Office of Procurement


The USPTO Office of Procurement (OP) awards and administers a wide variety of contracts and simplified purchases for the acquisition of goods and services in support of the agency's mission. OP continually strives to remain on the leading edge of procurement reform and current technology. To that end, the Office of Procurement uses USPTO's unique Patent and Trademark Acquisition Guidelines (PTAG) (adopted March 10, 2003; revised October 3, 2013) to conduct acquisitions in an efficient and innovative manner, including using performance based contracts, contracting for commercial items, reverse auctioning, and oral proposals. It is our goal to continually identify and utilize new techniques to develop partnerships with industry.

Our Vendor Information page includes helpful information, such as current USPTO contracts and awards, information for small businesses, the USPTO Vendor Portal (eInvoicing/eDeliverable submission), information on our Performance Based Organization (PBO) procedures, and other related topics.

Kristin Fuller is the Director of the Office of Procurement.

Laura Hohbach is the Deputy Director of the Office of Procurement.

The Office of Procurement is composed of the Policy, Compliance, and Training Division; the Procurement Programs and Data Division; and five operational contracting support divisions: the CIO Systems Division; Patents Systems and Software Division; Corporate Services Division; Trademarks, Financial, and Enterprise Business Services Division; and Patent Data and Document Management Support Division.  

Policy, Compliance, and Training Division

The Policy, Compliance, and Training Division has primary responsibility for the following functions and activities:

  • Coordinating, implementing, and maintaining OP policies and guidance, including guidance related to simplified acquisition procedures, contracts, and purchase card procurements;
  • Measuring OP performance against established goals for competition, performance-based service contracts, and various small business programs;
  • Evaluating the execution of the procurement function to assess compliance with legislation, regulations, and Department of Commerce and USPTO OP policies and procedures;
  • Managing and overseeing the USPTO Acquisition Community training and certification program; and
  • Familiarizing the small business community with USPTO product and service needs.

Suzanne Casey is the Director of the Policy, Programs and Compliance Division.

Procurement Programs and Data Division

The Procurement Programs and Data Division has primary responsibility for the following functions and activities:

  • Measuring OP performance against established goals for competition, performance-based service contracts, and various small business programs;
  • Ensuring that Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) procurement data is current, complete, and accurate;
  • Managing and overseeing the USPTO Purchase Card Program; 
  • Using data to drive decision making within the Office of Procurement; 
  • Managing and overseeing OP’s business and human capital processes; and
  • Managing and overseeing inter-agency agreements.

Sherin Rabadi is the Director of the Procurement Programs and Data Division.

Operational Contracting Support Divisions

The operational contracting staff divisions are strategically aligned with our USPTO customer base to facilitate effective business partnerships and leverage process efficiencies for the acquisition of quality products and services.  The goals, objectives, and responsibilities of the operational divisions are as follows:

  • Serve as the acquisition and business adviser and interact with USPTO business units to implement all Department of Commerce, USPTO, OCFO, and OP procurement and acquisition policies and procedures;
  • Ensure USPTO compliance with applicable acquisition rules and regulations;
  • Ensure that the highest level of procurement integrity is followed in all procurements;
  • Research and implement innovative and effective business solutions in support of the USPTO, OCFO, and OP mission;
  • Establish advance planning techniques in partnership with program offices to link their goals with the USPTOs strategic, budget, and information technology plans;
  • Coordinate and conduct all procurement planning, solicitation, proposal evaluation, negotiation, and award functions in support of USPTO business units;
  • Provide customers and associated contractors timely and efficient contract execution, administration, funding, and closeout services;
  • Foster open communications to promote, build, and nurture effective partnerships with industry, other agencies, and internal stakeholders to keep abreast of best practices; and
  • Respond to internal and external data calls and requests for procurement and contracting information.

Phorsha Peel is the Director of the CIO Systems Division.

David Sheppard is the Director of the Patents Systems and Software Division.

Bradley Beers is the Director of the Trademarks, Financial and Enterprise Business Services Division.

Shelby Buford, Jr. is the Director of the Corporate Services Division.

Yaritza Acton is the Director of the Patent, Data, and Document Management Support Division.