Foreign patent data— 707.05(e) ; 901.05(a)
- Foreign printed applications— 901.05(b)
- Form PTO-892 reproduced— 707.05(a)
- Incorrect— 707.05(g) ; 710.06
- Literature, in specification— 608.01(p)
- Mailing copy to patent owner— 2206 ; 2208
- Memorandum— 707.06
- Notices— 707.06
- Order of listing— 707.05(c)
- Orders— 707.06
- Patents series, U.S. ( See also Patent)— 901.04
- Periodical— 707.05(e) ; 901.06
- Prior art effect of international application— 2136.03 ; 2139.02 ; 2152.05 ; 2154.01(a)
- Prior art in application— 707.05(b) ; 1302.12
- Prior art in patent— 1920 ; 2200
- Publications— 707.05(e)
- References— 707.05
- Citizenship of applicant— 601.05
- Civil action under 35 U.S.C. 145— 1214.07 ; 1216 ; 1216.02
- Civil action under 35 U.S.C. 146— 1216
- Claim—
- “Adapted for” clauses in— 2103 ; 2111.04 ; 2143.03
- “Adapted to” clauses in— 2103 ; 2111.04 ; 2143.03
- Added by amendment—
- Results in change of inventorship— 602.09
- Added in excess of number of claims previously paid for— 714.10
- After prosecution closed— 714.16 ; 714.19
- After prosecution closed, near end of time period— 714.20
- Aggregation— 2173.05(k)
- All allowed— 710.02(b)
- All canceled— 711.01
- Allowable except as to form— 706 ; 707.07(a) ; 707.07(j)
- Allowed, Rejection of— 706.04 ; 706.05
- Allowed, Withdrawn appeal— 1215.02
- Alternative phrase ( See also Indefinite claim)— 2117 ; 2173.01 ; 2173.05(h) ; 2173.05(i)
- Amendment of ( See also Amendment)— 714
- Analysis— 904.01
- Antecedent basis ( See also Indefinite claim)— 2173.03 ; 2173.05(e)
- Basis in description— 608.01(o) ; 2171
- Basis in disclosure— 608 ; 2163.03
- Breadth— 2163.05 ; 2164.08 ; 2173.04
- Broadening in reissue application—
- Dependent claim— 1412.03
- Cancellation by examiner after appeal— 1214.05
- Cancellation results in change of inventorship— 602.01(c)
- Change after Board statement of allowability— 1213.01
- Combination, old— 2173.05(j)
- Combination and subcombination— 806.05(a)
- Combination Sets— 905.03
- Comprising— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- Considered in deciding reexamination request— 2243
- Consisting essentially of— 2111.03
- Consisting of— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- Construed in light of specification— 608.01(o) ; 804 ; 2103 ; 2106 ; 2111 – 2111.03 ; 2129 ; 2145 ; 2164.08 ; 2173.02 – 2173.05(c) ; 2181 ; 2184
- Contingent limitations— 2111.04
- Copied from patent ( See Claim presented corresponding to claim of patent)
- Correspondence with disclosure— 1302.01 ; 2173.03
- Defined by specification, term— 2111.01
- Dependent— 608.01(n)
- Dependent, objected to when improper— 608.01(n) ; 706.01
- Dependent on canceled or rejected claim— 608.01(n) ; 706.01 ; 707.07(j) ; 1214.06
- Design application— 1503 ; 1503.01
- Differing only by functional statement— 2114 ; 2173.05(g)
- Diminishing scope— 2173.05(h)
- Disclaimer— 710.02(d) ; 2304.04(c)
- Domestic benefit— 210 – 211.05 ; 217
- Double inclusion— 2173.05(o)
- Duplicate— 608.01(m) ; 2173.05(o)
- Each mentioned in letter— 707.07(i)
- Equivalence— 2183
- Excess added by preliminary amendment over number of claims previously paid for— 714.10
- Excess over fee after notice of allowance— 714.16(c)
- Fees, dependent— 608.01(n)
- File wrapper notation— 1302.09
- Foreign priority ( See also Foreign application)— 210 ; 213 – 217
- Form— 608.01(m)
- Function of machine— 2173.05(v)
- Functional— 2103 ; 2114 ; 2173.05(g)
- Generic ( See also Generic claim)— 806.04(d) ; 2173.05(h)
- Illustrated by drawing— 608.02(d) ; 2173.05(s)
- Improvement (i.e., Jepson claim)— 2129
- Inaccurate— 2173.03
- Incomplete— 2172.01
- Indefinite— 2173 ; 2175
- Independent— 608.01(n)
- Index— 719.04
- Informal— 702.01
- International application— 1824
- Interpretation— 2111 ; 2111.01 ; 2111.02 ; 2111.03
- Jepson— 2129
- Linking— 806.04 ; 806.05(c) ; 809 ; 809.03 ; 821.04(a)
- Linking, Generic— 806.04 ; 821.04(a)
- Markush—
- Generic— 803.02
- Improper— 2117
- Indefinite— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- Subgenus— 2173.05(h)
- Support— 608.01(p)
- Material or article worked upon— 2115
- Means ( See also Means)— 2181 – 2185
- Missing— 601.01(e)
- Multiple dependent— 608.01(n)
- Multiplicity— 2173.05(h) ; 2173.05(n)
- Negative limitation— 2173.05(i)
- New matter—
- Reissue application— 1411.02
- Nonelected invention— 803.02 ; 821.01 ; 821.02 ; 821.04(a)
- Nonelected invention, Added— 821.03
- Nonstatutory— 2104 – 2107
- Novel, nonobvious starting material or end product— 2116.01
- Numbering— 608.01(j)
- Objection contrasted with rejection— 706.01
- Official Gazette(O.G.)— 1302.09
- Omnibus claim— 2173.05(r)
- Ordinary and customary meaning— 2106 ; 2111.01
- Patentably distinct— 608.01(m)
- Plain meaning of claim term— 2111.01
- Plant application— 1605 ; 1610
- Present on Filing Date— 608.01(l) ; 1410
- Priority ( See also Foreign application)— 210 ; 213 – 217
- Product, Functional— 2114
- Product by process— 2113 ; 2173.05(p)
- Prolix ( See also Indefinite claim)— 2173.05(m)
- Ranges— 2131.01 ; 2131.03 ; 2144.05 ; 2163.05 ; 2173.05(c)
- Reference numerals included— 608.01(m) ; 2173.05(s)
- Reissue application
- Rejection— 706 ; 2121 – 2187
- Relative terminology— 2173.05(b)
- Renumbering at issue— 608.01(j) ; 1302.01
- Renumbering dependent— 608.01(n) ; 1302.01
- Single means— 2164.08(a) ; 2173.05(g) ; 2181
- Single sentence— 608.01(m)
- Species, how recognized— 806.04(e) ; 806.04(f)
- Species (plural) added— 818.02(b)
- Statutory requirement— 608.01(k)
- Subgenus (Markush type)— 2173.05(h)
- Subject matter eligibility— 2104 ; 2106 – 2106.07(c)
- Suggested for interference—
- Failure to make— 2304.04(c)
- Time limit— 710.02(c)
- Summary of invention, consistent— 608.01(d)
- Terminology basis in description— 608.01(o) ; 2163.02 ; 2163.05 ; 2173.01 ; 2173.05(a)
- Unsupported— 2163.01 ; 2173.03
- Use claims— 2173.05(q)
- Vague ( See also Indefinite claim)— 706.03 ; 2171 – 2173
- Varying scope— 608.01(m)
- “Whereby” clauses in— 2103 ; 2111.04 ; 2143.03
- “Wherein” clauses in— 2103 ; 2111.04 ; 2143.03
- With motion granted in part— 714.20
- Withdrawal of appealed claim by cancellation— 1214.05 ; 1215.03
- Claim presented corresponding to claim of patent (
See also
- Appeal of rejection— 1200
- Disclaimer rejection— 2304.04(c)
- Late amendment— 714.19
- Not a reply to Office action— 711.02(b)
- Patent in different Technology Center— 2304.01(b)
- Period for reply— 710.02(c) ; 710.04(a)
- Prosecution closed— 714.19
- Rejection—
- TC Director’s attention— 1003
- Rejection, Failure to reply to— 2304.04(c)
- Special— 708.01
- Claiming same invention— 715 ; 715.05 ; 2104 ; 2107.01 ; 2135 ; 2135.01 ; 2136.01 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2139.03 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2152.07 ; 2154.01(d)
- Class, scope— 903.02(b)
- Class definitions— 902.02
- Classification (
See also
Patent classification)—
- Application ( See Classification of application)
- Basis— 903.02
- Cooperative Patent Classification System ( See also Cooperative Patent Classification)— 902 ; 905.02
- Design— 907 ; 1503.01
- Examiner ( See Classification examiner)
- Foreign patents— 903.03
- Harmonized subclasses— 903.06
- Index to U.S. Patent Classification—
- Classification, International
- Indices— 902.03
- Information— 902.03(a)
- International— 906
- Issue classification form/sheet/slip— 903.07 ; 907 ; 1302.09 ; 1302.10 ; 1302.13
- Locarno International— 907
- Mandatory— 903.07
- Manual for USPC— 902.01
- Patent classification Home Page on the Internet— 902.03(a)
- Nonpatent literature— 901.06
- Patent, Change of— 903.05
- Patent Classification Home Page on the USPTO Intranet— 902.03(b)
- Principles— 903.02
- Revision— 903.02(b)
- Classification examiner
- Patentability report— 705.01(a)
- Classification of application—
- Allowed application— 903.07 ; 1004 ; 1302.10
- Amendment affecting— 909.01(c)
- By applicant— 601
- Cross-referencing— 903.07(a)
- Disputed— 909.01(d) ; 909.02(d)
- File wrapper data— 719.03
- Improperly classified— 909.01(d) ; 909.02(d)
- New application, by SPE— 909.01(b) ; 909.02(b)
- Post classifier— 909.02(e) ; 903.10
- Preliminary— 601
- Rules governing— 909.02(e)
- Transfer to another Technology Center— 909.01(d)
- Classifier, Post— 909.02(e) ; 903.10
- Clean copy of specification— 608.01(q) ; 1302.02
- Clearance for new law interpretation— 1003 ; 1207.02
- Closed prosecution except for formal matters—
- Prosecution not closed— 707.07(j)
- Closing of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office— 213.03 ; 510
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) ( See Rules, Patent (Code of Federal Regulations))
- Coinventor, Power of attorney— 402.10
- Collateral estoppel (
See also
- Ex-parte reexamination— 2259
- Combination and aggregation— 2173.05(j) ; 2173.05(k)
- Combination and subcombination— 806.05(a) ; 806.05(c) ; 903.02(b)
- Comments on tests or examples— 707.07(l)
- Commercial activity or explotation as on sale ( See also On sale)— 2120.02 ; 2133.03 – 2133.03(e)(7) ; 2139.02 ; 2152.02(d)
- Commercial success of invention, affidavit alleging ( See also Affidavits, traversing rejections (37 CFR 1.132))— 716.03 ; 1504.03
- Commissioner for Patents ( See also Office of the Commissioner for Patents)— 409.03 ; 708.01
- Commissioner initiated reexamination ( See Director initiated Reexamination)
- Commissioner for Trademarks
- Petitions decided by— 1002.02(i)
- Commodity Control List (CCL)— 120
- Common applicants— 709.01 ; 715.01(a) ; 717.02 – 717.02(d) ; 2136.01 ; 2137 ; 2139.03 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.07 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2158.01
- Common knowledge, use in rejections— 2143 ; 2144.03
- Common ownership— 717.02 – 717.02(d) ; 2136.01 ; 2137 ; 2144.01 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2154.02(c) ; 2156
- Common representative for international application— 402.09 ; 1807
- Communication with suspended or excluded attorney or agent— 105
- Communications, official mailing address for— 501
- Communication via Internet e-mail— 502.03
- Comparative tests ( See also Affidavits, traversing rejections (37 CFR 1.132))— 716.02(b)
- Complete application— 506 ; 601.01 – 601.01(g)
- Complete British specification— 214.03
- “Comprising” as transitional phrase— 2111.03
- “Comprising” in Markush claim— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- Computer generated electronic images— 1504.01(a)
- Computer programs or software
- Adequate disclosure— 2164.06(c) ; 2181
- Affidavit practice— 2164.06(c)
- Best mode— 2161.01
- Computer Program Listing Appendix— 601 ; 608.05 ; 608.05(a)
- Deposit of listings— 608.05 ; 608.05(a)
- Enablement— 2161.01 ; 2164.06(c)
- Patentable subject matter— 2106 ; 2106.04(a)(1) ; 2106.04(a)(2) ; 2106.05 – 2106.05(h)
- Printed in PG-Pub— 1121
- Undue experimentation— 2164.06(c)
- Written description— 2161.01
- Concealment— 608.01(h) ; 2138.03 ; 2165.04
- Conception— 715.07 ; 2136.03 – 2137 ; 2138 – 2138.06 ; 2163
- Concordance, International and United States classification— 906
- Concurrent Office proceedings— 2282 – 2286.01 ; 2820
- Conduct in public information facilities— 510
- Conduct of ex parte reexamination proceedings— 2254
- Confidential material— 121 ; 724 – 724.05
- Confidential material submission— 121 ; 724.02
- Confidential party of interest— 2202 ; 2203
- Confidential status of application— 101 ; 2136.01 ; 2154.01(d)
- Confidential submission of prior art and section 301 written statements— 2202 ; 2203
- Confidentiality, pending applications— 100
- Confidentiality of international applications— 110
- Confirmation number— 503
- Conflicting applications, same assignee— 709.01 ; 715.01(b) ; 804.03 ; 822 ; 2136.01 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2154.02(c) ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Conflicting oaths or declarations— 602.01(c)
- Congress, Inquiry on status of application by member of— 203.08(a)
- “Consisting essentially of” as transitional phrase— 2111.03
- “Consisting of” as transitional phrase— 2111.03
- “Consisting of” in Markush claim— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- Constitutional basis for patents—
- Constructive election ( See also Election of species)— 818.02(a) ; 818.02(c)
- Constructive notice to patent owner of request for reexamination— 2230
- Constructive reduction to practice— 715.07
- Consular certificate— 602.04
- Consular certificate, Foreign executor or administrator— 409.01(b)
- Consular certificate, Omission of— 602.04
- Consular officer— 602.04
- Content of ex-parte reexamination request— 2214
- Continuation—
- Abandonment of prior nonprovisional application — 201.06(c)
- Affidavits, copies of— 201.06(c)
- Assignment carried from parent— 306
- Change of attorney/correspondence address— 201.06(c)
- Continued prosecution application (CPA)— 201.06(d)
- Copendency— 211.01(b)
- Cross-reference to prior application— 202 ; 211
- Definition— 201.07
- Design— 1504.20
- Effective filing date— 211.02
- Examination— 201.06(c)
- Extension of time— 201.06(c)
- File wrapper continuing (FWC)— 201.06(b)
- File wrapper/history notation— 202
- Final rejection on first action— 706.07(b)
- Incorporation by reference— 201.06(c)
- Identification on letter of transmittal— 506
- Inspection of parent— 103
- International application— 1828.02
- International application as parent— 211.01(c) ; 1895
- Inventor, at least one in common— 211.01
- Inventorship— 201.06(c)
- New matter— 201.07 ; 608.04(b)
- Oath— 201.06(c) ; 602.05(a) ; 602.05(b)
- Parent application data noted in file history/wrapper— 202 ; 1302.04
- Reference to parent application— 202 ; 211
- Reference to parent application inadvertently omitted— 1302.04
- Reissue— 1402 ; 1410.01 ; 1410.02 ; 1412.03 ; 1415.01 ; 1441 ; 1451 ; 1455 ; 1460 ; 1481.03
- Restriction— 819
- Rule 1.53(b)— 201.06(c)
- Rule 1.53(d)— 201.06(d)
- Rule 1.60 application, Former— 201.06(a)
- Rule 1.62 application, Former— 201.06(b)
- Small or micro entity status— 201.06(c)
- Specification and drawings— 201.06(c)
- Substitute statement under 37 CFR 1.64— 201.06(c)
- Terminal disclaimer, effect in— 1490
- Time for filing— 211.03
- When patented, opens parent application to public inspection— 103
- Written description requirement— 211.05
- Continuation-in-part—
- Assignment from parent does not apply— 306
- Copendency— 211.01(b)
- Cross reference to parent application— 202 ; 211
- Definition— 201.08
- Design application— 1504.20
- Effective filing date— 211.02 ; 2133.01 ; 2139.01 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2151 ; 2152.01
- File wrapper continuing procedure— 201.06(b)
- File wrapper/history notation— 202
- Filed by assignee— 324
- Identification on letter of transmittal— 506
- Inspection of parent— 103
- International application used as mechanism to file— 1828.02
- International application as parent— 211.01(c)
- Inventor, at least one in common— 211.01
- Ownership— 306
- Reference to parent application— 211.02
- Rejection over publication of parent application— 2133.01 ; 2154.01(b)
- Rejection over published priority document— 2154.01(b)
- Rule 1.53(b)— 201.06(c)
- Rule 1.62, Former— 201.06(b)
- Time for filing— 211.03
- When patented, opens parent application to public inspection— 103
- Continued Prosecution Application (CPA)—
- Amendments before first Office action— 714.01(e)
- Application number— 503
- Assignee right to take action— 324 ; 325
- Certificate of mailing or transmission— 512
- Complete non-provisional application— 601.01 ; 601.01(a)
- Continuation-in-part not permitted— 201.08
- Continuity with parent— 211.01(b)
- Correspondence— 502 ; 502.01
- Cross reference to previous application— 202
- Design application— 201.06(d) ; 1502.01
- Eliminated for utility and plant applications— 201.06(d)
- Express abandonment of prior application— 711.01 ; 711.02(b)
- Extension of time— 201.06(d)
- Filing date— 201.06(d)
- Improper CPA treated as RCE— 201.6(d); 706.07(h)
- Information disclosure statement in parent— 609.02 ; 707.05
- Inventorship— 201.06(d)
- Patent term— 1303 ; 2701
- Plant application, no longer available— 201.06(d)
- Public access to— 201.06(d)
- Published as PG-Pub— 1120
- Reissue— 1430 ; 1470
- Reference to domestic benefit claims— 1302.04
- Restriction requirement in prior application— 819
- Signature Requirements— 201.06(d)
- Small or micro entity status— 201.06(d)
- Suspension of action— 709
- Terminal disclaimer, effect in— 1490
- Utility application, no longer available— 201.06(d)
- Continuing application— 210 ; 211 ; 1302.12 ; 1302.04
- Continuing data ( See also Cross-noting)— 202
- Continuity between applications— 211.01(b)
- Control of inspection by assignee— 104 ; 106
- Convention, International ( See also Treaties)— 213.03
- Converting nonprovisional and provisional applications— 201.04 ; 601.01(c)
- Cooperative Patent Classification System (CPC)—
- Classification in— 905.03 ; 905.04(b)
- Combination Sets— 905.03
- Definition— 905.02
- References in Definitions— 905.01(a)(1)
- Scheme— 905.01
- Warnings in Definitions— 905.01(a)(3)
- Copendency— 211.01(b)
- Copending U.S. application
- Common ownership— 717.02(a) ; 2136.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.05 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.01(c) ; 2156 ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Design application— 1504.20
- Different inventive entities— 717.02(a) ; 2136.01 ; 2136.04 ; 2136.05(b) ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2152.07 ; 2154.01(d)
- Duty of disclosure in— 2001.06(b)
- Terminal disclaimer practice— 1490
- Copied patent claim ( See Claim presented corresponding to claim of patent)
- Copier copies— 714.07
- Copies of prior art with reexamination request
- Ex parte— 2218
- Copies of published applications— 1128
- Copy of foreign application, certified— 215
- Copy of printed patent in reexamination
- Ex parte— 2219
- Copying ex-parte reexamination file by public— 2232
- Copyrights—
- Relationship to design patents— 1512
- Correction of drawing— 608.02(p) ; 1302.05
- Deferrable— 608.02(b) ; 608.02(p)
- Marked-up copy— 608.02(v)
- New matter— 608.04
- Not approved— 608.02(x)
- Order for— 608.02(x)
- Replacement sheets— 1302.05 ; 1303.01
- Correction of inventorship
- Correction of name— 602.01(c) ; 602.08(b)
- Correction of patent—
- By reexamination ( See Reexamination, Ex parte and Reexamination, Inter partes )
- By reissue ( See also Reissue application)— 1401 – 1470
- By supplemental examination ( See also Supplemental examination)— 2809.01
- Certificate of correction— 1480 – 1485
- Statutory disclaimer ( See also Disclaimer and Terminal disclaimer)— 1490
- Correction of PG-Pub— 1130
- Correction of reference citation— 707.05(g) ; 710.06
- Correspondence (
See also
Mail stop)
- Address of PTO— 501 ; 502
- Address in secrecy order applications— 120
- Address of patent owner— 2222 ; 2805
- Address, official mailing— 501
- Address of an attorney— 403 ; 403.01(a) ; 403.01(b)
- Boxes ( See Mail stop)
- Continuing application— 201.06(c)
- Crossing in mail— 714.05
- Duplicate filings— 402.10 ; 403 ; 502.04 ; 714.01(a)
- Electronic mail— 502.03 ; 713 ; 713.01 ; 713.04
- Facsimile transmission— 502.01 ; 2510 ; 2515
- Identifying with issue batch number (no longer required)— 1303.01
- Maintenance fee— 2510 ; 2515 ; 2542
- Plural attorneys— 402.10 ; 403.02
- Post Allowance— 502 ; 1306
- Published application— 1134
- Receipt and handling— 500
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2224
- Signature requirements— 502.02
- Third party, application published— 1134
- With whom held— 403
- Counter terrorism inventions, special status— 708.02
- Counting actions— 1705
- Countries for foreign priority— 213.01
- Country codes— 1851
- Court decision
- Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC)—
- Appeal to, from an ex parte reexamination— 2279
- Court papers, service on Director— 1216
- Cover sheet — provisional application— 201.04
- CREATE Act ( See Joint Research Agreement)
- Credit Card Payment Form PTO-2038 reproduced— 509
- Criteria for deciding ex parte reexamination request— 2242
- Cross-noting
- Data of parent application on file wrapper/history— 202 ; 1302.09
- Data of provisional application in specification— 1302.04
- Data of provisional application on file wrapper/history— 202
- Foreign application cited in an application oath— 202 ; 214.03
- Foreign application, file wrapper/history— 202
- In original patent file of reissue application— 202
- Reissue applications— 1451 ; 1455 ; 1481.03
- Specific reference— 202 ; 211
- Cross-reference
- Crossed mailings— 714.05
- Current Employee Restrictions— 1702
- Customary meaning of claim term— 2111 ; 2111.01 ; 2173.01
- Customer Numbers— 402 ; 403 ; 711.04(c) ; 1807 ; 2515 ; 2540
- Customer Service Center— 104 ; 508.04 ; 714.13 ; 1730
- Customer Service Window— 101 ; 103 ; 501 ; 502 ; 505 ; 710.02(e) ; 714.13 ; 714.16(d) ; 724.02 ; 2413.03 ; 2433
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z