China IP Road Show: Minneapolis - POSTPONED

Recent developments on IP protection and enforcement in China — What Minneapolis businesses need to know

China IP Road Show


Event is postponed

This event has been postponed until further notice. Please refer to this listing for updates and information. When a new date is confirmed, you will need to re-register for this event. 

If you are a Minneapolis business owner or inventor, you need to protect your intellectual property (IP). Come to this free, one-day USPTO China IP Road Show and learn from government experts, IP attorneys, and local business people about how U.S. rights holders can protect their IP in China. 

Don’t miss this opportunity gain valuable insights about:

  • Recent developments in protecting your patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets in China, particularly if you own a small or medium-sized businesses
  • Where China is going on IP
  • Recent legislative and other developments affecting China’s IP environment
  • Enforcing IP rights in China
  • Enforcing IP rights in the United States
  • U.S. government resources for U.S. companies
  • IP in China: the Minnesota experience

Continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation may be available to attendees of this program, pending approval by the Minnesota State Bar Association.

This event is one of a series of China IP Road Shows the USPTO is conducting across the country. It has been organized in cooperation with the U.S. Commercial Service — Minneapolis.  


A detailed agenda will be posted here at least one week prior to the event.

Additional information

For more information, including directions to the event, contact Lakeshia Harley at the USPTO’s Office of Policy and International Affairs.

This event is part of a series: China IP events