All patent electronic systems use the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) single sign-on system, the account, for secure, two-factor authentication. accounts are based on email addresses, which also serve as the account's name or user ID. Users who opt in for two-step authentication will receive a one-time verification code delivered by email, mobile device, or phone call that grants access to the patent electronic systems, such as Patent Center, to file and manage patent applications.
Benefits of a registered eFiler online account
The USPTO highly encourages users to become registered users so they can gain access to all patent electronic systems.
While you can file a patent application as an unregistered user, you will not benefit from the tools available to registered users. Only as a registered user can you electronically view your submission, track the progress of your application, and respond to USPTO correspondence.
Your patent application does not have to be ready to file in order for you to register for a verified account. Start this process as early as possible, so when you’re ready, you can file as a registered user.
Become a registered eFiler in three easy steps
1. Create your account
Go to the MyUSPTO page and select “Create a account.”
The MyUSPTO page allows you to create accounts, change passwords, enable two-step authentication, set the method(s) to receive the one-time verification code, and record personal information, including alternate email addresses and telephone numbers. This information is used to uniquely identify you and allow secure access to your patent data. If you need assistance creating your account, please call the USPTO Contact Center at 800-786-9199.
When creating the account, enter your complete legal name, including first name, middle name (not initial) and last name, and use this same name when submitting the Patent Electronic Verification Form. Complete legal names must be provided to avoid confusion among people having the same first name, middle initial and last name.
For registered practitioners or practitioners granted limited recognition, the name provided must correspond to Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) records.
To assure the security of your data, follow the policy described in the Patent Electronic System Access Document and Patent Electronic System Subscriber Agreement.
Patent Electronic System Access Document [PDF]
Patent Electronic System Subscriber Agreement [PDF]
2. Mail your Patent Electronic Verification and Customer Number Request forms*
Download and complete the two forms. The Patent Electronic Verification form must be notarized before sending to the USPTO. The name listed on the account and the Patent Electronic Verification form must match to avoid processing delays. You can leave the customer number field blank if you don't already have a customer number. A customer number will be generated by the USPTO when you mail both forms.
A customer number is a unique number created by the USPTO and is used in lieu of a physical address. The customer number allows you to easily associate all your filings to a single mailing address. Having a customer number eliminates typographical errors or variations in addresses that can make it difficult to receive patent correspondence from the USPTO. Linking your customer number to your application(s) will also ensure only you can access your patent application information using your registered account.
If you are a registered attorney or patent agent, or a person granted limited recognition, then your registration number or limited recognition number must be associated with your customer number. This is accomplished by adding your registration number to the Customer Number Request form.
Practitioners must also notify OED of any changes to their contact information within 30 days of the date of the change. See 37 C.F.R. § 11.11(a). The OED page has more information.
Send the original, notarized hard copy of the Patent Electronic Verification form (no faxes or copies) along with the original Customer Number Request form* to:
Mail Stop EBC Customer Number
Commissioner for Patents
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
Expect about one to two weeks for processing.
*If you want a customer number sooner, you may still fax the customer number form to 571-273-0177 and mail the notarized Patent Electronic Verification Form.
3. Verify your account
Once you receive an email from USPTO letting you know you are a registered user, you must opt in for two-step authentication. Login to MyUSPTO and activate the two-step authentication to verify your account.
If the Electronic Business Center determines you have not selected two-step authentication when they process the Patent Electronic System Verification form, they will select an authentication option for you.
Once you've completed these three steps, you will have full access to Patent Center and all its resources available to registered eFilers. For more information, including help with the verification forms, contact the Patent Electronic Business Center.
Update your existing registered account
You do not have to create a new account to update your name or e-mail address. Please only submit the Patent Electronic Systems Verification Form with your updated information to the EBC for processing. Please refer to the Patent Electronic System Verification Form instructions to update your email or name information.
Update an existing customer number
If you are currently a registered user, you can update an existing customer number you have access to in real time by logging into Patent Center, selecting the Manage tab and selecting Manage customer numbers.
Alternatively, you can update the information of an existing customer number by downloading, then mailing or faxing the completed Customer Number Data Change form [PDF] to the Electronic Business Center.
Linking existing patent applications to a customer number
If you have existing patent applications on file with the USPTO, you need to associate these applications with your customer number.
To associate multiple existing patent applications to a customer number, please download and complete the Customer Number Upload Spreadsheet [MS Excel]. This information can be sent on a CD or USB memory stick to:
Mail Stop EBC Customer Number
Commissioner for Patents
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
You can also file a change of correspondence address form PTO/AIA/122 or PTO/SB122 to an individual application to change the correspondence address to a customer number.
To associate a PCT application in the International phase with a customer number for purposes of viewing the PCT application in Patent Center, please download and complete the Request to Update a PCT Application with a Customer Number form [MS Word] and mail or fax it to the Electronic Business Center.