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 [Search a list of Patent Appplications for class 257]   CLASS 257,ACTIVE SOLID-STATE DEVICES (E.G.,TRANSISTORS, SOLID-STATE DIODES)
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This class provides for active solid-state electronic devices, that is, electronic devices or components that are made up primarily of solid materials, usually semiconductors, which operate by the movement of charge carriers - electrons or holes - which undergo energy level changes within the material and can modify an input voltage to achieve rectification, amplification, or switching action, and are not classified elsewhere.


Active solid-state electronic devices include diodes, transistors, thyristors, etc., but exclude pure resistors, capacitors, inductors, or combinations solely thereof. The latter class of devices is characterized as passive.

The subject matter to be found here includes only active solid-state devices, per se. It may include one or more such devices combined with contacts or leads, or structures configured to be tested on a semiconductor chip, or merely semiconductor material without contacts or leads where the sole disclosed use is an active solid-state device. This subject matter does not include active solid-state devices combined with significant circuits.

Claims reciting an integrated circuit nominally with significant metallization will be classified in Class 257, whereas otherwise, nominal recitation of an integrated circuit (i.e., without significant active solid-state device recitation) will not be sufficient to permit the device to be classified in Class 257.


See Subclass References to the Current Class, below, for references that relate to key concepts and terms found in Class 257. An indication that a particular concept or term occurs in one or more subclasses does not mean that the indicated subclass or subclasses are the only places that subject matter may be found. That subject matter may possibly be found elsewhere in Class 257 listed under a related term or concept that may be broader or narrower or of the same scope.


Each subclass definition may contain an OTHER CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS listing that is to be used for informational purposes only. These classification listings may change at any time after their publication and are therefore not guaranteed to be current. In addition, the classification listing does not necessarily indicate the sole relationship between the U.S. Patent Classification System and foreign classifications. Even where a single classification is listed for a single U.S. subclass, a one-to-one correlation should not be inferred. As a result, information contained therein is considered to be only a guide to related subject matter.


A. Classes related to Class 257 subject matter in the sense that they employ active solid-state devices in electronic circuits and the relationship of these classes to Class 257 is mainly that of a combination to a subcombination or of a genus to a specie. See References to Other Classes, below, referencing this section.

B. Classes related to Class 257 subject matter in the sense that they employ active solid-state devices in electronic circuits and the use of active solid-state electronic devices primarily as a perfecting feature. See References to Other Classes, below, referencing this section.

C. See References to Other Classes below for classes that provide for materials used in active solid-state electronic devices.

D. See References to Other Classes, below, for classes related to Class 257 because they provide for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, e.g., Class 438, Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process.

E. See References to Other Classes, below, for Classes related to Class 257 because they provide for active solid-state electronic devices structures with a specified use, e.g., Class 136, Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric.

F. See References to Other Classes, below, for classes providing for provide for subcombination subject matter that can be used as component part of active solid-state electronic devices (e.g., lead frames) or perfect the device (e.g., a heat sink).

G. Classes which provide for passive solid-state electronic devices with names that may refer to either active or passive solid-state electronic devices, e.g., coherers, varistors, varactors. luminescent or electroluminescent devices. The devices may be part of the main subject matter of the class or may be used as circuit elements in circuits or control or measuring systems which form the main subject matter of the class.

See References to Other Classes, below, referencing this section.



1,through 8, for bulk effect device.
2,- 5, 16, 52-63, and 646, for amorphous semiconductor material.
4,72, 91, 144, 150, 151, 175-177, 181, 182, 207-211, 246-250, 276, 309, 317, 401, 448, 457, 459, 503, 508, 573, 584, 587, 602, 621, 625, 666-676, and 692-697, for configuration of electrode, contact, lead or pad.
4,32, 33, 81, 91, 99, 144, 150-153, 177-179, 181, 182, 203, 207-211, 276, 377, 382-385, 459, 503, 522, 554, 573, 576, 584, 602, 621, 625, 661-677, 690-700, and 734-786, for electrical contact or lead.
6,through 8, for Gunn effect (intervalley transfer).
7,for intervalley transfer (e.g., Gunn) device in integrated circuit.
10,through 11, and 407, for controlled work function material.
10,and 11, for electron emissive layer.
10,through 27, and 104-106, for heterojunction involving quantum-mechanical tunneling.
10,and 11, for photocathode.
10,54, 73, 155, 192-195, 217, 260, 267, 269, 275-277, 280-284, 449-457, 471-486, and 928, for Schottky barrier.
10,11, 30-39, and 314-326, for tunneling-insulator layer.
10,11, and 407, for work function of material, controlled, e.g., low.
13,76, 78, 85, 90, and 94-97, for heterojunction light emitter.
13,79-103, and 918, for light emitting device.
13,through 25, for quantum well device.
15,through 22, and 28, for superlattice.
16,55, 63, and 65, for heterojunction in non-single-crystal material.
18,19, and 190, for mismatched or strained lattice.
18,19, and 190, for mismatch of lattice constant.
18,and 19, for strained layer superlattice heterojunction.
19,76, 78, 103, 200-201, and 613-616, for alloy of two different semiconductors (e.g., GaxIn1-xAs).
20,24, 27, 57-61, 66-72, 133-145, 192-195, 202-211, 213, and 252-413, for field effect devices.
20,24, and 194, for HEMT (High electron mobility transistor).
20,27, 187, and 192-195, for heterojunction FETs.
21,85, 184-189, for heterojunction in light responsive device.
21,for light responsive or activated device (superlattice quantum well heterojunction).
21,53-56, 59, 72, 80-85, 113-118, 184-189, 222, 223, 225-234, 257, 258, 290-294, 325, 428-466, 680, 681, and 749, for radiation responsive.
21,and 187, for light responsive heterojunction transistor.
21,187, 443, and 462, for photosensitive bipolar transistor.
26,27, and 29, for ballistic transport device.
26,27, and 29, for ballistic transport transistor.
31,through 36, for Josephson device.
31,through 36, and 661-663, for superconductive element/device.
31,through 36, 468, and 661-663, for thermal device operated at cryogenic temperature.
33,for high temperature (30 K) Josephson device.
40,for organic semiconductor material.
41,for point contact device.
42,for Selenium (elemental).
44,through 47, for alloyed junction.
45,for thermal gradient zone melting (TGZM).
46,104, and 105, for Esaki diode.
46,and 104-106, for p-n junction type (Esaki type) tunneling.
47,197, 205, 273, 350, 361, 370, 378, 423, 462, 477 though 479, 511, 512, 517, 518, 525, 526, 539-543, and 552-593, for bipolar transistor structure.
47,for alloyed junction bipolar transistor.
48,and 797, for calibration or test structure.5, for array of bulk effect amorphous switches.
48,for test structures.
49,through 75, for non-single crystal, as active layer.
49,through 51, 64-75, 359, 377, 380-382, 385, 412, 505, 518, 520, 524-527, 538, 554, 576, 581, 588, and 754-757, for polycrystalline semiconductor material.
49,through 51, and 64-75, for polycrystalline active junction material.
49,through 51, and 64-75, for recrystallized active semiconductor layer.
50,and 530, for anti-fuse component or element.
50,530, and 928, for shorted devices, in general, e.g., anti-fuse elements.
53,through 56, for amorphous semiconductor material device.
53,through 56, 108, 225, 252, and 414, for responsiveness to nonelectric signal.
55,and 63, for alloy of amorphous semiconductor materials.
55,63, and 65, and 646, for silicon nitride to increase band gap of amorphous or polycrystalline silicon.
56,58, 62, and 65, for for dangling bond.
56,58, 62, and 68, for passivation of dangling bonds in nonsingle crystal semiconductor.
57,through 61, 66-72, and 368-401, for insulated gate FET in integrated circuit.
57,through 61, and 66-72, for FET in non-single crystal or recrystallized semiconductor material (e.g., amorphous or polycrystalline semiconductor as channel).
59,72, and 88-93, for array as imager, or with transparent electrode, or as display (with plural light emitters).
59,72, 449-457, and 749, for electrical contact or lead transparent to light.
59,72, and 293, for photoresistor combined with accessing FET.
59,72, 453, and 749, for transparent electrode.
60,135, 136, 263-267, 302, and 328-334, for vertical channel field effect device.
64,255, 521, 627, and 628, for crystal axis or plane.
65,for alloy of polycrystalline semiconductor materials.
66,67, 69, 379-381, 903, and 904, for static memory cell using FET.
67,through 70, for stacked FETs.
67,69, 70, and 74, for stacked FETs.
68,through 71, 296-313, 296, 298, 300, 906, and 908, for capacitance combined with insulated gate device. (e.g., DRAM).
68,71, and 295-313, for insulated gate device (capacitor or combined with capacitor).
68,71, 296-313, and 905-908, for memory device component involving a capacitor (e.g., dynamic memory cell).
68,71, 303, and 306-309, for stacked capacitors in DRAM cell.
68,and 301-305, for capacitor in trench.
68,283, 284, 330-334, 374, 397, 513, 514, 622, 647, and 648, for vertical walled groove in semiconductor.
69,195, 204, 206, 338, 350, 351, 357-359, and 365-377, for CMOS.
69,195, 204, 206, 274, 338, 350, 351, 357-359, and 369-377, for complementary field effect transistors.
74,and 278, for three-dimensional integrated circuit.
76,through 78, and 183-201, for heterojunction, generally.
76,through 78, for wide band gap semiconductor material other than GaAsP or GaAlAs.
80,through 85, for light responsive or activated device combined with light emitting device.
81,99, 177-181, 584, 625, 675, 688, 689, 705, 707, 712-722, and 796, for heat sink.
81,82, and 99, for housing or package for light emitter.
81,and 82, for housing or package for light emitter combined with light receiver.
81,82, 433, 434, 680, 681, for housing or package for light responsive device.
81,99, and 666-677, for lead frame.
83,for light coupled transistor structure.
86,and 87 for indirect band gap active layer - light emitter.
87,131, 156, 439, 523, 590, and 608-612, for deep level dopant/impurity.
87,126, 131, 156, 523, 590, 609-612, and 617, for recombination centers.
91,98, 151, 175, 176, 249, 250, 276, 282-284, 309, 317, 401, 418, 435, 448, 457, 459, 503, 508, 534, 573, 587, 602, 621, 662, and 664, for shape(d) contact, electrode, conductor, or terminal.
91,98, 294, 323, 435, and 659, for optical shield.
93,for plural light emitters in integrated circuit.
93,374, 446, 499 and 564, for electrical isolation of components in integrated circuit.
95,117, 118, 127, 170, 244, 283, 284, 301-305, 330-334, 418, 419, 447, 460, 466, 496, 534, 571, 586, and 618-628, for grooves, generally.
95,170, 171, 452, 466, 496, 571, 586, 594, 600, 618, and 623-626, for mesa structure.
95,for shaped contact, electrode, etc., external of heterojunction light emitter.
98,116, 117, 294, and 432, for light fiber, guide, or pipe.
98,for luminescent material used with light emitter.
98,181, 418, 688, 710, 711, 728, and 730, for shaped housing or package.
98,99, 116, 434, 680, and 681, for window (optical) for housing.
100,433, 434, 667, 687, 767-and 796, for encapsulated.
101,194, 219-221, 264, 269, 285, 335-345, 404, 430, 450, 458, 463, 492, 493, 497, 498, 543, 545, 548, 558, 583, 591, 592, 596, 597, 605, 606, 655-657, 927, and 929, for dopant/impurity concentration, incl., graded profile.
102,227, 439, and 607-612, for specified, generally (e.g., photoionizable).
106,for reverse conducting diode (tunnel diode).
106,for Zener diode.
107,through 182, and 918, for regenerative switching device.
108,252, and 421-427, for magnetic field responsive.
108,225, 254, and 415 and-419, for device responsive to pressure.
108,222, 225, 254, and 417-419, for strain sensor.
108,225, 252, and 467-470, for passivating device responsive to temperature.
109,for Shockley diode.
110,and 119-131, for bidirectional device (diac, rectifier).
113,through 118, for regenerative-type switching device.
115,123, and 157-161, for amplified gate in thyristor.
121,for reverse conducting thyristor.
121,for Static Induction Transistor (SIT) - Bipolar transistor as reverse path of bidirectional conducting thyristor.
122,141, 146, and 162, for lateral structure in regenerative device.
124,125, and 133-145, for FET in or combined with thyristor.
125,137, 138, 143, and 149, for shunt, regenerative device.
125,137, 138, 143, 149, and 154, for shorted emitter, anode or cathode, in thyristor.
127,446, 510-522, 571, 577, and 594, for groove to define plural devices.
127,170, 339, 372-376, 394-400, 409, 452, 484, 490, 493-495, and 605, for guard ring or region.
131,156, 376, 424, 523, 590, and 617, for crystal damage.
133,145, 195, 205, 273, 337, 350, 361, 362, 370, and 378, for field effect combined with bipolar type (including regenerative type) device.
134,through 136, 217, 256-287, and 504, for JFET.
136,205, 264, 268, 269, 392, for enhancement mode.
139,through 145, and 212, for conductivity modulated transistor.
139,through 145, 147-153, for extended latching current device.
139,through 145, 147-153, and 372-376, for means to prevent latchup.
139,through 145, and 211, for conductivity modulated transistor.
142,148, 376, 553, and 583, for doping for gain reduction.
146,476-479, and 499-564, for structure with elec. isolated components.
150,151, 177-181, for housing or package for regenerative type switching device.
154,169, 194, 195, 218, 264, 523, 646, and 656, for high resistivity semiconductor region - see, also, intrinsic material; PIN device.
154,350, 358, 359, 363, 379-381, 516, 533, 536-543, 571, 572, 577, 580-582, and 904, for resistive element (resistor) (passive device).
164,and 580-582, for ballasting of current (e.g., by resistors).
164,through 166, 560-561, 563, and 579- 581, for multiple/plural emitter.
170,for edge, beveled - preventing breakdown.
171,496, 586, and 618+, for bevel.
171,452, 483, and 484, for protection against edge breakdown.
171,and 496, for reverse bevels.
173,174, 328, 355-363, 487-496, and 546, for protection against overcurrent or overvoltage.
173,529, 665, and 910, for fuse/fusible link.
173,for overvoltage protection means in thyristor.
177,through 181, 467, 468, 573, 625, 675, 688, 705-707, and 712-722, for cooling.
178,179, and 746-748, for stress avoidance between electrode and semiconductor.
178,through 179, 633, 747, and 748, for thermal expansion matching or compensation.
180,and 733, for stud-type mount for housing.
180,and 733, for stud mount.
181,182, 688, 689, 726, 727, and 785 for press contact of electrode and semiconductor.
183.1, 193,215-251, and 912, for charge transfer device.
184,through 189, for heterojunction.
185,and 191, for graded band gap.
185,for staircase (light responsive heterojunction).
187,197, and 198, for heterojunction bipolar transistor.
198,for wide band gap emitter heterojunction bipolar transistor.
199,481, 482, 551, and 603-606, for avalanche diode.
199,482, and 604, for IMPATT.
199,259, 275-277, 482, 523, 604, 624, 625, 659, 662, 664, and 728, for for microwave device component.
202+,and 909, for master slice (gate array).
202+,and 909, for gate arrays.
202,through 211, and 909, for gate arrays.
205,273, 350, 361, 370, and 378, for bipolar combined with field effect type device.
205,273, 350, 361, 370, and 378, for bipolar transistor structure combined with FET.
206,208, 210, and 211, for configuration of elements in gate array.
209,for gate array with programmable signal paths.
210,and 758-760, for multi-level metallization.
212,for double-base diode (unijunction transistor).
212,for Static Induction Transistor (SIT) - Unijunction transistor.
212,for unijunction transistor.
214,for charge injection device.
215,218, and 225-251, for surface channel charge transfer device.
216+,for bulk channel device.
216,and 285, for buried channel.
219,through 221, for nonuniform channel doping in buried channel CCD.
223,230, and 445, for antiblooming.
223,230, and 445, for suppression of blooming in light imager.
224,and 243, for channel confinement.
225,253, and 414, for chemical sensor.
225,for CCD with fixed pattern memory as ROM.
228,447, 460, for backside illumination.
239,for floating diffusion as CCD Output Tap.
239,261, and 315-323, for floating gate.
240,for nonuniform channel thickness in CCD.
241,for parallel channels in CCD.
245,364, and 489, for resistive electrode.
246,through 248, for nonuniform channel doping in CCD, for directionality.
249,317, 359, 363, 364, 377, 380-382, 384, 385, 387, 407, 412, 413, 489, 505, 518, 520, 524-527, 538, 554, 576, 581, 588, 646, 754-756, 904, and 914, for polycrystalline material (including polysilicon contacts) other than active junction material.
251,for bucket-brigade device.
254,and 416, for acoustic energy detector.
256,and 257, for light responsive PIN device combined with JFET.
257,and 258, for JFET.
227,and 439, for photoionization.
258,291-294, 443-448, and 911, for array of electrode field effect devices.
260,and 262, in or combined with a JFET device.
260,and 261, for memory device component involving a JFET (e.g., taper isolated or floating pn junction gate type).
265,for vertical current path JFET in integrated circuit.
266,267, and 287, for parallel channels in JFET.
269,and 285, for nonuniform channel doping in JFET.
272,through 278, for JFET in integrated circuit.
275,through 278, 662, and 664, for stripline lead.
276,for air bridge electrical lead.
276,for air bridge contact.
283,and 284, for groove alignment of Schottky gate to source region in MESFET.
283,through 284, 330-334, for gate electrode of FET formed in groove.
286,for nonuniform channel thickness in JFET.
290,and 294, for IGFET.
291,through 294, 326, 334, 337, 338, 347-363, and 368-401, for insulated gate device (IGFET in integrated circuit).
294,297, 340, 409, 435, 488-490, 503, 508, 630, 659-660, and 662, for shield electrode.
295,298, and 314-326, for EPROM/EEPROM.
295,298, 314, and 324-326, for MNOS insulated gate-type memory device component.
297,349, 547, and 620, for means to prevent charge leakage or leakage current.
297,349, 354, 372-376, 503, 547, and 620, for means to prevent leakage current or charge leakage.
297,660, and 921, for protection against radiation (e.g., alpha particles).
297,660, and 921, for radiation protection.
297,422, and 659-660, for ionizing radiation shield, charged particles, electric or magnetic fields.
298,and 315-326, for insulated gate device (floating gate memory device).
298,and 315-323, for floating insulated gate memory-type memory device component.
299,for substrate bias (electrical generator.
301,through 305, 534, and 599, for groove involving a capacitor.
305,354, 376, 398-400, 519, 620, 648, and 652, for channel stop.
305,333, 374, 389, 395-399, 510-521, and 632-651, for field oxide.
312,480, and 595-602, for voltage variable capacitance device.
314,through 326 for variable threshold insulated gate device (e.g., EEPROM, non-volatile memory MOSFET).
322,for programming of floating gate MISFET (avalanche breakdown).
323,680, and 681, for light erasure of EPROM.
325,for oxynitride as insulator in MNOS memory IGFET.
327,through 346, for short channel.
328,and 355-363, for overvoltage protection means in IGFET.
328,and 355-363, for MOSFET gate protection.
331,341, 342, and 401, for parallel channels in IGFET.
332,346, 387, 388, 412, and 413, for self-aligned MOSFET gate.
333,340, and 386-389, for reduction of gate capacitance (FET).
333,346, 387, and 388, for overlap of gate electrode with source or drain in IGFET.
334,337, and 338, for VMOS or DMOS short channel IGFET in integrated circuit.
336,344, 408, and 900, for LDD (lightly doped drain) device.
339,409, 483, 484, and 487-496, for preventing avalanche breakdown.
339,409, and 488-490, for field relief electrode.
339,409, 490, and 495, for floating pn junction guard region.
340,394, and 630, for field shield electrode.
345,and 404, for nonuniform channel doping in IGFET. depletion mode.
347,through 354, and 507, for insulating substrate integrated circuit.
347,through 354, and 507, for single crystal insulating substrate.
347,through 354, and 507, for single crystal semiconductor layer on insulating substrate (SOI).
348,391, 392, and 402-407, for depletion mode Insulated Gate FET.
349,354, 372-376, 503, and 547, for controlling, reducing, etc. parasitics.
350,511, 512, 525, and 555-562, for lateral bipolar transistor in integrated circuit.
354,through 374, 395-399, 501, and 506-527, for dielectric isolation.
355,through 363, for gate insulator breakdown protection in IGFET integrated circuit.
360,and 367, for insulated gate device (controlling pn junction breakdown).
361,362, and 497-499, for punch-device.
366,for overlap of plural gate electrodes in IGFET.
368,through 401, for PN junction isolation in MOSFET integrated circuit.
374,394-398, 626, 631-651, and 758-760, for insulating/passivating coating.
374,396-398, 510-521, 647, and 648, for groove (dielectric isolation means).
377,382-385, 388, 412, 413, 454-458, 486, 518, 554, 576, 588, 747, 748, 754-757, 761, 763-764, and 768-770, for refractory electrode material.
377,382-384, 388, 412, 413, 454-456, 485, 486, 576, 587, 751, 754-757, and 768-770, for silicide.
379,through 381, and 903-904, for static RAM arrangement.
379,through 381, 516, 528-543, 903, 904, 919, and 924, for passive components in integrated circuits.
382,through 384, 576, 757, 768, and 769, for metal or silicide of platinum group metal, as ohmic contact.
383,388, 412, 485, 486, 763, 764, and 770, for pure or alloyed titanium.
388,407, 412, and 413, for metal or silicide of platinum group metal, as MOSFET gate.
390,and 391, for array of IGFETs.
390,and 391, for nonerasable (e.g., ROM).
390,and 391, for mask-programmed MOSFET ROM.
401,for nonuniform channel thickness in IGFET.
410,411, 639-641, 649, and 760, for silicon nitride.
411,and 760, for composite insulator material.
411,for oxynitride as gate insulator in IGFET, in general.
422,and 659, for magnetic field shielding
423,511, 512, 525, 526, 556, 557-562, 575, and 576, for lateral bipolar transistor structure.
423,for magnetic field sensing bipolar transistor.
426,and 469, for passivating means to reduce temperature sensitivity.
427,for magnetic field sensor in integrated circuit.
430,and 458, for light or radiation responsive PIN device, in general.
431,466, for light responsive or activated device generally.
437,for anti-reflection coating.
444,for matrix or array of light sensor elements overlying active switching elements in integrated circuit.
446,for matrix or array of light sensors with specific isolation means in integrated circuit.
449,through 457, for Schottky barrier.
453,through 455, 485, and 486, for metal or silicide of platinum group metal, as Schottky barrier material.
458,523, 538, and 656, for intrinsic material or region.
458,for PIN diode.
459,676, and 786, for bonding flag or pad
465,592, 599, 653, and 654, for configuration of junction geometry.
466,496, 571, 586, 594, 599, 600, and 618-628, for configuration of external portion of active device.
474,for bipolar transistor with Schottky barrier transistor as emitter-base or base-collector junction.
474,through 479, 512, 525, 555, 556, and 574-576, for integrated injection logic.
477,through 479, for bipolar transistor in integrated circuit with Schottky barrier diode.
479,and 570, for anti-saturation diode.
479,for baker clamp.
486,740, 751, and 767, for diffusion barrier.
491,and 492, for means to increase breakdown voltage in integrated circuit.
492,and 493, for RESURF device.
494,for reverse biased (electrical) pn junction guard region.
494,for reverse biased guard ring to prevent breakdown.
497,and 498, for punchthrough transistor.
504,for JFET isolation in integrated circuit (i.e., pinched-off region used for integrated circuit isolation).
509,through 521, 544-556, and 929, for isolated PN junction.
509,through 521, for PN junction isolation in integrated circuit combined with dielectric isolation.
511,512, 525, 555, 556, 569, and 574-576, for complementary bipolar transistor structure.
511,512, 525, 555, 556, 569, and 574-576, for complementary bipolar transistors.
511,512, 514, 515, 517, 518, 525, 526, 539-543, and 552-563, for bipolar transistors in integrated circuit.
511,512, 514, 517, 518, and 552-556, for bipolar transistors with pn junction isolation.
512,569, and 574-576, for bipolar transistor structure with common active region.
512,569, and 574-576, for complementary bipolar transistors with common active region.
512,555, 556, and 574-576, for logic device (superintegrated) using Integrated Injection Logic (I2L).
514,and 515, for walled emitter bipolar transistor.
522,for air isolation of integrated circuit.
531,for inductance in integrated circuit.
532,through 535, for capacitance as passive component in non-FET I.C.
540,for dynamic isolation pocket bias (electrical).
541,for pinch resistor.
544,through 556, for PN junction isolation in integrated circuit in general.
545,for reduction of isolation junction capacitance.
546,for overvoltage protection means in pn junction isolated integrated circuit.
546,for reverse voltage polarity protection, in pn junction isolated integrated circuit.
549,for collector diffused type isolation.
559,lateral transistor formed along groove.
560,through 564, for multiple/plural collectors.
560,563, and 579-581, for plural emitters in bipolar transistor.
562,for logic device (superintegrated) using Current Hogging Logic (CHL).
565,through 593, for bipolar transistor structure, in general.
571,for groove resistor in Darlington bipolar device.
573,and 584, for housing or package for bipolar transistor devices.
592,for configuration of bipolar transistor base region.
602,for housing or package for voltage-variable capacitance device.
607,and 917, for plural dopants of same conductivity type.
610,for platinum (as deep level dopant).
620,for scribe line or region.
624,for prevention of skin effect, microwave device, by low resistance ohmic contact along mesa surface.
626,and 629-652, for passivation of semiconductor surface.
634,for passivating glass with ingredient to adjust softening or melting temperature.
639,and 649, for oxynitride as passivating insulating layer.
642,643, and 759, for organic insulating material or layer.
643,759, and 788, for polyamide.
643,759, and 792, for polyimide.
653,654, for shaped PN junction.
655,for reverse doping concentration gradient profile.
656,for PIN device in general.
657,for stepped profile.
657,for stepped dopant concentration profile.
660,for housing or package for radiation shielded device.
662,and 664, for transmission line lead.
663,for superconductive contact or lead on integrated circuit.
669,670, 673, 674, 676, 688, 689, 692-697, 728, 735-739, 752, 758, 773-776, and 780-786, for shaped contact, electrode, etc.
669,for lead frame having stress relief.
676,for die bonding flag.
676,for lead frame-type mount for chip.
678,through 733, for housing or package, generally.
679,and 922, for smart card (e.g., "credit card" integrated circuit package).
686,for stacked housings.
700,701, and 703-707, for ceramic housing or package material.
705,for high thermal conductivity ceramic for package.
711,for metal housing with mount for chip.
713,for cooling of housing or contents for integrated circuit.
714,through 716, for liquid coolant.
719,for press contact of heat sink and semiconductor.
720,for high thermal conductivity insert in heat sink.
731,for mount for housing.
732,for flanged type mount for housing.
735,through 739, 746, 758-760, 773-776, 780-781, 786, 920, 923, 926, for configuration of electrode, etc.
738,780, and 781, for ball-shaped leads, contacts or bonds.
740,for prevention of spiking of contact metal.
741,through 745, and 751, for gold (deep level dopant as contact or electrode).
742,and 743, for dopant/impurity conductivity type in electrical contact material.
746,for composite electrode material.
746,for electrode material.
749,for electrode transparent to light.
751,767, and 915, for titanium nitride.
758,through 760, for multiple metallization layers separated by insulating layer on integrated circuit.
760,for oxynitride between metal levels in integrated circuit.
764,765, and 768-771, for alloy of materials forming electrical contacts.
767,for electromigration prevention or reduction.
777,for chip on chip mount for chip.
778,for flip chip mount for chip.
779,and 780-784, for die or lead bond.
782,and 783, for die bond.
900,for MOSFET type gate sidewall insulating spacer.
901,for MOSFET substrate bias (electrical).
901,for MOSFET substrate bias.
902,for FET with metal source region.
903,and 904, for configuration of FETs for Static Memory Cell (SRAM).
905,through 908, for configuration of Dynamic Memory (DRAM).
905,for trench shared by plural DRAM cells.
906,Electrode use for accessing capacitance, in DRAM.
910,for array of diodes.
911,for vidicon array (cross-reference collection).
915,for titanium nitride.
919,for parallel electrical connections to average out manufacturing variations.
920,for parallel electrical connections to reduce resistance.
922,for anti-tamper device.
922,for diode arrays.
922,for anti-tamper or inspection means for
923,for conductor aspect ratio.
925,for bridge rectifier module.
927,for shaped depletion layer.
930,for Peltier cooling (cross-reference collection).



29Metal Working,   subclasses 25.01+ for process and apparatus for making barrier layer or semiconductor devices not elsewhere classified; subclass 25.35 for piezoelectric device making not elsewhere classified; subclasses 25.41+ for electric condenser making not elsewhere classified; subclasses 592.1+ for process of mechanical manufacture of electrical devices, not elsewhere classified; and subclasses 825+ for electrical conductor manufacturing processes, including subclass 827 regarding beam lead frames and beam leads. (class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D).
29Metal Working,   subclass 612 for making thermally variable resistors. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
29Metal Working,   appropriate subclasses for manufacturing methods of beam lead frame or beam lead devices. (Class providing for subcombination subject matter used as component part of active solid-state electronic devices. See Lines with Other Clases and Within This Class, F, above).
40Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting,   subclass 544 for electroluminescent signs. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
62Refrigeration,   subclasses 3.2+ for thermoelectric, e.g., Peltier effect cooling processes and apparatus. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
65Glass Manufacturing,   subclasses 138+ for Electronic envelope header, terminal, or stem making means and subclass 155 for electronic device making involving fusion bonding. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D).
73Measuring and Testing,   subclass 31.06 for gas analysis semiconductor detector details; subclass 777 for semiconductor stress sensor structure; and subclass 754 for semiconductor type fluid pressure gauges. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
84Music,   subclasses 676 and 678 for transistorized analog oscillator circuits. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
102Ammunition and Explosives,   subclass 202.4 for semiconductor voltage variable resistance shunts in devices used to prevent accidental fuse ignition. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above)
102Ammunition and Explosives,   subclass 202.4 for semiconductor fuse shunts and subclass 220 for silicon controlled rectifier ignition or detonation switch devices. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
116Signals and Indicators,   digest 35 for electroluminescent dials. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
117Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor,   for processes and non-coating apparatus for growing therein-defined single-crystal of all types of materials, including those which may be suitable as or to produce an active solid-state device. Class 118 generally provides for coating apparatus, including single-crystal (e.g., epitaxy) coating means. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D).
118Coating Apparatus,   subclass 900 for semiconductor vapor doping. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D)
123Internal-Combustion Engines,   subclasses 650+ for ignition systems with power supplies having diode and transistor features. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
134Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids,   subclasses 1.2 , 1.3, and 902 for semiconductor wafer cleaning. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
136Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,   subclasses 203+ for Peltier effect device; subclasses 200+ for batteries which generate electricity under the action of heat (thermoelectric); and subclasses 243+ for batteries which generate electricity under the action of light, such as photovoltaic batteries, some of these batteries utilize potential barrier layers. (class providing for active solid-state electronic devices structures with a specified use.)
148Metal Treatment,   subclasses 33+ for PN type barrier layer stock material treatment and numerous digests concerning treatment of semiconductor materials, dopants, and active solid-state electronic devices. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
148Metal Treatment,   digest 171 for metal treatment involving varistors. (See G, Lines With Other Classes, above).
165Heat Exchange,   subclasses 80.2+ and 104.33 for electrical device or component heat exchangers. (Class providing for subcombination subject matter used as component part of active solid-state electronic devices. See Lines with Other Clases and Within This Class, F, above).
174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 15.1 through 16.3for fluid cooling of electrical conductors or insulator; subclasses 250-268 for printed circuit devices; and subclasses 520-64 for housings with electric devices or mounting means. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
178Telegraphy,   subclass 117 for coherer type AC systems. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
178Telegraphy,   subclass 117 for coherer type AC systems. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
194Check-Actuated Control Mechanisms,   subclasses 216+ for value accumulator having solid-state circuitry. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
204Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,   subclasses 400+ for active solid-state devices used in measuring and testing involving electrolytic analysis. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
204Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,   subclass 192.25 for semiconductor coating, forming, or etching by sputtering. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above)
216Etching a Substrate: Processes,   subclass 16 for active solid state devices involved in an etching process. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
219Electric Heating,   subclass 501 for automatic regulation or control means for heating devices which include semiconductor, e.g., transistor, means. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
228Metal Fusion Bonding,   subclass 123 for processes of bonding metal to semiconductor-type material and subclasses 179+ for processes of bonding electrical device (e.g., semiconductor) joints. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
250Radiant Energy,   subclass 492.2 for irradiation of semiconductor devices. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
250Radiant Energy,   subclass 338.4 for infrared responsive semiconductor devices, subclasses 370.01-370.15 for invisible radiant energy responsive semiconductor devices; subclass 371 for invisible radiant energy responsive methods using semiconductor devices; subclass 492.2 for irradiation of semiconductor devices; subclasses 552 and 553 for photocell circuits and apparatus involving solid-state light sources; subclasses 211 for photocells including photosensitive junctions; and subclasses 208.1-208.6 for plural photosensitive elements, including arrays. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
264Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,   subclass 272.11 for electrical component encapsulating processes, including subclass 272.17 for encapsulating semiconductor or barrier layer device. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
252Compositions,   subclass 62.3 for barrier layer device compositions, e.g., N-material, P-material and, subclasses 500+ for electrically conductive or emissive compositions. (Class providing for materials used in active solid-state devices, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, C, above).
273Amusement Devices: Games,   digest 24 for luminescent devices. (See B, Lines With Other Classes, above.)
307Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,   subclasses 401+ for nonlinear reactor systems which typically employ active solid-state devices; subclass 91 for magnetic or electrostatic field shielding; and subclasses 109+ for systems involving capacitors.
310Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,   subclass 303 for energy conversion devices employing pn semiconductor junction devices, and digest 3 for Hall effect generators and converters. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
313Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,   subclasses 498+ for electric lamp and discharge devices having solid-state luminescent materials, including nominally recited luminescent semiconductor type materials; subclasses 329 and 367+ for mosaic electrodes; subclasses 366+ for semiconductor depletion layer type image pickup tubes; subclass 463 for electroluminescent cathode­ray tube screens; subclasses 346 and 346 for photoemissive cathodes; and subclass 504 for solid-state organic phosphor material luminescent devices. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
315Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,   subclass 12.1 for secondary emissive stage in a cathode­ray tube; subclass 407 for a deflection coil circuit including a diode; subclass 408 for deflection coil circuits including a solid-state switch; and digest 7 for starting and control circuits using transistors. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
323Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,   subclasses 229+ for power supply or regulation systems using a diode in shunt with a source or load; subclasses 237+, 254, 257, 258, 263, 265+, and 292 for output level devices employing three or more terminal semiconductor devices; subclass 300 for input level devices or systems employing three or more terminal semiconductor devices; subclasses 311+ for self-regulating systems employing three or more terminal semiconductor devices; subclasses 325+, 339, 343, and 349+ for external or operator controlled systems employing three or more terminal semiconductor devices; subclass 360 for superconductor type transformers or inductors; digest 902 for device with optical coupling to a semiconductor; and digest 907 for temperature compensation of a semiconductor. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
318Electricity: Motive Power Systems,   subclass 681 for positional servomechanisms using solid-state servo amplifiers. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
315Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,   subclass 311 for variable impedance device in automatic regulator in supply circuit of an electric lamp or discharge device. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
318Electricity: Motive Power Systems,   subclass 662 for variable capacitor type positional servo systems and subclasses 788 and 792 for variable temperature impedance (e.g., resistor) elements in induction motor systems. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
320Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging,   appropriate subclass for an active solid-state device included in a charging or discharging circuit for a battery or capacitor. (See B, Lines With Other Classes, above.)
322Electricity: Single Generator Systems,   digest 5 for Hall effect elements. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
323Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,   subclass 298 for output level responsive devices including a variable resistor. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
324Electricity: Measuring and Testing,   subclasses 762.01 through 762.1for testing semiconductor devices, SCR and transistor testing and subclasses 244+ for magnetometers many of which employ active solid-state devices, e.g., subclasses 248 (thin film), 251 (Hall plate) and 252 (semiconductor type solid-state or magneto resistive). (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous nonlinear circuits utilizing an active device. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclasses 185+ for a stable state circuit utilizing an electron tube and a transistor and subclasses 568+ for a miscellaneous negative resistance circuit. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
329Demodulators,   subclass 370 for diode demodulators and subclass 371 for coherer type demodulators. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
329Demodulators,   subclass 370 for diode demodulators and subclass 371 for coherer type demodulators. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
330Amplifiers,   subclass 145 for diode type variable impedances for signal channel controlled by a separate control path and subclasses 282+ for semiconductor amplifier devices with gain control means and feedback means acting as a variable impedance.
330Amplifiers,   subclass 4.9 for semiconductor type parametric amplifiers; subclass 183 for DC interstage coupling with as nonlinear device; and subclasses 250+ for semiconductor amplifying devices. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
331Oscillators,   subclass 51 for semiconductor type cascade or tandem connected oscillators and subclasses 107-117 for solid-state active element oscillators. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
331Oscillators,   subclasses 36+ for AFC devices using particular frequency control means, including reactance devices (e.g., variable capacitors) and subclass 177 for voltage sensitive capacitor type frequency adjusting means. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
332Modulators,   subclasses 105 , 116, 135+, 146, 152, 168, and 178 for modulators with discrete semiconductor devices (subclass 136 includes varactors). (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
332Modulators,   subclasses 105 , 116, 135+, 146, 152, 168, and 178 for modulators with discrete semiconductor devices (subclass 136 includes varactors). (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
333Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,   subclass 263 for variable impedance devices connected in circuit with a long line element or component. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
333Wave Transmission Lines and NetWorks,   subclasses 103 and 104 for branched circuits with switching means having semiconductor operating means; subclass 165 for frequency or time domain filters using charge transfer devices; subclasses 216 and 217 for negative impedance devices; subclass 247 for semiconductor mounts for strip type long line elements; and subclass 99 for super conductive devices. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above)
334Tuners,   subclasses 66 and 69 for series tuned circuits with variable impedance elements.
334Tuners,   subclass 15 for semiconductor reactance tuning circuits. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
338Electrical Resistors,   subclass 1 for coherer type resistors, subclass 22 for semiconductor type thermistors, and subclass 32 for magnetic field responsive devices, including Hall effect types and super conductive types. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
338Electrical Resistors,   subclass 1 for coherer type resistors; subclass 22 for semiconductor type thermistors; and subclass 32 for magnetic field responsive devices, including Hall effect types and superconductive types. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
343Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,   subclass 745 for antennas with variable reactance tuning; subclass 750 for adjustable lumped reactance antenna tuning; and subclass 861 for adjustable impedance matching network leadins. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above).
340Communications: Electrical,   subclass 598 for barrier layer thermal sensors in condition responsive device; subclass 815.03 for a visual indicator using a light emitting diode; subclasses 2.2-2.31 for a channel selecting matrix; and subclasses 14.1-14.69 for a decoder matrix.
341Coded Data Generation or Conversion,   subclasses 133+ for analog-to-digital conversion with particular solid-state devices; subclass 150 for digital to analog conversion using charge coupled devices or switched capacitances; and subclass 172 for analog to digital conversion using charge transfer devices. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
345Computer Graphics Processing and Selective Visual Display Systems,   subclasses 30+ for selective visual display systems which may employ active solid-state device light sources, including subclasses 44 and 82 for visual display systems having solid-state light emitters. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
348Television,   subclasses 272+ and 294+ for solid-state image sensors in television cameras and subclasses 800+ for electroluminescent video display with solid-state scanned matrix. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
358Facsimile and Static Presentation Processing,   subclasses 482 and 483 solid-state picture generators, including charge coupled devices. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
359Optical: Systems and Elements,   subclass 248 for semiconductor polarization type light modulators and subclasses 321+ for modulators having significant chemical composition or structure. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 2 for solid-state switch type arc suppressors; subclasses 98, 100, and 101 for current fault responsive sensors involving semiconductor active solid-state devices; subclasses 196+ for semiconductor time delay devices; subclass 205 for threshold devices including SCR thyratrons; subclasses 275.1+ for electrical, e.g., fuse element for electrolytic capacitors; subclasses 277+ for variable capacitor not involving active solid-state devices; subclasses 525 for solid electrolytic capacitors with significant semiconductor; subclasses 679.01-679.61 for cooling devices, housings, supports, electrical contacts, etc., for diverse electrical components; subclass 421 for lead frames; and subclasses 523+ for solid electrolytic capacitors. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above)
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 188 for variable impedance condition responsive devices for relay or solenoid safety or protection; and subclasses 277+ for variable electrostatic capacitors. (See G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above)
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 421 for lead frames. (Class providing for subcombination subject matter used as component part of active solid-state electronic devices. See Lines with Other Clases and Within This Class, F, above)
362Illumination,   subclass 84 for light source or light source support and luminescent material and subclass 800 (cross-reference art collection) for light emitting diode light sources. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
363Electric Power Conversion Systems,   subclasses 10+ for combined phase and frequency conversion using a semiconductor device converter, and subclasses 13-147 for current conversion devices many of which explicitly call for semiconductor active solid-state devices, and subclasses 159-163 for frequency conversion using semiconductor type devices. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
365Static Information Storage and Retrieval,   subclasses 52+ for hardware, including shields, for storage elements; subclass 71 for negative resistance; and subclass 72 for transistor or diode interconnection arrangement; subclass 96 for fusible link storage elements; subclasses 103-105 for semiconductive semipermanent read only systems; subclasses 106+ for systems involving radiant energy, including subclasses 109-115 for photoconductive, electroluminescent, amorphous, semiconductive and diode devices; subclasses 129+ for systems using a particular element, including subclasses 154-188 for systems using particular elements including active solid-state devices; subclasses 185.01+ for floating gate memory storage (e.g., flash memory); and subclasses 208 and 212 for semiconductive differential (e.g., thermal) noise suppression means in read/write circuits. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
367Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices,   subclasses 140+ for signal transducers which may be active solid-state devices, and including support structures, diaphragm, and pressure compensation means. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
368Horology: Time Measuring Systems or Devices,   subclass 83 for solid body light emitters, e.g., diodes; subclasses 86 and 87 for transistorized pulse transforming means; subclasses 56+ for solid-state oscillating time base circuits; and subclasses 239+ for optical display devices, including subclass 241 for solid-state, e.g., LED light emitting displays. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
369Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval,   subclass 44.12 for optical servo systems having solid-state optical elements; subclasses 121+ for light sources, including solid-state light source; subclass 145 for semiconductive information handling transducers. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above)
372Coherent Light Generator,   subclasses 43 through 50for semiconductor layers and subclass 75 for semiconductor optical laser pump devices. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
374Thermal Measuring and Testing,   subclass 178 for barrier layer (e.g., semiconductor junction) heat sensors and subclasses 183+ for current modifying sensors. (Class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
377Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems,   subclasses 57 through 63for charge transfer device systems; subclass 74 for input circuits involving field-effect transistors; subclass 79 and 117 for transfer means including a field effect transistor; and subclass 93 for superconductive elements. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above)
378X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,   subclass 104 for X-ray source power supplies with specified rectifier. (See B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
379Telephonic Communications,   subclass 294 for semiconductor line finders. (See B, Lines With Other Classes, above.)
381Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,   subclass 100 for crossover filters with active devices and subclass 175 for semiconductor junction microphones. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
388Electricity: Motor Control Systems,   subclasses 917 through 920for thyristor or SCR devices or control circuit elements and subclass 926 for a specific feedback control or device which controls a solid-state device in a motor circuit.
388Electricity: Motor Control Systems,   subclass 807 for variable impedance type field control circuits and subclasses 855+ for selectable or variable impedance armature control devices. (see G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above)
427Coating Processes,   subclasses 58 through 126.6, especially subclasses 62 and 63, 66, 74-76, 79-81, 96.1-99.5, 100, and 101-103 for coating processes to make an electrical product (for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D., above).
428Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,   subclass 620 for composite metallic stock having a semiconductor component, subclasses 690 and 691 for fluorescent, phosphorescent or luminescent inorganic layer composites; subclasses 917 for electroluminescent material; and subclasses 928-931 for materials with special properties, including magnetic properties, electrical contact features and superconductivity. (Class providing for materials used in active solid-state devices, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, C, above).
430Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,   subclasses 56 through 96for radiation sensitive compositions or products; subclass 139 for luminescent imaging process, composition or product; and subclass 900 for donor-acceptor complex photoconductors. (Class providing for materials used in active solid-state devices, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, C, above)
430Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,   subclasses 56 through 96for radiation sensitive compositions or products; subclass 139 for luminescent imaging process, composition or product; and subclass 900 for donor-acceptor complex photoconductors. (Class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   for (a) combined operations (steps) for producing a semiconductor substrate having a junction, usually between p-type and n-type material or (b) a unit operation involving semiconductor material, not elsewhere provided; see the search notes therein. (class providing for methods of making, cleaning, coating, etc., active solid-state devices, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, D, above).
439Electrical Connectors,   appropriate subclasses for features related or analogous to electrical contact or housing features of active solid-state devices, e.g., subclasses 271+ for sealing elements, or subclasses 449+ for stress relief means for conductor to terminal joint. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, above).
455Telecommunications,   subclass 253.1 for semiconductor gain, level or volume control; subclass 291 for receivers having a wave collector with coupling to a stage of the receiver using an active device, and subclass 333 for transistorized or integrated circuit type frequency conversion structure or circuitry. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
455Telecommunications,   subclasses 261 and 262 for variable reactance, e.g., variable capacitance type automatic local oscillator control devices. (see G, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above)
505Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,   subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc > 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 161 and 162 for bolometers or SQUIDs, subclasses 190+ for Josephson junctions, per se, and subclasses 191+ for other thin film solid-state devices; and pertinent cross-reference art collections, including subclasses 831+, for static information storage and retrieval system or device; subclasses 857+ for nonlinear solid-state device, system, or circuit; subclasses 873+ for active solid-state devices; subclass 883 for housing and mounting assemblies with plural diverse electrical components; subclasses 884+ for conductors; and subclasses 900+ for heat exchangers. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
505Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,   subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc > 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 161 and 162 for bolometers or SQUIDs, subclasses 190+ for Josephson junctions, per se, and subclasses 191+ for other thin film solid-state devices; and pertinent cross-reference art collections, including subclasses 831+, for static information storage and retrieval system or device; subclasses 857+ for nonlinear solid-state device, system, or circuit; subclasses 873+ for active solid-state devices; subclass 883 for housing and mounting assemblies with plural diverse electrical components; subclasses 884+ for conductors; and subclasses 900+ for heat exchangers. (Class providing for materials used in active solid-state devices, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, C, above)
600Surgery,   subclasses 486+ and 505 for active solid-state devices inserted inside a body and used for measuring and testing. (class employing active solid-state devices in electronic circuits. See Lines With Other Classes, A, above)
708Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating,   subclass 190 for integrated circuit type digital computers.
716Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Circuits and Semiconductor Masks,   subclasses 50 through 56for design and analysis of a semiconductor mask or reticle and subclasses 100 through 139 for the design and analysis of circuit systems and integrated circuit structure by data processing and computer programming techniques.
902Electronic Funds Transfer,   subclass 26 for identification, means with a semiconductor chip, e.g., a smart card. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
D10Measuring, Testing or Signalling Instruments,   subclass 77 for transistor testers. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)
D13Equipment for Production, Distribution or Transformation of Energy,   appropriate subclass for semiconductor, transistor or integrated circuit energy conversion or transformation. (see B, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.)



An atom or ion different from or foreign to, but present in, a semiconductor material and which has insufficient valence electrons to complete the normal bonding arrangement in the semiconductor crystal structure. An acceptor impurity accepts an electron from an adjacent atom to create a hole. Acceptor impurities are also referred to as p-type impurities. Common acceptor impurities in silicon or germanium are boron, gallium, and indium.


Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, E, Fm, Mv, No, Lw.


Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr.


Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra.


An electronic device or component that is made up primarily of solid materials, usually semiconductors, which operates by the movement of charge carriers - electrons or holes - which undergo energy level changes within the material and can modify an input voltage to achieve rectification, amplification, or switching action. Active solid-state electronic devices include diodes, transistors, thyristors, etc., but exclude pure resistors, capacitors, inductors, or combinations solely thereof. The latter class of devices is characterized as passive.


A fused junction produced by combining one or more elemental impurity metals with a semiconductor. Typical alloyed junctions include indium- germanium and aluminum-silicon.


A transistor in which the emitter-base and collector-base junctions are alloy junctions.


A sudden change from high dynamic electrical resistance to very low dynamic resistance in a reverse biased semiconductor device, e.g., a reverse biased junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor materials, wherein current carriers are created by electrons or holes which have gained sufficient speed to dislodge valence electrons. Avalanche breakdown can cause structural damage to a semiconductor device.


A wire lead coming from the end of and along the axis of a resistor, capacitor, or other component.


The bonding of active chips to a substrate using the back of the chip opposite the side containing active solid-state devices.


A bond formed by a round, ball-shaped lead on a semiconductor device.


An active solid-state electronic device in which an active layer is present through which carriers* pass, wherein the active layer is thinner than the mean free path of the carriers* in the material in that layer, so that carriers* can pass through the layer without scattering. Carriers* are typically injected into the ballistic transport layer as "hot" carriers*, having an energy, in the case of electrons, substantially greater than the minimum of the conduction band*, or in the case of holes, substantially lower than the maximum of the valence band. Ballistic electron injectors include heterojunctions, tunnel barriers, and punchthrough (e.g., planar doped or camel) barriers.


The difference between the energy levels of electrons bound to their nuclei (valence electrons) and the energy levels that allow electrons to migrate freely (conduction electrons). The band gap depends on the particular semiconductor involved.


A region which extends on both sides of a semiconductor junction in which all carriers are swept away from the junction region. The region is depleted of carriers. This is also referred to as a depletion region.


Barrier injection transit time diode. A bipolar or device in which a type of breakdown known as punchthrough occurs and wherein the punchthrough structure device is operable at microwave frequencies. In bipolar transistors a direct current path is formed from emitter to collector due to the formation of a depletion region throughout the base region and charge carriers from the emitter punch through to the collector. Carriers flowing from the emitter to the collector take a controlled time to pass through the depletion layer, leading to a controlled delay in current after a voltage is applied, and effective negative impedance.


The region between the emitter and collector of a bipolar transistor into which minority carriers are injected by the emitter.


The electrical current that flows in the base terminal of a bipolar transistor.


Flat, metallic leads which extend beyond the edges of a chip component like wooden beams extend from a roof overhang. Beam leads are used to interconnect a component to film circuitry.


A direct current or voltage applied to an active solid-state device that establishes certain operating characteristics of the device.


An active solid-state electronic device that contains both bipolar and field effect transistors.


A characteristic of an active solid-state electronic device that permits it to support current flow in opposite directions.


A substance that always contains the same two elements in a fixed atomic ratio.


An active solid-state electronic device in which both positive and negative current carriers are used to support current flow.


An active solid-state electronic device with a base electrode and two or more junction electrodes in which both positive and negative current carriers are used to support current flow.


The effective wavelength of electrons in a semiconductor crystal, sometimes referred to as a wave packet or wave function. It can be an order of magnitude larger than the de broglie wavelength of electrons having the same energy.


The area, defined by the extent of a metallization land or the top surface of a terminal, to which a lead is or is to be bonded.


A metallized area to which an electrical connection is to be made. It is also called a bonding island or a controlled collapse chip connection.


Fine wire for making electrical connections in hybrid circuits between various bonding pads on the semiconductor device substrate and device terminals or substrate lands.


A sudden change from high dynamic electrical resistance to a very low dynamic resistance in a reverse biased semiconductor device, e.g., a reverse biased junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor materials, wherein reverse current increases rapidly for a small increase in reverse applied voltage, and the device behaves as if it had negative electrical resistance.


The voltage value at which breakdown occurs.


The start of current flow in a silicon controlled rectifier.


A charge transfer device in which only a portion of the charge carriers (electrons or holes) at each storage site are transferred to the next storage site.


A term used to describe, typically, solder bumps on a chip or substrate which are found on only one side of the chip or substrate as, for example, on a flip-chip.


A charge coupled device in which charge is stored and transferred below the surface of the device.


An active solid-state device made up of a semiconductor material whose electrical characteristics and electronic properties are exhibited throughout the entire body of the material, rather than in just a localized region thereof, e.g., the surface.




The collector-base junction of a bipolar transistor.


A component used in electrical and electronic circuits which stores a charge of electricity, usually for very brief periods of time, with the ability to rapidly charge and discharge. A capacitor is usually considered a passive component since it does not rectify, amplify, or switch and because charge carriers do not undergo energy level changes therein, although some active solid-state devices function as voltage variable capacitors.


A mobile free electron or hole.


The number of electrical charge carriers in a given volume, usually a cubic centimeter, of semiconductor material.


An individual integrated circuit element located on a large, or master chip of, semiconductor material.


A path for conducting current between a source and drain of a field effect transistor.


Operating characteristics of FETs which depend on the length (distance between source and drain) of the channel regions. Such effects include switching speed change and threshold voltage change with channel length change.


Operating characteristics of FETs which depend on the width (horizontal distance perpendicular to channel length and parallel to upper surface of device) of the channel. Such effects include conductance and threshold voltage change with channel width change.


Means for limiting channel formation in a semiconductor device by surrounding the affected area with a ring of highly doped, low resistivity semiconductor material. In a field effect transistor, it is a region of highly doped material of the same type as the lightly doped substrate used to prevent leakage paths along the chip surface from developing. Also referred to as "chanstop."


The location in a current channel portion of a field effect transistor (FET) where the current is reduced to a minimum value due to its diameter being reduced to a minimum.


A graph showing the relationship between two or more changing parameters, e.g., current and voltage of an electronic device.


A mobile conduction electron or hole in a semiconductor.


Restriction of electrical charge carriers, e.g., electrons or holes, to specified locations, e.g., by quantum wells, gate electrode potentials, etc.


A charge transfer device in which all carriers (electrons or holes) are transferred from one storage site to the next upon application of a shifting voltage.


A field effect device in which storage sites for packets of electric charge are induced at or below the surface of an active solid-state device by an electric field applied to the device and wherein carrier potential energy per unit charge minima are established at a given storage site and such charge packets are injected into the device substrate or into a data bus. This type device differs from a charge transfer device in that, in the latter, charge is transferred to adjacent charge storage sites in a serial manner, whereas, in a charge injection device, the charge is injected in a non-serial manner to the device substrate or to a data bus.


A semiconductor device in which discrete packets of electrical charge are transferred from one location to another. Examples of charge transfer devices include charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and bucket-brigade devices (BBDs).


A single crystal substrate of semiconductor material on which one or more active or passive solid-state electronic devices are formed. A chip may contain an integrated circuit. A chip is not normally ready for use until packaged and provided with external connectors.


A package with terminals, for solid-state electronic devices, including chips which facilitates handling of the chip during assembly of the chip to other electronic elements.


A circuit element (active or passive) for use in microelectronics. Besides integrated circuits, the term includes diodes, transistors, resistors, and capacitors.


A number of devices interconnected in a one or more closed paths to perform a desired electrical or electronic function.


A higher band gap material which encases a lower band gap material that defines the walls of a quantum well.




The typical distance an electron can travel before it is scattered (e.g., by a phonon, a defect, or an impurity).


A term which encompasses both active and passive type devices, the passive type being a resistor whose resistance decreases when subjected to a high frequency signal, and the active type being a rectifier which is made up of active solid-state particles which conduct and rectify current when connected into a cohesive element but which loses that characteristic when the particles are separated (e.g., by shaking a container in which the particles are located).


That end region of a bipolar transistor which forms one of the main current regions and which is reverse biased in operation with respect to the base region.


The current which flows through the terminal of the collector region of a bipolar transistor.


An electrical isolation technology used for bipolar devices which employs an epitaxial layer, which forms transistor base regions, laid on a substrate of the same conductivity type (p or n) as the epitaxial layer, with an opposite conductivity type region, more heavily doped than the epitaxial base layer and located between the layer and the substrate, forming the collector and isolating the transistor from the substrate.


A bipolar transistor in which the base region is common to both the input and output circuit. This is also known as a grounded-base bipolar transistor circuit.


A bipolar transistor in which the collector region is common to both the input and output circuit. It is also known as an emitter-follower bipolar transistor circuit.


A unipolar transistor in which the drain region is common to both the input and output circuit.


A bipolar transistor in which the emitter region is common to both the input and output circuit. It is also known as a grounded-emitter bipolar transistor circuit.


A unipolar transistor in which the gate region is common to both input and output circuits.


Both n-type and p-type metal oxide semiconductor devices, e.g., transistors, formed on the same substrate.


An electronic device - active or passive - which has distinct electrical characteristics and has terminals for connection to other components to form a circuit.


A homogeneous material which has definite proportions of chemically combined atoms or ions.


A difference in dopant concentration (p- or n-type) from one position to another in a semiconductor.


A partially filled energy band in which electrons can move freely, permitting a material to carry electric current where electrons are the current carriers.


In a conductor or n-type semiconductor, outer shell electrons that are bound so loosely that they can move freely in the conduction band of a solid material under the influence of an electric field.


The ability of a material to conduct electric current. Its converse is resistivity.


A material which offers comparatively little resistance to the flow of current.


The distance between adjacent edges (not centerline to centerline) of isolated conductive patterns in a conductor layer.


That portion of metallized conductors used for providing external electrical connections from a component to a chip or other component.


The parts of a conductor designed to touch or be touched by other such parts of an electrical conductor to carry current to or from the conductor.


An opening in an insulating layer to expose an underlying conductor to permit electrical contact thereto. It is also called a via hole.


The sharing of electrons by atoms in which each atom contributes one of a pair of electrons shared by another atom and forming a bond between those two atoms.


An active solid-state device which operates at cryogenic temperatures, i.e., at temperatures at or below 77 degrees Kelvin, by avalanche breakdown caused by impact ionization of device impurities.


A solid substance whose atoms are arranged with periodic geometric regularity, called a lattice.


Any nonuniformity in a crystal lattice. There are four categories of crystal defects: (1) point defects, (2) line defects, (3) area defects, and (4) volume defects. Point defects include any foreign atom at a regular lattice site (substitutional site) or between lattice sites (interstitial site), anti-site defects in compound semiconductors, e.g., Ga in As or As in Ga, missing lattice atoms, and host atoms located between lattice sites and adjacent to a vacant site (Frenkel defects). Line defects, also called edge dislocations, include extra planes of atoms in a lattice. Area defects include twins or twinning (a change in crystal orientation across a lattice) and grain boundaries (a transition between crystals having no particular positional orientation to one another. Volume defects include precipitates of impurity or dopant atoms caused by volume mismatch between a host lattice and precipitates.


A minimum value of voltage or current applied to an active device which stops the device from operating in a particular manner.


The wavelength of a particle, based on L.V. de Broglie"s theory that particles exhibit wavelike characteristics.


The condition in which a depletion layer formed in a MOS active device due to voltage applied to the gate electrode of the device, is deeper than the maximum depth at which inversion would normally be expected to occur at room temperature in a semiconductor device at the surface closest to the gate electrode, without formation of an inversion layer.


Electrical isolation of adjacent devices in a single monolithic semiconductor chip by grooves extending deeply into and below the surface of the chip between the devices.


Energy levels that can act as traps located in the forbidden band of a semiconductor material that are not near the conduction or valence band edges.


Doping of a semiconductor to such an extent that the Fermi level lies within the conduction band (N+ semiconductor) or within the valence band (P+ semiconductor). Also, in circuit applications, negative feedback between two or more active solid-state devices.




The operation of a field-effect transistor having appreciable channel conductivity for zero gate- source voltage and whose channel conductivity may be increased or decreased according to the polarity of the applied gate-source voltage, by changing the gate-to-source voltage from zero to a finite value, resulting in a decrease in the magnitude of the drain current.


The region extending on both sides of a reverse biased semiconductor junction in which free carriers are removed from the vicinity of the junction. It is also called a space charge region, a barrier region, or an intrinsic semiconductor region.


The physical realization of an individual electrical element in a physically independent body which cannot be further divided without destroying its stated function. Examples are transistors, pnpn structures, and tunnel diodes.


A tiny piece of semiconductor material, separated from a semiconductor slice, on which one or more active electronic components are formed. Sometimes called a chip.


Attachment of a semiconductor chip to a substrate or chip carrier or package, usually with an epoxy, eutectic, or solder alloy.


A junction between two different conductivity regions within a semiconductor and which is formed by diffusion of appropriate impurity atoms into the material.


A transistor in which the emitter and collector junctions are formed by diffusion of dopant atoms into the semiconductor material.


(1) The movement of carriers from a region of concentration to one of lower concentration; (2) a process of adding impurities to a semiconductor material to change its electrical characteristics.


An obstacle to the diffusion of charge carriers in an active solid-state device.


Current caused by charge carriers diffusing from a volume of high carrier concentration to a volume of lower carrier concentration in a solid-state material.


In a homogeneous semiconductor material, the average distance minority carriers move during their lifetime (i.e., between generation and recombination).


An electronic device which has two terminals and an asymmetrical or nonlinear voltage-current characteristic.


A technique in which a high electrical resistance between an integrated circuit element and its substrate is achieved by surrounding the element with a reverse biased pn junction.


A chip carrier or package consisting of a plastic or ceramic body with two rows of vertical leads in which a semiconductor integrated circuit is assembled and sealed. The leads are typically inserted into a circuit board and secured by soldering.


A semiconductor material in which an electron transition from the conduction to the valence band, or vice versa, does not require a change in crystal momentum for the electron. Gallium arsenide is a direct band gap semiconductor material.


A circuit which has an individual identity and which is fabricated prior to installation, or is separately packaged and is not part of an integrated circuit.


A region in a crystal in which the atoms are not arranged in a perfect lattice-like structure. See CRYSTAL DEFECT for examples of crystal defects/dislocations.


Depletion type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor. Such devices are normally in the on condition with no applied gate voltage.


An element which when added to a semiconductor provides unbound or free electrons to the semiconductor which may serve as current carriers. Typically, donors are atoms which have more valence electrons than the atoms of the semiconductor material into which they are introduced in small quantities as an impurity or dopant. Since such donor impurities have more valence electrons than the semiconductor, a semiconductor doped with donor impurities is an n-type semiconductor.


An impurity added to a semiconductor material to change its electrical conductivity or other characteristics. N-type (negative) dopants, such as phosphorus, for a group IV semiconductor such as silicon typically come from group V of the periodic table. When added to silicon n-type dopants create a material that contains conduction electrons. P-type (positive) dopants, such as boron, for a group IV semiconductor such as silicon, typically come from group III and result in holes.


The point to point concentration throughout a semiconductor of an impurity atom doped into the semiconductor.


A metal oxide semiconductor having diffused junctions in which successive diffusions of different impurity types are made in the same well-defined region of the semiconductor.


The electrode of a field effect transistor which receives charge carriers which pass through the transistor channel from the source electrode.


The flow of charge carriers in the drain region of a field effect transistor.


The maximum amount of current carried by the drain of a field-effect transistor when the gate- source voltage equals zero volts.


Current produced in a solid-state electronic device by charge carriers (e.g., holes or electrons) drifting in the direction of an applied electric field.


A type of electrical isolation of functional elements of an integrated circuit comprised of two distinct unused areas of chip surface area adjacent to the elements desired to be electrically isolated.


See DIP.


solid-state memory in which the information decays over time and needs to be periodically refreshed.


Emitter base junction in a bipolar transistor.


The negatively charged particle in an atom that orbits the nucleus in specific energy levels.


Movement of electrons from a source of negative potential to a positive potential.


A positive charge carrier (i.e., hole) and a negative charge carrier (i.e., electron) considered together as being created or destroyed as part of one and the same event.


The region of a bipolar junction transistor from which charge carriers flow through the emitter-base junction into the base region of the device.


The amount of current flowing from the emitter across the emitter-base junction into the base region of the device.


Enhancement mode metal oxide semiconductor device. See ENHANCEMENT MODE and MOSFET.


The possible energy values that an atom or molecule or subatomic particle (e.g., an electron) can have.


The operation of a field effect transistor which has a channel formed therein between its source and drain regions and which normally does not conduct current through its channel with zero voltage applied to its gate electrode. Voltage of the correct polarity will accumulate minority carriers in the channel to permit conduction of current in the channel, thus turning on the transistor.


The growth of a crystal of one substance on the surface of a crystal of the same or another substance so that the crystal lattice of the base substance controls the orientation of the atoms in the grown crystal.


An added layer of crystal that takes on the same crystalline orientation as the substrate crystal.


A heavily doped pn junction diode where conduction occurs through the junction potential barrier due to a quantum mechanical effect even though the carriers which tunnel through the potential barrier do not have enough energy to overcome the potential barrier. Esaki tunneling involves a tunneling barrier formed by a macroscopic depletion layer between n-type and p-type regions. It does not involve a resonant tunneling barrier using controlled quantum confinement, a layer located between junctions, nor a thin superlattice layer.


Charge carriers present in a semiconductor in excess of those present in thermal equilibrium.


A semiconductor whose charge carrier concentration and, therefore, electrical properties depend on impurity, atoms introduced therein.


A chip mounting technique wherein semiconductor chips are provided with small mounting pads, turned face down, and bonded directly to conductors on a substrate.


Leads placed through a package wall at closer intervals than normal and radiated (fanned) out on the exterior of the package until a desired center-to-center lead spacing is achieved.


Acronym for field effect transistor.


A unipolar transistor in which current carriers are injected at a source terminal and pass to a drain terminal through a channel of semiconductor material whose conductivity depends largely on an electric field applied to the semiconductor from a control electrode. There are two main types of FET, a junction FET and an insulated-gate FET. In the junction FET, the gate is isolated from the channel by a pn junction. In an insulated-gate FET, the gate is isolated from the channel by an insulating layer, so that the gate and channel form a capacitor with the insulating layer as the capacitor dielectric.


A thin (on a macroscopic scale) film made up of an oxide of a material which overlies a device substrate to reduce parasitic capacitive coupling between conductors overlying the oxide and the substrate or devices below the oxide layer (e.g., in the substrate).


An integrated circuit package with leads extending from it in the same plane as that of the package. It has a low profile.


A term which describes the situation wherein a semiconductor device which has all terminations on one side thereof in the form of bump contacts, has a passivated surface and has been flipped over and attached to a matching substrate.


A region of a semiconductor device in which impurity atoms have been doped and which is electrically floating, that is, has no direct electrical connection.


A gate electrode that is electrically floating, that is, has no direct electrical connection.


Also called a land pattern. It is a combination of lands used to mount a surface mount component. Metal pads on a substrate surface are arranged in the same pattern as the leads or pads on the component itself.


The energy band of a material which is located between a solid material"s conduction and valence bands. It is defined by the amount of energy that is needed to release an electron from its valence band to its conduction band. Electrons cannot exist in this gap. They are either below it, and bound to an atom, or above it, and able to move freely.


An external voltage applied in the conducting direction of a pn junction. A positive potential is connected to the p-type material and a negative potential to the n-type semiconductor material.


The value of positive terminal voltage at which a regenerative device (e.g., a silicon controlled rectifier), with its gate circuit open, becomes conductive.


The current which flows across a semiconductor junction when a forward bias is applied across the junction.


A semiconductor diode with three junctions and only two terminals connected to the outer layers forming the junctions. This includes two terminal pnpn thyristors.


A charge coupled device having four electrode sets and four gate voltages.


The situation wherein there are leads through all four sides of an integrated circuit package.


A charge coupled device area imager array with a separate image area, storage area, and read-out register area, the storage area being located between the image area and the readout area. This is distinguished from an interline-transfer CCD in which the sensing and storage/readout function areas are located next to each other.


An electron not bound to a particular atom, but free to circulate among the atoms of a solid material.


The ratio of the magnitude of the electrical output of a device to the magnitude of its electrical input.


A semiconducting chemical compound which is often used in active solid-state devices.


The control electrode or region of a field effect transistor, located between the source and drain electrodes, and regions thereof.


A repeating geometric arrangement of groups of active solid-state devices, each group being connectable into a logic circuit, in one integrated, monolithic semiconductor chip.


The electrical charge on a gate electrode.


A three terminal semiconductor diode with the ability to be turned on or off by a pulse applied to its gate electrode.


The amount of current needed to commence gate current flow in a four layer semiconductor device (e.g., a thyristor).


The amount of voltage needed to begin gate current flow in a four layer semiconductor device (e.g., a silicon controlled rectifier).


A semiconductor material used in active solid-state devices.


The name given to lead configurations of some surface mounted devices. Gull wings extend from the side of a component package and have an L-shaped bend at component ends, which extend down to the substrate surface and away from the component.


A diode in which electrons under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy valleys of different momentum in the conduction band of the active semiconductor device material or holes under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy valleys of different momentum in the valence band of the active semiconductor device material. A Gunn diode does not normally have a pn junction and cannot be used as a rectifier.


An inter valley transfer effect wherein electrons under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy valleys of different momentum in the conduction band of the active semiconductor device material, or holes under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy valleys of different momentum in the valence band of the active semiconductor device material.


An active solid-state device in which a current is flowing and is in a magnetic field perpendicular to the current, and in which a voltage is produced that is perpendicular to both the current flow direction and the magnetic field direction.


F, Cl, Br, I, At.


A slab-like or flat plug-in base for a package that is designed to be used with a cover or lid.


Devices used to absorb or transfer heat away from heat sensitive devices or device components.


Metals other than light metals - see LIGHT METALS.


An interface between two dissimilar semiconductor materials. For example, one material may by InAs and the other may be InAlAs, or one material may be GaAs and the other material may be GaAlAs.




A heterojunction field effect transistor with impurity ions located on the side of the hetero junction with lower affinity for the charge carriers (holes or electrons) injected at the source that pass to the drain via a channel adjacent the hetero junction.


The minimum current needed to maintain a generative type active solid-state device (e.g., a thyristor) in an "on" or conducting condition.


An empty energy level in the valence band of a semiconductor crystal which exhibits properties of a real particle and can act as a mobile positive charge carrier.


The current in a semiconductor material due to the movement of holes therein.


An interface between regions of opposite polarity in the same semiconductor material.


A diode in which electrons (or holes) have energies greater than those that are in thermal equilibrium with the material of at least one of the regions forming the diode. Schottky barrier diodes typically have "hot carriers" (hot electrons) injected into the metal from the semiconductor.




A small printed circuit having miniature components, which may include passive components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors, deposited on a printed circuit board. A "hybrid circuit" is NOT an integrated circuit, and is not classifiable in this class.


A foreign material present in a semiconductor crystal, such as boron or arsenic in silicon, which is added to the semiconductor to produce either p-type or n-type semiconductor material, or to otherwise result in material whose electrical characteristics depend on the impurity dopant atoms.


A semiconductor material in which a change in semiconductor crystal momentum for an electron is required when it moves from the conduction band to the valence band and vice versa. Silicon is an indirect band gap semiconductor.


A unipolar transistor with source, gate, and drain regions and electrodes, in which conduction takes place in a channel controlled by action of the voltage applied to the gate electrode of the device, in which the gate electrode is separated from the channel by an insulator layer.


A material which has a high resistance to the flow of electric current. It has such low electrical conductivity that the flow of current therethrough can usually be neglected.


See MONOLITHIC DEVICE (e.g., IC) as contrasted to HYBRID CIRCUIT.


The number of minority carriers in a semiconductor due to thermal generation of electron-hole pairs.


A pure semiconductor, i.e., one with no impurity atoms introduced therein.


A condition in a semiconductor material in which the concentration of minority carriers exceeds the concentration of majority carriers.


A region in a semiconductor material in which the concentration of minority carriers exceeds the concentration of majority carriers.


Fe, Co, Ni.


Prevention of the flow of electric current between electronic component parts of a solid-state electronic device.


A semiconductor device in which relatively thick regions of silicon dioxide, recessed into the semiconductor surface, are used to electrically isolate device areas and prevent parasitic device formation. More commonly called LOCOS CMOS.


A type of electric isolation in which relatively thick regions of silicon dioxide, recessed into the semiconductor surface, are used to electrically isolate device areas and prevent parasitic device formation. More commonly called LOCOS ISOLATION.


A rolled-under, J-shaped configuration of some surface mounted component leads.


A joining of two different semiconductors or of a semiconductor and a metal at an interface. Types of junctions include HETEROJUNCTIONS, SCHOTTKY BARRIER JUNCTIONS, and PN JUNCTIONS.


The opposition to the diffusion of majority carriers across a pn junction due to the charge of the fixed donor and acceptor ions.


The capacitance across a pn junction. It depends on the width of the depletion layer, which increases with increased reverse bias voltage across the junction.




Electrical isolation of devices on a monolithic integrated circuit chip using a reverse biased junction diode to establish a depletion layer that forms the electrical isolation between devices.


The electrical resistance across a semiconductor PN junction.


The conductive areas, normally metal patterns, on a semiconductor integrated circuit, which form part of the contacts and interconnections between components on the integrated circuit.


A combination of lands on an integrated circuit.


La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho,Er, Tm, Yb, Lu.


The state or condition of a regenerative feedback device, e.g., a thyristor, in which the device remains ON when the initializing signal is removed.


An abbreviation for a leadless ceramic chip carrier which is a hermetically-sealable ceramic package in which an integrated chip can be placed to create a surface mounted component. It has pads around its perimeter for connection to a substrate.


The conductor brought out from a component.


A metal frame which provides support for an integrated circuit chip or die as well as electrical leads to interconnect the integrated circuit on the die or chip to other electrical components or contacts.


Unwanted current flow.


The average time interval between the introduction of and recombination of minority charge carriers in a semiconductor.


Junction diodes which give off light when energized.


Alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, Be, Al, Mg.


A planar crystal defect (e.g., an extra plane of atoms in a crystal). It is also called an edge dislocation.


Local oxide complementary metal oxide semiconductor structure which features oxide isolation which is recessed into the semiconductor surface.


(Local Oxidation of Silicon) Patterns of oxide isolation which are recessed into the semiconductor surface. Sometimes also called isoplanar, ROX (Recessed Oxide Isolation), or planox.


Emission of light by directly converting some other type of energy. Types include thermoluminescence, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, and electroluminescence. It includes fluorescence and phosphorescence. Active solid-state luminescent devices are semiconductors which operate via injection luminescence. Active devices include pn junctions (including heterojunctions), Schottky barrier junctions, metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures, and high speed traveling domains, e.g., Gunn domain and acoustoelectric wave generated domains; whereas passive solid-state electroluminescent devices (phosphors) are insulators which operate in an intrinsic luminescence phenomena, i.e., where an applied electric field generates free carriers (there being no free carriers in an insulator to be accelerated by an applied field unless the field also generates them) to initiate the light emission mechanism.


The predominant charge carrier in a semiconductor. Electrons are majority carriers in n-type semiconductors. Holes are majority carriers in p-type semiconductors.


Current caused by the flow of majority carriers.


A substrate that contains active and passive electronic components in a predetermined pattern which may be connected into different logic or analog circuits.


Active solid-state devices having metal-barrier-metal layer junctions.




A field effect transistor having a gate conductor made of metal, rather than polycrystalline semiconductor material.


A single or multilayer film pattern of electrically conductive material deposited on a substrate to interconnect electronic components, or the metal film on the bonding area of a substrate which becomes part of the bond and performs both an electrical and a mechanical function.


Elements other than non-metals. See NON-METALS.


A junction diode with a thin insulating layer of material sandwiched between two metallic surface layers which operates as a tunneling (direct or Fowler-Nordheim type) diode.


The less predominant charge carrier in a semiconductor. In a p-type semiconductor, minority carriers are electrons, whereas in n-type semiconductor material, minority carriers are holes.


The current caused by flowing minority carriers.


Acronym for metal-insulator-semiconductor. Typically active solid-state devices with MIS technology have a silicon dioxide layer formed on a single crystal silicon substrate. A polysilicon conductor layer is formed on the oxide.


The facility with which carriers move through a semiconductor when subjected to an applied electric field. Electrons and holes typically have different mobilities in the same semiconductor.


Acronym for a modulation doped field effect transistor. A high speed semiconductor FET in which dopant atom containing semiconductor layers alternate with non-doped semiconductor layers, so that the carriers (electrons or holes) resulting from the dopant atoms can travel in the undoped material, so that there is little scattering of carriers from dopant atoms. Typically, the dopant atoms are in semiconductor material having a lower carrier affinity than the undoped layers, to facilitate carrier spill over into the undoped layers. Such a structure may typically constitute a superlattice. See also HIGH ELECTRON MOBILITY TRANSISTOR (HEMT).


Spatial modulation of dopant atoms in a semiconductor crystal.


A device in which all components are fabricated on a single chip of silicon. Interconnections among components are provided by means of metallization patterns on the surface of the chip structure, and the individual parts are not separable from the complete circuit. External connecting wires are taken out to terminal pins or leads.


Acronym for metal-semiconductor-metal semiconductors. Active solid-state semiconductor devices having a semiconductor layer sandwiched between two layers of metal.


Two or more layers of interconnecting metallization patterns in a monolithic integrated circuit separated by insulator material except in interconnection areas.


An extrinsic semiconductor in which electron density exceeds hole density.


Negative differential mobility (e.g., Gunn effect) intervalley active semiconductor devices wherein an applied electric field imparts energy to electrons or holes to permit them to jump to higher quantum electronic intervalley energy levels in which electrons have lowered electron mobility.


An operating region of an active solid-state electronic device in which an increase in applied voltage results in a decrease in output current.


The amount of reduction in a device parameter, such as capacitance or resistance, for each degree of device operating temperature.


N-channel metal oxide semiconductor devices which use electrons as majority carriers.


He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn.


H, B, C, Si, N, P, O, S, Se, Te, noble gases, halogens.


A transistor in which the base is made of p-type material and both source and drain are made of n-type semiconductor material.


A field effect transistor that has an n-type conduction channel.


An extrinsic semiconductor having n-type dopant atoms, e.g., atoms with one more valence electron than the host atoms.


A semiconductor compound in which the molecule is characterized by two or more carbon atoms bonded together, one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of hydrogen or halogen (i.e., chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine) or one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of nitrogen by a single or double bond.

(1) Note. Exceptions to thisrule include HCN, CN-CN, HNCO, HNCS, cyanogen halides, cyanamide, fulminic acid, and metal carbides. These are not regarded as organic semiconductor materials. Also, note that graphite and diamond are not regarded as organic semiconductors since they are not compounds; silicon carbide is not regarded as organic.


Electrical isolation of semiconductor electronic devices in a monolithic integrated circuit by an oxide (e.g., silicon oxide).


A container, case, or enclosure for protecting a solid-state electronic device from the environment.


(1) The portion of a conductive pattern on a solid-state electronic device for making external connection thereto; (2) the portion of a conductive pattern on a chip or a printed circuit board designed for mounting or attaching a substrate or solid-state active electronic device.


Unintended current which flows between devices in an integrated circuit, or which flows between device regions and isolation regions.


Junctions forming unintended active solid-state devices which interconnect intended active solid-state devices, which unintended devices are not designed to carry current flow.


Unwanted active solid-state device formation in which four adjacent complementary doped regions not designed to act as an active solid-state device, lack sufficient isolation therebetween and act as a thyristor. Parasitic thyristor action is typically a problem encountered in CMOS integrated circuits.


Unwanted transistor formation in an integrated circuit structure.


A solid-state electronic device or component in which charge carriers do not change their energy levels and that does not provide rectification, amplification, or switching, but which does react to voltage and current. Examples are pure resistors, capacitors, and inductors.


A conduction path, made of p-type semiconductor material, located between the source and drain of a field effect device.




An energy level in a conduction or valence band which a charge carrier (electron or hole) may have.


A diode in which charge carriers are created by light which illuminates the diode junction. It is a photovoltaic as well as a photoconductive device.


A transistor having no base terminal and in which charge carriers are created by light which illuminates its collector-base junction.


An active solid-state device with a pn junction that generates a voltage in response to light impinging on the junction.


A monolithic integrated circuit resistor having a layer of one conductivity type, typically a P-layer formed at the same time as integrated circuit bipolar transistor base regions, which is thinned by an inset region of opposite conductivity type, typically an N-layer formed at the same time as integrated circuit bipolar transistor emitter regions.


The condition in a depletion mode field effect transistor wherein the conducting channel is depleted of majority carriers and is thereby pinched off, no path remaining for the source-to-drain majority carrier (e.g., electron) flow.


A diode having an intrinsic semiconductor (i.e., one with no dopants) sandwiched between a p-type layer and an n-type layer. The depletion region (the intrinsic semiconductor layer) thickness can be tailored to optimize quantum efficiency for use as a photo diode or frequency response for use as a microwave diode.


A semiconductor chip package having leads in the form of pins arranged in columns and rows.


A bipolar transistor in which the emitter base and collector regions terminate at the same plane surface without indentations in or protrusions from the surface. Hence, the emitter and base regions form dish shaped portions extending into the semiconductor from the common surface.


An electronic package for an active solid-state device in which the lead pins are perpendicular to the mounting area of the substrate, as contrasted with a flat package in which the leads are in the same plane as the substrate.


A metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor having p-type source and drain regions and a p-type conduction channel which may be formed by a p type doped region (depletion mode) or induced by a voltage on the gate (enhancement mode).


The interface and region of transition between p-type and n-type semiconductors.


A semiconductor device having two terminals connected to opposite type semiconductor materials with a junction therebetween and exhibiting a non-linear voltage-current characteristic, usually used for switching or rectification.


A bipolar transistor with a p type emitter, an n-type base and a p-type collector.


A crystal defect occurring at a point in a crystal. Examples include, (1) a foreign atom incorporated into the crystal lattice at either a substitutional (regular lattice) site or interstitial (between regular lattice sites) site, (2) a missing atom in the lattice, or (3) a host atom located between regular lattice sites and adjacent to a vacancy (called a Frenkel defect).


A material composed of more than one crystal.


A polycrystalline form of silicon.


A charge carrier which has a net positive charge (e.g., a hole).


Atoms which are missing a valence shell electron.


The difference in electrical potential across a pn junction in a semiconductor.




An embedding process in which an electronic component is placed in a can, shell, or other container and buried in a liquid dielectric polymer which subsequently changes to a solid material. The container is not removed from the finished part, and a release agent is not used. This process differs from casting - which involves a removable mold.


A structure formed on one or more layers of electrically insulating material having electrical terminals and conductive material deposited thereon, in continuous paths, from terminal to terminal, to form circuits for electronic apparatus such as chips or substrates.


Electrical conductivity associated with positive charge carriers (holes) in a semiconductor material.


An extrinsic semiconductor in which the hole density exceeds the conduction electron density.


Expansion of a depletion region* from one junction to another junction in an active solid-state device.


A brittle, inter metallic electrically conductive compound which has a purplish color and is formed when aluminum and gold, used as electrical contact materials in semiconductor electronic devices, contact each other and interact. It is usually considered undesirable because it breaks easily, reduces device reliability, and lowers product yield.


Discrete energy levels due to the quantum mechanical properties of a material.


Transistors whose operation is based on the properties of electrons confined in quantum wells - semiconductor films only a hundred or so angstroms thick sandwiched between high confining walls made of a second semiconductor material.


Semiconductor films only a hundred or so angstroms thick sandwiched between high confining walls made of a second material.


Sc, Y, Lanthanides.


Gated semiconductor devices which receive and accumulate charges and make them available to an output device.


The process by which excess holes and electrons in a semiconductor crystal recombine and and no longer function as charge carriers in the semiconductor. Basic recombination processes are band-to-band recombination which occurs when an electron in the conduction band recombines with a hole in the valence band, and trapping recombination which occurs when an electron or hole is captured by a deep energy level, such as produced by a deep level dopant, before recombining with an opposite conductivity type carrier.


Ti, V, Cr, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, W.


A measure of the resistance of a material to electric current. Resistivity is a bulk material property, measured in ohm-cm.


A device that works on the principle of resonant electron (or hole) tunneling through a pair of matched potential barriers. This occurs when the energy of the electrons (or holes) matches that of a quantum energy level in the quantum well formed between the barriers.


A voltage applied across a semiconductor junction in the reverse direction, i.e., wherein a positive potential is connected to the n-type semiconductor and a negative potential is applied to the p-type semiconductor.


The reverse bias voltage value at which electrical resistance drops appreciably and operating current sharply increases.


The current flowing through a rectifying junction with a reverse voltage thereacross.


The current between the base and collector of a bipolar transistor when an increase in emitter to base voltage causes no further increase in the collector current.


The impurities (dopants) in semiconductors that cause electrons or holes flowing through the semiconductor to scatter. These reduce carrier mobility and represent a problem in quantum devices because they affect electron coherence length.


A metal to semiconductor interface in which the carrier affinity and doping level of the semiconductor are such that a rectifying junction is formed. Usually, minority carriers in the semiconductor do not significantly contribute to the current flowing in a device with such a barrier.


A diode with a Schottky barrier.


A material whose electrical resistivity is between that of insulators and conductors. The resistivity is commonly changed by light, heat, electric, or magnetic fields incident on the material. Current flow is achieved by transfer of positive holes as well as by movement of electrons.


A device in which current conduction takes place within a semiconductor.


A light emitting diode that uses stimulated emission of radiation to produce coherent light output.


A silicon controlled switch that can conduct current in both directions.


A four layer pnpn device that, when in a normal state, blocks applied voltage in either direction. Application of a correct voltage to a gate terminal permits the device to conduct in a forward direction.


A four layer pnpn semiconductor switching device that can be triggered into conduction by applying either positive or negative pulses.


A field effect transistor which has a gate electrode made of silicon.


A semiconductor structure using an insulating substrate, instead of silicon as a substrate material, with an overlying active layer of single crystal silicon containing active solid-state devices. The substrate may typically be of the form of an insulating layer which is itself formed on a single crystal substrate.


A complementary metal oxide semiconductor device (e.g., a transistor) wherein single crystal silicon is grown on a passive insulating base of sapphire (single crystal alpha phase aluminum oxide) with complementary MOS transistors formed in the silicon in one or more island portions.


A transistor which uses silicon as the semiconductor material.


A plug-in semiconductor device package with one row of pins with specified spacings therebetween.


A body of material having atoms regularly located at periodic lattice sites throughout.


A buried electrically conductive, low resistance path in an integrated circuit which connects an electrical contact to a conductive region buried in the integrated circuit. It may be made up of a heavily doped impurity region.


An MIS structure (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) in which the "metal" layer is made of semiconductor material, typically polycrystalline silicon.


A photovoltaic cell in the form of a semiconductor diode, usually made of silicon, that generates electricity directly from sunlight impingent on the cell.


An electronic device or component that uses current flow through solid (as opposed to liquid), gas, or vacuum materials. solid-state devices may be active or passive.


In a field effect transistor, the electrode to which the source of charge carriers is connected.


The region around a pn junction in which holes and electrons recombine to leave no mobile charge carriers and a net charge density due to the residual dopant ions.


A pn junction active solid-state device in which a forward bias voltage injects charge carriers across the junction but prior to recombination of the carriers, a reverse voltage is applied to return the charge carriers to their source as a group.


The supporting material on or in which the components of an integrated circuit are fabricated or attached.


The electric potential applied to a substrate, which typically serves as the reference potential against which other voltages are measured. Also, in a MISFET, a voltage applied to the substrate with respect to the source region.


A periodic sequence of variations in carrier potential energy in a semiconductor, of such magnitude and spacing that the current carrier wave function is spread out over many periods, so that carrier energy and other properties are determined in part by the periodic variations. The variation may be in chemical composition of the material, as in a sequence of heterojunctions, or in impurity concentration, forming a doping superlattice, or both.


A charge coupled device in which charge resides at the semiconductor surface.


Active or passive solid-state devices which are structured and configured to be mounted directly to a printed circuit board surface. This type of mounting is distinguished from "through-hole" mounting which involves the electrical and physical connection of devices to a printed circuit board using drilled and plated holes through the conductive pattern of the board.


The resistance of a material between two opposite sides of a unit square of its surface. Also called Sheet Resistance. Measured in ohms, often written as "ohms per square" in this case.


Mechanical points of contact used for electrical measurement.


A semiconductor device whose electrical resistance varies with temperature. Its temperature coefficient of resistance is high, nonlinear, and usually negative.


Printed thin-film circuits. Silk screen printing techniques are used to make the desired circuit patterns on a ceramic substrate. Active devices may be added thereto as separate devices (see HYBRID CIRCUIT).


solid-state electronic devices which are constructed by depositing films of conducting material on the surface of electrically insulating bases.


A four layer p-n-p-n bistable switching device that changes from an off or blocking state to an on or conducting state which uses both electron and hole type carrier transport.


The voltage at which a pn junction begins to conduct current.


The electrical and physical connection of components to the surface of a conductive pattern using drilled and plated holes through the conductive and insulating layers of a printed circuit board.


See GUNN EFFECT. In such devices, advantage is taken of the negative differential mobility of electrons or holes in certain semiconducting compounds, particularly GaAs or InP.


An active solid-state semiconductor device having three or more electrodes in which the current flowing between two specified electrodes is modulated by the voltage or current applied to one or more specified electrodes, and is capable of performing switching or amplification.


Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, E, Fm, Mv, No, Lw.


An acronym for trapped plasma avalanche triggered transit diodes, which are biased into avalanche condition. As the diode breaks down, a highly conducting electron-hole plasma quickly fills the entire n-type region, and the voltage across the diode drops to a low value. The plasma is then extracted from the diode by the low residual electric field, thus causing a large current flow even though the voltage is low. Once extraction of the plasma is completed, the current drops and the voltage rises.


Electrical isolation of electronic components in a monolithic integrated circuit by the use of holes or other indentations in the surface of the device filled with dielectric material.


A semiconductor diode in which the electrons penetrate a quantum barrier that is impenetrable in terms of classical physics, but which is penetrable in terms of quantum physics due to the quantum mechanical uncertainty in position of current carriers.




CMOS device structure in which both p-type and n-type deep wells are formed into a substrate for the n-channel and p-channel device (e.g., a transistor), respectively.


A description of the motion of electrons which are confined in only one direction, such as electrons in the conducting channel of a MOSFET. In an electron gas, the electrons move around without apparent restriction. The behavior of electrons in conducting metals (e.g., copper) is an example of a three-dimensional electron gas. In a two dimensional electron gas, motion is restricted to a single plane (two dimensions).


An active solid-state electronic device in which only one type of charge carrier, positive or negative, is used to support current flow.


A transistor in which the source to drain current involves only one type of charge carrier.


A semiconductor diode that changes capacitance with a change in applied voltage, comprising a two terminal active device using the voltage variable capacitance of a pn junction or a Schottky junction.


A term applied to both passive and active solid-state devices. A varistor is a two-electrode semiconductor device with a voltage dependent nonlinear resistance which falls significantly as the voltage is increased. In an active device, the non-linear property is due to the presence of one or more potential barriers, whereas, in a passive type varistor, it is due to electrical heating of the material due to current flow therethrough. Varistors are to be contrasted with passive variable resistors such as rheostats or potentiometers.


A junction of finite width which has a vertical axis. The materials which form it lie on either horizontal side thereof.


A metallized or plated-through hole, in an insulating layer, e.g., a substrate, chip or a printed circuit board which forms a conduction path itself and is not designed to have a wire or lead inserted therethrough.


A thin slice of semiconductor material with parallel faces used as the substrate for active solid-state devices in discrete or monolithic integrated circuit form.


Attachment of a tiny wire, as by thermocompression bonding, to a bonding pad on a semiconductor chip.


An area on an integrated circuit, such as a gate array, which is left free of active devices and in which interconnection metallization patterns are formed.


The minimum energy required to remove an electron from the Fermi level of a material and liberate it to free space outside the solid.


The current generated by a Zener diode when its reverse voltage is increased above the Zener breakdown value.


A single pn junction, two terminal semiconductor diode reversed biased into breakdown caused by the Zener effect, i.e., by field emission of charge carriers in the device"s depletion layer. NOTE: True Zener breakdown occurs in silicon at values below 6 volts. It is to be distinguished from the avalanche breakdown mechanism that occurs in reverse biased diodes at higher (about 6 volts) voltages.


[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 1]    1BULK EFFECT DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter in which the active device is made up of a semiconductor material whose electrical characteristics are due to the electronic properties of the semiconductor material, which are exhibited throughout the entire body of material rather than in just a localized region thereof (e.g., the surface).
(1) Note. Excluded from this subclass are semiconductive devices whose nonlinear characteristic is due to a junction rather than to the bulk properties of the semiconductor, whether they are homojunctions (i.e., made up of the same semiconductor material with different dopant ions on opposite sides of a junction) or heterojunctions (i.e., made up of different materials on either side of a junction).


289,for insulated electrode devices having significant semiconductor compound in bulk crystal.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 900 for methods of making a bulk effect semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 2]    2Bulk effect switching in amorphous material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 1.  Subject matter wherein the bulk material is an amorphous material, i.e., one in which active solid material is non-crystalline in the sense that (1) there is either complete disorder in the arrangement of atoms/mole or molecules of the material or (2) there is an absence of any long range structural order that is detectable by electron or X-ray diffraction patterns of the material and the device is used as an electronic switch.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 3]    3With means to localize region of conduction (e.g., "pore" structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 2.  Subject matter wherein means (e.g., a porous structure) is provided to confine the operating current to a particular region of the bulk effect amorphous material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 4]    4With specified electrode composition or configuration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 2.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous material bulk effect switching device has electrodes which have a particular chemical constituency or shape.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 5]    5In array:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 2.  Subject matter in which the amorphous bulk effect switch has a group of individual switch elements with a predetermined (often regular) spacing extended in one or more directions.
(1) Note. The elements often extend in two dimensions to form two-dimensional arrays.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 6]    6Intervalley transfer (e.g., Gunn effect):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 1.  Subject matter wherein electrons under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy minima having different momentum in the conduction band of the active semiconductor material, or holes under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields are transferred between energy minima having different momentum in the valence band of the active semiconductor material.


331Oscillators,   subclass 107 for Gunn-type bulk effect device oscillators.
341Coded Data Generation or Conversion,   subclass 133 for analog to or from digital conversion with particular solid-state devices (e.g., Gunn effect devices).
365Static Information Storage and Retrieval,   subclass 169 for systems using a Gunn effect device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 7]    7In monolithic integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 6.  Subject matter wherein the intervalley transfer devices are integrally combined with one or more other active (e.g., diode or transistor) or passive (e.g., resistor or capacitor) devices in a single solid-state electronic device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 8]    8Three or more terminal device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 6.  Subject matter wherein an intervalley transfer device contains three or more electrical terminals.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active material is a thin physical layer of material located between materials which have different electrical properties than the thin layer and wherein the thin active physical layer is (1) a potential well layer thin enough to establish discrete quantum energy levels or (2) a potential barrier layer thin enough to permit quantum mechanical tunneling or (3) a layer thin enough to permit carrier transmission therethrough with substantially no scattering of the carriers.
(1) Note. Examples of such devices are superlattice, quantum well, and ballistic transport devices.
(2) Note. Esaki tunneling is not the type of tunneling which this subclass and those indented thereunder contemplate. Esaki tunneling, while being quantum mechanical in nature, merely involves a tunneling barrier formed by a macroscopic depletion layer between n-type and p-type regions, but which neither a resonant tunneling barrier using controlled quantum mechanical charge confinement, a layer located between junctions, a thin layer as defined above. Esaki tunneling devices are found classified below, in subclasses 104+.
(3) Note. Active junction devices may employ a plurality of barrier junctions forming layers of material therebetween, but those layers are only classified in this subclass if they are thin enough to have the properties set forth in the definition. If those layers do not meet the definition, then the devices are classified below.


372Coherent Light Generators,   subclasses 43.01+ for semiconductor lasers which may contain thin layer devices of this type for producing coherent light.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 10]    10Low workfunction layer for electron emission (e.g., photocathode electron emissive layer):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Subject matter wherein a layer of material from which electrons are emitted with less input energy than that necessary to emit them from adjacent material is provided.
(1) Note. The adjacent material and the low workfunction layer form either a heterojunction or a Schottky barrier, depending on whether both materials are semiconductors or one of the materials is a metal.
(2) Note. Typical low workfunction layer devices include cold cathode emitters in electron tubes.


313Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,   subclasses 346+ and 373+ for photoemissive cathodes and subclasses 527, 530, 541, and 542+ for photocathodes in general.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 20 for processes of making an electron emissive device utilizing a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 11]    11Combined with a heterojunction involving a III-V compound:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 10.  Subject matter in which the thin active layer and low workfunction layer for electron emission are combined with a heterojunction, i.e., a transition region between two materials with different energy band gaps, one material of which is a III-V compound, i.e., a compound wherein one material is found in group III of the periodic table and another material is found in group V of the periodic table.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 12]    12Heterojunction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Subject matter wherein the device includes at least two adjacent active layers, one of which is made of a substance that differs from that of the other.
(1) Note. See the illustration of a heterojunction device, in subclass 183.


194,for heterojunction FETs having doping on the side of the heterojunction with lower carrier affinity.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 13]    13Incoherent light emitter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 12.  Subject matter wherein the device emits incoherent light.
(1) Note. Coherent light generators are explicitly excluded from this subclass. This means that cross-references from Class 372, Coherent Light Generators, are not to be placed in this subclass. It is not desired to create a duplicate set of heterostructure lasers in this subclass.


372Coherent Light Generators,   subclasses 43.01+ for coherent semiconductor light generators.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 14]    14Quantum well:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 12.  Subject matter wherein at least two heterojunctions are formed with a thin active layer of material having a relatively large carrier affinity between two materials with smaller carrier affinities, resulting in a quantum mechanical energy well located in the thin active layer with the relatively large carrier affinity.
(1) Note. Quantum well devices appear in many forms, including (a) heterostructures; (b) only those high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) which use a quantum well or a plurality of quantum wells; (c) superlattices which comprise many quantum wells so tightly coupled that the individual wells are not distinguishable, but rather the wells become analogous to atoms in a lattice and superlattice devices may behave more like new types of materials rather than as groups of coupled quantum wells; and (d) resonant tunneling devices - which exhibit quantum coupling, charge confinement and resonant tunneling.
(2) Note. See the illustration, below, for a graphic example of a quantum well device.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 14

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 15]    15Superlattice:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Subject matter wherein a large number of quantum wells are present, the quantum wells being sufficiently close to each other that carrier quantum wave functions are spread out over plural quantum wells and the intervening barriers formed by the boundaries between adjacent layers having different carrier affinities.
(1) Note. Thicknesses of both the quantum well layers and the barrier layers are typically a few angstroms to a few hundred angstroms (10-10 meter) thick.
(2) Note. See the illustration, below, for energy level diagrams showing band edge energy discontinuities at four types of superlattice heterointerfaces.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 15


148Metal Treatment,   digest 160 for superlattice treatment.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 16]    16Of amorphous semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein a superlattice active layer is made of a semiconductor crystal with no regular crystalline structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 17]    17With particular barrier dimension:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein the superlattice has a specific quantum electronic potential barrier dimension (e.g., height or width).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 18]    18Strained layer superlattice:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein the crystalline lattice characteristics of adjacent thin active superlattice layers are mismatched so that alternate layers are in elastic tension or compression.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 19]    19SixGe1-x:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 18.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the strained superlattice materials is a silicon-germanium alloy.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 20]    20Field effect device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein the superlattice active layer forms the conduction channel of a field effect device (i.e., one which has two or more terminals denoted as source and gate with a conduction channel therebetween, and in which the current through the conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 21]    21Light responsive structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein absorption of light (ultraviolet, visible, or infrared) by a superlattice active layer or junction causes a change in the current-voltage characteristic of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 22]    22With specified semiconductor materials:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Subject matter wherein the superlattice is formed of specified materials.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 23]    23Current flow across well:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Subject matter wherein the device operation involves flow of carriers (electrons or holes) across the quantum well (as contrasted with tunneling through the well).
(1) Note. Current flow is considered to be "across" the well if the carriers have sufficient energy to pass over the barrier layers confining the quantum well, as contrasted to passing through the barriers by quantum mechanical tunneling.


25,for devices which operate by resonant tunneling through the barriers, rather than over them.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 24]    24Field effect device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Subject matter wherein the quantum well device is a field effect device, i.e., one which has two or more terminals denoted as source and gate, with a conduction channel therebetween, and in which the current through the conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof.
(1) Note. See illustration under subclass 213 for various field effect devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 25]    25Employing resonant tunneling:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Subject matter wherein the operation of the device depends not only on carrier charge confinement by the quantum well, but the quantum well layer also acts as an intermediate layer through which carriers pass by resonantly tunneling through both confining barriers and the well.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 26]    26Ballistic transport device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 12.  Subject matter in which an active layer is present through which carriers pass, wherein the active layer is thinner than the mean free path of the carriers in the material in that layer, so that carriers can pass through the layer without scattering.
(1) Note. Carriers are typically injected into the ballistic transport layer as "hot" carriers, having an energy, in the case of electrons, substantially greater than the minimum of the conduction band, or in the case of holes, substantially lower than the maximum of the valence band.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 27]    27Field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 26.  Subject matter wherein the ballistic transport device is a field effect transistor, i.e., one which has two or more terminals denoted as source and gate with a conduction channel therebetween, and in which the current through the conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof.
(1) Note. See illustration, below, of various field effect devices under subclass 213.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 28]    28Non-heterojunction superlattice (e.g., doping superlattice or alternating metal and insulator layers):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Subject matter wherein there are a plurality of active layers and barrier regions, the active layers being sufficiently close to each other that carrier quantum wave functions are spread out over plural active layers and the intervening barriers, and wherein the active layers and barrier regions do not form heterojunctions between different semiconductor materials.
(1) Note. Typically the active layers and barrier layers may be doped with opposite conductivity type dopants. Thicknesses of both the active layers and the barrier layers are typically a few angstroms to a few hundred angstroms (10-10 meter) thick.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 29]    29Ballistic transport device (e.g., hot electron transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Subject matter in which an active layer is present through which carriers pass, which active layer is thinner than the mean free path of the carriers in the material in that layer, so that carriers can pass through the layer without scattering.
(1) Note. Carriers are typically injected into the ballistic transport layer as "hot" carriers, having an energy, in the case of electrons, substantially greater than the minimum of the conduction band, or in the case of holes, substantially lower than the maximum of the valence band.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 30]    30Tunneling through region of reduced conductivity:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Subject matter wherein the active layer through which carrier tunnelling occurs has lower electrical conductivity than the material adjacent thereto.


29Metal Working,   subclass 25.01 for methods of making barrier layer devices of the metal-insulator-metal type.
331Oscillators,   subclass 107 for superconductive element and tunneling element oscillators.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 31]    31Josephson:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 30.  Subject matter wherein the device is of the form of a pair of superconductive electrodes separated by a thin, less conductive, portion, through which superconductive tunneling may occur.


29Metal Working,   subclass 25.01 for methods of making barrier layer devices possessing a Josephson junction.
216Etching a Substrate: Processes,   subclass 3 for Josephson Junction device manufacture involving etching.
505Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,   subclass 1 for high temperature superconductor Josephson devices with particular electrode materials and pertinent cross-reference art collections, including subclasses 857+ for nonlinear solid-state device, system, or circuit; and subclasses 873+ active solid-state devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 32]    32Particular electrode material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 31.  Subject matter wherein the electrode material is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 33]    33High temperature (i.e., >30° Kelvin):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 32.  Subject matter wherein the device can operate at temperatures above 30 degrees on the Kelvin temperature scale.


505Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,   subclass 1 for high temperature superconductor materials and devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 34]    34Weak link (e.g., narrowed portion of superconductive line):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 31.  Subject matter wherein the active layer is a superconductive material of lower current capacity than the pair of superconductive electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 35]    35Particular barrier material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 31.  Subject matter wherein the active layer material is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 36]    36With additional electrode to control conductive state of Josephson junction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 31.  Subject matter wherein a specific electrode in addition to the pair of superconductive electrodes forming the Josephson junction is used to control the conductive state of the junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 37]    37At least one electrode layer of semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 30.  Subject matter wherein the tunneling device has at least one electrode layer comprised of a semiconductive material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 38]    38Three or more electrode device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 37.  Subject matter wherein the tunneling device has three or more electrodes, at least one of which is made of a semiconductive material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 39]    39Three or more electrode device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 30.  Subject matter wherein the tunneling device has three or more electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 40]    40ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter comprising a semiconductor compound that includes an organic material characterized by two or more carbon atoms bonded together, one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of hydrogen or halogen (i.e., chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine), or one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of nitrogen by a single or double bond.
(1) Note. Certain compounds are exceptions to this rule, i.e., HCN, CN-CN, HNCO, HNCS, cyanogen halides, cyanamide, fulminic acid, and metal carbides. These are not regarded as organic materials.
(2) Note. Graphite and diamond are not regarded as organic, since they are not compounds; silicon carbide is not regarded as organic. Active solid-state devices using silicon carbide or diamond as the semiconductor are in subclass 77 of this class.
(3) Note. Organic insulating materials, as opposed to semiconducting materials, do not go in this subclass.


136Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,   subclass 263 for photoelectric cells containing organic active material.
260Chemistry of Carbon Compounds,   and other classes which form integral parts of Class 260, appropriate subclasses for organic materials
313Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,   subclass 504 for solid-state organic phosphor material luminescent devices.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 527 for solid electrolytic capacitors containing an organic salt.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 82 for processes of making a light responsive device utilizing an organic semiconductor, and subclass 99 for methods of making an electrical device utilizing as a semiconductor component an organic semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 41]    41POINT CONTACT DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter including a junction between a semiconductor and a metallic element (e.g., wire) at a single point of contact therebetween.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 42]    42SEMICONDUCTOR IS SELENIUM OR TELLURIUM IN ELEMENTAL FORM:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter including a semiconductor material comprised of selenium or tellurium in elemental form (i.e., not in a compound).


430Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition or Product,   subclass 57.8 for electrophotographic plates containing selenium or a selenium alloy.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 43]    43SEMICONDUCTOR IS AN OXIDE OF A METAL (E.G., CuO, ZnO) OR COPPER SULFIDE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein a semiconductor material includes a metal oxide or copper sulfide.
(1) Note. Those variable resistors known as "coherers" which are active solid-state devices, and are made of a metal oxide, are found in this subclass.


798,for other active solid-state device type coherers.


338Electrical Resistors,   subclasses 1 and 223+ for passive solid-state coherers.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 85 for processes of making a light responsive device utilizing as the semiconductive component a metal oxide or copper sulfide and subclasses 104 for methods of forming an electrical device utilizing as a semiconductive component a metal oxide or copper sulfide.
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter under the class definition wherein the active solid-state device has a pn junction formed by alloying one or more impurity metal contacts to an elemental semiconductor, and wherein the active solid-state device is not a regenerative device of this class.
(1) Note. The impurity metal contact alloys with a semiconductor material to form a p-region or n-region, depending on the impurity used.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 45]    45Elongated alloyed region (e.g., thermal gradient zone melting, TGZM):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Subject matter wherein the alloyed region has at least one dimension substantially larger than another.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 46]    46In pn junction tunnel diode (Esaki diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Subject matter wherein the alloyed pn junction device is a tunnel diode, i.e., wherein the active solid-state device includes a heavily doped pn junction wherein conduction occurs through the junction potential barrier due to a quantum mechanical effect even though the carriers which tunnel through the potential barrier do not have enough energy to overcome the barrier potential.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 47]    47In bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Subject matter wherein the alloyed pn junction device is a bipolar transistor, i.e., a transistor structure whose working current passes through semiconductor material of both polarities (p and n).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 48]    48TEST OR CALIBRATION STRUCTURE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter in which structures are provided on active solid-state devices to permit or facilitate the measurement, test, or calibration of the characteristics of the devices.
(1) Note. Active solid-state device standards are also included herein.


324Electricity: Measuring and Testing,   subclass 158 for semiconductor device test apparatus and methods.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclass 18 for methods under the class definition having combined therewith a step of measuring an electrical condition utilizing a test element.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein there is an active junction (e.g., a junction between dissimilar materials, or a junction induced by an applied electric field, which exhibits non-linear current-voltage characteristics) and at least part of the active junction is formed by a semiconductor material in polycrystalline or amorphous form.


136Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,   subclass 258 for photoelectric cells with polycrystalline or amorphous semiconductor material.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclass 96 and 482+ for methods of depositing amorphous semiconductive material functioning as an active region for an electrical device and subclasses 97 and 488+ for methods of depositing polycrystalline semiconductive material functioning as an active region for an electrical device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 50]    50Non-single crystal, or recrystallized, active junction adapted to be electrically shorted (e.g., "anti-fuse" element):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the active junction is structured or arranged to form an electrical short circuit between the electrical terminals of the active device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 51]    51Non-single crystal, or recrystallized, material forms active junction with single crystal material (e.g., monocrystal to polycrystal pn junction or heterojunction):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the active junction is formed by both non-single crystal material and single crystal material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 52]    52Amorphous semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the non-single crystal semiconductor material is amorphous, i.e., non-crystalline in the sense that (1) there is either complete disorder in the arrangement of atoms or molecules of the material or (2) there is an absence of any long range structural order that is detectable by electron or X-ray diffraction patterns of the material.


2,through 5, for bulk effect switching in amorphous material.
16,for superlattice quantum well heterojunction devices of amorphous semiconductor material.
646,for amorphous semiconductor material coating to control surface effects.


136Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,   subclass 258 for photoelectric cells with polycrystalline or amorphous semiconductor material.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 482+ for methods for depositing amorphous semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 53]    53Responsive to nonelectrical external signals (e.g., light):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 52.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor active junction generates an electrical signal when subjected to non-electrical (e.g., optical, thermal, or vibratory) signals.


430Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition or Product,   subclass 57.4 for electrophotographic plates containing amorphous silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 54]    54With Schottky barrier to amorphous material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 53.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor active junction is formed with a metal, thereby forming a Schottky barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 55]    55Amorphous semiconductor is alloy or contains material to change band gap (e.g., SixGe1-x, SiNy):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 53.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor is an alloy or contains material to change the band gap of the amorphous semiconductor material (e.g., SixGe1-xsee below, SiNy).


63,for this subject matter except in a device which is not responsive to nonelectrical external signals.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 56]    56With impurity other than hydrogen to passivate dangling bonds (e.g., halide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 53.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor material is doped with an impurity other than hydrogen (e.g., a halide) for providing electrical stability by completing chemical bonds between semiconductor atoms which were not completed due to the amorphous nature of the semiconductor active layer material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 57]    57Field effect device in amorphous semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 52.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor active junction is a field effect device, i.e., one which has a conducting channel and two or more electrodes, one of which is denoted a source and the other a drain electrode, and in which the current through the conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof.
(1) Note. See illustration under subclass 213 for various field effect devices.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 149+ for methods of forming a field effect transistor on an insulating substrate or layer (e.g., SOS, SOI, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 58]    58With impurity other than hydrogen to passivate dangling bonds (e.g., halide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 57.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor active junction amorphous field effect device is doped with an impurity other than hydrogen (e.g., a halide) for providing electrical stability by completing chemical bonds between semiconductor atoms which were not completed due to the amorphous nature of the semiconductor active layer material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 59]    59In array having structure for use as imager or display, or with transparent electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 57.  Subject matter wherein a plurality of semiconductor active junction amorphous field effect devices are interconnected in a monolithic chip device for generating an image of an object, light from which is incident on the device, or for displaying signals applied to the device, or having an electrode that transmits optical radiation in the infrared, visible, or ultraviolet wavelength bands.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 60]    60With field electrode under or on a side edge of amorphous semiconductor material (e.g., vertical current path):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 57.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor active junction amorphous field effect device has an electrode located under or on a side edge of the device to affect the current path through the device (e.g., providing a vertical current path).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 61]    61With heavily doped regions contacting amorphous semiconductor material (e.g., heavily doped source and drain):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 57.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor active junction amorphous field effect device has regions in contact with the amorphous material which contain dopant ions with relatively heavy concentrations (e.g., 1018 to 1021 dopant atoms per cubic centimeter).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 62]    62With impurity other than hydrogen to passivate dangling bonds (e.g., halide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 52.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor active junction amorphous field effect device is doped with an impurity other than hydrogen (e.g., a halide) for providing electrical stability by completing chemical bonds between semiconductor atoms which were not completed due to the amorphous nature of the semiconductor active layer material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 63]    63Amorphous semiconductor is alloy or contains material to change band gap (e.g., SixGe1-x, SiNy):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 52.  Subject matter wherein the amorphous semiconductor material is an alloy or contains material to change the energy gap between the valence and conduction bands.


55,for this subject matter in a device which is responsive to nonelectrical external signals.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 64]    64Non-single crystal, or recrystallized, material with specified crystal structure (e.g., specified crystal size or orientation):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the non-single crystal semiconductor material has a specified crystal structure, such as a specified grain size, a preferred crystallos:graphic axis, or orientation; polycrystalline material in the form of elongated crystallites; or particular configuration of grain boundaries.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 65]    65Non-single crystal, or recrystallized, material containing non-dopant additive, or alloy of semiconductor materials (e.g., GexSi1-x, polycrystalline silicon with dangling bond modifier):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the non-single crystal semiconductor is an alloy or contains an additive other than an electrically active dopant, such as a dangling bond passivator or an additive to change the band gap of the amorphous semiconductor material (e.g., SixGe1-x, SiNy).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 66]    66Field effect device in non-single crystal, or recrystallized, Semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device is a field effect device, i.e., one which operates with the application of a voltage across electrical terminals thereof.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 149+ for methods of forming a field effect transistor on an insulating substrate or layer (e.g., SOS, SOI, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 67]    67In combination with device formed in single crystal semiconductor material (e.g., stacked FETs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 66.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device is combined with an active or passive solid-state device located in a single crystal semiconductor material (i.e., one in which atoms are arranged in a regular three dimensional array).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 68]    68Capacitor element in single crystal semiconductor (e.g., DRAM):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 67.  Subject matter wherein the device is a capacitor element in single crystal material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 69]    69Field effect transistor in single crystal material, complementary to that in non-single crystal, or recrystallized, material (e.g., CMOS):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 67.  Subject matter wherein there is a field effect transistor in single crystal material complementary in polarity to the field effect device in the non-single crystal, or recrystallized, material (e.g., a CMOS device).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 70]    70Recrystallized semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 67.  Subject matter wherein the combined device contains a non-single semiconductor region of recrystallized material.
(1) Note. Recrystallized semiconductor material has been processed, typically by heat or laser irradiation to cause growth of large regions of substantially single crystal material to obtain properties approximating those of completely single crystal material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 71]    71In combination with capacitor element (e.g., DRAM):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 66.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device in the non-single crystal, or recrystallized, semiconductor material is combined with a capacitor element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 72]    72In array having structure for use as imager or display, or with transparent electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 66.  Subject matter wherein a plurality of field effect devices in non-single crystal, or recrystallized, semiconductor material are interconnected in a monolithic chip device for generating an image of an object, light from which is incident on the device, or for displaying signals applied to the device, or having an electrode that transmits optical radiation in the infrared, visible, or ultraviolet wavelength bands.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 73]    73Schottky barrier to polycrystalline semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a non-ohmic, rectifying metal-to-polycrystalline bulk material electrical contact.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 74]    74Plural recrystallized semiconductor layers (e.g., "3-dimensional integrated circuit"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the recrystallized material comprises more than one layer of recrystallized semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 75]    75Recrystallized semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a non-single crystal semiconductor material whose amorphous nature is due to recrystallization.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 76]    76SPECIFIED WIDE BAND GAP (1.5eV) SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL OTHER THAN GaAsP or GaAlAs:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter including a semiconductor material with a band gap (between its valance and conduction bands) greater that 1.5 electron volts which is not gallium arsenide phosphide or gallium aluminum arsenide.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 77]    77Diamond or silicon carbide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.  Subject matter wherein the specified wide band gap material is diamond or silicon carbide.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 78]    78II-VI compound:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.  Subject matter wherein the specified wide band gap material is a compound, one element of which comes from group II, and the other element of which comes from group VI of the periodic table of elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 79]    79INCOHERENT LIGHT EMITTER STRUCTURE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device generates incoherent light when subjected to an appropriate input signal.
(1) Note. Lasers (coherent light generators) are classified in Class 372, and patents directed to lasers are not to be cross-referenced in this or indented subclasses unless such patent contains disclosure of a light emitting semiconductor device which is NOT a laser or coherent light generator.


13,for incoherent thin physical layer light emitter devices with operating principles as specified therein.


250Radiant Energy,   subclasses 552+ for solid-state light source circuits.
313Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,   subclasses 498+ for electric lamp and discharge devices having solid-state luminescent materials, including nominally recited luminescent semiconductor type materials; and subclass 504 for solid-state organic phosphor material luminescent devices.
340Communications: Electrical,   subclasses 760+ and 766+ for solid-state light emitting arrays and array elements.
362Illumination,   subclass 84 for light source or light source support and luminescent material and subclass 800 (cross-reference art collection) for light emitting diode light sources.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 22+ for methods of forming a semiconductor device which may be emissive of either coherent or incoherent radiation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 80]    80In combination with or also constituting light responsive device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active semiconductor device is combined with a separate device which generates an electrical signal when light impinges upon it or the active device both emits light when stimulated and generates an electrical signal in response to light impingent thereupon.


250Radiant Energy,   subclass 551 for signal isolators involving a light source and photodetector.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 81]    81With specific housing or contact structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 80.  Subject matter wherein the combined light emitting and light responsive device is provided with a particular housing or electrical contact structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 82]    82Discrete light emitting and light responsive devices:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 81.  Subject matter wherein the device with a specific housing or contact structure contains separate light emitting and light responsive elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 83]    83Light coupled transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 80.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device has a pair of rectifying junctions, a first of which when forward biased produces light which, when absorbed in the depletion region of the second junction when reverse biased, produces a current through the second junction, with the first junction functioning similarly to the emitter-base junction, and the second junction functioning similarly to the base-collector junction, of an ordinary bipolar transistor.


250Radiant Energy,   subclass 551 for signal isolator for optically coupled light emitter and light detector combinations wherein the devices are used to isolate electrical signals.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 84]    84Combined in integrated structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 80.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting and light responsive devices are combined in a single crystal monolithic structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 85]    85With heterojunction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 84.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a heterojunction, i.e., wherein the junction separates semiconductor materials of different chemical composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 86]    86Active layer of indirect band gap semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active region is in or between semiconductor materials in which direct transitions of electrons from conduction to valance bands do not take place.
(1) Note. Transitions may take place in steps due to trapping levels located in the forbidden band between the conduction and valance bands.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 87]    87With means to facilitate electron-hole recombination (e.g., isoelectronic traps such as nitrogen in GaP):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active region with an indirect band gap layer has means to facilitate electron-hole recombination (e.g., isoelectronic traps such as nitrogen in gallium phosphide).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 88]    88Plural light emitting devices (e.g., matrix, 7-segment array):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active semiconductor device contains more than one light emitting active junction.


340Communications: Electrical,   subclasses 760+ and 766+ for solid-state light emitting arrays and array elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 89]    89Multi-color emission:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Subject matter wherein different light emitting devices emit light of different hues.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 90]    90With heterojunction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 89.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one heterojunction, i.e., wherein the junction separates semiconductor materials of different chemical composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 91]    91With shaped contacts or opaque masking:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Subject matter wherein the plural light emitting devices have electrical contacts with specific shapes or are combined with optical elements which are impervious to light emitted by the devices and are placed in the path of light emitted by the devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 92]    92Alphanumeric segmented array:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Subject matter wherein the plural light emitting devices are structured and arranged in segments of Arabic numerals or alphabet letters.


340Communications: Electrical,   subclasses 760+ and 766+ for solid-state light emitting arrays and array elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 93]    93With electrical isolation means in integrated circuit structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Subject matter wherein means to provide electrical isolation, i.e., to prevent electrical short circuits, with respect to each light emitting device, are provided in a single, monolithic chip structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 94]    94With heterojunction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one junction between semiconductor materials of different chemical compositions.
(1) Note. See the illustration of a heterojunction device in subclass 183.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 95]    95With contoured external surface (e.g., dome shape to facilitate light emission):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 94.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting device has an external surface with a particular geometric shape, for example, a dome shape to facilitate emission of light from the light emitting device, in spite of it being made of semiconductor material of relatively high index of refraction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 96]    96Plural heterojunctions in same device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 94.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction light emitting device has more than one heterojunction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 97]    97More than two heterojunctions in same device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 96.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting device has more than two heterojunctions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 98]    98With reflector, opaque mask, or optical element (e.g., lens, optical fiber, index of refraction matching layer, luminescent material layer, filter) integral with device or device enclosure or package:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active junction device is combined with one or more optical elements (e.g., to transmit or shape or otherwise affect light emitted by the device); and the optical element is an integral part of the device or of the housing, encapsulant, or other device enclosure or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 99]    99With housing or contact structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active junction device is combined with a housing or electrical contact structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 100]    100Encapsulated:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active junction device is embedded in a protective coating.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclass 521 for potted or encapsulated electrical devices.
439Electrical Connectors,   subclass 936 for potting material or coating for electrical conductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 101]    101With particular dopant concentration or concentration profile (e.g., graded junction):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the light emitting active junction has a particular concentration of dopant ions or profile in a given direction or cross sectional area or volume.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 102]    102With particular dopant material (e.g., zinc as dopant in GaAs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the dopant material of the active junction is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 103]    103With particular semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Subject matter wherein the active junction is in or between semiconductor material whose composition is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 104]    104TUNNELING PN JUNCTION (E.G., ESAKI DIODE) DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device includes a heavily doped pn junction where conduction occurs through the junction potential barrier due to a quantum mechanical effect even though the carriers which tunnel through the potential barrier do not have enough energy to overcome the barrier potential.
(1) Note. PN Junction tunnel diodes operated under forward bias are often referred to as Esaki diodes.


46,for an Esaki diode having a metal contact alloyed to elemental semiconductor type pn junction in a non-regenerative structure.


326Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry,   subclass 134 for a digital logic device which includes a tunnel diode.
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclass 195 for stable state circuits utilizing a tunnel diode; subclass 326 for limiting, clipping, or clamping using a tunnel diode; subclass 402 for a delay controlled switch with tunnel diode; subclasses 420 and 499 for gating circuits utilizing transistors or diodes respectively which use tunnel diodes; and subclass 570 for miscellaneous tunnel diode circuits.
331Oscillators,   subclass 107 for tunnel diode oscillators.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 100 for tunnel diode current responsive fault sensors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 105]    105In three or more terminal device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 104.  Subject matter wherein the tunnel junction is part of an active solid-state electronic device which has three or more electrical terminals (e.g., transistors or thyristors).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 106]    106Reverse bias tunneling structure (e.g., "backward" diode, true Zener diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 104.  Subject matter wherein the tunnel junction is structured to permit quantum mechanical tunneling of carriers in a reverse bias mode, i.e., when the p-side of the junction is connected to a negative voltage source and the n-side of the junction is connected to a positive voltage source.
(1) Note. In silicon, such conduction occurs when the junction breakdown voltage is less than approximately 5.6 volts.


148Metal Treatment,   digest 174 for treatment of Zener diodes.
323Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,   subclass 231 for systems using a Zener diode and being in shunt with a load.
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclasses 194 and 195 for stable state circuits with a zener or back diode respectively; subclass 326 for limiting, clipping, or clamping utilizing a zener diode; subclass 421 for gating circuits having a transistor which utilizes a zener effect; subclass 502 for a gating circuit with zener diode; and subclass 584 for a miscellaneous circuit utilizing a zener diode.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 197 , for relay time delay safety or protection devices including, for example, a Zener diode.
377Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems,   subclass 128 for pulse counting or dividing chains which include bi-stable semiconductor devices with only two electrodes, e.g., tunnel diodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 107]    107REGENERATIVE TYPE SWITCHING DEVICE (E.G., SCR, COMFET, THYRISTOR):
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device acts as if it has two or more active emitter junctions each of which is associated with a separate, equivalent transistor having an individual gain and, when initiated by a base region current, the equivalent transistors mutually drive each other in a regenerative manner to lower the voltage drop between the emitters.
(1) Note. If the current is above a level IH, called the "holding current", then the device will remain ON when the triggering signal is removed by the regenerative feedback therebetween, and is then said to be "latched".


123Internal-Combustion Engines,   subclass 648 for circuits employing silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs).
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclasses 199+ for a bistable circuit which includes diverse solid-state devices such as an SCR, subclasses 392+ for a delay controlled switch which may include an SCR, and subclasses 438+ for gating circuits which may use a thyristor or SCR.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 100+ and 205 for circuits employing thyristors (e.g., silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)).
363Electric Power Conversion Systems,   subclasses 27+ , 54, 57+, 68, 85+, 96+, 128+, 135+, and 160+ for circuits employing thyristors (e.g., silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)).
388Electricity: Motor Control Systems,   subclasses 917+ for circuits employing thyristors (e.g., silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)).
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 133+ for methods of forming a regenerative type switching device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 108]    108Controlled by nonelectrical, nonoptical external signal (e.g., magnetic field, pressure, thermal):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device is controlled by an input signal other than an optical or electrical signal (e.g., by a magnetic field) or by mechanical stress.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 109]    109Having only two terminals and no control electrode (gate), e.g., Shockley diode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has only two electrical terminals, neither one of which is a control electrode (e.g., gate or base electrode).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 110]    110More than four semiconductor layers of alternating conductivity types (e.g., pnpnpn structure, 5 layer bidirectional diacs, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Subject matter wherein the two terminal device with no control electrode has more than four layers of semiconductor material, each layer having an electrical conductivity type (e.g., p-type or n-type) which differs from that of each adjacent layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 111]    111Triggered by VBO overvoltage means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Subject matter wherein the two terminal device with no control electrode includes means to apply a voltage larger than the breakover voltage VBO to initiate operation of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 112]    112With highly-doped breakdown diode trigger:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Subject matter wherein the two terminal device with no control electrode includes a diode portion which is heavily doped to decrease its breakdown voltage to trigger the device into operation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 113]    113With light activation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device is activated (e.g., turned on and/or off) by light impinging on a light sensitive portion of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 114]    114With separate light detector integrated on chip with regenerative switching device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Subject matter wherein the light sensitive portion is separate from the regenerative switching device, and is contained in a physically separated area of a single, monolithic chip with the regenerative switching device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 115]    115With electrical trigger signal amplification means (e.g., amplified gate, "pilot thyristor", etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to amplify the electrical signal generated by the light sensitive portion, in order to trigger the regenerative switching device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 116]    116With light conductor means (e.g., light fiber or light pipe) integral with device or device enclosure or package:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Subject matter wherein the active semiconductor device is provided with means to conduct light (e.g., as light fiber or light pipe) to the light sensitive portion, and the light conductor means is an integral part of the device or of the housing, encapsulant or other device enclosure, or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 117]    117In groove or with thinned semiconductor portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 116.  Subject matter wherein the light sensitive portion is located in a groove in the device or wherein it is covered by a relatively thin portion of semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 118]    118With groove or thinned light sensitive portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Subject matter wherein the light sensitive portion is located in a groove in the surface of the device or is located close to the surface of the device in a thinned region of the device so that only a relatively thin portion of the device has to be traversed by light.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 119]    119Bidirectional rectifier with control electrode (gate) (e.g., Triac):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has a control electrode, can conduct in both forward and reverse directions, and can be triggered into conduction by a pulse applied to its control electrode.


110,for bidirectional rectifiers with no control electrode.


323Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,   subclasses 240 and 325 for circuit having unidirectional elements with bidirectional pass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 120]    120Six or more semiconductor layers of alternating conductivity types (e.g., npnpnpn structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode contains six or more layers of semiconductor material, each of which has a different conductivity type, (e.g., n-type or p-type) which differs from that of each adjacent layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 121]    121With diode or transistor in reverse path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein a diode (i.e., a device which passes current in only one direction) is connected to conduct current in one direction, with a regenerative switching device with a control electrode connected to conduct current in the other direction to produce a bi-directionally conducting regenerative switching device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 122]    122Lateral:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode is of the lateral type, i.e., when viewed in cross section, the two main electrodes (e.g., anode and cathode) are arranged horizontally, side-by-side in the same surface of the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 123]    123With trigger signal amplification (e.g., amplified gate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode is combined with means to amplify the electrical signal applied to the control electrode to trigger the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 124]    124Combined with field effect transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode includes or is combined with a field effect transistor structure, i.e., a transistor in which the current through a conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof.
(1) Note. See illustration under subclass 213 for various field effect devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 125]    125Controllable emitter shunting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 124.  Subject matter wherein the field effect transistor structure is connected to shunt one of the emitter-base junctions of the regenerative structure under control of the voltage applied to the gate of the field effect transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 126]    126With means to separate a device into sections having different conductive polarity:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode has means separating portions thereof which have different conductive polarity.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 127]    127Guard ring or groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 126.  Subject matter wherein the means to separate portions of the device having different conductive polarity is or includes a groove, or a guard ring, i.e., a pn junction region in the body of the device located and/or configured to reduce electric field strength at a given applied voltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 128]    128Having overlapping sections of different conductive polarity:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode has outer emitter regions which overlap one another in at least one portion.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 129]    129With means to increase reverse breakdown voltage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode has means associated therewith to increase the reverse voltage which may be applied without causing electrical breakdown.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 130]    130Switching speed enhancement means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Subject matter wherein the bidirectional rectifier with control electrode includes or is combined with means to increase the speed at which the device switches.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 131]    131Recombination centers or deep level dopants:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 130.  Subject matter wherein the switching speed enhancement means include (1) centers wherein excess holes and electrons recombine and are removed as charge carriers in the device or (2) dopant ions with energy levels that are located in the forbidden band of the active semiconductor material of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 132]    132Five or more layer unidirectional structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active solid-state device has five or more layers of semiconductor material producing at least four active junctions, and is operable in a single electrical direction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 133]    133Combined with field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative device includes or is combined with a field effect transistor, i.e., a transistor in which the current through a conducting channel is controlled by an electric field coming from a voltage which is applied between the gate and source terminals thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 134]    134J-FET (junction field effect transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 133.  Subject matter wherein the field effect transistor combined with the regenerative action junction type switching device is a junction field effect transistor, i.e., a field effect transistor wherein the gate region is isolated from the conducting channel by a rectifying pn junction or Schottky barrier junction.


287,for power JFET devices.
504,for JFET type isolation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 135]    135Vertical (i.e., where the source is located above the drain or vice versa):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 134.  Subject matter wherein the operating current path of the JFET is perpendicular to the plane of its main surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 136]    136Enhancement mode (e.g., so-called SITs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 135.  Subject matter in which no current flows except for leakage current, when the gate to source voltage is zero.
(1) Note. Conduction does not begin until the gate voltage reaches a finite threshold value.
(2) Note. Compare this with depletion mode J-FETS in which maximum current is passed by the transistor at a zero gate potential and current decreases as the gate voltage increases.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 137]    137Having controllable emitter shunt:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 133.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device is combined with a junction field effect transistor that is connected across an emitter-base junction of the regenerative device to controllably divert current from the emitter-base junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 138]    138Having gate turn off (GTO) feature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 137.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switch is configured to permit application of sufficient gate current to switch the regenerative switch to the OFF state.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 139]    139With extended latchup current level (e.g., COMFET device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 133.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device (e.g., a conductivity modulated FET) includes means to provide regenerative action without latchup over an extended current range of the device (i.e., by increasing IH).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 140]    140Combined with other solid-state active device in integrated structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device is combined with another solid-state active device in a monolithic single crystal chip structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 141]    141Lateral structure, i.e., current flow parallel to main device surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device is structured so that operating current flows parallel to the main device surface (i.e., horizontally or laterally).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 142]    142Having impurity doping for gain reduction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has impurity dopant to reduce device regenerative gain, i.e., the gain or amplification of one or more of the active junction portions connected in regenerative fashion.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 143]    143Having anode shunt means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has means connected across the emitter-base junction of the PNP transistor portion of the regenerative device to controllably divert current from the emitter-base junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 144]    144Cathode emitter or cathode electrode feature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has a particular cathode emitter or cathode electrode feature.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 145]    145Low impedance channel contact extends below surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 139.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has an electrical contact extending from the device surface into the body of the device which is connected to the channel of the field effect transistor portion and wherein the contact has a relatively low electrical impedance.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 146]    146Combined with other solid-state active device in integrated structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device is combined with one or more active or passive electronic solid-state devices in a unitary, monolithic, integrated structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 147]    147With extended latchup current level (e.g., gate turn off "GTO" device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device includes means to provide regenerative action without latchup over an extended current range of the device, i.e., extends IH as defined in subclass 107.
(1) Note. Another name for this device is a gate controlled switch.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 148]    148Having impurity doping for gain reduction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 147.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has impurity dopant to reduce device gain of one of the equivalent transistors.


142,for this subject matter in a COMFET device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 149]    149Having anode shunt means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 147.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has means connected across the emitter-base junction of the PNP transistor section of the regenerative device to divert current from the emitter-base junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 150]    150With specified housing or external terminal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 147.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device is provided with means to enclose it or a terminal means located external to an enclosure for the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 151]    151External gate terminal structure or composition:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 150.  Subject matter wherein the external electrical terminal structural features or material composition is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 152]    152Cathode emitter or cathode electrode feature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 147.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has a particular cathode emitter or cathode electrode feature.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 153]    153Gate region or electrode feature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 147.  Subject matter wherein the extended latchup current level device has a particular gate (control) electrode feature.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 154]    154With resistive region connecting separate sections of device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device has a resistive region or portion connecting discrete regions of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 155]    155With switching speed enhancement means (e.g., Schottky contact):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device is provided with means to increase its switching speed.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 156]    156Having deep level dopants or recombination centers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 155.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative device has deep level dopants or electron-hole recombination centers with energy levels that are within the forbidden energy band and widely spaced from the conduction and valence bands of the semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 157]    157With integrated trigger signal amplification means (e.g., amplified gate, "pilot thyristor", etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has means to amplify the control current of the device, which is physically integrated with the regenerative switching device.


115,for light activated regenerative devices with trigger signal amplification.
123,for bidirectional regenerative devices with trigger signal amplification.


330Amplifiers,   subclasses 250+ for semiconductor amplifying devices (e.g., transistors
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 158]    158Three or more amplification stages:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 157.  Subject matter wherein the amplification means has three or more stages of amplification.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 159]    159Transistor as amplifier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 157.  Subject matter wherein the amplification means is a transistor (i.e., an active semiconductor device having three or more electrodes).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 160]    160With distributed amplified current:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 157.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative device with amplification means produces amplified current which is distributed by electrodes to other portions of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 161]    161With a turn-off diode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 157.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative device with amplification means is integrally provided with a diode, i.e., a solid-state active rectifying two terminal device, to bypass the amplifying stage(s), in order to switch OFF the regenerative device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 162]    162Lateral structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device has a lateral structure, i.e., one in which the active junctions are arranged so that electric current flows from side to side, rather than from top to bottom of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 163]    163Emitter region feature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the active emitter junction region of the regenerative device has a particular characteristic.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 164]    164Multi-emitter region (e.g., emitter geometry or emitter ballast resistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 163.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative switching device has more than one emitter region.


580+,for bipolar transistors with emitter ballast resistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 165]    165Laterally symmetric regions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 164.  Subject matter wherein the plural emitters are located in regions of the device which are symmetrical in a horizontal direction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 166]    166Radially symmetric regions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 164.  Subject matter wherein the plural emitters are located in regions of the device which are symmetrical extending radially in a horizontal direction from a predetermined emitter location.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 167]    167Having at least four external electrodes:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction switching device has at least four electrodes connected to the outside of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 168]    168With means to increase breakdown voltage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device includes means to increase the reverse voltage which the device can sustain without breaking down.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 169]    169High resistivity base layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 168.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing breakdown voltage includes a base (as contrasted with emitter or collector) layer which has a relatively high electrical resistivity.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 170]    170Surface feature (e.g., guard ring, groove, mesa, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 168.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing breakdown voltage includes a surface feature (e.g., a guard ring or groove or mesa).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 171]    171Edge feature (e.g., beveled edge):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 170.  Subject matter wherein the surface feature for increasing breakdown voltage is an edge feature (e.g., a beveled) as contrasted with a right angled edge.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 172]    172With means to lower "ON" voltage drop:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device comprises means to lower the voltage drop across the main terminals when the switch is operated in the ON mode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 173]    173Device protection (e.g., from overvoltage):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device includes means for protecting the device from destructive overloads (e.g., from operating voltage above a particular threshold level).


361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 91.1+ for overvoltage protection in safety and protection of systems and devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 174]    174Rate of rise of current (e.g., dI/dt):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 173.  Subject matter wherein the parameter for which protection means is provided is the rate of rise of operating current in the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 175]    175With means to control triggering (e.g., gate electrode configuration, Zener diode firing, dV/Dt control, transient control by ferrite bead, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device includes means for controlling device turn-on.
(1) Note. Transient electrical phenomena, e.g., damped oscillations or surges in operation current or voltage following a sudden change in the applied voltage or current to the device, may be controlled, for example, by use of ferrite bead or capacitive input means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 176]    176Located in an emitter-gate region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 175.  Subject matter wherein the signal control mechanism is a transistor emitter junction with the gate region, and is used as the gate input.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 177]    177With housing or external electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Subject matter wherein the regenerative active junction type switching device includes a structure in which to place the device.


81,and 82, for a light emitting device in combination with or constituting a light responsive device, with specific housing structure.
99,for light emitting device with specific housing structure.
433,and 434, for light responsive device with housing or encapsulation means.
573,for Darlington configuration bipolar transistor structure with housing or contact structure.
584,for enlarged emitter device bipolar transistor means having housing or contact.
602,for a voltage variable capacitance device with specified housing or contact.
660,for means to shield a device contained in a housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 178]    178With means to avoid stress between electrode and active device (e.g., thermal expansion matching of electrode to semiconductor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 177.  Subject matter wherein the device has electrode means connected to its terminals and is further provided with means to avoid creation of stress between the active device and the electrode means.
(1) Note. The means to avoid such stress may include means to thermally match the electrode to the semiconductor.


439Electrical Connectors,   subclasses 449+ for stress relief means for a conductor-to-terminal joint.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 179]    179With malleable electrode (e.g., silver electrode layer):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Subject matter wherein the electrode means is soft and pliable.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 180]    180Stud mount:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 177.  Subject matter wherein the housing is provided with a threaded or serrated insert or post used for connecting heat sinks or terminals to the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 181]    181With large area flexible electrodes in press contact with opposite sides of active semiconductor chip and surrounded by an insulating element, (e.g., ring):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 177.  Subject matter wherein the housing is provided with large area flexible electrodes in press contact with opposite sides of active semiconductor chip and surrounded by an insulating element (e.g., ring).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 182]    182With lead feedthrough means on side of housing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 181.  Subject matter wherein means are provided on a side of the housing through which electrical leads extending to or from the device can be located.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 183]    183HETEROJUNCTION DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device contains a heterojunction, i.e., a boundary between different regions, one of which is made of a material that differs from that of the other region.
(1) Note. See illustration, below, for an example of a heterojunction bipolar transistor.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 183


10,and 11, for a heterojunction involving a low workfunction layer for electron emission.
12,through 27, for heterojunction devices which involve quantum well, superlattice or ballistic (hot carrier) transport devices.
51,for a non-single crystal material/monocrystal heterojunction device.
85,for a light emitting structure device combined with a light responsive device in an integrated structure wherein the light responsive device has a heterojunction.
90,for plural light emitting heterojunction devices.
94,through 97, for heterojunction light emitter structures.
183.1,for a heterojunction charge transfer device.


372Coherent Light Generators,   subclasses 43 through 50for semiconductor lasers which may contain heterojunctions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 183.1]    183.1Charge transfer device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter in which storage sites for packets of electric charge are induced at or below the surface of the active solid-state (semiconductor) device by an electric field applied to the device and wherein carrier potential energy per unit charge minima is established at a given storage site and such minima is transferred to one or more adjacent storage sites in a serial manner and which contains a junction between two semiconductor materials of different chemical compositions each different composition having a different carrier affinity.
(1) Note. Typically, heterojunctions are between materials which additionally have different band gaps, but that is not true of all heterojunctions.


215,for charge transfer devices which do not involve heterojunctions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 184]    184Light responsive structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction generates an electrical output when light impinges on it.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 185]    185Staircase (including graded composition) device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 184.  Subject matter wherein the active region contains a number of layers forming plural heterojunctions and the carrier (i.e., electron or hole) affinities of each layer incrementally increase or decrease progressively across the active region thickness, so that the energy level diagram of the active region, when under electrical bias, resembles a staircase.
(1) Note. Staircase effect devices may also be provided with a graded composition, i.e., wherein the chemical composition of the semiconductor forming the heterojunction varies in a direction either perpendicular or parallel to the junction.
(2) Note. See illustration, below, for an example of a staircase bandgap.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 185

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 186]    186Avalanche photodetection structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 184.  Subject matter wherein carriers generated in the active region of the device in response to light incident thereupon, achieve enough kinetic energy to knock further carriers from the crystalline lattice of the active region producing an avalanche or snowball increase in operating current level.
(1) Note. Avalanche photodetector devices may have bipolar transistor structure, i.e., wherein the heterojunction device has three terminals - an emitter, a collector and a base, the operating current comprising both positive and negative electrical charges.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 187]    187Having transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 184.  Subject matter wherein the light responsive heterojunction device has three terminals - an emitter, collector, and a base; a source, drain, and gate; or a hybrid combination of each, which can provide gain or can be used as a switch.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 188]    188Having narrow energy band gap (<<1eV) layer (e.g., PbSnTe, HgCdTe, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 184.  Subject matter wherein the light responsive device contains a narrow energy band gap (<<1eV) layer (e.g., PbSnTe or HgCdTe).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 189]    189Layer is a group III-V semiconductor compound:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 188.  Subject matter wherein the narrow energy band gap layer is a semiconductor compound made of one element taken from periodic table group III elements and another element taken from periodic table group V elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 190]    190With lattice constant mismatch (e.g., with buffer layer to accommodate mismatch):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the materials that form the heterojunction has a crystalline lattice constant which is made to differ from the lattice constant of the other material which forms the heterojunction.
(1) Note. Typically, lattice mismatches are sought to be avoided. However, sometimes they are desired, as for example, when the resulting strain favorably affects the properties of the strained semiconductor.
(2) Note. A buffer layer may be provided to accommodate a lattice mismatch, i.e., a layer of material which mechanically separates the layers which have different lattice constants.


18,for strained layer heterojunctions in a superlattice.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 191]    191Having graded composition:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the chemical composition of the semiconductor forming the heterojunction varies continuously in a direction either perpendicular or parallel to the junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 192]    192Field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction is part of a field effect transistor, i.e., wherein the current through the active heterojunction is controlled by a voltage applied between gate and source terminals of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 194]    194Doping on side of heterojunction with lower carrier affinity (e.g., high electron mobility transistor (HEMT)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 192.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction field effect transistor has impurity dopant on the side of the heterojunction with lower affinity for the charge carriers (holes or electrons) supplied by the dopant, so that the charge carriers spill over the heterojunction into the side with higher carrier affinity.
(1) Note. Typically, the spilled over charge carriers constitute the conductive channel connecting the source and drain electrodes.
(2) Note. Such devices may be provided with a channel layer of semiconductor material other than group III-V compound semiconductor (e.g., IV-VI compound semiconductor, germanium semiconductor, etc.).


12,through 27, for other closely related quantum well and ballistic transport field effect devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 195]    195Combined with diverse type device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 194.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction field effect transistor with impurity dopant on the side of the heterojunction with lower affinity for the charge carriers supplied by the dopant is combined with another electronic device.
(1) Note. Typical diverse devises include complementary field effect transistors, i.e., a field effect transistor of opposite conductivity type to the heterojunction field effect transistor; and field effect transistors of different threshold voltages (e.g., enhancement and depletion HEMTs in same integrated circuit).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 196]    196Both semiconductors of the heterojunction are the same conductivity type (i.e., either n or p):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor materials which define the heterojunction are of the same conductivity type (e.g., both p or both n).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 197]    197Bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction is part of a bipolar transistor, i.e., a transistor structure whose working current passes through semiconductor material of both polarities (p and n) which form a heterojunction portion of the transistor.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 312+ for methods of forming a heterojunction bipolar transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 198]    198Wide band gap emitter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 197.  Subject matter wherein the bipolar transistor with an active heterojunction region involves a charge carrier emitter region made of a semiconductor material having an energy gap between its conduction and valence bands which is greater than the energy gap of the base region forming a heterojunction therewith.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 199]    199Avalanche diode (e.g., so-called "Zener" diode having breakdown voltage greater than 6 volts, including heterojunction IMPATT type microwave diodes):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction device is a diode in which conduction under reverse bias conditions is caused by avalanche breakdown at an applied voltage greater than 6 volts.
(1) Note. One example of such a device is a microwave transit time device (e.g., IMPATT diode).


481,for a Schottky barrier avalanche diode.
551,for an avalanche diode used as a voltage reference element combined with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.
603,through 606, for avalanche diodes not classified above those subclasses in this schedule, i.e., not involving a heterojunction in a non-charge transfer device, or a Schottky barrier, or one used as a voltage reference element with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.


331Oscillators,   subclasses 107+ for solid-state active element oscillators.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 200]    200Heterojunction formed between semiconductor materials which differ in that they belong to different periodic table groups (e.g., Ge (group IV) - GaAs (group III-V) or InP (group III-V) - CdTe (group II-VI)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction is formed between semiconductor materials which differ in that they belong to different periodic table groups (e.g., Ge (group IV) - GaAs (group III-V) or InP (group III-V) - CdTe (group II-VI)).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 201]    201Between different group IV-VI or II-VI or III-V compounds other than GaAs/GaAlAs:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Subject matter wherein the heterojunction forms a boundary between different group IV-VI or group II-VI or group III-V compounds other than GaAs/GaAlAs.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 202]    202GATE ARRAYS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter comprising a repeating geometric arrangement of individual structural units of solid-state devices, the solid-state devices of each individual structural unit being connectable into various different types of logic circuits in one integrated, monolithic chip.
(1) Note. The significant distinction between a "gate array" and other arrays of active solid state devices, such as read-only memories (ROMs), and programmable logic arrays (PLAs), is that the solid-state devices of each individual structural of a "gate array" can be connected into various different types of logic circuits, whereas in a ROM or PLA, each of the individual structural units is configured so that they must be connected into the same type of logic circuit (e.g., wherein all individual structural units are connected as NOR gates).


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 128+ for methods of forming an array of devices upon a semiconductor substrate and selectively interconnecting the same.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 203]    203With particular chip input/output means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Subject matter wherein the gate array integrated circuit is provided with specific means to input and output electrical signals to operate the device.
(1) Note. Examples of particular chip input/output means include (a) interface circuits, i.e., circuits that connect the chip to another device or to a circuit and which produces necessary current and voltage characteristics for the interconnected devices and circuits to function properly, with particular active solid-state devices used in the interface circuits; (b) structure permitting electrical interconnection to either receive an input signal or to output an output signal; or (c) specific bonding pad or electrode configurations (i.e., wherein the input/output means includes a particular electrically conductive surface to which electrical interconnecting element (e.g., electrical leads) can be connected, or has a specified electrode configuration such as a power supply bus for the input/output means separate from those used to power the gate array devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 204]    204Having specific type of active device (e.g., CMOS):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Subject matter wherein the gate array is adapted to use a particular type of solid-state electronic device, e.g., complementary metal oxide semiconductor device (CMOS).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 205]    205With bipolar transistors or with FETs of only one channel conductivity type (e.g., enhancement-depletion FETs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Subject matter wherein the specific type of active device comprises bipolar transistors or FETs of only one channel conductivity type (i.e, field effect transistors that can be used in the enhancement or depletion mode of operation, e.g., IGFETS).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 206]    206Particular layout of complementary FETs with regard to each other:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 204.  Subject matter wherein the CMOS device includes a plurality of CMOS field effect transistors specifically arranged with regard to each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 207]    207With particular power supply distribution means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Subject matter wherein the gate array is provided with specific means to provide electrical power to the array.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 208]    208With particular signal path connections:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Subject matter wherein the gate array is provided with specific signal path connections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 209]    209Programmable signal paths (e.g., with fuse elements, laser programmable, etc):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Subject matter wherein the gate array is provided with means (e.g., fuse elements or laser beam irradiation) to program the selection of signal paths in the array.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 210]    210With wiring channel area:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Subject matter wherein the signal paths in the array are located in an area separate from the active devices forming the elements of the array.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 211]    211Multi-level metallization:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Subject matter wherein the particular signal path connections include more than one layer of conductive metal deposited on a substrate.
(1) Note. The multilayer metallization may include a layer of material made up of silicon in polycrystalline form or a silicide compound.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device has a high resistivity semiconductor region of one conductivity type having a region of opposite conductivity type forming a pn junction with a central portion of the high resistivity layer, with structural means provided to forward bias the pn junction to inject minority carriers into the high resistivity region to increase its conductivity through conductivity modulation.


327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclasses 397 and 402 for a delay controlled switch using a unijunction transistor and having a variable or fixed delay respectively; subclasses 438+ for gating circuits utilizing a unijunction transistor, and subclass 569 for a miscellaneous circuit which utilizes a unijunction transistor.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 91.3 for overvoltage protection with time delay, and subclass 198 for time delay with unijunction devices.
388Electricity: Motor Control Systems,   subclass 919 for unijunction transistor circuit trigger control means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 213]    213FIELD EFFECT DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter comprising a field effect transistor, in which the density of electrical charge (electrons or holes) in a semiconductor region is controlled by a voltage applied to an adjacent region or electrode which in operation is prevented from conducting direct electrical current to or from the semiconductor region by an insulator or barrier region.
(1) Note. The conduction of current in a field effect device is along a path called a channel.
(2) Note. See Illustration, below, for various types of field effect devices.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 213


331Oscillators,   subclasses 116 and 117 for field effect transistor oscillator active elements.
341Coded Data Generation or Conversion,   subclass 136 for analog to or from digital conversion devices with a field effect transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 214]    214Charge injection device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device is a device in which storage sites for packets of electric charge are induced at or below the surface of the active solid-state (semiconductor) device by an electric field applied to the device and wherein carrier potential energy per unit charge minima are established at a given storage site and such charge packets are injected into the device substrate or into a data bus.
(1) Note. This type device differs from a charge transfer device in that, in the latter, charge is transferred to adjacent charge storage sites in a serial manner whereas in the former, the charge is injected in a non-serial manner to the device substrate or a data bus.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 215]    215Charge transfer device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter in which storage sites for packets of electric charge are induced at or below the surface of the active solid-state (semiconductor) device by an electric field applied to the device and wherein carrier potential energy per unit charge minima are established at a given storage site and such minima are transferred to one or more adjacent storage sites in a serial manner.


183.1,for heterojunction type charge transfer devices.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 60 for methods of making a photo-responsive semiconductor integrated circuit having a charge transfer device combined with another electrical device, subclasses 75+ for methods of making a photoresponsive charge transfer device, and subclasses 144+ for methods of making a charge transfer device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 216]    216Majority signal carrier (e.g., buried or bulk channel, or peristaltic):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the transfer is by majority carriers of the semiconductor material, i.e., by electrons in n-type semiconductor material, and is by holes in p-type semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 217]    217Having a conductive means in direct contact with channel (e.g., non-insulated gate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Subject matter wherein an electrical conductor (e.g., electrode) directly contacts the channel region of the charge transfer device (e.g., a non-insulated gate (control) electrode).
(1) Note. The conductive means in direct contact with the channel may be directly connected to the substrate.
(2) Note. The conductive means in direct contact with the channel may be made of metal, forming a Schottky contact with the semiconductor channel material, i.e., a metal-semiconductor junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 218]    218High resistivity channel (e.g., accumulation mode) or surface channel (e.g., transfer of signal charge occurs at the surface of the semiconductor) or minority carriers at input (i.e., surface channel input):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Subject matter wherein the majority signal carrier charge transfer device has a channel made of relatively high electrical resistivity material, or where the transfer of signal charge takes place at the surface of the semiconductor, or where minority charge carriers are input into a surface channel, but majority carriers are input into the bulk or buried channel portion of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 219]    219Impurity concentration variation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Subject matter wherein the majority signal carrier charge transfer device contains impurity dopant ions which vary in terms of concentration in all or part of the channel of the device.
(1) Note. The impurity dopant ion concentration may vary across the channel and channel substrate interface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 220]    220Vertically within channel (e.g., profiled):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 219.  Subject matter wherein the impurity dopant ion concentration in the channel of the device varies across the channel in a direction perpendicular to a main surface of the device, regardless of the orientation of the channel (e.g., parallel or perpendicular to a main surface of the device).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 221]    221Along the length of the channel (e.g., doping variations for transfer directionality):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 219.  Subject matter wherein the impurity dopant ion concentration in the channel of the device varies along the length of the channel, whether the channel is horizontally or vertically oriented.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 222]    222Responsive to non-electrical external signal (e.g., imager):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Subject matter wherein the majority signal carrier charge transfer device transfers charge from one charge storage device to another in response to a non-electric signal (e.g., light, pressure, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 223]    223Having structure to improve output signal (e.g., antiblooming drain):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Subject matter wherein the non-external signal responsive device includes structural means, e.g., a drain element which reduces or eliminates optical blooming to improve the signal generated by the device in response to the non-electrical input signal.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 224]    224Channel confinement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Subject matter wherein the majority carrier charge transfer device has means to restrict the dimensions of the thin semiconductor conductive path region (charge transfer channel) between the source and drain of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 225]    225Non-electrical input responsive (e.g., light responsive imager, input programmed by size of storage sites for use as a read-only memory, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the means that creates charge to be transferred is non-electrical (e.g., light).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 226]    226Sensor element and charge transfer device are of different materials or on different substrates (e.g., "hybrid"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein charge carriers generated in response to the non-electrical input are generated in material which is different than, or is located on a different substrate than, the semiconductor material that contains the charge carrier storage sites.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 227]    227With specified dopant (e.g., photoionizable, "extrinsic" detectors for infrared):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical responsive device contains specific impurity dopants.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 228]    228Light responsive, back illuminated:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical input responsive device has two major opposed surfaces, the channel containing the charge carrier storage sites being at or below one surface, and wherein the device is responsive to light which is incident on the other major surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 229]    229Having structure to improve output signal (e.g., exposure control structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical input responsive device contains structural means to improve the electrical signal it generates in response to the non-electrical input signal.
(1) Note. The structural means to improve the output signal may control the amount of charge generated by light incident on the device which is transferred as output signal charge.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 230]    230With blooming suppression structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 229.  Subject matter wherein the structural means to improve the output signal prevents spill over of a large amount of signal charge generated at a storage site which receives a non-electrical input signal of very high intensity to adjacent storage sites.
(1) Note. The antiblooming suppression structure may include a drain structure for removing charge from storage sites.
(2) Note. The antiblooming drain structure may be located in the device beneath storage sites rather than on its surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 231]    2312-dimensional area architecture:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein the device has a plurality of non-electrical input responsive means spread out over a two dimensional area, e.g., a matrix or array of such means.
(1) Note. One 2-dimensional architecture area may be provided for light imaging elements and a separate 2-dimensional architecture area may be provided for electrical signal storage elements.
(2) Note. The imaging element sites may also be charge transfer storage sites (e.g., frame transfer imaging device).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 232]    232Having alternating strips of sensor structures and register structures (e.g., interline imager):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 231.  Subject matter wherein the 2-dimensional area architecture has alternate strips of sensor structures and charge transfer channels.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 233]    233Sensors not overlaid by electrode (e.g., photodiodes):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Subject matter wherein the light responsive sensor elements do not have an electrode overlying them.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 234]    234Single strip of sensors (e.g., linear imager):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical input responsive device is in the form of a line of individual sensors.
(1) Note. The single strip of sensors may be combined with a structure forming readout registers, i.e., short term storage devices for accumulating charge packets generated by the sensors and for transferring charge packets to an amplifier or output device, and wherein the sensors are placed adjacent to the readout register structure.
(2) Note. The device may have plural readout register structures.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 235]    235Electrical input:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the input to the charge transfer device to create the charge to be transferred is an electrical signal.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 236]    236Signal applied to field effect electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 235.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to apply an electrical signal to an electrode which has an electrical potential barrier between the electrode and the semiconductor material of the device (e.g., a MOS dielectric or Schottky contact or reverse-biased junction), as contrasted with an ohmic electrical contact to the semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 237]    237Charge-presetting/linear input type (e.g., fill and spill):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 236.  Subject matter wherein means is provided for the input signal to form a potential well, overfill it, drain away the excess charge and input the preset charge in the potential well into the channel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 238]    238Input signal responsive to signal charge in charge transfer device (e.g., regeneration or feedback):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 235.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to take charge from the output of a charge transfer device and put it back into the input electrode thereof or into the input electrode of a second charge transfer device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 239]    239Signal charge detection type (e.g., floating diffusion or floating gate non-destructive output):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to detect the amount of charge being transferred in the device.
(1) Note. The charge being transferred may be measured without destroying the charge, i.e., the charge packet remains intact.
(2) Note. The charge transfer device may have a region diffused with impurity ions not electrically connected to ground to detect the magnitude of charge being transferred in the device and to output a signal proportional to that sensed charge. This is known as a floating diffusion output device. One example of such a device is a floating diffusion amplifier (FDA).
(3) Note. The charge transfer device may have a control electrode not electrically connected to ground to detect the magnitude of charge being transferred in the device and to output a signal proportional to that sensed charge. This type device is known as a floating gate output device. One example of such a device is a floating gate amplifier (FGA). Devices with plural floating gate outputs include distributed floating gate amplifiers (DFGA).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 240]    240Changing width or direction of channel (e.g., meandering channel):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the charge transfer path region changes its width or direction throughout all or part of the distance from source to drain electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 241]    241Multiple channels (e.g., converging or diverging or parallel channels):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the charge transfer device contains more than one channel for charge transfer path.
(1) Note. The channels may converge or diverge, i.e., they are not parallel to each other, but change direction either toward or away from each other along their length.
(2) Note. In such devices, the charge transfer path may lie in two different (e.g., orthogonal) directions.
(3) Note. The device may include two or more parallel channels (e.g., serial- parallel-serial) wherein the charge transfer takes place in different directions, but the device includes charge transfer paths that are parallel to each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 242]    242Vertical charge transfer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the charge transfer device is provided with structure for vertical charge transfer perpendicular to a main device surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 243]    243Channel confinement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter containing means (e.g., pn junctions or dielectric layers) to restrict the boundaries of the charge transfer path through the device.
(1) Note. Typical channel confinement means include use of (a) an electrically insulating medium; (b) a layer of silicon polymer material (polysilicon) used to reduce electric field interaction with charge to be transferred via the channel; or (c) an impurity ion located in the device substrate, i.e., in the material on which the device is fabricated (e.g., an implanted channel stop).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 244]    244Comprising a groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein a surface of the device includes an elongated indentation.
(1) Note. The location of the groove relative to the charge storage sites of the device is deliberately not specified in this definition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 245]    245Structure for applying electric field into device (e.g., resistive electrode, acoustic traveling wave in channel):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter including structure (e.g., electrodes) for applying electrical energy into the device.
(1) Note. Structure for applying electrical energy into the device is typically an electrode with a relatively high electrical resistance value.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 246]    246Phase structure (e.g., doping variations to provide asymmetry for 2-phase operation; more than four phases or "electrode per bit"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 245.  Subject matter including a plurality of gate regions or doping variation regions to permit unidirectional charge packet transfer by symmetrical or unsymmetrically phased electrical control signals applied to the device gate or gates.
(1) Note. The phase structure may be multiphase (e.g., 3-phase or 4-phase), i.e., with three sets or four sets of electrodes, respectively.
(2) Note. Search subclass 249, below, for 2-phase structure devices.
(3) Note. Means may also be provided to generate a traveling wave of non-electrical energy (e.g., acoustic energy) in the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 247]    247Uniphase or virtual phase structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 246.  Subject matter wherein the device has one set of gates (control electrodes) or virtual phase structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 248]    2482-phase:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 246.  Subject matter wherein the device has two sets of gate electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 249]    249Electrode structures or materials:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 245.  Subject matter wherein the charge transfer device is provided with specified electrode structures or materials to apply electric field into the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 250]    250Plural gate levels:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 249.  Subject matter wherein the electrode structures include more than one level of gate electrodes relative to a main surface of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 251]    251Substantially incomplete signal charge transfer (e.g., bucket brigade):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Subject matter wherein the charge transferred is less than the entire charge stored in the storage site from which it originates.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 252]    252Responsive to non-optical, non-electrical signal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter which produces an electrical output in response to an input which is other than optical or electrical.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 253]    253Chemical (e.g., ISFET, CHEMFET):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 252.  Subject matter wherein the input is a chemical reaction or the presence of a particular chemical in close proximity to the field effect device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 254]    254Physical deformation (e.g., strain sensor, acoustic wave detector):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 252.  Subject matter wherein the input is a physical deformation.


416,for acoustic wave responsive devices, generally.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 255]    255With current flow along specified crystal axis (e.g., axis of maximum carrier mobility):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device employs current flow along a specified crystal axis, such as a (100) axis or a (311) axis.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 256]    256Junction field effect transistor (unipolar transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device is a junction field effect transistor, i.e., in which current flow through a thin channel of semiconductor material is controlled by an electric field applied to a control region or electrode in rectifying contact (i.e., a pn junction or Schottky barrier junction) with the semiconductor material of the channel, so that the depletion region extending into the channel from the rectifying contact reduces the thickness of the undepleted portion of the channel to reduce the current flow through the channel.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 167+ for methods of forming a Schottky gate field effect device and subclasses 186+ for methods of forming a junction gate field effect device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 257]    257Light responsive or combined with light responsive device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter wherein the JFET generates an electrical signal when light energy is incident upon it or is combined with a light responsive device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 258]    258In imaging array:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 257.  Subject matter wherein a plurality of light responsive JFETs or JFETs combined with a light responsive device are in the form of a one or two dimensional array (e.g., line or area array) for forming an image of an object, light from which is incident upon the array.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 259]    259Elongated active region acts as transmission line or distributed active element (e.g., "transmission line" field effect transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including at least one elongated active region (source, gate, or drain) which transmits or distributes charge carriers.
(1) Note. When the impedance of an element at the operating frequency is due primarily to the parameters of the element itself, and in considering the inductance, capacitance, and resistance of the element they must be considered as mixed together and spread out along the element rather than being considered as separate discrete lumps or components as in the case of simple series and parallel circuits, the element may be said to have distributed parameters.


333Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,   appropriate subclasses for transmission lines or distributed elements, per se.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 167+ for methods of forming a Schottky gate field effect device and subclasses 186+ for methods of forming a junction gate field effect device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 260]    260Same channel controlled by both junction and insulated gate electrodes, or by both Schottky barrier and pn junction gates (e.g., "taper isolated" memory cell):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including plural gate electrodes or regions, at least one of which is isolated from the channel by a rectifying junction and at least another of which is isolated from the channel by an insulating layer therebetween, or wherein one rectifying junction may be a metal-to-semiconductor (Schottky) type and the other a pn junction.
(1) Note. In such devices, the junction gate region may be free of direct electrical connection (e.g., "taper isolated" memory cell), i.e., wherein the JFET has at least one gate electrode region which is isolated from the channel by a rectifying junction and is not directly provided with an electrical connection or terminal.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 261]    261Junction gate region free of direct electrical connection (e.g., floating junction gate memory cell structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including at least one gate electrode region which is isolated from the channel by a rectifying junction and is not directly provided with an electrical connection or terminal.
(1) Note. This type of gate is a floating junction gate, as contrasted with a floating insulated gate.
(2) Note. See this class, subclass 315, for floating insulated gate field effect devices.
(3) Note. The floating gate region may capacitively store electrical charge and be used as a memory element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 262]    262Combined with insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including a field effect transistor having a gate (control) electrode which is electrically insulated from the channel and other electrodes of the transistor.
(1) Note. The combined JFET and IGFET may be electrically connected so that the source or drain electrode of one FET is connected to the gate electrode of the other FET.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 263]    263Vertical controlled current path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter wherein the operating current of the JFET has a path perpendicular to a main surface of the JFET and is controlled by the gate electrode of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 264]    264Enhancement mode or with high resistivity channel (e.g., doping of 1015cm-3 or less):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Subject matter wherein an increase in the magnitude of the gate bias voltage increases the operating current, only leakage current flows when the gate voltage is zero, and conduction does not begin until the gate voltage reaches a threshold value; or the JFET has a channel made of relatively high electrical resistivity, e.g., due to doping with impurity ions of 1015 cm-3or less.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 265]    265In integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Subject matter in a single monolithic semiconductor chip with other active and/or passive devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 266]    266With multiple parallel current paths (e.g., grid gate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Subject matter having plural paths for operating current flow, each of which is parallel with the other paths (e.g., having a gate electrode in the form of a matrix or grid).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 267]    267With Schottky barrier gate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 266.  Subject matter including a gate which is formed by a metal to semiconductor rectifying junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 268]    268Enhancement mode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter wherein an increase in the magnitude of the gate bias voltage increases the operating current, only leakage current flows when the gate voltage is zero, and conduction does not begin until the gate voltage reaches a threshold value.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 269]    269With means to adjust barrier height (e.g., doping profile):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 268.  Subject matter including means to adjust the electronic height of the Schottky barrier gate junction, e.g., a profiled impurity dopant concentration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 270]    270Plural, separately connected, gates control same channel region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including more than one gate region or portion to control the same channel region, the regions being provided with separate electrical connections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 271]    271Load element or constant current source (e.g., with source to gate connection):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter structured to function as an electrical load element or a source of constant current, e.g., with a source to gate electrical connection.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 272]    272Junction field effect transistor in integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter located in a single monolithic semiconductor chip with other active and/or passive devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 273]    273With bipolar device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 272.  Subject matter located in an integrated circuit with a device which operates using both positive and negative charge carriers.
(1) Note. An active solid-state electronic device that contains both bipolar and field effect transistors may be referred to as a BI-FET device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 274]    274Complementary junction field effect transistors:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 272.  Subject matter which is located in and integrated with an opposite conductivity type JFET, i.e., an N channel JFET together with a P channel JFET.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 275]    275Microwave integrated circuit (e.g., microstrip type):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 272.  Subject matter structured to operate at microwave frequencies in an integrated circuit containing microwave components (e.g., microstrip transmission lines).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 276]    276With contact or heat sink extending through hole in semiconductor substrate, or with electrode suspended over substrate (e.g., air bridge):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 275.  Subject matter containing a hole in the semiconductor substrate and an electrical contact or a heat dissipation means extending through the hole.


522,for integrated circuit devices employing air isolation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 277]    277With capacitive or inductive elements:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 275.  Subject matter having passive elements with electrical inductance or capacitance.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 278]    278With devices vertically spaced in different layers of semiconductor material (e.g., "3-dimensional" integrated circuit):
 Subject matter under 272 wherein the JFET and other active and/or passive devices in that chip are located in mutually perpendicular planes in different layers of semiconductor device material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 279]    279Pn junction gate in compound semiconductor material (e.g., GaAs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including a pn junction gate formed in a semiconductor material that is a compound, e.g., GaAs, as contrasted to an elemental semiconductor such as silicon or germanium.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 280]    280With Schottky gate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including a metal to semiconductor rectifying (i.e., Schottky barrier) gate electrode.
(1) Note. A Schottky barrier gate JFET is referred to commonly as a MESFET (MEtal-Semiconductor field effect transistor).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 281]    281Schottky gate to silicon semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 280.  Subject matter wherein the semiconductor material contacting the gate electrode material is made of silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 282]    282Gate closely aligned to source region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 280.  Subject matter wherein the gate region is closely aligned with the source region.


332,346, 387, and 797, for other self-aligned gate devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 283]    283With groove or overhang for alignment:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Subject matter wherein the device has a groove or overhang for alignment of the gate and source regions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 284]    284Schottky gate in groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 280.  Subject matter wherein the MESFET has a groove in at least one of its surfaces and the Schottky gate is located therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 285]    285With profiled channel dopant concentration or profiled gate region dopant concentration (e.g., maximum dopant concentration below surface):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter wherein the JFET has a variable impurity atom dopant concentration in the channel or gate region, e.g., wherein the maximum dopant concentration is located below the surface of the device, in either the channel or gate region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 286]    286With non-uniform channel thickness or width:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter wherein the channel has a non-uniform width or thickness (which lies in a plane perpendicular to both the channel length and width).
(1) Note. Channel length is measured along a line connecting the source and drain, while channel width is measured perpendicular to the length. Both length and width lie in a plane, parallel to the device surface. See the illustration, below.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 286

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 287]    287With multiple channels or channel segments connected in parallel, or with channel much wider than length between source and drain (e.g., power JFET):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Subject matter including more than one channel or channel segments/portions which are electrically connected in parallel, or wherein the device has a channel whose width is much wider than the channel length, the channel length being the distance between the source and drain of the JFET.


134+,for JFET devices, in general.
504,for JFET type isolation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 288]    288Having insulated electrode (e.g., MOSFET, MOS diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Subject matter including an electrode which is electrically insulated from the active semiconductor region of the device (e.g., a metal oxide semiconductor insulated electrode).
(1) Note. Typically the insulated electrode is the control or gate electrode.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 197+ for methods of forming an insulated gate field effect device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 289]    289Significant semiconductor chemical compound in bulk crystal (e.g., GaAs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the insulated electrode field effect device contains a significant semiconductor chemical compound in a bulk (as contrasted with thin film) crystal (e.g., GaAs).


1+,for bulk effect devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 290]    290Light responsive or combined with light responsive device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter which generates an electrical signal when light is incident on it or is combined with a light responsive device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 291]    291Imaging array:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 290.  Subject matter comprising a one or more dimensional array of light responsive devices which generate an electronic image of light from an object incident thereupon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 292]    292Photodiodes accessed by FETs:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 291.  Subject matter comprising light responsive diodes electrically coupled to field effect transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 293]    293Photoresistors accessed by FETs, or photodetectors separate from FET chip:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 291.  Subject matter comprising light responsive resistors coupled to field effect transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 294]    294With shield, filter, or lens:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 291.  Subject matter including means to shield the array from unwanted light, to filter light incident on the array, or to refract light incident on the array (e.g., to focus an image of an object on the array).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 295]    295With ferroelectric material layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter including a layer of material which exhibits a spontaneous dipole moment.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 296]    296Insulated gate capacitor or insulated gate transistor combined with capacitor (e.g., dynamic memory cell):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device gate acts as a capacitor (i.e., wherein a positive potential placed on the gate electrode creates a negative charge on the other side of the insulator in the semiconductor material of the device, and vice versa) or the device is a transistor and it is combined with a capacitor.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 239+ for methods of forming an insulated gate field effect transistor combined with a capacitor and subclasses 386 through 399 for manufacture of a capacitors, per se, utilizing a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 297]    297With means for preventing charge leakage due to minority carrier generation (e.g., alpha generated soft error protection or "dark current" leakage protection):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the device further includes means (1) to prevent electrical charge in the capacitor or capacitive type insulated gate region of the transistor to leak therefrom, or (2) to prevent excess leakage currents across pn junctions due to generation of minority carriers in the device for example (a) alpha particles incident on the device or (b) thermal generation of electron-hole pairs, or (c) minority carriers injected into the semiconductor substrate by other devices in the same substrate.
(1) Note. Junctions across which excess leakage is sought to be prevented typically include (a) the source or drain junction of an insulated gate field effect transistor or (b) a connecting BIT line of a memory array which is isolated by a pn junction from a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 298]    298Capacitor for signal storage in combination with non-volatile storage means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter including a capacitor to store an electrical signal in combination with charge storage means that can retain the charge even in the absence of operating power.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 299]    299Structure configured for voltage converter (e.g., charge pump, substrate bias generator):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter including structure for use as a voltage converter (e.g., a device for changing AC to DC or vice versa, or for producing a negative DC voltage relative to a reference potential from a positive DC voltage relative to that reference potential).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 300]    300Capacitor coupled to, or forms gate of, insulated gate field effect transistor (e.g., non-destructive readout dynamic memory cell structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor is electrically connected to or forms the gate of an insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET), e.g., a non-destructive readout dynamic memory cell structure in which the charge state of the capacitor may be read out or determined by the conduction state of the field effect transistor, without discharging the capacitor in the readout process.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 301]    301Capacitor in trench:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor is located in a recess in the semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 302]    302Vertical transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 301.  Subject matter combined with a vertical transistor (i.e., one in which the operating current flow is perpendicular to a main surface of the device).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 303]    303Stacked capacitor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 301.  Subject matter wherein the trench capacitor device contains a number of capacitor electrode regions stacked vertically above each other or wherein the capacitor and the transistor are located such that one overlies the other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 304]    304Storage node isolated by dielectric from semiconductor substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 301.  Subject matter including an electrode upon which the charge varies as an indication of the memory state of the device (e.g., memory cell), and wherein the electrode is electrically isolated by a dielectric material from the semiconductor substrate of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 305]    305With means to insulate adjacent storage nodes (e.g., channel stops or field oxide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 301.  Subject matter including means for electrically insulating an electrode upon which the charge varies as an indication of the memory state of the device (e.g., a memory cell).
(1) Note. The insulating means may, for example, comprise a channel stop or a field oxide.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 306]    306Stacked capacitor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor device contains a number of capacitor electrode regions overlying each other or where the capacitor and the transistor are located such that one overlies the other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 307]    307Parallel interleaved capacitor electrode pairs (e.g., interdigitized):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 306.  Subject matter wherein the number of overlying capacitor electrodes is more than one and the overlapping region of each capacitor electrode pair is made up of electrodes from one capacitor interleaved with the electrodes of another capacitor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 308]    308With capacitor electrodes connection portion located centrally thereof (e.g., fin electrodes with central post):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 307.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor electrodes are connected together at a centrally located portion thereof, e.g., by a center post.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 309]    309With increased effective electrode surface area (e.g., tortuous path, corrugated, or textured electrodes):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 306.  Subject matter wherein a capacitor electrode has an increased effective surface relative to a flat capacitor plate, because of twists, turns, curves, corrugations, windings or other surface area increasing features of a capacitor electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 310]    310With high dielectric constant insulator (e.g., Ta2O5):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor device includes an insulating element which has a dielectric constant (e.g., Ta2O5) greater than 7.5, the dielectric constant of Si3N4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 311]    311Storage Node isolated by dielectric from semiconductor substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the device has an electrode upon which the charge varies as an indication of the memory state of the device (e.g., memory cell) which electrode is electrically isolated by a dielectric material from the semiconductor substrate of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 312]    312Voltage variable capacitor (i. e., capacitance varies with applied voltage):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein the device changes its capacitance depending on the amount of voltage applied thereto.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 313]    313Inversion layer capacitor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Subject matter wherein one plate of the capacitor device is a layer of minority carriers opposite in conductivity type to the doping of the semiconductor which are induced by applied voltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 314]    314Variable threshold (e.g., floating gate memory device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device has a threshold voltage for current conduction which may be varied (e.g., by storage of charge in an insulator layer adjacent the channel in response to an electrical "write" signal).


239,for a floating gate signal charge detection type charge transfer device.
261,for a floating gate JFET.


365Static Information Storage and Retrieval,   appropriate subclass for read/write static storage systems, and subclasses 185.01+ for predominate structure of floating gate memory storage (e.g., flash memory), particularly subclass 185.24 for threshold setting (e.g., conditioning).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 315]    315With floating gate electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 314.  Subject matter including a gate electrode which is free of direct electrical connection.


365Static Information Storage and Retrieval,   appropriate subclass for read/write static storage systems, and subclasses 185.01+ for predominate structure of floating gate memory storage (e.g., flash memory), particularly subclass 185.24 for threshold setting (e.g., conditioning).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 316]    316With additional contacted control electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 315.  Subject matter including an additional control (gate) electrode that has a direct electrical contact thereto.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 317]    317With irregularities on electrode to facilitate charging or discharging of floating electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Subject matter wherein the floating or additional control (gate) electrode has physical surface irregularities to facilitate charging or discharging of the floating gate electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 318]    318Additional control electrode is doped region in semiconductor substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Subject matter wherein the additional control (gate) electrode is a specific region in the semiconductor substrate which is doped with impurity ions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 319]    319Plural additional contacted control electrodes:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Subject matter including more than one additional control (gate) electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 320]    320Separate control electrodes for charging and for discharging floating electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 319.  Subject matter wherein the device has separate control (gate) electrodes for charging and discharging a floating electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 321]    321With thin insulator region for charging or discharging floating electrode by quantum mechanical tunneling:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Subject matter including a thin insulator region for charging of discharging a floating electrode by means of quantum mechanical tunneling of charge carriers.


9,through 25, 28, and 30 through 39, for active solid-state devices involving this discrete layer type of quantum mechanical tunneling.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 322]    322With charging or discharging by control voltage applied to source or drain region (e.g., by avalanche breakdown of drain junction):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Subject matter wherein the variable threshold device is structured to charge or discharge a floating gate electrode by a control voltage applied to source or drain region (e.g., by avalanche breakdown of drain junction).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 323]    323With means to facilitate light erasure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 315.  Subject matter including means to make erasure of the electrical charge content of the device by light easier (e.g., by providing an ultraviolet light window layer over the floating gate electrode to reduce absorption of erasing light).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 324]    324Multiple insulator layers (e.g., MNOS structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 314.  Subject matter including more than one layer of electrically insulating material (e.g., metal-nitride-oxide (MNOS) semiconductor).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 325]    325Non-homogeneous composition insulator layer (e.g., graded composition layer or layer with inclusions):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 324.  Subject matter wherein at least one layer has a non-homogeneous composition (e.g., a layer which varies in composition along at least one dimension thereof, or has inclusions of foreign material therein).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 326]    326With additional, non-memory control electrode or channel portion (e.g., accessing field effect transistor structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 324.  Subject matter wherein the multiple insulator layer device has an additional, non-memory control electrode or channel portion, for example, for forming an accessing field effect transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 327]    327Short channel insulated gate field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device is an insulated gate field effect transistor with a short channel (i.e., one wherein the length of the channel is sufficiently short that the threshold voltage of the transistor depends on the length of the channel, or where the channel is specified to be less than 2 micrometers in length).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 328]    328Vertical channel or double diffused insulated gate field effect device provided with means to protect against excess voltage (e.g., gate protection diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET has a vertical current channel structure or the short channel IGFETs active channel region has a graded dopant concentration decreasing with distance from source region (e.g., double diffused, DMOS transistor) and wherein means are provided to protect the short channel against overvoltages (e.g., a gate insulator protection diode).
(1) Note. Gate protection diodes in IGFETs in general may be found in this class, subclass 355, and indented subclasses.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 329]    329Gate controls vertical charge flow portion of channel (e.g., VMOS device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET has a channel portion in which charge flows in a substantially vertical direction and wherein the charge flowing therein is controlled by the gate electrode.
(1) Note. An IGFET"s short channel may have horizontal as well as vertical charge flow portions. This subclass provides for those devices in which the vertical charge flow portion, i.e., the portion of the channel in which charge is flowing substantially in a vertical direction, of the channel is controlled by the gate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 330]    330Gate electrode in groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 329.  Subject matter wherein the gate controlled vertical channel device has a groove located therein and a gate electrode located in the groove.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 331]    331Plural gate electrodes or grid shaped gate electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 330.  Subject matter wherein there is more than one gate electrode located in a groove or wherein the gate electrode has a grid or mesh type shape.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 332]    332Gate electrode self-aligned with groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 330.  Subject matter wherein the gate electrode is self-aligned with the groove.


282,283, 346, 387, and 797, for other self-aligned gate devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 333]    333With thick insulator to reduce gate capacitance in non-channel areas (e.g., thick oxide over source or drain region):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 330.  Subject matter wherein the device with a gate electrode in a groove is provided with a thick insulator material layer to reduce gate capacitance in non-channel areas, e.g., a thick layer of oxide located over the source or drain region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 334]    334In integrated circuit structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 330.  Subject matter wherein the device is located in an integrated circuit structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 335]    335Active channel region has a graded dopant concentration decreasing with distance from source region (e.g., double diffused device, DMOS transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET"s active channel region has a graded dopant concentration decreasing with distance from source region, e.g., double diffused device or a DMOS transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 336]    336With lightly doped portion of drain region adjacent channel (e.g., LDD structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET has a relatively light concentration of dopant in the portion of the drain region which lies adjacent to the current conducting channel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 337]    337In integrated circuit structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET is contained in a single monolithic chip with other active or passive solid-state electronic devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 338]    338With complementary field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 337.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET is contained in a single monolithic chip with a field effect transistor with a polarity type opposite to that of the graded channel doping short channel IGFET.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 339]    339With means to increase breakdown voltage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET includes means to increase the voltage that may be applied to the device without electrical breakdown of the device occurring.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 340]    340With means (other than self-alignment of the gate electrode) to decrease gate capacitance (e.g., shield electrode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET has means (other than self-alignment of the gate electrode) (e.g., an shielding electrode) to decrease the capacitance of the gate electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 341]    341Plural sections connected in parallel (e.g., power MOSFET):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein the graded channel doping short channel IGFET has more than one section and a plurality of those sections are connected electrically in parallel (e.g., to form a power MOSFET).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 342]    342With means to reduce ON resistance:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 341.  Subject matter wherein the device further contains means to reduce the resistance of the device when it is conducting electricity, i.e., in the ON condition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 343]    343All contacts on same surface (e.g., lateral structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 335.  Subject matter wherein all electrical contacts of the device are located on the same external surface of the device, e.g., a lateral structure device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 344]    344With lightly doped portion of drain region adjacent channel (e.g., LDD structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET has a lightly doped portion of the drain region adjacent channel (e.g., a lightly doped drain structure).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 345]    345With means to prevent sub-surface currents, or with non-uniform channel doping:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET contains means to prevent current from flowing below the surface of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 346]    346Gate electrode overlaps the source or drain by no more than depth of source or drain (e.g., self-aligned gate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Subject matter wherein the short channel IGFET has a gate electrode which overlaps the source or drain or both by no more than the thickness of the depth of the source or drain (e.g., a self-aligned gate).
(1) Note. A self-aligned gate is one which is aligned between the source and drain via a masking process which uses the gate material itself to achieve the alignment.


282,283, 332, 387, and 797, for other self-aligned gate devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 347]    347Single crystal semiconductor layer on insulating substrate (SOI):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the field effect device has a single crystal semiconductor layer located on a substrate made of electrically insulating material.
(1) Note. See this class, subclass 49, for active solid-state devices in non-single crystalline layers which may be on insulating substrates. See this class, subclass 506, for active devices in single crystal layers which are dielectrically isolated, but do not include field effect devices.
(2) Note. Material deposited as polycrystalline or amorphous and then recrystallized, as by a scanning laser beam, is considered to be non-single crystalline for purposes of determining classification between this subclass and subclass 49, since such recrystallization typically leaves residual grain boundaries and is thus large grained polycrystalline material, rather than true single crystal material.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 149+ for methods of forming a field effect transistor on an insulating substrate or layer (e.g., SOS, SOI, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 348]    348Depletion mode field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 347.  Subject matter wherein the SOI device is a field effect transistor which operates in the depletion mode, i.e., a FET which passes maximum operating current with the gate to source biased to zero volts.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 349]    349With means (e.g., a buried channel stop layer) to prevent leakage current along the interface of the semiconductor layer and the insulating substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 347.  Subject matter wherein the SOI device includes means to prevent undesirable stray current to flow along the interface between the semiconductor layer and the insulating substrate.
(1) Note. The means to prevent this stray current may be, for example, a thin layer of doped semiconductor material for trapping charge /which would otherwise flow through a channel in the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 350]    350Insulated electrode device is combined with diverse type device (e.g., complementary MOSFETs, FET with resistor, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 347.  Subject matter wherein the SOI device is combined with a different solid-state active or passive device, e.g., to form complementary MOSFETs or a FET combined with a resistor, etc.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 351]    351Complementary field effect transistor structures only (i.e., not including bipolar transistors, resistors, or other components):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Subject matter wherein the field effect transistor and the diverse type device are field effect transistors which are complementary in conductivity type to each other (e.g., provide a CMOS structure).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 352]    352Substrate is single crystal insulator (e.g., sapphire or spinel):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 347.  Subject matter wherein the SOI substrate is a single crystal insulator (e.g., sapphire or spinel).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 353]    353Single crystal islands of semiconductor layer containing only one active device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 352.  Subject matter wherein the single crystal insulator SOI substrate contains single crystal islands of semiconductor material, each island containing only one active solid-state device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 354]    354Including means to eliminate island edge effects (e.g., insulating filling between islands, or ions in island edges):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 353.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to eliminate deleterious effects caused by the edges of each island, such means including, for example, electrically insulating filling between islands, or channel stop regions located in the edges of islands.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 355]    355With overvoltage protective means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device has means to protect it against applied voltage which exceeds that which the device can tolerate before being damaged.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 356]    356For protecting against gate insulator breakdown:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 355.  Subject matter wherein the overvoltage protection means is structured to protect against electrical breakdown (shorting) of the gate insulator.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 357]    357In complementary field effect transistor integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 356.  Subject matter wherein the device includes complementary field effect transistors located in a single monolithic chip.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 358]    358Including resistor element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 357.  Subject matter wherein the device includes an electrical resistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 359]    359As thin film structure (e.g., polysilicon resistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 358.  Subject matter wherein the resistor is in the form of a thin film resistor (e.g., a polysilicon resistor).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 360]    360Protection device includes insulated gate transistor structure (e.g., combined with resistor element):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 356.  Subject matter wherein the means for protecting against insulator breakdown is an insulated gate transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 361]    361For operation as bipolar or punchthrough element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Subject matter wherein the insulated gate transistor structure protection device is configured to operate as a bipolar transistor or to conduct by punchthrough of a depletion region from one pn junction to another pn junction upon application of an overvoltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 362]    362Punchthrough or bipolar element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 356.  Subject matter wherein the means for protecting against insulator breakdown is a bipolar device or is configured to conduct by punchthrough of a depletion region from one pn junction to another pn junction upon application of an overvoltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 363]    363Including resistor element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 356.  Subject matter including an electrical resistive element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 364]    364With resistive gate electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter including a gate (control) electrode which has high electrical resistivity.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 365]    365With plural, separately connected, gate electrodes in same device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device has more than one gate (control) electrode, in the same device, with separate electrical connections to the plural gate (control) electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 366]    366Overlapping gate electrodes:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 365.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the plural gate electrodes overlaps another gate electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 367]    367Insulated gate controlled breakdown of pn junction (e.g., field plate diode):
 Subject matter under 288 including an electrically insulated gate electrode which is used to control the voltage applied to the device to cause breakdown of the pn junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 368]    368Insulated gate field effect transistor in integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device is an insulated gate field effect transistor located in a single monolithic semiconductor chip circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 369]    369Complementary insulated gate field effect transistors:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device is made up of IGFETs that have opposite conductivity channels (p-type and n-type).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 370]    370Combined with bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 369.  Subject matter including at least one bipolar transistor.
(1) Note. An active solid-state electronic device that contains both bipolar and field effect transistors may be referred to as a BI-FET device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 371]    371Complementary transistors in wells of opposite conductivity types more heavily doped than the substrate region in which they are formed, e.g., twin wells:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 369.  Subject matter wherein the complementary IGFETs are located in wells of semiconductor material with electrical conductivity opposite to that of the respective transistors and wherein the wells contain a higher concentration of dopant ions than the semiconductor substrate in which they are located (e.g., twin wells).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 372]    372With means to prevent latchup or parasitic conduction channels:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 369.  Subject matter including means to prevent conduction between regions of complementary IGFETs which form a (parasitic) regenerative structure which remains ON in the absence of a triggering signal.
(1) Note. For a definition of the regenerative structure of this subclass type, see subclass 107.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 373]    373With pn junction to collect injected minority carriers to prevent parasitic bipolar transistor action:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 372.  Subject matter wherein the means for preventing latchup includes a pn junction for collecting minority carriers injected into the device to prevent operation of parasitic bipolar transistors which are otherwise capable of forming part of a parasitic regenerative switching structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 374]    374Dielectric isolation means (e.g., dielectric layer in vertical grooves):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 372.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent latchup includes means to dielectrically isolate the individual IGFETs from each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 375]    375With means to reduce substrate spreading resistance (e.g., heavily doped substrate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 372.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent latchup includes means to reduce the electrical resistance of the substrate to reduce voltage differences between different parts of the substrate due to currents flowing therethrough.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 376]    376With barrier region of reduced minority carrier lifetime (e.g., heavily doped P+ region to reduce electron minority carrier lifetime, or containing deep level impurity or crystal damage), or with region of high threshold voltage (e.g., heavily doped channel stop region):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 372.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent latchup includes an electrical barrier region whose minority carrier lifetime is reduced from its normal value (e.g., by employing heavily doped P+ region to reduce electron minority carrier lifetime, or contains a deep level impurity or crystal damage) or has a region of high threshold voltage (e.g., a heavily doped channel stop region).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 377]    377With polysilicon interconnections to source or drain regions (e.g., polysilicon laminated with silicide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 369.  Subject matter wherein the device contains electrical interconnections to the source and/or drain regions of the IGFETs which are made of polycrystalline silicon (e.g., polysilicon laminated with a silicide).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 378]    378Combined with bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the IGFET is combined with a bipolar transistor in a single semiconductor chip.
(1) Note. An active solid-state electronic device that contains both bipolar and field effect transistors may be referred to as a BI-FET device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 379]    379Combined with passive components (e.g., resistors):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the IGFET is combined with passive electronic solid-state devices (e.g., resistors, inductors, transmission lines, etc.) in the integrated circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 380]    380Polysilicon resistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 379.  Subject matter wherein the device is combined with a resistor made of a polycrystalline form of silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 381]    381With multiple levels of polycrystalline silicon:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 380.  Subject matter wherein the integrated circuit has more than one layer of polycrystalline silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 382]    382With contact to source or drain region of refractory material (e.g., polysilicon, tungsten, or silicide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device has an electrical contact to its source region or drain region wherein the contact is made of a refractory or platinum group metal, or of other material which has a melting point above that of the iron group of metals and which is resistant to heat (e.g., of polysilicon, tungsten or silicide).
(1) Note. Refractory materials include refractory metals and platinum group metals which include metals found in groups IVA, VA, VIA, or VIIIA (other than iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)) of the periodic table of the elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 383]    383Contact of refractory or platinum group metal (e.g., molybdenum, tungsten, or titanium):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 382.  Subject matter wherein the contact to the source or drain region is made of a refractory or platinum group metal (e.g., molybdenum, tungsten, or titanium).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 384]    384Including silicide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 382.  Subject matter wherein the contacts are made of a silicide.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 385]    385Multiple polysilicon layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 382.  Subject matter wherein the refractory material contact to source or drain region includes more than one layer of polysilicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 386]    386With means to reduce parasitic capacitance:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device contains means to reduce unwanted capacitance between elements of the field effect transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 387]    387Gate electrode overlaps at least one of source or drain by no more than depth of source or drain (e.g., self-aligned gate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 386.  Subject matter wherein the gate electrode overlaps at least one source or drain by no more than the depth of the source or the drain (e.g., self-aligned gate).


282,283, 328, 342, and 794, for other self-aligned gate devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 388]    388Gate electrode consists of refractory or platinum group metal or silicide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 387.  Subject matter wherein the gate electrode contains only refractory or platinum group metal (e.g., molybdenum, titanium or tungsten, or a silicide).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 389]    389With thick insulator over source or drain region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 386.  Subject matter wherein the means to reduce the parasitic capacitance is a thick insulating material layer located over the source or drain region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 390]    390Matrix or array of field effect transistors (e.g., array of FETs only some of which are completed, or structure for mask programmed read-only memory (ROM)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the integrated circuit contains a two dimensional array of IGFETs, only some of which are completed devices, or the integrated circuit contains structure for a mask programmed read-only memory device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 391]    391Selected groups of complete field effect devices having different threshold voltages (e.g., different channel dopant concentrations):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 390.  Subject matter wherein selected groups of complete IGFETs have different threshold voltages above which the IGFETs will operate (e.g., different IGFETs have different current carrying channel impurity dopant concentrations).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 392]    392Insulated gate field effect transistors of different threshold voltages in same integrated circuit (e.g., enhancement and depletion mode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the IGFETs have different threshold voltages in the same integrated circuit (e.g., both enhancement and depletion mode IGFETs in the same integrated circuit).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 393]    393Insulated gate field effect transistor adapted to function as load element for switching insulated gate field effect transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device is configured to function as a load element for another IGFET which is switched OFF and ON by signals applied thereto.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 394]    394With means to prevent parasitic conduction channels:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device includes means to prevent the formation of unwanted parasitic field effect transistor elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 395]    395Thick insulator portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 394.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent parasitic conduction channels from forming includes a thick insulator portion.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 396]    396Recessed into semiconductor surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 395.  Subject matter wherein the thick insulator portion is recessed into the semiconductor device surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 397]    397In vertical-walled groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 396.  Subject matter wherein the recessed thick isolator portion is in a groove in the surface of the overall device which extends perpendicular to the surface of the overall device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 398]    398Combined with heavily doped channel stop portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 396.  Subject matter wherein the device is combined with regions of heavy doping concentration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 399]    399Combined with heavily doped channel stop portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 395.  Subject matter wherein the device is combined with regions of heavy doping concentration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 400]    400With heavily doped channel stop portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 394.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent parasitic conduction channels from forming comprises a region of heavy doping concentration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 401]    401With specified physical layout (e.g., ring gate, source/drain regions shared between plural FETs, plural sections connected in parallel to form power MOSFET):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 368.  Subject matter wherein the device has a specific physical configuration or layout (e.g., ring gate).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 402]    402With permanent threshold adjustment (e.g., depletion mode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device includes means for permanently adjusting the threshold voltage at which the device conducts (e.g., depletion mode IGFETs).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 403]    403With channel conductivity dopant same type as that of source and drain:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 402.  Subject matter wherein the device has a channel which is doped with impurity dopant to be the same conductivity type (n or p) as the source and drain.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 404]    404Non-uniform channel doping:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 403.  Subject matter wherein the dopant concentration varies along at least one dimension of the channel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 405]    405With gate insulator containing specified permanent charge:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 402.  Subject matter wherein the device has a gate insulator with a specified permanent electrostatic charge therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 406]    406Plural gate insulator layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 405.  Subject matter wherein the gate insulator is made up of a plurality of gate insulator layers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 407]    407With gate electrode of controlled workfunction material (e.g., low workfunction gate material):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 402.  Subject matter wherein the device has a gate electrode selected to have a controlled amount of minimum energy needed to be applied thereto to liberate an electron from its Fermi-level and send it into free space.


10,and 11, for low workfunction material layer used for electron emission.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 408]    408Including lightly doped drain portion adjacent channel (e.g., lightly doped drain, LDD device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device includes a drain portion adjacent the current channel which is lightly doped with impurities.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 409]    409With means to increase breakdown voltage (e.g., field shield electrode, guard ring, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device has means to increase the voltage that can be applied to the device without causing electrical breakdown of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 410]    410Gate insulator includes material (including air or vacuum) other than SiO2:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the gate electrode insulator includes material other than silicon dioxide.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 411]    411Composite or layered gate insulator (e.g., mixture such as silicon oxynitride):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 410.  Subject matter wherein the gate insulator is made of a composite material or layers of different materials.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 412]    412Gate electrode of refractory material (e.g., polysilicon or a silicide of a refractory or platinum group metal):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 288.  Subject matter wherein the device has a gate electrode which is made of a refractory material (e.g., polysilicon or a silicide of a metal found in groups IVA, VA, VIA, or VIIIA (other than iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)) of the periodic table of the elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 413]    413Polysilicon laminated with silicide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 412.  Subject matter wherein the refractory material is a laminate comprising at least one layer of polysilicon and one layer of a silicide.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device generates an electrical signal in response to a non-electrical signal (e.g., light, heat, pressure) incident thereon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 415]    415Physical deformation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 414.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical signal incident upon the active solid-state device is a force which physically deforms the device.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 50+ for methods of forming semiconductor devices which are responsive to physical deformation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 416]    416Acoustic wave:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 415.  Subject matter wherein the physically deforming force is in the form of a traveling vibration made up of sound energy.


254,for field effect acoustic wave responsive devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 417]    417Strain sensors:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 415.  Subject matter wherein the physically deforming force is that of an applied stress.


254,for field effect strain sensor devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 418]    418With means to concentrate stress:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 417.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device has means to concentrate the physically deforming stress.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 419]    419With thinned central active portion of semiconductor surrounded by thick insensitive portion (e.g. diaphragm type strain gauge):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 418.  Subject matter wherein the means to concentrate the physically deforming stress is a thinned central active portion of semiconductor surrounded by a thick insensitive portion (e.g., a diaphragm type strain gauge).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 420]    420Means to reduce sensitivity to physical deformation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 415.  Subject matter wherein the device contains means to reduce the change in electrical output signal in response to physical deformation of the active junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 421]    421Magnetic field:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 414.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical signal to which the active solid-state device responds, is a magnetic field.


108,for regenerative type magnetic field responsive devices
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 422]    422With magnetic field directing means (e.g., shield, pole piece, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein means is provided for directing a magnetic field to the active solid-state device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 423]    423Bipolar transistor magnetic field sensor (e.g., lateral bipolar transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device includes a bipolar transistor as the magnetic field sensor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 424]    424Sensor with region of high carrier recombination (e.g., magnetodiode with carriers deflected to recombination region by magnetic field):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein the device has a region of high carrier recombination, e.g., a magnetodiode with carriers deflected to the recombination region by the magnetic field.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 425]    425Magnetic field detector using compound semiconductor material (e.g., GaAs, InSb, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein the device is made of a compound semiconductor material (e.g., GaAs, InSb, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 426]    426Differential output (e.g., with offset adjustment means or with means to reduce temperature sensitivity):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein the device has two output terminals and the electrical signal generated by the active solid-state device is the electrical signal difference between the outputs.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 427]    427Magnetic field sensor in integrated circuit (e.g., in bipolar transistor integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 421.  Subject matter wherein the device is located in an integrated circuit (i.e., a solid monolithic semiconductor chip).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 428]    428Electromagnetic or particle radiation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 414.  Subject matter wherein the electrical signal is generated by the device in response to radiant energy in the electromagnetic energy spectrum or in the form of neutral or charged particles (e.g., alpha or beta particles).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 429]    429Charged or elementary particles:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 428.  Subject matter wherein the particle energy is in the form of electrically charged or elementary particles (e.g., alpha or beta particles).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 430]    430With active region having effective impurity concentration less than 1012 atoms/cm3:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 429.  Subject matter wherein the active region of the device has an effective impurity ion dopant concentration less than 1012 atoms/cm3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 431]    431Light:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 428.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical signal to which the device responds is electromagnetic energy in the light frequency/wavelength range (i.e., from infrared (except where the response is mainly due to thermal heating due to the infrared radiation) to visible and ultraviolet).


21,for light responsive superlattice quantum well heterojunction tunneling devices.
53,through 56, for amorphous semiconductor junction material devices which are responsive to non-electrical (e.g., light) signals.
80,through 85, for light emitters combined with or also constituting a light responsive device.
113,through 118, for light activated regenerative type devices.
184,through 189, for light responsive heterojunction devices in non-charge transfer devices.
225,through 234, for charge transfer devices with non-electrical (e.g., light) input.
257,through 258, for light responsive JFET devices.
290,through 294, for light responsive insulated electrode field effect devices.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 54+ for methods of making a temperature responsive semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 432]    432With optical element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the light incident upon the active region passes through an optical element (e.g., a fiber, lens, filter, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 433]    433With housing or encapsulation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to physically protect the device in the form of a housing or medium which embeds the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 434]    434With window means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 433.  Subject matter with means to optically couple the light to the device through a transparent window.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 435]    435With optical shield or mask means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter with means to spatially or temporally block all or part of the light incident on the portions of the device receptor region, other than the intended region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 436]    436With means for increasing light absorption (e.g., redirection of unabsorbed light):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter with means for increasing the amount of light absorbed by the device (e.g., antireflection coatings applied to the device, doping with energy converters, providing reflectors to redirect initially unabsorbed light onto the receptor, etc.).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 437]    437Antireflection coating:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 436.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing light absorption by the junction is a coating applied to the device which reduces reflection of the incident light (e.g., by use of interference films).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 438]    438Avalanche junction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a junction which is operated in the avalanche portion of its operating curve to utilize the avalanche multiplication of photocurrent by means of hole-electron pairs created by absorbed photons.
(1) Note. When the reverse bias voltage applied to the device approaches breakdown level, the holes or electrons collide with substrate atoms to produce an avalanche of hole-electron pairs.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 439]    439Containing dopant adapted for photoionization:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the junction region is provided with impurity dopant atoms which are only ionized to produce free carriers by the incident light.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 440]    440With different sensor portions responsive to different wavelengths (e.g., color imager):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has different portions, some of which respond to different wavelengths of light than do others.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 441]    441Narrow band gap semiconductor (<<1eV) (e.g., PbSnTe):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a semiconductor material which has a gap between its conduction and valence bands which is less than one electron volt.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 442]    442II-VI compound semiconductor (e.g., HgCdTe):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 441.  Subject matter wherein the narrow band gap semiconductor is a compound semiconductor taken from columns II and VI of the periodic table.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 443]    443Matrix or array (e.g., single line arrays):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device is in the form of regularly spaced individual light responsive elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 444]    444Light sensor elements overlie active switching elements in integrated circuit (e.g., where the sensor elements are deposited on an integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 443.  Subject matter wherein the active switching elements are in a monolithic chip which is combined with an array of light responsive elements which overlie the former.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 445]    445With antiblooming means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 443.  Subject matter with means to prevent more than one individual light responsive element from being activated by a very bright spot of light incident on a point of the matrix or array.
(1) Note. The anti-blooming means may drain charge from adjacent individual array elements to some other area, e.g., the substrate. This is known as an overflow drain.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 446]    446With specific isolation means in integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 443.  Subject matter wherein the matrix or array of devices is provided with means to electrically isolate the device from other devices and the overall device is contained in a monolithic semiconductor chip.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 447]    447With backside illumination (e.g., having a thinned central area or a non-absorbing substrate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 443.  Subject matter wherein the matrix or array device is structured to permit incident light to reach the receptor region from the backside of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 448]    448With particular electrode configuration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 443.  Subject matter wherein the matrix or array device has a particular electrode arrangement.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 449]    449Schottky barrier (e.g., a transparent Schottky metallic layer or a Schottky barrier containing at least one of indium or tin (e.g., SnO2, indium tin oxide)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a rectifying junction which is formed between a metal and a semiconductor material (i.e., a Schottky barrier).
(1) Note. The Schottky barrier may, for example, be transparent or contain indium or tin (e.g., SnO2, indium tin oxide).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 450]    450With doping profile to adjust barrier height:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 449.  Subject matter wherein the height of the Schottky barrier is changed by varying the concentration of the impurity dopant in the semiconductor portion of the active junction region of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 451]    451Responsive to light having lower energy (i.e., longer wavelength) than forbidden band gap energy of semiconductor (e.g., by excitation of carriers from metal into semiconductor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 449.  Subject matter wherein the device responds to light having lower energy than the energy difference between the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valance band of the semiconductor material that forms a junction with the metal.
(1) Note. One way to achieve this result is to photoelectrically excite electrons from the metal adjacent the semiconductor into the semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 452]    452With edge protection, e.g., doped guard ring or mesa structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 449.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to reduce electric field concentration or breakdown at edges of the metal and semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 453]    453With specified Schottky metallic layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 449.  Subject matter wherein the device includes a layer of metal which has a specified chemical composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 454]    454Schottky metallic layer is a silicide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 453.  Subject matter wherein the specified Schottky material layer is a compound of metal and silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 455]    455Silicide of Platinum group metal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 454.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky layer is a silicide of a metal found in the period table listed as a platinum group metal (i.e., ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 456]    456Silicide of refractory metal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 454.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky layer comprises a silicide of the refractory metals (i.e., W, Ti, Ta, Hf, Zr, V, Nb, Mo, and Cr).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 457]    457With particular contact geometry (e.g., ring or grid):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 449.  Subject matter wherein the device has a specific geometrical arrangement of electrical contacts.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 458]    458PIN detector, including combinations with non-light responsive active devices:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a pn junction with an intrinsic semiconductor material region (i.e., one with no deliberate impurity dopants) portion between the p- and n-impurity doped regions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 459]    459With particular contact geometry (e.g., ring or grid, or bonding pad arrangement):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a specified electrical contact geometry.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 460]    460With backside illumination (e.g., with a thinned central area or non-absorbing substrate):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device is structured to permit incident light to reach the receptor portion from the backside of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 461]    461Light responsive pn junction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a junction between p-type and n-type material which responds to light incident upon it by generating a signal proportional thereto.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 462]    462Phototransistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 461.  Subject matter wherein the pn junction device is a transistor wherein the device generates an electrical signal in response to light incident on the transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 463]    463With particular doping concentration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 461.  Subject matter wherein the pn junction has a particular impurity dopant concentration or spatial distribution.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 464]    464With particular layer thickness (e.g., layer less than light absorption depth):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 461.  Subject matter wherein the thickness of the junction region is of a specified thickness (e.g., less than the thickness in which light is absorbed).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 465]    465Geometric configuration of junction (e.g., fingers):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 461.  Subject matter wherein the junction has a specified geometrical configuration (e.g., finger shaped).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 466]    466External physical configuration of semiconductor (e.g., mesas, grooves):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 431.  Subject matter wherein the device has a specified external configuration (e.g., with mesas).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 467]    467Temperature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 414.  Subject matter wherein the non-electrical signal to which the device responds is thermal energy.
(1) Note. Infrared energy incident on the active junction which does not cause significant thermal heating of the device is classified in subclass 431.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 54+ for methods of making a temperature responsive semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 468]    468Semiconductor device operated at cryogenic temperature:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 467.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to cool the device for operation at cryogenic levels (e.g., below 100 degrees Kelvin).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 469]    469With means to reduce temperature sensitivity (e.g., reduction of temperature sensitivity of junction breakdown voltage by using a compensating element):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 467.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to reduce the sensitivity of the electrical output of the device to changes in temperature of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 470]    470Pn junction adapted as temperature sensor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 467.  Subject matter wherein the active junction is a pn junction (i.e., forms a boundary between p-type and n-type carrier materials) and generates an electrical signal in response to thermal energy incident upon the active junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 471]    471SCHOTTKY BARRIER:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a Schottky barrier (i.e., a rectifying interface between a semiconductor material and a metal).


54,for Schottky barrier to amorphous semiconductor material device.
73,for Schottky barrier to polycrystalline semiconductor material device.
155,for a regenerative type switching device with switching speed enhancement means (e.g., a Schottky contact).
260,for JFET having the same channel controlled by, for example, Schottky barrier and PN junction gates.
280,through 284, for JFETs with a Schottky gate electrode.
449,through 457, for a light responsive device with a Schottky barrier.
928,for a shorted pn or Schottky junction device.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 570+ for methods of forming a rectifying (Schottky) contact to a semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 472]    472To compound semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky metal is interfaced with a compound semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 473]    473With specified Schottky metal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 472.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky metal interfaced with the compound semiconductor is specifically claimed.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 474]    474As active junction in bipolar transistor (e.g., Schottky collector):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier junction is used as an active bipolar transistor junction (e.g., a Schottky collector).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 475]    475With doping profile to adjust barrier height:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the difference in electrical potential from one side of an active junction to the other has been adjusted by a distribution of impurity dopant in the semiconductor adjacent the Schottky junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 476]    476In integrated structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier device is located in a single monolithic integrated semiconductor chip.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 477]    477With bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 476.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier device is located in a single integrated monolithic semiconductor chip with a bipolar transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 478]    478Plural Schottky barriers with different barrier heights:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 477.  Subject matter wherein the integrated circuit containing a Schottky barrier device contains more than one Schottky barrier with different potential differences existing across the different barriers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 479]    479Connected across base-collector junction of transistor (e.g., Baker clamp):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 477.  Subject matter wherein a Schottky barrier device is electrically connected across the base-collector junction of a bipolar transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 480]    480In voltage variable capacitance diode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier is used in a variable capacitance diode (e.g., "varactor").
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 481]    481Avalanche diode (e.g., so-called "Zener" diode having breakdown voltage greater than 6 volts):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier is in a device designed to operate in avalanche breakdown.


199,for an avalanche diode in a non-charge transfer device having a heterojunction.
551,for an avalanche diode used as a voltage reference element combined with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.
603,through 606, for avalanche diodes not classified above those subclasses in this schedule, i.e., not involving a heterojunction in a non-charge transfer device, or a Schottky barrier, or one used as a voltage reference element with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 482]    482Microwave transit time device (e.g., IMPATT diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 481.  Subject matter wherein the avalanche breakdown provides a power oscillation in the microwave region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 483]    483With means to prevent edge breakdown:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier device has means which help to reduce the electrical field around the edge of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 484]    484Guard ring:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 483.  Subject matter wherein the means to prevent edge breakdown is a guard ring (e.g., a pn junction surrounding the periphery of the Schottky metal).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 485]    485Specified materials:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 471.  Subject matter wherein the Schottky barrier device uses a material of specified composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 486]    486Layered (e.g., a diffusion barrier material layer or a silicide layer or a precious metal layer):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 485.  Subject matter wherein the material, e.g., metal, which forms the Schottky barrier is comprised of layers, for example, a diffusion barrier material layer or a silicide layer or a precious metal layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 487]    487WITH MEANS TO INCREASE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE THRESHOLD:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with means to increase the voltage that may be applied thereto without causing electrical breakdown.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 488]    488Field relief electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the means to increase breakdown voltage comprises an electrode insulated from the semiconductor material of the active solid-state device, and configured so as to reduce the electric field strength at a given voltage applied to the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 489]    489Resistive:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 488.  Subject matter wherein the field relief electrode is a high resistance layer adapted to have a current flow therethrough and a corresponding voltage variation therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 490]    490Combined with floating pn junction guard region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 488.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing breakdown voltage includes, in addition to a field relief electrode, a floating pn junction guard region, i.e., a region free of direct electrical connection located in the material forming one side of an active pn, or other rectifying semiconductor junction, which region forms a pn junction with the material of the one side of the active junction, the guard region being spaced from the active junction, but sufficiently close thereto that the reverse bias depletion region from the active junction can reach the guard junction, whereby the guard junction modifies the shape of the depletion region from the active junction thus lowering the electric field intensity at a given applied reverse voltage across the active junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 491]    491In integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the device with means to increase breakdown voltage is combined in a unitary monolithic semiconductor chip with other active or passive electronic devices.
(1) Note. The means for increasing breakdown voltage in the integrated circuit active device may include a floating pn junction guard region, that is, a region, free of direct electrical connection, located in the material forming one side of an active pn or other rectifying semiconductor junction, which region forms a pn junction with the material of the one side of the active junction, the guard region being spaced from the active junction but sufficiently close thereto that the reverse bias depletion region from the active junction can reach the guard junction, whereby the guard junction modifies the shape of the depletion region from the active junction thus lowering the electric field intensity at a given applied reverse voltage across the active junction.
(2) Note. The means for increasing the breakdown voltage of the integrated circuit device may include a semiconductor surface portion having a physical configuration, such as a bevel or mesa, to reduce electric field strength at a given applied voltage. Typically, the physical configuration will be such that the depletion region from a reverse biased junction in the active device reaches the physically configured surface and is forced by the shape of the surface to spread wider at a given applied reverse voltage than it would otherwise, thus reducing the electric field strength in the depletion layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 492]    492With electric field controlling semiconductor layer having a low enough doping level in relationship to its thickness to be fully depleted prior to avalanche breakdown (e.g., RESURF devices):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 491.  Subject matter wherein the means to increase breakdown voltage of the device includes a layer of semiconductor material having a sufficiently low doping concentration that it may be fully depleted by the depletion region of a reverse biased junction of the active device prior to avalanche breakdown of the active device, so that upon depletion of the layer of semiconductor material, the effective width of the depletion layer of the reverse biased junction of the active device is greatly expanded, thus resulting in smaller increases in electric field intensity with further increases of reverse voltage.
(1) Note. Devices provided with such a layer are sometimes called "RESURF" (Reduced SURFace Field) devices.
(2) Note. In silicon, to be fully depleted without avalanche breakdown, a layer must typically have an integrated doping density (the line integral of doping density along a path through the thickness of the layer) of less than 2x1012 dopant atoms/cm2. The critical integrated doping density varies depending on the properties of the particular semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 493]    493With electric field controlling semiconductor layer having a low enough doping level in relationship to its thickness to be fully depleted prior to avalanche breakdown (e.g., RESURF devices):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the means to increase breakdown voltage of the device includes a layer of semiconductor material having a sufficiently low doping concentration that it may be fully depleted by the depletion region of a reverse biased junction of the active device prior to avalanche breakdown of the active device, so that upon depletion of the layer of semiconductor material, the effective width of the depletion layer of the reverse biased junction of the active device is greatly expanded, thus resulting in smaller increases in electric field intensity with further increases of reverse voltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 494]    494Reverse-biased pn junction guard region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing breakdown voltage in the device includes a reverse biased pn junction guard region, that is, a region located in the material forming one side of an active pn or other rectifying semiconductor junction, which region forms a pn junction with the material of the one side of the active junction, the guard region being adapted to be reverse biased with respect to the material forming one side of the active junction, and being spaced from the active junction, but sufficiently close thereto that the reverse bias depletion region from the active junction can reach the depletion region from the reverse biased guard junction, whereby the depletion region of the guard junction modifies the shape of the depletion region from the active junction thus lowering the electric field intensity at a given applied reverse voltage across the active junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 495]    495Floating pn junction guard region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the means for increasing breakdown voltage in the device includes a floating pn junction guard region, that is, a region, free of direct electrical connection, located in the material forming one side of an active pn or other rectifying semiconductor junction, which region forms a pn junction with the material of the one side of the active junction, the guard region being spaced from the active junction, but sufficiently close thereto that the reverse bias depletion region from the active junction can reach the guard junction, whereby the guard junction modifies the shape of the depletion region from the active junction thus lowering the electric field intensity at a given applied reverse voltage across the active junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 496]    496With physical configuration of semiconductor surface to reduce electric field (e.g., reverse bevels, double bevels, stepped mesas, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 487.  Subject matter wherein the means to increase breakdown voltage includes a semiconductor surface portion having a physical configuration, such as a bevel or mesa, to reduce electric field strength at a given applied voltage. Typically, the physical configuration will be such that the depletion region from a reverse biased junction in the active device reaches the physically configured surface and is forced by the shape of the surface to spread wider at a given applied reverse voltage than it would otherwise, thus reducing the electric field strength in the depletion layer.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter having at least one active pn, Schottky barrier, or other rectifying junction which can be reverse biased to produce a depletion layer, the active junction being spaced from a second junction by a layer of semiconductor material in which the depletion region extending from the active junction is produced, the second junction being one capable of supplying minority carriers to the layer of semiconductor material upon forward bias of the second junction, and in which the second junction is located sufficiently close to the active junction that the depletion region from the active junction can reach the second junction, thereby forward biasing the second junction and causing the injection of minority carriers therefrom which traverse the depletion layer and reach the active junction.


361+,for punchthrough structure elements used to protect against overvoltage gate insulator breakdown of insulated gate devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 498]    498Punchthrough region fully depleted at zero external applied bias voltage (e.g., camel barrier or planar doped barrier devices, or so-called "Bipolar SIT" devices):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 497.  Subject matter wherein the active junction and the second junction are sufficiently closely spaced that the depletion region from the active junction due to the built-in potential of the active junction reaches the second junction even in the absence of a reverse bias voltage across the active junction.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein at least one active solid-state device is provided in a single, monolithic semiconductor chip along with other active or passive elements in the chip, and means are provided to electrically isolate different devices in the monolithic chip from each other.


7,for intervalley transfer bulk effect devices (e.g., Gunn effect devices) in a monolithic integrated circuit.
93,for plural light emitting devices with electrical isolation means in integrated circuit structure.
265,for JFET devices having vertical current path in integrated circuit.
272,through 278, for JFET devices in integrated circuits.
334,for short channel IGFET devices having a gate electrode controlling the vertical portion of the channel and being in a groove in an integrated circuit.
337,and 338, for graded channel short channel IGFET devices in integrated circuit structure.
357,through 359, for insulated electrode field effect devices with gate insulator overvoltage protection means in complementary field effect transistor integrated circuit devices.
368,through 401, for IGFET devices in integrated circuit.
427,for a magnetic field sensor in an integrated circuit.
446,for matrix or array type photodetectors with specific isolation means in an integrated circuit.
491,and 492, for devices with means to increase breakdown voltage in an integrated circuit, including, for example, RESURF devices.
663,for a superconductive contact or lead on an integrated circuit.
713,for cooling means for an integrated circuit device.
758,through 760, for multi-level metallization in, e.g., an integrated circuit device.
922,for a device with means to prevent inspection of or tampering with an integrated circuit.
929,for pn junction isolated integrated circuits with isolation walls having minimum dopant concentration at intermediate depth in epitaxial layer.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 294+ for methods of making laterally spaced, electrically isolated semiconductor regions in combination with insulated gate field effect transistors; subclasses 353+ for methods of making laterally spaced, electrically isolated semiconductor regions in combination with bipolar transistors; and subclasses 400+ for methods of making laterally spaced, electrically isolated semiconductor regions or various
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 500]    500Including high voltage or high power devices isolated from low voltage or low power devices in the same integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the monolithic chip includes both electronic components specifically configured for operation at high voltages or high power levels, along with other electronic components which are configured for operation only at low voltages or power levels.
(1) Note. See this class, subclass 491 for monolithic chips which include active components with specific means provided to increase the breakdown voltage of those active components. The combination of high voltage and low voltage active solid-state devices on the same monolithic chip will only be classified in this subclass (500), if no particular structure is provided to increase the breakdown voltage of the high voltage components.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 501]    501Including dielectric isolation means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 500.  Subject matter wherein the means to electrically isolate different devices in the same monolithic chip, containing both high voltage or power and low voltage or power devices, from each other includes a region of electrical insulator material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 502]    502High power or high voltage device extends completely through semiconductor substrate (e.g., backside collector contact):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 500.  Subject matter wherein at least one high voltage or high power device extends completely through the monolithic chip from the top surface to the bottom surface of the chip.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 503]    503With contact or metallization configuration to reduce parasitic coupling (e.g., separate ground pads for different parts of integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the chip includes contacts or electrical interconnections, such as metal strips deposited on the surface of the chip, which contacts or interconnections are configured in such a manner as to reduce or eliminate unwanted parasitic coupling of electrical signals from one part or component of the integrated circuit to another.
(1) Note. Such configuration might be, for example, a shielding conductive layer connected to fixed potential, or large area metal pads for connection to external supply voltages with plural separate pads provided to connect different parts or components of the same integrated circuit to the same external voltage, to prevent voltage drops from electrical current flowing between a pad and one component from producing a parasitic varying voltage applied to another component.


659,for electrical shielding, in general, in active solid-state devices.
664,for transmission line connections, in general, in active solid-state devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 504]    504Including means for establishing a depletion region throughout a semiconductor layer for isolating devices in different portions of the layer (e.g., "JFET" isolation):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein means are provided for producing a region in a layer which is fully depleted of charge carriers and thereby non-conductive as part of the means for electrically isolating different devices in the chip from each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 505]    505With polycrystalline semiconductor isolation region in direct contact with single crystal active semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the means for electrically isolating different devices in the chip from each other includes at least one region of polycrystalline (i.e., made up of many small crystals) semiconductor material, which polycrystalline isolation region is in direct contact with at least one region of single crystal semiconductor material which forms part of an active solid-state device in the chip.
(1) Note. The polycrystalline isolation region may be either undoped or doped with recombination center doping, in order to make it high resistivity and thus, effectively, an electrical insulator, or may be doped with a p or n dopant in order to form a pn junction with the single crystal material of the active solid-state device so that the rectifying junction between the doped isolation region and the single crystal active portion, when reverse biased, electrically isolates the devices in the chip from each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 506]    506Including dielectric isolation means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the means to electrically isolate different devices in the same monolithic chip from each other includes a region of electrical insulator material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 507]    507With single crystal insulating substrate (e.g., sapphire):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein the means to electrically isolate different devices from each other includes a substrate of single crystal insulating material, upon which the semiconductor material of the active devices is grown in heteroepitaxial relationship therewith.
(1) Note. The substrate may typically be the alpha crystalline phase of aluminum oxide, commonly called sapphire or single crystalline beryllium oxide or single crystal magnesium aluminate known as spinel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 508]    508With metallic conductor within isolating dielectric or between semiconductor and isolating dielectric (e.g., metal shield layer or internal connection layer):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein a metallic (metal or metal-like) conductor is located within the region of electrical insulator material which isolates the components on the chip from each other or is provided between the single crystal semiconductor material of the semiconductor components and the electrical insulator material forming the dielectric isolation.
(1) Note. The metallic conductor may be used to provide interconnections between components on the chip or as an electrical shielding layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 509]    509Combined with pn junction isolation (e.g., isoplanar, LOCOS):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein the means for electrically isolating components in the chip from each other includes, in addition to portions of electrical insulator material, pn junctions separating regions of active devices from each other and/or from a supporting semiconductor substrate.
(1) Note. There are several names in common use for isolation of this type, particularly where the pn junctions provide isolation between active devices and the supporting semiconductor substrate with the dielectric material recessed into the semiconductor between active devices and extending down to the isolating pn junctions to separate devices laterally from each other. Such common names include LOCOS (Local Oxidation of Silicon), ROI (Recessed Oxide Isolation), Isoplanar, and Planox. These terms do not represent different isolation structures, but are merely alternative names for the same type of isolation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 510]    510Dielectric in groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 509.  Subject matter wherein the electrical insulator material forming part of the isolation means is located in grooves in the semiconductor surface (e.g., LOCOS)


374,for CMOS FET dielectric isolation means (e.g., dielectric layer in vertical groove.)
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 511]    511With complementary (npn and pnp) bipolar transistor structures:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 509.  Subject matter wherein the device includes, on the same monolithic chip, both pnp bipolar transistors and npn bipolar transistor structures.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 512]    512Complementary devices share common active region (e.g., integrated injection logic, I2L):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 511.  Subject matter wherein the device includes structures wherein a pnp transistor shares a semiconductor region with an npn transistor, e.g., where the base region of the pnp transistor serves also as the emitter of the npn transistor and the collector of the pnp transistor serves as the base region of the npn transistor.
(1) Note. Search this class, subclass 107 for regenerative switching devices, which typically are in the form of a pnp transistor and an npn transistor, the collector and base of the pnp transistor forming the base and collector, respectively, of the npn transistor.
(2) Note. A typical structure in which pnp transistors and npn transistors share regions in common is that called Integrated injection logic, I2L (formerly alternatively called merged transistor logic, MTL), in which a pnp transistor serves to supply base region current to a multicollector npn transistor, with the base region of the npn being the logic circuit input and the multiple collectors providing logic fan out to plural further logic gates.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 513]    513Vertical walled groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the dielectric isolation is located in grooves in the surface of the overall device which extend perpendicular to the surface of the overall device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 514]    514With active junction abutting groove (e.g., "walled emitter"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 513.  Subject matter wherein at least one pn junction forming a part of an active solid-state device terminates against the dielectric filling in the vertical walled isolation groove.
(1) Note. If the emitter-base junction terminates against a dielectric isolation sidewall, this is termed a "walled emitter" transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 515]    515With active junction abutting groove (e.g., "walled emitter"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein at least one pn junction forming a part of an active solid-state device terminates against the dielectric filling in the isolation groove.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 516]    516With passive component (e.g., resistor, capacitor, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the device contains, in addition to at least one active solid-state device, at least one passive component, such as a resistor or capacitor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 517]    517With bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the device contains at least one bipolar transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 518]    518With polycrystalline connecting region (e.g., polysilicon base contact):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 517.  Subject matter wherein the device has portions of polycrystalline (i.e., made up of many small crystals) semiconductor material serving as electrical contacts or connections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 519]    519Including heavily doped channel stop region adjacent groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the device has at least one heavily doped semiconductor region adjacent a dielectric filled groove to prevent formation of parasitic inversion channels in the semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 520]    520Conductive filling in dielectric-lined groove (e.g., polysilicon backfill):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the device has the grooves filled with a lining of dielectric material together with a conductive filling in the groove, the conductive filling being separated from the semiconductor material by the dielectric lining of the groove.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 521]    521Sides of grooves along major crystal planes (e.g., (111), (100) planes, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 510.  Subject matter wherein the device has grooves for the isolation whose sides are oriented along one or more major crystal planes of the semiconductor material in which the grooves are formed.
(1) Note. Major crystal planes are considered to be the (111), (110), and (100) planes in a crystal with cubic symmetry.
(2) Note. See illustration, below.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 521

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 522]    522Air isolation (e.g., beam lead supported semiconductor islands):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein the isolation means is air (e.g., islands of semiconductor material supported by beam leads and separated by air).


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclass 411 for methods of forming electrically isolated semiconductor islands held in place by beam lead metallization; subclass 461 for methods of forming beam leads on a semiconductor substrate combined with dicing of the substrate into plural separate bodies; and subclass 611 for methods of forming beam lead metallization on a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 523]    523Isolation by region of intrinsic (undoped) semiconductor material (e.g., including region physically damaged by proton bombardment):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein the electrical insulator material which provides the dielectric isolation includes a region of intrinsic (undoped) semiconductor material, with resulting high resistivity.
(1) Note. The isolation region may contain a region which has been physically damaged by proton bombardment or by other means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 524]    524Full dielectric isolation with polycrystalline semiconductor substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 506.  Subject matter wherein the integrated circuit substrate is made of polycrystalline semiconductor material and the isolation means is a dielectric material which surrounds each active solid-state semiconductor device, resulting is those devices becoming islands in a sea of dielectric material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 525]    525With complementary (npn and pnp) bipolar transistor structures:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 524.  Subject matter wherein the device includes complementary bipolar transistors (i.e., includes both pnp and npn bipolar transistors).
(1) Note. The device may include complementary lateral bipolar transistor structures.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 526]    526With bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 524.  Subject matter wherein the device includes at least one bipolar transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 527]    527Sides of isolated semiconductor islands along major crystal planes (e.g., (111), (100) planes, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 524.  Subject matter wherein the device has sides of the isolated single crystal semiconductor islands which are oriented along one or more major crystal planes of the semiconductor material of the islands.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 528]    528Passive components in ICs:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the device is contained in a single, monolithic chip with electrical components which are passive, i.e., which do not have gain, for example, pure capacitors, inductors, or resistors.


379,for a passive component combined with an IGFET device in an integrated circuit.
516,for passive components in an integrated circuit with dielectric in groove and pn junction isolation.
904,for a FET combined with passive components adapted for use as a static memory cell.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 529]    529Including programmable passive component (e.g., fuse):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 528.  Subject matter wherein a passive component is programmable, i.e., may be permanently altered (e.g., a fuse - a protective device designed to open a circuit in response to an excessive current).


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 467 , 600, and 601 for methods of forming or modifying electrically alterable structures for selectively interconnecting electrical devices on a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 530]    530Anti-fuse:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 529.  Subject matter wherein an element which is normally non-conductive is made conductive (e.g., a capacitor) that is, that can be selectively electrically shorted.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 531]    531Including inductive element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 528.  Subject matter wherein the device includes an electrical inductor, i.e., an element that tends to oppose any change of current applied thereto because of a magnetic field generated by the inductor itself.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 532]    532Including capacitor component:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 528.  Subject matter wherein the device includes an electrical capacitor, i.e., a passive element with electrical conductors separated by a dielectric material which stores electrical charge when potential differences exist between the conductive elements of the capacitor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 533]    533Combined with resistor to form RC filter structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 532.  Subject matter wherein the capacitor element is combined with an electrical resistance element to form an electrical filter in the form of an integrated RC filter circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 534]    534With means to increase surface area (e.g., grooves, ridges, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 532.  Subject matter wherein the device includes means to increase the surface area of the device by, for example, grooves or ridges in the surface of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 535]    535Both terminals of capacitor isolated from substrate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 532.  Subject matter wherein the device includes a capacitor, both terminals of which are electrically isolated from the integrated circuit chip substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 536]    536Including resistive element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 528.  Subject matter wherein the device includes an electrical resistance element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 537]    537Using specific resistive material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 536.  Subject matter wherein the passive resistive element is a specific chemical element, compound, or composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 538]    538Polycrystalline silicon (doped or undoped):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 537.  Subject matter wherein the specific resistive material is a silicon material made up of many single crystals having a random orientation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 539]    539Combined with bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 536.  Subject matter wherein the device includes at least one bipolar transistor structure along with the resistive element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 540]    540With compensation for non-linearity (e.g., dynamic isolation pocket bias):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 539.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to compensate for non-linearity of the resistor, such as by provision of varying bias voltage to a semiconductor pocket which forms a pn junction with the resistive element and provides electrical isolation therefor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 541]    541Pinch resistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 539.  Subject matter wherein the resistor element has a structure in the form of a layer of one conductivity type sandwiched between a pair of regions of opposite conductivity type, so that the upper region of opposite conductivity type restricts the thickness of the resistive layer and thus increases its resistivity.
(1) Note. Typically, the resistor will have the same doping profile as the base region of the bipolar transistor, while the lower opposite conductivity type region will have the same doping profile as the bipolar transistor collector, and the upper, or "pinching" region, will have the same doping profile as the bipolar transistor emitter.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 542]    542Resistor has same doping as emitter or collector of bipolar transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 539.  Subject matter wherein the resistor region has the same doping concentration and profile (e.g., is formed in the same step as) either the emitter or the collector region of the bipolar transistor with which the resistor is combined in the same integrated circuit.
(1) Note. Most resistors in bipolar integrated circuits are formed with the same doping step as the bipolar transistor base regions. Resistors that are instead formed at the same doping step as the emitter or collector, rather than the base, go in this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 543]    543Lightly doped junction isolated resistor (e.g., ion implanted resistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 539.  Subject matter wherein the resistive element is of the form of a lightly doped layer of one conductivity type located in a region of opposite conductivity type, such that the pn junction between the resistor region and its containing opposite conductivity type region serves to isolate the resistor.
(1) Note. A resistor region is considered to be lightly doped if it is substantially less heavily doped than the base region of the bipolar transistors in the same integrated circuit, or if it is has a doping density not greater than 100 times that of the opposite conductivity type region in which it is contained.
(2) Note. Such lightly doped resistors are typically formed by the process of ion implantation, wherein desired dopant atoms are placed in the semiconductor body by ionizing the dopant material and accelerating the resulting ions through a carefully controlled voltage to impinge on the surface of the semiconductor material, so that the depth of the resulting dopant atoms is determined by the accelerating voltage and the doping density is determined by the flux of the ion beam.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 544]    544With pn junction isolation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the means for electrically isolating different devices from each other includes a pn junction located between the devices to be isolated.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 545]    545With means to control isolation junction capacitance (e.g., lightly doped layer at isolation junction to increase depletion layer width):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with means, such as a lightly doped semiconductor layer at the isolation junction, to control (e.g., increase or decrease) the capacitance of the isolation junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 546]    546With structural means to protect against excess or reversed polarity voltage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter wherein means is provided to protect the circuit or its components from application of an excessive or reversed polarity voltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 547]    547With structural means to control parasitic transistor action or leakage current:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter including means to control or reduce parasitic bipolar transistor action, i.e., bipolar transistor action in which the substrate and isolation junctions of the integrated circuit act as active junctions of an unintended bipolar transistor, or to control or reduce leakage currents associated with the pn isolation junctions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 548]    548At least three regions of alternating conductivity types with dopant concentration gradients decreasing from surface of semiconductor (e.g., "triple-diffused" integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter including at least three regions of alternating conductivity type (p or n), with each successive region contained within the previous region, and each of the regions having a doping concentration which decreases with distance from the same external surface of the semiconductor body.
(1) Note. Junction isolated integrated circuits of this type are typically manufactured by starting with an uniformly doped p-type semiconductor body to serve as the substrate, then diffusing spaced n-type regions into the P substrate to form collectors of npn transistors, and then successively diffusing p-type base and n-type emitters into the spaced n-type regions. Junction isolated integrated circuits of this type are simple to manufacture, due to the reduced number of processing steps involved, but suffer from non-optimum doping concentration profiles, particularly in the collector regions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 549]    549With substrate and lightly doped surface layer of same conductivity type, separated by subsurface heavily doped region of opposite conductivity type (e.g., "collector diffused isolation" integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter wherein the junction isolation is formed in an integrated circuit with a substrate and lightly doped surface layer of the same conductivity type, separated by subsurface heavily doped region of opposite conductivity type (e.g., "collector diffused isolation" integrated circuit).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 550]    550With lightly doped surface layer of one conductivity type on substrate of opposite conductivity type, having plural heavily doped portions of the one conductivity type between the layer and substrate, different ones of the heavily doped portions having differing depths or physical extent:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter wherein the junction isolation is formed in an integrated circuit with a lightly doped surface layer of one conductivity type on substrate of opposite conductivity type, having plural heavily doped portions of the one conductivity type between the layer and substrate, different ones of the heavily doped portions having differing depths or physical extent.
(1) Note. The heavily doped portions are usually "subcollector" contact regions, low resistance connections to the bottom of the collector region of a bipolar transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 551]    551Including voltage reference element (e.g., avalanche diode, so-called "Zener diode" with breakdown voltage greater than 6 volts or with positive temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter including a voltage reference element, i.e., a device which limits the operating voltage of one or more active devices in the integrated circuit (e.g., an avalanche diode, so-called "Zener diode" with breakdown voltage greater than 6 volts, or with positive temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage).


199,for an avalanche diode in a non-charge transfer device having a heterojunction.
481,and 482, for Schottky barrier avalanche diodes.
603,through 606, for avalanche diodes not classified above those subclasses in this schedule, i.e., not involving a heterojunction in a non-charge transfer device or a Schottky barrier, or one used as a voltage reference element with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 552]    552With bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 544.  Subject matter wherein the junction isolation is formed in an integrated circuit between active devices at least one of which has a bipolar transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 553]    553Transistors of same conductivity type (e.g., npn) having different current gain or different operating voltage characteristics:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 552.  Subject matter wherein plural bipolar transistor structures are present which have the same electrical conductivity type (e.g., npn) but have different current gain or different operating voltage characteristics.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 554]    554With connecting region made of polycrystalline semiconductor material (e.g., polysilicon base contact):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 552.  Subject matter wherein a connecting region or contact made of a polycrystalline semiconductor material is present in the bipolar integrated circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 555]    555Complementary bipolar transistor structures (e.g., integrated injection logic, I2L):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 552.  Subject matter wherein the device contains complementary bipolar transistor structures (i.e., both pnp and npn bipolar transistor structures).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 556]    556Including lateral bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 555.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the pnp or npn complementary bipolar transistors is a lateral structure (i.e., has current flow between its emitter and collector parallel to a major surface of the semiconductor chip).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 557]    557Lateral bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the device includes at least one bipolar transistor which has a lateral structure (i.e., has current flow between its emitter and collector parallel to a major surface of the semiconductor chip).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 558]    558With base region doping concentration step or gradient or with means to increase current gain:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 557.  Subject matter wherein the device has a base region with a variable impurity dopant concentration across it, or wherein means are provided to increase the current gain of the transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 559]    559With active region formed along groove or exposed edge in semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 557.  Subject matter wherein the device has a groove or exposed edge and an active region of the bipolar transistor is formed along the groove or exposed edge.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 560]    560With multiple collectors or emitters:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 557.  Subject matter wherein the device has more than one collector region or more than one emitter region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 561]    561With different emitter to collector spacings or facing areas:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 560.  Subject matter wherein the device has different emitter to collector spacings for different collectors or emitters.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 562]    562With auxiliary collector/re-emitter between emitter and output collector (e.g., "Current Hogging Logic" device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 560.  Subject matter wherein the device has a region located between its emitter and its collector which serves as an auxiliary collector/re-emitter, i.e., the auxiliary region collects carriers emitted by the emitter and re-emits them to the collector (e.g., a "Current Hogging Logic" device).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 563]    563With multiple separately connected emitter, collector, or base regions in same transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 499.  Subject matter wherein the device includes two or more separately connected (i.e., not commonly connected) emitter, collector, or base regions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 564]    564Multiple base or collector regions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 563.  Subject matter wherein the device contains two or more separately connected base or collector regions, but not more than one separately connected emitter region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 565]    565BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR STRUCTURE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device comprises at least one bipolar transistor.


47,for bipolar transistor structure having a metal contact alloyed to elemental semiconductor type pn junction in a non-regenerative structure.
511,for complementary bipolar transistor structure having dielectric-in-groove isolation and pn junction isolation in an integrated circuit.
517,and 518, for bipolar transistor structure having dielectric-in-groove isolation and pn junction isolation in an integrated circuit.
525,for complementary bipolar structure with full dielectric isolation in an integrated circuit.
526,for bipolar structure with full dielectric isolation in an integrated circuit.
552,through 556, for bipolar transistor structure combined with pn junction isolation in an integrated circuit.
557,through 562, for integrated circuits with electrically isolated lateral bipolar transistor structure.


148Metal Treatment,   digests 10 and 11 for bipolar transistor devices.
326Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry,   particularly subclasses 18+ , 42+, 48, 75+, 89+, 109+, and 124+ for logic circuits utilizing bipolar transistors.
327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   particularly subclasses 204 , 207, 405, 411+, 417, 432+, 439, 459, 462, 463, 474, 475, and 478+ for miscellaneous nonlinear circuits with explicitly recited bipolar transistors.
330Amplifiers,   subclasses 250+ for amplifiers with transistors which may be bipolar transistors and subclass 300 which explicitly provides for bipolar or field effect transistors.
341Coded Data Generation or Conversion,   subclasses 127+ for bipolar analog to or from digital converters and subclass 133 for such device with a drift (graded base) transistor element.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclasses 309+ for methods of forming bipolar transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 566]    566Plural non-isolated transistor structures in same structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the bipolar structure includes more than one bipolar transistor in a structure without electrical isolation between transistors.
(1) Note. See subclass 499, above, for integrated circuits with electrical isolation, including with bipolar transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 567]    567Darlington configuration (i.e., emitter to collector current of input transistor supplied to base region of output transistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 566.  Subject matter wherein the plural non-electrically isolated transistor structures are arranged in a Darlington configuration (i.e., wherein the emitter to collector current of an input transistor is supplied to the base region of an output transistor).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 568]    568More than two Darlington-connected transistors:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein the device contains more than two Darlington-connected bipolar transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 569]    569Complementary Darlington-connected transistors:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein the Darlington configuration comprises two bipolar transistors which have a complementary connection, i.e., the input transistor is of one conductivity type (e.g., npn) and the other is of the opposite conductivity type (e.g., pnp).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 570]    570With active components in addition to Darlington transistors (e.g., antisaturation diode, bleeder diode connected antiparallel to input transistor base-emitter junction, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein the device contains active solid-state devices in addition to Darlington bipolar transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 571]    571Non-planar structure (e.g., mesa emitter, or having a groove to define resistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein the device is a non-planar structure (i.e., the upper surface is not a completely flat, unbroken surface).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 572]    572With resistance means connected between transistor base regions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein the device includes a resistor element structure connecting the base regions of the Darlington bipolar transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 573]    573With housing or contact structure or configuration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 567.  Subject matter wherein a housing or electrical contact structure is provided for the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 574]    574Complementary transistors share common active region (e.g., integrated injection logic, I2L):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 566.  Subject matter wherein the device includes complementary transistors (i.e., bipolar transistors of different conductivity types) which share a common active region (e.g., integrated injection logic, I2L).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 575]    575Including lateral bipolar transistor structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 574.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the complementary bipolar transistors sharing a common region is a lateral bipolar transistor (i.e., has current flow between its emitter and collector parallel to a major surface of the semiconductor chip).


423,for lateral and other bipolar transistor magnetic field responsive structure.
557+,for electrically isolated lateral bipolar transistor structures in an integrated circuit.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 576]    576With contacts of refractory material (e.g., polysilicon, silicide of refractory or platinum group metal):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 575.  Subject matter wherein the device has electrical contacts which are made of a refractory material (e.g., polysilicon, or a silicide of a metal found in groups IVA, VA, VIA or VIIIA (other than iron (Fe) nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)) of the periodic table of the elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 577]    577Including additional component in same, non-isolated structure (e.g., transistor with diode, transistor with resistor, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device includes an additional component (e.g., a diode or a resistor) in the same non-electrically isolated structure with the bipolar transistor structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 578]    578With enlarged emitter area (e.g., power device):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has relatively enlarged emitter cross-sectional areas (e.g., power devices).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 579]    579With separate emitter areas connected in parallel:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 578.  Subject matter wherein there are a plurality of separate emitter areas which are electrically connected in parallel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 580]    580With current ballasting means (e.g., emitter ballasting resistors or base current ballasting means):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 579.  Subject matter wherein current ballasting means is provided to divide emitter current more evenly between the plurality of separate emitter areas which are electrically interconnected in parallel.


164,for regenerative devices having multiemitter regions which may include emitter ballasting resistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 581]    581Thin film ballasting means (e.g., polysilicon resistor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 580.  Subject matter wherein the ballasting means comprises thin film resistor means (e.g., a thin film polysilicon resistor).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 582]    582With current ballasting means (e.g., emitter ballasting resistors or base current ballasting resistors):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 578.  Subject matter wherein the enlarged emitter area has a current ballasting means (e.g., emitter ballasting resistors).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 583]    583With means to reduce transistor action in selected portions of transistor (e.g., heavy base region doping under central web of emitter to prevent secondary breakdown):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 578.  Subject matter wherein there are means in selected portions of the transistor to reduce the transistor action in those portions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 584]    584With housing or contact (i.e., electrode) means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 578.  Subject matter wherein the enlarged emitter area device is provided with a housing (means to protect the device from the environment) or with electrical contact means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 585]    585With means to increase inverse gain:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein there are means associated with the transistor to increase the gain in an inverse mode of operation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 586]    586With non-planar semiconductor surface (e.g., groove, mesa, bevel, etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has a non-planar upper or side surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 587]    587With specified electrode means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has specific electrode means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 588]    588Including polycrystalline semiconductor as connection:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 587.  Subject matter wherein the electrode means includes polysilicon semiconductor material to make an electrical connection.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 589]    589Avalanche transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device is a bipolar transistor designed to be operated with its base-collector junction biased into avalanche breakdown.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 590]    590With means to reduce minority carrier lifetime (e.g., region of deep level dopant or region of crystal damage):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has means to reduce the minority carrier lifetime, i.e., before recombination with a majority carrier, by, for example, a region of deep level dopant or a region of damage to the semiconductor crystal.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 591]    591With emitter region having specified doping concentration profile (e.g., high-low concentration step):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has an emitter region with a specified impurity dopant concentration profile (e.g., a specified concentration gradient across the emitter region).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 592]    592With base region having specified doping concentration profile or specified configuration (e.g., inactive base more heavily doped than active base or base region has constant doping concentration portion (e.g., epitaxial base)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device has a base region with a cross section that has a specified impurity dopant concentration across it or has a particular geometric configuration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 593]    593With means to increase current gain or operating frequency:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 565.  Subject matter wherein the device includes means to increase the current gain or the operating frequency of the devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 594]    594WITH GROOVE TO DEFINE PLURAL DIODES:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device has more than one diode and has a groove therein to separate the diodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 595]    595VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DEVICE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device has a capacitance which varies with the voltage applied thereto.
(1) Note. This type of voltage variable capacitor device is to be distinguished from voltage variable capacitors (also referred to as varactors) which are passive devices only and which may be found, for example, in Class 361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices, subclass 277, and Class 332, Modulators, subclass 136, modulators with varactors.


312,for insulated gate type voltage variable capacitor devices or voltage variable capacitor devices combined with an insulated gate transistor.
438,Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process, subclass 379 for methods of forming a voltage variable capacitance device utilizing a semiconductor substrate.
480,for a voltage variable capacitor diode with a Schottky barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 596]    596With specified dopant profile:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device has a cross section which has a specified impurity dopant concentration across it.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 597]    597Retrograde dopant profile (e.g., dopant concentration decreases with distance from rectifying junction):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 596.  Subject matter wherein the device contains a rectifying junction and wherein the variable dopant concentration decreases with distance from the rectifying junction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 598]    598With plural junctions whose depletion regions merge to vary voltage dependence:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device has more than one junction with depletion regions that merge to achieve a capacitance that varies with applied voltage.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 599]    599With means to increase active junction area (e.g., grooved or convoluted surface):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with an increased active junction area (e.g., grooves or a convoluted surface to increase the active junction area).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 600]    600With physical configuration to vary voltage dependence (e.g., mesa):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device has a physical configuration (e.g., a mesa) to vary the voltage dependency of the capacitance.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 601]    601Plural diodes in same non-isolated structure, or device having three or more terminals:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device is comprised of more than one diode located in the same non-isolated structure, or is a device which has three or more electrical terminals.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 602]    602With specified housing or contact:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 595.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with a specific housing (structure to protect the device from the environment) or electrical contact structure.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter configured to operate in a manner in which an external voltage is applied in the reverse-conducting direction of the device junction with sufficient magnitude to cause the potential barrier at the junction to breakdown due to electrons or holes gaining sufficient speed to dislodge valence electrons and thus create more hole-electron current carriers by an avalanche process.
(1) Note. This includes the so-called "Zener" diode using silicon as a semiconductor which has a breakdown voltage greater than 6 volts. True Zener diodes conduct by reverse tunneling, and are classified in subclass 106. However, many avalanche breakdown diodes which are classifiable in subclass 603 are called "Zener" diodes even though the breakdown mechanism is avalanche multiplication, rather than tunneling. In silicon, pn junctions which break down at less than 5 volts, do so by reverse tunneling, while those that break down at above 6 volts, do so by avalanche multiplication.
(2) Note. See the illustration, below:

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 603


106,for a reverse bias tunneling diode (Zener diode).
199,for an avalanche diode having a heterojunction.
481,for a Schottky barrier avalanche diode.
551,for an avalanche diode used as a voltage reference element combined with pn junction isolation means in an integrated circuit.


327Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,   subclasses 185+ for stable state circuits which may include an avalanche diode; subclass 326 for limiting, clipping, or clamping utilizing an avalanche diode; subclass 502 for gating circuits utilizing an avalanche diode; and subclass 584 for miscellaneous circuits utilizing an avalanche diode.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   subclass 91 for methods of making a light responsive avalanche diode and subclass 380 for making an avalanche diode utilizing a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 604]    604Microwave transit time device (e.g., IMPATT diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 603.  Subject matter wherein the device is structured to operate as a transit time device at microwave frequencies, the frequency at which it operates being determined by the transit time of charge carriers through the depletion region which extends on both sides of the reverse biased junction (e.g., an Impact ionization avalanche transit time (IMPATT) diode).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 605]    605With means to limit area of breakdown (e.g., guard ring having higher breakdown voltage):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 603.  Subject matter in which the avalanche diode device is provided with means to limit the area of the device in which electrical breakdown occurs (e.g., a guard ring having a higher breakdown voltage than the area it surrounds).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 606]    606Subsurface breakdown:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 605.  Subject matter wherein the voltage breakdown occurs below the surface of the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 607]    607WITH SPECIFIED DOPANT (e.g., plural dopants of same conductivity in same region):
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device contains impurity dopant atoms which are specified and are used to change the conductive properties of the semiconductor material.
(1) Note. If the dopant is in Si or Ge, it may be a shallow level dopant, other than an element from group III or group V of the periodic table (e.g., a dopant such as Li in Ge).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 608]    608Switching device based on filling and emptying of deep energy levels:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 607.  Subject matter wherein the device utilizes charge carrier filling and emptying of deep energy levels within the forbidden gap of semiconductor material of the device to produce a switching or ON/OFF action.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 609]    609For compound semiconductor (e.g., deep level dopant):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 607.  Subject matter wherein the specified dopant is in a compound semiconductor (e.g., GaAs).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 610]    610Deep level dopant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 607.  Subject matter including a specified dopant which establishes traps in the forbidden band of a semiconductor into which carriers may drop or rise.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 611]    611With specified distribution (e.g., laterally localized, with specified concentration distribution or gradient):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 610.  Subject matter wherein the deep level dopant has a particular, specified distribution (e.g., with a specified concentration distribution or gradient).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 612]    612Deep level dopant other than gold or platinum:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 610.  Subject matter wherein the deep level dopant is other than gold or platinum.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 613]    613INCLUDING SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL OTHER THAN SILICON OR GALLIUM ARSENIDE (GaAs) (E.G., PbxSn1-xTe):
 Subject matter under the subclass definition which includes semiconducting material other than silicon or gallium arsenide (GaAs).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 614]    614Group II-VI compound (e.g., CdTe, HgxCd1-xTe):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 613.  Subject matter wherein the semiconducting material other than silicon or gallium arsenide is a compound of the periodic table group II-VI (e.g., CdTe).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 615]    615Group III-V compound (e.g., InP):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 613.  Subject matter wherein the semiconducting material other than silicon or gallium arsenide is a compound of the periodic table group III-V (e.g., InP).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 616]    616Containing germanium, Ge:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 613.  Subject matter wherein the semiconducting material other than silicon or gallium arsenide contains germanium (Ge).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 617]    617INCLUDING REGION CONTAINING CRYSTAL DAMAGE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device includes a region which has crystal damage.
(1) Note. The crystal damage may have been caused by charged or elementary particles bombardment of a particular region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 618]    618PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR (E.G., MESA, BEVEL, GROOVE, ETC.):
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device has a particular physical form, such as a mesa or bevel or groove.


171,for regenerative devices with edge features (e.g., bevels).
496,for devices with physical configuration (e.g., bevels) to increase breakdown voltage threshold.
586,for bipolar transistor devices with non-planar semiconductor surfaces (e.g., bevels).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 619]    619With thin active central semiconductor portion surrounded by thicker inactive shoulder (e.g., for mechanical support):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter wherein the device has a thin active central configuration which is surrounded by a thicker inactive shoulder region (e.g., for mechanical support).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 620]    620With peripheral feature due to separation of smaller semiconductor chip from larger wafer (e.g., scribe region, or means to prevent edge effects such as leakage current at peripheral chip separation area):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter wherein the physical configuration is at the periphery of the semiconductor chip due to the separation of the chip from a larger wafer.


297,for insulated gate capacitor or insulated gate transistor combined with capacitor devices with charge leakage (e.g., dark current leakage) protection means.
349,for SOI devices with means to prevent leakage current.
547,for integrated circuit devices with pn junction isolation and structural means to control leakage current.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 621]    621With electrical contact in hole in semiconductor (e.g., lead extends through semiconductor body):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter wherein the physical configuration is a hole in the semiconductor through which an electrical contact extends.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 622]    622Groove:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter in which there is a physical groove in a surface of the semiconductor device.


117,and 118, for light activated regenerative type devices having a groove, e.g., that contains a light conductor.
127,for a bidirectional rectifier with control electrode and a groove or guard ring to separate the device into sections having different conductive polarity.
170,for a regenerative type device with a groove or other surface feature to increase breakdown voltage.
244,for a charge transfer device having a groove.
283,for a JFET with Schottky gate closely aligned with source region with a groove or overhang for alignment.
284,for a JFET with Schottky gate in a groove.
330,through 334, for a short channel IGFET with a gate electrode in a groove for controlling a vertical portion of the device channel.
397,for an IGFET in an integrated circuit with a thick insulator portion recessed in a vertical walled groove in the semiconductor surface to prevent parasitic conduction channels.
466,for a light responsive device with a physical configuration feature (e.g., a groove).
534,for a passive component located in a groove in an integrated circuit device.
571,for Darlington configuration bipolar transistor structure having a nonplanar structure (e.g., a groove).
586,for a bipolar transistor structure with a nonplanar surface (e.g., a groove).
589,for a voltage variable capacitance device with means to increase active junction area (e.g., a groove).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 623]    623Mesa structure (e.g., including undercut or stepped mesa configuration or having constant slope taper):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter wherein the physical configuration is that of a mesa (e.g., there is at least one flat topped protrusion above the rest of the surface of the semiconductor body).


170,for regenerative devices with mesa structure.
452,and 466, for light responsive devices with mesa structure.
571,for bipolar transistors with mesa structure.
600,for voltage variable capacitance active solid-state devices with mesa structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 624]    624With low resistance ohmic connection means along exposed mesa edge (e.g., contact or heavily doped region along exposed mesa to reduce "skin effect" losses in microwave diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 623.  Subject matter wherein there is a low resistance ohmic connection means along the exposed edge of the mesa.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 625]    625Semiconductor body including mesa is intimately bonded to thick electrical and/or thermal conductor member of larger lateral extent than semiconductor body (e.g., "plated heat sink" microwave diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 623.  Subject matter wherein the mesa semiconductor body is intimately bonded (e.g., by electroplating the semiconductor with a thick metal layer) to a thick electrical and/or thermal conductor member of larger lateral extent than the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 626]    626Combined with passivating coating:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 623.  Subject matter wherein there is a surface protectant or passivating coating on the surface of the mesa physical configuration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 627]    627With specified crystal plane or axis:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 618.  Subject matter wherein the physical configuration of the device is along a specified crystal plane or axis.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 628]    628Major crystal plane or axis other than (100), (110), or (111) (e.g., (731) axis, crystal plane several degrees from (100) toward (011), etc.):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 627.  Subject matter wherein the major crystal plane or axis is other than (100), (110), or (111).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 629]    629WITH MEANS TO CONTROL SURFACE EFFECTS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active junction device has means to modify (e.g., reduce, or eliminate) electrical field effects which take place at the device surface or to modify (e.g., reduce or eliminate) inhomogeneities in electrical properties of a semiconductor crystal region due to effects caused by the discontinuity of the crystal lattice at the surface.
(1) Note. Such effects include formation of an inversion layer of minority carriers at the semiconductor surface, or depletion of majority carriers at the semiconductor surface, due to charge in an insulating coating on the surface or due to dangling bonds where the crystal structure of the semiconductor ends at the surface, leakage current via charge flow over a surface rather than through it, etc.


487,for a semiconductor device provided with means to increase breakdown voltage of the device (which may involve surface effects).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 630]    630With inversion-preventing shield electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 629.  Subject matter wherein the means to control surface effects includes an electrode, insulated from the semiconductor surface, which electrode is configured to prevent inversion of the conductivity type of the surface due to surface effects.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 631]    631In compound semiconductor material (e.g., GaAs):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 629.  Subject matter wherein the means to control surface effects are provided in a compound semiconductor material (e.g., GaAs).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 632]    632Insulating coating:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 629.  Subject matter wherein there is a surface coating of electrically insulating material on the semiconductor body to control surface effects.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 633]    633With thermal expansion compensation (e.g., thermal expansion of glass passivant matched to that of semiconductor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating coating includes means to compensate for mismatches in thermal expansion coefficient between different portions of the device, such as forming the insulating coating of a material which closely matches the thermal expansion coefficient of the underlying semiconductor.
(1) Note. Typical semiconductor materials, such as silicon, have extremely low thermal expansion coefficients, and thus, low thermal expansion materials such as Corning Code 7740 PYREX® borosilicate glass closely match the expansion coefficient of the semiconductor, and help to prevent thermal expansion induced stress or cracking.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 634]    634Insulating coating of glass composition containing component to adjust melting or softening temperature (e.g., low melting point glass):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating coating comprises a glass composition containing a component to adjust the melting or softening temperature.
(1) Note. A commonly used additive to lower the melting point of silica (silicon dioxide) is phosphorous oxide, producing phosphosilicate glass.
(2) Note. Such layers are typically provided so that the device can be heated to the softening point of the glass to cause it to flow and smooth out sharp edges on the semiconductor surface that might adversely affect subsequently deposited layers. Hence, such a layer is often called a reflow glass layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 635]    635Multiple layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating coating comprises multiple layers on the surface of the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 636]    636At least one layer of semi-insulating material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the multiple insulating layers is made of a semi-insulating material (i.e., has a resistivity between that of a semiconductor and that of an insulator).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 637]    637Three or more insulating layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein there are three or more insulating coatings on the surface of the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 638]    638With discontinuous or varying thickness layer (e.g., layer covers only selected portions of semiconductor):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein there are discontinuous or varying thickness layers in at least one of the multiple insulating layers over the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 639]    639At least one layer of silicon oxynitride:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the multiple insulating layers is made of a mixture of the oxides and nitrides of silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 640]    640At least one layer of silicon nitride:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one layer of silicon nitride in the multiple insulating layers on the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 641]    641Combined with glass layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 640.  Subject matter wherein in addition to the layer of silicon nitride, there is at least one layer of glass in the multiple insulating layers on the semiconductor body.
(1) Note. For purposes of the definitions of this class, a material is considered to be a glass if it is amorphous (i.e., non-crystalline, and its major constituents are a mixture of oxides of more than one element). An oxide of a single element, such as silicon dioxide, is not regarded as a glass layer, while a mixture of phosphorus oxide and silicon dioxide (phosphosilicate glass) would be regarded as a glass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 642]    642At least one layer of organic material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein at least one insulating layer comprises an organic compound, i.e., one which has a molecule characterized by two carbon atoms bonded together, one atom of carbon being bonded to at least one atom of hydrogen or a halogen, or one atom or carbon bonded to at least one atom of nitrogen by a single or double bond, certain compounds such as HCN, CN-CN, HNCO, HNCS, cyanogen halides, cyanamide, fulminic acid and metal carbides, being exceptions to this rule.
(1) Note. The definition of an organic compound here is the same as in Class 260, Chemistry of Carbon Compounds.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 643]    643Polyimide or polyamide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 642.  Subject matter wherein the at least one organic insulating layer comprises polyamide (i.e., a polymeric compound) resulting from replacement of an atom of hydrogen in an organic amine by an organic univalent acid radical, or polyimide, i.e., a polymeric compound resulting from replacement of both atoms of hydrogen in an organic amine by organic univalent acid radicals or by an organic divalent acid radical.
(1) Note. Polyamides are copolymers (polymers formed from at least two different starting organic materials) which have a linkage, as illustrated below, between the starting materials, where R is typically hydrogen and Q1 and Q2are the organic residues of the starting monomers.
(2) Note. Linkage between the starting materials, illustrated below.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 644]    644At least one layer of glass:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one layer of glass in the multiple insulating layers on the semiconductor body.
(1) Note. For purposes of the definitions of this class, a material is considered to be a glass if it is amorphous (i.e., non-crystalline) and its major constituents are a mixture of oxides of more than one element. An oxide of a single element, such as silicon dioxide, is not regarded as a glass layer, while a mixture of phosphorus oxide and silicon dioxide (phosphosilicate glass) would be regarded as a glass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 645]    645Insulating layer containing specified electrical charge (e.g., net negative electrical charge):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 635.  Subject matter wherein the multiple insulating layers, or at least one of the insulating layers, has a specified electrical charge.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 646]    646Coating of semi-insulating material (e.g., amorphous silicon or silicon-rich silicon oxide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating layer is composed of a semi-insulating material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 647]    647Insulating layer recessed into semiconductor surface (e.g., LOCOS oxide):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating layer is recessed into the semiconductor surface.
(1) Note. This type of recessed insulator may typically be LOCOS (Local Oxidation of Silicon) oxide, which is formed by oxidizing the silicon surface in areas not covered by an oxidation resistant mask, so that oxide is formed which is recessed into the semiconductor by approximately 1/2 of its thickness due to consumption of silicon to form the silicon oxide. LOCOS oxide may also be recessed fully to be substantially flush with the surface (except in areas at the edge of the oxide, wherein ridges known as "birdheads" (due to their shape) occur, which taper off to small thickness oxide portions in areas protected by the oxidation resistant mask (these tapering portions are called the "bird"s beak").
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 648]    648Combined with channel stop region in semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 647.  Subject matter wherein the recessed insulating layer is combined with a channel stop region, i.e., a region of heavy doping concentration in the underlying semiconductor surface to prevent inversion of the surface by formation of a layer of induced minority carriers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 649]    649Insulating layer of silicon nitride or silicon oxynitride:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating layer is composed of silicon nitride or of a mixture of silicon oxide and silicon nitride.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 650]    650Insulating layer of glass:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the insulating layer is composed of glass.
(1) Note. For purposes of the definitions of this class, a material is considered to be a glass if it is amorphous (i.e., non-crystalline) and its major constituents are a mixture of oxides of more than one element. An oxide of a single element, such as silicon dioxide, is not regarded as a glass layer, while a mixture of phosphorus oxide and silicon dioxide (phosphosilicate glass) would be regarded as a glass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 651]    651Details of insulating layer electrical charge (e.g., negative insulator layer charge):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 632.  Subject matter wherein the electrical charge characteristics of an insulating layer are specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 652]    652Channel stop layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 629.  Subject matter wherein the means to control surface effects comprises a channel stop region (i.e., a region of heavy doping concentration in the underlying semiconductor surface to prevent inversion of the surface by formation of a layer of induced minority carriers).


305,for insulated gate capacitor in trench or insulated gate transistor combined with capacitor in trench with a channel stop.
349,for SOI devices with buried channel stop layer.
354,for SOI devices with channel stop regions in single crystal island edges.
376,and 398 through 400, for IGFET integrated circuit devices with channel stop layers used to prevent parasitic conduction channels.
519,for integrated circuit devices with PN junction and dielectric in groove isolation with heavily doped channel stop region adjacent to groove.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 653]    653WITH SPECIFIED SHAPE OF PN JUNCTION:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the device has at least one junction between semiconductor regions of opposite conductivity type (P and N), and wherein the interface between at least one P region and its adjoining N region has a specified shape or geometrical configuration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 654]    654Interdigitated pn junction or more heavily doped side of junction is concave:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 653.  Subject matter wherein the device has at least one pn junction which is interdigitated (i.e., in which plural layers or fingers of n type material alternate with plural layers or fingers of p-type material, with then-type layers or fingers being parts of a single unitary n region and the p-type layers or fingers being parts of a single unitary p-region).
(1) Note. Interdigitated configurations are frequently used to increase the amount of PN junction area in a given volume of semiconductor material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 655]    655WITH SPECIFIED IMPURITY CONCENTRATION GRADIENT:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device includes at least one region of semiconductor material with a specified profile or gradient of impurity doping concentration.
(1) Note. Examples of impurity concentration gradients include reverse gradient profiles (i.e., wherein the doping concentration is lighter toward the semiconductor surface or away from a pn junction) or a radial concentration profile).


101,for light emitting devices with specified dopant concentration or concentration profile.
219,through 221, for charge transfer field effect majority signal carrier devices with impurity concentration variations (e.g., in the device channel).
335,through 343, for short channel IGFETs with graded dopant concentration in the active channel region that decreases with distance from the source region.
548,for integrated circuits with pn junction isolation having at least three regions of alternating conductivity types with dopant concentration gradients decreasing from the surface of the semiconductor.
596,and 597, for a voltage variable capacitance device with specified dopant profile (e.g., retrograde dopant profile).
929,for a pn junction isolated integrated circuit with isolation walls having minimum dopant concentration at an intermediate depth in an epitaxial layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 656]    656With high resistivity (e.g., "intrinsic") layer between P and N layers (e.g., PIN diode):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 655.  Subject matter wherein the device has a P doped region and an N doped region, separated by a region with very low impurity doping, so that the region is of high resistivity or "intrinsic" (undoped) semiconductor.


458,for light responsive PIN devices
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 657]    657Stepped profile:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 655.  Subject matter wherein the device includes at least one region of the same conductivity type (P or N) wherein the doping concentration varies abruptly (e.g., a P+ to P- junction).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 658]    658PLATE TYPE RECTIFIER ARRAY:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter in which the device comprises plates of material each of which is coated with a layer of semiconductor material (e.g., copper oxide or selenium) which forms a rectifying barrier junction, the device being made up of several flat conductive plates and semiconductor material layers to form a rectifier array.
(1) Note. Typical rectifiers of this type include (a) copper oxide rectifiers in which the rectifying barrier is a junction between metallic copper plate and cuprous oxide layer coated on one side of the plate and (b) selenium rectifier in which a thin layer of selenium is formed on one side of an aluminum plate with a highly conductive metal coated over the selenium. If the semiconductor material is specifically recited as selenium or tellurium, or an oxide of a metal such as copper oxide, the patent will be classified in the appropriate one of subclasses 42 or 43.
(2) Note. This type of device has generally been replaced with more modern devices, including silicon rectifiers.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter in which means is provided for protecting an active solid-state device by providing a barrier to prevent electrical or magnetic radiation or fields or charged particles from reaching the device, or to limit the amount of such radiation or particles reaching the device.
(1) Note. This subject matter is to be distinguished from that found in the cross-reference art collection entitled "radiation hardening", which encompasses subject matter which does not attempt to shield the device from electric or magnetic or electromagnetic radiation or charged particles, but is used to prevent or limit the damage caused to a device by such radiation or particles which reach the device.


297,for shielding against alpha particles in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) structures.
422,for magnetic field shielding in magnetic field sensor active solid-state devices.
435,for light shields in light responsive active solid-state devices.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 32 through 397for miscellaneous anti-inductive structures, particularly subclasses 350-397 for miscellaneous electrical shields and screen structures not elsewhere classifiable.
307Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,   subclass 91 for anti-induction or coupling to other systems with magnetic or electrostatic field control (e.g., shielding).
315Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,   subclass 85 for gaseous tube systems with electromagnetic wave radiation prevention or shielding means.
330Amplifiers,   subclass 68 for amplifiers with shielding means.
331Oscillators,   subclass 67 for oscillators combined with electromagnetic or electrostatic shield means.
333Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,   subclass 12 for transmission line inductive or radiation interference systems.
334Tuners,   subclass 85 for radio tuners with shielding means.
336Inductor Devices,   subclass 84 for induction devices with electric or magnetic shield means.
338Electrical Resistors,   subclass 64 for electrical resistors with electrical shield means.
343Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,   subclasses 841+ for antenna structure with electric shield means.
348Television,   subclasses 825+ a for cathode-ray tube support and 836+ for cabinet or chassis of a television receiver in general.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 816+ for radio interference type shielding means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 660]    660With means to shield device contained in housing or package from charged particles (e.g., alpha particles) or highly ionizing radiation (i.e., hard X-rays or shorter wavelength):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 659.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with means to shield it from charged particles or highly ionizing radiation contained in a housing or package separate and apart from the shielding means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 661]    661SUPERCONDUCTIVE CONTACT OR LEAD:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device contains, or is connected to, an electrical contact or lead (pronounced "leed") which is made of a material whose electrical resistivity drops to zero at a particular temperature called a critical transition temperature (Tc).


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 15.4+ and 125.1 for superconducting conductors.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclass 2 for methods of forming an semiconductor device having a superconductive component thereon.
505Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,   subclass 1 for high temperature superconductor materials and subclasses 884+ for superconductive electrical conductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 662]    662Transmission line or shielded:
 Subject matter under 661 in which the superconductive electrical lead has controlled electrical characteristics designed to convey high frequency (e.g., greater than 3 megahertz) signals or narrow pulse signals; or is surrounded by a separate electrical conductor or envelope, called a shield, designed to minimize the effects of nearby electrical circuits.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 32 through 397for miscellaneous anti-inductive structures, particularly subclasses 350-397 for miscellaneous electrical shields and screen structures not elsewhere classifiable.
307Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,   subclass 91 for anti-induction or coupling to other systems with magnetic or electrostatic field control (e.g., shielding).
315Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,   subclass 85 for gaseous tube systems with electromagnetic wave radiation prevention or shielding means.
330Amplifiers,   subclass 68 for amplifiers with shielding means.
331Oscillators,   subclass 67 for oscillators combined with electromagnetic or electrostatic shield means.
333Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,   subclass 12 for transmission line inductive or radiation interference systems.
334Tuners,   subclass 85 for radio tuners with shielding means.
336Inductor Devices,   subclass 84 for induction devices with electric or magnetic shield means.
338Electrical Resistors,   subclass 64 for electrical resistors with electrical shield means.
343Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,   subclasses 841+ for antenna structure with electric shield means.
348Television,   subclass 820 for a cathode-ray tube video display with electric or magnetic shielding means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 816+ for radio interference type shielding means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 663]    663On integrated circuit:
 Subject matter under 661 in which the superconductive contact or lead is associated with an electrical network made up of more than one electronic device, including at least one active solid-state electronic device, in a unitary structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 664]    664TRANSMISSION LINE LEAD (E.G., STRIPLINE, COAX, ETC.):
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device is provided with an electrical connection or lead with controlled electrical characteristics used to transmit high-frequency, e.g., greater than 3 megahertz, or narrow pulse signals to or from the device.


333Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,   appropriate subclasses for transmission lines, per se.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device is provided with electrical contacts or leads (pronounced "leeds") which contain portions which have a composition or are made so that they will melt at a relatively low temperature to form an open circuit and thereby protect the device in case excessive current, e.g., a current spike from lightning, or voltage is provided to the contact or lead, or contains means designed to suppress unwanted electrical disturbances in the electrical contacts or leads.


365Static Information Storage and Retrieval,   subclass 96 for a fusible link storage member.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 666]    666LEAD FRAME:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device is provided with a conductive metal network which may have relatively large area portions, commonly called pads or flags, for direct contact with semiconductor chips or dice, and lead elements for facilitating electrical interconnection of the chips or dies via intermediate (e.g., jumper) connections to other electronic devices or components.
(1) Note. Lead frames also have other portions, usually called "ties", which interconnect the pad or flag portions with the lead portions prior to assembly of the lead frame in an electronic package or housing, but which are removed during package assembly.
(1) Note. See the illustration, below:

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 666


29Metal Working,   subclasses 739+ , especially subclass 741, for means to fasten electrical component to wiring means, base, or substrate, including a multi-lead component; and subclass 834 for beam lead frames or beam lead devices.
174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclass 529 for flat pack electronic device mounting means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 813 for lead frames, per se, not associated with a solid-state active electronic device of the type classified in Class 257.
428Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,   subclasses 571+ for stock materials of metal which have marginal indexing features or weakened portion for severing. Lead frames are commonly made in long strips of repeating patterns with such indexing and/or severing features.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 111+ and 123+ for methods of packaging utilizing a lead frame; see the search notes therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 667]    667With dam or vent for encapsulant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter with a portion or portions to block encapsulant flow, typically from flowing out of a mold during an encapsulation process, or vent means (e.g., grooves in lead frame leads) to permit egress to the atmosphere for air or other gases which are inside a mold during encapsulation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 668]    668On insulating carrier other than a printed circuit board:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein the lead frame is mounted on an insulating carrier other than a printed circuit board.
(1) Note. Printed circuit boards alone, or with one or more solid-state electronic devices mounted thereon are not classified herein, but are found in Class 174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, or Class 361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices. See the class definitions for Classes 174 and 361 for the line of demarkation between these two classes.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 260 and 520 for printed circuit boards in combination with one or more electronic solid-state devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 669]    669With stress relief:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to alleviate stresses and strains (e.g., mechanical or thermal stresses) to which a lead frame is subjected.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 670]    670With separate tie bar element or plural tie bars:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter in which a frame element used to tie or connect a semiconductor chip pad/flag and/or lead fingers frame members is a separate element and not part of the lead frame itself or wherein plural tie bar elements are provided as part of a lead frame.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 671]    671Of insulating material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 670.  Subject matter wherein the separate tie bar element or the plural tie bars are made of electrically insulating material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 672]    672Small lead frame (e.g., "spider" frame) for connecting a large lead frame to a semiconductor chip:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein the means used to interconnect a chip or die to a large lead frame is a small lead frame with contact elements radiating from a central location for interconnection with a chip mounted on a large lead frame chip pad at that location to peripheral locations for interconnection with large lead frame leads.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 673]    673With bumps on ends of lead fingers to connect to semiconductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein bump contacts are located at or near the ends of lead fingers to provide contact with a semiconductor chip.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 674]    674With means for controlling lead tension:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein means are provided for controlling the tension under which an electrical lead is placed including, for example, a bend in the lead, an area of reduced lead thickness, etc.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 675]    675With heat sink means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein a heat sink means is provided, either as part of the lead frame or in addition to the lead frame for cooling the active solid-state device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 676]    676With structure for mounting semiconductor chip to lead frame (e.g., configuration of die bonding flag, absence of a die bonding flag, recess for LED):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein the lead frame is provided with specified structure means to mount a semiconductor chip thereto, or is specified to not have a pad for mounting the chip.
(1) Note. This structure may, for example, have a particular configuration such as a flag shape.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 677]    677Of specified material other than copper (e.g., Kovar (T.M.)):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 666.  Subject matter wherein the electrically conductive lead frame is made up of a specific material other copper, which is a common material for lead frames.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 678]    678HOUSING OR PACKAGE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein preformed physical means to cover or protect a solid-state electronic device is provided therefor.


81,and 82, for a light emitting device in combination with or also constituting a light responsive device and with specific housing structure.
99,for light emitting device with specific housing structure.
177,through 182, for a regenerative type switching device with housing or external electrode.
433,and 434, for light responsive device with housing or encapsulation means.
573,for Darlington configuration bipolar transistor structure with housing or contact structure.
584,for enlarged emitter device bipolar transistor means having housing or contact.
602,for a voltage variable capacitance device with specified housing or contact.
660,for means to shield a device contained in a housing.


361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclass 679.01 for housings and mounting assemblies for electronic devices and components.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 106+ for methods of packaging; see the search notes therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 679]    679Smart (e.g., credit) card package:
 Subject matter under 678 wherein the housing or package is in a form which permits it to be used as a credit card.
(1) Note. A smart card is one which contains a microprocessor chip.


235Registers,   subclass 487 and indented subclasses for coded records including electronic credit cards, per se.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 736+ and 752+ for modules for printed circuits or housing or chassis for printed circuit boards.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 680]    680With window means:
 Subject matter under 678 wherein the housing or package has a physical opening or area otherwise transparent to ultraviolet, visible, or infrared light.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 681]    681For erasing EPROM:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 680.  Subject matter wherein the window means is provided for transmitting light to erase an electrically programmable read-only memory (EPROM).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 682]    682With desiccant, getter, or gas filling:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter including a desiccant (i.e., a material for absorbing moisture); a getter (i.e., a material which absorbs undesirable semiconductor, housing or package contaminants); or wherein a gaseous material fills the housing or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 683]    683With means to prevent explosion of package:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter including means to prevent explosion of a housing or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 684]    684With semiconductor element forming part (e.g., base, of housing):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein part of the housing is formed by a semiconductor element.
(1) Note. The semiconductor element may have an inactive portion connected to the rest of the housing, and another portion forming an active device, for example. Frequently the semiconductor element forms the base of the housing, through which leads are inserted.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 685]    685Multiple housings:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein more than one housing is provided for a solid-state active electronic device, or wherein plural housings, each containing one or more solid-state active devices, are constructed as a unitary structure.
(1) Note. One housing may be located within another housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 686]    686Stacked arrangement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 685.  Subject matter wherein a plurality of housings are placed one upon another, vertically.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 687]    687Housing or package filled with solid or liquid electrically insulating material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package is filled with a solid or liquid electrically insulating material.
(1) Note. Encapsulated devices are excluded from this subclass and are not considered to be housings or packages as defined in subclass 678 which requires them to be preformed.


361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 729 , 730+, and 744+ for various modules for printed circuit boards.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 688]    688With large area flexible electrodes in press contact with opposite sides of active semiconductor chip and surrounded by an insulating element, e.g., ring:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the package or housing has two large area electrodes which are in press contact with opposite sides of a semiconductor chip and wherein the electrode edges are surrounded by an electrically insulating medium (e.g., a ring).
(1) Note. Search this class, subclass 181 for such housings which specifically contain a regenerative active solid-state device (e.g., an SCR or thyristor).


181+,for similar electrodes with regenerative type devices.
785,for electrodes combined with an active semiconductor electronic device by pressure alone.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 689]    689Rigid electrode portion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 688.  Subject matter wherein the large area electrodes are rigid in whole or in part.
(1) Note. These type devices typically employ relatively massive electrodes to operate at large current densities.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 690]    690With contact or lead:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the device is provided with a contact or lead, in addition to or as part of the package or housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 691]    691Having power distribution means (e.g., bus structure):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 690.  Subject matter wherein the contact or lead includes means for distributing electrical power to one or more active solid-state devices within the package or housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 692]    692With particular lead geometry:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 690.  Subject matter wherein the contact or lead provided as part of or in addition to the package or housing has a specified geometrical configuration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 693]    693External connection to housing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 692.  Subject matter wherein the contact or lead having a specified geometry comprises an electrical connection for connecting the package or housing and its contained active solid-state device to other electrical devices or circuits.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 694]    694Axial leads:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 693.  Subject matter wherein the leads or contacts which form an external connection to the housing or package extend out opposite ends along an axis of symmetry of a housing or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 695]    695Fanned/radial leads:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 693.  Subject matter wherein the leads or contacts which form an external connection to the housing or package extend radially outward from the package.
(1) Note. See illustration, below.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 695

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 696]    696Bent (e.g., J-shaped) lead:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 693.  Subject matter wherein the leads or contacts which form an external connection to the housing or package include one or more leads which have a curved end portion (e.g., for mounting on the top surface of a printed circuit board).
(1) Note. See illustration, below.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 696

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 697]    697Pin grid type:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 693.  Subject matter wherein the leads or contacts which form an external connection to the housing or package are in the form of a grid or matrix of elongated pins.
(1) Note. See illustration, below.

Image 1 for class 257 subclass 697

[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 698]    698With specific electrical feedthrough structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 690.  Subject matter wherein a specific structure is provided for feeding electrical contacts or leads into or out of the housing or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 699]    699Housing entirely of metal except for feedthrough structure:
 Subject matter under 698 wherein the housing or package is made entirely of metal except for the portion wherein the electrical contacts or leads are fed through.
(1) Note. Typically, an insulator is placed in the feedthrough portion of a metal housing to prevent electrical short circuiting of the leads to the housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 700]    700Multiple contact layers separated from each other by insulator means and forming part of a package or housing (e.g., plural ceramic layer package):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 690.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package combined with a contact or lead structure is in the form of a multiple layered insulating composite with plural electrical connection layers located between layers of insulator material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 701]    701Insulating material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package is made of an electrically insulating material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 702]    702Of insulating material other than ceramic:
 Subject matter under 701 wherein the housing is made of electrically insulating material other than ceramic (e.g., the housing is made of glass or of a single crystal insulator material).
(1) Note. A ceramic is a polycrystalline, non-metallic, non-organic material, such as fired polycrystalline aluminum oxide, typically made by firing a compressed and shaped powder at high temperatures to fuse the powder together.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 703]    703Composite ceramic, or single ceramic with metal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 701.  Subject matter wherein the housing is a composite made up of at least two ceramic materials (e.g., alumina and beryllia) or of a single ceramic material with a metal.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 704]    704Cap or lid:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 701.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package is provided with a cap or lid.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 705]    705Of high thermal conductivity ceramic (e.g., BeO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 701.  Subject matter wherein the housing is made of ceramic which has high thermal conductivity to promote heat dissipation from the housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 706]    706With heat sink:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 701.  Subject matter wherein the insulating housing has a heat sink to dissipate heat.
(1) Note. The heat sink may be located in a cavity in a base member made of ceramic material.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   appropriate subclasses directed to cooling means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 688 through 723for cooling means for electronic devices or components with housings or mounting assemblies.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 707]    707Directly attached to semiconductor device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 706.  Subject matter wherein the heat sink is attached directly to the semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 708]    708Entirely of metal except for feedthrough:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package is made entirely of metal except for the portion wherein the electrical contacts or leads are fed through.
(1) Note. Typically, an insulator is placed in the feedthrough portion of a metal housing to prevent electrical short circuiting of the leads to the housing.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 709]    709With specified insulator to isolate device from housing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 708.  Subject matter wherein a specific insulator means is provided to electrically isolate the active solid-state device contained in the metal package or housing from the metal package or housing to prevent electrical short circuits due to the housing or package.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 710]    710With specified means (e.g., lip) to seal base to cap:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 708.  Subject matter wherein specific means are provided to seal the cap to the base such as, for example, a bead or lip or boss around the periphery of the base.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 711]    711With raised portion of base for mounting semiconductor chip:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 708.  Subject matter wherein a portion of the base is raised above the rest of the base and the raised portion provides a base on which to mount a semiconductor chip with an active solid-state device therein or thereon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 712]    712With provision for cooling the housing or its contents:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein means for cooling the housing or its contents are provided in addition to natural cooling processes.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   appropriate subclasses directed to cooling means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 688 through 723,for cooling means for electronic devices or components with housings or mounting assemblies.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 713]    713For integrated circuit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein the solid-state electronic device for which cooling means is provided is an integrated circuit, which is a semiconductor substrate which contains a plurality of active solid-state electronic devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 714]    714Liquid coolant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein the means provided for cooling the housing or its contents is a liquid.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 715]    715Boiling (evaporative) liquid:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 714.  Subject matter wherein the cooling means involves boiling a liquid to provide evaporative cooling.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   appropriate subclasses directed to liquid cooling means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 699+ for liquid cooling means for electronic devices or components with housings or mounting assemblies.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 716]    716Cryogenic liquid coolant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 714.  Subject matter wherein the cooling means uses a liquid to maintain device temperatures at or below 100 degrees Kelvin.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   appropriate subclasses directed to liquid cooling means.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 699+ for liquid cooling means for electronic devices or components with housings or mounting assemblies.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 717]    717Isolation of cooling means (e.g., heat sink) by an electrically insulating element (e.g., spacer):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein an insulating element is used to physically separate a cooling means from an active solid-state electronic device or a housing therefor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 718]    718Heat dissipating element held in place by clamping or spring means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein an element for dissipating heat is held in place by means to clamp it to the device or vice versa, or by a spring to position the device and heat dissipating element in thermal contact with each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 719]    719Pressed against semiconductor element:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 718.  Subject matter wherein the heat dissipating element and the active device are in press contact with each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 720]    720Heat dissipating element has high thermal conductivity insert (e.g., copper slug in aluminum heat sink):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein the heat dissipating element has a relatively high thermal conductivity vis-a-vis a larger (main) heat sink into which it is inserted (e.g., a copper slug in an aluminum heat sink).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 721]    721With gas coolant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 712.  Subject matter wherein the cooling means uses a gas to provide the cooling (e.g., by convection).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 722]    722With fins:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 721.  Subject matter wherein the cooling means has fins, i.e., long, thin, blade like structures used to dissipate heat to the gas coolant.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 723]    723For plural devices:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein a package or housing is provided for more than one electronic device, at least one of the electronic devices being an active solid-state device.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 50+ for housings and printed circuits.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 729 and 730+ for plural housing modules.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 724]    724With discrete components:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 723.  Subject matter wherein at least some of the electronic components are in the form of an individual device per semiconductor chip, as contrasted to a single integrated circuit containing plural semiconductor devices. The discrete components may be active solid-state devices or passive components such as resistors, capacitors, or inductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 725]    725With electrical isolation means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 723.  Subject matter wherein means are provided to electrically isolate the plural devices from each other.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 726]    726Devices held in place by clamping:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 725.  Subject matter wherein the plural devices which are electrically isolated are held in place by clamp means, i.e., by means which press devices into place.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 727]    727Device held in place by clamping:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein at least one of the plural devices is held in place by clamp means (i.e., by means which press a device into place).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 728]    728For high frequency (e.g., microwave) device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device provided with a housing or package is a high frequency solid-state electronic device operating at high frequencies, such as microwave frequencies or above.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 729]    729Portion of housing of specific materials:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein at least a portion of the housing or package is made of specific materials.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 730]    730Outside periphery of package having specified shape or configuration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the outside periphery of a package or housing has a particular shape or configuration.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 731]    731With housing mount:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 678.  Subject matter wherein the housing or package has means (e.g., a flange or threaded stud) for attaching the housing to a support.
(1) Note. Search this class, subclass 180 for housings or packages of this type which specifically contain a regenerative type switching device such as an SCR or thyristor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 732]    732Flanged mount:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 731.  Subject matter wherein the housing mount is a flange with openings therein (e.g., threaded holes) to permit the housing to be attached (e.g., by fasteners) to a support.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 733]    733Stud mount:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 731.  Subject matter wherein the housing mount is a threaded element shaped like a bolt extending from the housing for fastening into a threaded hole in a support.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 734]    734COMBINED WITH ELECTRICAL CONTACT OR LEAD:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device is provided with one or more electrical contacts or leads.


41,for point contact rectifiers.
44,through 47, for devices with a metal contact alloyed to elemental semiconductor type PN junction in a non-regenerative structure.
54,for Schottky barrier to amorphous semiconductor material device.
73,for Schottky barrier to polycrystalline semiconductor material device.
81,and 82, for light emitter combined with or also constituting a light responsive device and having a specific housing or contact structure.
91,for plural light emitting devices with shaped contacts or opaque masking.
99,for light emitting devices with specified housing or contact structure.
145,for a regenerative type device combined with a FET with extended latching current level and a low impedance channel contact extending below the device surface.
155,and 156, for a regenerative type device with switching speed enhancing means (e.g., a Schottky contact).
177,through 182, for a regenerative type device with housing or external electrode.
217,for a majority signal carrier charge transfer device with a conductive means in direct contact with channel (e.g., a non-insulated gate).
260,for JFET having the same channel controlled by, for example, Schottky barrier and pn junction gates.
276,for a JFET in a microwave integrated circuit with a contact or heat sink extending through a hole in the semiconductor.
280,through 284, for JFETs with a Schottky gate electrode.
316,through 322, for a variable threshold insulated electrical field effect device with additional contacted control electrode.
343,for graded channel dopant IGFET device with plural sections connected in parallel and having all contacts on the same surface.
382,through 385, for an IGFET in an integrated circuit with a refractory material contact to source or drain region.
449,through 457, for Schottky contacts in light responsive devices.
471,through 486, for Schottky contact devices.
502,for high power integrated circuit devices with electrical isolation and a backside collector contact.
503,for an integrated circuit device with electrically isolated components having a contact or metallization configuration to reduce parasitic coupling.
522,for beam-lead supported semiconductor islands in integrated circuits.
573,for Darlington configuration non-isolated bipolar transistors with resistance means connected between transistor base regions and with housing or contact structure or configuration.
576,for complementary bipolar transistors sharing a common active region (e.g., IIL, I2L) including lateral bipolar transistor structure and having contacts of a refractory material.
584,for bipolar transistor device with enlarged emitter area and with housing or contact means.
602,for a voltage variable capacitance device with specified housing or contact.
621,for a semiconductor device with electrical contact in a hole in the semiconductor (e.g., lead extends through semiconductor body).
624,for mesa structure device having a low resistance ohmic connection along a mesa edge.
661,through 663, for superconductive contacts or leads.
664,for transmission line leads.
665,for contacts or leads including fusible link or noise suppression means.
666,through 677, for lead frames.
688,and 689, for housings with large area flexible electrodes in press contact with opposite sides of active semiconductor chip and surrounded by an insulating element.
690,through 700, for housings with specified contact or lead.
905,for plural DRAM cells sharing a common contact or common trench.
926,for a device with an elongated lead extending axially through another elongated lead.
928,for shorted pn or Schottky junction other than an emitter junction.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclasses 99+ for bus bar structure, per se.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 772 through 776for specific lead configurations connecting electronic systems and devices to printed circuit boards.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 735]    735Beam leads (i.e., leads that extend beyond the ends or sides of a chip component):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein electrical contact leads extend like beams beyond the ends of a chip component.


438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclass 411 for methods of forming electrically isolated semiconductor islands held in place by beam lead metallization; subclass 461 for methods of forming beam leads on a semiconductor substrate combined with dicing of the substrate into plural separate bodies; and subclass 611 for methods of forming beam lead metallization on a semiconductor substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 736]    736Layered:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 735.  Subject matter wherein the leads are made of at least two separate layers of the same or different material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 737]    737Bump leads:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein an electrical contact is in the form of a relatively abrupt protuberance on the surface of a solid-state electronic device or chip/die containing such a device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 738]    738Ball shaped:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 737.  Subject matter wherein the bump contacts have the spherical shape of a ball.


780,for ball shaped bonds, generally.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 739]    739With textured surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein the surface of the contact or lead is rough or has a characteristic of a closely interwoven fabric, rather than being smooth.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 740]    740With means to prevent contact from penetrating shallow PN junction (e.g., prevention of aluminum "spiking"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein means are provided for preventing an electrical contact from penetrating into the relatively thin PN junction region.
(1) Note. This penetration is sometimes referred to as "spiking", and if the contact material is aluminum, prevention of this phenomenon is known as prevention of aluminum spiking.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 741]    741Of specified material other than unalloyed aluminum:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein the contact or lead is made of a specified material other than an aluminum alloy.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 742]    742With a semiconductor conductivity substitution type dopant (e.g., germanium in the case of a gallium arsenide semiconductor) in a contact metal):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein the contact metal is doped with atoms of an element, e.g., germanium in the case of a semiconductor of gallium arsenide, which changes the conductivity of (i.e., introduces holes or electrons into) the semiconductor material to which the contact is connected.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 743]    743For compound semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 742.  Subject matter in which the electrical contact material contacts and contains a dopant for a semiconductor material which is a chemical compound, as contrasted to an elemental semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 744]    744For compound semiconductor material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter in which the electrical contact material contacts a semiconductor material which is a chemical compound, as contrasted to an elemental semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 745]    745Contact for III-V material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 744.  Subject matter in which the compound semiconductor material is a group III-V compound, i.e., one component is from periodic table group III and the other is from periodic table group V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 746]    746Composite material (e.g., fibers or strands embedded in solid matrix):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter in which the semiconductor contact material is formed as a composite of, for example, fibers or strands embedded in a solid matrix.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 747]    747With thermal expansion matching of contact or lead material to semiconductor active device:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter in which the electrical contact or lead material is chosen to have a coefficient of thermal expansion which closely matches that of the semiconductor active device material.


178,for regenerative device with housing and means to avoid stress (e.g., thermal matching of electrode to semiconductor).
633,for thermal expansion compensation between semiconductor and insulating coating.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 748]    748Plural layers of specified contact or lead material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 747.  Subject matter wherein the thermal expansion matching lead material is layered.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 749]    749At least portion of which is transparent to ultraviolet, visible or infrared light:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein at least part of the contact or lead is transparent to ultraviolet, visible, or infrared light.


59,for FET devices in amorphous material with transparent electrode.
72,for FET devices in non-single crystal semiconductor material with transparent electrode.
449,for light responsive devices with transparent Schottky barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 750]    750Layered:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein the specified contact material is layered.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 751]    751At least one layer forms a diffusion barrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein at least one layer forms a barrier to the diffusion of the contact material into the semiconductor or into another contact layer.


486,for Schottky barrier layers including a diffusion barrier material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 752]    752Planarized to top of insulating layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a contact or lead and an insulating layer to which it is connected form a single planar surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 753]    753With adhesion promoting means (e.g., layer of material) to promote adhesion of contact to an insulating layer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a means, e.g., a layer of material, is provided to promote adhesion of an electrical contact or lead to an insulating surface.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 754]    754At least one layer of silicide or polycrystalline silicon:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein at least one layer of material is made up of a silicide or polycrystalline silicon.


381,and 538, for polycrystalline silicon resistive elements connected to active semiconductor electronic devices.
554,and 588, for bipolar transistor devices with a polycrystalline semiconductor connection electrode.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 755]    755Polysilicon laminated with silicide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 754.  Subject matter wherein the layers include a polysilicon laminated with a silicide.
(1) Note. Such laminated contacts of polysilicon and silicide are sometimes called "polycide" contacts.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 756]    756Multiple polysilicon layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 754.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead includes multiple polysilicon layers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 757]    757Silicide of refractory or platinum group metal:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 754.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead includes a silicide of a metal found in groups IVA, VA, VIA or VIIIA (other than iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)) of the periodic table of the elements.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 758]    758Multiple metal levels on semiconductor, separated by insulating layer (e.g., multiple level metallization for integrated circuit):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein there are plural layers of metal forming electrical contact material, the layers being separated by intervening layers of insulator material.


211,for gate arrays with multi-level metallization.


156Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture,   subclasses 60+ , for processes of uniting plural bodies via an adhesive material.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 118+ for methods of packaging a semiconductor device including a step of bonding utilizing an adhesive material; see the search notes therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 759]    759Including organic insulating material between metal levels:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 758.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one layer of organic insulating material between different layers of metal. An organic compound is one which fulfills the requirements of the Class 260 definition, i.e., has a molecule characterized by two carbon atoms bonded together, one atom of carbon being bonded to at least one atom of hydrogen or a halogen, or one atom or carbon bonded to at least one atom of nitrogen by a single or double bond, certain compounds such as HCN, CN-CN, HNCO, HNCS, cyanogen halides, cyanamide, fulminic acid and metal carbides, being exceptions to this rule.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 760]    760Separating insulating layer is laminate or composite of plural insulating materials (e.g., silicon oxide on silicon nitride, silicon oxynitride):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 758.  Subject matter wherein there is at least one separating insulator layer between different metal layers, which separating insulator layer is itself made up of plural sublayers, or which separating insulator layer is a composite such as a mixture of silicon oxide and silicon nitride.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 761]    761At least one layer containing vanadium, hafnium, niobium, zirconium, or tantalum:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead has at least one layer which contains vanadium (V), hafnium (Hf), niobium (Nb), zirconium (Zr), or tantalum (Ta).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 762]    762At least one layer containing silver or copper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead has at least one layer which contains copper (Cu) or silver (Ag).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 763]    763At least one layer of molybdenum, titanium, or tungsten:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead has at least one layer of molybdenum (Mo), titanium (Ti) or tungsten (W).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 764]    764Alloy containing molybdenum, titanium, or tungsten:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 763.  Subject matter wherein at least one layer containing molybdenum, titanium, or tungsten contains an alloy thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 765]    765At least one layer of an alloy containing aluminum:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead has at least one layer of an alloy containing aluminum (Al).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 766]    766At least one layer containing chromium or nickel:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 750.  Subject matter wherein a layered electrical contact or lead has at least one layer containing chromium (Cr) or nickel (Ni).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 767]    767Resistive to electromigration or diffusion of the contact or lead material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein an electrical contact or lead material is adapted to resist electromigration of the contact or lead material, or diffusion of the contact or lead material into the material to which the contact is attached.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 768]    768Refractory or platinum group metal or alloy or silicide thereof:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein the specified contact or lead material is a refractory metal or a platinum group metal, i.e., a metal found in groups IVA, VA, VIA or VIIIA (other than iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)) of the periodic table of the elements or a silicide (i.e., a binary compound of silicon), usually with a more electropositive element or radical, thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 769]    769Platinum group metal or silicide thereof:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 768.  Subject matter wherein the specified contact or lead material is a platinum group metal (i.e., platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), osmium (Os) or iridium (Ir)) or a silicide i.e., a binary compound of silicon, usually with a more electropositive element or radical, thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 770]    770Molybdenum, tungsten, or titanium or their silicides:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 768.  Subject matter wherein the specified contact or lead material is molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), titanium (Ti), or their silicides, (i.e., a binary compound of one of them with silicon).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 771]    771Alloy containing aluminum:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein the specific contact or lead material is an alloy containing aluminum (Al).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 772]    772Solder composition:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 741.  Subject matter wherein the specific contact or lead material is a solder composition (i.e., a metal or metallic alloy that melts at relatively low temperatures).
(1) Note. Solder is normally used to join metals with higher melting points than the solder composition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 773]    773Of specified configuration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter in which an electrical contact or lead has a specific configuration or shape.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 774]    774Via (interconnection hole) shape:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 773.  Subject matter wherein the shape or configuration of an electrical contact or lead is determined by the shape of a hole through an insulating layer through which the contact extends.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 775]    775Varying width or thickness of conductor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 773.  Subject matter wherein an electrical contact or lead has a width or thickness which varies over the length of the contact or lead.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 776]    776Cross-over arrangement, component or structure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 773.  Subject matter wherein means are provided for electrically insulating electrical contact elements or leads which cross each other to do so without a short circuit therebetween.
(1) Note. Electrically insulating components or structures associated with electrical contact crossovers may be referred to as bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, etc.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 777]    777Chip mounted on chip:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein a semiconductor substrate of an active solid-state device is electrically connected to, and positioned on, another semiconductor substrate.


361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 760+ for plural modules or means of connection of components to a printed circuit board.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 778]    778Flip chip:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein a semiconductor substrate which contains an active solid-state electronic device has electric contacts on the top side thereof, the top side being that which contains an active solid-state electronic device, and which is flipped so that the contact side becomes the bottom side for connection with a substrate which has matching electrical contacts.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 779]    779Solder wettable contact, lead, or bond:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein an electrical contact or lead has a surface to which solder will readily adhere.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 780]    780Ball or nail head type contact, lead, or bond:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein a contact, lead, or bond is in the form of a wire having an end for connection to the semiconductor which is in the shape of a ball or nail head.


738,for ball shaped bump contacts.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 781]    781Layered contact, lead or bond:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 780.  Subject matter wherein a ball or nail head type contact is made up of a plurality of layers of the same or different material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 782]    782Die bond:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein a semiconductor chip containing at least one active solid-state device and provided with a contact or lead is provided with a means for attaching the chip to a supporting member.
(1) Note. The supporting member or attachment may form part of the contacts or leads for the chip, or be separate therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 783]    783With adhesive means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 782.  Subject matter wherein adhesive means (e.g., a layer) is provided to secure a die (chip) which contains an active solid-state electronic device to a supporting member.


156Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture,   subclasses 60+ for processes of uniting plural bodies via an adhesive material.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 118+ for methods of packaging a semiconductor device including a step of bonding utilizing an adhesive material; see the search notes therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 784]    784Wire contact, lead, or bond:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein the contact, lead or bond is a very flexible, elongated, small diameter filament made of electrically conductive material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 785]    785By pressure alone:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein the electrical contact, lead or bond is held in place by pressure alone (e.g., by a spring clip).


181+,and 688+, for other electrodes in press contact with an active semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 786]    786Configuration or pattern of bonds:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 734.  Subject matter wherein the electrical contact, lead or bond, has a specific configuration or pattern.


459,for light activated devices with particular bonding pad arrangement.
625,for mesa structure semiconductor device bonded to heat sink or thick electrical conductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 787]    787ENCAPSULATED:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein an active solid-state electronic device, often part of a semiconductor chip, is surrounded by an electrically insulating material which forms a sealed encasement therefor.


100,for encapsulated light emitter device.
433+,for light responsive devices with housing or encapsulation.
687,for a housing containing an encapsulant material.


29Metal Working,   particularly subclasses 841 and 855 for methods of assembling an electrical component to a base or lead and encapsulating the same.
65Glass Manufacturing,   appropriate subclasses for the manufacturing of glass encapsulated electronic devices or components thereof.
174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   subclass 251 for a printed circuit with an encapsulated wire.
264Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,   subclass 272.11 for encapsulation of electrical components.
343Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,   subclass 873 for embedded, potted, or coated radio wave antennas.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 600 and 679.01 for enclosures, including encapsulated types, for electrical and electronic devices.
438Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,   particularly subclasses 112 and 127 for methods of encapsulating; see the search notes therein.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 788]    788With specified encapsulant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 787.  Subject matter wherein the chemical composition of the material that encapsulates the active solid-state electronic device is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 789]    789With specified filler material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein a particular material has been added to an encapsulant material to give it desirable mechanical, thermal, electrical, or other desirable characteristics, and the material is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 790]    790Plural encapsulating layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein the encapsulant is made up of more than one layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 791]    791Including polysiloxane (e.g., silicone resin):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein the encapsulant includes polysiloxane (i.e., any of various polymeric compounds which contain alternate silicon and oxygen atoms in either a linear or cyclic arrangement), often with one or two organic groups attached to each silicon atom.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 792]    792Including polyimide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein the encapsulant includes polyimide i.e., a polymeric compound resulting from replacement of both atoms of hydrogen in an organic amine by organic univalent acid radicals or by an organic divalent acid radical.
(1) Note. Polyimides are copolymers (polymers formed from at least two different starting organic materials) which have a linkage, as illustrated below, between the starting materials, wherein R is typically hydrogen and Q1 and Q2 are the organic residues of the starting monomers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 793]    793Including epoxide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein the encapsulant includes an epoxy compound (i.e., a compound containing three membered ring consisting or one oxygen and two carbon atoms).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 794]    794Including glass:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 788.  Subject matter wherein the encapsulant contains glass (i.e., an amorphous inorganic, usually transparent or translucent substance consisting of a mixture of silicates or borates or phosphates formed by fusion of silica or of oxides of boron or phosphorous with a flux and stabilizer that cools to a rigid condition without crystallization).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 795]    795With specified filler material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 787.  Subject matter wherein a particular material has been added to an encapsulant material to give it desirable mechanical, thermal, electrical, or other desirable characteristics, and the material is specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 796]    796With heat sink embedded in encapsulant:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 787.  Subject matter wherein a heat sink is embedded in the encapsulant.


174Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,   appropriate subclasses.
361Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,   subclasses 704 through 723 for thermal conduction means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 797]    797ALIGNMENT MARKS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the active solid-state device is provided with one or more indicia or marks used during fabrication of the device to facilitate accurate alignment of regions in the device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 798]    798MISCELLANEOUS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Subject matter wherein the subject matter is not otherwise provided for.


The E-subclasses in U.S. Class 257 provide for active solid-state electronic devices, that is, electronic devices or components that are made primarily of solid materials, usually semiconductors, which operate by the movement of charge carriers - electrons or holes - which undergo energy level changes within the material and can modify an input voltage or electro-magnetic signal to achieve rectification, amplification, oscillating, radiation emission, or switching action, or capacitors or resistors with potential-jump or surface barrier; the E-subclasses include processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of such active solid-state devices or of parts of such devices.

 This main group provides for processes or apparatus that are employed in the manufacture or treatment of semiconductor or solid-state devices or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/00.
(1) Note. This subclass will take subject matter where the manufactured or treated device/component (or part thereof) will have at least one of the following capabilities:
(a) The conduction or modification of an electrical current,
(b) The storage of electrical energy for subsequent discharge within a microelectronic integrated circuit, or
(c) The conversion of electromagnetic wave energy to electrical energy or electrical energy to electromagnetic energy.


E31.001,E33.001, E39.001, E45.001, E47.001, E49.001, and E51.001, for processes or apparatus adapted for manufacture or treatment of semiconductor or solid state devices or of parts thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.002]    E21.002Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.003]    E21.003Manufacture of two-terminal component for integrated circuit (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B.


E21.532,for manufacture or treatment of devices consisting of a plurality of solid-state components formed in or on a common substrate or of parts thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.004]    E21.004Of resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.005]    E21.005Active material comprising carbon, e.g., diamond or diamond-like carbon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.006]    E21.006Active material comprising refractory, transition, or noble metal or metal compound, e.g., alloy, silicide, oxide, nitride (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B2M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.007]    E21.007Active material comprising organic conducting material, e.g., conducting polymer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B2P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.008]    E21.008Of capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.009]    E21.009Dielectric having perovskite structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.01]    E21.01Dielectric comprising two or more layers, e.g., buffer layers, seed layers, gradient layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.009. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.011]    E21.011Formation of electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.012]    E21.012With increased surface area, e.g., by roughening, texturing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.013]    E21.013With rough surface, e.g., using hemispherical grains (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.014]    E21.014Having cylindrical, crown, or fin-type shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.015]    E21.015Having horizontal extensions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.016]    E21.016Made by depositing layers, e.g., alternatingly conductive and insulating layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.017]    E21.017Made by patterning layers, e.g., etching conductive layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2H6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.018]    E21.018Having vertical extensions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.019]    E21.019Made by depositing layers, e.g., alternatingly conductive and insulating layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2V2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.02]    E21.02Made by patterning layers, e.g., etching conductive layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C2V6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.021]    E21.021Having multilayers, e.g., comprising barrier layer and metal layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B3C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.022]    E21.022Of inductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/02B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.023]    E21.023Making mask on semicond uctor body for further photolithographic processing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.024]    E21.024Comprising organic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.025]    E21.025For lift-off process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.026]    E21.026Characterized by treatment of photoresist layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.027]    E21.027Photolith ographic process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.028]    E21.028Using laser (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.029]    E21.029Using anti-reflective coating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.03]    E21.03Electro-lithographic process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.031]    E21.031X-ray lithographic process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.032]    E21.032Ion lithographic process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/027B6E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.033]    E21.033Comprising inorganic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.034]    E21.034For lift-off process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.035]    E21.035Characterized by their composition, e.g., multilayer masks, materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.036]    E21.036Characterized by their size, orientation, disposition, behavior, shape, in horizontal or vertical plane (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.037]    E21.037Characterized by their behavior during process, e.g., soluble mask, re-deposited mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.038]    E21.038Characterized by process involved to create mask, e.g., lift-off mask, sidewalls, or to modify mask, such as pre-treatment, post-treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.039]    E21.039Process specially adapted to improve the resolution of the mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/033F6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.04]    E21.04Device having at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier, e.g., PN junction, depletion layer, carrier concentration layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.041]    E21.041Device having semiconductor body comprising carbon, e.g., diamond, diamond-like carbon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D.
(1) Note. This group covers passivation of the semiconductor body.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.042]    E21.042Making n- or p-doped regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.043]    E21.043Using ion im plantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.042. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D10B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.044]    E21.044Changing their shape, e.g., forming recess (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D16.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.045]    E21.045Making electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.046]    E21.046Ohmic electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.045. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D20A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.047]    E21.047Schottky electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.045. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D20C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.048]    E21.048Conductor-insulator-semiconductor electrode, e.g., MIS contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.045. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D20E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.049]    E21.049Multistep processes for manufacture of device whose active layer, e.g., base, channel, comprises semiconducting carbon, e.g., diamond, diamond-like carbon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D40.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.05]    E21.05Device controllable only by electric current supplied or the electric potential applied to electrode which does not carry current to be rectified, amplified, or switched, e.g., three-terminal devices such as source, drain, and gate terminals; emitter, base, collector terminals (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.049. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D40B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.051]    E21.051Field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.05. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D40B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.052]    E21.052Device controllable only by variation of electric current supplied or the electric potential applied to electrodes carrying current to be rectified, amplified, oscillated, or switched, e.g., two-terminal device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.049. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D40C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.053]    E21.053Diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.052. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04D40C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.054]    E21.054Device having semiconductor body comprising silicon carbide (SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.055]    E21.055Passivating silicon carbide surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.056]    E21.056Making n- or p- doped regions or layers, e.g., using diffusion (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.057]    E21.057Using ion implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.056. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H4A.


E21.054,for processes where ion implantation of boron and subsequent annealing does not produce a p-doped region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.058]    E21.058Using masks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.057. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H4A10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.059]    E21.059Angled implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.057. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H4A12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.06]    E21.06Changing shape of semiconductor body, e.g., forming recesses (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.061]    E21.061Making electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.062]    E21.062Ohmic electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.061. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H10A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.063]    E21.063Conductor-insulator-semiconductor electrode, e.g., MIS contact (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.061. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H10B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.064]    E21.064Schottky electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.061. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H10C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.065]    E21.065Multistep processes for manufacture of device whose active layer, e.g., base, channel, comprises silicon carbide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.066]    E21.066Device controllable only by electric current supplied or the electric potential applied to electrode which does not carry current to be rectified, amplified, or switched, e.g., three-terminal device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.065. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H20B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.067]    E21.067Device controllable only by variation of electric current supplied or electric potential applied to one or more of the electrodes carrying current to be rectified, amplified, oscillated, or switched, e.g., two-terminal device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.065. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/04H20C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.068]    E21.068Device having semiconductor body comprising selenium (Se) or tellurium (Te) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.069]    E21.069Preparation of substrate or foundation plate for Se or Te semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.07]    E21.07Preliminary treatment of Se or Te, its application to substrate, or the subsequent treatment of combination (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.071]    E21.071Application of Se or Te to substrate or foundation plate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/10B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.072]    E21.072Conversion of Se or Te to conductive state (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/103.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.073]    E21.073Treatment of surface of Se or Te layer after having been made conductive (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/105.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.074]    E21.074Provision of discrete insulating layer, i.e., specified barrier layer material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/108.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.075]    E21.075Application of electrode to exposed surface of Se or Te after Se or Te has been applied to foundation plate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.076]    E21.076Treatment of complete device, e.g., by electroforming to form barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/14.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.077]    E21.077Heat treating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.076. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/145.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.078]    E21.078Device having semiconductor body comprising cuprous oxide (Cu2O) or cuprous iodide (CuI) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.079]    E21.079Preparation of substrate, preliminary treatment oxidation of substrate, reduction treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.08]    E21.08Preliminary treatment of foundation plate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.079. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.081]    E21.081Reduction of copper oxide, treatment of oxide layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.079. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.082]    E21.082Oxidation and subsequent heat treatment of substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.079. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.083]    E21.083Application of specified conductive layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.079. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.084]    E21.084Treatment of complete device, e.g., electroforming, heat treating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/16C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.085]    E21.085Device having semiconductor body comprising Group IV elements or Group III-V compounds with or without impurities, e.g., doping materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/18.
(1) Note. This group covers also processes which, by using the appropriate technology, are clearly suitable for manufacture or treatment of devices whose bodies comprise Group IV elements or III-V compounds, even if the material used is not explicitly specified.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.086]    E21.086Intermixing or interdiffusion or disordering of Group III-V heterostructures, e.g., IILD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/18A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.087]    E21.087Joining of semiconductor body for junction formation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/18B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.088]    E21.088By direct bonding (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.087. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/18B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.089]    E21.089Multistep processes for manufacture of device using quantum interference effect, e.g., electrostatic Aharonov-Bohm effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/18Q.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.09]    E21.09Deposition of semiconductor material on substrate, e.g., epitaxial growth, solid phase epitaxy (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.091]    E21.091Using physical deposition, e.g., vacuum deposition, sputtering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.092]    E21.092Epitaxial deposition of Group IV element, e.g., Si, Ge (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.091. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.093]    E21.093Deposition on semiconductor substrate being different from deposited semiconductor material; i.e., formation of heterojunctions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.092. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.094]    E21.094Deposition on insulating or meta llic substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.092. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.095]    E21.095Epitaxial deposition of diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.092. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.096]    E21.096Deposition of diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.091. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.097]    E21.097Epitaxial deposition of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.091. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.098]    E21.098Deposition on semiconductor substrate not being an Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.099]    E21.099Deposition on insulating or metallic substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.1]    E21.1Doping during epitaxial deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/203C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.101]    E21.101Using reduction or decomposition of gaseous compound yielding solid condensate, i.e., chemical deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.102]    E21.102Epitaxial deposition of Group IV elements, e.g., Si, Ge, C (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.103]    E21.103Deposition on a semiconductor substrate which is different from the semiconductor material being deposited, i.e., formation of heterojunctions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.104]    E21.104Deposition on an insulating or a metallic substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.105]    E21.105Epitaxial deposition of diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.106]    E21.106Doping during the epitaxial deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.107]    E21.107Deposition of diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.108]    E21.108Epitaxial deposition of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.109]    E21.109Using molecular beam technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.108. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.11]    E21.11Doping the epitaxial deposit (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.108. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.111]    E21.111Doping with transition metals to form semi-insulating layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.112]    E21.112Deposition on a semiconductor substrate not being Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.108. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.113]    E21.113Deposition on an insulating or a metallic substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.108. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/205C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.114]    E21.114Using liquid deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/208.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.115]    E21.115Epitaxial deposition of Group IV elements, e.g., Si, Ge, C (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/208B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.116]    E21.116Deposition on a semiconductor substrate which is different from the semiconductor material being deposited, i.e., formation of heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.115. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/208B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.117]    E21.117Epitaxial deposition of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/208C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.118]    E21.118Deposition on a semiconductor substrate not being an Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/208C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.119]    E21.119Characterized by the substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.12]    E21.12Characterized by the post-treatment used to control the interface betw een substrate and epitaxial layer, e.g., ion implantation followed by annealing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.121]    E21.121Substrate is crystalline insulating material, e.g., sapphire (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.122]    E21.122Bonding of semiconductor wafer to insulating substrate or to semic onducting substrate using an intermediate insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B2.


E21.088,for bonding of semiconductor wafer to semiconductor wafer for junction formation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.123]    E21.123Substrate is crystalline semiconductor material, e.g., lattice adaptation, heteroepitaxy (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.124]    E21.124Heteroepitaxy (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.125]    E21.125Defect and dislocati on suppression due to lattice mismatch, e.g., lattice adaptation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.126]    E21.126Group III-V compound on dissimilar Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.127]    E21.127Group III-V compound on Si or Ge (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.128]    E21.128Carbon on a noncarbon semiconductor substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.129]    E21.129Group IVA, e.g., Si, C, Ge on Group IVB, e.g., Ti, Zr (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B6B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.13]    E21.13The substrate is crystalline conducting material, e.g., metallic silicide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.131]    E21.131Selective epilaxial growth, e.g., simultaneous deposition of mono- and non-mono semiconductor material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.132]    E21.132Preparation of substrate for selective epitaxy (EPO) :
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.131. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.133]    E21.133Epitaxial re-growth of non-monocrystalline semiconductor material, e.g., lateral epitaxy by seeded solidific ation, solid-state crystallization, solid-state graphoepitaxy, explosive crystallization, grain growth in polycrystalline material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.134]    E21.134Using a coherent energy beam, e.g., laser or electron beam (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.133. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/20D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.135]    E21.135Diffusion of impurity material, e.g., doping material, electrode material, into or out of a semiconductor body, or between semiconductor regions; interactions between two or more impurities; redistribution of impurities (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.136]    E21.136From the substrate during epitaxy, e.g., autodoping; preventing or using autodoping (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.137]    E21.137To control carrier lifetime, i.e., deep level dopant (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.138]    E21.138In Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.137. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.139]    E21.139Lithium-drift (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.14]    E21.14Diffusion source (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/22N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.141]    E21.141Using diffusion into or out of a solid from or into a gaseous phase (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/223.


E21.144,for diffusion into or out of a solid from or into a solid phase, e.g., a doped oxide layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.142]    E21.142Diffusion into or out of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/223B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.143]    E21.143From or into plasma phase (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/223E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.144]    E21.144Using diffusion into or out of a solid from or into a solid phase, e.g., a doped oxide layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.145]    E21.145Diffusion into or out of Group IV semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.144. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.146]    E21.146Using predeposition of impurities into the semiconductor surface, e.g., from gaseous phase (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.145. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.147]    E21.147By ion implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.146. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.148]    E21.148From or through or into an applied layer, e.g., photoresist, nitride (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.145. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.149]    E21.149Applied layer is oxide, e.g., P2O5, PSG, H3 BO3, doped oxide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.148. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.15]    E21.15Through the applied layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.149. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A4D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.151]    E21.151Applied layer being silicon or silicide or SIPOS, e.g., polysilicon, porous silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.148. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225A4F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.152]    E21.152Diffusion into or out of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.144. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/225B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.153]    E21.153Using diffusion into or out of a solid from or into a liquid phase, e.g., alloy diffusion process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/228.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.154]    E21.154Alloying of impurity material, e.g., doping material, electrode material, with a semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/24.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.155]    E21.155Alloying of doping material with Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/24B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.156]    E21.156Alloying of electrode material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/24C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.157]    E21.157With Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.156. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/24C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.158]    E21.158Manufacture of electrode on semiconductor body using process other than by epitaxial growth, diffusion of impurities, alloying of impurity materials, or radiation bombardment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28.


E21.090through E21.134, for epitaxial growth.
E21.135through E21.153, for diffusion of impurities.
E21.154through E21 -157, for alloying of impurity materials.
E21.328through E21.349, for radiation bombardment.
E21.249through E21.257 and E21.305-E21.314, for etching and patterning the electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.159]    E21.159Deposition of conductive or insulating material for electrode conducting electric current (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/283.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.16]    E21.16From a gas or vapor, e.g., condensation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.159. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.161]    E21.161Of conductive layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.16. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.162]    E21.162On semiconductor body comprising Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.161. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.163]    E21.163Deposition of Schottky electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.164]    E21.164O layer comprising silicide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.165]    E21.165Conductive layer comprising silicide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.166]    E21.166Conductive layer comprising semiconducting material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.167]    E21.167Making of side-wall contact (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.166. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.168]    E21.168Conductive layer comprising transition metal, e.g., Ti, W, Mo (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.169]    E21.169By physical means, e.g., sputtering, evaporation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.17]    E21.17By chemical means, e.g., CVD, LPCVD, PECVD, laser CVD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.171]    E21.171Selective deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.17. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B4H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.172]    E21.172On semiconductor body comprising Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.161. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.173]    E21.173Deposition of Schottky electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.172. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/285B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.174]    E21.174From a liquid, e.g., electrolytic deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.159. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/288.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.175]    E21.175Using an external electrical current, i.e., electro-deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/288E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.176]    E21.176Manufacture or post-treatment of electrode having a capacitive structure, i.e., gate structure for field-effect device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.177]    E21.177MOS-gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.176. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.178]    E21.178Joint-gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.179]    E21.179Floating or plural gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.18]    E21.18Gate structure with charge-trapping insulator (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.181]    E21.181On semiconductor body not comprising Group IV element, e.g., Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.182]    E21.182On semiconductor body comprising Group IV element excluding non-elemental Si, e.g., Ge, C, diamond, silicon compound or compound, such as SiC or SiGe (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.183]    E21.183For charge-coupled device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.177. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B2K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.184]    E21.184PN-homojunction gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.176. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.185]    E21.185For charge-coupled device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.184. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B3K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.186]    E21.186Schottky gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.176. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.187]    E21.187For charge-coupled device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.186. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B4K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.188]    E21.188Heterojunction gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.176. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.189]    E21.189For charge-coupled device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.188. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28B5K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.19]    E21.19Making electrode structure comprising conductor-insulator-semiconductor, e.g., MIS gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.191]    E21.191Insulator formed on silicon semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.19. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.192]    E21.192Characterized by insulator (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.191. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.193]    E21.193On single crystalline silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.192. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.194]    E21.194Characterized by treatment after formation of definitive gate conductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.193. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.195]    E21.195Characterized by conductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.191. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B.
(1) Note. This subclass includes the final conductor comprising a superconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.196]    E21.196Final conductor next to insulator having lateral composition or doping variation, or being formed laterally by more than one deposition step (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.197]    E21.197Final conductor layer next to insulator being silicon e.g., polysilicon, with or without impurities (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B2.
(1) Note. A very thin layer, e.g., silicon, adhesion or seed layer is not considered as the one next to the insulator.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.198]    E21.198Conductor comprising at least another nonsilicon conductive layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.197. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B2P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.199]    E21.199Conductor comprising silicide layer formed by silicidation reaction of silicon with metal layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.198. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B2P3.


E21.198,for conductor comprising a silicide layer formed by metal ion implantation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.2]    E21.2Conductor comprising metal or metallic silicide formed by deposition e.g., sputter deposition, i.e., without silicidation reaction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.198. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B2P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.201]    E21.201Conductor layer next to insulator is Si or Ge or C and their non-Si alloys (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.202]    E21.202Conductor layer next to the insulator is single metal, e.g., Ta, W, Mo, Al (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.203]    E21.203Conductor layer next to insulator is metallic silicide (Me Si) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.204]    E21.204Conductor layer next to insulator is non-Me Si composite or compound, e.g., TiN (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.205]    E21.205Characterized by sectional shape, e.g., T-shape, inverted T, spacer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.206]    E21.206Lithography, isolation, or planarization-related aspects of making conductor-insulator-semiconductor structure, e.g., sub-lithography lengths; to solve problems arising at crossing with side of device isolation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E2B30.
(1) Note. When the conductor, or part of it, is a spacer, documents are also classified in E21.205.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.207]    E21.207Insulator formed on nonelemental silicon semiconductor body, e.g., Ge, SiGe, SiGeC (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.19. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28E3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.208]    E21.208Comprising layer having ferroelectric properties (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.209]    E21.209Making electrode structure comprising conductor-insulator-conductor-insulator-semiconductor, e.g., gate stack for non-volatile memory (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.21]    E21.21Comprising charge trapping insulator (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/28G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.211]    E21.211Treatment of semiconductor body using process other than deposition of semiconductor material on a substrate, diffusion or alloying of impurity material, or radiation treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/30.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.212]    E21.212Hydrogenation or deuterization, e.g., using atomic hydrogen or deuterium from a plasma (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/30H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.213]    E21.213Of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.212. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/30H8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.214]    E21.214To change their surface-physical characteristics or shape, e.g., etching, polishing, cutting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/302.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.215]    E21.215Chemical or electrical treatment, e.g., electrolytic etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.214. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306.


E21.240,for forming insulating layers by masking or using photolithographic technique.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.216]    E21.216Electrolytic etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3063.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.217]    E21.217Of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.216. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3063B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.218]    E21.218Plasma etching; reactive-ion etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3065.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.219]    E21.219Chemical etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.22]    E21.22Etching of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.219. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.221]    E21.221Anisotropic liquid etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.22. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.222]    E21.222Vapor phase etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.22. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306B4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.223]    E21.223Anisotropic liquid etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.219. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.224]    E21.224Chemical cleaning (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.225]    E21.225Cleaning diamond or graphite (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.224. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.226]    E21.226Dry cleaning (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.224. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.227]    E21.227With gaseous hydrogen fluoride (HF) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.226. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.228]    E21.228Wet cleaning only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.224. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.229]    E21.229Combining dry and wet cleaning steps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.224. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306N6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.23]    E21.23With simultaneous mechanical treatment, e.g., chemical-mechanical polishing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/306P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.231]    E21.231Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.215. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.232]    E21.232Characterized by their composition, e.g., multilayer masks, materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.231. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.233]    E21.233Characterized by their size, orientation, disposition, behavior, shape, in horizontal or vertical plane (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.231. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.234]    E21.234Characterized by their behavior during process, e.g., soluble mask, redeposited mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.235]    E21.235Characterized by process involved to create mask, e.g., lift-off mask, sidewall, or to modify the mask, e.g., pre-treatment, post-treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.236]    E21.236Process specially adapted to improve resolution of mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/308D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.237]    E21.237Mechanical treatment, e.g., grinding, polishing, cutting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.214. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/304.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.238]    E21.238Making grooves, e.g., cutting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.237. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/304B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.239]    E21.239Using abrasion, e.g., sand-blasting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.237. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/304D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.24]    E21.24To form insulating layer thereon, e.g., for masking or by using photolithographic technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.214. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/31.


E21.158,for manufacture of electrodes.
E21.502,for encapsulating layers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.241]    E21.241Post-treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.24. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.242]    E21.242Of organic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.241. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.243]    E21.243Planarization of insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.241. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.244]    E21.244Involving dielectric removal step (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.243. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.245]    E21.245Removal by chemical etching, e.g., dry etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.244. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105B2B.


E21.249,for etching, per se.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.246]    E21.246Removal by selective chemical etching, e.g., selective dry etching through mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.245. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3105B2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.247]    E21.247Doping insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.241. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3115.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.248]    E21.248By ion implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.247. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3115B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.249]    E21.249Etching insulating layer by chemical or physical means (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.241. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.25]    E21.25Etching inorganic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.249. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.251]    E21.251By chemical means (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.25. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.252]    E21.252By dry-etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.251. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.253]    E21.253Of layers not containing Si, e.g., PZT, Al2O3 (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.252. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311B2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.254]    E21.254Etching organic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.249. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.255]    E21.255By chemical means (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.254. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.256]    E21.256By dry-etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.257]    E21.257Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.249. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/311D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.258]    E21.258Using masks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.24. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/32.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.259]    E21.259Organic layers, e.g., photoresist (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.24. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.26]    E21.26Layer comprising organo-silicon compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.259. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.261]    E21.261Layer comprising polysiloxane compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.26. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.262]    E21.262Layer comprising hydrogen silsesquioxane (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.261. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.263]    E21.263Layer comprising silazane compounds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.261. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.264]    E21.264Layers comprising fluoro hydrocarbon compounds, e.g., polytetrafluoroethylene (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.259. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.265]    E21.265By Langmuir-Blodgett technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.259. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/312L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.266]    E21.266Inorganic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.24. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/314.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.267]    E21.267Composed of alternated layers or of mixtures of nitrides and oxides or of oxynitrides, e.g., formation of oxynitride by oxidation of nitride layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/314B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.268]    E21.268Of silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/314B1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.269]    E21.269Formed by deposition from a gas or vapor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.268. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/314B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.27]    E21.27Carbon layer, e.g., diamond-like layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/314C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.271]    E21.271Composed of oxide or glassy oxide or oxide based glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.272]    E21.272With perovskite structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.271. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.273]    E21.273Deposition of porous oxide or porous glassy oxide or oxide based porous glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.271. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.274]    E21.274Deposition from gas or vapor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.271. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.275]    E21.275Deposition of boron or phosphorus doped silicon oxide, e.g., BSG, PSG, BPSG (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.274. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.276]    E21.276Deposition of halogen doped silicon oxide, e.g., fluorine doped silicon oxide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.274. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.277]    E21.277Deposition of carbon doped silicon oxide, e.g., SiOC (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.274. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.278]    E21.278Deposition of silicon oxide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.274. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.279]    E21.279On silicon body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.278. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.28]    E21.28Deposition of aluminum oxide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.274. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.281]    E21.281On a silicon body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.28. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316B3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.282]    E21.282Formed by oxidation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.271. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.283]    E21.283Of semiconductor material, e.g., by oxidation of semiconductor body itself (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.282. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.284]    E21.284By thermal oxidation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.283. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.285]    E21.285Of silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.284. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.286]    E21.286Of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.284. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.287]    E21.287By anodic oxidation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.283. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.288]    E21.288Of silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.287. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.289]    E21.289Of Group III-V compound (EPO) :
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.287. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C2C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.29]    E21.29Of metallic layer, e.g., Al deposited on body, e.g., formation of multi-layer insulating structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.282. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.291]    E21.291By anodic oxidation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.29. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/316C3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.292]    E21.292Inorganic layer composed of nitride (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/318.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.293]    E21.293Of silicon nitride (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.292. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/318B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.294]    E21.294Deposition/post-treatment of noninsulating, e.g., conductive - or resistive - layers on insulating layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.214. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205.


E21.158,for manufacture of electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.295]    E21.295Deposition of layer comprising metal, e.g., metal, alloys, metal compounds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.294. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.296]    E21.296Of metal-silicide layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.295. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.297]    E21.297Deposition of semiconductive layer, e.g., poly - or amorphous silicon layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.294. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.298]    E21.298Deposition of superconductive layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.294. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205Q.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.299]    E21.299Deposition of conductive or semi-conductive organic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.294. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3205P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.3]    E21.3Post treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.294. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/321.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.301]    E21.301Oxidation of silicon-containing layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/321C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.302]    E21.302Nitriding of silicon-containing layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/321D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.303]    E21.303Planarization (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/321P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.304]    E21.304By chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.303. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/321P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.305]    E21.305Physical or chemical etching of layer, e.g., to produce a patterned layer from pre-deposited extensive layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.3 This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.306]    E21.306By physical means only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.305. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.307]    E21.307Of silicon-containing layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.306. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.308]    E21.308By chemical means only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.305. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.309]    E21.309By liquid etching only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.308. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.31]    E21.31By vapor etching only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.308. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.311]    E21.311Using plasma (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.312]    E21.312Of silicon-containing layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.311. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.313]    E21.313Pre- or post-treatment, e.g., anti-corrosion process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213C4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.314]    E21.314Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.305. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3213D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.315]    E21.315Doping layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3215.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.316]    E21.316Doping polycrystalline or amorphous silicon layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.315. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/3215B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.317]    E21.317To modify their internal properties, e.g., to produce internal imperfections (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.318]    E21.318Of silicon body, e.g., for gettering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.319]    E21.319Using cavities formed by inert gas ion implantation, e.g., hydrogen, noble gas (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.318. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.32]    E21.32Of silicon on insulator (SOI) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.318. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322B10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.321]    E21.321Thermally inducing defects using oxygen present in silicon body for intrinsic gettering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.318. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322B8.
(1) Note. Gettering using both extrinsic and intrinsic gettering processes is classified in both E21.318 and E21.321.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.322]    E21.322Of Group III-V compound, e.g., to make them semi-insulating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.323]    E21.323Of diamond body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/322D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.324]    E21.324Thermal treatment for modifying properties of semiconductor body, e.g., annealing, sintering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/324.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.325]    E21.325For the formation of PN junction without addition of impurities (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.324. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/324B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.326]    E21.326Of Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.324. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/324P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.327]    E21.327Application of electric current or field, e.g., for electroforming (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/326.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.328]    E21.328Radiation treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/26.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.329]    E21.329Using natural radiation, e.g., alpha , beta or gamma radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.328. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/26C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.33]    E21.33To produce chemical element by transmutation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.328. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/261.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.331]    E21.331With high-energy radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.328. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/263.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.332]    E21.332For etching, e.g., sputter etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21331. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/263B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.333]    E21.333For heating, e.g., electron beam heating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.331. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/263C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.334]    E21.334Producing ions for implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.331. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.335]    E21.335In Group IV semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.334. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.336]    E21.336Of electrically active species (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.335. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.337]    E21.337Through-implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.336. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265A2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.338]    E21.338Recoil-implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.335. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265A3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.339]    E21.339Of electrically inactive species in silicon to make buried insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.335. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.34]    E21.34In Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.334. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.341]    E21.341Of electrically active species (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.34. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.342]    E21.342Through-implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.341. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.343]    E21.343Characterized by the implantation of both electrically active and inactive species in the same semiconductor region to be doped (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.34. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.344]    E21.344In diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.334. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.345]    E21.345Characterized by the angle between the ion beam and the crystal planes or the main crystal surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.334. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/265F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.346]    E21.346Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.334. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/266.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.347]    E21.347Using electromagnetic radiation, e.g., laser radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.331. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/268.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.348]    E21.348Using X-ray laser (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.347. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/268B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.349]    E21.349Using incoherent radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.347. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/268C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.35]    E21.35Multi-step process for manufacture of device of bipolar type, e.g., diodes, transistors, thyristors, resistors, capacitors) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/328.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.351]    E21.351Device comprising one or two electrodes, e.g., diode, resistor or capacitor with PN or Schottky junctions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.35. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.352]    E21.352Diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.351. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.353]    E21.353Tunnel diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.354]    E21.354Transit time diode, e.g., IMPATT, TRAPATT diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.355]    E21.355Break-down diode, e.g., Zener diode, avalanche diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.356]    E21.356Zener diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.355. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.357]    E21.357Avalanche diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.355. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.358]    E21.358Rectifier diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.359]    E21.359Schottky diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.36]    E21.36Planar diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.361]    E21.361Multi-layer diode, e.g., PNPN or NPNP diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.362]    E21.362Gated-diode structure, e.g., SITh, FCTh, FCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.352. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329B9.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.363]    E21.363Resistor with PN junction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.351. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.364]    E21.364Capacitor with PN - or Schottky junction, e.g., varactor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.351. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329D.


E21.397,for hybrid capacitor with PN junction combined with MOS control.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.365]    E21.365Active layer is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.351. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.366]    E21.366Diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.365. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.367]    E21.367With an heterojunction, e.g., resonant tunneling diodes (RTD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.366. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329P4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.368]    E21.368Schottky diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.366. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/329P4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.369]    E21.369Device comprising three or more electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.35. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/33.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.37]    E21.37Transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.369. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.371]    E21.371Heterojunction transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.37. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331B.
(1) Note: for multi-step processes, a junction between two regions of the same material but in different crystalline state, e.g., amorphous Si or poly Si emitters on a single crystalline Si, is not considered an heterojunction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.372]    E21.372Bipolar thin film transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.37. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.373]    E21.373Lateral transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.37. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.374]    E21.374Schottky transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.375]    E21.375Silicon vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.376]    E21.376Planar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.375. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.377]    E21.377Mesa-planar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.375. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.378]    E21.378Inverse transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.375. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.379]    E21.379With single crystalline emitter, collector or base including extrinsic, link or graft base formed on silicon substrate, e.g., by epitaxy, recrystallization, after insulating device isolation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.375. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.38]    E21.38Where main current goes through whole of silicon substrate, e.g., power bipolar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.375. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.381]    E21.381With a multi- emitter, e.g., interdigitated, multicellular, distributed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.38. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331F10E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.382]    E21.382Field-effect controlled bipolar-type transistor, e.g., insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.37. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.383]    E21.383Vertical insulated gate bipolar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.382. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.384]    E21.384With recessed gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.383. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331G2R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.385]    E21.385With recess formed by etching in source/emitter contact region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.383. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331G2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.386]    E21.386Active layer, e.g., base, is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.37. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.387]    E21.387Heterojunction transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.386. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/331P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.388]    E21.388Thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.369. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332.


E21.362,for gated diode structure, e.g., FCTh, SITh, and FCD.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.389]    E21.389Lateral or planar thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.388. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.39]    E21.39Structurally associated with other devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.388. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332M.


E21.602,for manufacturing of integrated circuits.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.391]    E21.391Other device being a controlling device of the field-effect-type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.39. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.392]    E21.392Bi-directional thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.388. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.393]    E21.393Active layer is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.388. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/332Q.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.394]    E21.394Multi-step process for the manufacture of unipolar device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.085. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.395]    E21.395Transistor-like structure, e.g., hot electron transistor (HET); metal base transistor (MBT); resonant tunneling HET (RHET); resonant tunneling transistor (RTT ); bulk barrier transistor (BBT); planar doped barrier transistor (PDBT); charge injection transistor (CHINT); ballistic transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.394. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.396]    E21.396Metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor, e.g., trench capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.394. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.397]    E21.397Comprising PN junction, e.g., hybrid capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.396. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.398]    E21.398Active layer is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.394. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.399]    E21.399Transistor-like structure, e.g., hot electron transistor (HET), metal base transistor (MBT), resonant tunneling hot electron transistor (RHET), resonant tunneling transistor (RTT), bulk barrier transistor (BBT), planar doped barrier transistor (PDBT), charge injection transistor (CHINT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.398. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/334P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.4]    E21.4Field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.394. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.401]    E21.401Using static field induced region, e.g., SIT, PBT (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.402]    E21.402Permeable base transistor (PBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.401. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.403]    E21.403With heterojunction interface channel or gate, e.g., HFET, HIGFET, SISFET, HJFET, HEMT (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.404]    E21.404With one or zero or quasi-one or quasi-zero dimensional charge carrier gas channel, e.g., quantum wire FET; single electron transistor (SET); striped channel transistor; coulomb blockade device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.405]    E21.405Active layer is Group III-V compound, e.g., III-V velocity modulation transistor (VMT), NERFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.406]    E21.406Using static field induced region, e.g., SIT, PBT (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.405. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.407]    E21.407With an heterojunction interface channel or gate, e.g., HFET, HIGFET, SI SFET, HJFET, HEMT (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.405. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335P3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.408]    E21.408With one or zero or quasi-one or quasi-zero dimensional channel, e.g., in plane gate transistor (IPG), single electron transistor (SET), striped channel transistor, coulomb blockade device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.405. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/335P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.409]    E21.409With an insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.41]    E21.41Vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336A.


E21.411through E21.416, for vertical thin film transistor, with the exception of monocrystalline vertical thin film transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.411]    E21.411Thin film unipolar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.412]    E21.412Amorphous silicon or polysilicon transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.411. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D2.
(1) Note: This subclass includes amorphous silicon or polysilicon transistor with Gate All Around.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.413]    E21.413Lateral single gate single channel transistor with noninverted structure, i.e., channel layer is formed before gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.412. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.414]    E21.414Lateral single gate single channel transistor with inverted structure, i.e., channel layer is formed after gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.412. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.415]    E21.415Monocrystalline silicon transistor on insulating substrate, e.g., quartz substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.411. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.416]    E21.416On sapphire substrate, e.g., silicon on sapphire (SOS) transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.415. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336D3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.417]    E21.417With channel containing layer, e.g., p-base, formed in or on drain region, e.g., DMOS transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.418]    E21.418Vertical power DMOS transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.417. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.419]    E21.419With recessed gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.418. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336B2R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.42]    E21.42With recess formed by etching in source/base contact region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.418. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.421]    E21.421With multiple gate, one gate having MOS structure and others having same or a different structure, i.e., non MOS, e.g., JFET gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.422]    E21.422With floating gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.423]    E21.423With charge trapping gate insulator, e.g., MNOS transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.424]    E21.424Lateral single gate silicon transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H.


E21.435,for lateral single gate silicon transistor with LDD.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.425]    E21.425With source or drain region formed by Schottky barrier or conductor-insulator-semiconductor structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H18.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.426]    E21.426With single crystalline channel formed on the silicon substrate after insulating device isolation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.427]    E21.427With asymmetry in channel direction, e.g., high-voltage lateral transistor with channel containing layer, e.g., p-base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H4.


E21.417,for lateral single gate silicon transistor with p-base formed in or on the drain region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.428]    E21.428With a recessed gate, e.g., lateral U-MOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.429]    E21.429Using etching to form recess at gate location (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.428. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.43]    E21.43Recessing gate by adding semiconductor material at source (S) or drain (D) location, e.g., transist or with elevated single crystal S and D (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.428. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.431]    E21.431With source and drain recessed by etching or recessed and refilled (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.432]    E21.432With source and drain contacts formation strictly before final gate formation, e.g., contact first technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.433]    E21.433Where the source and drain or source and drain extensions are self-aligned to sides of gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.424. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.434]    E21.434With initial gate mask or masking layer complementary to prospective gate location, e.g., with dummy source and drain contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.433. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336H1C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.435]    E21.435Lateral single gate single channel silicon transistor with both lightly doped source and drain extensions and source and drain self-aligned to sides of gate, e.g., LDD MOSFET, DDD MOSFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.436]    E21.436Gate comprising layer with ferroelectric properties (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.437]    E21.437With lightly doped drain selectively formed at side of gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336L.


E21.435,and E21.427, for LDD, per se.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.438]    E21.438Using self-aligned silicidation, i.e., salicide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336M.
(1) Note: documents are classified in this subclass when they are directed to avoiding short circuit between source/drain and gate.


E21.165,for improving the source or drain contact.
E21.199,for improving the gate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.439]    E21.439Providing different silicide thicknesses on gate and on source or drain (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.438. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.44]    E21.44Using self-aligned selective metal deposition simultaneously on gate and on source or drain (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.441]    E21.441Active layer is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.442]    E21.442With gate at side of channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.443]    E21.443Using self-aligned punchthrough stopper or threshold implant under gate region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.444]    E21.444Using dummy gate wherein at least part of final gate is self-aligned to dummy gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.409. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/336U.
(1) Note: this subclass also includes processes where only a part of the gate is a dummy layer, e.g., part of a silicide stemming from the silicidation of polymer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.445]    E21.445With PN junction or heterojunction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/337.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.446]    E21.446With PN homojunction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.445. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/337B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.447]    E21.447Vertical transistor, e.g., tecnetrons (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.446. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/337B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.448]    E21.448With heterojunction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.445. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/337C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.449]    E21.449Active layer is Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.445. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/337P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.45]    E21.45With Schottky gate, e.g., MESFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.4. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.451]    E21.451Active layer being Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.45. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.452]    E21.452Lateral single-gate transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.451. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.453]    E21.453Process wherein final gate is made after formation of source and drain regions in active layer, e.g., dummy-gate process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.452. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338P2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.454]    E21.454Process wherein final gate is made before formation, e.g., activation anneal, of source and drain regions in active layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.452. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338P2C.
(1) Note: This subclass covers processes wherein the drain is formed before the final gate but wherein a LDD or the like is formed after.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.455]    E21.455Lateral transistor with two or more independent gates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.452. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/338P2M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.456]    E21.456Charge transfer device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.394. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/339.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.457]    E21.457With insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.456. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/339B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.458]    E21.458With Schottky gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.456. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/339C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.459]    E21.459Device having semiconductor body other than carbon, Si, Ge, SiC, Se, Te, Cu 2O, CuI, and Group III-V compounds with or without impurities, e.g., doping materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04 This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/34.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.46]    E21.46Multistep process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/34B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.461]    E21.461Deposition of semiconductor material on substrate, e.g., epitaxial growth (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/36.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.462]    E21.462Using physical deposition, e.g., vacuum deposition, sputtering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.461. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/363.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.463]    E21.463Using reduction or decomposition of gaseous compound yielding solid condensate, i.e., chemical deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.461. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/365.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.464]    E21.464Using liquid deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.461. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/368.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.465]    E21.465From molten solution of compound or alloy, e.g., liquid phase epitaxy (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.464. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/368B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.466]    E21.466Diffusion of impurity material, e.g., dopant, electrode material, into or out of semiconductor body, or between semiconductor regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/38.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.467]    E21.467Using diffusion into or out of solid from or into gaseous phase (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.466. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/383.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.468]    E21.468Using diffusion into or out of solid from or into solid phase, e.g., doped oxide layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.466. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/385.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.469]    E21.469Using diffusion into or out of solid from or into liquid phase, e.g., alloy diffusion process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.466. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/388.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.47]    E21.47Alloying of impurity material, e.g., dopant, electrode material, with semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/40.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.471]    E21.471Radiation treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/42.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.472]    E21.472With high-energy radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.471. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/423.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.473]    E21.473Producing ion implantation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.472. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/425.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.474]    E21.474Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.473. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/426.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.475]    E21.475Using electromagnetic radiation, e.g., laser radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.472. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/428.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.476]    E21.476Manufacture of electrodes on semiconductor bodies using processes or apparatus other than epitaxial growth, e.g., coating, diffusion, or alloying, or radiation treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/44.


E21.461through E21.475, for manufacture of electrodes on semiconductor bodies or apparatus not provided for in this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.477]    E21.477Deposition of conductive or insulating materials for electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.476. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/441.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.478]    E21.478From gas or vapor, e.g., condensation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.477. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/443.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.479]    E21.479From liquid, e.g., electrolytic deposition (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.477. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/445.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.48]    E21.48Involving application of pressure, e.g., thermo compression bonding (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.476. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/447.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.481]    E21.481Including application of mechanical vibration, e.g., ultrasonic vibration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.476. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/449.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.482]    E21.482Treatment of semiconductor body using process other than electromagnetic radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.459. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/46.


E21.475,for treatment of semiconductor body using electromagnetic radiation, e.g., laser.
E21.476,for manufacture of electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.483]    E21.483To change their surface-physical characteristics or shape, e.g., etching, polishing, cutting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.482. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/461.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.484]    E21.484Mechanical treatment, e.g., grinding, ultrasonic treatment (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.483. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/463.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.485]    E21.485Chemical or electrical treatment, e.g., electrolytic etching (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.483. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/465.


E21.487,for chemical or electrical treatment to form insulating layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.486]    E21.486Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.485. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/467.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.487]    E21.487To form insulating layer thereon, e.g., for masking or by using photolithographic techniques; posttreatment of these layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.483. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/469.


E21.476,for manufacture of electrodes.
E21.502,for encapsulating layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.488]    E21.488Using mask (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.487. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/475.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.489]    E21.489Posttreatment of insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.487. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/4757.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.49]    E21.49Etching layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.489. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/4757B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.491]    E21.491Doping layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.489. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/4757C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.492]    E21.492Organic layer, e.g., photoresist (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.487. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/47.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.493]    E21.493Inorganic layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.487. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/471.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.494]    E21.494Composed of oxide or glassy oxide or oxide- based glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.493. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/473.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.495]    E21.495Deposition of noninsulating, e.g., conductive-, resistive-, layer on insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.483. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/4763.


E21.476,for manufacture of electrodes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.496]    E21.496Posttreatment of layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.495. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/4763B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.497]    E21.497Thermal treatment for modifying property of semiconductor body, e.g., annealing, sintering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.482. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/477.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.498]    E21.498Application of electric current or fields, e.g., for electroforming (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.482. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/479.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.499]    E21.499Assembling semiconductor devices, e.g., packaging, including mounting, encapsulating, or treatment of packaged semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/50.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.5]    E21.5Mounting semiconductor bodies in container (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.499. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/52.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.501]    E21.501Providing fillings in container, e.g., gas fillings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.499. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/54.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.502]    E21.502Encapsulation, e.g., encapsulation layer, coating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.499. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/56.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.503]    E21.503Encapsulation of active face of flip-chip device, e.g., under filling or under encapsulation of flip-chip, encapsulation perform on chip or mounting substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.502. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/56F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.504]    E21.504Moulds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.502. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/56M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.505]    E21.505Insulative mounting semiconductor device on support (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.499. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/58.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.506]    E21.506Attaching or detaching leads or other conductive members, to be used for carrying current to or from device in operation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.499. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.507]    E21.507Formation of contacts to semiconductor by use of metal layers separated by insulating layers, e.g., self-aligned contacts to source/drain or emitter/base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.508]    E21.508Forming solder bumps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.507. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.509]    E21.509Involving soldering or alloying process, e.g., soldering wires (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.51]    E21.51Mounting on metallic conductive member (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.509. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.511]    E21.511Mounting on insulating member provided with metallic leads, e.g., flip-chip mounting, conductive die mounting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.509. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.512]    E21.512Right-up bonding (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.511. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60C4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.513]    E21.513Mounting on semiconductor conductive member (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.509. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.514]    E21.514Involving use of conductive adhesive (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.515]    E21.515Involving use of mechanical auxiliary part without use of alloying or soldering process, e.g., pressure contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.516]    E21.516Involving automation techniques using film carriers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.517]    E21.517Involving use of electron or laser beam (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/60G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.518]    E21.518Involving application of mechanical vibration, e.g., ultrasonic vibration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/607.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.519]    E21.519Involving application of pressure, e.g., thermo-compression bonding (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.506. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/603.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.52]    E21.52Devices having no potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/62.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.521]    E21.521Testing or measuring during manufacture or treatment or reliability measurement, i.e., testing of parts followed by no processing which modifies parts as such (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66.


E23.179,for marks, test patterns.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.522]    E21.522Structural arrangement (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.521. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.523]    E21.523Additional lead-in metallization on device, e.g., additional pads or lands, lines in scribe line, sacrificed conductors, sacrificed frames (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.522. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.524]    E21.524Circuit for characterizing or monitoring manufacturing process, e.g., whole test die, wafer filled with test structures, onboard devices incorporated on each die, process/product control monitors or PCM, devices in scribe-line/kerf, drop-in devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.522. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.525]    E21.525Procedures, i.e., sequence of activities consisting of plurality of measurement and correction, marking or sorting steps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.521. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.526]    E21.526Connection or disconnection of subentities or redundant parts of device in response to measurement, e.g., wafer scale, memory devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.525. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.527]    E21.527Optical enhancement of defects or not directly visible states, e.g., selective electrolytic deposition, bubbles in liquids, light emission, color change (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.525. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.528]    E21.528Acting in response to ongoing measurement without interruption of processing, e.g., endpoint detection, in-situ thickness measurement (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.525. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66P6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.529]    E21.529Measuring as part of manufacturing process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.521. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.53]    E21.53For structural parameters, e.g., thickness, line width, refractive index, temperature, warp, bond strength, defects, optical inspection, electrical measurement of structural dimensions, metallurgic measurement of diffusions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.529. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.531]    E21.531For electrical parameters, e.g., resistance, deep levels, CV, diffusions by electrical means (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.529. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/66M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.532]    E21.532Manufacture or treatment of devices consisting of plurality of solid-state components formed in or on common substrate or of parts thereof; manufacture of integrated circuit devices or of parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/70.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.533]    E21.533Of thick- or thin-film circuits or parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.532. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/70B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.534]    E21.534Of thick-film circuits or parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.533. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/70B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.535]    E21.535Of thin-film circuits or parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.533. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/70B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.536]    E21.536Manufacture of specific parts of devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.532. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/71.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.537]    E21.537Making of localized buried regions, e.g., buried collector layer, internal connection, substrate contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.536. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/74.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.538]    E21.538Making of internal connections, substrate contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.537. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/74B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.539]    E21.539For Group III-V compound semiconductor integrated circuits (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.537. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/74F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.54]    E21.54Making of isolation regions between components (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.536. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/76.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.541]    E21.541Between components manufactured in active substrate comprising SiC compound semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/76H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.542]    E21.542Between components manufactured in active substrate comprising Group III-V compound semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/76P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.543]    E21.543Between components manufactured in active substrate comprising Group II-VI compound semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/76R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.544]    E21.544PN junction isolation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/761.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.545]    E21.545Dielectric regions, e.g., EPIC dielectric isolation, LOCOS; trench refilling techniques, SOI technology, use of channel stoppers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.546]    E21.546Using trench refilling with dielectric materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.545. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C.


E21.572,for trench filling with polycrystalline silicon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.547]    E21.547Dielectric material being obtained by full chemical transformation of nondielectric materials, such as polycrystalline silicon, metals (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.546. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.548]    E21.548Concurrent filling of plurality of trenches having different trench shape or dimension, e.g., rectangular and V-shaped trenches, wide and narrow trenches, shallow and deep trenches (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.546. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.549]    E21.549Of trenches having shape other than rectangular or V shape, e.g., rounded corners, oblique or rounded trench walls (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.546. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.55]    E21.55Trench shape altered by local oxidation of silicon process step, e.g., trench corner rounding by LOCOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.549. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C6A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.551]    E21.551Introducing impurities in trench side or bottom walls, e.g., for forming channel stoppers or alter isolation behavior (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.546. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762C8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.552]    E21.552Using local oxidation of silicon, e.g., LOCOS, SWAMI, SILO (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.545. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.553]    E21.553In region recessed from surface, e.g., in recess, groove, tub or trench region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.552. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.554]    E21.554Using auxiliary pillars in recessed region, e.g., to form LOCOS over extended areas (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.553. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.555]    E21.555Recessed region having shape other than rectangular, e.g., rounded or oblique shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.553. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.556]    E21.556Introducing electrical inactive or active impurities in local oxidation region, e.g., to alter LOCOS oxide growth characteristics or for additional isolation purpose (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.552. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.557]    E21.557Introducing electrical active impurities in local oxidation region solely for forming channel stoppers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.556. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.558]    E21.558Introducing both types of electrical active impurities in local oxidation region solely for forming channel stoppers, e.g., for isolation of complementary doped regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.557. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.559]    E21.559With plurality of successive local oxidation steps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.552. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.56]    E21.56Dielectric isolation using EPIC technique, i.e., epitaxial passivated integrated circuit (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.545. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.561]    E21.561Using semiconductor or insulator technology, i.e., SOI technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.545. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.562]    E21.562Using selective deposition of single crystal silicon, e.g., Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D10.


E21.703,for manufacture of integrated circuits on insulating substrates.
E21.704,for silicon on sapphire technology (SOS).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.563]    E21.563Using silicon implanted buried insulating layers, e.g., oxide layers, i.e., SIMOX technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.564]    E21.564SOI together with lateral isolation, e.g., using local oxidation of silicon, or dielectric or polycrystalline material refilled trench or air gap isolation regions, e.g., completely isolated semiconductor islands (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.565]    E21.565Using full isolation by porous oxide silicon, i.e., FIPOS technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.566]    E21.566Using lateral overgrowth technique, i.e., ELO techniques (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.567]    E21.567Using bonding technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.561. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.568]    E21.568With separation/delamination along ion implanted layer, e.g., "Smart-cut", "Unibond" (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.567. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D8B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.569]    E21.569Using silicon etch back technique, e.g., BESOI, ELTRAN (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.567. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D8D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.57]    E21.57With separation/delamination along porous layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.567. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762D8F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.571]    E21.571Using selective deposition of single crystal silicon, i.e., SEG technique (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.545. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/762E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.572]    E21.572Polycrystalline semiconductor regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/763.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.573]    E21.573Air gaps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/764.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.574]    E21.574Isolation by field effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.54. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/765.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.575]    E21.575Interconnections, comprising conductors and dielectrics, for carrying current between separate components within device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.536. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.576]    E21.576Characterized by formation and posttreatment of dielectrics, e.g., planarizing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.575. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.577]    E21.577By forming via holes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.576. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.578]    E21.578Tapered via holes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.577. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.579]    E21.579For "dual damascene" type structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.577. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.58]    E21.58Planarizing dielectric (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.576. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.581]    E21.581Dielectric comprising air gaps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.576. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768B6.


E21.243,for planarization of insulating materials, per se.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.582]    E21.582Characterized by formation and posttreatment of conductors, e.g., patterning (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.575. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.583]    E21.583Planarization; smoothing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C2.


E21.195,for electrode structure characterized by conductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.584]    E21.584Barrier, adhesion or liner layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.585]    E21.585Filling of holes, grooves, vias or trenches with conductive material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.586]    E21.586By selective deposition of conductive material in vias, e.g., selective chemical vapor deposition on semiconductor material, plating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.585. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.587]    E21.587By deposition over sacrificial masking layer, e.g., lift-off (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.585. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C4C.


E21.174,for electrolytic deposition.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.588]    E21.588Reflowing or applying pressure to fill contact hole, e.g., to remove voids (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.585. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C4E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.589]    E21.589By forming conductive members before deposition of protective insulating material, e.g., pillars, studs (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.59]    E21.59Local interconnects; local pads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.591]    E21.591Modifying pattern or conductivity of conductive members, e.g., formation of alloys, reduction of contact resistances (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.582. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.592]    E21.592By altering solid-state characteristics of conductive members, e.g., fuses, in situ oxidation, laser melting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.591. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8B.
(1) Note: This subclass includes permanent or temporary modification.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.593]    E21.593By forming silicide of refractory metal (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.591. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.594]    E21.594By using super-conducting material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.591. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.595]    E21.595Modifying pattern (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.591. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.596]    E21.596Using laser, e.g., laser cutting, laser direct writing, laser repair (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.595. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768C8L2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.597]    E21.597Formed through semiconductor substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.575. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/768T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.598]    E21.598Manufacture or treatment of devices consisting of plurality of solid-state components or integrated circuits formed in, or on, common substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.532. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/77.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.599]    E21.599With subsequent division of substrate into plural individual devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.598. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/78.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.6]    E21.6Involving separation of active layers from substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.599. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/78B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.601]    E21.601Leaving reusable substrate, e.g., epitaxial lift-off process (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.6. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/78B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.602]    E21.602To produce devices each consisting of plurality of components, e.g., integrated circuits (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.599. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/82.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.603]    E21.603Substrate is semiconductor, using combination of semiconductor substrates, e.g., diamond, SiC, Si, Group III-V compound, and/or Group II-VI compound semiconductor substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8258.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.604]    E21.604Substrate is semiconductor, using diamond technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/82D.


E21.604,for diamond.
E21.605,for silicon carbide.
E21.606,for silicon.
E21.697,for Group III-V compound semiconductors.
E21.698,for Group II-VI compound semiconductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.605]    E21.605Substrate is semiconductor, using SiC technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/82H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.606]    E21.606Substrate being semiconductor, using silicon technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/822.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.608]    E21.608Bipolar technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.606. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8222.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.609]    E21.609Comprising combination of vertical and lateral transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.608. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8224.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.61]    E21.61Comprising merged transistor logic or integrated injection logic (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.608. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8226.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.611]    E21.611Complementary devices, e.g., complementary transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.608. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8228.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.612]    E21.612Complementary vertical transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.611. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8228B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.613]    E21.613Memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.608. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8229.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.614]    E21.614Three-dimensional integrated circuits stacked in different levels (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.606. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/822B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.615]    E21.615Field-effect technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.606. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8232.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.616]    E21.616MIS technology (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.615. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.617]    E21.617Combination of charge coupled devices, i.e., CCD or BBD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.618]    E21.618With particular manufacturing method of channel, e.g., channel implants, halo or pocket implants, or channel materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.619]    E21.619With particular manufacturing method of source or drain, e.g., specific S or D implants or silicided S or D structures or raised S or D structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.62]    E21.62Manufacturing common source or drain regions between plurality of conductor-insulator-semiconductor structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.619. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.621]    E21.621With particular manufacturing method of gate conductor, e.g., particular materials, shapes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.622]    E21.622Silicided or salicided gate conductors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.621. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.623]    E21.623Gate conductors with different gate conductor materials or different gate conductor implants, e.g., dual gate structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.621. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234G4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.624]    E21.624Gate conductors with different shapes, lengths or dimensions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.621. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234G6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.625]    E21.625With particular manufacturing method of gate insulating layer, e.g., different gate insulating layer thicknesses, particular gate insulator materials or particular gate insulator implants (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.626]    E21.626With particular manufacturing method of gate sidewall spacers, e.g., double spacers, particular spacer material or shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.627]    E21.627Interconnection or wiring or contact manufacturing related aspects (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.628]    E21.628Isolation region manufacturing related aspects, e.g., to avoid interaction of isolation region with adjacent structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234U.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.629]    E21.629With particular manufacturing method of vertical transistor structures, i.e., with channel vertical to substrate surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.63]    E21.63With particular manufacturing method of wells or tubs, e.g., twin tubs, high energy well implants, buried implanted layers for lateral isolation (BILLI) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8234W.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.631]    E21.631Combination of enhancement and depletion transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8236.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.632]    E21.632Complementary field-effect transistors, e.g., CMOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.633]    E21.633With particular manufacturing method of channel, e.g., channel implants, halo or pocket implants, or channel materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.634]    E21.634With particular manufacturing method of source or drain, e.g., specific S or D implants or silicided S or D structures or raised S or D structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.635]    E21.635With particular manufacturing method of gate conductor, e.g., particular materials, shapes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.636]    E21.636Silicided or salicided gate conductors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.635. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.637]    E21.637Gate conductors with different gate conductor materials or different gate conductor implants, e.g., dual gate structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.635. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238G4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.638]    E21.638Gate conductors with different shapes, lengths or dimensions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.635. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238G6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.639]    E21.639With particular manufacturing method of gate insulating layer, e.g., different gate insulating layer thicknesses, particular gate insulator materials or particular gate insulator implants (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.64]    E21.64With particular manufacturing method of gate sidewall spacers, e.g., double spacers, particular spacer material or shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.641]    E21.641Interconnection or wiring or contact manufacturing related aspects (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.642]    E21.642Isolation region manufacturing related aspects, e.g., to avoid interaction of isolation region with adjacent structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238U.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.643]    E21.643With particular manufacturing method of vertical transistor structures, i.e., with channel vertical to substrate surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.632. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.644]    E21.644With particular manufacturing method of wells or tubs, e.g., twin tubs, high energy well implants, buried implanted layers for lateral isolation (BILLI) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8238W.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.645]    E21.645Memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.616. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8239.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.646]    E21.646Dynamic random access memory structures (DRAM) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.645. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.647]    E21.647Characterized by type of capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.646. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.648]    E21.648Capacitor stacked over transfer transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.647. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B2.


E21.008,and E21.396, for manufacturing of the capacitor, per se.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.649]    E21.649Making connection between transistor and capacitor, e.g., plug (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.648. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.65]    E21.65Capacitor extending under transfer transistor area (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.647. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.651]    E21.651Capacitor in U- or V-shaped trench in substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.647. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.652]    E21.652In combination with vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.651. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.653]    E21.653Making connection between transistor and capacitor, e.g., buried strap (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.651. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242B6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.654]    E21.654Characterized by type of transistor; manufacturing of transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.646. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.655]    E21.655Transistor in U- or V-shaped trench in substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.654. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.656]    E21.656Characterized by data lines (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.646. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.657]    E21.657Making bit line (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.656. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.658]    E21.658Making bit line contact (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.656. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.659]    E21.659Making word line (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.656. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.66]    E21.66Simultaneous fabrication of periphery and memory cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.646. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8242P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.661]    E21.661Static random access memory structures (SRAM) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.645. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8244.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.662]    E21.662Read-only memory structures (ROM), i.e., nonvolatile memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.645. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246.


E21.004,for manufacture of the resistor, per se.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.663]    E21.663Ferroelectric nonvolatile memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.664]    E21.664With ferroelectric capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.663. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246F6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.665]    E21.665Magnetic nonvolatile memory structures, e.g., MRAM (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.666]    E21.666PROM (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.667]    E21.667ROM only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.668]    E21.668With source and drain on same level, e.g., lateral channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.667. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.669]    E21.669Source or drain contact programmed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.668. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.67]    E21.67Gate contact programmed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.668. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.671]    E21.671Doping programmed, e.g., mask ROM (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.668. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.672]    E21.672Entire channel doping programmed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.671. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.673]    E21.673Source or drain doping programmed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.671. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.674]    E21.674Gate programmed, e.g., different gate material or no gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.668. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.675]    E21.675Gate dielectric programmed, e.g., different thickness (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.668. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R2T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.676]    E21.676With source and drain on different levels, e.g., vertical channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.667. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.677]    E21.677With FETs on different levels, e.g., 3D ROM (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.667. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.678]    E21.678Simultaneous fabrication of periphery and memory cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.667. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246R8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.679]    E21.679Charge trapping insulator nonvolatile memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8246T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.68]    E21.68Electrically programmable (EPROM), i.e., floating gate memory structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.662. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.681]    E21.681With conductive layer as control gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.68. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.682]    E21.682With source and drain on same level and without cell select transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.681. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.683]    E21.683Simultaneous fabrication of periphery and memory cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.682. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.684]    E21.684Including one type of peripheral FET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.683. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.685]    E21.685Control gate layer used for peripheral FET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.684. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P1C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.686]    E21.686Intergate dielectric layer used for peripheral FET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.684. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P1D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.687]    E21.687Floating gate layer used for peripheral FET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.684. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P1F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.688]    E21.688Floating gate dielectric layer used for peripheral FET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.684. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P1G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.689]    E21.689Including different types of peripheral FETs (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.683. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M2P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.69]    E21.69With source and drain on same level and with cell select transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.681. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.691]    E21.691Simultaneous fabrication of periphery and memory cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.69. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M4P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.692]    E21.692With source and drain on different levels, e.g., sloping channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.681. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.693]    E21.693For vertical channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.692. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247M8V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.694]    E21.694With doped region as control gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.68. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8247S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.695]    E21.695Combination of bipolar and field-effect technologies (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.606. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8248.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.696]    E21.696Bipolar and MOS technologies (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.695. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8249.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.697]    E21.697Substrate is Group III-V semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8252.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.698]    E21.698Substrate is Group II-VI semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8254.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.699]    E21.699Substrate is semiconductor other than diamond, SiC, Si, Group III-V compound, or Group II-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.602. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/8256.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.7]    E21.7Substrate is nonsemiconductor body, e.g., insulating body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.695. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/782.


E21.604,for diamond.
E21.605,for silicon carbide.
E21.606,for silicon.
E21.697,for III-V compound semiconductors.
E21.698,for III-V compound semiconductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.701]    E21.701Substrate is sapphire, e.g., silicon on sapphire structure (SOS) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.7. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/784.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.702]    E21.702To produce devices, each consisting of single circuit element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.599. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/786.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.703]    E21.703Substrate is semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.702. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/84.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.704]    E21.704Substrate is nonsemiconductor body, e.g., insulating body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.702. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/86.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E21.705]    E21.705Assembly of devices consisting of solid-state components formed in or on common substrate; assembly of integrated circuit devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.532. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L21/98.
 This main group provides for preformed physical means to cover or protect semiconductor or other solid state devices, electrical interconnection of such devices and lead elements for facilitating electrical interconnection of the chips or dies via intermediate (e.g., jumper) connections to other devices or components, and marks applied to chips or dies such as test patterns or alignment marks. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.002]    E23.002Details not otherwise provided for, e.g., protection against moisture (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/00V.


E23.137,for getters.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.003]    E23.003Mountings, e.g., nondetachable insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.004]    E23.004Characterized by shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/13.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.005]    E23.005Characterized by material or its electrical properties (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/14.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.006]    E23.006Metallic substrates having insulating layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/14M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.007]    E23.007Organic substrates, e.g., plastic (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/14P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.008]    E23.008Semiconductor insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/14S.


E23.029,for semiconductor conductive substrates.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.009]    E23.009Ceramic or glass substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/15.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.01]    E23.01Arrangements for conducting electric current to or from solid-state body in operation, e.g., leads, terminal arrangements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/48.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.011]    E23.011Internal lead connections, e.g., via connections, feedthrough structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/48J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.012]    E23.012Consisting of lead-in layers inseparably applied to semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.013]    E23.013Bridge structure with air gap (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.014]    E23.014Beam leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.015]    E23.015Pads with extended contours, e.g., grid structure, branch structure, finger structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.016]    E23.016For devices consisting of semiconductor layers on insulating or semi-insulating substrates, e.g., silicon on sapphire devices, i.e., SOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.017]    E23.017Materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.018]    E23.018Conductive organic material or pastes, e.g., conductive adhesives, inks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.017. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/482M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.019]    E23.019Consisting of layered constructions comprising conductive layers and insulating layers, e.g., planar contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/485.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.02]    E23.02Bonding areas, e.g., pads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/485A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.021]    E23.021Bump or ball contacts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/485B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.022]    E23.022Overhang structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/485H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.023]    E23.023Consisting of soldered or bonded constructions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/488.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.024]    E23.024Wire-like arrangements or pins or rods (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/49.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.025]    E23.025Characterized by materials of wires or their coatings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/49M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.026]    E23.026Bases or plates or solder therefor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/492.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.027]    E23.027Having heterogeneous or anisotropic structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E26.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/492H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.028]    E23.028Characterized by material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/492M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.029]    E23.029Semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/492M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.03]    E23.03Carbon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/492M3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.031]    E23.031Lead frames or other flat leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495.


E23.141,for lead frame interconnections between components.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.032]    E23.032Additional leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.033]    E23.033Additional leads being bump or wire (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.034]    E23.034Additional leads being tape carrier or flat leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.035]    E23.035Additional leads being multilayer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.036]    E23.036Additional leads being wiring board (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495C8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.037]    E23.037Characterized by die pad (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.038]    E23.038Insulative substrate being used as die pad, e.g., ceramic, plastic (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.039]    E23.039Chip-on-leads or leads-on-chip techniques, i.e., inner lead fingers being used as die pad (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.04]    E23.04Having bonding material between chip and die pad (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495A6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.041]    E23.041Multi layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.042]    E23.042Plurality of lead frames mounted in one device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.043]    E23.043Geometry of lead frame (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.044]    E23.044For devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.045]    E23.045Deformation absorbing parts in lead frame plane, e.g., meanderline shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.046]    E23.046Cross-section geometry (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.047]    E23.047Characterizedby bent parts (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.048]    E23.048Bent parts being outer leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.047. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G4B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.049]    E23.049Insulating layers on lead frame, e.g., bridging members (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.05]    E23.05Side rails of lead frame, e.g., with perforations, sprocket holes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495G9.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.051]    E23.051Specifically adapted to facilitate heat dissipation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.052]    E23.052Assembly of semiconductor devices on lead frame (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.053]    E23.053Characterized by materials of lead frames or layers thereon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E21.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.054]    E23.054Metallic layers on lead frames (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495M1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.055]    E23.055Consisting of thin flexible metallic tape with or without film carrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23 /495J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.056]    E23.056Insulating layers on lead frames (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495M8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.057]    E23.057Capacitor integral with or on lead frame (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495Q.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.058]    E23.058Battery in combination with lead frame (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.059]    E23.059Oscillators in combination with lead frame (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/495S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.06]    E23.06Leads, i.e., metallizationsor lead frames on insulating substrates, e.g., chip carriers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.061]    E23.061Leads being also applied on sidewalls or bottom of substrate, e.g., leadless packages for surface mounting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.062]    E23.062Multilayer substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.063]    E23.063Chip support structure consisting of plurality of insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.064]    E23.064For flat cards, e.g., credit cards (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.065]    E23.065Flexible insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.066]    E23.066Lead frames fixed on or encapsulated in insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.067]    E23.067Via connections through substrates, e.g., pins going through substrate, coaxial cables (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.068]    E23.068Additional leads joined to metallizations on insulating substrate, e.g., pins, bumps, wires, flat leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.069]    E23.069Spherical bumps on substrate for external connection, e.g., ball grid arrays (BGA) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.07]    E23.07Geometry or layout (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.071]    E23.071For devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498G8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.072]    E23.072Characterized by materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M.


E23.005,for materials of the substrates.
E23.053,for materials of the lead-frames.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.073]    E23.073Conductive materials containing semiconductor material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.074]    E23.074Carbon, e.g., fullerenes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M3.


E39.008,for superconducting fullerenes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.075]    E23.075Conductive materials containing organic materials or pastes, e.g., for thick films (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.076]    E23.076Conductive materials containing superconducting material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.077]    E23.077Materials of insulating layers or coatings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/498M8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.078]    E23.078Flexible arrangements, e.g., pressure contacts without soldering (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/48F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.079]    E23.079For integrated circuit devices, e.g., power bus, number of leads (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/50.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.08]    E23.08Arrangements for cooling, heating, ventilating or temperature compensation; temperature-sensing arrangements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/34.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.081]    E23.081Arrangements for heating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/34H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.082]    E23.082Cooling arrangements using Peltier effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/38.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.083]    E23.083Mountings or securing means for detachable cooling or heating arrangements; fixed by friction, plugs or springs (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/40.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.084]    E23.084With bolts or screws (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.083. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/40B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.085]    E23.085For stacked arrangements of plurality of semiconductor devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.084. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/40B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.086]    E23.086Snap-on arrangements, e.g., clips (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.083. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/40S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.087]    E23.087Fillings or auxiliary members in containers or encapsulations selected or arranged to facilitate heating or cooling (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/42.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.088]    E23.088Cooling by change of state, e.g., use of heat pipes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.087. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/427.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.089]    E23.089By melting or evaporation of solids (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.088. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/427S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.09]    E23.09Auxiliary members in containers characterized by their shape, e.g., pistons (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.087. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/433.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.091]    E23.091Bellows (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/433B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.092]    E23.092Auxiliary members in encapsulations (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/433E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.093]    E23.093In combination with jet impingement (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/433J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.094]    E23.094Pistons, e.g., spring-loaded members (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/433P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.095]    E23.095Complete device being wholly immersed in fluid other than air (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/44.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.096]    E23.096Fluid being liquefied gas, e.g., in cryogenic vessel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.095. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/44C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.097]    E23.097Involving transfer of heat by flowing fluids (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/46.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.098]    E23.098By flowing liquids (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/473.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.099]    E23.099By flowing gases, e.g., air (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/467.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.1]    E23.1Jet impingement (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclassE23.099. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/473J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.101]    E23.101Selection of materials, or shaping, to facilitate cooling or heating, e.g., heat sinks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/36.


E23.081,for heating.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.102]    E23.102Cooling facilitated by shape of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/367.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.103]    E23.103Foil-like cooling fins or heat sinks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/367F.


E23.051,for foil-like cooling fins or heat sinks being part of lead-frames.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.104]    E23.104Characterized by shape of housing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/367H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.105]    E23.105Wire-like or pin-like cooling fins or heat sinks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/367W.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.106]    E23.106Laminates or multilayers, e.g., direct bond copper ceramic substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.107]    E23.107Organic materials with or without thermo-conductive filler (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.106. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.108]    E23.108Semiconductor materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.106. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/ 373S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.109]    E23.109Metallic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.106. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.11]    E23.11Cooling facilitated by selection of materials for device (or materials for thermal expansion adaptation, e.g., carbon) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.111]    E23.111Diamond (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.112]    E23.112Having heterogeneous or anisotropic structure, e.g., powder or fibers in matrix, wire mesh, porous structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.113]    E23.113Ceramic materials or glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/373C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.114]    E23.114Protection against radiation, e.g., light, electromagnetic waves (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/552.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.115]    E23.115Against alpha rays (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/556.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.116]    E23.116Encapsulations, e.g., encapsulating layers, coatings, e.g., for protection (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/28.


E23.167,for insulating layers for contacts or interconnections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.117]    E23.117Characterized by material, e.g., carbon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.118]    E23.118Oxides or nitrides or carbides, e.g., ceramics, glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.119]    E23.119Organic, e.g., plastic,epoxy (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.12]    E23.12Organo-silicon compounds, e.g., silicone (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29P6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.121]    E23.121Containing filler (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.122]    E23.122Semiconductor material, e.g., amorphous silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/29S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.123]    E23.123Characterized by arrangement or shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.124]    E23.124Device being completely enclosed (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.125]    E23.125Substrate forming part of encapsulation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.126]    E23.126Double encapsulation or coating and encapsulation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31H4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.127]    E23.127Sealing arrangements between parts, e.g., adhesion promoters (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31H6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.128]    E23.128Encapsulation having cavity (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31H8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.129]    E23.129Partial encapsulation or coating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/ 31P.


E21.240,for mask layer used as insulation layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.13]    E23.13Coating being foil (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.129. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.131]    E23.131Coating or filling in grooves made in semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.129. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31P8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.132]    E23.132Coating being directly applied to semiconductor body, e.g., passivation layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.129. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31P6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.133]    E23.133Coating also covering sidewalls of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.129. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31P10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.134]    E23.134Multilayer coating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.129. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/31P12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.135]    E23.135Fillings or auxiliary members in containers or encapsulations, e.g., centering rings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/16.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.136]    E23.136Fillings characterized by material, its physical or chemical properties, or its arrangement within complete device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.135. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/18.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.137]    E23.137Including materials for absorbing or reacting with moisture or other undesired substances, e.g., getters (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/26.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.138]    E23.138Gaseous at normal operating temperature of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.139]    E23.139Liquid at normal operating temperature of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/22.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.14]    E23.14Solid or gel at normal operating temperature of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/24.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.141]    E23.141Arrangements for conducting electric current within device in operation from one component to another, interconnections, e.g., wires, lead frames (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/52.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.142]    E23.142Including external interconnections consisting of multilayer structure of conductive and insulating layers inseparably formed on semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/522.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.143]    E23.143Crossover interconnections (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/522A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.144]    E23.144Capacitive arrangements or effects of, or between wiring layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/522C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.145]    E23.145Via connections in multilevel interconnection structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/522E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.146]    E23.146With adaptable interconnections (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/525.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.147]    E23.147Comprising antifuses, i.e., connections having their state changed from nonconductive to conductive (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.146. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/525A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.148]    E23.148Change of state resulting from use of external beam, e.g., laser beam or ion beam (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.147. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/525A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.149]    E23.149Comprising fuses, i.e., connections having their state changed from conductive to nonconductive (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.146. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/ 525F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.15]    E23.15Change of state resulting from use of external beam, e.g., laser beam or ion beam (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.149. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/525F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.151]    E23.151Geometry or layout of interconnection structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/ 528.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.152]    E23.152Cross-sectional geometry (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.151. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/528C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.153]    E23.153Arrangements of power or ground buses (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.151. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/528P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.154]    E23.154Characterized by materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.142. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.155]    E23.155Conductive materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.156]    E23.156Containing superconducting materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.157]    E23.157Based on metals, e.g., alloys, metal silicides (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.158]    E23.158Principal metal being aluminum (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.157. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.159]    E23.159Aluminum alloys (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.16]    E23.16Additional layers associated with aluminum layers, e.g., adhesion, barrier, cladding layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.161]    E23.161Principal metal being copper (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.157. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.162]    E23.162Principal metal being noble metal, e.g., gold (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.157. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.163]    E23.163Principal metal being refractory metal (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.157. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M1R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.164]    E23.164Containing semiconductor material, e.g., polysilicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.165]    E23.165Containing carbon, e.g., fullerenes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M3.


E39.008,for superconducting fullerenes.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.166]    E23.166Containing conductive organic materials or pastes, e.g., conductive adhesives, inks (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.167]    E23.167Insulating materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/532N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.168]    E23.168Including internal interconnections, e.g., cross-under constructions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/535.


E23.011,for internal lead connections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.169]    E23.169Interconnection structure between plurality of semiconductor chips being formed on or in insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538.


E23.003,for mountings, per se.
E23.072,for materials of leads.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.17]    E23.17Crossover interconnections, e.g., bridge stepovers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.171]    E23.171Adaptable interconnections, e.g., for engineering changes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.172]    E23.172Assembly of plurality of insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.173]    E23.173Multilayer substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538D.


E23.169,for multilayer metallisation on monolayer substrates.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.174]    E23.174Conductive vias through substrate with or without pins, e.g., buried coaxial conductors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538E.


E23.068,for pins attached to insulating substrates.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.175]    E23.175Geometry or layout of interconnection structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the in Same scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.176]    E23.176For flat cards, e.g., credit cards (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.177]    E23.177Flexible insulating substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.178]    E23.178Chips being integrally enclosed by interconnect and support structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/538V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.179]    E23.179Marks applied to semiconductor devices or parts, e.g., registration marks, test patterns, alignment structures, wafer maps (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/544.


E21.522,for structural arrangements for measurement.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.18]    E23.18Containers; seals (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.181]    E23.181Characterized by shape of container or parts, e.g., caps, walls (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.180. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/04.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.182]    E23.182Container being hollow construction having no base used as mounting for semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.181. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/04B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.183]    E23.183Container being hollow construction and having conductive base as mounting as well as lead for the semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.181. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/043.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.184]    E23.184Other leads having insulating passage through base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/045.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.185]    E23.185Other leads being parallel to base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/047.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.186]    E23.186Other leads being perpendicular to base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/049.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.187]    E23.187Another lead being formed by cover plate parallel to base plate, e.g., sandwich type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/051.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.188]    E23.188Container being hollow construction and having insulating or insulated base as mounting for semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.181. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/053.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.189]    E23.189Leads being parallel to base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.188. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/057.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.19]    E23.19Leads having passage through base (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.188. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/055.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.191]    E23.191Characterized by material of container or its electrical properties (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.18. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.192]    E23.192Material being electrical insulator, e.g., glass (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.191. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.193]    E23.193Characterized by material or arrangement of seals between parts, e.g., between cap and base of container or between leads and walls of container (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.18. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E23.194]    E23.194Protection against mechanical damage (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E23.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L23/00M.
 This main group provides for housing or mounting arrangements of a plurality of discrete semiconductor or other solid state devices, e.g., side-by-side and/or stacked arrangement of devices such as solar cells and diodes. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/00.


E23.031through E23.059, for assembly including lead frames interconnection.
E27.001,for devices consisting of a plurality of solid state components formed in or on a common substrate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.002]    E25.002All devices being of same type, e.g., assemblies of rectifier diodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/03.
(1) Note. This subclass includes assembly of all the devices being of a type provided for in the same main groups of E27.001, E29.001, E31.001, E33.001, E39.001, E43.001, E45.001, E47.001, and E49.001.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.003]    E25.003Devices not having separate containers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.004]    E25.004Devices responsive or sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, e.g., infrared radiation, adapted for conversion of radiation into electrical energy or for control of electrical energy by such radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.005]    E25.005Devices being arranged next to each other (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.006]    E25.006Stacked arrangements of devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.007]    E25.007Devices being solar cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04C4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.008]    E25.008Organic solid-state devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.009]    E25.009Devices responsive or sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, e.g., infrared radiation, adapted for conversion of radiation into electrical energy or for control of electrical energy by such radiation, e.g., photovoltaic modules based on organic solar cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/04E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.01]    E25.01Device consisting of plurality of semiconductor or other solid state devices or components formed in or on common substrate, e.g., integrated circuit device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/065.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.011]    E25.011Devices being arranged next and on each other, i.e., mixed assemblies (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/065M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.012]    E25.012Devices being arranged next to each other (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/065N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.013]    E25.013Stacked arrangements of devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/065S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.014]    E25.014Semiconductor devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/07.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.015]    E25.015Devices being arranged next and on each other, i.e., mixed assemblies (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/07M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.016]    E25.016Devices being arranged next to each other (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/07N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.017]    E25.017Apertured devices mounted on one or more rods passed through apertures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/07R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.018]    E25.018Stacked arrangements of nonapertured devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/07S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.019]    E25.019Incoherent light-emitting semiconductor devices having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/075.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.02]    E25.02Devices being arranged next to each other (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/075N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.021]    E25.021Stacked arrangements of devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/075S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.022]    E25.022Devices having separate containers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.023]    E25.023Device consisting of plurality of semiconductor or other solid-state devices or components formed in or on common substrate, e.g., integrated circuit device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.022. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/10J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.024]    E25.024Semiconductors devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.022. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/11.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.025]    E25.025Mixed assemblies (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/11M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.026]    E25.026Devices being arranged next to each other (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/11N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.027]    E25.027Stacked arrangements of devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/11S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.028]    E25.028Incoherent light-emitting semiconductor devices having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.022. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/13.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.029]    E25.029Devices being of two or more types, e.g., forming hybrid circuits (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/16.
(1) Note. This subclass includes assembly of the devices being of types provided for in two or more different main groups of E27.001, E29.001, E31.001, E33.001, E39.001, E43.001, E45.001, E47.001, and E49.001.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.03]    E25.03Devices being mounted on two or more different substrates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/16F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.031]    E25.031Containers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/16H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E25.032]    E25.032Comprising optoelectronic devices, e.g., LED, photodiodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E25.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L25/16L.
 This main group provides for device which includes a plurality of semiconductor or other solid state components with specific structural features related to the device, material, or layout, and integrated on a common substrate. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/00.
(1) Note. See E21.001, E31.001, E33.001, E39.001, E45.001, E47.001, E49.001, and E51.001 for processes or apparatus adapted for manufacture or treatment of semiconductor or solid state devices or of parts thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.002]    E27.002Including bulk negative resistance effect component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/26.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.003]    E27.003Including Gunn-effect device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/26B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.004]    E27.004Including solid state component for rectifying, amplifying, or switching without a potential barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/24.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.005]    E27.005Including component using galvano-magnetic effects, e.g. Hall effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/22.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.006]    E27.006Including piezo-electric, electro-resistive, or magneto-resistive component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.007]    E27.007Including superconducting component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/18.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.008]    E27.008Including thermo-electric or thermo-magnetic component with or without a junction of dissimilar material or thermo-magnetic component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/16.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.009]    E27.009Including semiconductor component with at least one potential barrier or surface barrier adapted for rectifying, oscillating, amplifying, or switching, or Including integrated passive circuit elements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.01]    E27.01With semiconductor substrate only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.009. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/04.


E27.111,for substrate comprising other than a semiconductor material
E27.112,for substrate including insulator on semiconductor or vise versa, e.g., silicon on insulator (SOI)
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.011]    E27.011Including a plurality of components in a non-repetitive configuration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.012]    E27.012Made of compound semiconductor material, e.g. III-V material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.013]    E27.013Integrated circuit having a two-dimensional layout of components without a common active region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.014]    E27.014Including a field-effect type component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.015]    E27.015In combination with bipolar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D4T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.016]    E27.016In combination with diode, resistor, or capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D4V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.017]    E27.017In combination with bipolar transistor and diode, resistor, or capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D4W.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.018]    E27.018With component other than field-effect type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.019]    E27.019Bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.02]    E27.02Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6T2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.021]    E27.021Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with resistor or capacitor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.02. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6T2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.022]    E27.022Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with diode only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.02. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6T2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.023]    E27.023Lateral bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6T4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.024]    E27.024Including combination of diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.025]    E27.025Including combination of capacitor or resistor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06D6V2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.026]    E27.026Integrated circuit having a three-dimensional layout (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/06E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.027]    E27.027Including components formed on opposite sides of a semiconductor substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/600.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.028]    E27.028Including component having an active region in common (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.029]    E27.029Including component of the field-effect type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F.


E27.059,for integrated circuit device containing field effect components of single kind only.
E27.081,for integrated circuit device including of plurality of field effect components in a repetitive configuration.
E27.107,for masterslice integrated circuit using field effect structure.
E27.148,for Junction field effect transistor imager.
E29.242,for electrodes controlled by field effect transistor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.03]    E27.03In combination with bipolar transistor and diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.031]    E27.031In combination with vertical bipolar transistor and diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.03. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.032]    E27.032In combination with lateral bipolar transistor and diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.03. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F2L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.033]    E27.033In combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.034]    E27.034In combination with capacitor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.035]    E27.035In combination with resistor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07F4R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.036]    E27.036With component other than field-effect type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.037]    E27.037Bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.038]    E27.038Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.039]    E27.039Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with diode only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.038. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.04]    E27.04With Schottky diode only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.039. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2C2S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.041]    E27.041Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with resistor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.038. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.042]    E27.042Vertical bipolar transistor in combination with capacitor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.038. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.043]    E27.043Lateral bipolar transistor in combination with diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T2L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.044]    E27.044Including combination of diode, capacitor, or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.045]    E27.045Combination of capacitor and resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/07T5C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.046]    E27.046Including only semiconductor components of a single kind, e.g., all bipolar transistors, all diodes, or all CMOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.047]    E27.047Resistor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.048]    E27.048Capacitor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.049]    E27.049Varactor diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.05]    E27.05Metal-insulated-semiconductor (MIS) diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.051]    E27.051Diode only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.052]    E27.052Thyristor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/08U.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.053]    E27.053Bipolar component only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.054]    E27.054Combination of lateral and vertical transistors only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082L.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.055]    E27.055Vertical bipolar transistor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.056]    E27.056Vertical direct transistor of the same conductivity type having different characteristics, (e.g. Darlington transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082V2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.057]    E27.057Vertical complementary transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082V4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.058]    E27.058Combination of direct and inverse vertical transistors (e.g., collector acts as emitter) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/082V6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.059]    E27.059Including field-effect component only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/085.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.06]    E27.06Field-effect transistor with insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.059. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/088.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.061]    E27.061Combination of depletion and enhancement field-effect transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/088D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.062]    E27.062Complementary MIS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.063]    E27.063Means for preventing a parasitic bipolar action between the different transistor regions, e.g. latch-up prevention (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.064]    E27.064Combination of complementary transistors having a different structure, e.g. stacked CMOS, high-voltage and low-voltage CMOS (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.065]    E27.065Including an N-well only in the substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092N.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.066]    E27.066Including a P-well only in the substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.067]    E27.067Including both N- and P-wells in the substrate, e.g. twin-tub (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/092T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.068]    E27.068Schottky barrier gate field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.059. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/095.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.069]    E27.069PN junction gate field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.059. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/098.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.07]    E27.07Including a plurality of individual components in a repetitive configuration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.071]    E27.071Including resistor or capacitor only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/10C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.072]    E27.072Including bipolar component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.073]    E27.073Including diode only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.074]    E27.074Including bipolar transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.075]    E27.075Bipolar dynamic random access memory structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102T2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.076]    E27.076Array of single bipolar transistors only, e.g. read only memory structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102T4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.077]    E27.077Static bipolar memory cell structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102T5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.078]    E27.078Bipolar electrically programmable memory structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102T6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.079]    E27.079Thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102U.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.08]    E27.08Unijunction transistor, i.e., three terminal device with only one p-n junction having a negative resistance region in the I-V characteristic (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/102V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.081]    E27.081Including field-effect component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/105.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.082]    E27.082Including bucket brigade type charge coupled device (C.C.D) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.0081. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/105B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.083]    E27.083Including charge coupled device (C.C.D) or charge injection device (C.I.D) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.0081. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/105C.


E27.15,for charge coupled imager.
E27.153,for linear CCD imager.
E27.154,for area CCD imager.
E27.159,for CCD color imager.
E27.16,for infrared CCD imager.
E29.227,for electrodes controlled by CCD.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.084]    E27.084Dynamic random access memory, DRAM, structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.0081. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.085]    E27.085One-transistor memory cell structure, i.e., each memory cell containing only one transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.0084. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.086]    E27.086Storage electrode stacked over the transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.087]    E27.087With bit line higher than capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.088]    E27.088With capacitor higher than bit line level (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.089]    E27.089Storage electrode having multiple wings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F2M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.09]    E27.09Capacitor extending under the transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.091]    E27.091Transistor in trench (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.092]    E27.092Capacitor in trench (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.093]    E27.093Capacitor extending under or around the transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.092. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F8E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.094]    E27.094Having storage electrode extension stacked over the transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.092. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F8S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.095]    E27.095Capacitor and transistor in common trench (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.078. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.096]    E27.096Vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.095. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108F10V.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.097]    E27.097Peripheral structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.083. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/108P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.098]    E27.098Static random access memory, SRAM, structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.081. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/11.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.099]    E27.099Load element being a MOSFET transistor (EPO):
 OLE_LINK1This subclass is indented under subclass E27.098. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification OLE_LINK1 H01L27/11F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.1]    E27.1Load element being a thin film transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.099. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/11F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.101]    E27.101Load element being a resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.098. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/11R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.102]    E27.102Read-only memory, ROM, structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.081. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/112.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.103]    E27.103Electrically programmable ROM (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.102. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/115.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.104]    E27.104Ferroelectric non-volatile memory structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.103. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/115F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.105]    E27.105Masterslice integrated circuit (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118.
(1) Note: Masterslice integrated circuit is a gate array wherein the circuit elements can be interconnected by more than one wirings pattern to have different designed devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.106]    E27.106Using bipolar structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.105. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.107]    E27.107Using field-effect structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.105. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.108]    E27.108CMOS gate array (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.107. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118G4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.109]    E27.109Using combined field-effect/bipolar structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.105. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.11]    E27.11Input and output buffer/driver (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.105. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/118P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.111]    E27.111Substrate comprising other than a semiconductor material, e.g. insulating substrate or layered substrate Including a non-semiconductor layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.009. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.112]    E27.112Including insulator on semiconductor, e.g. SOI (silicon on insulator) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.111. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/12B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.113]    E27.113Combined with thin-film or thick-film passive component (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.111. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/13.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.114]    E27.114Including only passive thin-film or thick-film elements on a common insulating substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/01.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.115]    E27.115Thick-film circuits (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/01B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.116]    E27.116Thin-film circuits (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/01C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.117]    E27.117Including organic material in active region:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/00C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.118]    E27.118Including semiconductor components sensitive to infrared radiation, light, or electromagnetic radiation of a shorter wavelength (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/00C10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.119]    E27.119Including semiconductor components with at least one potential barrier, surface barrier, or recombination zone adapted for light emission (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/00C20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.12]    E27.12Including semiconductor component with at least one potential barrier or surface barrier adapted for light emission structurally associated with controlling devices having a variable impedance and not being light sensitive (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/15.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.121]    E27.121In a repetitive configuration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.12. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/15B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.122]    E27.122Including active semiconductor component sensitive to infrared radiation, light, or electromagnetic radiation of a shorter wavelength (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/14.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.123]    E27.123Energy conversion device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/142.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.124]    E27.124In a repetitive configuration, e.g. planar multi-junction solar cells (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/142R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.125]    E27.125Including only thin film solar cells deposited on a substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/142R2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.126]    E27.126Including multiple vertical junction or V-groove junction solar cells formed in a semiconductor substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/142R3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.127]    E27.127Device controlled by radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.122. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/144.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.128]    E27.128With at least one potential barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.127. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/144B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.129]    E27.129In a repetitive configuration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/144R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.13]    E27.13Imager Including structural or functional details of the device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.127. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.131]    E27.131Geometry or disposition of pixel-elements, address-lines, or gate-electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.132]    E27.132Pixel-elements with integrated switching, control, storage, or amplification elements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146A4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.133]    E27.133Photodiode array or MOS imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.134]    E27.134Color imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.133. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.135]    E27.135Multicolor imager having a stacked pixel-element structure, e.g. npn, npnpn or MQW elements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.134. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F2M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.136]    E27.136Infrared imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.133. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.137]    E27.137Of the hybrid type (e.g., chip-on-chip, bonded substrates) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F3H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.138]    E27.138Multispectral infrared imager having a stacked pixel-element structure, e.g., npn, npnpn or MQW structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.136. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F3M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.139]    E27.139Anti-blooming (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.133. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F4.


E27.145,for anti-blooming in imager using a photoconductor layer
E27.162,for anti-blooming in charge coupled imager
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.14]    E27.14X-ray, gamma-ray, or high energy radiation imager (measuring X-, gamma- or corpuscular radiation) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.133. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146F5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.141]    E27.141Imager using a photoconductor layer (e.g., single photoconductor layer for all pixels) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.142]    E27.142Color imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.143]    E27.143Infrared imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.144]    E27.144Of the hybrid type (e.g., chip-on-chip, bonded substrates) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.143. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P3H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.145]    E27.145Anti-blooming (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.146]    E27.146X-ray, gamma-ray, or high energy radiation imagers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.141. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146P5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.147]    E27.147Contact-type imager (e.g., contacts document surface) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.148]    E27.148Junction field effect transistor (JFET) imager or static induction transistor (SIT) imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.149]    E27.149Bipolar transistor imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/146T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.15]    E27.15Charge coupled imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148.


E29.065,for individual charge coupled devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.151]    E27.151Structural or functional details (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.152]    E27.152Geometry or disposition of pixel-elements, address lines or gate-electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.151. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148A2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.153]    E27.153Linear CCD imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.154]    E27.154Area CCD imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.155]    E27.155Frame-interline transfer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.156]    E27.156Interline transfer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.157]    E27.157Frame transfer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.158]    E27.158Charge injection device (CID) imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.159]    E27.159CCD or CID color imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.16]    E27.16Infrared CCD or CID imager (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.161]    E27.161Of the hybrid type (e.g., chip-on-chip, bonded substrates) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.16. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148J2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.162]    E27.162Anti-blooming (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E27.163]    E27.163Including a photoconductive layer deposited on the CCD structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E27.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L27/148P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.001]    E29.001Semiconductors devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This main group provides for semiconductor devices which operate by the movement of charge carriers, i.e. electrons and holes, from one energy level to another within the semiconductor material and can modify an input voltage to achieve rectification, amplification, oscillation or switching action, or capacitors or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/00.
(1) Note: See E21.001 for processes or apparatus adapted for manufacture or treatment of semiconductor or solid state devices or of parts thereof.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.002]    E29.002Electrical characteristics due to properties of entire semiconductor body rather than just surface region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.003]    E29.003Characterized by their crystalline structure (e.g., polycrystalline, cubic) particular orientation of crystalline planes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/04.


E29.106,for imperfections.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.004]    E29.004With specified crystalline planes or axis (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/04B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.005]    E29.005Characterized by specified shape or size of PN junction or by specified impurity concentration gradient within the device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.006]    E29.006Characterized by particular design considerations to control electrical field effect within device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B.


E29.022,for geometrical design considerations for devices
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.007]    E29.007For controlling surface leakage or electric field concentration (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29/006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.008]    E29.008For controlling breakdown voltage of reverse biased devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.007. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.009]    E29.009With field relief electrode (field plate) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.01]    E29.01With at least two field relief electrodes used in combination and not electrically interconnected (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.009. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.011]    E29.011With one or more field relief electrode comprising resistance material (e.g., semi insulating material, lightly doped poly-silicon) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B2C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.012]    E29.012By doping profile or shape or arrangement of the PN junction, or with supplementary regions (e.g., guard ring, LDD, drift region) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.013]    E29.013With supplementary region doped oppositely to or in rectifying contact with semiconductor containing or contacting region(e.g., guard rings with PN or Schottky junction) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.014]    E29.014With breakdown supporting region for localizing breakdown or limiting its voltage (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.015]    E29.015With insulating layer characterized by dielectric or electrostatic property (e.g., including fixed charge or semi-insulating surface layer) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.016]    E29.016For preventing surface leakage due to surface inversion layer (e.g., channel stop) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.007. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.017]    E29.017With field relief electrodes acting on insulator potential or insulator charges (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.016. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B2C2.


E29.015,for controlling surface effect and preventing surface correlated breakdown with plate acting on the insulator potential or the insulator charges.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.018]    E29.018Comprising internal isolation within devices or components (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.019]    E29.019Isolation by PN junctions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.02]    E29.02Isolation by dielectric regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.021]    E29.021For source or drain region of field-effect device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.02. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06B3C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.022]    E29.022Characterized by shape of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.023]    E29.023Adapted for altering junction breakdown voltage by shape of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.022. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.024]    E29.024Characterized by shape, relative sizes or dispositions of semiconductor regions or junctions between regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.025]    E29.025Characterized by particular shape of junction between semiconductor regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.026]    E29.026Surface layout of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06D3.


E29.066,for surface shape of the base only.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.027]    E29.027Surface layout of MOS gated device (e.g., DMOSFET or IGBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06D3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.028]    E29.028With a nonplanar gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/06D3B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.029]    E29.029With semiconductor regions connected to electrode carrying current to be rectified, amplified or switched and such electrode being part of semiconductor device which comprises three or more electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.03]    E29.03Emitter regions of bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.031]    E29.031Of lateral transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.03. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/ 08B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.032]    E29.032Noninterconnected multiemitter structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.03. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.033]    E29.033Of heterojunction bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.03. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08B7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.034]    E29.034Collector regions of bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.035]    E29.035Pedestal collectors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.034. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.036]    E29.036Anode or cathode regions of thyristors or gated bipolar-mode devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.037]    E29.037Anode regions of thyristors or gated bipolar-mode devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.038]    E29.038Cathode regions of thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.036. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.039]    E29.039Source or drain regions of field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.04]    E29.04Of field-effect transistors with insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.039. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08E2.


E29.062,with a passive supplementary region between source or drain and substrate related to punch-through, capacity or isolation phenomena.
E29.266,with LDD or DDD structure.
E29.277,for thin film transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.041]    E29.041Of field-effect transistors with Schottky gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.039. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08E3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.042]    E29.042Tunneling barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/08T.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.043]    E29.043With semiconductor regions connected to electrode not carrying current to be rectified, amplified or switched and such electrode being part of semiconductor device which comprises three or more electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.044]    E29.044Base region of bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.045]    E29.045Of lateral transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.046]    E29.046Base regions of thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.047]    E29.047Anode base regions of thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.048]    E29.048Cathode base regions of thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.046. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.049]    E29.049Channel region of field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.05]    E29.05Of field-effect transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.049. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.051]    E29.051With insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.05. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29//10D2B.


E29.135,with channel and gate aligned in the lengthwise direction.
E29.270,with buried channel.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.052]    E29.052Nonplanar channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.051. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2B1.


E29.130,if characterised only by the shape of a non-planar gate structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.053]    E29.053With nonuniform doping structure in channel region surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.051. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.054]    E29.054Doping structure being parallel to channel length (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.055]    E29.055With vertical doping variation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.051. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.056]    E29.056With variation of composition of channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.051. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.057]    E29.057With PN junction gate:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.05. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.058]    E29.058Of charge coupled devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.049. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.059]    E29.059Gate region of field-effect devices with PN junction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.06]    E29.06Substrate region of field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.061]    E29.061Of field-effect transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.062]    E29.062With insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.061. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.063]    E29.063With inactive supplementary region (e.g., for preventing punch-through, improving capacity effect or leakage current) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.064]    E29.064Characterized by contact structure of substrate region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F2B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.065]    E29.065Of charge coupled devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.066]    E29.066Body region structure of IGFET"s with channel containing layer (DMOSFET or IGBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.067]    E29.067With nonplanar gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.066. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/10G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.068]    E29.068Characterized by materials of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.069]    E29.069Single quantum well structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/12W.


E29.081,E29.085, E29.091, E29.097, for single heterojunctions, couples of materials.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.07]    E29.07Quantum wire structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.069. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/12W2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.071]    E29.071Quantum box or quantum dot structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.069. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/12W4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.072]    E29.072Structures with periodic or quasi-periodic potential variation, (e.g., multiple quantum wells, superlattices) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15.


ECLAG02F1/017for such structures applied for the control of light.
ECLAH01S5/34applied in semiconductor lasers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.073]    E29.073Doping structures (e.g., doping superlattices, nipi-superlattices) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15C.


E29.110,for delta doping in general.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.074]    E29.074Structures without potential periodicity in direction perpendicular to major surface of substrate (e.g., lateral superlattice) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.075]    E29.075Compositional structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.072. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.076]    E29.076With layered structures with quantum effects in vertical direction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.075. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.077]    E29.077Comprising at least one long-range structurally disordered material (e.g., one-dimensional vertical amorphous superlattices) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.076. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.078]    E29.078Comprising only semiconductor materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E 29.076. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/15B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.079]    E29.079Two or more elements from two or more groups of Periodic Table of elements (e.g., alloys) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/26.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.08]    E29.08Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.79. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/26E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.081]    E29.081In different semiconductor regions (e.g., heterojunctions) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.079. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/267.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.082]    E29.082Only element from fourth group of Periodic System in uncombined form (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/16.


E29.100,if including SiC.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.083]    E29.083Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.082. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/16E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.084]    E29.084Including two or more of elements from fourth group of Periodic System (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.082. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/161.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.085]    E29.085In different semiconductor regions (e.g., heterojunctions) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.084. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/165.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.086]    E29.086Further characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.082. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/167.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.087]    E29.087Selenium or tellurium only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/18.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.088]    E29.088Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.087. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/18E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.089]    E29.089Only Group III-V compounds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.09]    E29.09Including two or more compounds (e.g., alloys) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.089. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/201.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.091]    E29.091In different semiconductor regions (e.g., heterojunctions) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.09. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/205.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.092]    E29.092Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.089. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/20E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.093]    E29.093Further characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.089. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/207.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.094]    E29.094Only Group II-VI compounds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/22.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.095]    E29.095Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.094. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/22E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.096]    E29.096Including two or more compounds (e.g., alloys) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.094. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/221.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.097]    E29.097In different semiconductor regions (e.g., heterojunctions) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.096. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/225.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.098]    E29.098Further characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.094. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/227.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.099]    E29.099CdX compounds being one element of sixth group of Periodic System (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.094. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/22B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.1]    E29.1Semiconductor materials other than Group IV, selenium, tellurium, or Group III-V compounds (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/24.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.101]    E29.101Amorphous materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.1. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/24E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.102]    E29.102Group I-VI or I-VII compounds (e.g., Cu2O, CuI) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.1. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/24B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.103]    E29.103Pb compounds (e.g., PbO) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.1. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/24C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.104]    E29.104Si compounds (e.g., SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.1. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/24D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.105]    E29.105Characterized by combinations of two or more features of crystalline structure, shape, materials, physical imperfections, and concentration/distribution of impurities in bulk material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/38.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.106]    E29.106Characterized by physical imperfections; having polished or roughened surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/30.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.107]    E29.107Imperfections within semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.106. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/32.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.108]    E29.108Imperfections on surface of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.106. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/34.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.109]    E29.109Characterized by concentration or distribution of impurities in bulk material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/36.


E29.005,for within semiconductor regions.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.11]    E29.11Planar doping (e.g., atomic-plane doping, delta-doping) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.109. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/36D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.111]    E29.111Electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/40.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.112]    E29.112Characterized by their shape, relative sizes or dispositions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.111. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/41.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.113]    E29.113Carrying current to be rectified, amplified or switched (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.112. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.114]    E29.114Emitter or collector electrodes for bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.113. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.115]    E29.115Cathode or anode electrodes for thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.113. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.116]    E29.116Source or drain electrodes for field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.113. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D.


E29.039,with monocrystalline semiconductor on source/drain region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.117]    E29.117For thin film transistors with insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.118]    E29.118For vertical current flow (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.119]    E29.119For lateral devices where connection to source or drain region is done through at least one part of semiconductor substrate thickness (e.g., with connecting sink or with via-hole) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.12]    E29.12Layout configuration for lateral device source or drain region (e.g., cellular, interdigitated or ring structure or being curved or angular) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.121]    E29.121Source or drain electrode in groove (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.122]    E29.122Characterized by relative position of source or drain electrode and gate electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.116. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/417D12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.123]    E29.123Not carrying current to be rectified, amplified, or switched (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.112. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.124]    E29.124Base electrodes for bipolar transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.125]    E29.125Gate electrodes for thyristors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.126]    E29.126Gate stack for field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.123. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.127]    E29.127For field-effect transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.126. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.128]    E29.128With insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.127. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.129]    E29.129Gate electrodes for transistors with floating gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.13]    E29.13Gate electrodes for nonplanar MOSFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B4.


E29.267,for MOSFET"s with lightly doped drain (LDD) structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.131]    E29.131Having drain and source regions at different vertical level having channel composed only of vertical sidewall connecting drain and source layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.13. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.132]    E29.132Characterized by insulating layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.133]    E29.133Nonuniform insulating layer thickness (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.132. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.134]    E29.134Characterized by configuration of gate electrode layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.135]    E29.135Characterized by length or sectional shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.134. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B7B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.136]    E29.136Characterized by surface lay-out (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.134. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B7C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.137]    E29.137Characterized by configuration of gate stack of thin film FETs (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.128. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D2B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.138]    E29.138For charge coupled devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.126. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/423D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.139]    E29.139Of specified material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/43.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.14]    E29.14For gate of heterojunction field- effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/43B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.141]    E29.141Resistive materials for field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/43C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.142]    E29.142Superconductor materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/43D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.143]    E29.143Ohmic electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/45.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.144]    E29.144On Group III-V material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.143. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/45B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.145]    E29.145On thin-film Group III-V material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.144. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/45B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.146]    E29.146On silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.143. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/45S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.147]    E29.147For thin-film silicon (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.146. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/45S2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.148]    E29.148Schottky barrier electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/47.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.149]    E29.149On Group III-V material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.148. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/47B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.15]    E29.15Electrodes for IGFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.139. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.151]    E29.151For TFT (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.152]    E29.152With lateral structure (e.g., poly-silicon gate with lateral doping variation or with lateral composition variation or characterized by sidewalls being composed of conductive, resistivity) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.154]    E29.154Silicon gate conductor material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.155]    E29.155Multiple silicon layers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.154. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49C2


E29.154,with only a vertical doping structure or vertical doping variation.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.156]    E29.156Including silicide layer contacting silicon layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49C2B.


E29.157,with a barrier layer between the silicide and silicon layers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.157]    E29.157Including barrier layer between silicon and non-Si electrode:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.155. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49C2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.158]    E29.158Elemental metal gate conductor material (e.g., W, Mo) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.159]    E29.159Diverse conductors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.158. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.16]    E29.16Gate conductor material being compound or alloy material (e.g., organic material, TiN, MoSi2 ) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.161]    E29.161Silicide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.16. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/49E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.162]    E29.162Insulating materials for IGFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.15. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/51.


E29.151,for MIS structures on thin film semiconductor.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.164]    E29.164With at least one ferroelectric layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/51F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.165]    E29.165Multiple layers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.162. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/51B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.166]    E29.166Types of semiconductor device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/66.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.167]    E29.167Controllable by plural effects that include variations in magnetic field, mechanical force, or electric current/potential applied to device or one or more electrodes of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. Subject matter wherein the performance of the device is regulated by varying the application of two or more forces (i.e., magnetic field, mechanical force, electric current/potential to the device or one or more of its electrodes). This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/96.


E29.169,for control by a signal.
E29.323,for control by variation in a magnetic field, per se.
E29.324,for control by variation of mechanical force, per se.
E29.325,for control by variation of electrical current/potential applied.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.168]    E29.168Quantum effect device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. Subject matter wherein the device operation uses a quantum effect. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/66Q.
(1) Note. Examples include using quantum reflection, diffraction or interference effects, (i.e., Bragg-or Aharonov-Bohmeffects).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.169]    E29.169Controllable by only signal applied to control electrode (e.g., base of bipolar transistor, gate of field-effect transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166 Subject matter wherein the device operation is regulated solely by an electrical signal input to one of its control electrodes. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/68.
(1) Note. Examples of control electrodes include the base of bipolar transistor, gate of field effect transistor, etc.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.17]    E29.17Memory effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/68E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.171]    E29.171Bipolar device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/70.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.172]    E29.172Double-base diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.171. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/70B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.173]    E29.173Transistor-type device (i.e., able to continuously respond to applied control signal):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.171. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/72.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.174]    E29.174Bipolar junction transistor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.173. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.175]    E29.175Structurally associated with other devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73B.


[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.176]    E29.176Device being resistive element (e.g., ballasting resistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.177]    E29.177Point contact transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.178]    E29.178Schottky transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.179]    E29.179Tunnel transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.18]    E29.18Avalanche transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.181]    E29.181Transistors with hook collector (i.e., collector having two layers of opposite conductivity type (e.g., SCR)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73J.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.182]    E29.182Bipolar thin-film transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/73K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.183]    E29.183Vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/732.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.184]    E29.184Having emitter-base and base-collector junctions in same plane (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/732B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.185]    E29.185Having emitter-base junction and base-collector junction on different surfaces (e.g., mesa planar transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/732C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.186]    E29.186Inverse vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.183. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/732D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.187]    E29.187Lateral transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/735.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.188]    E29.188Hetero-junction transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.174. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.189]    E29.189Vertical transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.188. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.19]    E29.19Having two-dimensional base (e.g., modulation-doped base, inversion layer base, delta-doped base) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.189. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.191]    E29.191Having emitter comprising one or more nonmonocrystalline elements of Group IV (e.g., amorphous silicon) alloys comprising Group IV elements (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.189. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.192]    E29.192Resonant tunneling transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.189. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.193]    E29.193Comprising lattice mismatched active layers (e.g., SiGe strained layer transistors) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.189. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/737B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.194]    E29.194Controlled by field effect (e.g., bipolar static induction transistor (BSIT)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.173. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739.


E29.172,for unijunction transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.195]    E29.195Gated diode structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.194. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.196]    E29.196With PN junction gate (e.g., field-controlled thyristor (FCTh), static induction thyristor (SITh)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.195. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.197]    E29.197Insulated gate bipolar mode transistor (e.g., IGBT; IGT; COMFET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.194. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.198]    E29.198Transistor with vertical current flow (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.197. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.199]    E29.199With both emitter and collector contacts in same substrate side (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.198. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.2]    E29.2With nonplanar surface (e.g., with nonplanar gate or with trench or recess or pillar in surface of emitter, base, or collector region for improving current density or short-circuiting emitter and base regions) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.198. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.201]    E29.201And gate structure lying on slanted or vertical surface or formed in groove (e.g., trench gate IGBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.2. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.202]    E29.202Thin-film device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.197. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/739C1.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.211]    E29.211Thyristor-type device (e.g., having four-zone regenerative action) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.171. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74.


E29.337,for two-terminals thyristors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.212]    E29.212Gate-turn-off device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/744.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.213]    E29.213With turn off by field effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.212. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/745.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.214]    E29.214Produced by insulated gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.213. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/745B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.215]    E29.215Bidirectional device (e.g., triac) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/747.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.216]    E29.216With turn on by field effect (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/749.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.217]    E29.217Combined structurally with at least one other device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.218]    E29.218Combined with capacitor or resistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.217. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.219]    E29.219Combined with diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.217. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.22]    E29.22Antiparallel diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.219. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74B4B.


E29.037,for shorted anode structures enabling reverse conduction.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.221]    E29.221Combined with field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.217. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74B6.


E29.213,and E29.216, for turn-on or turn-off by field effect.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.222]    E29.222Having built-in localized breakdown/breakover region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.223]    E29.223Having amplifying gate structure (e.g., Darlington configuration) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.224]    E29.224Asymmetrical thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74E.


E29.037,with a particular shorted anode structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.225]    E29.225Lateral thyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.211. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/74F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.226]    E29.226Unipolar device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.169. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/76.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.227]    E29.227Charge transfer device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.226. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/762.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.228]    E29.228Charge-coupled device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.227. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/765.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.229]    E29.229With field effect produced by insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.228. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.23]    E29.23Input structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.229. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.231]    E29.231Output structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.229. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.232]    E29.232Structure for improving output signal (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.229. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.233]    E29.233Buried channel CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.229. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.234]    E29.234Two-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.235]    E29.235Three-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768E3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.236]    E29.236Four-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.233. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768E4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.237]    E29.237Surface channel CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.229. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.238]    E29.238Two-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.237. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.239]    E29.239Three-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.237. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.24]    E29.24Four-phase CCD (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.237. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/768F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.241]    E29.241Hot electron transistor (HET) or metal base transistor (MBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.226. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/76C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.242]    E29.242Field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.226. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/772.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.243]    E29.243Using static field induced region (e.g., SIT, PBT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/772B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.244]    E29.244Velocity modulations transistor (i.e., VMT) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/772D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.245]    E29.245With one-dimensional charge carrier gas channel (e.g., quantum wire FET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/775.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.246]    E29.246With two-dimensional charge carrier gas channel (e.g., HEMT; with two-dimensional charge-carrier layer formed at heterojunction interface) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.247]    E29.247With inverted single heterostructure (i.e., with active layer formed on top of wide bandgap layer (e.g., IHEMT)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.246. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.248]    E29.248With confinement of carriers by at least two heterojunctions (e.g., DHHEMT, quantum well HEMT, DHMODFET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.246. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.249]    E29.249Using Group III-V semiconductor material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.248. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.25]    E29.25With more than one donor layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.249. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778C2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.251]    E29.251With delta or planar doped donor layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.249. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.252]    E29.252With direct single heterostructure (i.e., with wide bandgap layer formed on top of active layer (e.g., direct single heterostructure MIS-like HEMT)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.246. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.253]    E29.253With wide bandgap charge-carrier supplying layer (e.g., direct single heterostructure MODFET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.252. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/778E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.254]    E29.254With delta-doped channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/772C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.255]    E29.255With field effect produced by insulated gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.256]    E29.256With channel containing layer contacting drain drift region (e.g., DMOS transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.257]    E29.257Having vertical bulk current component or current vertically following trench gate (e.g., vertical power DMOS transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.256. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.258]    E29.258With both source and drain contacts in same substrate side (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.257. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.259]    E29.259With nonplanar surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.257. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.26]    E29.26Channel structure lying under slanted or vertical surface or being formed along surface of groove (e.g., trench gate DMOSFET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.259. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.261]    E29.261With at least part of active region on insulating substrate (e.g., lateral DMOS in oxide isolated well) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.256. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78B1.


E29.273,for thin film transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.262]    E29.262Vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78C.


E29.131,for gate electrodes for channels having a nonvertical component.
E29.257,for vertical transistors with a drain drift region contacting the channel.
E29.274,for unipolar insulated gate field effect thin film vertical transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.263]    E29.263Comprising gate-to-body connection (i.e., bulk dynamic threshold voltage MOSFET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78D.


E29.281,and E29.299, for thin film transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.264]    E29.264With multiple gate structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78E.


E29.275,for thin film transistors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.265]    E29.265Structure comprising MOS gate and at least one non-MOS gate (e.g., JFET or MESFET gate) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.264. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.266]    E29.266With lightly doped drain or source extension (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78F.


E29.277,for vertical thin film transistors having particular drain or source properties.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.267]    E29.267With nonplanar structure (e.g., gate or source or drain being nonplanar) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78F2.
(1) Note. Field oxide sunken in the substrate and not filling a groove is not an element characterizing a nonplanar structure.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.268]    E29.268Source region and drain region having nonsymmetrical structure about gate electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.269]    E29.269With overlap between lightly doped extension and gate electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.266. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.27]    E29.27With buried channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.271]    E29.271With Schottky drain or source contact (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.272]    E29.272Gate comprising ferroelectric layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/78K.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.273]    E29.273Thin-film transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786.


E29.021,for transistors having only the source or the drain region on an insulator layer.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.274]    E29.274Vertical transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.275]    E29.275With multiple gates (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786D.


E29.285through E29.299, the materials specified for the transistors are the material of the channel region.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.276]    E29.276With supplementary region or layer in thin film or in insulated bulk substrate supporting it for controlling or increasing voltage resistance of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.277]    E29.277Characterized by drain or source properties (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B4.


E29.147,for silicide contacts; electrodes, in general.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.278]    E29.278With LDD structure or extension or offset region or characterized by doping profile (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 29.277.  This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.279]    E29.279Asymmetrical source and drain regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.278. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.28]    E29.28For preventing leakage current (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.281]    E29.281For preventing kink or snapback effect (e.g., discharging minority carriers of channel region for preventing bipolar effect) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.282]    E29.282With light shield (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.283]    E29.283With supplementary region or layer for improving flatness of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.284]    E29.284With drain or source connected to bulk conducting substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.276. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786B7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.285]    E29.285Silicon transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.286]    E29.286Monocrystalline only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.285. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.287]    E29.287SOS transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.286. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.288]    E29.288Nonmonocrystalline (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.285. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.289]    E29.289Amorphous silicon transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.288. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.29]    E29.29With top gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.289. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.291]    E29.291With inverted transistor structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.289. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.292]    E29.292Polycrystalline or microcrystalline silicon transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.288. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.293]    E29.293With top gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.292. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.294]    E29.294With inverted transistor structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.292. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786E4C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.295]    E29.295Characterized by insulating substrate or support (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.296]    E29.296Comprising Group III-V or II-VI compound, or of Se, Te, or oxide semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.297]    E29.297Comprising Group IV non-Si semiconductor materials or alloys (e.g., Ge, SiN alloy, SiC alloy) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786G.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.298]    E29.298With multilayer structure or superlattice structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.297. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.299]    E29.299Characterized by property or structure of channel or contact thereto (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.273. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/786H.


E29.278,for transistors having a drain offset region or a lightly doped drain (LDD).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.3]    E29.3With floating gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.301]    E29.301Programmable by two single electrons (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.302]    E29.302Hi-lo programming levels only (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.300. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.303]    E29.303Charging by injection of carriers through conductive insulator (e.g., Poole-Frankel conduction) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.302. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.304]    E29.304Charging by tunneling of carriers (e.g., Fowler-Nordheim tunneling) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.302. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.305]    E29.305Charging by hot carrier injection (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.302. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.306]    E29.306Hot carrier injection from channel (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.305. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.307]    E29.307Hot carrier produced by avalanche breakdown of PN junction (e.g., FAMOS) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.305. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788B6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.308]    E29.308Programmable with more than two possible different levels (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.3. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/788C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.309]    E29.309With charge trapping gate insulator (e.g., MNOS-memory transistors) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.255. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/792.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.31]    E29.31With field effect produced by PN or other rectifying junction gate (i.e., potential barrier) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.242. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/80.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.311]    E29.311With Schottky drain or source contact (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/80C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.312]    E29.312With PN junction gate (e.g., PN homojunction gate) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/808.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.313]    E29.313Vertical transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.312. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/808B.


E29.243,for SIT.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.314]    E29.314Thin-film JFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.312. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/808C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.315]    E29.315With heterojunction gate (e.g., transistors with semiconductor layer acting as gate insulating layer) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/80B.


E29.245,with one-dimensional electron gas.
E29.246,with two-dimensional electron gas.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.316]    E29.316Programmable transistor (e.g., with charge-trapping quantum well) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.315. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/80B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.317]    E29.317With Schottky gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.31. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/812.


E29.315,for Schottky contact on top of heterojunction gate.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.318]    E29.318Vertical transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/812B.


E29.243,for SIT, PBT.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.319]    E29.319With multiple gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/812C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.32]    E29.32Thin-film MESFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/812D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.321]    E29.321With recessed gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.317. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/812E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.322]    E29.322Single electron transistors: Coulomb blockade device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.226. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/76D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.323]    E29.323Controllable by variation of magnetic field applied to device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/82.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.324]    E29.324Controllable by variation of applied mechanical force (e.g., of pressure) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/84.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.325]    E29.325Controllable only by variation of electric current supplied or only electric potential applied to electrode carrying current to be rectified, amplified, oscillated, or switched (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/86.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.326]    E29.326Resistor with PN junction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.325. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/8605.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.327]    E29.327Diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.325. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.328]    E29.328Planar PN junction diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.329]    E29.329Mesa PN junction diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.33]    E29.33Hi-lo semiconductor device (e.g., memory device) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.331]    E29.331Charge trapping diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.332]    E29.332Punchthrough diode (i.e., with bulk potential barrier (e.g., camel diode, planar doped barrier diode, graded bandgap diode)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/861P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.333]    E29.333Point contact diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/862.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.334]    E29.334Transit-time diode (e.g., IMPATT, TRAPATT diode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/864.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.335]    E29.335Avalanche diode (e.g., Zener diode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/866.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.336]    E29.336PIN diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/868.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.337]    E29.337Thyristor diode (i.e., having only two terminals and no control electrode (e.g., Shockley diode, break-over diode)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/87.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.338]    E29.338Schottky diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/872.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.339]    E29.339Tunneling diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.327. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/88.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.34]    E29.34Resonant tunneling diode (i.e., RTD, RTBD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.339. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/88R.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.341]    E29.341Esaki diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.339. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/885.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.342]    E29.342Capacitor with potential barrier or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.325. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/92.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.343]    E29.343Conductor-insulator-conductor capacitor on semiconductor substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.342. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/92B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.344]    E29.344Variable capacitance diode (e.g., varactors) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.342. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/93.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.345]    E29.345Metal-insulator-semiconductor (e.g., MOS capacitor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.342. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/94.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.346]    E29.346Trench capacitor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.345. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/94B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E29.347]    E29.347Controllable by thermal signal (e.g., IR) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E29.166. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L29/66B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.001]    E31.001Semiconductor devices responsive or sensitive to electromagnetic radiation (e.g., infrared radiation, adapted for conversion of radiation into electrical energy or for control of electrical energy by such radiation, processes or apparatus peculiar to manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof) (EPO):
 This main group provides for semiconductor devices that are sensitive to infra-red radiation, light, electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength or corpuscular radiation and adapted either for the conversion of the energy of such radiation into electrical energy or for the control of electrical energy by such radiation, and processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of such devices or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.002]    E31.002Characterized by semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0248.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.003]    E31.003Characterized by semiconductor body material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0256.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.004]    E31.004Inorganic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0264.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.005]    E31.005In different semiconductor regions (e.g., Cu2X/CdX heterojunction and X being Group VI element) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0336.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.006]    E31.006Comprising only Cu2X/CdX heterojunction and X being Group VI element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0336B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.007]    E31.007Comprising only heterojunction including Group I-III-VI compound (e.g., CdS/CuInSe2 heterojunction) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0336C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.008]    E31.008Selenium or tellurium (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0272.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.009]    E31.009For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0272B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.01]    E31.01Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0272C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.011]    E31.011Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/028.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.012]    E31.012For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/028B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.013]    E31.013Comprising porous silicon as part of active layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/028P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.014]    E31.014Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.011. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0288.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.015]    E31.015Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only Group II-VI compound (e.g., CdS, ZnS, HgCdTe) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0296.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.016]    E31.016For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0296B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.017]    E31.017Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.016. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0296B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.018]    E31.018Including ternary compound (e.g., HgCdTe) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0296C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.019]    E31.019Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0304.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.02]    E31.02For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0304B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.021]    E31.021Characterized by doping material GaAlAs, InGaAs, InGaAsP (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.02. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0304B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.022]    E31.022Including ternary or quaternary compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0304C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.023]    E31.023Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only Group IV compound (e.g., SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0312.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.024]    E31.024For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0312B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.025]    E31.025Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0312C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.026]    E31.026Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only compound other than Group II-VI, III-V, and IV compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.027]    E31.027Comprising only Group I-III-VI chalcopyrite compound (e.g., CuInSe2, CuGaSe2, CuInGaSe2) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.028]    E31.028Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.029]    E31.029Comprising only Group IV-VI or II-IV-VI chalcogenide compound (e.g., PbSnTe) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.03]    E31.03Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.031]    E31.031Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/032B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.032]    E31.032Characterized by semiconductor body shape, relative size, or disposition of semiconductor regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.033]    E31.033Multiple quantum well structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.034]    E31.034Characterized by amorphous semiconductor layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.035]    E31.035Including, apart from doping material or other impurity, only Group IV element or compound (e.g., Si-SiGe superlattice) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.036]    E31.036Doping superlattice (e.g., nipi superlattice) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.037]    E31.037For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.032. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.038]    E31.038Shape of body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.039]    E31.039Shape of potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0352C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.04]    E31.04Characterized by semiconductor body crystalline structure or plane (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/036.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.041]    E31.041Including thin film deposited on metallic or insulating substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0392.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.042]    E31.042Including only Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0392B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.043]    E31.043Including polycrystalline semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0368.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.044]    E31.044Including only Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.043. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0368B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.045]    E31.045Including microcrystalline silicon ( c-Si) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0368B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.046]    E31.046Including microcrystalline Group IV compound (e.g., c-SiGe, c-SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0368B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.047]    E31.047Including amorphous semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0376.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.048]    E31.048Including only Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.047. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0376B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.049]    E31.049Including Group IV compound (e.g., SiGe, SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0376B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.05]    E31.05Having light-induced characteristic variation (e.g., Staebler-Wronski effect) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0376B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.051]    E31.051Including other nonmonocrystalline material (e.g., semiconductor particles embedded in insulating material) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.04. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0384.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.052]    E31.052Adapted to control current flow through device (e.g., photoresistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.053]    E31.053For device having potential or surface barrier (e.g., phototransistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.052. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.054]    E31.054Device sensitive to infrared, visible, or ultraviolet radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/101.


E31.093,and its indents, for device sensitive to infrared, visible, or ultraviolet radiation without a potential or surface barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.055]    E31.055Characterized by only one potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/102.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.056]    E31.056Potential barrier being of point contact type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/102B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.057]    E31.057PN homojunction potential barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/103.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.058]    E31.058Device comprising active layer formed only by Group II-VI compound (e.g., HgCdTe IR photodiode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.057. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/103B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.059]    E31.059Device comprising active layer formed only by Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.057. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/103C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.06]    E31.06Device comprising active layer formed only by Group IV compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.057. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/103D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.061]    E31.061PIN potential barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/105.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.062]    E31.062Device comprising Group IV amorphous material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.061. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/105B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.063]    E31.063Potential barrier working in avalanche mode (e.g., avalanche photodiode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/107.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.064]    E31.064Heterostructure (e.g., surface absorption or multiplication (SAM) layer) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.063. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/107B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.065]    E31.065Schottky potential barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/108.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.066]    E31.066Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) Schottky barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.065. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/108B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.067]    E31.067PN heterojunction potential barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/109.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.068]    E31.068Characterized by two potential or surface barriers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/11.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.069]    E31.069Bipolar phototransistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/11B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.07]    E31.07Characterized by at least three potential barriers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/111.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.071]    E31.071Photothyristor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.07. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/111B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.072]    E31.072Static induction type (i.e., SIT device) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.071. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/111B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.073]    E31.073Field-effect type (e.g., junction field-effect phototransistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.054. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.074]    E31.074With Schottky gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.073. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.075]    E31.075Charge-coupled device (CCD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.076]    E31.076Photo MESFET (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.074. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.077]    E31.077With PN homojunction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.073. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.078]    E31.078Charge-coupled device (CCD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.077. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.079]    E31.079Field-effect phototransistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.077. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.08]    E31.08With PN heterojunction gate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.073. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.081]    E31.081Charge-coupled device (CCD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.082]    E31.082Field-effect phototransistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.08. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/112D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.083]    E31.083Conductor-insulator-semiconductor type (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.073. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/113.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.084]    E31.084Diode or charge-coupled device (CCD) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.083. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/113B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.085]    E31.085Metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.083. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/113C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.086]    E31.086Device sensitive to very short wavelength (e.g., X-ray, gamma-ray, or corpuscular radiation) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.053. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/115.


E31.092,for device sensitive to very short wavelength (e.g., X-ray, gamma-ray, or corpuscular radiation without a potential or surface barrier).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.087]    E31.087Bulk-effect radiation detector (e.g., Ge-Li compensated PIN gamma-ray detector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/117.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.088]    E31.088Li-compensated PIN gamma-ray detector (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.087. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/117B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.089]    E31.089With surface barrier or shallow PN junction (e.g., surface barrier alpha-particle detector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/118.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.09]    E31.09With shallow PN junction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.089. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/118B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.091]    E31.091Field-effect type (e.g., MIS-type detector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.086. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/119.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.092]    E31.092Device being sensitive to very short wavelength (e.g., X-ray, gamma-ray) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.052. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/08C.


E31.086,for device sensitive to very short wavelength (e.g., X-ray, gamma-ray, or corpuscular radiation with a potential or surface barrier).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.093]    E31.093Device sensitive to infrared, visible, or ultraviolet radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.052. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/09.


E31.054,and its indents, for device sensitive to infrared, visible, or ultra-violet radiation with a potential or surface barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.094]    E31.094Comprising amorphous semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.093. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/09B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.095]    E31.095Structurally associated with electric light source (e.g., electroluminescent light source) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.096]    E31.096Hybrid device containing photosensitive and electroluminescent components within one single body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.095. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/12B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.097]    E31.097Light source controlled by radiation-sensitive semiconductor device (e.g., image converter, image amplifier, image storage device) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.095. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/14.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.098]    E31.098Device without potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/14B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.099]    E31.099Light source being semiconductor device with potential or surface barrier (e.g., light-emitting diode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.098. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/14B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.1]    E31.1Device with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/14C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.101]    E31.101Semiconductor light source and radiation-sensitive semiconductor device both having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.097. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/147.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.102]    E31.102Formed in or on common substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.101. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/153.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.103]    E31.103Radiation-sensitive semiconductor device controlled by light source (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.095. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/16.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.104]    E31.104Radiation-sensitive semiconductor device without potential or surface barrier (e.g., photoresistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.103. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/16B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.105]    E31.105Light source being semiconductor device having potential or surface barrier (e.g., light-emitting diode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.104. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/16B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.106]    E31.106Optical potentiometer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.104. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/16B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.107]    E31.107Radiation-sensitive semiconductor device with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.103. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/16C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.108]    E31.108Semiconductor light source and radiation-sensitive semiconductor device both having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.103. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/167.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.109]    E31.109Formed in or on common substrate (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.108. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/173.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.11]    E31.11Detail of nonsemiconductor component of radiation-sensitive semiconductor device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.111]    E31.111Input/output circuit of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.112]    E31.112For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.111. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.113]    E31.113Circuit arrangement of general character for device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.114]    E31.114For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.113. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.115]    E31.115Position-sensitive and lateral-effect photodetector (e.g., quadrant photodiode) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02H2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.116]    E31.116Device working in avalanche mode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.114. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/02H2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.117]    E31.117Encapsulation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0203.


E33.059,for encapsulation of other light-emitting semiconductor device.
E51.02,for encapsulation of radiation-sensitive organic semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.118]    E31.118For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.117. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0203B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.119]    E31.119Coatings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0216.


E33.06,for coating details of light-emitting semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.12]    E31.12For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.119. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0216B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.121]    E31.121For filtering or shielding light (e.g., multicolor filter for photodetector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.12. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0216B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.122]    E31.122For shielding light (e.g., light-blocking layer, cold shield for infrared detector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.121. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0216B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.123]    E31.123For interference filter (e.g., multilayer dielectric filter) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.121. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0216B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.124]    E31.124Electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0224.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.125]    E31.125For device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0224B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.126]    E31.126Transparent conductive layer (e.g., transparent conductive oxide (TCO), indium tin oxide (ITO) layer) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.124. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0224C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.127]    E31.127Optical element associated with device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0232.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.128]    E31.128Device having potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.127. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0232B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.129]    E31.129Comprising luminescent member (e.g., fluorescent sheet) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.127. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0232C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.13]    E31.13Texturized surface (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/0236.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E31.131]    E31.131Arrangement for temperature regulation (e.g., cooling, heating, or ventilating) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E31.11. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L31/024.


E33.075,for light-emitting cooling or heating means.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.001]    E33.001Light emitting semiconductor devices having potential or surface barrier, processes or apparatus peculiar to manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof (EPO):
 This main group provides for semiconductor devices with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier adapted for light emission, e.g. infra-red emission, and processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of such devices or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00.
(1) Note: This main group does not include semiconductor lasers.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.002]    E33.002Device characterized by semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.003]    E33.003Particular crystalline orientation or structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.004]    E33.004Comprising amorphous semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.005]    E33.005Shape or structure (e.g., shape of epitaxial layer) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.006]    E33.006Shape of semiconductor body (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.007]    E33.007Shape of potential barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.008]    E33.008Multiple quantum well structure (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.009]    E33.009Including, apart from doping materials or other only impurities, Group IV element (e.g., Si-SiGe superlattice) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.01]    E33.01Doped superlattice (e.g., nipi superlattice) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.011]    E33.011For current confinement (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.012]    E33.012Multiple active regions between two electrodes (e.g., stacks) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C3F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.013]    E33.013Material of active region (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.014]    E33.014In different regions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4G2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.015]    E33.015Comprising only Group IV element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.016]    E33.016With heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.017]    E33.017Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.018]    E33.018Including porous Si (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.019]    E33.019Comprising only Group II-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.02]    E33.02Ternary or quaternary compound (e.g., CdHgTe) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.021]    E33.021With heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.02. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.022]    E33.022Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.023]    E33.023Comprising only Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.024]    E33.024Binary compound (e.g., GaAs) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.025]    E33.025Including nitride (e.g., GaN) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.026]    E33.026Ternary or quaternary compound (e.g., AlGaAs) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.027]    E33.027With heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.028]    E33.028Including nitride (e.g., AlGaN) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.026. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.029]    E33.029Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.03]    E33.03Nitride compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.031]    E33.031Including ternary or quaternary compound (e.g., AlGaAs) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.023. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.032]    E33.032With heterojunction (e.g., AlGaAs/GaAs) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.033]    E33.033Comprising nitride compound (e.g., AlGaN) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.031. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.034]    E33.034With heterojunction (e.g., AlGaN/GaN) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4D6C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.035]    E33.035Comprising only Group IV compound (e.g., SiC) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4E.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.036]    E33.036Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.035. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4E2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.037]    E33.037Comprising compound other than Group II-VI, III-V, and IV compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.013. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.038]    E33.038Comprising only Group IV-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.039]    E33.039Comprising only Group II-IV-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.04]    E33.04Comprising only Group I-III-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.041]    E33.041Characterized by doping material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.042]    E33.042Comprising only Group IV-VI or II-IV-VI compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.037. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C4F6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.043]    E33.043Physical imperfections (e.g., particular concentration or distribution of impurity) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00C5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.044]    E33.044Device characterized by their operation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.045]    E33.045Having p-n or hi-lo junction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.046]    E33.046P-I-N device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.045. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.047]    E33.047Having at least two p-n junctions (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.045. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.048]    E33.048Having heterojunction or graded gap (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.049]    E33.049Comprising only Group III-V compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.05]    E33.05Comprising only Group II-IV compound (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.048. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D3C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.051]    E33.051Having Schottky barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.052]    E33.052Having MIS barrier layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.053]    E33.053Characterized by field-effect operation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.054]    E33.054Device being superluminescent diode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.044. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00D7.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.055]    E33.055Detail of nonsemiconductor component other than light-emitting semiconductor device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.056]    E33.056Packaging (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.057]    E33.057Adapted for surface mounting (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.056. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.058]    E33.058Housing (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.056. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B2C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.059]    E33.059Encapsulation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.056. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B2D.


E31.117,for encapsulation of other radiation-sensitive semiconductor device.
E51.02,for encapsulation of radiation-sensitive organic semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.06]    E33.06Coatings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B3.


E31.119,for coating details of radiation-sensitive semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.061]    E33.061Comprising luminescent material (e.g., fluorescent) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.06. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B3B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.062]    E33.062Electrodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.063]    E33.063Characterized by material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.064]    E33.064Comprising transparent conductive layers (e.g., transparent conductive oxides (TCO), indium tin oxide (ITO)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.063. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B4B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.065]    E33.065Characterized by shape (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.062. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B4C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.066]    E33.066Electrical contact or lead (e.g., lead frame) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B5.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.067]    E33.067Means for light extraction or guiding (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.068]    E33.068Integrated with device (e.g., back surface reflector, lens) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.067. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.069]    E33.069Comprising resonant cavity structure (e.g., Bragg reflector pair) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.07]    E33.07Comprising window layer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.068. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.071]    E33.071Not integrated with device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.067. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.072]    E33.072Reflective means (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.071. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.073]    E33.073Refractive means (e.g., lens) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.071. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6C3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.074]    E33.074Scattering means (e.g., surface roughening) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.067. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B6D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.075]    E33.075With means for cooling or heating (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B7.


E31.131,for cooling means for radiation-sensitive semiconductor device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.076]    E33.076With means for light detecting (e.g., photodetector) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E33.077]    E33.077Monolithic integration with photosensitive device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E33.055. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L33/00B9.
 This main group provides for semiconductor or solid state devices with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier which include superconductive material, processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of such devices or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/00.
(1) Note. Superconductive material is a material that is characterized by zero electrical resistivity and, ideally, zero permeability.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.002]    E39.002Containers or mountings (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/04.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.003]    E39.003For Josephson devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/04B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.004]    E39.004Characterized by current path (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E.39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.005]    E39.005Characterized by shape of element (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.006]    E39.006Characterized by material (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.007]    E39.007Organic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.008]    E39.008Fullerene superconductors, e.g., soccerball-shaped allotrope of carbon, e.g., C60, C94 (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.007. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.009]    E39.009Ceramic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.01]    E39.01Comprising copper oxide (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.009. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.011]    E39.011Multilayered structures, e.g., super lattices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.01. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/12C2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.012]    E39.012Devices comprising junction of dissimilar materials, e.g., Josephson-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/22.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.013]    E39.013Single electron tunnelling devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/22B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.014]    E39.014Josephson-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/22C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.015]    E39.015Comprising high Tc ceramic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.014. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/22C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.016]    E39.016Three or more electrode devices, e.g., transistor-like structures (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/22D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.017]    E39.017Permanent superconductor devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/14.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.018]    E39.018Comprising high Tc ceramic materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.017. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/14B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.019]    E39.019Three or more electrode devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/14C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E39.02]    E39.02Field-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E39.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L39/14C2.
 This main group provides for semiconductor or solid state devices which respond to a magnetic field signal, processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.002]    E43.002Hall-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.43.001 This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/06.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.003]    E43.003Semiconductor Hall-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/06B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.004]    E43.004Magnetic-field-controlled resistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/08.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.005]    E43.005Selection of materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/10.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.006]    E43.006Processes or apparatus peculiar to manufacture or treatment of these devices or of parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/12.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E43.007]    E43.007For Hall-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E43.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L43/14.
 This main group provides for solid state devices which change from non-conductive state to semiconductive state to achieve rectification, amplification, oscillation or switching action, upon application of a minimum voltage, and processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/00.


E29.001,for semiconductors devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, capacitors, or resistors with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E45.002]    E45.002Bistable switching devices, e.g., Ovshinsky-effect devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E45.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/00B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E45.003]    E45.003Switching materials being oxides or nitrides (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E45.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/00B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E45.004]    E45.004N: Light-controlled Ovshinsky devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E45.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/00B3.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E45.005]    E45.005Charge density wave transport devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E45.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/00C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E45.006]    E45.006Solid-state travelling-wave devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E45.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L45/02.
 This main group provides for active devices which exhibit the characteristic of decreasing current rate with increasing applied voltage, processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of such devices or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L47/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E47.002]    E47.002Gunn-effect devices or transferred electron devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E47.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L47/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E47.003]    E47.003Controlled by electromagnetic radiation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E47.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L47/02B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E47.004]    E47.004Gunn diodes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E47.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L47/02C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E47.005]    E47.005Processes or apparatus peculiar to manufacture or treatment of these devices or of parts thereof (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E47.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L47/00B.
 This main group provides for solid state devices with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier using active layer of lower electrical conductivity than the material adjacent thereto, e.g., metal sandwiched between thin or thick film insulator or organic semiconductor material, and through which carrier tunneling occurs, and processes or apparatus adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L49/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E49.002]    E49.002Devices using Mott metal-insulator transition, e.g., field-effect transistors (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E49.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L49/00A.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E49.003]    E49.003Quantum devices, e.g., quantum interference devices, metal single electron transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E49.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L49/00Q.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E49.004]    E49.004Thin-film or thick-film devices (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E49.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L49/02.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.001]    E51.001Organic solid state devices, processes or apparatus peculiar to manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof (EPO):
 This main group provides for solid state device using organic material or a combination of organic material with other material as active part of the device, processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of such devices, or of parts thereof. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/00.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.002]    E51.002Structural detail of device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.003]    E51.003Organic solid-state device adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, or capacitors or resistors with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B.


E29.001,and its indents, for details of other solid-state devices adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, or capacitors or resistors with a potential or surface barrier.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.004]    E51.004Controllable by only signal applied to control electrode (e.g., base of bipolar transistor, gate of field-effect transistor) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.005]    E51.005Field-effect device (e.g., TFT, FET) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.004. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.006]    E51.006Insulated gate field-effect transistor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.005. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.007]    E51.007Comprising organic gate dielectric (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.006. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B2B2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.008]    E51.008Controllable only by variation of electric current supplied or only electric potential applied to electrode carrying current to be rectified, amplified, oscillated, or switched (e.g., two terminal device) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.003. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.009]    E51.009Comprising Schottky junction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.01]    E51.01Comprising organic/organic junction (e.g., heterojunction) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.011]    E51.011Comprising organic/inorganic heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.008. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20B4F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.012]    E51.012Radiation-sensitive organic solid-state device (EPO):
 Subject matter under subclass E51.002 wherein the solid-state device is responsive or sensitive to electromagnetic radiation (e.g., infrared radiation), adapted for a conversion of the radiation into electrical energy or for a control of electrical energy by such radiation. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C.


E31.001,and its indents, for other radiation-sensitive semiconductor devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.013]    E51.013Metal-organic semiconductor-metal device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.014]    E51.014Comprising bulk heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.015]    E51.015Comprising organic/inorganic heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.016]    E51.016Majority carrier device using sensitization of wide band gap semiconductor (e.g., TiO2) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.015. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.017]    E51.017Comprising organic semiconductor-organic semiconductor heterojunction (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.012. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20C6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.018]    E51.018Light-emitting organic solid-state device with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 Subject matter under subclass E51.002 wherein the solid-state device having a potential or surface barrier is adapted for generating light. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20D.


E33.001,and its indents, for other light-emitting semiconductor devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.019]    E51.019Electrode (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.02]    E51.02Encapsulation (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20D2C.


E31.117,for encapsulation of other radiation-sensitive semiconductor devices.
E33.059,for encapsulation of other light-emitting semiconductor devices.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.021]    E51.021Arrangements for extracting light from device (e.g., Bragg reflector pair) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.019. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20D2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.022]    E51.022Multicolor organic light-emitting device (OLED) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.018. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.023]    E51.023Molecular electronic device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.002. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/20F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.024]    E51.024Selection of material for organic solid-state device (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.001. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.025]    E51.025For organic solid-state device adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating, or switching, or capacitors or resistors with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.026]    E51.026For radiation-sensitive or light-emitting organic solid-state device with potential or surface barrier (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30C.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.027]    E51.027Organic polymer or oligomer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.028]    E51.028Comprising aromatic, heteroaromatic, or arrylic chains (e.g., polyaniline, polyphenylene, polyphenylene vinylene) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.029]    E51.029Heteroaromatic compound comprising sulfur or selene (e.g., polythiophene) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D2B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.03]    E51.03Polyethylene dioxythiophene and derivative (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.029. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D2B2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.031]    E51.031Polyphenylenevinylene and derivatives (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D2D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.032]    E51.032Polyflurorene and derivative (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.028. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D2F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.033]    E51.033Comprising aliphatic or olefinic chains (e.g., polyN-vinylcarbazol, PVC, PTFE) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.034]    E51.034Polyacetylene or derivatives (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.035]    E51.035PolyN-vinylcarbazol and derivative (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.033. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D4D.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.036]    E51.036Copolymers (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.037]    E51.037Ladder-type polymer (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.027. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30D8.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.038]    E51.038Carbon-containing materials (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30F.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.039]    E51.039Fullerenes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.038. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30F2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.04]    E51.04Carbon nanotubes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.038. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30F4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.041]    E51.041Coordination compound (e.g., porphyrin, phthalocyanine, metal(II) polypyridine complexes) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30M.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.042]    E51.042Phthalocyanine (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30M2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.043]    E51.043Metal complexes comprising Group IIIB metal (Al, Ga, In, or Ti) (e.g., Tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium (Alq3)) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30M4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.044]    E51.044Transition metal complexes (e.g., Ru(II) polypyridine complexes) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.041. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30M6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.045]    E51.045Biomolecule or macromolecule (e.g., proteins, ATP, chlorophyl, beta-carotene, lipids, enzymes) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30P.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.046]    E51.046Silicon-containing organic semiconductor (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30S.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.047]    E51.047Macromolecular system with low molecular weight (e.g., cyanine dyes, coumarine dyes, tetrathiafulvalene) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30H.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.048]    E51.048Charge transfer complexes (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.047. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30H2.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.049]    E51.049Polycondensed aromatic or heteroaromatic compound (e.g., pyrene, perylene, pentacene) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.047. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30H4.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.05]    E51.05Aromatic compound containing heteroatom (e.g., perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride, perylene tetracarboxylic diimide) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.049. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30H4B.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.051]    E51.051Amine compound having at least two aryl on amine-nitrogen atom (e.g., triphenylamine) (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.047. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30H6.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass E51.052]    E51.052Langmuir Blodgett film (EPO):
 This subclass is indented under subclass E51.024. This subclass is substantially the same in scope as ECLA classification H01L51/30L.


[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 900]    900MOSFET TYPE GATE SIDEWALL INSULATING SPACER:
 Subject matter wherein a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor with a gate electrode includes a relatively thick layer of electrically insulating material along the side wall of the gate electrode and wherein the source or drain region of the transistor has a distinct portion which is distant from the gate electrode and is aligned with the edge of the insulating material, so that the source or drain region is spaced from the gate electrode by the thickness of the insulating material.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 901]    901MOSFET SUBSTRATE BIAS:
 Subject matter wherein an electrical bias is applied between the substrate and the source electrode of a metal oxide field effect transistor.


299,for an insulated gate capacitor, or transistor combined with capacitor, with a substrate bias generator.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 902]    902FET WITH METAL SOURCE REGION:
 Subject matter including a field effect transistor with a source region that comprises a metal material (e.g., a Schottky barrier or ohmic contact to the channel region).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 903]    903FET CONFIGURATION ADAPTED FOR USE AS STATIC MEMORY CELL:
 Subject matter wherein a field effect transistor is structurally arranged to be used in a static memory element (i.e., one in which information need not be periodically refreshed).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 904]    904WITH PASSIVE COMPONENTS, (e.g., POLYSILICON RESISTORS):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 903.  Subject matter including a solid-state electronic part/component in which charge carriers do not change their energy levels and that does not provide rectification, amplification, or switching, but which does react to voltage and current. Examples are pure resistors, capacitors and inductors.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 905]    905PLURAL DRAM CELLS SHARE COMMON CONTACT OR COMMON TRENCH:
 Subject matter comprising plural dynamic random access memory elements which share an electrical contact or trench.
 Subject matter comprising a dynamic random access memory element having an electrode which forms one plate of a storage capacitor, which electrode is adapted to be supplied with varying electrical signals to get information into or out of the memory element.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 907]    907FOLDED BIT LINE DRAM CONFIGURATION:
 Subject matter comprising an array of dynamic random access memory elements including differential sense amplifiers each connected to two different rows of memory cells, wherein the two rows of memory cells connected to a specific sense amplifier lie adjacent and parallel to each other on the same side of the sense amplifier.
 Subject matter comprising dynamic random access memory elements having transistors and capacitors, where memory elements connected to adjacent bit lines have transistors and capacitors which are not staggered but which lie along a straight line which is located between the adjacent bit lines of the device.
 Subject matter comprising plural geometric arrangements of groups of active solid-state devices, each group being connectable into a logic circuit, in one integrated, monolithic semiconductor chip. in which different groups differ from each other in size, complexity, or number of components.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 910]    910DIODE ARRAYS (E.G., DIODE READ-ONLY MEMORY ARRAY):
 A repeating geometric arrangement of electronic devices which have two terminals and an asymmetrical or nonlinear voltage-current characteristic.
 A repeating geometric arrangement of light sensitive devices structured to be scanned by an electron beam.
 Subject matter wherein a charge transfer device* uses both electron and hole carriers in the same transfer or storage regions of the charge transfer device.
 Subject matter including a semiconductor device having means to absorb or localize semiconductor impurities or defects which would adversely affect the performance of the device, e.g., phosphosilicate glass coating to absorb deep level impurities.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 914]    914POLYSILICON CONTAINING OXYGEN, NITROGEN, OR CARBON (E.G., SIPOS):
 Subject matter comprising polycrystalline silicon which contains oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 915]    915WITH TITANIUM NITRIDE PORTION OR REGION:
 Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device includes a portion or region of the device which contains titanium nitride.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 916]    916NARROW BAND GAP SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL (<<1eV):
 Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device material is a semiconductor in which the difference between the energy levels of electrons bound to their nuclei (valence electrons) and the energy levels that allow electrons to migrate freely (conduction electrons) is less than one electron volt.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 917]    917PLURAL DOPANTS OF SAME CONDUCTIVITY TYPE IN SAME REGION:
 Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device has a region or portion which contains at least two different impurity elements which have the same electrical conductivity type (i.e., both p-type or both n-type).
 Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device acts as if it has two or more active emitter junctions each of which is associated with a separate, equivalent transistor having an individual gain and, when initiated by a base region* current, the equivalent transistors mutually drive each other in a regenerative manner to lower the voltage drop between the emitters, and which active solid-state device can generate light.
(1) Note. If the current is above a level IH, called the "holding current*", then the device will remain ON when the triggering signal is removed by the regenerative feedback therebetween, and is then said to be "latched*".
 Subject matter comprising devices wherein components or portions or regions of the devices having similar structure are electrically connected in series or parallel to average out manufacturing variations in their operational characteristics.
 Subject matter wherein a device contains layers of electrical conductors and different conductor layers are electrically connected in parallel, to improve device operation (e.g., to reduce conductor resistance).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 921]    921RADIATION HARDENED SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE:
 Subject matter in which an active solid-state device is provided with means to render it relatively less susceptible to being damaged or deleteriously affected in any way by radiant energy (e.g., alpha particles).


659+,for means to shield active solid-state devices from harmful radiation.
 Subject matter comprising an integrated circuit with means to prevent inspection of, or tampering with the integrated circuit (e.g., an integrated circuit used in a "smart card" credit or bank card).
 Subject matter in which an active solid-state device includes means to optimize the current carrying capacity of an electrical conductor of the device, e.g., by using a particular conductor cross-sectional configuration.
 Subject matter which includes a distinct solid-state electronic device in which charge carriers do not change their energy levels and that does not provide rectification, amplification or switching, but which does react to voltage and current (e.g., resistors, capacitors, and inductors), or contains a battery, as an integral part of a housing or housing element for an active solid-state device.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 925]    925BRIDGE RECTIFIER MODULE:
 Subject matter comprising a self-contained element which includes two or more junction diodes structurally interconnected as a rectifier bridge circuit.
 Subject matter wherein an active solid-state device includes more than one electrical lead wherein one relatively long lead is coaxially located within another relatively long lead.
 Subject matter wherein a pn junction device contains impurity dopants with differing concentrations of dopant in different parts of the PN junction such that a depletion region associated with the PN junction has a controlled shape.
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 928]    928WITH SHORTED PN OR SCHOTTKY JUNCTION OTHER THAN EMITTER JUNCTION:
 Subject matter wherein a device has a pn or Schottky junction electrode which is electrically short circuited (i.e., there is a direct connection to both sides of the junction).
 Subject matter comprising an integrated circuit with pn junction isolation and having boundary walls isolating the integrated circuit from its substrate, wherein the walls have a minimum concentration of dopant at an intermediate depth in an epitaxial layer substrate (e.g., diffused from both surfaces of an epitaxial layer).
[List of Patents for class 257 subclass 930]    930THERMOELECTRIC (E.G., PELTIER EFFECT) COOLING:
 Subject matter comprising means thermally connected to an active solid-state device which, when subjected to the application of an electric or magnetic field or electric current, causes heat to be absorbed and thereby to cool the active solid-state device.