The National Medal of Technology and Innovation (NMTI) is the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement, bestowed by the president of the United States on America's leading innovators. There were 8 laureates in the 1995 class.
Edward R. McCracken
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
For his groundbreaking work in the areas of affordable 3D visual computing and super computing technologies; and for his technical and leadership skills in building Silicon Graphics, Inc., into a global advanced technology company.
Praveen Chaudhari, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Jerome J. Cuomo, North Carolina State University (Formerly with IBM) and Richard J. Gambino, State University of New York at Stony Brook (Formerly with IBM)
For the discovery and development of a new class of materials-the amorphous magnetic materials-that are the basis of erasable, read-write, optical storage technology, now the foundation of the worldwide magnetic-optic disk industry.
The Procter & Gamble Company
For creating, developing and applying advanced technologies to consumer products which have strengthened the American economy while helping to improve the quality of life for millions of consumers worldwide.
For its many innovations over decades, producing thousands of successfully commercialized products, from the unique optical film that revolutionized the design of laptop computer screens to breakthrough technologies that make possible the ubiquitous "Post-It¨ Repositionable Notes. For aggressive international expansion producing nearly half of 3M's $14 billion in sales, including $1.5 billion in U.S. exports. And for creating 86,000 jobs worldwide, including 48,000 in the U.S.
Sam B. Williams
Williams International
For his unequaled achievements as a gifted inventor, tenacious entrepreneur, risk-taker and engineering genius in making the USA number one in small gas turbine engine technology and competitiveness, and for his leadership and vision in revitalizing the U.S. general aviation business jet and trainer jet aircraft industry.
Alejandro Zaffaroni
Alza Corporation, Affymax N. V.
For his pioneering accomplishments in the field of drug discovery, commercializing novel technologies for drug discovery and drug delivery; for his visionary leadership in combining diverse disciplines to develop technologies and products to provide a new dimension to individual health and the changing needs of the pharmaceutical industry.