A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- A4 size paper ( See also Paper size)— 608.01 ; 608.02 ; 1825
- A.I. series of patents ( See also Patent)— 901.04
- Abandoned application (
See also
- Accessibility to public— 103 ; 711.04
- Counting, when processed— 711.04(a)
- Definition— 203.05
- Failure to provide timely notice of foreign filing when nonpublication requested— 1124
- Fee on petition to revive— 711.03(c)
- Issue fee, failure to pay— 711.03(c)
- Ordering— 711.04(b) ; 905.03
- Papers received, handling— 508.02
- Provisional application— 201.04 ; 211.01(a)
- Reference use— 901.02 ; 2127 ; 2136.02
- Referred to in issued patent— 103
- Revival—
- Provisional application— 711.03(c)
- Storage— 711.04(b)
- When open to the public— 103
- Abandoned file ( See Abandoned application and Abandonment)
- Abandoned files repository— 711.04(b) ; 901.01(a)
- Abandonment (
See also
Abandoned application)—
- After allowance— 711.05
- After payment of issue fee— 711.01
- Amendment late— 711.02 ; 714.17
- Appeal dismissal— 1215.04
- Appeal withdrawal— 1215.01 – 1215.03
- Change of address— 711.03(c)
- Counted as a disposal— 1705
- Date of— 711.04(a)
- Destroys continuity— 211.01 ; 211.01(b)
- Express— 711 ; 711.01
- Failure to file property rights statement— 150
- Failure to pay issue fee— 711.03(c)
- Failure to prosecute— 711.02
- Failure to provide timely notice of foreign filing after non-publication request— 1124
- Formal— 711 ; 711.01
- Incomplete reply— 711.03(a)
- No reply— 711 ; 711.02
- Notification of— 711.02 ; 711.04(c)
- Of appeal— 1210
- Of invention— 2134 ; 2138.03
- Papers received after— 508.02
- Petition to revive— 711.03(c) ; 711.04(c) ; 1002.02(b) ; 1002.02(f) ; 1002.02(p)
- Petition to withdraw holding of examiner’s statement— 711.03(c) ; 711.03(d)
- Prior application— 201.06(c)
- Provisional application— 201.04 ; 211.01(a)
- Pulling— 711.04(a)
- Reconsideration— 711.03 ; 711.03(c)
- Reissue
- Return of surrendered patent— 1416
- Revival— 711.03 ; 711.03(c)
- Shortened statutory period expired— 710.02(d) ; 711.04(a)
- Special situations— 711.02(b)
- Termination of proceedings— 211.01(a) ; 211.01(b) ; 711.02(c)
- Undelivered action— 707.13
- Unintentional ( See also Petition)— 711.03(c) ; 1124
- Withdrawal of holding— 711.03(c)
- Abbreviation, periodical citation— 707.05(e)
- Abbreviature and abstract publication—
- Citation— 711.06(a)
- Abstract for defensive publication— 711.06
- Abstract of international application— 1826
- Abstract of the disclosure— 608.01(b) ; 1302.04
- Abstract publication— 711.06
- Accelerated examination— 708.02
- Access (
See also
Inspection and
Power of attorney)
- Attorney not of record— 402 ; 405
- Continued Prosecution Application (CPA)— 103
- Ex parte reexamination file— 2232
- Excluded attorney or agent— 105
- Image file wrapper application— 103
- International application— 110
- Pending application— 101 ; 103 ; 104 ; 106 ; 724.04 ; 724.04(a) ; 1128 ; 1132
- Petition— 103
- Protested application— 1901.05 ; 1901.07
- Provisional application— 103 ; 104
- Published application— 103 ; 1128 ; 1130 ; 1132
- Reissue application— 103 ; 724.04(b) ; 1430
- Supplemental examination— 2803.02
- Suspended attorney or agent— 103
- Unpublished, Abandoned, and pending applications— 105
- Accounts, Deposit ( See Deposit account)
- Acknowledgment of protest— 1901.05
- Act ( See Statutes)
- Action (
See also
Letter, Examiner’s)
- Advisory action— 706.07(f) ; 714.13 ; 717.01(f)
- After another examiner’s action— 706.04
- After Board decision— 1214.01 ; 1214.03 – 1214.07
- After Board decision reversing examiner— 1214.04
- After Board decision sustaining examiner— 1214.06
- After interference— 2308
- Amendment after final rejection— 706.07(f) ; 714.12 ; 714.13
- Citation of references— 707.05 ; 710.06
- Claim summary— 707.07(i)
- Claims in excess of number of claims previously paid for— 714.10
- Completeness— 707.07 ; 707.07(a)
- Copy to applicant— 707.12
- Copies of references— 707.05(a)
- Correctness, resetting or restarting period for reply— 710.06
- Counted— 1705
- Crosses amendment— 714.05
- Date— 707.11
- Domestic benefit determination— 210 – 211.05
- Examiner’s— 707
- Final rejection— 706.07 – 706.07(f) ; 713.09
- Foreign priority determination— 210 ; 213 – 217
- Formal matter— 707.07(a) ; 707.07(e) ; 707.07(j) ; 714.02
- Forms used— 707
- Incorrect citation of references— 710.06
- Informal application— 702.01
- Mailing— 707.12
- Original in image file wrapper— 707.12
- Patentability report— 705 – 705.01(f)
- Piecemeal examination— 707.07(g)
- Primary examiner’s personal attention— 707.01 ; 1004
- Priority determination, foreign— 210 ; 213 – 217
- Reply time computation— 710.01(a) ; 710.05
- Restriction requirement— 800
- Returned— 707.13
- Shortened statutory period— 710.02 ; 710.02(b)
- SPE’s personal attention— 707.02
- Supplemental— 710.06 ; 714.05
- Suspension of ( See also Suspension)— 709
- Suspension of, primary examiner’s attention— 1004
- Suspension of, second or subsequent— 1002.02(c)
- Suspension of, TC Director’s attention— 1003
- Third, SPE reviews— 707.02
- Time limit— 710.02 ; 710.02(c)
- Address, Change of correspondence— 601.03(a) ; 601.03(b) ; 711.03(c)
- Address, Correspondence ( See also Mail Stop)— 403 ; 403.01(a) ; 403.01(b) ; 2542
- Address, Fee— 2540
- Address of applicant— 605.01
- Address of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office— 501 ; 502
- Address of patent owner— 2222 ; 2805
- Administration, Letters of— 409.01(b)
- Administrative instructions, PCT— AI
- Administrative Patent Judges ( See Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB))
- Administrator or executor—
- Allowance and issue— 409.01(b)
- Application by, After discharge— 409.01(b)
- Assigned application, Inventor dies— 409.01(b)
- Consular certificate— 409.01(b)
- Foreign country— 409.01(b)
- Heir— 409.01 ; 409.01(a) ; 409.01(b)
- Intervention not required— 409.01(b)
- Refuses to sign— 409.03 ; 409.03(b) ; 409.03(c)
- Admissions by applicant—
- Jepson claim— 2129
- Admissions in reexamination
- Advantages over prior art— 707.07(f)
- Adverse recommendation under 37 CFR 1.312— 714.16(d) ; 714.16(e) ; 714.19
- Advisory action— 706.07(f) ; 714.13
- Affidavit ( See Oath and Declaration)
- Affidavit, disqualifying commonly owned patent or patent application publication as prior art to overcome a pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 or 103 rejection (37 CFR 1.131)— 718
- Affidavit of attribution or prior disclosure to overcome a 35 U.S.C. 102 or 103
rejection (37 CFR 1.130—
- Enablement— 2155.04
- Evaluation of— 717.01(a)(1) ; 717.01(b)(1) ; 717.01(e)
- Formal requirements— 717.01(c)
- Showing Disclosure was made by inventor— 717.01(a) ; 2155.01
- Showing Prior disclosure was subject matter by inventor— 717.01(b) ; 2154.02 et seq. ; 2155.02
- Showing disclosure was subject matter obtained from inventor— 717.01(b)(2) ; 2155.03
- Timely presentation— 717.01(f)
- When available— 717.01 ; 2155.06
- When not required— 717.01
- Who may file— 717.01(c) ; 2155.05
- Affidavit of prior invention to overcome a pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 or 103
rejection (37 CFR 1.131(a))—
- Acts relied upon, NAFTA/WTO/U.S.— 715.07(c) ; 2121.02 ; 2139.02
- Best mode, failure to disclose— 715.10
- Common assignee, reference and application— 715.01(b) ; 718
- Compared to Rule 1.132 affidavit— 715.01
- Completion of invention— 715
- Conception ( See Conception)
- Continuing application— 201.06(c) ; 201.06(d)
- Copies from prior applications— 201.06(c)
- Dedication to public— 715
- Derivation— 715.07(c)
- Diligence ( See Diligence)
- Effective filing date— 715
- Exhibit, Disposition— 715.07(d)
- Formal requirements— 715.04
- Genus-species— 715.03
- Generic claim— 715.02
- Interference testimony used— 715.07(b)
- Overcome patent or publication— 715
- Petition regarding sufficiency— 1002.02(c)
- Prior public use/sale— 715.10
- Priority time charts— 2138.01
- Proper use of— 715
- Reduction to practice ( See Reduction to practice)
- Reexamination,, ex parte— 2258
- Reference date to be overcome— 715
- Reference is
- Sufficiency of— 715.08 ; 2136.05
- When used— 715 ; 2132.01 ; 2133.02(a) ; 2136.05(a) ; 2146.03
- Who may make affidavit— 715.04 ; 2121.01
- Withdrawn rejection— 715
- Affidavits, traversing rejections (37 CFR 1.132)—
- Attorney arguments— 716.01(c)
- Attribution, of reference to applicant— 716.10
- Commercial success, evidence— 716.03
- Commonly owned patent— 718 ; 804.03
- Commonly owned patent application publication— 718 ; 804.03
- Comparison with closest prior art— 716.02(e)
- Computer programming cases— 2164.06(c)
- Continuing application— 201.06(c) ; 201.06(d)
- Copying, evidence— 716.06 ; 1504.03
- Disclosure, sufficiency— 716.09
- Disclosure, utility and operability— 716.08
- Enablement rejections— 2164.05
- Evidence
- Indefiniteness rejection— 2173.05(b)
- Long-felt need— 716.04
- Means/Step plus function— 2184
- Petition regarding sufficiency— 1002.02(c)
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2258
- Reference attributed to applicant— 716.10
- Sufficiency of— 716.09
- Synergism— 716.02(a)
- Skepticism of experts— 716.05
- Timeliness— 716.01
- Unexpected results, allegations— 716.02
- Unexpected results, evidence— 716.02(a)
- Affidavits submitted with prior art under 35 U.S.C. 301 in patented files— 2205
- Affirmation ( See Oath and Declaration)
- After final practice— 706.07(f)
- Agent ( See Attorney or agent and Power of attorney)
- Agent for international application— 1807 ; 1864.04
- Aggregation— 2173.05(k)
- Agriculture, Department of, Plant patents— 1608 ; 1609
- Agricultural Research Service— 1608 ; 1609
- Algorithms— 2106 ; 2106.04 ; 2106.04(a)(2) ; 2161.01 ; 2164.06(c) ; 2181
- Alien Property Custodian (A.P.C.) publications ( See also Citation of prior art)— 901.06(c)
- Allowance and issue (
See also
Allowed application)—
- Abandonment after— 711.05
- Amendment, Examiner’s— 1302.04
- Amendment, Examiner’s, Rule 1.312— 1305
- Amendment after ( See Amendment: After allowance)
- Amendment after allowance of all claims— 714.14 ; 1303.01
- Amendment after D-10 notice— 130
- Amendment at time of— 714.15
- Amendment crossing in mail— 714.15
- Cancellation of claims after appeal— 1214.05 ; 1214.06 ; 1215.03
- Cancellation of nonelected claim by examiner’s amendment— 821.01 ; 821.02
- Citation of prior art— 1302.12
- Claim for Official Gazette— 1302.09
- Claim renumbering— 608.01(j) ; 1302.01 ; 1302.04(g)
- Claim renumbering, dependent claim— 608.01(n) ; 1302.01
- Classification of design/plant application— 903.07
- Classification of utility application— 905.03
- Classification change after allowance— 903.07
- Cooperative Patent Classification Notation— 905.01
- Copending application
- Correction of error after notice of allowance— 714.16
- Correction of formal matters, shortened statutory period for— 710.02(b)
- Cross-reference in USPC— 903.07(a)
- D-10 notice— 130
- Deceased inventor, notice of allowance— 1303.03
- Drawing correction— 608.02(z) ; 1302.04 ; 1303.01
- Examiner’s amendment ( See Examiner’s amendment)
- Extension of Time— 1302.04 ; 706.07(f)
- File wrapper notation— 1302.09
- Final review— 1302
- Formal matters— 714.16 ; 1302.01
- Formal matters, examiner’s amendment and changes— 714.16 ; 1302.04
- Formal matters, specification rewritten— 1302.02
- General review— 1302.01
- Interference— 2303.01
- Interference search— 1302.08 ; 2304.01(a)
- International classification— 906
- Intervention by executor— 409.01(b)
- Issue classification notations— 1302.10
- Issue to applicant— 308
- Issue to a non-applicant assignee— 307
- Jurisdiction of application— 1305
- Listing of references— 1302.12
- Locarno classification designations— 907
- Non-compliant amendment, treatment of— 714 ; 1302.04
- Nonelected claims canceled by examiner’s amendment— 821.01 ; 821.02
- Nonelected claims eligible for rejoinder— 821 – 821.02
- Notice of Allowability— 1302.03
- Notice of allowance ( See Form letters and forms: Notice of allowance)
- Patentability report, print disposal— 608.02(n)
- Plant application— 1611
- Printer Rush— 1309.02
- Pro se— 707.07(j)
- Protest against issue— 1901
- Reasons for allowance ( See Reasons for allowance)
- Reference listing— 1302.12
- Reissue application— 1455
- Rejection after allowance— 706.04 ; 706.05 ; 1308.01
- Rejoinder of claims— 821.04 ; 1302.04(h)
- Reopening prosecution— 1308.01
- Review by examiner— 1302.01
- Rewritten specification requirement— 1302.02
- Secret application— 130 ; 1304.01
- Signing file wrapper— 1302.13
- Special— 708.01 ; 710.02(b) ; 1301
- Specification, clean copy required— 1302.02
- Statement of invention— 1302.01
- Supplemental oath after— 603.01
- Terminology correspondence of specification and claims— 1302.01
- Title of invention— 1302.01
- Title change by examiner— 606.01
- Title search, continuing application— 306
- Transfer— 909.01 ; 909.02
- Undelivered notice of allowance— 1303.02
- Withdrawal from issue ( See Withdrawal from issue)
- Withholding from issue, secrecy order application— 130 ; 1304.01
- Allowance, Reasons for ( See Reasons for allowance)
- Allowed application ( See also Allowance and issue)
- Allowed claim, rejection—
- By Patent Trial and Appeal Board— 1213.02
- Alpha subclass— 903.07
- Alteration of application— 506
- Alternative phrase in claim ( See also Indefinite claim)— 2117 ; 2173.01 ; 2173.05(h) ; 2173.05(i)
- Amended application— 203.03
- Amended application, inspection for transfer— 909.01(c)
- Amendment (
See also
- Accidental entry— 714.21
- Adding excess claims— 714.10
- After abandonment— 711.02 ; 714.17
- After all claims allowed— 714.14
- After allowance
- Approval— 714.16 ; 1002.02(d)
- Canceling claim— 714.16
- Entry in part— 714.16(e)
- Examiner’s action— 714.16 ; 714.16(d) ; 714.16(e)
- Excess claims fees— 607 ; 714.16(c)
- Formal matters— 714.16 ; 714.16(d)
- Handling— 714.16(d)
- Mailed before allowance— 714.15
- Motion under Rule 41.208(c)(2)— 714.16(b)
- Patentability pointed out— 714.16
- Reason for adverse action— 714.16 ; 714.16(d)
- Renumbering claims— 714.16(e)
- Secrecy order application— 130 ; 1304.01
- After examiner’s answer— 1210
- After appeal, before examiner’s answer— 714 ; 1206
- After Board decision— 1002.02(d) ; 1214.01 ; 1214.06 ; 1214.07
- After death of attorney or agent— 406
- After final rejection— 706.07(f) ; 714.12 ; 714.13
- After final rejection, entered in part— 714.20
- Applicants must sign— 714.01(a)
- At allowance— 714.15
- Attorney not of record— 402 ; 405 ; 408 ; 714.01(c)
- Basis in disclosure— 608 ; 2163.03 ; 2163.07 ; 2166
- Before first action— 608.04(b) ; 714.01(e)
- Board rejection avoided— 1214.01
- By replacement paragraph or section— 714
- By substitute specification— 714
- Canceled matter restored— 608.01(s) ; 714
- Canceling all claims— 706.07(h) ; 711.01 ; 714.19
- Canceling appealed claims— 1215.01 – 1215.03
- Claim added, terminology basis— 608.01(o) ; 2163.03 ; 2163.07
- Claim numbering— 608.01(j) ; 1302.01 ; 1302.04(g)
- Claims
- Complete reply required— 714.02 ; 714.04
- Consolidating pending claims— 714 ; 714.13 ; 714.16
- Copying patent claim ( See Claim presented corresponding to claim of patent)
- Crossing mailing of allowance— 714.15
- D-10 notice preceding— 130
- Date of receipt— 505 ; 710.01(a) ; 714.18
- Date of receipt stamp
- Declaration— 602
- Defective, directions for entry— 714.20
- Discharged attorney or agent— 714.19
- Disapproval of preliminary amendment— 714.01(e) ; 1002.02(d)
- Disapproval of second or subsequent reply— 714.03(a)
- Discourteous— 714.19 ; 714.25 ; 1002.02(b)
- Drawing— 608.02(p) ; 1302.05 ; 1303.01
- Drawing, disposition— 608.02(x)
- Drawing, new matter— 608.04(a) ; 714.19
- Easily erasable paper— 714.07
- Entered in part— 714.20
- Entered in part, after allowance, 37 CFR 1.312— 714.16(e)
- Entry— 714.18
- Entry denied—
- Appeal case— 1206 ; 1214.07
- Drawing correction— 608.02(x)
- Drawing new matter— 608.04
- List— 714.19
- Paper number— 714.21
- Period for reply expired— 714.17
- Preliminary amendment— 714.01(e)
- Second (or subsequent) supplemental reply— 714.03(a)
- Substitute specification unnecessary— 714.19 ; 714.20
- Unduly interferes with preparation of Office action— 714.03(a)
- Entry directions—
- Defective— 714
- Entry inadvertent— 714.21
- Entry in ex parte reexamination— 2234
- Examiner’s ( See Examiner’s amendment)
- Excess claims added— 607 ; 714.10 ; 714.16(c)
- Facsimile— 502.01
- Fees, additional— 710.02(c)
- File wrapper endorsement— 714.21
- Filed with application— 601.01(a)
- Formal matters, compliance with— 714.02
- Fully responsive— 714.02
- Heading— 502
- Immediate inspection— 714.05
- Improper signature—
- Ratification— 714.01(a)
- Incomplete reply— 711.02(a) ; 711.03(a) ; 714.02 – 714.04 ; 2266.01
- Increasing claims in excess of number of claims previously paid for— 714.10 ; 714.16(c)
- Ink, not permanent— 714.07
- Inspection by examiner— 714.05
- Inventorship ( See Correction of inventorship)
- Jurisdiction of application not with examiner— 714.16 ; 714.19 ; 1305
- Late— 710.02(d) ; 711 ; 714.17
- Literature citation in specification— 608.01(p)
- Manner of making— 714
- Motion under 37 CFR 41.208(c)(2), Application in issue— 714.16(b)
- New matter— 608.04 ; 608.04(a) ; 2163.06
- Non-compliant amendment, treatment of— 714 ; 1302.04
- Nonentry ( See also Amendment: Entry denied)— 714.03(a) ; 714.19
- Not entered— 714.19 ; 714.21
- Not fully responsive— 714.02 – 714.04 ; 2266.01
- Not fully responsive, time to perfect reply— 710.02(c) ; 714.03 ; 2266.01
- Oath, Original— 602
- Objectionable remarks— 714.19 ; 714.25
- Of claims— 714
- Of specification— 714
- Office date stamp— 505 ; 706.07(f) ; 710.02(e) ; 710.06 ; 714.16(d) ; 714.18 ; 724.04
- Paper number— 714.18
- Patentability pointed out— 714.02 ; 714.04
- Period for reply ends Sunday or holiday— 505 ; 513 ; 710.01(a) ; 710.05
- Permanent ink required— 714.07
- Petition non-entry— 1002.02(c)
- Plant application— 1610
- Post Office address, Applicant— 602.08(a)
- Preliminary—
- Canceling all claims— 601.01(e) ; 711.01
- Denial of entry— 714.01(e)
- Excess claims— 506 ; 714.10
- Filed with application— 714.01(e)
- Manner of making— 714.01(e)
- New matter added— 601.01(a) ; 608.04(b) ; 702.01
- Non-compliant amendment, treatment of— 714
- PG-Pub application— 1121
- To lessen filing fee— 607
- Ratification
- Signature defective— 714.01(a)
- Receipt— 501 – 505 ; 511 ; 512
- Received after allowance— 714.15 ; 1303.01
- Reexamination— 2250
- Reissue— 714 ; 1453
- Requirements of— 714.02
- Residence change— 719.02
- Responsive— 714.02 ; 714.04
- Return, after entry in file wrapper— 719.01
- Rule 1.312 ( See Amendment: After allowance)
- Second (or subsequent) supplemental reply— 714.03(a)
- Several filed on same day— 714.18
- Signature improper— 714.01(a) ; 714.01(c) ; 714.01(d)
- Signature missing— 714.01(a)
- Signature required— 714.01(a)
- Signed by applicant, not by attorney or agent of record— 714.01(d)
- Signed by attorney or agent not of record— 402 ; 402.03 ; 714.01(c)
- Statement of allowability by Board— 1213.01
- Supplemental— 714.03(a)
- Support by claims present on the filing date— 608.01(l)
- Telephone number— 714.01
- Unduly interferes with preparation of Office action— 714.03(a)
- Unsigned— 714.01(a)
- America Invents Act (AIA) ( See Statutes: Public Law 112-129)
- American Inventors Protection Act (AIPA) ( See Statutes: Public Law 106-113)
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)— 608.02
- Amino acid sequence ( See Biotechnology and Nucleotide sequences)
- Analogous Art— 904.01(c) ; 1302.14 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.03 ; 2131.05 ; 2141.01(a) ; 2143 ; 2143.01
- Analysis of claims— 904.01
- Answer, Examiner’s ( See Examiner’s answer)
- Answer all matters traversed— 707.07(f)
- Antecedent lacking ( See also Indefinite claim)— 1302.01 ; 2173.03 ; 2173.05(e) ; 2175
- Anticipation rejection—
- Affidavit to overcome a pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a) or (e) rejection— 715 ; 2132.01 ; 2136.05 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2136.05(b)
- Analogous art— 1504.03 ; 2131.05
- Definition of— 2131 ; 2152
- Exceptions to— 2153 ; 2154.02
- Genus-species— 2131.02
- Generic chemical formula— 2131.02
- Grace Period— 2133 ; 2153 – 2153.01(a)
- Meaning of
- “By others”— 2132 ; 2154.02 ; 2154.02(a) ; 2154.02(b)
- “In this country”— 2132
- “Known or used”— 2132 ; 2133.03(a)
- “Patented in this or a foreign country”— 2132 ; 2152.02(a)
- Multiple references, when permitted— 2131.01
- On sale ( See On sale)
- Ranges claimed— 2131.03
- Rejections based on publications and patents— 2133.02 ; 2152.02(a) ; 2152.02(b)
- Prima facie case— 2132.01 ; 2152
- Public use ( See Public use)
- Secondary considerations, evidence of— 2131.04
- A.P.C. publications ( See Alien Property Custodian (A.P.C.) publications)
- Apostille ( See also Oath and Declaration)— 301 ; 409.01(b) ; 409.03(a) ; 409.03(d) ; 602.04
- Apparatus, Process or product and— 806.05(e) – 806.05(g)
- Appeal—
- Abandonment— 1210
- Actions subsequent to examiner’s answer— 1210
- Administrative handling— 1203
- Affidavit after appeal— 1206 ; 1208 ; 1211.03
- Amendment after examiner’s answer— 1210 ; 1211.01
- Amendment before examiner’s answer— 1206
- Amendment for purpose of— 714.12 ; 714.13
- Amendment makes application allowable— 1206
- Answer, Examiner’s ( See Examiner’s answer)
- Appealable issue— 1201
- Brief— 1206
- By patent owner— 1204
- Cancellation of withdrawn claims— 1214.05
- Civil litigation— 1216.02
- Claims copied from patent, time limit— 710.02(c)
- Claims included— 1204 ; 1205 ; 1205.02
- Claims not appealed— 711.02(b) ; 1215.01 ; 1215.02
- Composition of the Board— 1202
- Concurrently with interference— 1210
- Concurrently with prosecution before examiner— 1210
- Conference— 1207.01 ; 1302.14
- Correspondence address for litigation— 501 ; 1216.01
- Court— 1216
- Court, Federal Circuit— 1216.01
- Decision by Board— 1213
- Dismissal— 1215.04
- Examiner reversed— 1214.04
- Examiner sustained— 1214.06
- Examiner’s answer— 1207
- Failure to prosecute appeal— 1215.04
- Fee ( See also Fee)— 1204 ; 1204.01 ; 1205 ; 1208.01
- Forwarding fee— 1208.01
- From Board decision— 1216 – 1216.02
- Interview after appeal— 1204.03
- Introduction— 1201
- Jurisdiction— 1205.03 ; 1210
- Matter subject to— ; 706.01 ; 1201
- Multiplicity rejection— 2173.05(h) ; 2173.05(n)
- New ground of rejection by Board— 1214.01
- New ground of rejection by examiner in examiner’s answer— 1207.01 ; 1207.02 ; 1207.03 ; 1207.03(a) ; 1207.03(b) ; 1207.03(c) ; 1208
- New matter affecting claim— 608.04(c)
- Notice of— 1204
- Oral hearing—
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2276
- Order for compliance— 1205.03 ; 1210
- Patentability report case— 705.01(a)
- Pre-appeal brief conference pilot program— 1204.02
- Primary examiner’s attention— 1004
- Procedure after Board decision— 1214 ; 1214.01 ; 1214.03 – 1214.07
- Protestor participation— 1901.07
- Publication of Board decision— 1213.03
- Real party in interest— 1205.02 ; 1207.02
- Record on appeal— 1204.04
- Rehearing by Board— 1214.01 ; 1214.03
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2273
- Remand by Board— 1208 ; 1210 ; 1211 ; 1211.01 ; 1211.02 ; 1211.03 ; 1212 ; 1213 ; 1213.02 ; 1214.01 ; 1302.14 ; 2143.03 ; 2274 ; 2275
- Remand by Federal Circuit— 1216.01
- Remanded application made special— 708.01
- Reopening of prosecution— 1207.05 ; 1208 ; 1214.07 ; 1211.01 ; 1213 ; 1213.02 ; 1214.01 ; 1214.04 ; 1214.07
- Reply brief to examiner’s answer— 1208
- Requirement by board to address matter— 1212
- Secrecy order application— 130 ; 1304.01
- Statement of allowability by Board— 1213.01
- Substitute appeal brief— 1207.02
- Substitute examiner’s answer— 1207.05 ; 1211 ; 1211.01
- Time for filing brief— 1205.01
- Waiver of any challenge— 1203 ; 1205.02
- Withdrawal of final rejection— 1207
- Withdrawal, partial— 1214.05 ; 1215.03
- Appealable matter not petitionable— 1002 ; 1201
- Appendix, computer program listing ( See also Computer Program Listing Appendix)— 601 ; 608.05 ; 608.05(a) ; 1121
- Appendix, multiple claim sets— 1121
- Applicant (
See also
Inventor and
Pro se applicant
- Abandonment notification— 711.04(c)
- Administrator or executor— 409.01(b)
- Age, special status— 708.02
- Citizenship— 601 ; 601.05(b) ; 602.08(a) ; 602.08(b) ; 608.01
- Common, at least one— 211.01 ; 2136.01 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2154.01(d)
- Comments on statement of reasons for allowance— 1302.14
- Discourtesy— 714.19 ; 714.25
- Health, special status— 708.02
- Heir— 409.01(a) ; 409.01(b)
- International application— 1806 ; 1820 ; 1821
- Joint— 201.02 ; 2109 ; 2151
- Mailing address— 601.01 ; 601.01(a) ; 601.03(a) ; 601.03(b) ; 601.05(a) ; 601.05(b) ; 602.01(b) ; 602.01(c)(1) ; 602.08(b) ; 603 ; 604
- Micro Entity Status— 509.04
- Name change— 602.01(c) ; 605.01
- Other than inventor— 409.01(b) ; 409.03(b)
- Post Office address— 602.08(a)
- Power to inspect— 104 ; 106
- Reply ( See Amendment and Reply)
- Requirements— 2109 ; 2151
- Self-prosecuted application— 401 ; 707.07(j) ; 713.01
- Signature— 602.08(b)
- Small entity status— 509.02
- Sole— 201.02
- Application
- Abandoned ( See Abandoned application)
- Abstract of the disclosure— 608.01(b)
- Acceptance of 37 CFR 1.47— 409.03(h) ; 409.03(j)
- Acknowledgment— 502.05 ; 503
- Address missing— 403
- Allowable except as to form— 706 ; 710.02(b)
- Allowed
- Amended definition— 203.03
- Arrangement— 601 ; 608.01(a)
- Assigned ( See also Assignee and Assignment)
- Assignment for examination
- Office of Patent Application Processing)— 504
- Assignment to examiner for examination— 909.01(a) ; 909.02(b)
- Assignment to Technology Center for examination— 504 ; 909.01 ; 909.02 ; 909.02(e)
- Background of the invention— 608.01(c)
- Best mode— 608.01(h) ; 2166
- Brief description of the drawings— 608.01(f)
- Brief summary of the invention— 608.01(d)
- British English spellings— 608.01
- Certified copy— 608.01
- Claim omitted— 601.01(a) ; 601.01(e) ; 702
- Claim terminology— 608.01(o)
- Claims— 608.01(i) – 608.01(n) ; 608.01(m)
- Classification in Technology Center— 909.01(b) ; 909.02(b)
- Classification challenge— 909.01(d)
- Common ownership— 324 ; 325 ; 709.01 ; 822 ; 2136.01 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2154.02(c) ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Completeness— 201.06(c) ; 506 ; 601.01 – 608.01(p)
- Conflicting, same applicant— 709.01 ; 804 ; 822
- Content— 600
- Continuation ( See also Continuation)— 201.07
- Continuation-in-part (
See also
- Design— 1504.20
- Continued prosecution (CPA) ( See also Continued prosecution application (CPA))
- Continuity between applications— 211.01(b)
- Control of access— 101 ; 103 ; 106
- Copendency— 211.01(b)
- Copending, Design— 1504.20
- Correction of inventorship— 602.01(c)
- Cross-noting
- Design ( See Design application)
- Detailed description— 608.01(g)
- Distribution— 508
- Divisional (
See also
Divisional application)—
- Design— 1504.20
- Drawings—
- Missing figures— 601.01(g)
- Effective filing date— 2120.01 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01
- Electronic submission of (EFS-Web)— 502.05
- English language— 608.01
- Examination— 700
- Examples— 608.01(p) ; 707.07(l)
- Facsimile transmission— 608.01
- Fee, filing ( See also Fee)— 607
- Field of the invention— 608.01(c)
- File wrapper continuing (FWC)— 201.06(b)
- Filing date—
- EFS-Web— 502.05
- Filing receipt ( See also Postcard, self-addressed)— 503
- Filing requirements— 601.01(a) ; 702
- Five year pendency— 707.02 ; 708.01
- Font— 608.01
- Foreign ( See also Foreign application)— 210 – 217
- Form— 600
- Incomplete— 203.06 ; 506 ; 601.01(d) ; 601.01(e) ; 601.01(f) ; 601.01(g)
- Informal— 506 ; 702.01
- Inspection— 103
- International ( See International application)
- International Convention (35 U.S.C. 119)— 213
- Invalid oath— 602.03
- Issue fee not paid (abandoned)— 711.03(c)
- Issue simultaneously with another application— 1306.02
- Jurisdiction— 1305
- Mode of operation— 608.01(h)
- National application— 201
- National stage application— 201
- New, definition— 203.01
- Nonprovisional— 506 ; 601 ; 601.01 ; 601.01(a) ; 601.01(c)
- Number— 502 ; 503 ; 506
- Omitted items— 217 ; 601.01(d) ; 601.01(f) ; 601.01(g)
- Order of examination— 708 ; 708.01
- Overlapping
- Common ownership— 709.01 ; 715.01(b) ; 804.03 ; 822 ; 2136.01 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2154.02(c) ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Same applicant— 709.01 ; 804 ; 822
- Subject to joint research agreement— 804 ; 804.02 ; 804.03 ; 2136.01 ; 2137 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 ; 2146.01 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2151 ; 2152.07 ; 2154.02(c) ; 2156 ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Pages missing— 601.01(d)
- Parent— 904
- Parts— 600
- Pending five years— 707.02
- Plant ( See also Plant patent)— 1600
- Prior art— 2121 – 2129 ; 2152 ; 2154 ; 2158
- Prior art effect of international publication— 2136 ; 2136.03 ; 2139.02 ; 2152.05 ; 2154.01(a)
- Priority
- Protest— 1901
- Provisional ( See also Provisional application)— 201.04 ; 601 ; 601.01 ; 601.01(b) ; 601.01(c) ; 602 ; 702 ; 2127 ; 2136
- Public inspection— 103
- Publication ( See Pre-Grant Publication (PG-Pub))
- Publication of abstract— 711.06 ; 711.06(a)
- Receipt and handling— 500
- Reconstruction— 508.04
- Recording and tracking in Technology Center— 1704
- Reference Filing— 601.01(a)
- Reissue ( See also Reissue application)— 1401 – 1470
- Rejected definition— 203.02
- Relating to atomic energy— 115 ; 150 ; 151
- Review— 506
- Right to inspect— 103
- Right of priority, foreign application— 213
- Rule 1.60— 201.06(a)
- Rule 1.62— 201.06(b)
- Secrecy order— 120 ; 121 ; 130
- Serial number— 502 ; 503
- Size fee—
- calculations for EFS-Web submissions— 502.05
- Special ( See also Special application)— 707.02 ; 708 – 708.03
- Status—
- Inquiries— 203.08
- Substitute
- Table submitted on read-only optical disc or via the USPTO patent electronic filing system as ASCII text file— 608.05 ; 608.05(b) ; 2422.03 ; 2422.03(a)
- Terminology, Claim— 608.01(o)
- Title of invention— 606
- Title of invention, change— 606.01 ; 1302.01 ; 1302.04
- Transfer procedure— 909.01(d) ; 909.02(d)
- Types ( See also Patent)— 201
- Utility ( See also Patent)— 201
- Application Assistance Unit— 102 ; 103 ; 711.03(d) ; 711.06 ; 1730
- Application Data Sheet (ADS)— 211.02 ; 601 ; 601.01(a) ; 601.01(b) ; 601.03(a) ; 601.03(b) ; 601.05 ; 601.05(a) ; 601.05(b) ; 602.01 ; 605.01 ; 606 ; 608.01 ; 608.01(a) ; 1130 ; 1405 ; 1410 ; 1410.01 ; 1417 ; 1451 ; 1481.03 ; 1490 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2152.06 ; 2214 ; 2266 ; 2666
- Application Division ( See Office of Initial Patent Examination (Office of Patent Application Processing))
- Application publication— 901.03
- Arbitration awards notice— 311
- Argument for allowability lacking in amendment— 714.04
- Arrangement of application— 601 ; 608.01(a)
- Arrangement of art in Technology Centers— 901.07
- Art unit number on papers— 502
- Artifacts in the file wrapper application— 608.02 ; 608.03
- Asexual plants ( See also Plant patent)— 1600
- Assigned application
- Assignee (
See also
Assigned application and
- Access to an application— 104 ; 106 ; 301.01
- Address— 302.05
- Affidavits under 37 CFR 1.130— 717.01 – 717.01(f) ; 2155
- Affidavits under 37 CFR 1.131— 715.04
- Can appoint new power of attorney— 402.07
- Certificate of correction— 307 ; 1480 – 1485
- Change of inventorship, consent— 602.01(c) ; 1412.04 ; 1412.05
- Common— 709.01 ; 822 ; 2136.01 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2154.02(c) ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Consent in reissue— 1410.01 ; 1410.02 ; 1412.04 ; 1412.05 ; 1443 ; 1451
- Double patenting, same assignee— 804 ; 822 ; 2146.03(a)
- Duty of disclosure— 2001.01
- Employees, property interest in patent— 309 ; 1702
- Entire interest, control— 106 ; 301 ; 324 ; 325 ; 402 ; 402.02 ; 402.05 ; 402.07
- Establishing right to take action in applications— 324 ; 325
- Foreign— 302.04
- Interfering applications, same assignee— 709.01
- Intervention— 106 ; 324 ; 325 ; 409.01(a) ; 409.01(b)
- Micro entity status— 509.04
- Multiple Assignees— 324 ; 325
- Obligated assignee or person who otherwise shows sufficient proprietary interest — 409.05
- Part interest— 106.01
- Patent issues to
- Permitted to take action under 37 CFR 3.73(b)— 324 ; 325
- Power to inspect— 104
- Printed on PG-Pub— 1121
- Revocation of power of attorney— 324 ; 325 ; 402.05 ; 402.07
- Showing sufficient proprietary interest— 409.05
- Small entity— 509.02
- Assignment—
- Access— 301.01 ; 1730
- Allowance of application— 307 ; 308
- Assignment identification requirements— 302.03
- Automated Patent and Trademark Assignment System— 502.01
- Change of name— 314
- Conflicting statements of ownership under 37 CFR 3.73(b)— 324 ; 325
- Continuing application— 306 ; 324 ; 325
- Copy— 301.01 ; 302.01
- Corrections in recorded assignment— 307 ; 323 ; 323.01 ; 323.01(b) ; 323.01(c) ; 323.01(d)
- Cover sheet— 302.07
- Date of recording— 317.01
- Effect of recording— 317.03
- Electronic submission of (EPAS)— 302.10 ; 502.01 ; 502.05 ; 1730
- Employees, property interest in patent— 309
- Expungement of assignment records— 323 ; 323.01(d)
- Facsimile submission— 302.09 ; 502.01 ; 1730
- Foreign language translation— 302.02
- Indexing— 315
- International application— 301
- Licenses— 301 ; 313
- Mailing address— 302.05 ; 302.08 ; 501
- Mergers— 302.07 ; 314
- Multiple assignees— 324 ; 325
- Nonprovisional claiming benefit of provisional— 306.01
- Not endorsed on pending applications— 303
- One of several overlapping applications— 709.01 ; 715.01(b)
- Parent application— 306
- Part interest— 106.01 ; 301.01 ; 717.02(a) ; 2146.02
- Patent— 301 ; 301.01 ; 302.03
- Patent and trademark assignment system— 302.09 ; 302.10
- Pending applications— 301.01 ; 302.07 ; 303 ; 717.02(a) ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03
- Plural items— 301.01
- Printing on patent— 307 ; 1309 ; 1481.01
- Proof of— 717.02(a) ; 2146.02
- Provisional application— 302.03 ; 306.01
- Recording— 301 ; 302 ; 313 ; 314 ; 315
- Recording fee— 302.06
- Records not kept in application file— 303 ; 320
- Search facilities— 1730
- Security interests— 302.07 ; 313
- Title reports— 303 ; 320
- Transfer of rights from/to small entity— 509.02
- Translation— 302.02
- Assignment Division (Assignement Recordation Branch)— 320 ; 602.08(b)) ; 1121 ; 1730
- Assignment of application
- Assignment to examiner for examination— 909.01(b) ; 909.02(b)
- Assistant Commissioner for Patents ( See Commissioner for Patents)
- Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks ( See Commissioner for Trademarks)
- Assistant examiner ( See Examiner)
- Associate attorney— 402.02
- Atomic Energy Act of 1954— 120 ; 2104 ; 2104.01
- Atomic energy application— 150
- Attorney or agent
- Appointment by assignee of entire interest— 106
- Associate— 402.02
- Compliance with duty of disclosure— 2004
- Continuing application— 201.06(c)
- Change of correspondence address— 601.03
- Correspondence with— 403 ; 403.01(a) ; 403.01(b)
- Death— 406
- Design Patent Practitioner— 402 ; 402.04 ; 403 ; 405 ; 1502.02 ; 2911
- Discourtesy— 714.25
- Duty of disclosure— 2001.01 ; 2002.01
- Excluded from practice— 105
- Inspection— 104
- Interfering applications— 402.08
- International application— 402.09 ; 1807 ; 1808 ; 1820
- Interview— 405 ; 408 ; 713 – 713.10 ; 1302.14
- Limited recognition— 402.01 ; 402.09
- More than one for same applicant— 403.02
- Name on patent— 1309
- Name on reexamination certificate— 2287
- Not of record— 402 ; 405
- Notarizing oath— 602
- Office cannot aid in selection of— 401
- Petition to reinstate— 1002.02(m)
- Post Office address— 601.02
- Power of ( See also Power of attorney)— 402 ; 406 ; 407 ; 2501
- Reexamination, ex parte— 2213
- Registered— 401 ; 402
- Request for limited recognition— 402.01 ; 1002.02(m)
- Roster of attorneys and agents— 601.03 ; 1730
- Selection— 401
- Signature of— 402 ; 402.03
- Substitute— 406
- Suspended or excluded— 105 ; 407 ; 714.01(a) ; 714.19
- Telephone number on letters— 714.01
- Telephoned by examiner— 408 ; 713.01 ; 1302.14
- Two patent practioners for same application— 403.02
- Unregistered— 402
- Washington, D.C. area representative— 408
- Withdrawal— 402.06 ; 1002.02(s) ; 1808 ; 2804.01
- Withdrawal after patent granted— 2223 ; 2560
- Australian Patent Office (IP Australia)— 1840 ; 1840.03 ; 1860 ; 1865
- Authentication of oath— 602.04
- Authentication of e-mail sender— 502.03
- Automated Patent and Trademark Assignment System— 502.01 ; 502.05
- Avoiding double patenting rejection— 804.02 ; 1490 ; 2129 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2158
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z