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Select a region below to identify the attaché and contact information.

Regional IP Attaché Offices

  • Brazil (Argentina, Brazil, Mercosur, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
  • China - Beijing (National issues in China plus Beijing and Shenyang)
  • China - Guangzhou (Southern, Southwestern, and Southeastern China including Hong Kong and Macao)
  • China - Shanghai (Eastern and Central China plus Taiwan)
  • Europe (EU, European Institutions, UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland)
  • India (South Asia)
  • Mexico (Central America, Mexico, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and the Caribbean)
  • Peru (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru)
  • Thailand (Southeast Asia)
  • Ukraine (Central Eurasia and the Western Balkans)
  • United Arab Emirates (Middle East and North Africa)
  • US Mission to WIPO/WTO (WIPO, United Nations, and WTO)

Hear from the IP Attachés


Meet the IP attachés: Helene Liwinski