USPTO AWS Cloud Services (UACS) Maintenance
The USPTO will perform routine maintenance on UACS for the Central VPC Endpoints beginning at 11:58 ET on Friday, January 17 and ending at 3 a.m. ET on Saturday, January 18.
The Central VPC Endpoints on UACS allow traffic from resources in a Spoke VPC (Application VPCs) to remain within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) network when making calls to supported AWS Public Endpoints. This provides improved security, reduced latency, ability to move resources into private subnets without internet access, and lower risk of traffic congestion on the network. UACS is creating endpoints for AWS services EC2, ECS, KMS, EBS, Lambda, RDS, SSM. SSM-Messages, and Cloudtrail.
This change will only occur on UACS EIPL production accounts; however, no outage is expected.