1. This class includes electric wave transmission
systems wherein electromagnetic wave energy is guided or constrained
by a wave transmission device of the long line type other than loaded
2. Included are passive wave transmission networks simulating
the characteristics of a long line wave transmission systems or
wave guides, such as artificial lines, delay networks, resonators, impedance
matching networks, equalizers, wave filters and
transmission line terminations.
3. Also included are passive coupling networks and
terminating networks having either lumped or distributed electrical
circuit parameters and having impedance characteristics peculiarly
adapted for use with the wave transmission systems of paragraph
1, above, or which are designed to be frequency
responsive, or which are designed to be effective over
or within a range of frequencies, for example, impedance
matching networks, hybrid networks, coupling networks, wave
shaping networks, phase shifting networks, wave
filters, equalizers and attenuators.
4. Smoothing type wave filters having shunt capacitance, or
series inductance, or both, usually designed to pass
direct current and to reduce the effect of any undesired alternating
or pulsating current superimposed on the direct current, or
to pass direct current and low frequency alternating current or
pulsating current and to reduce the effect of an undesired higher
frequency alternating or pulsating current.
5. Networks including a wave transmission device
and means for decreasing the amplitude range of the signal applied
to the transmission device as the signal increases in amplitude
and means for increasing or restoring the amplitude range of the
signal after the transmission over the transmission device (i.e., companders).
6. Passive networks for producing an output wave
which is the time derivative or time integral of the input wave (i.e., differentiating
or integrating systems).
7. Systems including active elements for producing across
at least two of the system terminals a negative resistance, and/or
an inductance, or capacitance which may be positive or
8. Wave traps using long line elements.
9. Transmission systems including only one or more
of the systems or networks defined in paragraphs 1 - 8, above, and
such systems in combination with current or voltage magnitude control
means of the passive type. Systems including two or more
of the networks or systems defined in paragraphs 1 - 8, above, are
classified as set forth in the Class Definition, subsection
C, below.
10. Components and elements not constituting a complete
system or network limited by claimed structure to use in the systems
or network of paragraph 1, above, and not otherwise
classified, and also long line elements.
The systems classified in this class ordinarily contain no active
elements, the only exceptions being the amplitude compression
and expansion systems (companders) and negative
resistance and/or reactance networks of the active element
type found in this class. See Subclass References to the
Current Class, below.
Such systems and networks which include two or more of the
networks or systems so that each has its own function, and
one is not merely part of the other, are classified in
the first occurring subclass and cross-referenced to the
later occurring subclass or subclasses. For instance, a
filter (subclasses 167+) combined with
a wave shaper (subclass 20) is classified in subclass
20 and cross-referenced to subclasses 167+.
Where the combinations of the plural networks are useful as a third device
having its own function provided for in the schedule, the
patent is classified in the subclass providing for the third device.
For example, the combination of a resonator (subclasses
219+) and a long line (subclasses 236+) which
results in an interference elimination device (subclass
12) would be classified in subclass 12 and cross-referenced
to subclasses 219+ and 236+ for novel resonator
or long line structure if necessary. Where one of the
networks is only a part of another network, the patent
is classified on the basis of the combination and cross-referenced
if necessary for the part. For example, a filter (subclasses
167+) including a long line element with impedance
matching (subclass 32) where the over-all
function of the network is filtering and not impedance matching, is
classified in subclasses 202+ and cross-referenced
to subclasses 33+ if necessary.
This class does not provide for the subject matter of the class (Class
Definition paragraphs 1-10 above) in combination
with a specific source of electromagnetic wave energy, such
as a microphone, which limits the system to use with a
particular art even though the source is recited by name only.
However, this class will take the systems and networks
of the class in combination with a source of wave energy which is
recited by its characteristics; for example, as
being composed of a band of frequencies with only odd harmonics, or
where the source is recited only as a general class of wave energy
generators, such as an oscillator, etc., where
the specific characteristics and details of the source are recited, such
as specific oscillator system details, the system or network is
classified with the specific source.
This class does not provide for the subject matter of the class (Class
Definition, paragraphs 1 to 10 above) in combination
with a specific load device supplied with energy by the system or
network, even though the load device is recited by name
only (as a motor, loudspeaker, piezoelectric
crystal, etc.). Such systems
and networks are classified with the art which provides for the
systems of supply for the specific load device.
See References to Other Classes below.
See References to Other Classes.
This class (333) will take systems for determining
the electrical wave propagation characteristics of transmission
lines and networks falling within the class definition, provided
that significant details of the transmission line or network are
claimed. That is, merely claiming the line or
network by name only (e.g., as
a transmission line, coupling network or resonator) or
characterizing it as a four terminal or two terminal impedance network would
not be sufficient basis for classification in this class, classification
would then be in one of the classes indicated below, depending
on the nature of the test or measurement.
1. Long Telephone Lines:
Systems and apparatus for testing long telephone lines to
determine impedance irregularities, unbalance in loaded
lines, impedance versus frequency characteristics, impedance
versus delay characteristics, or other long telephone line
characteristics are classified elsewhere. See References
to Other Classes, below.
2. Power, Voltage and/or Current
Determination in Wave Transmission Lines or Networks:
Apparatus for measuring the voltage or current, or
the voltage or current standing wave ratio, or power dissipation
in wave transmission lines are classified in elsewhere. See
References to Other Classes, below.
3. Impedance Characteristic of Networks or Network Elements:
Systems for determining the inductance, capacitance
or resistance, or any of these properties over a range
of frequencies, of four-terminal or two-terminal
impedance networks in general are classified in elsewhere. See
References to Other Classes, below.
4. Wave Frequency Determination Systems:
Wave frequency determination systems having means giving a
direct quantitative indication of the frequency of electrical currents
are classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes, below.
Frequency meters which measure frequency by utilizing phase
shift networks are classified elsewhere. See References
to Other Classes.
5. Wave Meters:
Wave Meters for determining the wave length of electrical
waves are classified elsewhere.
6. Electromagnetic Radiation Field Strength Measurement:
Apparatus for measuring electromagnetic radiation field strength
is classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes.
7. Wave Analyzing Systems:
Devices for determining the individual frequency components
of a complex electric wave, and such devices which also
determine the amplitude or relative phase positions of the different
frequency components of the complex wave are classified elsewhere. See
References to Other Classes.
Speech wave analyzing devices are classified elsewhere. See
References to Other Classes.
See References to Other Classes below.
See References to Other Classes.
1+, | for plural channel systems wherein passive means, such
as wave filters, are employed to separate plural messages
or signals. |
14, | for amplitude compression and expansion systems (companders). |
213+, | for negative resistance and/or reactance
networks of the active element type. |
84, | Music,
subclasses 661 , 699 or 736 for electrical tone generating
and music instruments with electric translating devices including
coupling networks or wave filters. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks"). |
138, | Pipes and Tubular Conduits, appropriate subclasses for conduits (including
wave guides) and conduit and pipe accessories disclosed
for electrical use even though the conduit is made of or lined with
metal or insulating material unless there is claimed some structure
or feature which limits the same to electrical use in addition to
mere pipe or conduit structure. (See Lines With
Other Classes, "Systems and Networks and Components
in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of This Class"). |
138, | Pipes and Tubular Conduits, provides for conduit and pipe structure and accessories.
See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes, Generic to the Subject
Matter of This Class (and related class references) above. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components"). |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for housings, conductor
and conduit structure and for conductor and conduit joint and end
structure which include electrical features and which are not defined
as having long line characteristics, and
subclasses 137+ for insulator structures. See subclasses
32+ for conductor arrangements and structures for preventing
or reducing the detrimental effects due to either the self-inductance
of a single conductor or mutual inductance between plural conductors, subclasses
27 and 113+ for parallel or twisted conductor structure, subclasses
28+ and 102+ for coaxial and shielded cable structure, subclasses
37+ for underground conductor structure, subclasses
38, 43, 49, and 71+ for branched
electrical conductor structure, and subclasses 40+ for
overhead conductor structure. (See Lines With
Other Classes, "Systems and Networks and Components
in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of This Class"). |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for housings, conductor, and conduit
structure and for conductor and conduit joint and end structure
which include electrical features and which are not defined as having long
line characteristics,
subclass 27 and 113+ for parallel or twisted conductor
structure; subclasses 28, 29, and 102+ for
coaxial and shielded cable structure; subclasses 32-397
for conductor arrangements and structures for preventing or reducing
the detrimental effects due to either the self-inductance
of a single conductor or mutual inductance between plural conductors; subclasses
37-39 for underground conductor structure; subclasses
38, 43, 71+, and 520 for branched
electrical conductor structure; subclasses 40+
for overhead conductor structure; and subclasses 137+
for insulator structures. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
and Networks and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter
of This Class.") |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclass 45 provides for loaded lines and all systems and networks
analogous to the systems or networks in this class (333) which
include loaded lines. Subclasses 69+ includes
patents relating to line clearing, circuit maintenance
and anti-inductive lines analogous to similar systems in
subclass 12 of Class 333. (See Lines With Other
Classes, "Wave Transmission Line and Net Works
Analogous to Those in This Class, etc.") |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclass 46 provides for loading coils for use with loaded
lines. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor
Structure, Arrangements and Components.") |
178, | Telegraphy, for telegraph systems utilizing wave transmission lines
and networks, especially
subclass 43 , for space induction radiation systems, subclasses
45+ for loaded transmission line systems; subclass
49 for systems wherein currents (signaling or otherwise) and telegraph
signal currents are superposed on the same transmission path, subclass
63 for cable systems including means for correcting for telegraph
signal distortion caused by cable capacitance; subclass
64 for wave transmission line systems including mutual induction
type coupling networks or transformers; subclasses 66.1+ for
alternating current systems, other than harmonic or vibrating
reed systems (for which see subclass 47); subclasses
66.1+ for pulsating current systems; and
subclass 69 for telegraph systems wherein wave transmission networks
are utilized to correct for the deleterious effects of line charges
and surges which may cause signal distortion. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
191, | Electricity: Transmission to Vehicles,
subclasses 2+ for electrical transmission line systems and coupling
means for transmitting electric current between relatively movable
source and load and subclass 10 for systems wherein the transmission
of energy between the relatively movable source and load is effected through
an induction field coupling means. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks.") |
200, | Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses for electric switches of general
utility and not limited by claimed structure to use with long lines. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of
This Class.") |
200, | Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, provides for electric switches (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks and Components
in Other Classes, Generic to the Subject Matter of This
Class (and related class references) above). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements and
Components.") |
219, | Electric Heating, wherein wave transmission lines or coupling networks are
employed in electrical heating systems. Note
subclasses 600+ for inductive heating, subclasses 678+ for microwave
heating, and subclasses 764+ for capacitive dielectric
heating, subclasses 50+, especially subclasses
108+ and 130.1+ for metal heating systems, and
subclasses 482+ for electrical heating systems in general. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks.") |
246, | Railway Switches and Signals, for wave transmission networks that may be employed in
railway electric signaling and control, especially
subclasses 7+ for train telegraphy and telephony used for train
dispatching, subclass 30 for automatic block signal systems
controlled by hertzian waves, subclass 61 for automatic block
signal systems wherein the signal and propulsion currents are superimposed, subclass 63
for cab signal or train control systems wherein signals or control
currents are transferred between the train and the transmission line
by induction and subclasses 72, 81+ for systems
wherein the signaling energy is derived from the propulsion current. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks.") |
250, | Radiant Energy,
subclass 250 and in Class 324, Electricity:
Measuring and Testing, subclasses 76.39+, especially
subclasses 76.41+ and 76.51, for
determining the wave length of electrical waves. |
257, | Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State
subclasses 661 through 664.(See Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor
Structure and Within This Class, Arrangements and Components.") |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, for miscellaneous transmission or interconnection systems
not otherwise classified. For example, Class
307 provides for subject matter similar to that classified in Class 323
where there are plural input circuits and/or plural output
circuits. Class 307 also provides for some systems which
include one or more long line elements where the system includes an
active element so that the system is excluded from Class 333.
See the pulse forming and wave shaping in
subclasses 106+ for example. Class 307 is also the miscellaneous class
for anti-inductive systems (see subclasses 89+). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of
This Class.") |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
subclasses 147+ is the miscellaneous subclass for conductor arrangements
or structure. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
and Networks and Components in Other Classes, Generic to
the Subject Matter of This Class (and related class references) above). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, is the generic place for electrical energy distributing
and/or controlling and/or generating systems for
which provision is not made in any other electrical system class.
By way of example, provision is made for
subclasses 1+ for systems with superimposed unlike currents, subclasses
11+ for plural load systems, subclasses 43+ for
plural supply circuits or sources, subclasses 401+ for
semiconductor (i.e., transistor) electric
or transductor system, subclasses 89+ for anti-induction
or coupling to other systems, subclasses 326+ for self
protective, safety or limit control systems, subclasses
98+ for combined impedance and switch systems, subclass
103 for line drop compensation, subclass 104 for electromagnet or
highly inductive systems, subclass 105 for harmonic filtering
or neutralizing systems, subclasses 106+ for wave
form, wave shaping or pulse producing systems, subclasses
112+ for switching systems, subclasses 147+ for
conductor arrangements or structure, and subclasses 149+ for
miscellaneous systems. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
Utilizing Wave Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, particularly
subclasses 4+ for cathode-ray tubes having long line
elements or resonators structurally combined therewith, subclass 39
for a space discharge device structurally combined with wave guide, coaxial
cable or resonant parallel wire transmission line, and subclass
40 for space discharge devices with an electrode formed as an inductive
impedance (e.g., magnetron). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, provides for miscellaneous transformer systems in
subclass 355 and for miscellaneous impedance systems in subclass
364, where the system or network has only a single input
and a single output. Class 323 also provides for the miscellaneous
systems for controlling the magnitude of the current and/or
the voltage and/or for controlling the phase in systems
and networks having only a single input and a single output circuit
where the same current is in the output as is in the input. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of
This Class.") |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclass 355 provides for the miscellaneous structural arrangement
of a transformer and other electrical devices which are connected
together, and subclass 364 provides for the miscellaneous
structural arrangements of impedance elements, which are
connected together to form a network. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing, for electrical testing systems utilizing wave transmission networks
or for measuring impedance characteristics of electrical networks
in general,
subclasses 72 , 95, 140+, and
612+ for electric power, current and/or
voltage measuring systems for systems employing wave transmission lines
or networks for determining reflected power or standing wave amplitude
ratios and subclasses 76.77+ for electric phase
angle measuring systems including electric wave transmission lines
or networks used for time delay or coupling purposes. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 600+ for Systems for determining the inductance, capacitance
or resistance, or any of these properties over a range
of frequencies, of four-terminal or two-terminal
impedance networks in general; subclasses 76.77+ for
phase shift or phase relations between voltages or currents or voltage
and current in electrical systems in general. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.12+ and 76.39+ for means giving a direct
quantitative indication of the frequency of electrical currents. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.52+ for frequency meters which measure frequency by
utilizing phase shift networks. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.11+ , for apparatus for measuring electromagnetic
radiation field strength. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.12+ , for devices for determining the individual
frequency components of a complex electric wave, and such
devices which also determine the amplitude or relative phase positions
of the different frequency components of the complex wave. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous nonlinear
circuits which may utilize an active device such as a transistor
or electron tube. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
and Networks and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject
Matter of This Class.") |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous circuits
which may incorporate a transmission line device. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
329, | Demodulators,
subclasses 322 and 354+ for a demodulator with distributed
electrical parameters. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing
Wave Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
330, | Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses, for one way amplifiers
utilizing wave transmission networks or filters for input, output, or
interstage coupling, particularly
subclasses 53+ , 116, 117, 120+, 122, 157+, 185+, and
192+. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
Utilizing Wave Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
331, | Oscillators, for oscillation generators utilizing wave transmission
lines and networks as elements thereof, particularly
subclasses 5 , 6+, 9, 79+, 86+, 93, and
96+ for oscillator systems employing distributed parameter
networks or resonators, subclasses 110 and 138+ for
oscillators employing bridge networks, subclasses 86+, 115, 126+, and
132+ for oscillators of the negative resistance type, subclass
135+ for oscillators employing phase shift networks, subclasses
74+ for oscillators combined with a particular output coupling
network and subclasses 73, 116, 139, and
154+ for oscillators employing an electromechanical resonator. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
332, | Modulators, for modulation systems utilizing wave coupling networks, long
line sections or negative impedance devices as elements thereof, particularly
subclasses 129+ and 138+ under frequency modulators and
subclasses 163+, 175 and 176+ under amplitude
modulators. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing
Wave Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
334, | Tuners, provides for tuners which are closely analogous
to the wave filters in this class. The tuners usually
have inductance and capacitance elements of the lumped type together
with means to vary either the inductance or capacitance element
or both in order to change the mean resonant frequency of the tuner.
The tuners in Class 334 may include one or more long line elements
in addition to a lumped inductor or capacitor; or the tuner
may consist of a distributed parameter type tuning unit which is adjusted
in discrete, distinct steps; or where two or more
distributed parameter type tuning units are ganged together either
mechanically and/or electrically so as to have their mean
resonant frequency adjusted in unison. Where only the
band width of a filter is varied without varying the mean resonant
frequency, classification is in this class (333). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Wave Transmission Line
and Networks Analogous to Those in This Class, etc.", "Systems
and Networks and Components in Other Classes, Generic to
the Subject Matter of This Class"; "Conductor
Structure, Arrangements and Components.") |
334, | Tuners, appropriate subclasses for tuned networks for use
in wave energy apparatus and comprising inductance and capacitance
elements in circuit arrangement to form a resonant circuit and in
which structure is provided for adjusting one or both of these elements
for changing the mean resonant frequency of the circuit. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
336, | Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for transformers and inductors
which are not designed to be frequency responsive (e.g., not having
points of resonance within the range of frequencies over which the
device is designed to operate). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of This
Class; and "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
338, | Electrical Resistors, appropriate subclasses, for fixed and variable
electric resistors, per se. See (2) Note
under Class 333,
subclass 22 , for the distinction between the resistors
in Class 338 and the dissipating terminals for long lines. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of
This Class.") |
338, | Electrical Resistors, provides for fixed and variable resistors. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes, Generic to the Subject Matter
of This Class" (and related class references) above). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
340, | Communications: Electrical, for electrical communication systems, in general, having wave
transmission lines and networks as elements thereof, particularly
subclasses 6.12 through 6.17for party-line-type selective
systems, subclasses 12.1 through 13.38
for pulse responsive selective systems, subclasses 12.32-12.39
for remote control over power line, subclass 13.1
for phase responsive selective systems, subclasses 13.2-13.36
for frequency responsive selective systems, subclasses
13.37 and 13.38 for amplitude responsive systems, subclasses
538-538.17 for composite signaling systems (e.g., alarm
signal over power line, etc.), and
subclasses 870.01-870.44 for continuously
variable indication systems (e.g., telemetering , etc.). |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas, for radio wave energy systems which employ wave transmission
lines and networks as elements thereof,
subclasses 5+ for reflected or returned wave systems, (e.g., object
detection radar), subclasses 350+ for
directive systems (including polarization), subclasses
700+ for antennas involving wave transmission lines and
networks including long line sections, usually resonant, designed
to act as space radiators or collectors of electromagnetic waves.
See (11) Note under subclass 700 of Class 343
for classification lines between coupling networks and antennas
with such coupling networks. (See Lines With Other
Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks.") |
360, | Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage or Retrieval, for magnetic recorders or reproducers having wave
transmission networks as elements thereof. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and
subclasses 271+ for capacitors, subclasses 600+ for
miscellaneous arrangements for mounting two or more different circuit
elements which are not in circuit arrangement (including
printed circuits), and subclasses 503+ for
electrolytic capacitors. (See Lines With Other
Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and
subclasses 107+ for wave transmission networks for use in surge
suppression circuits, and subclasses 117+ for
lightning arresters. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Systems
Utilizing Wave Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems, particularly
subclasses 2+ , 9+ and 36 for phase conversion
systems (e.g., m-phase
to n-phase) combined with other types of conversion, subclasses
39+ for current conversion systems combined with means
to eliminate undesired frequency components (e.g., filter), and
subclasses 148+ for phase conversion systems, per se. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
365, | Static Information Storage and Retrieval, appropriate subclass for read/write static storage
systems, particularly
subclasses 194 , 198, and 223 which include delay, transmission, and bridge
means for a read/write circuit. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave Transmission
Lines and Networks.") |
367, | Communications, Electrical:
Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices,
subclasses 197+ for selective systems which are sound responsive. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
370, | Multiplex Communications, appropriate subclasses for multiplexing systems, particularly
subclass 272 for a sextuplex system, subclasses 273+ for
a quadruplex system, subclasses 276+ for a duplex
system, and subclass 297 for a diplex system. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 22+ for systems and apparatus for testing long telephone
lines to determine impedance irregularities, unbalance
in loaded lines, impedance versus frequency characteristics, impedance versus
delay characteristics, or other long telephone line characteristics. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclass 398 includes loaded line systems and anti-inductive systems
analogous to the subject matter of this class (333). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Wave Transmission Line
and Net Works Analogous to Those in This Class, etc.") |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 443+ provides for telephone induction coils. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
379, | Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses, especially
subclasses 90+ for composite systems, employing wave
transmission networks wherein voice signal systems are combined
with other electrical systems, such as telegraph, power
or lighting systems (Note that this class (333) provides
for plural channel systems wherein passive means, such
as wave filters, are employed to separate plural messages or
signals. (See Subclass References to the Current
Class, above)); subclass 78
for wave transmission networks used to compensate for or prevent
detrimental effects on telephone systems of internal or external
induction or radiation fields; subclass 79 for such systems
under subclass 78, utilizing capacitive reactance for compensation
and subclass 80, under subclass 78, wherein the
compensation means comprises impedance coils; subclass
81, for telephone substation circuits employing wave coupling
networks of the conjugate or Whetstone bridge type and/or
balancing networks; subclass 82 for space induction radiation
systems having wave transmission networks as elements thereof, subclasses
170+ for telephone repeaters (i.e., two-way
amplifiers) utilizing hybrid networks and line balancing networks; subclasses
172+ for coupling devices of the induction coil type associated with
telephone instruments; subclass 174 for anti-induction
devices including wave transmission networks for preventing the
undesirable effects of induction in telephone systems or instruments, other
than those anti-induction devices in subscribers circuits, for
which see subclasses 78+, 81; and subclass
175 for testing devices utilizing wave transmission networks for
telephone systems or devices, not particularly subclasses
175.3+ under subclass 175 for testing long telephone
lines and associated apparatus. |
439, | Electrical Connectors, provides for miscellaneous connector structure (see
subclasses 55+ for preformed or printed circuit arrangements involving
only conductors and connector structure). (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
455, | Telecommunications, appropriate subclasses for filters analogous to
those in this class and forming an element of radio communication systems. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Wave Transmission Line
and Net Works Analogous to Those in This Class, etc.") |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 334+ for miscellaneous circuitry and apparatus which
are specialized to use with radio apparatus. (See Lines
With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
455, | Telecommunications, appropriate subclasses for modulated carrier communication
and radiotelephone communication systems, which may include
coupling and filtering means. |
505, | Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,
subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc
30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly
subclasses 210+ for transmission line and networks, electrical energy
storage devices, magnetic coils, wires, cable, etc. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems and Networks
and Components in Other Classes Generic to the Subject Matter of This
Class.") |
505, | Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,
subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc
30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly
subclasses 210+ for transmission line and networks, electrical energy
storage devices, magnetic coils, wires, cable, etc. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Wave Transmission Line
and Net Works Analogous to Those in This Class, but Which Are
Classified Elsewhere.") |
505, | Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,
subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc
30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly
subclasses 210+ for transmission line and networks, electrical energy
storage devices, magnetic coils, wires, cable, etc. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Conductor Structure, Arrangements
and Components.") |
505, | Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,
subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc
30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly
subclasses 210+ for transmission line and networks, electrical energy
storage devices, magnetic coils, wires, cable, etc. (See
Lines With Other Classes, "Systems Utilizing Wave
Transmission Lines and Networks.") |
702, | Data Processing: Measuring, Calibrating, or Testing, appropriate subclasses for a data processing system
or calculating computer which is utilized to effect a measuring, testing, or monitoring
oper on an external device or quantity, wherein the external
device or quantity is only nominally claimed. When significant structure
to the measuring or testing device is claimed, classifi
is in Class 73. (Apparatus or Process Combined
With Measuring or Testing) |
703, | Data Processing: Structural Design, Modeling, Simulation, and
subclasses 13 through 22for the simulation of electronic device or electrical
system. |
704, | Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics, Language
Translation, and Audio Compression/Decompression,
subclasses 200+ for speech wave analyzing devices. |
708, | Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and
subclass 818 for correlation or convolution with tapped delay
line, and subclass 819 for electrical analog filtering
devices. |
725, | Interactive Video Distribution Systems, appropriate subclasses for cable television. |
A network containing a source of energy, or
a sink of energy (i.e., a device
for absorbing or dissipating energy other than that accounted for
by the resistance of the components of the networks).
Merely dissipating the heat generated by a resistance will not cause
the resistance to be an active element.
The ratio of the highest amplitude to the lowest amplitude
of an undulating wave.
A nonlinear device having an input and an output, the amplitude
range of the output wave being less than the amplitude range of
the input wave.
A nonlinear device having an input and an output, the amplitude
range of the output wave being larger than the amplitude range of
the input wave.
Networks for simulating impedance characteristics of
a smooth or loaded electrically long transmission line over a frequency
Devices and networks consisting of one or more elements
which exhibit only a positive resistance effect and which reduce
the intensity of the energy passing through the device by dissipation, (a) the
elements being proportioned to permit a change in their value to
control the energy loss while maintaining substantially constant input
and/or output impedance of the device, and/or (b) the
elements being proportioned to permit the device to be inserted
in the circuit to provide an energy loss without introducing any
reflections in the circuit, and/or (c) the
elements being combined with a long line or long line element, and/or (d) the
device or network having an impedance equal to the impedance of
a specified long line, and/or (e) the
device or network is claimed as being particularly modified for
use over a frequency band so that its characteristics are particularly
related to frequency.
A circuit having its conductors electrically symmetrical with
respect to a reference potential plane (e.g., ground). The
potentials between the two sides and ground are equal and of opposite
sign. For example, a horizontal two wire line
may be a balanced line.
The impedance which a long line or a long line element would
have if it were infinitely long. A long line which is
terminated in its characteristic impedance is not resonant.
An amplitude range compressor connected to an amplitude
range expander with or without an intervening transmission line
so that the amplitude range of the input wave is first decreased
in the compressor and then increased in the expander.
(a) Networks including significant
reactive structure for effecting the transfer of oscillatory energy
from one circuit to another circuit and having attenuation and/or delay
characteristics over a frequency range for attenuating and/or
delaying in a predetermined manner wave energy passing therethrough, and/or
providing an impedance match between the network and at least one of
the circuits; (b) smoothing type wave
filters having shunt capacitance, or series inductance, or
both usually designed to pass direct current and to reduce the effect of
any undesired alternating or pulsating current, or to pass
direct current and low frequency alternating current or pulsating
current and to reduce the effect of any undesired higher frequency
alternating or pulsating current.
Includes phase distortion and also includes the retardation
of a single pulse with respect to time.
Networks including significant structure for retarding wave
energy a predetermined period of time over a range of frequencies.
Networks specialized for use with and designed for connection
to the end of a long line transmission line and including a resistive
component for dissipating the wave energy propagated along the line
and presenting an essentially resistive impedance to the line.
When the impedance of a transmission device or line at the
operating frequency or band of frequencies is due primarily to the
parameters of the device or line itself, and in considering
the inductance, capacitance and resistance of the device
or line they must be considered as mixed together and spread out
along the device or line rather than being considered as in separate
discrete lumps or devices as in the case of simple series and parallel
circuits, the transmission device or line ay be said to
have distributed parameters. Examples of circuits with
distributed parameters include telephone, telegraph and
power lines for high frequency energy.
Networks with attenuation or attenuation and phase distortion
characteristics which vary over a frequency range for use in a wave
transmission system for modifying the attenuation or attenuation
and phase characteristics of the wave energy as a function of frequency.
As the frequency of the applied energy changes over a band, the
impedance of the network varies as a function of the frequency.
Frequency responsive networks and devices are designed to obtain
desired characteristics where a band of frequencies or different
frequencies are involved.
A network for coupling one wave transmission line to two
or more wave transmission lines in such manner that there is a conjugate
relation between at least two of these coupled transmission lines
to prevent any interchange of energy between the conjugately related
Coupling networks which include one or more impedance
elements construed or proportioned to substantially eliminate the
reflected wave energy between the network and at least one of the
connected circuits caused by impedance differences.
A long line to which lumped impedance elements, usually
capacitors or inductors, are added at regularly spaced
points along the length thereof, or to which an added impedance
is applied in a continuous manner, as for example, by
wrapping a strip of magnetic material about the line or device to
increase the inductance of the line or device.
A wave transmission device or line having distributed parameters
and especially designed to propagate electrical wave energy where
the wave length of the transmitted energy is relatively short when
compared with the length of the transmission line or device.
The impedance of a long line is practically fixed by the constants of
the line itself. The length of the transmission line or device
may be a multiple or a fraction of a wave length, e.g., 1/4, 1/2, etc., or
otherwise have its length proportioned to the wave length of the
energy with which it is to be used.
A circuit element having distributed parameters, such
as a resonator, or a wave guide. A long line
element may be a part of a long line wave transmission device or
used in a network with other circuit elements of the lumped parameter
type, for example, as in the case of delay networks, impedance
matching networks, wave filters.
When the impedance of a transmission line or device at the
operating frequency may be considered as equivalent to devices concentrated
at one point, and the parameters of the system including
the line or device is not substantially independent of the load
devices connected thereto, the transmission line or device
may be said to have lumped parameters. Lumped impedances
is also used to include devices such as capacitors, inductors, and
resistors which have their impedance concentrated at the terminals
A network is made up of two or more resistances, inductances, capacities
or mutual inductances connected together in some manner.
A network containing no source of energy and in which no
energy is dissipated other than that accounted for the resistance
of the components of the network.
Results from different frequencies travelling with different
velocities such that their relative arrival times differ from their
relative starting times.
Used to designate the change in displacement of different
frequency components of a band of frequencies transmitted by a transmission
device or network. For example, certain frequencies
of the band will be retarded or advanced a different amount than
other frequencies.
Used to designate the change in phase relation between voltage
and current of the same wave energy, or between the voltages
or the currents of different wave energy of the same frequency.
Devices comprising conductive enclosures, cavities, or wave
transmission line sections of the two terminal type, and
having distributed inductance and capacitance, the line
sections being terminated in other than the characteristic impedance
of the line sections, the devices presenting resonant characteristics
to the existing source of wave energy.
A long line having a physical dimension which changes progressively
in the direction of wave propagation along the line.
As used in the subclass definitions is synonymous with wave
transmission devices.
A circuit having its conductors electrically unsymmetrical
with reference to a potential plane. For example, a concentric
line is ordinarily unbalanced, the outer conductor being
ordinarily connected to ground.
An undulatory disturbance propagated through a medium, (usually
periodic in nature), its displacement varying
periodically with respect to time or distance or both.
The wave may be manifested in electrical, mechanical or
acoustical form. However, in this class the term "wave
energy" refers only to electrical wave energy.
Coupling networks which include significant structure permitting
free transmission of electric waves of a single frequency or band
of frequencies (which may include zero frequency) while
attenuating substantially electric waves having other frequencies, or
attenuating substantially electric waves of a single frequency or band
of frequencies (which may include zero frequency) while
permitting free transmission of electric waves having other frequencies.
A transmission device designed to propagate electrical waves
having an electric or magnetic field component extending in the
direction of propagation. The wave guide may be a hollow
dielectric or metal tube, or a solid dielectric rod, the
wave energy being propagated along the interior of the tube or rod
and confined by the walls of the tube or rod.
Effect of the impedance characteristic of the transmission
device upon the wave energy propagated by the transmission device, (e.g., the
effect of transmission device or network to change the amplitude, phase
of or delay in transmission as a function of frequency). Changes
in the impedance parameters of the transmission device or in impedances
associated therewith change the wave propagation characteristics
of the transmission device.
Passive networks for modifying an electrical wave passing
therethrough so that the amplitude-time characteristic
of the output wave is different from that of the input wave and
which have no function classified in other classes.
Any device which is used to guide or constrain electrical wave
energy and to convey the energy from one place to another. Included
are conductors, wave guides, resonant structures (e.g., cavities, etc.).
One of more wave transmission devices with or without appropriate
coupling networks or transmission line characteristic modifying
means arranged to convey electrical energy from one or more places
to one or more other physically separated places. The
system may be arranged so that different electrical energies may
be conveyed in different directions at the same or different times
over the system.
A resonant circuit designed to exclude the energy of
one particular frequency. It is analogous to a filter
which is used to block one frequency and to pass other frequencies.
It usually has circuit components equivalent to a filter, but
may be used only to exclude energy of a particular frequency from
a circuit.
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Systems comprising (a) two or more wave transmission lines
or networks, each line or network being operable to separately propagate
wave energy or (b) means for effecting an interchange of wave energy
from one transmission line to two or more transmission lines or vice
versa, or having a coupling network for effecting an interchange
of wave energy from a single input to plural outputs or vice versa, together
with means for controlling or facilitating the interchange of energy.
| (1)
Note. The term "network" as used above denotes
any of the systems defined in the class definition, subsection A. |
| (2)
Note. Included in (a) above are systems having two distinct
transmission lines, each line being operable to transmit wave energy
electrically distinct from that propagated by another of the transmission
lines, and also lines which are distinct but not necessarily simultaneously
usable to transmit electrical wave energy (e.g. one line may be
used to substitute for another as in subclass 3). The two or more
transmission lines may have a common conductor, see especially subclasses
4+ where a balanced circuit is involved. |
| (3)
Note. Included are lines which transmit energy from a first
point to a second spaced point and provided with means to transmit
a portion of the energy to a second line (e.g. a tapped line). |
| (4)
Note. This and the indented subclasses do not provide for
systems where a signal is divided among two transmission lines or
networks and then recombined on a single line or to provide a single output.
Such systems and networks are found in subclasses 12 et seq. If
the system claimed does not extend to the recombining part of the
line or network, the patent is classified in this or the indented
subclasses. |
| (5)
Note. A system with a single communication transmission line
and also a pilot line which is a long line within the class definition
and which transmits wave energy is classified in this or indented subclasses. |
15, | for a system having a single transmission line and
pilot line to sense only ambient conditions (temperature, humidity). |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for electrical conductor
structure adapted for use in plural channel systems other than loaded
lines or transmission lines defined as having long line characteristics. |
178, | Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses for plural channel systems involving telegraphy,
subclass 45 for plural channel systems using a loaded line. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 11+ , 43+, 113+, and 147+ for miscellaneous
electrical distribution systems involving plural channels. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 295 for plural channel transistor amplifiers, subclass
69 for sum and difference amplifiers, subclasses 73 and 74 for series arranged
amplifiers with plural outputs and plural inputs, respectively, subclass
84 for plural channel amplifiers having feedback, subclasses 124+ for
plural channel amplifiers generally, subclasses 147 and 148 for amplifiers
having plural inputs and plural outputs, respectively. See especially,
subclasses 54 and 286+ for "distributed amplifiers." |
334, | Tuners, appropriate subclasses for tuners, per se. |
340, | Communications: Electrical, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous electrical communications,
including signalling systems, involving plural channels. Note particularly
subclasses 870.11+ , and 870.41, and 870.27 for continuously variable
indication communication systems involving plural transmitters,
plural receivers, and plural circuits respectively. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave, particularly
subclass 771 for plural slot type antennas with wave guide coupling;
subclasses 814 and 816 for plural balanced doublet type antennas with
a coupling network; subclass 852 for antennas with a plural path
coupling network with impedance matching; subclasses 853+ for
plural antennas with a coupling network; and subclass 858 for antennas
coupled to plural leadins. |
370, | Multiplex Communications,
subclass 200 for a phantom circuit, and subclass 308 for a resonant
transfer technique used in the multiplex system. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for plural channel systems involving
telephony, see
subclasses 338+ for circuits having a two-way repeater (amplifiers)
therein. |
439, | Electrical Connectors, particularly
subclasses 775+ , 865+, 869+, 874+, 877+,
883, and 884+ for various types of electrical connections
and terminals. |
455, | Telecommunications, appropriate subclasses for modulated carrier communication
and radiotelephone communication systems, which may include wireless
distribution and plural channel radio communication systems. |
| |
1.1 | Nonreciprocal gyromagnetic type (e.g., circulators): |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 1. Systems which include gyromagnetic elements for effecting
a nonreciprocal interchange of electrical energy among the transmission
lines or through the coupling network.
| (1)
Note. The term "gyromagnetic" as applied
to material designates magnetically polarized material (e.g., ferrites, garnets,
ionized gases) having unpaired spin systems which exhibit significant precessional
motion in an orthogonal R.F. field. The term "nonreciprocal" designates
a particular interchange of electrical energy that does not satisfy
the reciprocity theorem. For example, a nonreciprocal interchange
exists when the electrical output at a first set of terminals of
a network produced by an input at a second set of terminals of the network
does not equal the output at the second set of terminals produced
by the same input applied at the first set of terminals. The term "circulator" (to
which most of the patents in this subclass pertain) designates a
device with at least three terminals wherein power entering at terminal
1 exists at terminal 2 only, power entering at terminal 2 exists
at terminal 3 only, and power entering at terminal 3 exists at terminal
1 only. |
24.1, | 24.2 and 24.3, for single channel coupling networks
including gyromagnetic material for effecting a nonreciprocal transfer
of electrical energy. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 4 , 4.8 and 63 for amplifiers using gyromagnetic elements. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 318+ , for mixers using gyromagnetic elements. |
| |
2 | With automatic control: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 1. Plural channel systems having means to sense a condition
in the system and to control the operation of the system in accordance
with the condition so sensed.
17+, | and the subclasses specified in the notes thereto
for single channel automatically controlled systems and networks. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 39 , 86+, 116+, and 326+ for miscellaneous
plural channel electrical transmission or interconnection systems
which involve automatic control. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclasses 234 through 303for condition sensing regulators. |
| |
3 | Line substitution: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 2. Systems comprising at least one normally operative wave
transmission line and a spare transmission line, and automatically
operable means associated with the transmission lines for using the
spare transmission line in place of the normally operative transmission
line upon failure of the normally operative line.
| (1)
Note. Systems for automatically substituting a particular
device or system for a normally operative device or system are in
general classified with the particular device or system. For example,
systems for substituting repeaters in a two way repeater system
are classified in Class 379, Telephonic Communications, subclasses
338+ and systems for substituting for defective amplifier
system or a part of an amplifier system (such as a vacuum tube)
are classified with the amplifier systems in Class 330, Amplifiers,
subclasses 84 and 124+. |
13, | for resonator type breakdown discharge systems which
control the transmission over a line. |
100+, | for branched circuits with nonautomatic transmission
line switching. |
262+, | for transmission line elements, which may include
switching devices. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 23 , 39, 64+, and 80+ for miscellaneous
electrical systems of distribution which involve automatic substitution
of electrical load circuits or supply circuits. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 49 for plural oscillator systems wherein one oscillator
may be substituted for another. |
| |
4 | With balanced circuits: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 1. Systems wherein at least one of the transmission lines is
a balanced line, or having a network which is especially designed
for connection to at least one balanced circuit.
| (1)
Note. A balanced line or circuit is a line or circuit having
its conductors electrically symmetrical with respect to a reference
potential plane (e.g. ground). |
12, | for transmission line inductive or radiation interference
reduction systems, involving a balanced transmission circuit. |
25+, | for coupling networks for coupling a single channel
balanced circuit to an unbalanced circuit. |
236+, | for single transmission lines of the long line type,
which may be balanced. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, particularly
subclasses 32+ , 37+, 40+, and 68.1+ for
electrical conductor structure of the electrically balanced type
other than loaded lines or transmission lines defined as having long
line characteristics. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 12+ , 42 or 147+ for miscellaneous electrical
transmission or interconnecting systems which include balanced circuits. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 814 and 816 for plural balanced doublet antennas with coupling
networks; and subclass 865 for a balanced antenna with a balanced
coupling network. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems, particularly
subclasses 2+ , 9+, 36, and 148+ for balanced
phase conversion systems for converting electrical energy from one
number of phases to a different number of phases (e.g., single phase
to polyphase). |
365, | Static Information Storage and Retrieval,
subclass 202 for complementing or balancing signals used in
a read/write circuit. |
370, | Multiplex Communications,
subclass 200 for a phantom circuit used in the multiplex system,
and subclasses 278 and 282+ for a duplex system which may
include a balance circuit. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, for telephone systems which involve balanced transmission
lines. |
| |
5 | Plural balanced circuits: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 4. Systems having a plurality of balanced transmission lines
or having a network which is designed for connection to a plurality
of balanced circuits.
25+, | for coupling networks for coupling a single channel
balanced circuit to an unbalanced circuit. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subject matter including a transmission line producing inductive
or radiation interference or subject to such interference from an external
source and means such as one or more filters, screens or compensating
circuits, disposed along an appreciable length of the line for substantially
reducing this interference.
| (1)
Note. Subclass 12 does not include mere echo or anti-singing
systems. Such systems in a single channel system where classified
in this class are classified with the first occurring (lowest numbered) subclass
providing for any of the components used in the system. |
5, | for plural channel systems, which are balanced to
prevent undesired radiation effects. |
24+, | for networks which may be used to reduce undesired
currents in a transmission line, and particularly subclasses 138+ for
balanced circuits coupled to unbalanced circuits and subclasses
165+ for wave filters and for transmission lines connected
to filters which block such undesired currents. |
236+, | for long line transmission line structure which
inherently reduce interference radiation effects and which involve
no shielding structure or means in addition to the conductor arrangement
or structure (e.g. co-axial lines), see especially subclasses 243+. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,
subclasses 32+ and the subclasses specified in the notes thereto for
structure and conductor arrangements for preventing or reducing
the detrimental effects due to either self-inductance of a single
conductor or mutual inductance between plural conductors, other
than loaded lines or transmission lines defined as having long line
characteristics. |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclass 45 for loaded lines with inductive or radiation reduction
means, subclass 63, for cable or long line telegraph systems having
means for eliminating "tailings" or having static
compensation; and subclass 69 for telegraph line clearing and circuit
maintenance systems having means for preventing the detrimental
effects produced by induction from external or internal causes. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
subclasses 89+ for miscellaneous electrical systems having anti-induction
means or means to prevent undesired coupling to other systems. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 67 for oscillator systems provided with an electromagnetic
or electrostatic shield. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 841+ for antennas with an electrical shield; subclass 851
for antennas with a coupling network having a radiation suppressor; and
subclass 905 for antennas combined with shielded transmission lines. |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems Devices,
subclasses 1+ for transmission lines with means to protect the connected
lines from the effects of lightning and other high potential, and for
networks for use in surge suppression circuits, see especially subclass 50
for systems with means to adjust for varying leakage currents; subclasses
82 and 84+ for systems for protecting balanced electrical
systems (e.g., polyphase) for balanced current flowing therein;
subclasses 88+ for voltage responsive systems; subclass
111 for transient responsive systems; and subclasses 177+ for
high voltage dissipation systems (e.g., lightning arresters). |
365, | Static Information Storage and Retrieval,
subclass 198 for transmission lines used for reading and writing information. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclass 398 for telephone systems having means for preventing
the detrimental effects occasioned by induction from external or
internal causes and subclasses 406.01-406.16 for echo-suppressing
and/or anti-singing systems in plural channel systems. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Systems which include a resonant device and a space discharge
structure positioned at a point of high potential on said resonant
device, the space discharge structure breaking down in response
to energy above a predetermined level in a transmission line connected
to the resonant device to modify the effective electrical characteristics
of the resonant device so as to block substantially the flow of
any energy over the transmission line, free passage of energy occurring
over the line when the energy fails to attain this predetermined
2+, | for plural channel systems which include a resonator
type breakdown discharge system for substantially blocking a channel
where the discharge device is made conductive by a high energy level
in the transmission line, and subclasses 100+ where the discharge
device is made conductive by energy other than the energy in the transmission
line. |
2+, | 14, 15, 16, 17+, and 81, for other systems
within the class definition which reduce the amplitude of the wave energy
but which do not involve the use of a resonator type breakdown discharge
device. |
262, | for transmission line elements and components which
perform a switching or blocking function, other than resonator type
breakdown discharge systems. |
313, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,
subclasses 567+ for miscellaneous gaseous discharge device structure,
including lightning arresters, and subclasses 324 and 325 for lightning
arresters of the spark or arc type which operate in the open air. |
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
subclasses 32 through 371for miscellaneous gaseous discharge systems and
particularly subclass 39 for the structural combination of a discharge
device and a resonant device, i.e., combined in an integral or nonseparable
manner. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclasses 304 through 317for self-regulating systems. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices,
Circuits, and Systems,
subclasses 365+ for miscellaneous gating circuits which utilize
electron tubes. |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
subclasses 1+ for miscellaneous systems for protecting electrical apparatus
by opening a circuit or making a shunt or short circuit when the current
exceeds a predetermined value, see especially subclass 112 where
the system includes electronic tubes, and subclasses 117+ for
lightning arrester systems which include an arc discharge device. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 78+ for T-R or R-T radio systems. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Networks including a non-linear device for decreasing the
amplitude range of the signal applied to the device, and a nonlinear
device connected to receive the wave having the decreased amplitude
range for increasing or restoring the amplitude range of the signal,
and long line transmission lines in combination with such networks.
| (1)
Note. This subclass provides for amplitude compression and
expansion systems even though the system includes an active element
such as a vacuum tube type amplifier. See (3) Note below. |
| (2)
Note. This subclass does not include devices which merely
shift the amplitude level up or down merely to control the peak
amplitude without controlling the amplitude range. Neither does
this subclass include the combination of a limiter or clipper and
an amplifier which cuts off the higher amplitudes and then amplifies
the remaining portion of the wave energy so that the output wave does
not contain any variations in wave form above a certain amplitude
level, and is not therefore a function of the input wave energy. |
| (3)
Note. In the compressor portion of the compander, the input
waves of smaller amplitudes may be increased in amplitude while
the input waves of larger amplitude may be increased by a smaller ratio
or decreased. All amplitudes of the wave may be decreased, the
larger amplitudes being decreased to a smaller extent. The expander
portion may operate in a similar manner except to increase the amplitude
range. |
20, | for miscellaneous passive type wave shaping networks
which modify the amplitude time characteristic of the signal transmitted
therethrough. |
81, | for the attenuator network in this class which reduces
the energy of the signal passing therethrough. |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclass 45 , for loaded lines in combination with a compander. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices,
Circuits, and Systems,
subclasses 309+ for a miscellaneous limiter with an amplifying
circuit. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 96 , 123 and 129+ for amplitude range compressors
or expanders of the amplifier type where the input signal is applied
to a control grid of an amplifier tube whose bias is controlled
in accordance with the signal intensity to produce the necessary
compression or expansion, and wherein the output signal is abstracted
from the plate of the amplifier tube. Subclasses 143 and 144+ for
compressors or expanders where a variable impedance element is included
in the signal path and the variable impedance is controlled in accordance
with the signal intensity. The combination of an amplitude compressor
and expander (i.e., a compander) one or both being of the amplifier
type is classified in this class, (333) subclass 14. However, where
such combinations involve correction only of an amplifier condition and
not a condition of the transmission line, classification is with
amplifiers Class 330. Combinations of an amplifier and a limiter
where the output more substantially conforms to the input wave form
are classified in Class 330. See Class 250, subclass 27, above. |
369, | Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval,
subclass 133 for phonograph recording and reproducing systems
involving amplitude range compression and expansion. |
370, | Multiplex Communications,
subclass 202 for a multiplex system which includes an amplitude
compression or expansion means. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclass 106 for one-way audio signal transmission having amplitude
compression/expansion. |
704, | Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics,
Language Translation, and Audio Compression/Decompression,
subclasses 500+ for systems changing the frequency range of a band
of audio signal frequencies, transmitting the energy at the changed range,
and restoring the transmitted audio signal to its original frequency range. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Systems including an auxiliary line so structurally related
to a transmission line that a change in the transmission line characteristics caused
by a change in an ambient condition, such as temperature or humidity,
will be accompanied by a change in a parameter of the auxiliary
line, and means controlled by this change in parameter to compensate
for the change in transmission line characteristics.
2+, | for plural channel systems including a pilot line. |
16, | for systems utilizing a pilot current for purposes
of control. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclass 294 for impedance systems in general which are automatically
controlled in response to a thermal condition. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 52 , for amplifier systems having control means, wherein
the control is exercised by a pilot signal. See the Class Definition of
Class 330 for the line between this class (333) and Class 330 where
pilot signals are involved. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 338+ for repeater systems (e.g. two way amplifier system)
which utilize a pilot line to compensate for changes in the transmission
characteristics of the main line. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Systems including means for compensating for changes in
the signal energy passing over a transmission line caused by changes
in the line characteristics, wherein a control signal distinct from
and in addition to the signal energy is also passed over the line
to be influenced by the changes in line characteristics, the control
signal being used to control the compensating means.
2+, | for plural channel systems utilizing a pilot frequency. |
15, | for systems utilizing for a pilot line for control
purposes. |
17.1+, | for systems for automatically compensating for changes
in the characteristics of a transmission line where the carrier
current of the transmitted energy is used to control the compensating
means. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 52 for amplifier systems having pilot signal control means.
See Class 330, Class Definitions for the line between the two classes
where such subject matter is involved. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 338+ for repeater systems (e.g., two way amplifier system) which
may utilize a pilot current to compensate for changes in the transmission
characteristics of the main line. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subject matter having means to sense a condition in the
system and to modify a wave propagation characteristic of the system
in accordance with the condition so sensed.
| (1)
Note. The automatic control must be of the wave propagation
characteristic of a transmission line, system or network which would
be classified in this class. Where the system or network includes
a component or device which, per se, is not classified in the class,
combined with a transmission line, system or network which causes
classification of the subject matter in this class, and the automatic control
is only with respect to such component or device which is classified,
per se, in another class. Then the patent is not classified in
this or the indented subclass, but is classified in subclass providing
for the subject matter claimed. For example, a wave filter combined
with an automatically operated current or voltage magnitude control
means does not effect the wave propagation characteristic of the
filter are classified in subclasses 165+ below. |
2+, | for plural channel systems including automatic control. |
13, | for resonator type breakdown discharge systems which
are automatically controlled. |
14, | for amplitude compression and expansion systems
including automatic control. |
15, | for pilot line controlled systems involving automatic
operation. |
16, | for pilot current controlled systems including automatic
operation. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, appropriate subclasses, especially
subclasses 92+ , 97, 99, and 116 for miscellaneous electrical distribution
systems with automatic control means. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclasses 234 through 303for condition sensing regulators. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices,
Circuits, and Systems,
subclasses 509+ and 518+ for miscellaneous externally
effected or control circuits. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 1+ for oscillator systems utilizing a phase or frequency
sensing means for automatically stabilizing the oscillator frequency
subclass 183 for oscillator systems having means for automatically
controlling or stabilizing the amplitude of the generated oscillations
and subclass 186 for oscillator systems with a particular source
of power or bias voltage of the automatically regulated type. |
336, | Inductor Devices, particularly
subclasses 30+ for inductor devices automatically adjustable in
response to a condition. |
| |
17.2 | Limiting of amplitude: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 17.1. Subject matter including means to limit the amplitude to
a predetermined level.
81, | for systems and networks that selectively lower
the input signal level to a desired amount. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
subclasses 264 and 540+ for limiting the amplitude of pulses
in nonlinear solid state circuits. |
| |
17.3 | Impedance matching: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 17.1. Subject matter in which the condition sensed is utilized
to control circuitry that performs an impedance matching function
in the system.
32+, | for impedance matching circuits of the nonautomatically
controlled type. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 120+ for frequency tuning a transmitter to an antenna. |
| |
18 | With control of equalizer and/or delay network: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 17.1. Systems and networks provided with automatically operated
means to control an equalizer and delay network.
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes systems including an equalizer
and/or a delay network which is automatically controlled
in response to some condition in the system and also equalizers
and/or delay networks which are provided with other automatic
control means. |
12, | for automatic equalization and/or delay
control networks utilized for preventing, suppressing or eliminating
interference. |
15, | for automatic equalization and/or delay
control networks controlled by the signal derived from a pilot line. |
16, | for automatic equalization and or delay control
networks involving a pilot current control. |
28, | for nonautomatic equalizers. |
138+, | for nonautomatic delay networks. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclasses 212 through 219for automatic phase control systems involving a
single frequency. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 2+ , 9+ and 36 for plural conversion systems
involving phase conversion; subclasses 148+ for phase conversion
systems, per se; particularly subclass 149 for phase conversion
systems involving automatic voltage magnitude or phase angle control. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Passive networks for producing an output wave which is the
time derivative or time integral of the input wave.
| (1)
Note. See the internal and external search notes under subclass
20 of this class for wave shaping systems which may involve differentiating
and/or integrating networks. |
20, | for passive networks for shaping the output wave
to other than the time derivative or time integral of the input wave.
Also see (1) Note above. |
318, | Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
subclasses 609+ and 611+, particularly subclasses 621+ for
position servomechanisms which include stabilizing control features
such as integrating and differentiating networks; subclasses 141+ for
generator fed motor systems having generator control including
anti-hunt or rate of change response; subclass 702 for synchronous
motor systems having anti-hunt or anti-damping control; subclass
448, for open loop automatic motor control systems involving anti-hunt
control; and subclasses 456+ for systems responsive to
the rate of change of a condition. |
322, | Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
subclass 19 for systems for automatically controlling the rate
of change or hunting of a generator or its driving means. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
subclasses 212 through 219for miscellaneous phase control networks which
involve differentiating or integrating networks. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices,
Circuits, and Systems,
subclass 335 for miscellaneous differentiating circuits and
subclasses 336+ for miscellaneous integrating circuits. |
708, | Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and
subclasses 822 and 823+ for calculators performing computations
involving differentiation and integration, respectively. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Passive networks for modifying an electrical wave passing
therethrough so that the amplitude time characteristic of the output wave
is different from that of the input wave and which have no function
classified in other classes, and long line wave transmission
systems in combination with a passive wave shaping network.
| (1)
Note. The networks are usually designed to modify
or shape a single pulse and usually involve a delay network or equivalent
delay means. |
| (2)
Note. Included are long transmission lines in combination
with a wave shaping network which is designed to restore the wave
shape to a wave which has been distorted by transmission over the transmission
line. |
| (3)
Note. Excluded are mere limiter networks which shape
the wave merely by cutting off the wave above a predetermined amplitude. |
| (4)
Note. Many systems and networks inherently function
to wave shape. Most of these systems are excluded as they include
active elements, such as oscillation generators, amplifiers, detectors, etc.
Where the network is primarily designed for a purpose other than
wave shaping, such as controlling the magnitude of current
in the circuit, the network is excluded even though the
control of the current magnitude is effected by a means which also
effects the wave shape of the element. |
1+, | for systems combining wave energy from different
channels and/or separating wave energy into different channels. |
14, | for amplitude range compression and expansion systems. |
19, | for wave shaping networks producing a time derivative
or time integral of the applied wave energy (i.e. differentiating
or integrating networks). |
28, | for networks modifying the attenuation or attenuation
and phase characteristic with respect to frequency of the energy
passing therethrough (i.e. equalizers). |
81, | for attenuator networks. |
84, | Music,
subclasses 622+ , 626+, 659+, 671-677
and 692-711 for systems for the electrical production
of complex waves in musical instruments. |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclasses 2+ , and particularly subclasses 63, 69
and 69.1 for telegraph systems involving combining and/or
separating and/or shaping of electric waves. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
subclasses 106+ for waveform or wave shape determinative or pulse
producing systems which are class appropriate. The networks and
systems in Class 307 may involve long line elements, but
ordinarily include also a specific source of wave energy or pulse
producing means, such as a DC source and switching means. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.12+ for electrical systems for the analysis of complex waves, and
subclasses 76.39+ for electrical frequency measuring
systems which involve wave analysis. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
subclasses 100+ for miscellaneous converting, shaping, or
generating circuits such as miscellaneous limiters and clock or
pulse production circuits. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifier systems combined with a long line
element, where the amplifiers may correct for the distortions
caused by the long line. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 75+ for oscillator systems combined with an output
circuit including a space discharge or unilaterally conductive device, which
device may provide a wave distorting or shaping function. |
332, | Modulators, appropriate subclasses for modulator systems which
involve wave shaping. |
340, | Communications: Electrical,
subclasses 13.37 and 13.38 for selective electrical communication
systems wherein the selective means is responsive to the amplitude
of the signal. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems, appropriate subclasses for conversion systems which involve
wave shaping, see
subclasses 34+ for systems for converting AC to DC and then connecting
the DC to AC, subclasses 39+ for conversion systems
with means to introduce or eliminate frequency components, and
subclasses 157+ for frequency conversion systems.
The systems in Class 363 usually involve the use of alternating
current which is repetitive and do not involve the shaping of a
single pulse. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for telephone systems involving
combining and/or separating and/or shaping of
electric waves. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Wave transmission systems comprising means for changing
guided waves having one field configuration to a different field
configuration, the original and changed waves each having
a longitudinal electric or magnetic field component.
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes means for changing
a rectangular TE wave pattern to a circular TE wave pattern, e.g. for changing
a plane polarized guided wave to a circularly polarized guided wave, or from
one type of polarized wave to another. |
248+, | for mode filters or suppressors, and for
wave guide junctions (e.g. rotary joints
involving mode conversion and reconversion). |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 756 for antennas with a polarization converter; and subclasses
909+ for radio wave polarizers, per se. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Networks specialized for use with and designed for connection
to the end of a long line transmission line and including a resistive component
for dissipating the wave energy propagated along the line and presenting
an essentially resistive impedance to the line, and the
combination of long transmission lines with energy dissipating terminations.
| (1)
Note. Usually the impedance presented by the network
is equal to the characteristic impedance of the line for which it
is designed. |
| (2)
Note. The termination classified here is usually
more than a mere resistance element such as is classified in Class
338, Electrical Resistors. The termination includes
some structure, such as a long line element or component, so
that the device is not of general utility, but is limited
to use with a transmission line. Long lines with mere
resistance elements which would, per se, be classified in
Class 338, are included in this subclass (22) when
the resistance element is designed for use as a long line dissipating
termination. |
23, | for networks simulating transmission lines (i.e. artificial
lines) whose function is not essentially dissipating terminal
energy. |
32+, | for impedance matching networks whose function is
coupling as opposed to termination. |
81, | for attenuators, which dissipate only a portion
of the wave energy applied thereto. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave,
subclass 18 for radio wave absorption devices; subclasses
731+ for traveling wave type antennas which may involve
a dissipating termination; and subclasses 739+ for
antennas with a terminating resistance at open end. |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
subclasses 117+ for surge dissipators and lightning arresters. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Networks for simulating impedance characteristics of a smooth
or loaded electrically long transmission line over a frequency range.
22, | for dissipating terminations for long lines which
usually have an impedance characteristic equal to the characteristic
impedance of the line. |
28, | for equalizing networks having impedance characteristics
usually the inverse of electrically long transmission lines. |
81, | for attenuators. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 57 , for amplifiers utilizing artificial lines. (This
also includes the "distributed amplifiers.") |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. (a) Networks including significant reactive
structure for effecting the transfer of oscillator energy from one
circuit to another circuit and having attenuation and/or
delay characteristics over a frequency range for attenuating and/or
delaying in a predetermined manner, wave energy passing
therethrough, and/or providing an impedance match
between the network and at least one of the circuits; (b) smoothing
type wave filters having shunt capacitance, or series inductance, or
both usually designed to pass direct current and to reduce the effect
of any undesired alternating or pulsating current, or to
pass direct current and low frequency alternating current or pulsating
current and to reduce the effect of any undesired higher frequency
alternating or pulsating current, and (c) systems
within the class definition including one or more of the networks
defined in (a) or (b) above.
| (1)
Note. The coupling networks under the above definition
usually include a shunt impedance common to the input and output
circuits. |
| (2)
Note. The systems included are single channel systems
having coupling networks, and include for example echo suppression
on a single channel where the echo would be due to an impedance mismatch, or
the elimination of echo in a single channel system by using a delay line.
Such systems are classified in the first indented subclass which
provides for the network used in the system. See section
I, subsection C, of the Class Definition. |
| (3)
Note. Class 323, Electricity:
Power Supply or Regulation Systems, is the miscellaneous
class for systems for coupling a single source to a single load
circuit using only transformers and/or impedances.
Also, see (4) Note below. |
| (4)
Note. Coupling networks using an electronic tube
as a part of the network are not included in this or the indented
subclass, but are classified in the appropriate class providing
for the system. For examples, see the Search
Class notes below. |
| (5)
Note. See the Search Class notes below for a reference
to the classification lines between coupling networks and antennas combined
with such coupling networks. |
1+, | for plural channel systems involving coupling networks. |
17+, | for automatically controlled systems involving coupling
networks. |
81, | for attenuators of the resistive type. |
245+, | for transmission line joints within the class definition
which do not modify the characteristics of the wave propagated therethrough
or do not effect an impedance match between dissimilar impedance
lines or networks. |
178, | Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses for coupling networks in combination with
code signaling systems or apparatus other than telephony.
subclass 64 for such systems for transmitting messages by induced
currents utilizing an induction coil or transformer, and
for such systems having an induction coil or transformer between
sections of the main line. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 1+ for miscellaneous superimposed current systems
involving coupling networks, and subclasses 11+ and
43+ for miscellaneous plural load or plural supply systems
which include coupling networks. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, see (3) Note, above. Class
323 provides for the miscellaneous transformer and impedance systems
and includes structural combinations of different impedances which
are electrically connected together. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, for a coupling network using tubes to control the
current and/or voltage magnitude and/or for phase control
where there is a single input and output and at least a part of
the input energy appears in the output circuit. (See
the (4) Note above.) |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
subclasses 261+ for a delay system using tubes; subclasses
552+ for a filter using tubes; subclass 231 for
a phase shifter using tubes where the input energy is applied to
an input electrode (e.g., grid) of
the tube to control a local source of energy (e.g., anode
supply) connected to the output electrode of the tube. (See
the (4) Note above.) |
330, | Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses for various types of coupling networks involved
in amplifier systems,
subclass 116 for an amplifier system with means to couple a
balanced line to an unbalanced line. (See the (4) Note above.) |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 74+ for oscillation generators combined with a particular
output coupling network. |
334, | Tuners, for tuners, per se. See also (4) Note
above for tuners combined with other systems. |
336, | Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for the structure of transformers
and inductances of the passive type. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 743 for high frequency loop type antennas with feed coupling
at spaced points on the loop; subclass 771 for slot type
antennas with wave guide coupling; subclasses 814, 816
and 820+ for balanced doublet type antennas with a coupling network, subclasses
850+ for antennas in general with a coupling network or
impedance in the leadin; subclass 700, (11) Note, for
the classification lines between coupling networks and antennas
combined with such coupling networks (see the (5) Note
above). |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
subclasses 600+ for miscellaneous combinations of different impedances
which are not in circuit relationship (e.g., a
variable condenser combined with a resistance with no electrical
connection between them). |
379, | Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for telephone systems having coupling
networks. If the system is limited to use with speech (other
than by mere name), such as including a microphone
or reproducer (e.g., loudspeaker) the
system is classified in Class 381, see
subclasses 338+ for repeaters utilizing hybrid coil systems. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 91+ for radio transmitters involving coupling networks
and subclasses 130+ (particularly subclasses 338+) for radio
receivers involving coupling networks. |
| |
24.1 | Nonreciprocal gyromagnetic type (e.g., directional
phase shifters): |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Networks which include gyromagnetic elements for effecting
a nonreciprocal transfer of oscillatory energy from one circuit
to another circuit.
| (1)
Note. Many of the patents in this generic subclass
24.1 are directional phase shifters, and relate
to networks that shift the phase of energy passing through by different
amounts depending on the direction of passage. |
1.1, | for a definition of the terms "gyromagnetic" and "nonreciprocal" and for
plural channel nonreciprocal gyromagnetic systems. |
138+, | for delay networks generally. |
202+, | for waveguide filters generally. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 300+ for nuclear or electronic induction measuring or
testing devices. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 4 , 4.8 and 63 for amplifiers using
gyromagnetic elements. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclass 323 for mixers using gyromagnetic elements. |
| |
24.2 | Nonreciprocal attenuators or isolators: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24.1. Networks wherein the attenuation in one direction of propagation
through the network is substantially greater than in the opposite
| (1)
Note. The attenuation in one direction may be substantially
zero. |
81, | for attenuators generally. |
| |
24.3 | Nonreciprocal polarization rotators: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24.1. Networks wherein the polarization of the electric vector
of the wave energy propagated through the network is rotated in
the same absolute sense for both directions of propagation.
| (1)
Note. Included in this subclass are the so-called
anti-reciprocal or Faraday rotators. |
248+, | for rotators generally. |
| |
25 | Balanced to unbalanced circuits: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Networks including four terminals, the impedance
across one pair of terminals being symmetrical and the impedance
across another pair of these terminals being unsymmetrical with respect
to a given potential plane (e.g., ground), these
impedances being effective to convert symmetrical potential applied
at the symmetrical pair of terminals to unsymmetrical potential
at the other pair of terminals or to convert unsymmetrical potential
applied at the unsymmetrical pair of terminals to symmetrical potential
at the other pair of terminals, and systems under the class
definition including a balanced to unbalanced circuit coupling.
1+, | for plural channel systems, which involve
coupling a balanced circuit to an unbalanced circuit or vice versa. |
12, | for systems for reducing inductive or radiation
interference and which include coupling between balanced and unbalanced
circuits. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclasses 212 through 219for phase control systems with means to introduce
delay into a part of the system, and including such systems
using reactive impedances and transformer systems to obtain a phase shift (e.g., a
1805 shift) and which are designed for use at a single
frequency. |
329, | Demodulators, appropriate subclasses for demodulators having inputs
or outputs which are balanced or unbalanced. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 275 and 301 for transistor amplifiers with balanced-to-unbalanced
coupling and vice versa, subclass 116 for amplifier systems
having balanced-to-balanced coupling, and
subclass 117 for amplifier systems having unbalanced-to-balanced
coupling. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 821 for balanced doublet type antennas with a balanced to
unbalanced coupling network; and subclass 859 for antennas
in general with a balanced to unbalanced coupling network. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 2+ , 9+, 36, and
148+ for systems converting energy from one number of phases
to a different number of phases. |
| |
26 | Having long line elements: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 25. Balanced to unbalanced circuit coupling networks and systems
where the coupling network includes a long line element.
236+, | for long lines. |
245+, | for long line elements. |
| |
27 | Interlinking long line: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Coupling systems having a long line with a coupling network
at each opposed ends of the long line.
| (1)
Note. Where the long line is merely a part of a
coupling network, and does not link two different coupling
networks together, classification is not in this subclass.
See subclasses 156+ for this type of delay network, subclasses
50+ for this type of impedance matching network, 202+ for
this type of wave filter. |
| (2)
Note. In this subclass are systems having two coupling
networks with a long transmission line connected to transmit energy
from one network to the other. These systems approach
a complete system. For example, a 70 ohm source
connected by a network to a 300 ohm line which is coupled by a network
to a 150 ohm receiver. At each point of connection there
would be a coupling network. |
50+, | see (1) Note above. |
156+, | see (1) Note above. |
202+, | see (1) Note above. |
236+, | for long lines, per se. |
178, | Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses where the system is limited
to code signaling other than telephony. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifier systems combined with long lines or
long line elements wherein such means furnish a coupling means for the
amplifier. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 90+ for composite telephone systems (e.g., combined
power and telephone circuit) and subclasses 338+ for
two telephone lines with two-way repeaters at spaced points along
the line. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclasses 82+ for public address and similar systems (e.g., a
microphone and a line, or a line and a reproducer such
as a loudspeaker or a microphone, a line and a reproducer). |
| |
28 | Equalizers: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Networks with attenuation or attenuation and phase distortion
characteristics which vary over a frequency range for use in a wave
transmission system for modifying the attenuation or attenuation
and phase characteristics of the wave energy as a function of frequency, and systems
within the class definition which include such networks.
| (1)
Note. Equalizer networks are used to reduce the
attenuation or attenuation and phase distortion characteristics
which the wave energy in a long line transmission system would have
in the absence of the network. The network may be used
for predistorting so that the distorting effect of the long line
will be corrected. |
| (2)
Note. A filter is distinguished from an equalizer
in that a filter is intended and designed to transmit a frequency
or one or more bands of frequencies without modification while undesired
frequencies are attenuated to a low value so that the desired frequency
or frequencies are transmitted by the filter and the undesired frequencies
are substantially blocked, while the equalizer has the function
of changing the relative amplitudes of the waves of different frequency over
the range of frequencies transmitted by the equalizer. |
| (3)
Note. Included are tone control networks which involve
only passive elements and which vary the attenuation or attenuation
and phase distortion characteristics over a range of frequencies. Included
are such networks as are used for "bass boosters", "treble
boosters", "treble cut systems", etc. |
18, | for this subject matter where the equalizer is provided
with automatic control means. |
20, | for wave shaping systems. |
81, | for attenuator networks within the class definition
composed entirely of resistive elements. |
138+, | for phase control or delay networks, per
se. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous impedance
and transformer systems, and for phase control systems. |
330, | Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses, particularly
subclasses 109 , 120, 122, 154, 157+, 185+, 192+, and
304, for amplifier systems combined with an equalizer network. |
332, | Modulators,
subclass 107 for distortion control in pulse modulators, subclasses
123+ for distortion control in frequency modulators, subclasses 144+ for
distortion control in phase modulators, and subclasses
159+ for distortion control in amplitude modulators. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclasses 98+ for audio signal processing devices and systems
having frequency control. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclass 267 for radio receivers with tone control networks. |
| |
32 | With impedance matching: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Coupling networks which include one or more impedance elements
constructed or proportioned to substantially eliminate the reflected wave
energy between the network and at least one of the connected circuits
caused by impedance differences; impedance matching networks, per
se; and systems within the class definition which include
such networks.
| (1)
Note. The particular construction or proportioning
producing the impedance match should be claimed for classification
in this subclass. |
| (2)
Note. The impedance need only to be matched to pass
the energy or frequency band of energy desired. |
8+, | for branched plural channel systems having impedance
matching. |
17+, | for systems wherein the impedance match is automatically
controlled. |
22, | for line terminations involving impedance matching. |
81, | for attenuators having means for compensating for
changes in terminal impedance caused by adjustment of the attenuator
so as to match the impedances of the attenuator to the connected
input and/or output circuit. |
236+, | for long lines wherein reflected wave energy arising
from the line structure is compensated. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 600+ , especially subclasses 612+ for
the miscellaneous measurement and testing of impedance mismatch
between circuits, and subclass 140+, for
systems and apparatus for the measurement of voltage, current
or power ratios which are indicative of impedance mismatch. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 822 for balanced doublet type antennas with an impedance
matching coupling network; and subclasses 860+ for
antennas in general with an impedance matching coupling network. |
| |
33 | Having long line elements: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 32. Impedance matching networks and systems including a long
line element.
236+, | for long lines. |
245+, | for long line elements. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 862 for antennas with an impedance matching coupling network
including a long line element. |
| |
34 | Tapered: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 33. Impedance matching networks and systems wherein the long
line element lies along the path of wave propagation through the
network and has a physical dimension progressively increasing or
decreasing along the path of propagation to result in a corresponding
change in electrical parameters of the long line element.
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 863 for antennas with an impedance matching coupling network
including a tapered long line element. |
| |
35 | Quarter-wave transformer type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 33. Impedance matching networks and systems wherein the component
having distributed electrical parameters lies along the path of wave
propagation through the network and is an odd integral number of
quarter-wave lengths long.
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 864 for antennas with an impedance matching coupling network
including a long line element of the quarter-wave transformer
type. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Devices and networks consisting of one or more elements
which exhibit only a positive resistance effect and which reduce
the intensity of the energy passing through the device by dissipation, (a) the
elements being proportioned to permit a change in their value to
control the energy loss while maintaining substantially constant
input and/or output impedance of the device, and/or (b) the
elements being proportioned to permit the device to be inserted
in the circuit to provide an energy loss without introducing any
reflections in the circuit, and/or (c) the
elements being combined with a long line or long line element, and/or (d) the
device or network having an impedance equal to the impedance of
a specified long line and/or (e) the
device or network is claimed as being particularly modified for use
over a frequency band so that its characteristics are particularly
related to frequency, and (f) systems
within the class definition including such devices or networks.
| (1)
Note. The networks and devices of part 5 of the
definitions may include means such as capacitors to compensate for deviations
in attenuation caused by changes in frequency of the applied energy, so
that the device or network acts as a pure resistance.
The network or device may be modified to obtain uniform attenuation
over a band of frequencies. |
| (2)
Note. Included are T, H, pad, and
ladder or lattice type networks as well as transmission line sections. |
| (3)
Note. This subclass embraces devices wherein one
or more of the elements include reactance to compensate for any inherent
reactance of the element or elements, see (1) Note. |
| (4)
Note. If the device or network does not maintain
a constant input and/or output impedance, or if
it would introduce reflections into the transmission line, it
is excluded from this class and will be found in Class 323 Electricity:
Power Supply or Regulation Systems. |
13, | for resonator type breakdown discharge systems, which
include attenuation networks. |
14, | for amplitude compression and expansion systems
which include attenuation networks. |
15, | and 16, for pilot controlled systems which
include attenuation networks. |
17+, | for automatically controlled systems which may include
attenuation networks. |
22, | for transmission line terminations which dissipate
the applied energy. |
24+, | for adjustable reactive type coupling networks in
general, see especially subclass 28 for equalizer networks. |
181, | Acoustics, appropriate subclasses, for devices for attenuating
sound, see
subclass 206 for mufflers. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, see (4) Note above. |
330, | Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses under 157+, 185+ and
192+ for amplifiers having significant coupling which may
include attenuators. |
338, | Electrical Resistors, appropriate subclasses, for electrical resistors, per
se; and
subclasses 68+ for mechanically variable resistors including potentiometers
and rheostats. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subject matter which is not provided for in any of the preceding
subclasses in this class. |
| |
100 | Having branched circuits: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 1. Systems including means for effecting an interchange of
wave energy from one transmission line to two or more transmission
lines, or vice versa, or having a coupling network
for effecting an interchange of wave energy from a single input
to plural outputs, or vice versa, of energy together
with means for controlling or facilitating this interchange of energy.
2+, | for plural channel branched circuit systems having
automatic controlled means to control the system. |
4+, | for plural channel systems and coupling networks
wherein at least one of the transmission lines is a balanced line
or where the network is especially designed for coupling to at
least one balanced line. |
13, | for resonator type breakdown discharge circuits
which include a space discharge device designed to breakdown in
response to high level energy (e.g., from
the transmitting section of the system) to block substantially
the flow of high level energy, and to pass low level energy
along the transmission line (e.g., to
a receiver). The devices in subclass 13 include
T-R and R-T systems. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, particularly
subclasses 38 , 43, 49, 71+, and
520 for branched electrical conductor structures other than loaded
lines and conductors defined as having long line characteristics. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 11+ , 43+, and 147+ for
miscellaneous electrical distribution systems which include branched
circuits. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
subclasses 407+ for miscellaneous circuits for use in coupling
plural channels to a single channel. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 60+ for an electrical oscillation generator provided
with plural output circuits. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 771 for plural slot-type antennas with wave
guide coupling; subclasses 776+ for plural waveguide
type antennas with coupling; subclasses 814 and 816 for
plural balanced doublet type antennas with a coupling network; subclasses 853+ for
plural antennas generally with a coupling network; subclass
858 for antennas coupled to plural lead-ins. |
375, | Pulse or Digital Communications,
subclasses 268+ , 353 for duplex systems having an antenna
coupling network coupling a transmitter and a receiver to an antenna. |
439, | Electrical Connectors,
subclasses 150+ and 242 for multiple connector structure; subclasses
241+ for line tapper connector structure such as alligator
clips and test probes. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 132+ for antenna coupling networks for plural receivers
where the coupling network includes an active element and/or
significant receiver structure; and subclasses 103+ for
similar subject matter for transmitters. |
| |
101 | Including switching means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 100. Systems with means for abruptly connecting and disconnecting
two or more transmission lines to or from another transmission line.
| (1)
Note. The systems in this subclass usually having
means to reduce reflected waves resulting from impedance discontinuities
or irregularities caused by the presence or operation of the connecting and
disconnecting means. |
| (2)
Note. Plural circuit switches restricted to use
in a particular art are sometimes classified with the art, for
example, switches in telegraph systems and switches in
telephone systems are classified elsewhere. |
| (3)
Note. Variable power dividers which are classified
below normally have a continuously variable transfer of power which is
not abrupt. |
2+, | for similar systems having automatically controlled
means. |
3, | for automatically controlled line substitution systems. |
13, | for single channel resonator type break-down
discharge systems where the resonator-discharge device
is used to effectively short circuit or open circuit the line (e.g., R-T
or T-R systems). |
258, | and 262, for transmission line elements
for single channels which may be used to perform a switching or blocking
function. |
178, | Telegraphy, for switches in telegraph systems. |
200, | Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, particularly
subclasses 1+ and 19.01+ for plural circuit
switches of general utility and not limited by claimed structure
to use with long lines. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 23 , 38+, 64+, 80+, 85+, 98+, and
112+ for miscellaneous electrical distribution systems
which include switching. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 49 for plural oscillator systems provided with means
for selectively connecting one or more of two or more oscillators
to a common output circuit. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, for switches in telephone systems, especially
subclasses 242+ . |
| |
104 | Using TEM lines: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 103. Subject matter whereby the dominant mode in the transmission
lines is of the type having only transverse electromagnetic components.
| (1)
Note. Examples of such lines are coaxial lines, striplines, and
microstrip lines. | |
| |
105 | Having mechanical switching means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 101. Systems wherein the means for abruptly connecting and disconnecting
two or more transmission lines to or from another transmission line
is a mechanical element.
| (1)
Note. The systems in this subclass usually have
means to reduce reflected waves resulting from impedance discontinuities
or irregularities caused by the presence or operation of the connecting and
disconnecting means. |
| (2)
Note. Plural circuit switches restricted to use
in a particular art are sometimes classified with the art, for
example, switches in telegraph systems are classified in
Class 178, Telegraphy, and switches in telephone
systems are classified in Class 379, Telephonic Communications, see
especially subclasses 242+. |
| (3)
Note. Variable power dividers normally have a continuously
variable transfer of power which is not abrupt. |
| (4)
Note. Examples of the types of mechanical elements
used are movable shorting pins, rotating assemblies, and
movable transmission lines. |
2+, | for similar systems having automatically controlled
means. |
3, | for automatically controlled line substitution systems. |
13, | for single channel resonator type breakdown discharge
systems, where the resonator discharge device is used to
effectively short circuit or open circuit the line (e.g., R-T
or T-R systems). |
262, | for connection and disconnection of long lines. |
200, | Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, particularly
subclasses 1+ and 19.01+ for plural circuit
switches of general utility and not limited by claimed structure
to use with long lines. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclasses 23 , 38+, 64+, 80+, 85+, 98+, and
112+ for miscellaneous electrical distribution systems
which include switching. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 49 for plural oscillator systems provided with means
for selectively connecting one or more of two or more oscillators
to a common output circuit. |
| |
107 | For TEM lines: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 106. Subject matter whereby the dominant mode in the transmission
lines is of the type having only transverse electromagnetic components. |
| |
108 | For waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 105. Subject matter whereby the transmission device propagates
electrical waves having and electric or magnetic field component
extending in the direction of propagation. |
| |
109 | Using directional coupler: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 100. Wave transmission systems including two transmission lines
having an intervening coupling which propagates a portion of the
energy passing in one direction along the first line in the second
line in only one direction from the coupling, and which
propagates a portion of the energy which may pass in the other direction
along the first line in the second line in the opposite direction
only from the coupling.
| (1)
Note. The second line may include a means, such
as a dissipative termination, so that the energy from one
direction only will be propagated to a distance in the second line.
For example,

117, | for a plurality of lines connected to a line by
means of a hybrid coil. |
| |
111 | For providing adjustable coupling: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 109. Subject matter wherein the amount of electromagnetic energy
transferred between the first and second transmission lines can
be changed to provided a different coupling ratio. |
| |
112 | Having lumped parameters or impedances: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 109. Subject matter wherein an impedance element is included
which may be considered as concentrated at one point.
| (1)
Note. See the class definition for the definition
of "lumped parameters" or impedances. | |
| |
113 | Having parallel-guide waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 109. Subject matter wherein the first and second transmission
lines are waveguides; the direction of energy propagation
in the first and second lines being parallel in the coupling region. |
| |
114 | Having crossed-guide waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 109. Subject matter wherein the first and second transmission
lines are waveguides; the direction of propagation in the
first and second lines being transverse to each other in the coupling region. |
| |
115 | Having TEM lines: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 109. Subject matter wherein the first and second transmission
lines are the type having only transverse electromagnetic components
and no longitudinal electromagnetic components as their primary
mode of operation. |
| |
116 | Using stripline: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 115. Subject matter wherein each of the first and second transmission
lines have a planar center conductor and a planar ground plate. |
| |
117 | Including hybrid-type network: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 100. Systems including coupling one wave transmission line to
two or more wave transmission lines in such manner that there is
a conjugate relation between at least two of these coupled transmission
lines to prevent any interchange of energy between the conjugately
related lines.
22, | for transmission line terminations for hybrid-type
networks. |
23, | for artificial lines adapted for use in hybrid systems. |
24+, | for single channel coupling networks. 109, for
branched circuits including a directional coupler so that wave energy
passing in one direction along a first line will be propagated in
the second line in only one direction from the coupling, and
wave energy passing in the other direction along the first line
will be propagated only in the opposite direction from the coupling. |
169, | and 170+, for bridge-type
filter networks. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclass 365 for bridge-type impedance systems. |
336, | Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for the structure of transformers
per se. |
370, | Multiplex Communications, appropriate subclasses, particularly
subclasses 276+ for a duplex system, subclass 308 for
a resonant transfer system, and subclasses 498+ for combining
or distributing information via time channels which may include
a hybrid circuit. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 338+ for repeater systems including hybrid-type
networks; and subclasses 402+ for telephone substation
circuits including hybrid-type networks. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 7+ for radio repeaters including hybrid networks. |
| |
121 | Having hybrid-T (e.g., magic-T): |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 117. Subject matter wherein the hybrid has four ports; energy
being interchanged between the first port and two other ports, with
no energy propagation from the fourth port, and the first and
fourth ports being decoupled. |
| |
122 | Using waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 121. Subject matter wherein the transmission line is of the type
having an electric or magnetic field extending in the direction
of propagation. |
| |
123 | Having coaxial element: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 117. Subject matter wherein the transmission is of the TEM type
having an elongated center conductor and a surrounding outer conductor. |
| |
124 | With impedance matching: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 100. Systems wherein the interconnected or branched transmission
lines present impedances at their junction to substantially eliminate
the reflected wave energy caused by the junction or wherein one
or more impedance elements are provided which are constructed or proportioned
to substantially eliminate the reflected wave energy caused by the
branched circuit coupling means.
2+, | for branched circuit impedance matching which is
automatically controlled. |
22, | for single channel transmission line terminations
involving impedance matching. |
32+, | for single channel impedance matching coupling networks. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 600+ especially subclasses 612+ for the miscellaneous measurement
and testing of impedance mismatch between circuits; and subclasses
140+ for systems and apparatus for the measurement of voltage, current, or
power ratios which are indicative of impedance mismatch. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 852 for antennas with a plural path coupling network with
impedance matching. |
| |
126 | For providing frequency separation: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 125. Subject matter wherein the impedance matched branching network
provides a different frequency or band of frequencies in each of
the two or more transmission lines or in the plural outputs. |
| |
127 | Using TEM lines: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 125. Subject matter wherein the transmission lines are the type
having only transverse electromagnetic components as their primary
mode of operation. |
| |
128 | Stripline: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 127. Subject matter wherein the TEM lines are of the type having
a planar center conductor and a planar ground plate. |
| |
131 | Using coupled windings: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 124. Subject matter wherein the impedance matching elements comprise
inductively coupled coils (i.e., transformers
and auto transformers). |
| |
132 | For providing frequency separation: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 100. Subject matter wherein the interchange of wave energy provides
a different frequency or band of frequencies in each of the two
or more transmission lines or in the plural outputs. |
| |
134 | Utilizing long line element: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 132. Subject matter wherein the transmission lines or coupling
networks include an element having distributed parameters.
| (1)
Note. A long line element is a circuit element having
distributed parameters, such as a resonator, or
a waveguide. A long line element may be a part of a long line
wave transmission device or used in a network with other circuit
elements of the lumped parameter type, for example, as
in the case of delay networks, impedance matching networks, and
wave filters. | |
| |
135 | Including waveguide element: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 134. Subject matter wherein the long line element is of the type
having a magnetic or electrical component extending in the direction
of propagation.
| (1)
Note. A waveguide is a transmission device designed
to propagate electrical waves having an electric or magnetic field
component extending in the direction of propagation. The
waveguide may be a hollow dielectric or metal tube or
a solid dielectric rod, the wave energy being propagated
along the interior of the tube or rod and confined by the walls of
the tube or rod. | |
| |
138 | Delay lines including a lumped parameter: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter for retarding wave energy a predetermined
time over a range of frequencies and systems within the class definition
which include such networks and wherein one of the network parameters
may be considered as concentrated at one point.
| (1)
Note. See the class definition for the definition
of "lumped parameters". |
| (2)
Note. The time period may be constant over the range
of frequencies or proportional to the frequency (e.g., the
time of delay may be greater for the higher frequency). |
| (3)
Note. This subclass does not contain pulse delay
systems utilizing active elements. |
18, | for automatically controlled delay networks. |
19, | for differentiating or integrating systems involving
delay networks. |
20, | for wave synthesis and shaping systems involving
delay networks. |
28, | for combined attenuation and phase control networks, per
se. |
178, | Telegraphy, particularly
subclass 17.5 for transmitter for storing or delaying messages
or code signals; subclasses 45+ for wave transmission
lines with inductive loading means to effect changes in the delay
characteristics of the transmission lines; subclass 63
for phase or delay control means applied to high capacity transmission
line systems; and subclass 69 for line-clearing and
circuit maintenance systems which include distortion and phase correction
means. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, appropriate subclasses for the miscellaneous phase control
systems similar to these in Class 323 but having plural source circuits
and/or plural load circuits. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclasses 212 through 219for devices for adjusting or maintaining the phase
angle between the current and the voltage of an electric wave of
a single frequency, or the phase angle between the current
or voltage of a single frequency with respect to a standard or with
respect to the current or voltage of another circuit wherein there
is a single input source and a single output load and wherein the
phase shift is produced by the device acting on the original electrical
energy and not due to any interposed signal controlled transducer. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 76.77+ for phase indicators. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
subclasses 261+ for miscellaneous circuits which may include an
electron discharge device or transistor and provide specific delay
in producing an output waveform. see (3) Note
above. |
329, | Demodulators,
subclasses 315+ for frequency demodulators and subclasses 345+ for
phase demodulators. |
330, | Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses for amplifiers combined with
phase shifting networks and for phase inverter systems involving
active elements having an amplifier function appropriate subclasses
for phase compensation in amplifier systems. Also see (3) Note
above. |
331, | Oscillators, appropriate subclasses for oscillation generators utilizing
time delay networks, particularly
subclass 82 for beam tube oscillators of the traveling wave
type; and subclasses 135+ for phase shift oscillators, indented
subclass 137 providing for such oscillators with a phase shift network
of the RC ladder type. |
332, | Modulators,
subclasses 144+ for phase modulation systems. |
336, | Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for the structure of inductive reactors. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 744 for high frequency loop-type antennas
with series reactance in the loop; subclasses 749+ for
antennas with lumped reactance for loading the antenna; and
subclass 778 for plural waveguide-type antennas with phasing. |
361, | Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
subclasses 271+ for capacitor structure. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 2 , 9, 148, and indented subclasses
for systems for transforming electrical energy having one number
of phases to electrical energy having another number of phases. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 398 and 415 for phase modifying means applied to anti-inductive systems. |
| |
140 | Physical structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 138. Delay lines subject matter wherein the geometry of individual
parameters or the physical distribution of elements is critical
to obtaining the desired delay.
| (1)
Note. Included here would be inductive parameters
having a specific core structure and/or winding geometry. | |
| |
141 | Delay lines including elastic bulk wave propagation means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter for retarding wave energy a predetermined
time over a range of frequencies and systems within the class definition
which include such networks wherein structure is provided for converting
electrical wave energy to bulk wave mechanical energy, and
for transmitting the bulk wave mechanical energy for reconversion
to electrical wave energy.
| (1)
Note. The time period may be constant over the range
of frequencies or proportional to the frequency (e.g., the
time of delay may be greater for the higher frequency). |
| (2)
Note. The delay is due to the lower propagation
velocity of waves in the mechanical wave transmission path. |
| (3)
Note. Included as mechanical wave transmission devices
in this subclass are such devices as fluid columns, bars, rods, and
plates. |
| (4)
Note. By elastic bulk wave propagation is meant
energy transmitted through the interior of an elastic wave propagation medium. |
186+, | for electromechanical filters employing bulk mode
resonators. |
74, | Machine Element or Mechanism, appropriate subclasses, especially
subclass 1 for mechanical systems of linkages to shift the
phase of a wave. |
310, | Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
subclass 313 for piezoelectric surface acoustic wave devices; subclasses
334+ for various acoustic wave devices which use piezoelectric effects; and
subclass 26 for miscellaneous magnetostrictive devices, per se. |
318, | Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
subclass 116 for piezoelectric motors; and subclass
118 for magnetostrictive motors. |
322, | Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
subclass 3 for magnetostrictive generator systems. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 5+ for radar and other reflected wave radio systems used
to measure distance and which use delay networks, see especially subclasses
9, 10+, and 12+. |
367, | Communications, Electrical: Acoustic
Wave Systems and Devices,
subclass 141 for underwater vibration transducers. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclasses 150+ for telephone transmitters and receivers using
magnetostrictive or piezoelectric effects. |
| |
142 | Multipath propagation: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter wherein the initial direction of mechanical
wave energy is changed.
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes devices wherein changes
in propagation direction result from reflection, diffraction, refraction, or
mode conversion. | |
| |
143 | Spurious signal reduction: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 142. Subject matter including means to reduce undesired signal
| (1)
Note. Spurious signals may be generated by reflection, diffraction, refraction, or
multiple mode generation. | |
| |
144 | Variable delay: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter wherein the effective length of the structure
for transmitting mechanical waves may be varied to provide a variable
| (1)
Note. Included in this subclass are devices wherein
the propagation velocity within the structure for transmitting is
a function of externally applied magnetic or electric fields, control
voltages, radiation, or mechanical forces. | |
| |
145 | Nonuniform propagation path: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter in which the structure for transmitting mechanical
waves is tapered, stepped, or includes a hollow, composite, anisotropic, or nonhomogeneous
propagation path. |
| |
147 | Propagation path has significant chemical or physical properties: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter wherein the material of the structure for
transmitting mechanical waves significantly affects the delay characteristic.
| (1)
Note. The material, as a result if it is crystalline
structure or of its composition, may provide low losses, low
scattering, low dispersion, controlled dispersion, increased
power handling capabilities, or temperature stability. |
| (2)
Note. Included in this subclass are devices wherein
the structure for transmitting mechanical waves is polarized, semiconductive, gyromagnetic, ferroelectric, superconductive, magnetoelastic, or
is capable of magnetostatic wave propagation. | |
| |
148 | Including magnetostrictive transducers: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter wherein the conversion of electrical to mechanical
energy or the conversion of mechanical to electrical energy is dependent on
the magnetostrictive effect.
| (1)
Note. Magnetostrictive effect may be defined as
the change in dimensions of a body when subjected to a magnetic
field. | |
| |
149 | Significant transducer structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 141. Subject matter not classifiable in other subclasses indented
thereunder where the transducers used for electromechanical conversion are
structured or dimensioned to provide high efficiency conversion, impedance
matching, mode conversion, shock resistance, or
nonreflective properties. |
| |
150 | Delay lines including elastic surface wave propagation
means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter wherein structure is provided for converting
electric waves to surface acoustic waves, transmitting
the surface acoustic waves to a means for reconverting the acoustic waves
to electrical waves.
| (1)
Note. This subclass is limited to devices where
significant acoustic wave transmission is along the free surface
of the transmission media. |
| (2)
Note. The delay is due to the lower velocity of
the waves along the free surface of the transmission means.
No significant wave transmission is realized through the interior
of the transmission. |
| (3)
Note. The transmission media may comprise either
flat or curved surfaces of a piezoelectric medium or a nonpiezoelectric
medium having a surface coating of piezoelectric material. |
193+, | for filters employing surface acoustic waves. |
| |
151 | Spurious signal or mode cancellation means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 150. Subject matter including structure to reduce the effects
of spurious mechanical or electric wave signals or modes on the
output signal of the delay line.
| (1)
Note. Spurious modes or signals may result from
reflections of elastic surface waves, undesired conversion
of surface wave modes to bulk wave modes, nonlinearity
of the means for transmitting surface waves, or from undesired
capacitive coupling. |
| (2)
Note. The mode cancellation means may include acoustic
absorbers, shielding electrodes, obstacles in
the surface acoustic wave path, or surface wave propagation
substrates having anisotropic propagation properties. | |
| |
152 | Variable delay: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 150. Subject matter including means for varying the delay.
| (1)
Note. Delay variation may be achieved by mechanical
translation of the input and output transducers used for electromechanical
conversion or by including surface wave propagation substrates whose
delay properties are altered by incident radiation, electron
bombardment, or by the application of external field, forces, or
control voltages. |
| (2)
Note. The substrate material may include materials
or coatings which are both semiconductive and piezoelectric, are
both photosensitive and piezoelectric, or undergo significant
dimensional changes or deformation as a function of externally applied
heat or mechanical stress. | |
| |
153 | Including discontinuities within propagation means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 150. Subject matter wherein abrupt modifications are included
in the elastic surface wave path so as to alter the delay or transmission
characteristics of the path.
| (1)
Note. Such discontinuities may serve as reflectors, deflectors, diffractors, phase modifiers, or
mode converters. |
| (2)
Note. Transducers distributed along the wave transmission
path to provide signal tapping functions (rather than wave
perturbation) are not included here. | |
| |
154 | Significant transmitting or receiving transducer structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 150. Subject matter wherein the transducers required for electromechanical
wave conversion have structural attributes, relative orientation, spacing, or
other structural organization critical with respect to contributing
to desired wave delay or wave transmission characteristics.
151, | for delay lines of the elastic surface wave type
which include transducer structures providing spurious signal or mode
cancellation functions. |
| |
156 | Delay lines including long line elements: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter having distributed parameters and including
significant structure for retarding wave energy a predetermined
period of time over a range of frequencies and systems within the
class definition which include such networks.
| (1)
Note. The time period may be constant over the range
of frequencies or proportional to the frequency (e.g., the
time of delay may be greater for the higher frequency). |
138, | for delay structures wherein the wave energy to
be retarded propagates along line elements which include both distributed
and lumped elements. |
202+, | for wave filters including long line elements. |
236+, | for long lines. |
245+, | for long line elements and components. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 778 for plural waveguide-type antennas with
phasing. |
| |
157 | Waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 156. Subject matter wherein the structure for retarding energy
propagates electrical waves having an electric or magnetic field
component extending in the direction of propagation.
| (1)
Note. The waveguide may be a hollow dielectric or
metal tube or a solid dielectric rod, the wave energy being
propagated along the interior of the tube or rod and confined or
bounded by the tube or rod. | |
| |
158 | Including ferrite means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 157. Subject matter including ferrite within the waveguide.
| (1)
Note. The ferrite is usually biased by a fixed or
variable external magnetic field so as to determine the magnitude
of wave retardation. | |
| |
160 | Coaxial line: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 156. Subject matter wherein the structure for retarding wave
energy is a transmission line in which one conductor surrounds the
other, the two having a common longitudinal axis. |
| |
161 | Planar line structure (e.g., stripline): |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 156. Subject matter wherein the structure for retarding wave
energy is a transmission line including two or more spaced planar
| (1)
Note. The planar line structure for classification
here may be of the stripline type, the microstrip type, or
the slot line type. | |
| |
164 | Control of delay with semiconductive means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 156. Subject matter wherein the conductivity state of a semiconductive
means associated with the delay line controls the magnitude of wave retardation.
| (1)
Note. The semiconductive means may include switching
diodes, varactor diodes, or bulk effect semiconductors. | |
| |
165 | Frequency or time domain filters and delay lines utilizing
charge transfer devices: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter for filtering or delaying wave energy wherein
components of signals to be filtered or delayed are sensed, charge
samples corresponding to the magnitude and/or phase of
the signals are developed, the charges are sequentially
transferred at a predetermined rate, and the charges are
eventually sampled or sensed to develop filtered and/or
delayed output signals. |
| |
166 | Time domain filters: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter for filtering wave energy utilizing a tapped
delay line wherein a required impulse response is synthesized by
weighting and/or summing signals derived at the tap points. |
| |
167 | Frequency domain filters utilizing only lumped parameters: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter having only parameters which may be considered
as concentrated at one point and permitting free transmission of
electric waves of a single frequency or band of frequencies (which
may include zero frequency) while attenuating substantially
electric waves having other frequencies, or attenuating
substantially electric waves of a single frequency or band of frequencies (which
may include zero frequency) while permitting free transmission
of electric waves having other frequencies, and systems
within the class definition which include such networks.
| (1)
Note. Tuners, which are closely analogous
to the wave filters in this class, are classified in Class
334, Tuners. The tuners usually found in Class
334 consist of a lumped inductance and capacitance element together
with structure means to vary either or both elements in order to change
the mean resonant frequency of the tuner. The tuners in
Class 334 may include one or more long line elements in addition
to a lumped inductance or capacitance element, or the tuner
may consist of a distributed parameter type tuning unit which is
adjusted in discrete, distinct steps. Two or
more distributed parameter type tuner units which are of the continuously
variable type and which are ganged together mechanically and/or electrically
so as to have their mean resonant frequency adjusted in unison are properly
classified in Class 334. Where only the bandwidth of the
filter is varied without varying the mean resonant frequency, classification
is in this class (333). |
| (2)
Note. Filters combined with circuits having other
functions classified in other classes are excluded and will be bound in
other classes. See the classes referred to under "Search
Class" below. Note the exception in the case
of a mere current and or voltage control network combined with a
filter in (4) Note. |
| (3)
Note. Filters which include an active element are
excluded. See Class 327, particularly subclasses
552+ where the active element is an electron tube or a transistor. Note
that Class 327 includes some transversal filters. |
| (4)
Note. Filters in combination with means merely to
control the magnitude of the current and/or voltage in
the network are included in this and the indented subclasses. |
1+, | for plural channel systems which include filters
and for filters with plural input and/or output terminals. |
19, | for differentiating or integrating networks which
are analogous to wave filters. |
20, | for wave shaping networks which are analogous to
wave filters and which may include wave filters. |
28, | for equalizing networks which are analogous to wave
filters. |
100+, | where the filter includes branching means (e.g., a
single input with plural outputs). |
124+, | for resonant filter networks for matching the impedance
in branched circuits, and branched circuits with line sections
analogous to wave filters for impedance matching purposes. |
157+, | for delay networks which are analogous to wave filters. |
202+, | for long lines having frequency discriminating properties. |
219+, | for resonators including those with tuning means. |
74, | Machine Element or Mechanism,
subclass 1 for mechanical wave filters for transmitting mechanical
waves of a particular frequency or band of frequencies. |
84, | Music,
subclasses 1.19+ , 621, 622, 699+ or
736 for electrical systems used in musical instruments to produce
musical tones which include wave filters or tuners. |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclasses 2+ for telegraph systems involving wave filters; and
particularly subclass 47 and indented subclasses for harmonic or reed
type selective systems; subclass 49 for superposed current
systems with frequency selection means. |
181, | Acoustics,
subclasses 175+ for sound filters. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, particularly
subclass 105 for electrical distribution systems including wave
filters and subclass 132 for circuit interrupting systems having
filters to eliminate the higher frequency components. |
322, | Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
subclass 58 for generator controls with means for suppressing
or minimizing undesired frequencies. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, note that Class 323 provides for "filters" which
control only the voltage and/or current magnitude. If
the circuit which performs the filtering action is arranged only
to "buck out" or balance the undesired components, classification
is in Class 323. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
Systems, particularly
subclasses 552+ for unwanted signal suppression by an active filter
which may utilize a transistor or an electron tube. |
329, | Demodulators, appropriate subclasses for a demodulator which includes
tuning or filtering. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 302+ for transistor amplifiers with frequency responsive
means; subclass 86 for amplifiers having an automatically variable
impedance in the feedback path; subclass 94 for amplifiers
having a frequency responsive means in a cathode feedback path; subclass
109 for amplifiers with frequency responsive means in the feedback
path; subclass 143 for amplifiers with a thermal impedance
in the signal path which may be automatically variable; subclasses
144+ for amplifiers having an automatically variable impedance
in the signal path including such subject matter involving a variable
reactance for automatically tunable or selective circuits; subclass
154 for cascaded amplifiers including a resonant circuit; subclass
155 for amplifier circuits including means for unicontrol of the
coupling circuits; and subclasses 157+ and 192+ for
amplifier systems with significant interstage, input and
output coupling which may include wave filters. |
331, | Oscillators, appropriate subclasses, particularly
subclasses 43 , 76, 77, 110, and
138+ for oscillators utilizing a wave filter as an element
thereof. |
332, | Modulators, appropriate subclasses for modulators involving
wave filters. |
340, | Communications: Electrical,
subclasses 13.2 through 13.36for selective communication systems which are frequency
responsive. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 722 for antennas with a lumped reactance filter in
the active antenna; and subclasses 745+ for antennas
with a variable reactance for tuning the antenna. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 39+ for conversion systems in combination with a filter. |
370, | Multiplex Communications, appropriate subclasses, particularly
subclasses 488 and 497 for a multiplex system which includes connecting
filters. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for telephone systems involving
wave filters; and particularly
subclass 2 and indented subclasses for composite systems utilizing
wave filters; and subclasses 78, 79, 80, and
174 for anti-inductive systems and devices with wave discriminating
properties. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclasses 98+ for audio signal processing devices and systems
having frequency control. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 91+ for transmitters involving wave filters; and
subclasses 150.1+ and 296+ (especially
subclass 307) for radio receivers with filters or tuners. |
| |
168 | Including recurrent sections: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter wherein similar or equivalent elements or
groups of elements are cascaded.
| (1)
Note. Examples of filters classified here are ladder
network or reiterations of "T" or "pi" networks
whose formats are topographically similar but whose parameters may
not be equal in every reiteration. Examples of such filters included

| |
| |
169 | Wheatstone or lattice type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter having four impedance branches connected
in series to form a closed circuit, two nonadjacent junction
points serving as input terminals while the remaining two junction
points serve as output terminals.
| (1)
Note. Two of the impedance branches may be formed
by a transformer winding having a mid-tap, the
mid-tap forming one of the input or output terminals, and the
other winding of the transformer forming the output or input connecting means.
See Fig. 4 below. |
| (2)
Note. Included are for example:

117+, | for hybrid-type networks used in branched
circuits. |
133+, | for similar networks which include electromechanical
transducer elements. |
236, | Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation,
subclasses 69+ , 74, 78, and 91 for
temperature regulating systems which include impedance bridge networks
as the control means. |
318, | Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
subclass 294 for motor reversing systems wherein the armature
current reversal means includes an impedance bridge network; and
subclass 535 for motor field circuit control systems which include
an impedance bridge network; and subclasses 663+ for position
servomechanisms which may include a bridge in the error detector circuit. |
322, | Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
subclass 77 for single generator systems where the generator
field circuit is controlled by means of an impedance bridge network. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclass 365 for voltage magnitude control systems involving Wheatstone
bridge arrangements. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses, especially
subclasses 98+ and 101+ for electric measuring and testing
systems using impedance bridge arrangements. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 146 for amplifier systems having an amplifier in one
arm of a bridge; and subclass 175 for amplifier systems
having a lattice or Wheatstone bridge network in the signal coupling
means. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 110 and 138+ for bridge type oscillation generation systems
in general. |
332, | Modulators,
subclass 172 for amplitude modulating systems of the bridge type
having conjugate input and output. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 148+ for phase conversions arranged as a bridge. |
| |
170 | Bridge type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter having an impedance path containing a plurality
of filter impedance units connected in series relation between an
input and an output terminal, the filter also having a shunt
connection containing an impedance connected to the junction of
the series filter impedance units and to the other side of the line
between the input and output terminals, an impedance path
being connected to different ones of the series impedance units
at points other than the junction between the units.
| (1)
Note. The last named impedance path is therefore
in parallel with at least a portion of the series connected filter
impedance units in the input circuit and the output circuit.
The last named impedance path may include an inductive coupling. |
| (2)
Note. Examples of filter networks included and excluded

Inductively Coupled 
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 142 in particular for bridge-type oscillators
utilizing a double T bridge of the RC or RL element type. |
| |
171 | With variable response: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 170. Subject matter wherein at least one of the filter impedance
units is made adjustable in order to vary the response of the filter. |
| |
172 | RC or RL type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter wherein the filter parameters are limited
to combinations of resistance and capacitance or to combinations
of resistance and inductance. |
| |
173 | Synchronous filters: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter wherein the parameters of the filter are
cyclically connected or disconnected.
| (1)
Note. The response (e.g., bandwidth, center
frequency, harmonic rejection, etc.) is
determined both by the magnitude of the filter parameters and by
the rate at which the connections or disconnections are made. | |
| |
174 | With variable response: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter wherein at least one of the filter parameters
is made adjustable in order to vary the response of the filter. |
| |
175 | Resonant, discrete frequency selective type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter which include resonant series and/or
parallel inductance and capacity networks which offer a low impedance
path to energy of a particular frequency or of a plurality of separate
discrete frequencies and/or offer a high impedance path
to energy of a particular frequency or of a plurality of discrete
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes filters under its definition
in which means are incorporated for sharpening the tuning of the
resonant circuits as by compensating for the resistance in such
circuits. |
| (2)
Note. The filters in this subclass are especially
designed to pass only a single discrete frequency or a plurality
of discrete frequencies but not a continuous band, or to
eliminate one or more discrete frequencies from a band of frequencies. |
197+, | for similar filters utilizing electromechanical
transducers. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 302+ for transistor amplifiers with frequency responsive
coupling; subclasses 94 and 109 for amplifiers with frequency responsive
feedback means; subclass 154 for cascaded amplifiers having
a resonant means in an interstage coupling circuit; subclasses
157+, 185+, and 192+, particularly
subclasses 167, 189, and 196 for coupling circuits with
resonant circuit means. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclass 76 for oscillators, combined with an output
coupling network including a harmonic selecting filter. |
334, | Tuners, appropriate subclasses for tuners adapted to be used in
wave energy apparatus, also see the reference note to Class
334 in the search notes of
subclass 167 . |
| |
176 | Including specific frequency rejection means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 175. Subject matter which include circuitry, provided
for rejecting harmonics or for providing discrete transmission zeroes
or attenuation poles within, at the edge of, or
outside of, a prescribed filter pass band. |
| |
177 | Transformer coupled: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter which include a mutual inductance link of
the lumped type between the input and output of the filter.
| (1)
Note. The filters in this subclass are usually of
the band-pass type, wherein the band-pass
effect is due to the coupling between resonant circuits (e.g., intermediate
frequency transformer systems with more than critical coupling between tuned
primary and secondary circuits). The mutual inductance
link need not be between the resonant circuits of the filter but
may constitute the input or output coupling, the coupling
between the resonant circuits being capacitive. |
| (2)
Note. Wave filters wherein the mutual inductance
link is of the long line type are not in this subclass but will
be found in subclasses 125+ for branched circuit impedance
matching networks; subclass 26 for balanced to unbalanced
circuit conversion; subclasses 33+ for impedance
matching networks; and subclasses 202+ for wave
filters. |
197+, | for electromechanical transducer-type filters
involving transformer coupling. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclasses 247 , 301, 305, 328, and
355 for current and/or voltage magnitude control systems including
transformers, and for miscellaneous transformer systems. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 154 , 165+, 188+, and
195+ for amplifiers having transformer coupling. |
336, | Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for transformers which are
not designed to be frequency responsive. |
379, | Telephonic Communications,
subclasses 443+ for induction coils combined with the structure
of telephone instruments. |
| |
180 | With variable coupling means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 177. Subject matter wherein means are provided to adjust the
degree of coupling between circuit elements or groupings of circuit
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes means to vary either
inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, resistive
coupling, or any combinations of such coupling. | |
| |
181 | Smoothing type (e.g., direct
current power supply filters or decoupling filters): |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter having shunt capacitance or series inductance, or
both, usually designed to pass direct current and to reduce
the effect of any undesired alternating or pulsating current superimposed
on the direct current or to pass direct current and low frequency
alternating current or pulsating current and to reduce the effect
of an undesired higher frequency alternating or pulsating current.
| (1)
Note. Such filters usually have no resonant relationship
between the inductance and capacitance over the range of applied
frequencies. |
| (2)
Note. These filters are usually of the "brute
force" type, utilizing an excess inductance and/or
capacitance. They are generally low pass, being
adapted to pass direct current and to reduce the effect of any undesired
alternating current superimposed on the direct current. |
| (3)
Note. Included are systems with a smoothing-type
filter combined with a passive network means to regulate the current
or voltage applied to or abstracted from the filter. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
Systems, if the circuit which performs the smoothing action
does so only by "bucking out" or balancing the
undesired components, classification is in Class 323. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 141 for amplifiers having smoothing circuits in the bias
control path; subclass 142 for amplifiers including self-biasing
circuits; and subclasses 199+ for amplifiers having
significant power or bias supply means which may include significant
details of smoothing filters. |
363, | Electric Power Conversion Systems,
subclasses 39+ for conversion systems, (i.e., rectification
or decertification) in combination with smoothing-type
filters. |
| |
182 | Feedthrough type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 181. Subject matter structured so as to include a central conductor
concentrically surrounded by a capacitive or inductive element or
by combinations of such elements.
| (1)
Note. These filter structures are usually adapted
to be mounted in a partition, wall, or bulkhead, or
to be mounted within a connector assembly. | |
| |
183 | Resiliently mounted components: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 182. Subject matter wherein the central conductor or the inductive
or capacitive elements are engaged to each other by resilient mounting structures.
| (1)
Note. The resilient mounting structures may include
conductive or nonconductive elements providing for relative ease in
assembling or disassembling of filter components and/or
for providing relative ease in assembling filter components within
a connector structure. | |
| |
184 | Monolithic structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 181. Subject matter wherein inductive or capacitive elements
are integrated on or within a common substrate or support. |
| |
185 | Having significant physical structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 167. Subject matter wherein the geometry of individual parameters
or the physical distribution of such parameters is critical to obtaining
the desired delay.
| (1)
Note. Included here would be inductive parameters
having a specific core structure and/or winding geometry (i.e., low capacity
windings). | |
| |
186 | Electromechanical filter: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter including at least one electrical wave driven
mechanical vibrator as a frequency determining element, providing
free transmission of electric waves of a single frequency or band
of frequencies (which may include zero frequency) while
attenuating substantially electric waves having other frequencies, or
attenuating substantially electric waves of a single frequency or
band of frequencies (which may include zero frequency) while
permitting free transmission of electric waves having other frequencies, and
systems within the class definition which include such networks.
| (1)
Note. In many of the devices in this and the indented
subclass, the electrical wave energy is converted into
mechanical energy which is transmitted to a means for reconverting
the mechanical energy to electrical wave energy. The mechanical
energy transmitting means may be a bar, rod, fluid, etc.
The mechanical transmission member determines the frequency of the
energy transmitted. |
148+, | for delay networks of the electromechanical transducer
type which are analogous to wave filters. |
178, | Telegraphy,
subclass 49 for telegraph systems utilizing vibrating elements for
transmitting undulating currents. |
181, | Acoustics,
subclasses 207+ for mufflers and sound filters, see subclass 207
for rods designed to transmit mechanical vibrations and to damp out
other mechanical vibrations and designed to act as mechanical filters. |
310, | Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
subclasses 311+ for piezoelectric devices; and subclass
26 for the miscellaneous magnetostrictive devices. |
318, | Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
subclass 118 for magnetostrictive motors; and subclass
116 for piezoelectric motors. |
322, | Electricity: Single Generator Systems, in the appropriate subclasses for electromechanical
transducers of the motor generator type. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclasses 201 through 204for dynamoelectric systems. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 174 for amplifier systems having an electromechanical
transducer coupling element; magnetostrictive means in
an amplifier system are classified in subclass 60. |
331, | Oscillators, appropriate subclasses particularly
subclasses 73 , 116, 139, and 154+ for
oscillators employing an electromechanical resonator or transducer
as an element thereof. |
336, | Inductor Devices,
subclass 20 for inductors having magnetostrictive structure. |
367, | Communications, Electrical:
Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices,
subclass 141 for underwater vibration transducers. |
381, | Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and
subclasses 337+ for telephone transmitters and receivers with mechanical
sound amplifying means (e.g.,
harmonic vibrators); and subclasses 190 and 355+ for
telephone transmitters and receivers using magnetostrictive effects. |
| |
187 | Using bulk mode piezoelectric vibrator: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 186. Subject matter wherein the wave driven mechanical resonator
is a piezoelectric body subject to changes in its transverse and/or
longitudinal dimension(s) under the influence
of an external electric field.
| (1)
Note. The dimensional deformations of the piezoelectric
vibrator are accompanied by mechanical bulk wave mode resonances, such
resonances may be of the transverse, longitudinal, sheer, radial, or plate
mode type. |
| (2)
Note. Excluded from this subclass are surface acoustic
wave filters wherein mechanical deformation is realized substantially
only along the free surface of a piezoelectric body and no significant bulk
mode resonance effects are realized. |
310, | Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
subclass 323.19 for a piezoelectric element forming a resonant
structure used to convert electric energy into sound energy or a
piezoelectric element combined with specific means to conduct sound
energy. |
| |
189 | Plural coupled vibrators: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 187. Subject matter wherein a plurality of vibrators are electrically
or mechanically intercoupled so as to provide a composite response
dependent on the contribution of each vibrator. |
| |
190 | Lattice structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 189. Subject matter having four circuit element branches connected
in series to form a closed circuit, two nonadjacent junction
points serving as input terminals while the remaining two junctions
serve as output terminals.
| (1)
Note. At least two of the circuit element branches
include a piezoelectric vibrator. |
| (2)
Note. Two of the circuit branches may be formed
by a transformer winding having a mid-tap, the
mid-tap forming one of the input or output terminals, and
the other winding of the transformer forming the output or input
connecting means. See Fig. 4 below. |
| (3)
Note. Included are for example:

| |
| |
192 | With electrical coupling: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 191. Subject matter wherein the vibrators include electrical
| (1)
Note. The vibrators may also include mechanical
coupling. | |
| |
193 | Using surface acoustic waves: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 186. Subject matter wherein mechanical wave energy within a desired
frequency band is transmitted in the form of acoustic waves propagating
principally along a free surface or a guiding substrate.
| (1)
Note. The substrate is usually piezoelectric or
comprises a surface coated with material having piezoelectric properties. |
| (2)
Note. The surface waves are excited by transducers
having a desired frequency selectively. | |
| |
196 | With response weighting means: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 193. Subject matter including significant structure for adjusting
the amplitude and/or phase versus frequency transmission
characteristics of the filters. |
| |
198 | Plural interresonator coupling paths: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 197. Subject matter wherein some of the vibrators are coupled
to each other along a plurality of mechanical wave coupling paths.
| (1)
Note. As an example, two rods or plates are
intercoupled at more than one point (i.e., two
end points of one vibrator are mechanically coupled to two end points of
a second vibrator). | |
| |
200 | Reed- or fork-type resonators: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 186. Subject matter wherein the vibrators are either elongated
planar flexural mode structures having a relatively large ratio
of length to width and thickness or are structured so as to resemble
the tines of a fork. |
| |
202 | Wave filters including long line elements: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 24. Subject matter including elements having distributed parameters
and permitting free transmission of electric waves of a single frequency or
band of frequencies (which may include zero frequency) while
attenuating substantially electric waves having other frequencies, or attenuating
substantially electric waves of a single frequency or band of frequencies (which may
include zero frequency) while permitting free transmission
of electric waves having other frequencies, and systems
within the class definition which include such networks.
| (1)
Note. Tuners, which are closely analogous
to the wave filters in the class, are classified in Class
334, Tuners. The tuners in Class 334 may include
one or more long line elements in addition to a lumped inductance
or capacitance element, or the tuner may consist of a distributed
parameter type tuning unit which is adjusted in discrete, distinct steps.
Two or more distributed parameter type tuner units which are of
the continuously variable type and which are ganged together mechanically
and/or electrically so as to have their mean resonant frequency
adjusted in unison are properly classified in Class 334.
Where only the bandwidth of the filter is varied without varying
the means resonant frequency, classification is in this
class (333). |
| (2)
Note. Filters combined with circuits having other
functions classified in other classes are excluded and will be found
in other classes. See the classes referred to under "Search
Class" below. Note the exception in the case
of a mere current and/or voltage control network combined
with a filter in (4) Note. |
| (3)
Note. Filters which include an active element are
excluded. See Class 327, particularly subclasses
552+ where the active element is an electron tube or a transistor. Note
that Class 327 includes some transversal filters. |
| (4)
Note. Filters in combination with means merely to
control the magnitude of the current and/or voltage in
the network are included in this and the indented subclass. |
1+, | for plural channel systems which include filters
and for filters with plural input and/or output terminals. |
19, | for differentiating or integrating networks which
are analogous to wave filters. |
20, | for wave shaping networks which are analogous to
wave filters and which may include wave filters. |
28, | for equalizing networks which are analogous to wave
filters. |
100+, | where the filter includes branching means (e.g., a
single input with plural outputs). |
126, | for resonant filter networks for matching the impedance
in branched circuits, and branched circuits with line sections
analogous to wave filters for impedance matching purposes. |
132+, | for branched circuits which include filters. |
156+, | for delay networks having long line elements analogous
to wave filters. |
219+, | for resonators. |
236+, | for long lines. |
245+, | for long line elements. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
Systems, particularly
subclasses 552+ for unwanted signal suppression by an active filter
which may utilize a transistor or an electron tube. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifier systems with long line element coupling
means. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 96+ which include distributed parameters. |
| |
203 | Digital structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 202. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes a plurality
of electromagnetically coupled bar-or strip-type
resonator sections aligned perpendicularly to the direction of wave
propagation. |
| |
204 | Stripline or microstrip: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 202. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes a long
line of the type having planar conductors.
| (1)
Note. Examples of such lines are strip-lines, wherein
a flat conductor is included between two ground planes, or microstrip
lines, wherein a flat conductor coacts with a single ground
plane. | |
| |
205 | Tunable: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 204. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes electrically
or mechanically variable parameters to provide an adjustable amplitude versus
frequency characteristic. |
| |
206 | Coaxial: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 202. Subject matter including a line structure comprising a conductor
coaxially aligned with an outer cylindrical conductive sheath. |
| |
207 | Tunable: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 206. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes electrically
or mechanically variable parameters to provide an adjustable amplitude versus
frequency characteristic. |
| |
208 | Waveguide: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 202. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes a hollow
dielectric tube, a hollow metal tube, or a solid
dielectric designed to propagate electrical waves having an electric
or magnetic field component extending in the direction of propagation
and wherein the outer surfaces of the tube or solid dielectric serve
as boundaries for the electromagnetic fields.
| (1)
Note. Included in this subclass would be filters
employing dielectric rods or dielectric clad conductors wherein
the propagation of energy is substantially confined to the immediate
neighborhood of the rod or dielectric clad conductor. | |
| |
209 | Tunable: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 208. Subject matter wherein the filter structure includes electrically
or mechanically variable parameters to provide an adjustable amplitude versus
frequency characteristic. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Systems including active elements for producing, across
at least two of the system terminals, a negative resistance
and/or an inductance or capacitance which may be positive
or negative.
| (1)
Note. This subclass does not include dynamoelectric
machine systems which are used as a reactance element. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
subclasses 401+ for nonlinear reactance systems which may exhibit
negative resistance characteristics. |
323, | Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation
subclasses 212 through 219for phase shift systems. |
327, | Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and
Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous circuits
utilizing negative resistance devices. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 75+ for feedback amplifiers of the vacuum, tube type, particularly
subclasses 82, 93, 101, 104, and
112 for positive feedback amplifiers; and subclasses 291+ for
transistor feedback amplifiers. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 86+ for magnetron-type oscillators which may
utilize negative resistance effects; subclass 115 for transistor
oscillators of the negative resistance type; subclasses
126+ for oscillators utilizing the negative resistance
characteristic of a gaseous space discharge; and subclasses
132+ for negative resistance or negative transconductance
oscillators in general. Subclasses 1+ of Class 331
provide for automatic frequency stabilized oscillators many of which utilize
adjustable reactance tubes, indented subclass 36 provides
for particular frequency control means (e.g., reactance
tubes, saturable inductors, etc.); and
subclass 180 provides for oscillators in general including frequency
adjusting means of the reactance tube type. |
332, | Modulators, particularly
subclasses 140 and 142+ for reactance tubes in frequency
modulators, subclasses 147+ for reactance tubes
in phase modulators, and subclass 175 for reactance tubes
in amplitude modulators. |
334, | Tuners,
subclasses 14+ for tuners utilizing reactance tube networks. |
| |
215 | Using gyrator: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 214. Subject matter employing a nonreciprocal circuit of the
type that produces at one point the positive inversion of the impedance
at a second point (i.e., a positive
impedance inverter).
| (1)
Note. A gyrator is a four-terminal, two-port
nonreciprocal network which may be defined as follows:

wherein R1 and R2 are
transfer impedances whose product determines the gyration constant
K. | |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subject matter wherein the device has a single input and
single output and the frequency of the output wave is normally a
whole number multiple of the input frequency.
| (1)
Note. The device must be a long line element and
use a nonlinear solid-state device for multiplying. | |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Devices comprising conductive enclosures, cavities, or
wave transmission line sections of the two terminal types and having distributed
inductance and capacitance, the line sections being terminated
in other than the characteristic impedance of the line sections, the
devices presenting resonant characteristics to the exciting source
of wave energy, and systems within the class definition
which include such devices.
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes resonators even if
they are provided with tuning means and designated as tuners. |
245+, | for long line elements which are terminated in other
than their characteristic impedance and which are nonresonant, i.e., transmission
line elements which are effectively inductances or capacitances, such
as being 1/8 of a wave-length long. |
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
subclasses 4+ for cathode-ray tubes which have structurally
combined therewith a resonant structure; subclasses 39+ for
electronic tubes having structurally combined therewith a resonant transmission
line; and subclasses 39.51+ and 40 for
other electronic tubes which include resonant structures. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifiers having distributed parameter coupling
which may be resonant; subclass 45 for electron beam type
amplifiers having cavity resonator coupling means; subclass
49 for amplifiers wherein the active element is a tube having distributed
parameter characteristics which may be resonant. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 5 , 6+, 9, 79+, 86+, 93, and
96+ for oscillator systems utilizing distributed parameter resonators
as an element thereof. |
332, | Modulators, particularly
subclasses 129+ for resonators in frequency modulators and subclasses
163+ for resonators in amplitude modulators. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 723 for single adjustable length electrically long
linear antennas; subclasses 745+ for antennas
with a variable reactance for tuning the antenna; subclasses
746 and 767+ for slot-type antennas which may
include resonator structure; subclasses 790+ for
sleeve-type antennas; subclasses 793+ for
balanced doublet-type antennas which may have resonant
characteristics; subclasses 825+ for fractional, multiple, or
full wavelength-type antennas; and subclass 843
for antennas having an appreciable wave-length dimension. |
455, | Telecommunications,
subclasses 130+ for radio receivers using resonators, see
particularly subclasses 325+ for frequency conversion means
with distributed parameter elements which may be resonant. |
| |
219.1 | Dielectric type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter where the resonator device is a dielectric
material body in which field configurations excited by the source
of wave energy are substantially confined therein. |
| |
219.2 | Magnetic type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter where the resonator device possesses magnetic
properties responsive to the exciting source of wave energy. |
| |
220 | Open wire or Lecher line: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter wherein the line section is of the parallel
wire type normally an integral number of half-wavelengths
long so as to set up standing waves on the section. |
| |
221 | With tuning: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 220. Subject matter wherein the resonator has means which can
be adjusted to resonate or operate at a specified frequency. |
| |
222 | Coaxial or shielded: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter wherein the resonator is of the two conductor
type having a central conductor concentric with the resonator outer
conductor. |
| |
223 | With tuning: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 222. Subject matter wherein the resonator has means which can
be adjusted to resonate or operate at a specified frequency. |
| |
227 | Cavity resonator: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Devices and systems where the resonator device is an enclosure
or cavity so constructed that the field configuration excited within
the boundaries of the device includes longitudinal as well as transverse
field components.
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
subclasses 5+ for cathode-ray tubes which have structurally
combined therewith a hollow resonant structure (e.g., waveguide hollow
resonator); subclasses 39+ for electronic
tubes structurally combined with a waveguide section; and
subclasses 39.51+ and 40 for other electronic
tubes structurally combined with resonator structure (e.g., magnetrons). |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclass 45 for electron beam tube amplifiers coupled to a cavity
resonator; and subclass 56 for amplifiers, generally
having a resonator of the waveguide, cavity, or
concentric line type. |
331, | Oscillators,
subclasses 5 , 6+, 81+, 86+, 93, and
96 for oscillator systems utilizing distributed parameter resonators, which
resonators may be of the cavity or hollow waveguide type. |
332, | Modulators, particularly
subclasses 129+ for resonators in frequency modulators and subclasses
163+ for resonators in amplitude modulators. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 762 and 772+ for waveguide-type antennas; and subclass
771 for plural slot-type antennas with waveguide coupling. |
| |
228 | With mode suppressor: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 227. Subject matter wherein means are provided to minimize or
substantially eliminate extraneous modes of oscillation in cavity
resonators. |
| |
229 | With temperature compensation: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 227. Subject matter wherein the cavity resonator has thermal
compensation means to substantially reduce the effects of temperature
variations on the operating frequency. |
| |
230 | With coupling: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 227. Subject matter wherein significant structure is included
for effecting the transfer of oscillatory energy between the cavity
resonator and another circuit. |
| |
231 | With tuning: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 227. Subject matter wherein the cavity has means whereby the
cavity can be adjusted to resonate or operate at a specified frequency. |
| |
234 | Temperature compensated: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter wherein the resonator has thermal compensation
means to substantially reduce the effects of temperature variations
on the operating frequency. |
| |
235 | With tuning: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 219. Subject matter wherein the cavity of the resonator has means
which can be adjusted to resonate or operate at a specific frequency. |
| |
236 | LONG LINES: |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Structure providing a single channel of indefinite length
for conveying and guiding wave energy, and having distributed
electrical parameters so related or proportioned as to determine
the wave propagating characteristics of the channel.
12, | for long lines with means to eliminate interference
currents therein or with means to minimize radiation therefrom. |
22, | for dissipative terminations for transmission lines. |
23, | for artificial lines simulating a transmission line. |
26, | for coupling networks for connecting balanced to
unbalanced circuits or vice versa which include a long line element. |
27, | for transmission lines with coupling networks at
the opposed ends. |
33+, | for impedance matching networks which include a
long line element. |
202+, | for filters which include a long line element. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for conductor structure other than
loaded lines and lines defined as having long line characteristics; see
subclass 27 and 113+ for parallel or twisted conductor
structures; subclasses 28 and 102+ for coaxial
and shielded cable structure; subclasses 32+ for
anti-inductive conductor structures; subclasses
37+ for underground conductor structures; and
subclasses 40+ for overhead conductor structures. |
178, | Telegraphy, for telegraph transmission line systems; and particularly
subclasses 45+ for loaded circuits; subclass 63 for long
cable systems; and subclass 69 for line-clearing
and circuit-maintenance systems. |
307, | Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, appropriate subclasses, particularly
subclass 146 and 147+ for miscellaneous systems of distribution
with transmission lines usually of the electrically short type. |
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
subclasses 3.5+ and 4+ for transmission line sections structurally
combined with cathode-ray tubes; and subclasses
39+ for electronic tubes which are structurally combined
with a transmission line of the distributed parameter type. |
324, | Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
subclasses 51+ , 54, 66+, 95,
and 600+ for arrangements to determine the electrical
characteristics of transmission lines. |
329, | Demodulators,
subclass 322 for a frequency demodulator including distributed
parameter structure and subclass 354 for an amplitude demodulator including
distributed parameter structure. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifiers coupled to a long line. |
340, | Communications: Electrical, for miscellaneous electrical signaling systems which include
a long line. Note
subclasses 12.32 through 12.39and 538-538.17 for such systems
where the signal is transmitted over a power line and subclass 320
for signaling using a fluid conduit to transmit the signal. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 700+ for antennas which may involve long lines. |
379, | Telephonic Communications, for telephone transmission line systems; particularly
subclasses 1.01 through 33for long line testing device, subclasses 90.01-108.02
for composite systems (e.g., telegraph
and telephone), and subclass 398 for anti-inductive
systems. |
| |
237 | Leaky lines: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 236. Subject matter wherein the long line carries a travelling
wave which is lightly coupled to a series of leakage apertures to
create a concentrated, uniform, radiation field in the immediate
vicinity of the aperture.
| (1)
Note. Many of the patents in this subclass are directed towards
radiating energy from a coaxial cable in a building, tunnel, or
mine and/or for vehicle communication. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 700+ for the structural details of the radiating aperture
used in conjunction with the long line, e.g., subclasses 767+ for
slots. |
| |
238 | Strip type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 236. Subject matter wherein the long line is of the type having
planar conductors.
| (1)
Note. Examples of such lines are stripline, microstrip, slot
line, and coplanar waveguide. | |
| |
239 | Waveguide type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 236. Subject matter particularly adapted for propagating electric
waves having an electric or magnetic field component extending in
the direction of propagation.
| (1)
Note. The waveguide may be a hollow dielectric or metal tube
or solid dielectric rod, the wave energy being propagated along
the interior of the tube or rod and confined by the walls of the
tube or rod. | |
| |
240 | Surface wave: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 239. Subject matter for propagating, without substantial radiation,
electromagnetic energy along the interface between two media having different
physical properties (e.g., different permittivities).
| (1)
Note. While the electromagnetic field extends to infinity
in a direction transverse to the guide, the energy density decreases
with distance so that most of the energy propagation is in the immediate
neighborhood of the interface. |
| (2)
Note. Surface wave guiding structures may comprise dielectric
clad conductive cylinders, conductive planes with parallel grooves
or conductive cylinders with radial grooves, or a dielectric rod
clad with a dielectric media of a different permittivity. | |
| |
241 | Flexible: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 239. Subject matter wherein the waveguide is articulated, segmented,
or otherwise structured so as to permit desired bending without
appreciable wave mode distortion and/or without appreciable
characteristic impedance variation. |
| |
242 | Circular or helical structure: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 239. Subject matter wherein the guide structure is a hollow conductive
cylinder, a helical conductor, or a helical conductor located within
a conductive screen. |
| |
243 | Shielded type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 236. Subject matter wherein the long line comprises at least
one electrical conductor surrounded by an electrically conducting
| (1)
Note. This subclass includes, for example, coaxial cable-type
conductors and other transmission lines having one or more conductors
surrounded by an outer metal sheath which is designed for use as a
conductor. |
12, | for interference suppression and/or elimination
systems which may include electrical screens or shields, and for
conductor arrangements which involve shielding means or structure
in addition to the conductor arrangement. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, particularly
subclasses 28+ for the structure of coaxial or concentric-type
cables having a fluid or vacuum; subclass 36 for electrically shielded
or screened conductors; and subclasses 102+ for cables
or conductor structure having a conductive armor or sheath. |
315, | Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
subclasses 4+ for cathode-ray tubes which have structurally combined
therewith a coaxial cable section; and subclasses 39+ for other
electronic tubes which have structurally combined therewith a coaxial
cable section. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 841+ for antennas with an electrical shield; subclass 851
for antennas with a coupling network including a radiation suppressor; and
subclass 905 for antennas combined with a transmission line which may
include a shield for the transmission line. |
| |
| This subclass is indented under the class definition. Components and elements not constituting a complete network
which are limited by claimed structure to use in long lines and
which are not otherwise classified, and also long line elements.
| (1)
Note. Included in this subclass are structures and devices
for modifying the characteristics of a transmission line at a particular
location, for example, line short-circuiting switches, line-shorting plugs,
impedance elements, and long line elements which are terminated
in other than their characteristic impedance and are nonresonant
(e.g., a short-circuited line 1/8 of a wavelength long). |
13, | for resonator type breakdown discharge device networks
for short circuiting a long line. |
22, | for dissipating terminations for long lines. |
101+, | for branched circuits having switching means. |
219+, | for resonators. |
236+, | for long lines. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for conductors, housing insulators,
conductor joints, and end structure where no significant wave propagation
characteristic limiting the structures to use with long lines is
claimed. |
200, | Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses for switching structure in
general. |
285, | Pipe Joints or Couplings, appropriate subclasses for couplings for coaxial lines
or for waveguides where no significant electrical features are claimed. |
329, | Demodulators,
subclass 322 for a frequency demodulator including distributed
parameter structure and subclass 354 for an amplitude demodulator including
distributed parameter structure. |
330, | Amplifiers,
subclasses 53+ for amplifiers with distributed parameter coupling
means including subject matter involving structural details of such means. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclasses 907+ for antenna components. |
439, | Electrical Connectors, for transmission line electrical connectors where no
significant wave propagation characteristic are claimed which limit
the structure to use with long lines. |
| |
246 | Strip type: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 245. Subject matter wherein the long line is of the type having
planar conductors.
| (1)
Note. Examples of such lines are stripline (two ground planes),
microstrip (one ground plane), slot lines, or coplanar waveguides. |
238, | for strip-type lines, per se. |
| |
247 | Semiconductor mounts: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 246. Subject matter wherein a strip-type board is used to hold
or support a solid-state device such as a transistor.
257, | Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors,
Solid-State Diodes),
subclasses 662 through 664. |
| |
248 | Waveguide elements and components: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 245. Components and elements which are limited to use with waveguides,
and also waveguide elements.
| (1)
Note. A waveguide may be a hollow dielectric or metal tube
or a solid dielectric rod, the wave energy being propagated along
the interior of the tube or rod and confined by the walls of the
tube or rod. |
113, | for directional couplers having parallel-guide waveguides. |
114, | for directional couplers having crossed-guide waveguides. |
122, | for hybrid-type networks using waveguide. |
135, | for frequency separation utilizing long line elements
including waveguide elements. |
157+, | for delay lines including long line waveguide elements. |
239+, | for types of waveguide. |
138, | Pipes and Tubular Conduits,
subclasses 100 through 178for waveguide structures and accessories which
are not limited to electrical use. |
174, | Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for conduits and transmission
line structure limited to electrical use but not having long line
characteristics. |
285, | Pipe Joints or Couplings, appropriate subclasses for pipe couplings not limited
to electrical use. |
329, | Demodulators,
subclass 322 for a frequency demodulator including distributed
parameter structure and subclass 354 for an amplitude demodulator including
distributed parameter structure. |
343, | Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
subclass 783 for waveguide-type antennas with internal wave
refraction means; and subclass 785 for waveguide-type antennas which
are of the dielectric type. |
| |
249 | Bend: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein the longitudinal axis of the waveguide
element changes direction. |
| |
250 | Active element mounting: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein the waveguide element is designed
to support an active element (e.g., diode, tube) in the waveguide. |
| |
251 | Mode suppressor: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein the waveguide is designed to pass
a desired electromagnetic mode or modes and block or filter out
any undesired electromagnetic mode or modes. |
| |
252 | Window: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein the waveguide element contains an
electromagnetic wave-permeable solid plate lying transverse to the
direction of wave propagation. |
| |
253 | Including variable impedance: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein structure is provided in the waveguide
to adjust the impedance (normally the reactive portion) of the line
at selected terminal planes.
| (1)
Note. Movable shorting stubs and movable irises are classified
here. |
33+, | for impedance matching between networks. |
| |
255 | Quick disconnect: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 254. Subject matter wherein the joined waveguides are provided
with means to rapidly connect and disconnect the waveguides. |
| |
256 | Movable: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 254. Subject matter including structure which allows relative
movement between the joined waveguides during normal operation. |
| |
257 | In line: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 256. Subject matter wherein the axes of the joined waveguide
sections are aligned. |
| |
258 | Switch: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 248. Subject matter wherein wave energy is selectively passed
along the waveguide by a means which abruptly connects and disconnects
a single waveguide input from a single waveguide output.
101+, | for switches in branched circuits. |
| |
259 | Mechanically movable: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 258. Subject matter wherein the connecting and disconnecting
is accomplished using mechanically actuated means.
| (1)
Note. The mechanically actuated means may be a movable vane
or movable shorting pins. |
105+, | for mechanical switches in branched circuits. |
| |
261 | Rotary coupling: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 260. Subject matter having means to provide relative rotation
between two intercoupled long line sections. |
| |
262 | Switch: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 245. Subject matter wherein energy is selectively passed along
the long line by abruptly connecting and disconnecting a single
line input from a single line output. |
| |
263 | Including variable impedance: |
| This subclass is indented under subclass 245. Subject matter wherein means are connected to the long line
to adjust the impedance (normally the reactive portion) of the line
at selected terminal planes.
| (1)
Note. Movable short circuits and variable reactances are
classified here. | |
| |