A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Sale, On ( See On sale)
- Sample letter on submission of prior art in patent— 2205
- Sanctions— 410
- Saturday, effect on time for reply— 502 ; 502.01 ; 502.05 ; 505 ; 506.02 ; 510 ; 513 ; 710.05 ; 2504 ; 2506
- Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC)— 901.06(a)
- Scientific principle not patentable— 2106.04 ; 2107.02 ; 2164.07
- Scope of claims— 904.01(a) ; 2163.05 ; 2164.08
- Scope of class— 903.02(b)
- Scope of reexamination
- Ex parte— 2258
- Screening new application for security review— 115 ; 2104.01
- Seal— 602
- Search—
- After reversal by Patent Trial and Appeal Board — 1214.04
- Aids in Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC)— 901.06(a)
- Analogous art areas— 904.01(c) ; 2141
- Claim analysis— 904.01
- Computer— 719.05
- Databases ( See Electronic databases)
- Electronic documents— 707.05(e) ; 904.02(c)
- Fee, PCT— 1827
- Field of—
- Not to be given for patented inventions— 1701
- File wrapper notation— 719.05 ; 904
- Incomprehensible disclosure— 702.01
- In Technology Center, by member of public— 713.02
- Informal application— 702.01 ; 704.01
- INPADOC— 901.06(a)
- Interference— 2304.01(a)
- Internet— 707.05(e) ; 904.02(c)
- Notes in classification definitions— 902.02(a) ; 905.01(a)(2)
- Notes in file wrapper— 705.01(a) ; 719.05 ; 903.07(a)
- Online database ( See also Electronic databases)— 901.06(a) ; 902.03(e)
- Outlining— 904.02(a)
- Patentability report— 705.01(a) ; 705.01(b)
- Prior examiner’s— 704.01
- Procedure— 704.01 ; 904
- References in classification definition— 905.01(a)(1)
- Requirements for information— 704.11 ; 704.11(a) ; 2005
- Restriction requirement— 808.02
- Scope— 2103 ; 2141
- Selecting pertinent references— 904.03
- Title— 306
- Unduly extensive and burdensome— 806.01 ; 808.01(a) ; 818.02(b)
- Search notes form (PE2E-OC)— 704.14(b) ; 705.01(a) ; 719.05 ; 904
- Search facility hours— 510 ; 1730
- Search tools, automated— 902.03(e)
- Searched box entries— 719.05
- Secrecy, in general— 101
- Secrecy of international applications— 120
- “Secrecy Order” application—
- After declassification— 130
- Allowance— 130
- Commodity Control List— 120
- Correspondence— 120
- Facsimile transmission of correspondence not permitted— 120
- Final rejection— 130
- Interference— 130 ; 2304.01(a) ; 2306
- Petition for rescission or modification— 120
- Prosecution— 130
- Review— 115 ; 140
- Security, Application affecting— 120 ; 121 ; 130 ; 140
- Secret sale ( See On sale)
- Security interest in patent, recording ( See also Assignment)— 313
- Security markings— 121 ; 130 ; 140 ; 724
- Security screening of new applications— 115 ; 140
- Security, Licensing and Review, applications submitted— 121 ; 130 ; 709 ; 710 ; 1002.02(c)(1) ; 2304.01(a)
- Self-addressed postcard ( See also Postcard, self-addressed)— 503
- Sequence listing (
See also
Sequence rules)—
- WIPO Standard ST.25— 1823.02 ; 1848 ; 2422 – 2422.04 ; 2422.06 ; 2422.07 ; 2422.08 ; 2423 – 2431 ; 2433 ; 2434 ; 2435
- WIPO Standard ST.26 ( See also Sequence Listing XML)— 1823.02 ; 1848 ; 2412 – 2419.03
- EFS-Web submission— 502.05
- Hand delivery— 2413.03 ; 2422.03(a) ; 2433
- Pre-Grant Publications (PG-Pub)— 1121
- Publication— 2419 ; 2419.01 ; 2419.02 ; 2419.03
- Statements— 2414.02 ; 2414.03 ; 2422.06
- With Interim Copy of Foreign Application— 215.02(b)
- Sequence rules (
See also
- Amendments to sequence listing and computer readable form
- Amino acid definition— 2412.03(b) ; 2412.03(c) ; 2422.01
- Coding regions, depiction of— 2413.01(e) ; 2413.01(g) ; 2422 ; 2423 ; 2423.02
- Compliance requirement— 2413.05 ; 2414 ; 2414.01 ; 2417 ; 2422.07 ; 2429
- Computer readable format requirement— 502.05 ; 2412.02 ; 2416 ; 2421.01 ; 2422.03 ; 2422.03(a) ; 2422.04 ; 2422.06 ; 2425 ; 2426 ; 2433
- Definitions for nucleotides/amino acids— 2412.03 ; 2412.03(a) ; 2412.03(b) ; 2412.03(c) ; 2412.03(d) ; 2412.03(e) ; 2422.01
- Definition of sequence listing and CRF— 2412.02 ; 2421.01
- Exclusive conformance requirement— 2412.06 ; 2422.02
- Extensions of time— 2414 ; 2421.03
- Format and symbols— 2412.05(d) ; 2423 ; 2423.01
- Form paragraphs— 2416 ; 2427
- Hand-delivery of sequence listings and computer readable forms— 2413.03 ; 2422.03(a) ; 2433
- Helpful hints for compliance— 2429
- Incorporation by reference— 601 ; 2412 ; 2413.04 ; 2415.03 ; 2422.03
- Informational requirements for sequence listings— 2424 ; 2424.01 ; 2424.02
- Mandatory information items— 2412 ; 2413.01(f) ; 2424 ; 2424.02
- Miscellaneous requirements, information— 2424.03
- Notice to comply— 2414.01 ; 2421.03
- Nucleotide definition— 2412.03 ; 2412.05(b) ; 2422.01
- Numbering of sequences— 2412.05(a) ; 2423.02
- Numeric identifiers— 2412.05(a) ; 2424 ; 2424.02
- Oversized Submission Fee— 608.05 ; 2422.03
- PatentIn information— 1730 ; 2429 ; 2430
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)— 1823.02 ; 1844.01 ; 1848 ; 1893.01(d) ; 2422 ; 2414.05 ; 2422.03(a) ; 2430
- Presumptions regarding compliance— 2413.05 ; 2422.08
- Replacement of sequence listing and computer readable form— 2414.03 ; 2426
- Sample sequence listing— 2431
- Sanctions for failure to comply— 2414.05 ; 2422.07
- Sequence identifier requirement— 2412.04 – 2413.01(g) ; 2422.01
- Sequence presentation— 2412.05(e) ; 2423.03
- Sequences in drawings— 2412.04 ; 2412.06 ; 2422.02
- Statement regarding content of paper and computer readable copies— 502.05 ; 608.05 ; 2422 – 2422.04 ; 2422.06 ; 2426
- Statement samples under WIPO ST.25— 2428
- Summary of requirements— 2412 ; 2421.02
- Variants of a presented sequence— 2413.01(g) ; 2422.01
- WIPO Standard ST. 25— 1823.02 ; 1848 ; 2422 – 2422.04 ; 2422.07 ; 2422.08 ; 2423 – 2431 ; 2433 ; 2434 ; 2435
- WIPO Standard ST. 26 ( See also Sequence Listing XML)— 1823.02 ; 1848 ; 2412 – 2419.03
- Sequences, restriction— 803.04 ; 2412.07 ; 2434
- Sequence Listing XML ( See also Sequence Listing and WIPO Standard ST.26)— 601 ; 608.05 ; 608.05(c) ; 706.02(a) ; 2412 – 2419.03
- Series codes— 503
- Series of dependent claims— 608.01(n)
- Series, Patent ( See Patent)
- Service, proof of, in a petition for access— 103
- Service of applicant in a protest— 1901 ; 1901.03
- Service of citation in patent— 2208
- Service of court papers on Director— 1216
- Service of patent owner statement on requestor in ex parte reexamination— 2249 ; 2266.03
- Shift of election—
- Design patent application— 1504.05
- Shortened statutory period (
See also
Period for reply and
Statutory period)—
- Appeal— 1205 ; 1214.06 ; 1215.04
- Date of abandonment— 711.04(a)
- Drawings— 608.02(p) ; 608.02(x)
- Extension of time— 710.02(e) ; 1002.02(c)
- Final rejection— 706.07 ; 706.07(b) ; 706.07(f) ; 706.07(g) ; 714.13
- Informal application— 702.01
- Information disclosure statement— 609.04(b)
- Quayle— 714.14
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2250.01 ; 2263 ; 2265 ; 2272 ; 2273 ; 2285 ; 2286
- Time limits compared— 710.02(d)
- Signature
- Alteration in specification signed— 608.01
- Amendment— 714.01
- Applicant— 602.08(b)
- Applicant changes name— 201.03 ; 605.01
- Applicant, international application— 1820
- Applicant unable to write— 602.08(b)
- Application papers— 602.08(b)
- Attorney or agent not of record— 402.03
- Certification, effect of— 401 ; 402.03 ; 410
- Continued prosecution application— 201.06(d)
- Correction of name— 602.08(b)
- Express abandonment— 711 ; 711.01
- Facsimile— 502.01 ; 502.02 ; 505 ; 511 ; 512
- Full, first or middle name— 602.08(b)
- Required on every paper— 402 ; 402.03
- Title with— 602.08(b)
- Uniformity with name— 602.08(b)
- Signing, continued prosecution application— 201.06(d)
- Signing examiner’s letter— 706.07 ; 707.08 ; 707.09
- Signing file wrapper— 1302.13
- Simulated tests in the specification— 608.01(p)
- Simultaneous issue of patents— 1306.02
- Single means claim— 2164.08(a) ; 2173.05(g) ; 2181
- Size of paper ( See A4 size paper and Paper size)
- Sketch of subject matter of claims— 904.01(a)
- Small Business Act— 509.02
- Small Business Administration— 509.02
- Small entity status (
See also
- Change of status— 509.03 ; 509.03(b)
- Claiming status— 509.03
- Correcting status— 509.03 ; 509.03(b)
- Definition— 509.02
- Established in parent application— 201.06(c)
- Fees— 509.02
- Government organizations— 509.02
- Improper payment— 509.03
- Independent inventor— 509.02
- Maintenance fees— 509.03 ; 2515 ; 2531 ; 2550
- Nonprofit organization— 509.02 ; 509.03
- Refund— 509.03(b) ; 607.02
- Small business concern— 509.02
- Statement verified— 509.03
- Transfer of invention rights— 509.02 ; 509.04(a) ; 509.04(b)
- Solicitor’s Office ( See Office of Solicitor)
- Sources of information to disclose— 2001.06
- Special application—
- Accelerated examination— 708.02
- Allowable application, except for form— 707.07(j) ; 710.02(b) ; 714.14 ; 1301
- Appealed application— 1204
- Applicant’s age, health— 708.02 ; 1002.02(b)
- Counter terrorism inventions— 708.02 ; 1002.02(s)
- Energy— 708.02
- Environmental Quality Program— 1002.02(s)
- Five year pendency— 707.02
- List— 708.01
- Patent printing priority— 1309
- Petition to make— 708.02 ; 1002.02(s)
- Reexamination
- Ex parte— 2261
- Reissue application— 1442
- Remanded by Board— 708.01
- Revived applications— 711.03(c)
- Special examining procedure— 708.02
- Special Program Examiner (SPRE)—
- Petitions decided— 1002.02(s)
- Species—
- Anticipation by a generic chemical formula— 2131.02
- Anticipation of a genus by the species— 2131.02
- Cancellation of species claims— 821.01 ; 821.02
- Claims restricted to— 806.04(e)
- Election of ( See Election of species)
- How recognized— 806.04(f)
- Independent inventions— 802.01 ; 808.01(a)
- Mutually exclusive characteristics— 806.04(f)
- Obviousness of— 2144.08
- Patentably distinct— 806.04(h)
- Patentability over genus— 806.04(h)
- Plural— 608.01(m) ; 806.04 ; 808.01(a)
- Reissue— 1450
- Rejection— 806.04(h) ; 2131.02
- Withdrawal of species claim— 821.01 ; 821.02
- Specification (
See also
- Amendment, manner of making— 714
- Arrangement— 608.01(a)
- Background of the invention— 608.01(c)
- Best mode ( See also Best mode)— 2165
- Brief description of drawings— 608.01(f)
- Brief summary of invention— 608.01(d)
- British English spellings in— 608.01
- British provisional and complete— 214.03
- Changes prior to filing— 601.01 ; 608.01
- Completeness— 608.01(p) ; 2161 ; 2163 – 2165
- Computer lists— 608.05
- Confused by amendments— 608.01(q) ; 1302.02
- Content of— 608.01(a)
- Continued prosecution application— 201.06(d)
- Copyrights in— 1512
- Correction by examiner’s amendment— 1302.04 – 1302.04(g)
- Correction by initialing— 1302.04
- Defines claim term— 2111.01
- Derogatory remarks prohibited— 608.01(r)
- Description— 608.01(g) ; 2163 ; 2163.02
- Design application— 1503.01
- Detailed description of invention— 608.01(g)
- Enablement ( See also Enablement)— 2164
- English language— 608.01
- Facsimile transmission— 608.01
- Font— 608.01
- Format— 608.01(a)
- Illustrations in— 608.01
- Incorporation by reference— 601 ; 2163.07 ; 2163.07(b) ; 2412 ; 2413.04 ; 2415.03 ; 2422.03
- Interlineation prior to filing— 608.01
- Language faulty— 608.01 ; 608.01(g)
- Missing pages— 601.01(d)
- New matter— 608.04 ; 608.04(a) ; 2163.06
- Omitted pages— 217 ; 601.01(d)
- Paragraph numbering— 608.01 ; 608.01(g) ; 714
- Parts— 608.01(a)
- Provisional application— 601.01(b)
- Reference characters corrected— 1302.04
- Reissue application— 1411
- Requirements for— 2161
- Return— 608.01
- Rewritten— 608.01(q) ; 1302.02
- Signature— 602.08(b)
- Substitute, amendment including— 714.19 ; 714.20
- Substitute specification— 608.01(q) ; 714.19 ; 714.20
- Summary of invention— 608.01(d)
- Table submission on compact disc or via the USPTO patent electronic system as ASCII text file— 608.05(b) ; 2422.03(a)
- Terminology basis for claims— 608.01(o) ; 2163.07
- Title of invention— 606
- Title of invention changed— 606.01
- Trademarks in— 1512
- Transfer to another application— 608.01(t)
- Written description ( See also Written description)— 2163
- Specimen, Composition of matter— 608.03
- Specimen, Handling— 608.03(a)
- Specimen, Plant application— 1607
- Stamp
- Statement applying the prior art in an ex parte reexamination— 2217
- Statement, Examiner’s ( See Action)
- Statement by inventors when changing inventorship— 201.03
- Statement by owner in ex parte reexamination— 2249
- Statement of allowability by Board— 1213.01
- Statement of invention, coextensive with claims— 608.01(d)
- Statement of invention, reviewed on allowance— 1302.01
- Statement, Prior art ( See also Prior art)— 201.06(d) ; 609
- Status inquiries— 102 ; 203.08
- Status letter— 203.08
- Status letter database— 203.08
- Status of application— 102 ; 203
- Statute of limitations
- Statutes
- Atomic Energy Act Cited— 120 ; 140 ; 150 ; 2104 ; 2104.01
- Freedom of Information Act— 1002.02(k)(2)
- Public Law 96-517— 509.02 ; 2201 ; 2209
- Public Law 97-247— 509.02 ; 509.03 ; 711.03(c) ; 2265 ; 2268
- Public Law 98-622— 804 ; 2109
- Public Law 103-182— 715 ; 2132 ; 2138.02
- Public Law 103-465— 706.07(g) ; 707.05 ; 715 ; 715.07(c) ; 803.03 ; 804.02 ; 2132 ; 2138.02
- Public Law 106-113— 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2201 ; 2273 ; 2279 ; 2601
- Public Law 107-273 Cited— 706.07(a) ; 2136 ; 2136.01 ; 2146 ; 2201 ; 2242 ; 2258.01 ; 2273 ; 2279 ; 2601
- Public Law 108-199 Cited— 2105
- Public Law 108-453 Cited— 804.03 ; 2136.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2146.03
- Public Law 112-29 Cited— 210 ; 509.02 ; 509.04 ; 607 ; 1401 ; 1440 ; 1481.02 ; 1490 ; 2105 ; 2106.03 ; 2124.01 ; 2150 ; 2151 ; 2165 ; 2201 ; 2279 ; 2601 ; 2801
- Public Law 112-211— 702 ; 711.03(c) ; 1402
- Revised Statute of— 1874 ;
- 5 U.S.C. 552(a)— 2412
- 5 U.S.C. 6103(a) Cited— 710.05
- 7 U.S.C. 2321— 1601
- 10 U.S.C. 140(c) Cited— 120
- 15 U.S.C. 15(b) Cited— 101
- 15 U.S.C. 1127 Cited— 608.01(v)
- 17 U.S.C. 401 Cited— 1512
- 17 U.S.C. 909 Cited— 608.01 ; 608.01(w)
- 18 U.S.C. 1001
- 18 U.S.C. 1905 Cited— 101
- 18 U.S.C. 2071 Reproduced— 101
- 18 U.S.C. 2331— 708.02
- 20 U.S.C. 1000 Cited— 509.02
- 26 U.S.C. 501 Cited— 509.02
- 28 U.S.C. 1745 Cited— 901.05
- 28 U.S.C. 1746
- Cited— 602
- 35 U.S.C. 2 Reproduced— 1001
- 35 U.S.C. 3 Reproduced— 1001
- 35 U.S.C. 4 Reproduced— 1702
- 35 U.S.C. 6 Reproduced— 1202
- 35 U.S.C. 7 Reproduced— 901.06(a)
- 35 U.S.C. 8 Reproduced— 903.01
- 35 U.S.C. 21 Reproduced— 511 ; 513 ; 710.05
- 35 U.S.C. 22 Reproduced— 608.01
- 35 U.S.C. 25 Reproduced— 602
- 35 U.S.C. 26 Reproduced— 602
- 35 U.S.C. 27 Reproduced— 711.03(c) ; 2268
- 35 U.S.C. 41 Reproduced— 2268 ; 2501
- 35 U.S.C. 42 Reproduced— 607.02
- 35 U.S.C. 100 Reproduced— 701
- 35 U.S.C. 101 Reproduced— 201 ; 701 ; 804 ; 2104 ; 2107.01
- 35 U.S.C. 102 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 1504.02 ; 2120 ; 2132 ; 2133 ; 2133.03(c) ; 2134 ; 2135 ; 2136 ; 2137 ; 2138 ; 2217 ; 2258 ; 2301.01
- 35 U.S.C. 102 Reproduced— 2152 ; 2156
- 35 U.S.C. 102(e), former (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 2136.03
- 35 U.S.C. 102(g) (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 2301.01
- 35 U.S.C. 103 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 2141 ; 2146
- 35 U.S.C. 103 Reproduced— 804.03 ; 2120 ; 2141 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2147
- 35 U.S.C. 104 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 715.07(c) ; 2301.01
- 35 U.S.C. 111 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 201.04
- 35 U.S.C. 111 pre-PLT (AIA) Reproduced— 601
- 35 U.S.C. 111 Reproduced— 201 ; 201.04 ; 601
- 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 2161 ; 2171
- 35 U.S.C. 112 Reproduced— 1504.04 ; 2161 ; 2171
- 35 U.S.C. 113 Reproduced— 608.02
- 35 U.S.C. 114 Reproduced— 608.03
- 35 U.S.C. 115 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 602.01(b)
- 35 U.S.C. 115 Reproduced— 602.01(a)
- 35 U.S.C. 116 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 409.03 ; 602.09
- 35 U.S.C. 116 Reproduced— 602.09
- 35 U.S.C. 117 Reproduced— 409.01(a) ; 409.01(b)
- 35 U.S.C. 118 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 409.03
- 35 U.S.C. 118 Reproduced— 308
- 35 U.S.C. 119 Reproduced— 211 ; 213
- 35 U.S.C. 120 Reproduced— 211
- 35 U.S.C. 121 Reproduced— 802 ; 804
- 35 U.S.C. 122 Reproduced— 101 ; 1120 ; 1122 ; 1123 ; 1124 ; 1132 ; 1134
- 35 U.S.C. 131 Reproduced— 701
- 35 U.S.C. 132 Reproduced— 608.04 ; 706.07(h) ; 2304.04(b)
- 35 U.S.C. 133 Reproduced— 710 ; 2268
- 35 U.S.C. 134 Reproduced— 1204
- 35 U.S.C. 135 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 2301.01 ; 2304.02(c) ; 2310.01
- 35 U.S.C. 141 Reproduced— 1216
- 35 U.S.C. 142 Reproduced— 1216.01
- 35 U.S.C. 143 Reproduced— 1216.01
- 35 U.S.C. 144 Reproduced— 1216.01
- 35 U.S.C. 145 Reproduced— 1216
- 35 U.S.C. 146 Reproduced— 1216
- 35 U.S.C. 152 Reproduced— 307
- 35 U.S.C. 153 Reproduced— 1309
- 35 U.S.C. 154 Reproduced— 2701 ; 2730
- 35 U.S.C. 154, former, Reproduced— 2720
- 35 U.S.C. 156 Reproduced— 2751 ; 2752 ; 2755.01 ; 2755.02 ; 2758 ; 2759 ; 2761
- 35 U.S.C. 161 Reproduced— 201 ; 1601
- 35 U.S.C. 162 Reproduced— 804 ; 1605
- 35 U.S.C. 163 Reproduced— 1601
- 35 U.S.C. 164 Reproduced— 1609
- 35 U.S.C. 171 Reproduced— 201 ; 1501 ; 1504.01
- 35 U.S.C. 172 Reproduced— 1504.02 ; 1504.10
- 35 U.S.C. 173 Reproduced— 1505 ; 2950
- 35 U.S.C. 181 Reproduced— 115
- 35 U.S.C. 182 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 184 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 185 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 186 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 187 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 188 Reproduced— 140
- 35 U.S.C. 251 Reproduced— 1401 ; 1403 ; 1410.01 ; 1412.03 ; 1451 ; 2766
- 35 U.S.C. 251 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 1401 ; 1410.01 ; 2766
- 35 U.S.C. 252 Reproduced— 1460 ; 2766
- 35 U.S.C. 253 Reproduced— 1490
- 35 U.S.C. 254 Reproduced— 1480
- 35 U.S.C. 255 Reproduced— 1481
- 35 U.S.C. 256 Reproduced— 1481.02
- 35 U.S.C. 256 (pre-AIA) Reproduced— 1481.02
- 35 U.S.C. 257 Reproduced— 2802 ; 2816.03
- 35 U.S.C. 261 Reproduced— 301
- 35 U.S.C. 262 Reproduced— 301
- 35 U.S.C. 267 Reproduced— 710
- 35 U.S.C. 293 Reproduced— 302.04
- 35 U.S.C. 294 Reproduced— 311
- 35 U.S.C. 301 Reproduced— 2202
- 35 U.S.C. 302 Reproduced— 2210
- 35 U.S.C. 303 Reproduced— 2240
- 35 U.S.C. 304 Reproduced— 2246
- 35 U.S.C. 305 Reproduced— 2254 ; 2261
- 35 U.S.C. 306 Reproduced— 1216 ; 2273
- 35 U.S.C. 307 Reproduced— 2288 ; 2293
- 35 U.S.C. 361 Reproduced— 1805
- 35 U.S.C. 362 Reproduced— 1840
- 35 U.S.C. 363 Reproduced— 201.01 ; 1810
- 35 U.S.C. 365 Reproduced— 213.06
- 35 U.S.C. 371 Reproduced— 1893.01
- 35 U.S.C. 373 Reproduced— 1810
- 35 U.S.C. 374 Reproduced— 1857
- 35 U.S.C. 381 reproduced— 2908
- 35 U.S.C. 382, reproduced— 2905.01
- 35 U.S.C 383 Reproduced— 2909
- 35 U.S.C. 384, reproduced— 2908 ; 2914
- 35 U.S.C. 386 Reproduced— 2920.05(d) ; 2920.05(e)
- 35 U.S.C. 387 Reproduced— 2913
- 35 U.S.C. 389 Reproduced— 2920 ; 2920.05 ; 2950
- 42 U.S.C. 141 Cited— 120
- 42 U.S.C. 181 Cited— 120
- 42 U.S.C. 2182 Reproduced— 150
- 51 U.S.C. 20135 Reproduced— 150
- Statutory bar—
- Foreign application— 1504.02
- Overcoming— 2133.02(a) ; 2152.06
- Rule 1.131 not available— 715 ; 718
- Statutory classes of invention, utility— 2104 ; 2106.03 ; 2107
- Statutory disclaimer ( See Disclaimer and Terminal disclaimer)
- Statutory Invention Registration (SIR)— 409.03(j) ; 1100
- Statutory period (
See also
Period for reply: Shortened statutory period)—
- Abandonment for failure to reply— 711.02 ; 711.02(a)
- Appeal— 1205
- Broadening claims in a reissue application— 1412.03
- Computed— 710.01(a)
- Date from which period runs— 710.06
- Date of abandonment— 711.04(a)
- Full statutory period— 130
- Not extendible— 710.02(e)
- Postal service emergency— 511
- Property rights statement— 150
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2265 ; 2272
- Secrecy order application— 130
- Shortened statutory period ( See Shortened statutory period)
- Two periods for reply set— 710.04 ; 710.04(a)
- Stay of reexamination
- Stay of reissue— 1442.02 ; 2285
- Stockholm Revision, Paris Convention ( See also Treaties)— 213 ; 213.01 ; 213.05
- Strasbourg Agreement ( See also Treaties)— 906
- STIC ( See also Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC))— 1730
- Subcombination
- Subgeneric Markush claims— 803.02 ; 2173.05(h)
- Subject matter, design patent— 1502 ; 1504.01
- Subject matter, nonstatutory— 2104 ; 2106.07(c)
- Subject matter combinations— 903.02(b)
- Submission of amendment or showing of facts after Board decision— 1214.01
- Submission of patents or publications, third party— 1134.01
- Submission to classification unit
- Submission of prior art by applicant— 707.05(b)
- Submission of information by applicant— 704.12(b) ; 704.14(b) ; 707.05(b)
- Subpoena by court, Application file— 1216.02
- Subpoena of examiner— 1701.01
- Substantial new question of patentability
- Substitute application ( See also Application)
- Substitute attorney or agent— 406
- Substitute oath— 602.02
- Substitute page— 714.20
- Substitute specification— 608.01 ; 608.01(q) ; 714.19 ; 714.20
- Sufficiency of disclosure affidavit— 716 ; 716.09
- ‘Sufficient cause’ for extension of time in ex parte reexamination— 2265
- Suggested claims, Failure to make— 2304.04(c)
- Suggestion of allowable claims by examiner— 707.07(j) ; 713.01
- Suggestion of claims for interference— 2304.03 – 2304.04(b)
- Suggestion of claims for interference, time limit— 710.02(c)
- Summary of action PTOL-326— 707
- Summary of interview— 713.01 ; 713.04
- Summary of invention— 608.01(d)
- Sunday or holiday, effect on time for reply— 502 ; 502.01 ; 502.05 ; 505 ; 506.02 ; 510 ; 513 ; 710.05
- Sunday or holiday, effect on reference— 2133.01 ; 2135.01 ; 2139.02
- Supervisory applications examiner— 714.13
- Supervisory patent examiner—
- Petitions decided by— 1002.02(d)
- Supervisory patent reexamination specialist— 2212.01 ; 2227 ; 2233 ; 2236 ; 2237 ; 2240 ; 2246 ; 2248 ; 2265 ; 2267 ; 2270 ; 2274 ; 2281 ; 2283 ; 2285 ; 2286 ; 2286.01 ; 2287 ; 2289 ; 2294 ; 2295
- Supervisory review, Rule 1 181— 711.03(d)
- Supplemental action— 710.06 ; 714.05
- Supplemental Amendment— 714.03(a)
- Supplemental Application Data Sheet (ADS)— 601.05
- Supplemental Examination—
- Assignment of— 2822
- Consideration of request— 2816.01 ; 2816.02
- Contents of determination— 2816.03
- Contents of request— 2811 – 2811.02
- Correspondence address— 502 ; 502.05 ; 2805
- Ex parte reexamination ordered— 2816.04 ; 2818.01
- Duty of Disclosure— 2014
- Fees— 509.01 ; 2810 ; 2810.01
- Filing date— 2812.01
- Format of papers— 2807
- Handling of papers other than a request— 2813
- How to file— 2806
- Inquiries from persons other than patent owner— 2803.01 ; 2813
- Item of information relied upon in the request— 2809
- Merger— 2821
- Multiple— 2821
- Procedures after conclusion— 2818 ; 2818.01 ; 2818.02
- Public access to— 2803.02
- Representative of patent owner— 2804 ; 2804.01
- Time for filing— 2808
- Who may file— 2803
- Supplemental Examination Certificate— 2802 ; 2806 ; 2809.01 ; 2810 ; 2813 ; 2815 ; 2816 ; 2816.02 ; 2816.03 ; 2816.04 ; 2817 ; 2817.01 ; 2818 ; 2818.01 ; 2818.02
- Substitute examiner’s answer— 1207.05 ; 1211 ; 1211.01
- Supplemental oath or declaration— 603
- Surface ornamentation— 1502 ; 1502.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.01 ; 1504.01(a) ; 1504.01(c) ; 1504.03
- Surrender of patent (not required)— 1416
- Suspension
- Applicant’s request for— 709
- Decided by— 709 ; 1002.02(c) ; 1003 ; 1004
- Deferral of examination— 709
- Ex parte prosecution during interference— 2307.03
- Not permitted if outstanding Office action— 709
- Of action, because of litigation— 1213
- Of action, by Office— 709
- Overlapping application— 709.01
- Reexamination
- Request for, in CPA— 709
- Request for, in RCE— 709
- Rules— 1002
- Secrecy order application— 2306
- Supplemental Reply— 709
- Swearing back of reference ( See Affidavit or prior invention to overcome a pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 or 103 rejection(37 CFR 1.131))
- Symbols, Drawing— 608.02
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z