A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Facsimile transmission
- Assignment documents— 302.09 ; 502.01
- Central Number— 502 ; 502.01
- Correspondence— 502.01
- Declaration or oath— 502.01
- PCT international application— 1805 ; 1834.01 ; 1865 ; 1893.01(a)(1)
- Maintenance fees— 2510
- Permitted types of correspondence— 502.01
- Prohibited types of correspondence— 502.01
- Reexamination
- Ex parte— 2224
- Secrecy order application, not permitted— 120 ; 502.01
- Supplemental examination— 2806
- Federal Circuit ( See Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC))
- Federal holiday
- Abandonment date— 711.03(c)
- Appeal brief— 1205.01 ; 2274
- Civil action— 1216
- Continuity between applications— 211.01(b)
- Effect on Priority Mail Express Service— 513
- Effect on reference— 2120.01 ; 2133.01 ; 2135.01 ; 2139.02
- Filing date— 502 ; 502.01 ; 502.05 ; 505 ; 512 ; 513
- Foreign application copendency— 213
- Foreign patent— 2135 ; 2135.01
- Maintenance fees— 2504 ; 2506
- Papers not received— 502 ; 503
- Period for reply ending on— 505 ; 710.05
- Prior art effective date— 2120.01 ; 2139.02 ; 2152.05
- Provisional application copendency— 201.04
- PTO business hours— 510
- Reply period— 710.05
- Statutory bar— 2133 ; 2152.02 ; 2153.01 – 2153.02
- Statutory period— 710.01(a)
- Unscheduled closings— 213.03
- Federal license rights— 310
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Fee (
See also
- Address— 2540
- Appeal— 1204
- Appeal forwarding fee— 1208.01
- Assignment recording— 302.06
- Credit card payment of— 509 ; 706.07(f)
- Current amounts available on USPTO Web site— 509 ; 1730
- Document size— 608.05 ; 2810.01
- Electronic copy of sequence listing— 2419.02 ; 2419.03 ; 2435
- Examiner’s amendment— 706.07(f)
- Extensions of time— 706.07(f)
- Filing—
- Claims in excess of— 607
- Dependent claims— 608.01(n)
- Deposit account— 509.01
- Inadequate— 509
- International application—
- Basic national fee for national stage entry— 502.01 ; 502.05 ; 509.03 ; 512 ; 1834.01 ; 1893.01(a) ; 1893.01(a)(1) ; 1893.01(c) ; 1893.02
- Micro entity status— 509.04
- Non-electronic— 607
- Nonprovisional application— 601.01(a)
- Provisional application— 601.01(b)
- Reduction for micro entities— 509.04
- Reduction for small entities— 509.02
- Reexamination
- Ex parte— 2215
- Reissue— 1415
- Return Postcard Receipt— 503 ; 607.02
- Small entity— 509.03
- Issue ( See Issue fee)
- Maintenance ( See Maintenance fees)
- Payment—
- by EFS-Web— 502.05
- Petition to revive— 711.03(c)
- Publication fee— 1126 ; 1133 ; 1303 ; 1306
- Reduction for micro entities— 509.04
- Reduction for small entities— 509.02
- Supplemental examination— 2810.01
- Field of search— 904 ; 904.02 ; 904.02(a) ; 1701
- Field of search, notation by examiner— 705.01(a) ; 719.05 ; 904 ; 904.02(a)
- Figures ( See Drawings)
- File Ordering System— 711.04 ; 901.01(a)
- File wrapper (
See also
Image file wrapper)—
- Action entered— 707.10
- Allowed case data entered— 1302.09
- Amendment endorsed— 710.05
- Assignment endorsement— 303
- Civil action disposition— 1216.02
- Classification data— 719.03
- Classification history— 719.03
- Completeness— 724.01
- Continuation, Former Rule 1.62 (FWC)
- Data entered on— 710.05 ; 1302.09
- Field of search— 719.05
- Field of search, patentability report— 705.01(a)
- Foreign application cross-noting— 202 ; 1893.03(c) ; 1895.01
- Foreign filing date entered on— 719.06 ; 1302.06
- Index of claims— 719.04
- Licensing and Review stamp— 140
- Notes to application of another party— 101
- Papers in— 719.01
- Parent application notation on— 202 ; 1302.09
- Printout of search history— 719.05
- Relation of application noted on— 202
- Residence changed— 719.02
- Return of paper entered on— 719.01
- “Searched” box entries— 719.05
- “Searched notes” box entries— 719.05
- Signing by primary examiner— 1302.13
- Statutory period ends on nonworking day— 710.05
- Files Repository— 711.04(b)
- Filing date—
- Continued prosecution application (CPA)— 201.06(d)
- Effective, prior application— 211.02 ; 2133.01 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01 ; 2154.01(b)
- EFS-Web— 502.05
- Foreign application, Convention date ( See also Foreign application)— 214.03
- International application— 1810
- Later filed application as disclosure— 608.01(p)
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)— 1810
- Petition— 506.02 ; 513 ; 601.01(b) ; 601.01(c) ; 601.01(f) ; 601.01(g)
- Priority Express Mailing date— 506.02 ; 513
- Refusal to accord— 506.02
- Review of refusal to accord— 506.02
- Subsequent publication as disclosure— 608.01(p)
- Filing date of reexamination request
- Filing date of request for supplemental examination— 2812.01
- Filing fee ( See also Fee and Refunds)— 607
- Filing receipt ( See also Postcard, self-addressed)— 503
- Final action ( See Final rejection)
- Final data capture— 1309
- Final rejection—
- Amendment after— 714.12 ; 714.13
- Amendment after, entered in part— 714.20
- First action— 706.07(b)
- Interview— 713.09
- Letter— 706.07
- Patentability report— 705.01(a)
- Petition to vacate— 1002.02(c)
- Premature— 706.07(c)
- Premature, Withdrawal of— 706.07(d)
- Primary examiner’s attention required— 1004
- Request for continued examination (RCE)— 706.07(h)
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2271
- Secrecy order application— 130
- Special— 708.01
- Time for reply— 706.07(f)
- Transitional procedure— 706.07(g)
- When proper— 706.07 ; 706.07(a) ; 706.07(b)
- Withdrawal— 706.07(e)
- Withdrawal, Primary examiner’s attention— 1004 ; 1005
- Withdrawal of premature— 706.07(d)
- First action final rejection— 706.07(b)
- First inventor to file provisions of the Leahy Smith America Invents Act
- Affidavits or declarations under 37 CFR 1.130—
- Claiming same invention— 717.01(d)
- Enablement— 2155.04
- Evaluation of— 717.01(a)(1) ; 717.01(b)(1) ; 717.01(e)
- Formal requirements— 717.01(c)
- Showing disclosure was made by inventor— 717.01(a) ; 2155.01
- Showing prior disclosure of subject matter by inventor— 717.01(b) ; 2155.02
- Showing disclosure was subject matter obtained from inventor— 717.01(b)(2) ; 2155.03
- When available— 717.01 ; 2155.06
- When not required— 717.01
- Who may file— 717.01(c) ; 2155.05
- Determining whether application is subject to first inventor to file provisions
- Effective filing date of claimed invention— 2152.01
- Improper naming of inventors— 2157
- Joint research agreements— 2156
- Prior art
- Under AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1)— 2152.02 – 2152.04
- Under AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(2)— 2154 – 2154.01(c)
- Under AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(d)— 2154.01(b)
- Under AIA 35 U.S.C. 103— 2158
- Prior art exceptions under AIA 35 U.S.C. 102—
- Commonly owned or under obligation of assignment— 717 – 717.02(d) ; 2154.02(c)
- Grace period inventor or inventor-originated disclosure— 717 – 717.01(f) ; 2151 ; 2153.01 ; 2153.01(a) ; 2153.02 ; 2154.02 – 2154.02(b)
- Joint Research Agreements— 2156
- Overview— 2151
- Affidavits or declarations under 37 CFR 1.130—
- First Office action form— 707
- First action on the merits (FAOM) ( See Letter, Examiner’s)
- Five year pendency— 707.02 ; 708.01
- Flowchart for
- Claim interpretation for a term that does not invoke 35 U.S.C. 112(f)— 2111.01
- Effective date under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(e)— 2136
- Reexamination provisions, ex parte— 2201
- Reformed PCT System— 1842
- Supplemental examination— 2801
- Transitional after-final procedures (37 CFR 1.129(a))— 706.07(g)
- Treatment of applications having conflicting claims— 804
- Flow sheet— 608.02
- FOIA ( See Freedom of Information Act (FOIA))
- Font, type— 608.01 ; 1504.01(a)
- Foreclosure ( See Assignment: Security interests)
- Foreign application (
See also
International application)
- As prior art— 2120 ; 2127 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01
- Certificate of correction to perfect priority— 216.01 ; 1402 ; 1481 ; 1481.03
- Certified copy to avoid reference— 213 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2152.06
- Certified copy not filed— 214.03(VI)
- Cross-noting on file wrapper/history— 202
- Date entitled to— 213
- Design patents— 1504.02 ; 1504.10
- Determination of priority— 213 ; 216
- Disclosure— 216
- Duty of disclosure of information cited— 2001.06(a)
- English language translation for benefit of date— 213 ; 213.06 ; 216 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2152.06
- Ex parte reexamination to perfect priority— 2258.02
- Filed more than a year before U.S. application— 213 ; 214.03
- Filing in foreign country— 140
- First— 213.03
- Great Britain— 213.03 ; 216
- Identification— 214.04
- Incorporation by reference in U.S. application— 217
- License to file— 140
- Listed on oath/declaration— 213.02 ; 214
- No claim for priority— 214.02
- No reference made in declaration— 214.03
- Notice to Office after nonpublication request— 1124
- Noting earliest date in file history/wrapper— 202
- Ordering copies— 901.05(c)
- Overcoming reference which is— 216 ; 715
- Priority— 213
- Papers not filed— 214.03
- Petition for unintentionally delayed claim for priority— 214.02 ; 215.02 ; 1002.02(b) ; 1002.02(p) ; 1402 ; 1417 ; 1481.03 ; 2258.02
- Priority document in parent application— 214.03 ; 215
- Reissue application claiming foreign priority— 1402 ; 1410 ; 1417 ; 1444
- Ribboned— 608.01
- Same invention— 213
- Seal— 602
- Statutory bar— 2135 ; 2135.01
- Time limits to submission— 213.06 ; 214
- Translation required— 213 ; 213.04 ; 213.06 ; 214 ; 215.03 ; 216 ; 217
- Foreign countries recognized for priority— 213.01
- Foreign executed oath— 602.04
- Foreign filing, Proving priority— 213.02 ; 214 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2152.06
- Foreign filing date
- Foreign filing license— 115 ; 140
- Foreign language
- Foreign patent
- Art collection— 901.07
- Citation— 707.05(e) ; 901.05(a)
- Citation dates and information— 901.05(a) ; 901.05(b) ; 1851
- Classification— 903 ; 903.03
- Country codes— 1851
- Database search— 2135
- Document citation, in PCT— 1851
- Duplicates— 903.03
- Effective date— 901.05(b)
- Family of (INPADOC)— 901.06(a)
- In prior art statement— 609 ; 609.01
- Individual country overview— 901.05
- Journals— 901.06(a)
- Law overview— 901.05
- Library— 901.06(a)
- Listing at allowance— 1302.12
- Oppositions— 901.05
- Ordering copies— 901.05(c)
- Print of, where obtained— 901.05(c)
- Reference— 901.05 ; 2120 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01
- Transfer— 903.05
- Translation of— 901.05(d) ; 2120
- Unlicensed, same applicant— 140
- Foreign priority (
See also
Foreign application)—
- Design patent applications— 213 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.10
- U.S. effective filing date or effectively filed date computed— 213.01 ; 2136.03 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01 ; 2154.01(a) ; 2154.01(b)
- Formal matter
- Allowance and issue— 1302.01 ; 1302.02 ; 1302.04
- Amendment of application in issue— 714.16
- Claim allowable except for— 706 ; 707.07(j)
- Review of action involving—
- Right of benefit to prior domestic application— 210 ; 211 ; 1402 ; 1405 ; 1410 ; 1481.03
- Right of priority to prior foreign application— 210 ; 213 – 217 ; 1402 ; 1410 ; 1417 ; 1481.03
- Specification format— 608.01
- When taken up— 707.07(a) ; 707.07(e) ; 707.07(j) ; 714.02
- Former employee restrictions— 1702
- Form letters and forms
- Abandonment— 711.04(c)
- Advisory Action— 706.07(f) ; 714.13
- Advisory Action – Ex-parte Reexamination PTOL-467— 2250 ; 2265 ; 2266.01 ; 2266.02 ; 2266.03 ; 2272 ; 2296
- Allowability— 1302.03
- Amendment received after allowance— 608.02(z) ; 714.16(d) ; 714.16(e)
- Amendment after Board decision, refused entry— 1214.07
- Amendment not fully responsive— 714.03
- Amendment unsigned— 714.01(a)
- Certification of Micro Entity Status (Gross Income Basis) PTO/SB/15A — 509.04(a)
- Certification of Micro Entity Status (Institution of Higher Education Basis) — 509.04(b)
- Certificate of Correction form PTO/SB/44 or PTO 1050— 1480 ; 1485
- Certificate under 37 CFR 3.73(b) PTO/SB/96— 324
- Certificate under 37 CFR 3.73(b) PTO/AIA/96— 325
- Change of Correspondence Address, Application PTO/SB/122— 403 ; 2542
- Change of Correspondence Address, Patent PTO/SB/123— 403 ; 2542
- Cover sheet, assignment document— 302.07
- Cover sheet, provisional application
- Credit Card Payment Form PTO-2038
- D-10— 130 ; 1304.01
- DD Form 441— 120
- DM/1— 2905.01 ; 2909 ; 2909.03 ; 2910 ; 2920.05(d) ; 2920.05(f)
- Death of Attorney, Application ready for allowance— 406
- Declaration for Plant Patent Application PTO/AIA/09— 1604
- Declaration for Reissue Application by the Assignee PTO/AIA/06— 1414.01
- Declaration for Reissue Application by the Assignee PTO/SB/52— 1414.02
- Declaration for Reissue Application by the Inventor PTO/AIA/05— 1414.01
- Declaration for Reissue Application by the Inventor PTO/AIA/51— 1414.02
- Declaration for Utility or Design Patent Application PTO/SB/01— 602.01(b)
- Declaration for Utility or Design Patent Application PTO/SB/01A— 602.01(b)
- EFS-Web— 502.05
- Election of species— 809.02(a)
- Examiner Checklist – Reexamination PTOL-1516— 2287 ; 2295 ; 2296
- Examiner’s action PTOL-326— 707
- Examiner’s answer— 1207
- Fee Address Indication PTO/SB/47
- Final rejection— 706.07
- For Design Applications Only: Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) Request Transmittal PTO/SB/29— 201.06(d)
- For Design Applications Only: Receipt For Facsimile Transmitted CPA PTO/SB/29A— 201.06(d)
- 45-day Letter— 150
- General Office Action, Ex Parte Reexamination PTOL-466— 2262 ; 2296
- General ( Ex-Parte)Reexam Communication PTOL-473 (with SSP)— 2250 ; 2266.03 ; 2296
- Incorrect citation of references, Correction— 707.05(g)
- Information disclosure statement (IDS) PTO/SB/08
- Interference Initial Memorandum— 2302 ; 2304.02 ; 2304.04(a)
- Interfering Subject Matter, Secrecy order applications— 2304.01(a) ; 2306
- International application transmittal (PTO-1382)— 1830
- Interview Request, Applicant Initiated PTOL-413A— 713.01 ; 713.04 ; 713.05
- Interview Summary, PTOL-413/413B— 713.01 ; 713.04 ; 714.13
- Interview Summary PTOL-474, Reexamination— 2281 ; 2296
- Issue Classification, Designs PTO-328— 903.07 ; 907
- Issue Classification Form/Sheet/Slip—
- Digests— 903.07
- Issue Fee Transmittal PTOL-85B— 307 ; 308 ; 324 ; 325 ; 512 ; 605.01 ; 1306.01 ; 1306.02 ; 1309 ; 1481.01
- Maintenance Fee Transmittal PTO/SB/45
- Nonpublication Request Under 35 USC 122(b)(2)(B)(i) PTO/SB/35
- Notice of Abandonment PTOL-1432— 711.02 ; 711.04(c)
- Notice of Abandonment under 37 CFR 1.53(f) (CPA) For Design Applications PTO-2019— 201.06(d)
- Notice of Allowability PTOL-37— 601.01(a) ; 602.03 ; 608.02(b) ; 608.02(z) ; 609.05(b) ; 707.05(g) ; 710.02(e) ; 714.03(a) ; 714.13 ; 812.01 ; 1302.03 ; 1302.04 ; 1455
- Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due PTOL-85—
- Undelivered— 1303.02
- Notice of allowance, Secrecy order applications D-10— 130 ; 1304 ; 1304.01
- Notice of Appeal from the Examiner to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board PTO/AIA/31— 1204
- Notice of Defective Paper – Ex Parte Reexamination PTOL-475— 2250 ; 2266.02 ; 2266.03 ; 2272 ; 2273 ; 2295 ; 2296
- Notice of Failure to Comply with Ex Parte Reexamination Request Filing Requirements PTOL-2077— 2218 ; 2227
- Notice of Improper CPA (or FWC) Filing For Utility or Plant Applications Filed Before June 8, 1995 PTO-2011 Reproduced— 201.06(d)
- Notice of Improper CPA For Design Applications PTO-2012 Reproduced— 201.06(d)
- Notice of Improper Request for Continued Examination (RCE) PTO-2051— 201.06(d) ; 706.07(h)
- Notice of Incomplete Nonprovisional Application— 506 ; 601.01(d) ; 601.01(e) ; 601.01(f) ; 601.01(g) ; 2731 ; 2732
- Notice of Incomplete Reply (CPA) for Design Applications PTO-2018 Reproduced— 201.06(d)
- Notice of Intent to Issue Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate (NIRC) PTOL-469— 2234 ; 2250 ; 2250.01 ; 2256 ; 2262 ; 2266 ; 2273 ; 2274 ; 2283 ; 2285 ; 2287 ; 2287.01 ; 2288 ; 2296
- Notice of Non-Acceptance of Patent Maintenance Fee, PTO-2142— 2531
- Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment— 714 ; 714.01(e) ; 714.03
- Notice of Non-Compliant Supplemental Examination Request— 2812.01
- Notice of Non-Recordation— 302.09
- Notice of Omitted Items in a Nonprovisional Application PTO-1669— 201.06(c) ; 601.01(d) ; 601.01(g) ; 2731 ; 2732
- Notice of Overpayment of Patent Maintenance Fee, PTO-211— 2550
- Notice of Recordation— 302.09
- Notice of References Cited PTO-892— 608.01 ; 609.02 ; 609.03 ; 609.04(a) ; 609.05(a) ; 609.05(c) ; 609.06 ; 707 ; 707.05 ; 707.05(a) ; 707.05(c) ; 707.05(d) ; 707.05(e) ; 707.05(f) ; 707.05(g) ; 2246 ; 2257
- Notice of Special Acceptance of Patent Maintenance Fee, PTO-2143— 2530
- Notice of Withdrawal from Issue under 37 CFR 1.313(b)— 1308
- Notice re Appeal and re Defective Brief – Ex Parte Reexamination PTOL-468— 2273 ; 2274 ; 2296
- Notice to Comply With Requirements
- Notice To File Missing Parts of Application—
- CPA for Design Applications PTO-2021 Reproduced— 201.06(d)
- Notice Requiring Inventor’s Oath or Declaration, PTOL-2306— 710.02(e)
- Notification of Loss of Micro Entity Status, USPTO/SB/460— 509.04(e) ; 2550
- Notification of Non-Compliant Brief (use of PTOL-462 discontinued)— 1205.03
- Office Action – Ex Parte Reexamination PTOL-466— 2262 ; 2296
- Office Action Summary PTOL-326— 608.02(h) ; 717.01(f)
- Order Granting/Denying Request for
Ex-parte Reexamination
- Reproduced— 2247.01
- Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) PTO/SB/133— 2732
- PCT forms ( See Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT))
- Petition for express abandonment to Avoid Publication under 37 CFR 1.138(c) Reproduced— 1135
- Petition for Revival of an Application
- Power of Attorney
- For applications filed before 09/16/2012
- For applications filed after 09/16/2012
- Provisional application for patent Cover sheet PTO/SB/16— 201.04
- PTO-271
- Cited— 1309.02
- PTO-328— 903.07
- PTO-850
- Cited— 1002.02(d) ; 2302 ; 2304.02 ; 2304.04(a)
- Reproduced— 2302
- PTO-892
- PTO-1050— 1480 ; 1480.01 ; 1485
- PTO-1382— 1830 ; 1832
- PTO-1516— 2287 ; 2295 ; 2296
- PTO-1517— 2287 ; 2295 ; 2296
- PTO-1595— 302.07
- PTO-2011— 201.06(d)
- PTO-2038
- PTO-2051— 706.07(h)
- PTO-2142— 2531
- PTO-2143— 2530
- PTO-2293— 2296
- PTO-2302— 2818.01
- PTO-2311— 2250.03 ; 2266.02 ; 2272 ; 2273 ; 2295 ; 2296
- PTO-2320— 2905.01
- PTO/SB/08
- PTOL-37
- PTOL-85
- PTOL-85B
- PTOL-85C Reproduced— 1303
- PTOL-90— 608.02 ; 608.02(b) ; 609.04(b) ; 706.07(h) ; 707 ; 714.16 ; 1207.05 ; 1208 ; 1210
- PTO-271— 714 ; 714.16(d) ; 714.16(e)
- PTOL-303— 706.07(f) ; 711.03(c) ; 714.13 ; 1453
- PTOL-306— 1481.02
- PTOL-324— 714
- PTOL-326
- PTOL-404— 1480.01 ; 1485
- PTOL-413A— 713.01 ; 713.04
- PTOL-413B— 713.01 ; 713.04 ; 714.13
- PTOL-461— 1215.04
- PTOL-462 (discontinued)— 1205.03
- PTOL-462R (discontinued)— 2274
- PTOL-465— 2246 ; 2262 ; 2264 ; 2296
- PTOL-466— 2262 ; 2296
- PTOL-467— 2250 ; 2265 ; 2266.01 ; 2266.02 ; 2266.03 ; 2272 ; 2296
- PTOL-467A— 2266.02 ; 2266.03 ; 2296
- PTOL-468— 2273 ; 2274 ; 2296
- PTOL-469— 2234 ; 2250 ; 2250.01 ; 2256 ; 2262 ; 2273 ; 2274 ; 2283 ; 2285 ; 2287 ; 2288 ; 2296
- PTOL-471D— 2247.01 ; 2296
- PTOL-471G— 2247.01 ; 2296
- PTOL-473— 2250 ; 2266.03 ; 2296
- PTOL-474— 2281 ; 2296
- PTOL-475— 2250 ; 2266.02 ; 2266.03 ; 2272 ; 2273 ; 2295 ; 2296
- PTOL-476— 2287 ; 2296
- PTOL-1432— 711.02 ; 711.04(c)
- PTOL-1516— 2287 ; 2296
- PTOL-1517— 2287 ; 2295 ; 2296
- PTOL-2057— 2227
- PTOL-2077— 2227
- PTOL-2079— 2227
- PTOL-2079— 2249
- PTOL-2306— 710.02(e)
- PTOL-2311, reproduced— 2266.02
- PTO/AIA/01 through PTO/AIA/11
- Cited— 602.01(a)
- PTO/AIA/05
- PTO/AIA/06
- PTO/AIA/07
- Reproduced— 1414.01
- PTO/AIA/14— 402.02(a) ; 601.05 ; 601.05(a)
- PTO/AIA/25— 1490
- PTO/AIA/25a— 1490
- PTO/AIA/26— 1490
- PTO/AIA/26a— 1490
- PTO/AIA/31— 1204
- PTO/AIA/33
- Cited— 1204.02
- PTO/AIA/34
- Cited— 1208.01
- PTO/AIA/40
- Cited— 602.01(c)(1)
- PTO/AIA/50
- PTO/AIA/80— 402.02(a)
- PTO/AIA/81— 402.02(a)
- PTO/AIA/81B (reproduced)— 2222 ; 2805
- PTO/AIA/82— 402.02(a)
- PTO/AIA/83— 402.06 ; 2223
- PTO/AIA/96— 325 ; 402.02(a)
- PTO/SB/01 through PTO/SB/04
- Cited— 602.01(b)
- PTO/SB/08
- PTO/SB/14— 601.05
- PTO/SB/15A— 509.04(a)
- PTO/SB/15B— 509.04(b)
- PTO/SB/16— 201.04
- PTO/SB/24 reproduced— 711.01
- PTO/SB/24A
- PTO/SB/24B reproduced— 711.01
- PTO/SB/25— 1490
- PTO/SB/26— 1490
- PTO/SB/27— 1504.30
- PTO/SB/29
- PTO/SB/29A Reproduced— 201.06(d)
- PTO/SB/30 Reproduced— 706.07(h)
- PTO/SB/35
- PTO/SB/36
- PTO/SB/37— 709
- PTO/SB/42— 2214 ; 2246 ; 2257 ; 2258.01 ; 2287
- PTO/SB/44
- PTO/SB/45
- PTO/SB/47
- PTO/SB/50— 1410.02
- PTO/SB/51
- PTO/SB/51S— 1414.03
- PTO/SB/52
- PTO/SB/56 — 1415
- PTO/SB/57
- PTO/SB/64 reproduced— 711.03(c)
- PTO/SB/64a Reproduced— 711.03(c) ; 1135
- PTO/SB/64/PCT reproduced— 711.03(c)
- PTO/SB/66
- PTO/SB/67 Cited— 104
- PTO/SB/68
- PTO/SB/80 Reproduced— 402.07
- PTO/SB/81
- Cited— 402
- PTO/SB/81C Reproduced— 2222 ; 2622
- PTO/SB/82 Reproduced— 402.05
- PTO/SB/83
- PTO/SB/84 Reproduced— 405
- PTO/SB/122— 403 ; 2542
- PTO/SB/123— 403 ; 2542
- PTO/SB/124— 403
- PTO/SB/125
- PTO/SB/133— 2732
- PTO/SB/134— 2734
- PTO/SB/429— 1134.01
- Reasons for Patentability and/or Confirmation PTOL 476— 2287
- Recordation Form Cover Sheet PTO-1595— 302.07 ; 323
- Reexamination and processing forms listed— 2296
- Reexamination Clerk Checklist PTOL-1517— 2287 ; 2295 ; 2296
- Reissue Application
- Declaration by the Assignee ( See also Form letters and forms: PTO/SB/52 and Form letters and forms: PTO/AIA/06)— 1410.01
- Declaration by the Inventor ( See also Form letters and forms: PTO/SB/51 and Form letters and forms: PTO/AIA/05)— 1410.01
- Fee Transmittal Form 1415 ( See Form letters and forms: PTO/SB/56 and Form letters and forms: PTO/AIA/50)
- Transmittal ( See also Form letters and forms: PTO/AIA/50)— 1410
- Request for Customer Number PTO/SB/125— 403 ; 2540
- Request for Customer Number Data Change PTO/SB/124— 403
- Request for Deferral of Examination 37 CFR 1.103(d) PTO/SB/37— 709
- Request for Ex Parte Reexamination Transmittal PTO/SB/57— 2214 ; 2215 ; 2296
- Request for Recalculation of Patent Term Adjustment in view of Safe Harbor Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) PTO/SB/134— 2734
- Request for Withdrawal as Attorney or Agent PTO/AIA/83— 402.06 ; 2223
- Request for Withdrawal as Attorney or Agent PTO/SB/83— 402.06
- Rescission of Previous Nonpublication Request (35 U.S.C. 122(b)(2)(B)(ii)) and if Applicable, Notice of Foreign Filing (35 U.S.C. (b)(B)(iii)) PTO/SB/36
- Response to Rule 1.312 Communication PTOL-271— 714 ; 714.16(d)
- Restriction requirement— 817
- Statements to DOE or NASA— 151
- Subject matter admits of illustration— 608.02(a)
- Substitute Statement in Lieu of a Reissue Oath or Declaration PTO/AIA/07— 1414.01
- Terminal Disclaimer to Obviate a Double Patenting Rejection over a Prior Patent, PTO/SB/26m PTO/SB/26a or PTO/AIA/26— 1490
- Terminal Disclaimer to Obviate a Provisional Double Patenting Rejection over a Pending Second Application, PTO/SB/25, PTO/SB/25a or PTO/AIA/25— 1490
- Third-Party Submission Under 37 CFR 1.290 PTO/SB/429— 1134.01
- Transmittal of Communication to Third Party Requester – Ex Parte Reexamination – PTOL – 465— 2246 ; 2247 ; 2262 ; 2264 ; 2283 ; 2296
- USPTO/SB/460— 509.04(e) ; 2550
- Form paragraphs (Reproduced)
- 2.01— 201.06
- 2.03— 201.06(c)
- 2.05— 201.07
- 2.06— 201.08
- 2.07— 201.02
- 2.09— 211.05
- 2.10— 211.05
- 2.10.01— 211.05
- 2.11— 211.01(b)
- 2.11.01— 211.01(a)
- 2.15— 211.02
- 2.18— 213
- 2.19— 216
- 2.20— 215
- 2.21.01— 214.03
- 2.22— 215
- 2.23— 214.03
- 2.25— 215
- 2.26— 214.03
- 2.27— 214.03
- 2.30— 201.06(d)
- 2.31— 201.06(d)
- 2.32— 201.06(d)
- 2.33— 201.06(d)
- 2.34— 201.06(d)
- 2.35— 201.06(d)
- 2.38— 211.01(a)
- 2.39— 211.03
- 2.40— 211.01
- 4.01— 403
- 4.03— 406
- 4.07— 407
- 4.08— 407
- 4.09— 402
- 4.10— 401
- 5.01— 502
- 5.01.01— 501
- 5.02— 512
- 5.04— 512
- 5.05— 509.03
- 6.01— 608.01(a)
- 6.02— 608.01(a)
- 6.11— 606.01
- 6.11.01— 606.01
- 6.12— 608.01(b)
- 6.13— 608.01(b)
- 6.14— 608.01(b)
- 6.15— 608.01(b)
- 6.16— 608.01(b)
- 6.16.01— 608.01(b)
- 6.17— 608.01(j)
- 6.18— 608.01(n)
- 6.18.01— 608.01(m)
- 6.19— 608.01(p)
- 6.19.01— 608.01(p)
- 6.19.02— 217
- 6.19.03— 608.01(p)
- 6.20— 608.01(v)
- 6.21— 608.02(b)
- 6.22— 608.02(b)
- 6.22.01— 608.02(d) ; 608.02(e)
- 6.22.02— 608.02(e)
- 6.22.03— 608.02(e)
- 6.22.04— 608.02(d)
- 6.22.05— 608.02(f)
- 6.22.06— 608.02(e)
- 6.22.07— 608.02(e)
- 6.23— 608.02
- 6.23.01— 608.02
- 6.24.01— 608.02
- 6.26— 608.02(b)
- 6.27— 608.02(b)
- 6.28— 608.01(q)
- 6.28.01— 608.01(q)
- 6.28.02— 608.01(q)
- 6.29— 608.01
- 6.30— 608.01
- 6.31— 608.01
- 6.32.01— 608.01
- 6.36— 608.02(d)
- 6.36.01— 608.02(g)
- 6.37— 608.02(h)
- 6.39— 608.02(p)
- 6.40— 608.02(p)
- 6.41— 608.02(p)
- 6.42— 608.02(p)
- 6.43— 608.02(p)
- 6.47— 608.02(p)
- 6.48— 608.03(a)
- 6.49— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.01— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.02— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.03— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.05— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.06— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.07— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.08— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.09— 609.05(a)
- 6.49.10— 609.05(a)
- 6.51— 609.04(b)
- 6.52— 609.04(b)
- 6.53— 609.03
- 6.54— 609.03
- 6.55— 609.03
- 6.60.01— 608.05
- 6.60.02— 608.05
- 6.61.01— 608.05
- 6.61.02— 608.05
- 6.62— 608.05
- 6.63.01— 608.05(b)
- 6.63.02— 608.05(b)
- 6.64.01— 608.05(a)
- 6.64.02— 608.05(a)
- 6.70.01— 608.05
- 6.70.02— 608.05
- 6.71.01— 608.05
- 6.71.02— 608.05
- 6.72.01— 608.05
- 6.72.02— 608.05
- 6.72.03— 608.05
- 6.72.04— 608.05
- 6.72.05— 608.05
- 7.01— 702.01
- 7.02— 702.01
- 7.03.aia— 2120.01
- 7.03.fti— 2120.01
- 7.04.01— 2106.07(a)(1)
- 7.04.02.aia— 2157
- 7.04.03— 2105
- 7.04.101.aia— 2157
- 7.04.102.aia— 2157
- 7.05— 2106.07(a)(1)
- 7.05.01— 2106.07(a)(1)
- 7.05.016— 2106.07(a)(1)
- 7.05.017— 2106.07(a)(1)
- 7.05.02— 2107.02
- 7.05.03— 2107.02
- 7.05.04— 2107.02
- 7.05.05— 608.01(m)
- 7.05.06— 608.01(m)
- 7.06— 2139.03 ; 2148 ; 2152.07 ; 2158.01
- 7.06.01— 2124.01
- 7.07.aia— 2152.07
- 7.07.fti— 2139.03
- 7.08.aia— 2152.07
- 7.08.fti— 2139.03
- 7.09.fti— 2139.03
- 7.10.fti— 2139.03
- 7.11.fti— 2139.03
- 7.12.aia— 2152.07
- 7.12.fti— 2139.03
- 7.12.01.fti— 2139.03
- 7.13.fti— 2139.03
- 7.14.aia— 2152.07
- 7.14.fti— 2139.03
- 7.15.aia— 804.03 ; 2152.07
- 7.15.fti— 2139.03 ; 804.03
- 7.15.01.aia— 804.03 ; 2152.07
- 7.15.01.fti— 804.03 ; 2139.03
- 7.15.02.aia— 804.03 ; 2152.07
- 7.15.02.fti— 804.03 ; 2139.03
- 7.15.03.aia— 2152.07
- 7.15.03.fti— 2139.03
- 7.16.aia— 2152.07
- 7.16.fti— 2139.03
- 7.17.aia— 2152.07
- 7.17.fti— 2139.03
- 7.18.aia— 2152.07
- 7.18.fti— 2139.03
- 7.19.fti— 804.03 ; 2139.03
- 7.20.aia— 2158.01
- 7.20.fti— 2148
- 7.20.01.aia— 717.02(d) ; 2158.01
- 7.20.01.fti— 2148
- 7.20.02.aia— 717.02(d) ; 2158.01
- 7.20.02.fti— 2148
- 7.20.04.aia— 717.02(d) ; 2158.01
- 7.20.04.fti— 2148
- 7.20.05.aia— 717.02(d) ; 2158.01
- 7.20.05.fti.— 2148
- 7.21.aia— 804.03 ; 2158.01
- 7.21.fti— 804.03 ; 2148
- 7.21.01.aia— 804.03 ; 2158.01
- 7.21.01.fti— 804.03 ; 2148
- 7.21.02.aia— 804.03 ; 2158.01
- 7.21.02.fti— 804.03 ; 2148
- 7.22.aia— 804.03 ; 2158.01
- 7.22.fti— 2148
- 7.23.aia— 2158.01
- 7.23.fti— 2148
- 7.27.aia— 2158.01
- 7.27.fti— 2148
- 7.28— 608.04(a)
- 7.29— 608.01
- 7.29.01— 608.01(m)
- 7.29.02— 608.01(m)
- 7.29.03— 608.01(m)
- 7.29.04— 608.01
- 7.30.01— 2166
- 7.30.02— 2175
- 7.30.03— 2187
- 7.30.03.h— 2187
- 7.30.05— 2187
- 7.30.06— 2187
- 7.30.07— 2187
- 7.31.01— 2166
- 7.31.02— 2166
- 7.31.03— 2166
- 7.31.04— 2166
- 7.31.05— 2166
- 7.33.01— 2166
- 7.34— 2175
- 7.34.01— 2175
- 7.34.02— 2175
- 7.34.03— 2175
- 7.34.04— 2175
- 7.34.05— 2175
- 7.34.07— 2175
- 7.34.08— 2175
- 7.34.09— 2175
- 7.34.10— 2175
- 7.34.12— 2175
- 7.34.13— 2175
- 7.34.14— 2175
- 7.34.15— 2175
- 7.34.23— 2187
- 7.34.24— 2187
- 7.35— 2175
- 7.35.01— 2175
- 7.36— 608.01(n)
- 7.36.01— 608.01(n)
- 7.37— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.01— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.02— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.03— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.04— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.05— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.06— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.07— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.08— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.09— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.10— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.11— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.12— 707.07(f)
- 7.37.13— 707.07(f)
- 7.38— 707.07(f)
- 7.38.01— 707.07(f)
- 7.38.02— 707.07(f)
- 7.39— 706.07
- 7.39.01— 706.07
- 7.40— 706.07(a)
- 7.40.01— 706.07(a)
- 7.40.02.aia— 706.07(a)
- 7.40.02.fti— 706.07(a)
- 7.41— 706.07(b)
- 7.41.01.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.41.02.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.41.03— 706.07(b)
- 7.42— 706.07(d)
- 7.42.01.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.42.02.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.42.03.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.42.031.fti— 706.07(g)
- 7.42.04— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.05— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.06— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.07— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.08— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.08.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.42.09— 706.07(b) ; 706.07(h)
- 7.42.10— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.11— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.12— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.13— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.14— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.15— 706.07(h)
- 7.42.16— 706.07(h)
- 7.43— 608.01(n) ; 707.07(j)
- 7.43.01— 707.07(j)
- 7.43.02— 707.07(j)
- 7.43.03— 707.07(a)
- 7.43.04— 707.07(j)
- 7.44— 608.01(o)
- 7.45— 608.01(n)
- 7.46— 714.01(e)
- 7.48.aia— 2304.04(c)
- 7.48.fti— 2304.04(c)
- 7.49— 2304.04(c)
- 7.50— 706.04
- 7.51— 714.14
- 7.51.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.52— 709
- 7.53— 709
- 7.54— 709
- 7.54.01— 709
- 7.54.02— 709
- 7.56— 709
- 7.56.01— 709
- 7.56.02— 709
- 7.57.fti— 715
- 7.58.fti— 715
- 7.59.fti— 715
- 7.60.fti— 715
- 7.61.fti— 715
- 7.62.fti— 715
- 7.63.fti— 715
- 7.64.fti— 715
- 7.65— 716
- 7.66— 716
- 7.66.01— 716
- 7.66.02— 716
- 7.66.03— 716
- 7.66.04— 716
- 7.66.05— 716
- 7.67.aia— 717.01
- 7.68.aia— 717.01
- 7.70.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.71.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.81— 707.05(g)
- 7.82— 707.05(g)
- 7.82.01— 707.05(g)
- 7.82.03— 707.05(a)
- 7.83— 707.05(g)
- 7.84— 713.04
- 7.84.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.84.01— 714.01(a)
- 7.84.01.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.85— 714.16(d)
- 7.86— 714.16(e)
- 7.87— 714.16(d)
- 7.90— 711.02
- 7.91— 711.02(a)
- 7.95— 704.12(c) ; 714.03
- 7.95.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.95.01— 714.03
- 7.96— 707.05
- 7.97— 707.07(j)
- 7.98— 710.02(e)
- 7.98.01— 710.02(e)
- 7.98.02— 711.02
- 7.100— 707 ; 707.08
- 7.101— 707 ; 707.08
- 7.102— 707 ; 707.08
- 7.103— 707
- 7.104.aia— 2120.02
- 7.104.fti— 2120.02
- 7.104.02— 704.14(a)
- 7.105— 704.14(a)
- 7.105.01— 704.14(a)
- 7.105.02— 704.14(a)
- 7.106— 704.14(a)
- 7.107— 704.14(a)
- 7.108— 704.14(a)
- 7.109— 704.14(a)
- 7.110— 704.14(a)
- 7.111— 704.14(a)
- 7.112— 704.14(a)
- 7.113— 704.14(a)
- 7.114— 704.14(a)
- 7.115— 704.14(a)
- 7.116— 704.14(a)
- 7.117— 704.14(a)
- 7.118— 704.14(a)
- 7.119— 704.14(a)
- 7.120— 704.14(a)
- 7.121— 704.14(a)
- 7.122— 704.14(a)
- 7.123— 704.14(a)
- 7.124— 704.14(a)
- 7.125— 704.14(a)
- 7.126— 704.14(a)
- 7.126.AE— 708.02(a)
- 7.127— 704.14(a)
- 7.147— 714.03(a)
- 7.169— 714.13
- 7.204— 724.06
- 7.205— 724.06
- 7.206— 724.06
- 7.207— 724.06
- 7.208— 724.06
- 7.209— 724.06
- 7.210— 724.06
- 7.211— 724.06
- 7.212— 724.06
- 7.213— 724.06
- 7.214— 719.01
- 8.01— 809.02(a)
- 8.02— 809.02(a)
- 8.03— 821.01 ; 821.04(a)
- 8.04— 821.03
- 8.05— 821.01
- 8.06— 821.02
- 8.07— 821.02
- 8.08— 817
- 8.09— 817
- 8.10— 817
- 8.11— 817
- 8.12— 809.03
- 8.13— 817
- 8.14— 806.05(j)
- 8.14.01— 806.05(j)
- 8.15— 806.05(c)
- 8.16— 806.05(d) ; 806.05(j)
- 8.17— 806.05(e)
- 8.18— 806.05(f)
- 8.19— 806.05(g)
- 8.20— 806.05(h)
- 8.20.02— 806.06
- 8.20.03— 806.06
- 8.21— 817
- 8.21.04— 806.05(f) ; 806.05(h) ; 1893.03(d)
- 8.23— 812.01
- 8.23.01— 812.01
- 8.23.02— 817
- 8.23.03— 812.01
- 8.25— 821.01
- 8.25.01— 821.02
- 8.25.02— 818.01(c) ; 821.02
- 8.26— 821.03
- 8.26.AE— 708.02(a)
- 8.27.aia— 804.03 ; 817
- 8.27.fti— 804.03
- 8.28.aia— 804.03 ; 817
- 8.28.fti— 804.03
- 8.28.01.aia— 804.03
- 8.28.01.fti— 804.03
- 8.29— 822
- 8.30— 804
- 8.31— 804
- 8.32— 804
- 8.33— 804
- 8.34— 804
- 8.35— 804
- 8.36— 804
- 8.37— 804
- 8.38— 804
- 8.39— 804
- 8.40— 2117
- 8.41— 803.03
- 8.42— 821.04(b)
- 8.43— 821.04(b)
- 8.45— 821.04(a)
- 8.46— 821.04(a)
- 8.47— 821.04(a)
- 8.47.01— 821.04(a)
- 8.49— 821.04(a)
- 8.50— 821.04(a)
- 10.01— 1308
- 10.13— 1481.02
- 10.14— 1481.02
- 10.15— 1481.02
- 10.16.fti— 1481.02
- 10.16.01— 1481.02
- 10.17— 1481.02
- 10.18— 1481.02
- 10.19— 1451
- 10.20— 1002
- 10.30— 1002
- 12.209— 1205.01 ; 1215.04
- 12.210— 1205.01
- 12.211— 1205.01
- 12.239— 1207.04
- 12.249— 1207.02
- 12.254— 1207.02
- 12.254.01— 1207.02
- 12.254.02— 1207.02
- 12.255— 1207.02
- 12.256— 1207.02
- 12.257— 1207.02
- 12.261— 1207.02
- 12.278— 1207.02
- 12.279— 1207.02
- 12.279.01— 1207.02
- 12.279.02— 1207.02 ; 1215.04
- 12.279.03— 1209
- 12.285— 1207.05 ; 1211.01
- 12.286— 1215.04
- 12.291— 1214.06
- 12.292— 1214.06
- 12.297— 1214.06
- 12.298— 1214.07
- 13.01— 1302.02
- 13.02— 1302.04
- 13.02.01— 1302.04
- 13.02.02— 706.07(f) ; 1302.04
- 13.03— 1302.14
- 13.03.01— 1302.14
- 13.04— 1308.03
- 13.05— 1308.03
- 13.06— 1302.04
- 13.09— 609.04(b)
- 13.10— 714.16
- 14.01— 1401
- 14.01.01— 1414
- 14.01.02— 1414
- 14.01.03— 1414
- 14.01.04.fti— 1414.02
- 14.01.05— 1414
- 14.01.06— 1414
- 14.05.02.fti— 1444
- 14.06— 1442.01
- 14.07— 1442.03
- 14.08— 1442.02
- 14.09— 1442.02
- 14.10— 1442.02
- 14.11— 1442.02
- 14.11.01— 1418
- 14.12— 1412.03
- 14.13— 1412.03
- 14.14— 1414 ; 1444
- 14.15— 1410.02
- 14.16— 1410.02
- 14.16.01— 1410.02
- 14.16.02— 1410.02
- 14.16.03— 1410.02
- 14.16.04.fti— 1410.02
- 14.16.06— 1410.02
- 14.17— 1412.02
- 14.20.01— 1453
- 14.21.01— 1453
- 14.21.09.fti— 1448
- 14.22.fti— 1448
- 14.22.01— 1411.02
- 14.23— 1490
- 14.23.01— 1490
- 14.24— 1490
- 14.25— 1490
- 14.26— 1490
- 14.26.01— 1490
- 14.26.02— 1490
- 14.26.03— 1490
- 14.26.04— 1490
- 14.26.05— 1490
- 14.26.06.fti— 1490
- 14.26.07— 1490
- 14.26.08— 1490
- 14.26.09— 1490
- 14.26.10— 1490
- 14.27.01— 1490
- 14.27.011— 1490
- 14.27.02— 1490
- 14.27.03— 1490
- 14.27.04.fti— 1490
-— 1490
- 14.27.06— 1490
- 14.27.07.fti— 1490
-— 1490
- 14.27.08— 1490
- 14.28.fti— 1490
- 14.29.fti— 1490
- 14.29.02.fti— 1490
- 14.30.fti— 1490
- 14.30.01— 1490
- 14.30.02.fti— 1490
- 14.32— 1490
- 14.33— 1490
- 14.34— 1490
- 14.35— 1490
- 14.35.01— 1490
- 14.36— 1490
- 14.36.01— 1490
- 14.37— 1490
- 14.38— 1490
- 15.01— 1504.10
- 15.01.01— 1504.10
- 15.02— 1504.10
- 15.03— 1504.10
- 15.03.01.fti— 1504.02
- 15.04— 1504.10
- 15.05— 1503.01
- 15.05.01— 1503.01 ; 2920.04(a)
- 15.05.03— 1503.02
- 15.05.04— 1503.02
- 15.05.041— 1503.02
- 15.05.05— 1503.02
- 15.07— 1503.02
- 15.07.01— 1504.01
- 15.08— 1504.01(c)
- 15.08.01— 1504.01(c)
- 15.08.02— 1504.01(d)
- 15.08.03— 1504.01(d)
- 15.09— 1504.01
- 15.09.01— 1504.01(e)
- 15.09.02.aia — 1504.02
- 15.09.03.aia— 1504.02
- 15.10.aia— 1504.02
- 15.10.fti— 1504.02
- 15.10.15— 1504.02
- 15.11.aia— 1504.02
- 15.11.fti— 1504.02
- 15.12.fti— 1504.02
- 15.13.fti— 1504.02
- 15.14.fti— 1504.02
- 15.15.aia— 1504.02
- 15.15.fti— 1504.02
- 15.15.01.aia— 1504.02
- 15.15.01.fti— 1504.02
- 15.15.02.aia— 1504.02
- 15.15.02.fti— 1504.02
- 15.15.03.fti— 1504.02
- 15.15.04.aia— 1504.02
- 15.15.04.fti— 1504.02
- 15.16.fti— 1504.02
- 15.17.aia— 1504.02
- 15.17.fti— 1504.02
- 15.18.aia— 1504.03
- 15.18.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.aia— 1504.03
- 15.19.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.01— 1504
- 15.19.02.aia— 1504.03
- 15.19.02.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.03.aia— 1504.03
- 15.19.03.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.04.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.05.aia— 1504.03
- 15.19.05.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.06.fti— 1504.03
- 15.19.07.fti— 1504.03
- 15.20.02— 1504.04
- 15.21— 1504.04
- 15.21.01— 1504.04
- 15.22— 1504.04
- 15.22.02— 1504.04
- 15.22.03— 1504.04
- 15.23— 1504.06
- 15.23.01— 1504.06
- 15.23.02— 1504.06
- 15.24— 1504.06
- 15.24.03— 1504.06
- 15.24.04— 1504.06
- 15.24.05.fti— 1504.02
- 15.24.06— 1504.06
- 15.24.07— 1504.06
- 15.24.08— 1504.06
- 15.25— 1504.06
- 15.26— 1504.20
- 15.27— 1504.05
- 15.27.01— 1504.05
- 15.27.02— 1504.05
- 15.27.03— 1504.05
- 15.27.04— 1504.05
- 15.27.05— 1504.05
- 15.27.06— 1504.05
- 15.27.07— 1504.05
- 15.27.08— 1504.05
- 15.28— 1504.05
- 15.28.01— 1504.05
- 15.28.02— 1504.05
- 15.29— 1504.05
- 15.30— 1504.05
- 15.31— 1504.05
- 15.33— 1504.05
- 15.34— 1504.05
- 15.35— 1504.05
- 15.36— 1504.05
- 15.37— 1504.05
- 15.38— 1504.02 ; 1504.03
- 15.39.02.aia— 1504.03
- 15.39.02.fti— 1504.03
- 15.40.aia— 1504.03
- 15.40.fti— 1504.03
- 15.40.01— 1504.02
- 15.41— 1503.01
- 15.42— 1504.01
- 15.43— 1504.01
- 15.44— 1504.01
- 15.46.01— 1503.01
- 15.47— 1503.01
- 15.47.01— 1503.01
- 15.48— 1503.02
- 15.50— 1503.02
- 15.50.01— 1503.02
- 15.50.02— 1503.02
- 15.50.04— 1503.02
- 15.50.05— 1503.02
- 15.51— 1504.04
- 15.51.01— 1504.04
- 15.55— 1512
- 15.55.01— 1512
- 15.58— 1504
- 15.58.01— 1504.04
- 15.59— 1503.01 ; 2920.04(a)
- 15.60— 1503.01
- 15.61— 1503.01
- 15.61.01— 1503.01 ; 1503.02
- 15.62— 1503.01 ; 2920.04(a)
- 15.63— 1503.01 ; 2920.04(a)
- 15.64— 1503.01 ; 2920.04(a)
- 15.65— 1504.04
- 15.66— 1504
- 15.66.01— 1504
- 15.67— 1504.03 ; 1504.06
- 15.68— 1504.03 ; 1504.06
- 15.69.01— 1504.04
- 15.70.aia— 1504.03
- 15.70.fti— 1504.03
- 15.72— 1504
- 15.73— 1504.04
- 15.74— 1504.20
- 15.74.01— 1504.20
- 15.75.fti— 1504.20
- 15.75.01.fti— 1504.20
- 15.76— 1512
- 15.85— 1504.04
- 15.90— 1504
- 16.01— 1605
- 16.02— 1605
- 16.03— 1605
- 16.04— 1610
- 16.05— 1612
- 16.05.01— 1612
- 16.06— 1606
- 16.07— 1606
- 16.08— 1610
- 16.09— 1605
- 16.10— 1605
- 16.11— 1606
- 16.12— 1610
- 16.13— 1607
- 18.01— 1845.01
- 18.02— 1845.01
- 18.02.01— 1845.01
- 18.02.02— 1845.01
- 18.03— 1845.01
- 18.04— 1845.01
- 18.04.01— 1845.01
- 18.05— 1850
- 18.06— 1850
- 18.06.01— 1850
- 18.06.02— 1850
- 18.07— 1850
- 18.07.01— 1850
- 18.07.02— 1850
- 18.07.03— 1850
- 18.07.03a— 1850
- 18.07.03b— 1850
- 18.07.03c— 1850
- 18.08— 1845.01
- 18.08.01— 1845.01
- 18.09— 1845.01
- 18.10— 1845.01
- 18.11— 1845.01
- 18.12.01— 1845.01
- 18.13.01— 1845.01
- 18.14.01— 1845.01
- 18.15— 1845.01
- 18.18— 1893.03(d)
- 18.19— 1893.03(d)
- 18.20— 1893.03(d)
- 18.21— 1893.03(d)
- 18.22— 1893.03(d)
- 19.01— 1901.06
- 19.02— 1901.06
- 19.02.AE— 708.02(a)
- 22.01— 2246
- 22.01.01— 2242 ; 2258.01
- 22.02— 2247
- 22.03— 2258
- 22.04— 2260
- 22.04.01— 2265
- 22.05— 2285
- 22.06— 2287
- 22.07— 2282
- 22.08— 2282
- 22.09— 2271
- 22.10— 2271
- 22.11— 2258
- 22.12— 2250
- 22.13— 2250
- 22.14— 2266.01
- 22.15— 2266.03
- 22.16— 2287
- 22.20— 2286
- 22.73— 2246
- 23.01— 2303
- 23.02— 2308
- 23.04— 2304.04(b)
- 23.06— 2304.02
- 23.06.01— 2304.02
- 23.06.02— 2304.02
- 23.06.03— 2304.02
- 23.06.04— 2304.02
- 23.06.05— 2304.02
- 23.06.06— 2304.02
- 23.14— 715.05 ; 2304.02(c)
- 23.14.01— 715.05 ; 2304.02(c)
- 23.19— 2304.01(c)
- 24.01— 2427
- 24.02— 2427
- 24.03— 2427
- 24.04— 2427
- 24.05— 2427
- 24.06— 2427
- 24.07— 2427
- 24.08— 2427
- 24.09— 2427
- 24.10— 2427
- 24.11— 2427
- 24.12— 2427
- 24.13— 2427
- 24.14— 2427
- 24.15— 2427
- 24.16— 2427
- 24.17.26— 2416
- 24.18.26— 2416
- 24.19.26— 2416
- 24.20.26— 2416
- 24.21.26— 2416
- 24.22.26— 2416
- 24.23.26— 2416
- 24.24.26— 2416
- 24.25.26— 2416
- 24.26.26— 2416
- 24.27.26— 2416
- 24.18.26— 2416
- 24.29.26— 2416
- 28.01— 2816.03
- 28.02— 2816.03
- 28.03— 2816.03
- 28.04— 2818.01
- 29.04— 2920.01
- 29.10— 2920.04(b)
- 29.11— 2920.04(b)
- 29.20— 2920.04(b)
- 29.21— 2920.05(c)
- 29.22— 2920.04(a)
- 29.23— 2920.05(c)
- 29.24— 2920.04(a)
- 29.25— 2920.05(c)
- 29.26— 2920.04(a)
- 29.27— 2920.05(c)
- 29.59.01— 2920.04(a)
- 29.59.02— 2920.04(a)
- 29.60.02— 2920.04(a)
- 29.61.01— 2920.04(a)
- 29.100— 2920.05(a)
- 29.101— 2920.05(a)
- 29.102— 2920.05(b)
- Fraud (
See also
Duty of disclosure,
Inequitable conduct, and
Deceptive intent)
- Avoiding charge of— 2004
- Civil litigation— 1216.02 ; 2001.06(c)
- Claims invalidated— 2016
- Inventorship— 602.01(c) ; 2109 ; 2157
- Micro entity status— 509.04
- On the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office— 509.03 ; 1448
- Protest— 1901.02 ; 1901.06 ; 2013
- Reexamination
- Reissue— 1448 ; 2012
- Supplemental examination— 2819
- Small entity status— 509.03
- Fraudulent— 2104
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)— 103 ; 1002.02(k)(2)
- Frivolous invention— 2104
- Full faith and credit in prior Examiner’s action
- Full name of applicant— 602.01(b) ; 602.08(b)
- Function of machine rejection— 2173.05(v)
- Functional claim, rejection— 2114 ; 2173.05(g)
- Functional equivalents— 2144.06 ; 2183
- Functionality in design patent applications— 1504.01(c)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z