Comments on Leahy-Smith America Invents Act Implementation

The following comments have been submitted on Leahy-Smith America Invents Act Implementation, published on the Office's web site at

Submitters may review this list to ensure their submission has been received. If a comment has not been posted within two weeks of submission, please submit it by e-mail to

Please note that the following documents are posted as originally received but may contain artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion

A. Intellectual Property Organizations

  1. ABA (2011NOV17)
  2. ABA, AIPLA & IPO (2011NOV18)
  3. ABA-IPL, AIPLA & IPO (2011DEC08)
  4. AIPLA (2012MAR28)
  5. AIPLA (2011NOV18)
  6. Innovation Alliance (2011NOV15)
  7. IPO (2011NOV18) 1
  8. IPO (2011NOV18) 2
  9. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 1
  10. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 2
  11. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 3
  12. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 4
  13. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 5
  14. MIPLA (2011NOV07) 6

B. Government Agencies

C. Academic and Research Institutions

  1. Harvard University (18APR2012)
  2. New York Law School Center for Patent Innovations (2011SEP16)
  3. University of Central Florida (26OCT2011)

D. Law Firms

  1. Oblon Spivak (2011NOV14)
  2. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 1
  3. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 2
  4. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 3
  5. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 4
  6. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 5
  7. Patterson Thuente (2011NOV07) 6

E. Companies

  1. Abbott Laboratories (2011NOV15)
  2. American Insurance Association (2011NOV15)
  3. ARS Technologies (2011AUG15)
  4. Calendar Holdings LLC (2011NOV03)
  5. Cisco Systems (2011NOV06)
    Verizon Communications
  6. Cisco Systems (2011NOV11)
    Verizon Communications
  7. Financial Services Roundtable (2011NOV15)
  8. IBM Corporation (2011NOV04)
  9. IBM (2011SEP16)
  10. IBM (2011SEP16)
  11. Innovation Institute (2011SEP15)
  12. Intel (2011NOV20)
  13. Novartis Corporation (2011NOV06)
  14. Trading Technologies International (2011NOV15) 1
  15. Trading Technologies International (2011NOV15) 2

F. Individuals

i. Practitioners

  1. Androlia, William (2011SEP27)
  2. Barr, Dale (2011SEP29)
  3. Blanco White, Henry (2011SEP29)
  4. Blanco White, Henry (27OCT2011)
  5. Booth, Simon (2011SEP16)
  6. Budzyn, Lou (2011SEP20)
  7. Burdick, Bruce (27OCT2011)
  8. Burnes, James (2011NOV15) 1
  9. Burnes, James (2011NOV15) 2
  10. Burnett, R. Alan (2011DEC28)
  11. Cannady, Cynthia (2011OCT13)
  12. Caron, Jackie (2011NOV17)
  13. Cavenaugh, Marion Eugene (2011JUL31)
  14. Coplein, Gordon (2011OCT17)
  15. Cornish, Cornell (2011OCT24)
  16. Crosby, David (2011SEP15)
  17. Daspit, Jacqueline (2011SEP30)
  18. deRoos, Judith (2012MAR27)
  19. Kamholz, Scott (2011OCT24)
  20. Kappos, John (2011SEP21)
  21. Kriegel, Jeremy (2011NOV30)
  22. Lelkes, Robert + Attachment 1 + Attachment 2 (2011SEP30)
  23. Ligibel, Bradley (2011NOV03)
  24. Ligibel, Bradley (2011NOV03) 2
  25. Lin, Jerry (2011SEP28)
  26. Marshall, John (26OCT2011)
  27. Marshall, John (2011NOV14)
  28. McCloskey, Charles (26OCT2011)
  29. McKenna, Chris (2011NOV20)
  30. Nixon, Dale (2012MAR12)
  31. O'Brien, Denis (2011NOV28)
  32. Partow-Navid, Puya (2011SEP15)
  33. Pedersen, Brad (2011SEP14)
  34. Pedersen, Brad (2011SEP01)
  35. Plotkin, Robert (2011SEP22)
  36. Roche, David (2011SEP19)
  37. Schumm, Brooke (2011OCT24)
  38. Sheldon, Jeffrey (2011OCT03)
  39. Sterne, Robert (27OCT2011)
  40. Sterne, Robert (31OCT2011) 1
  41. Sterne, Robert (31OCT2011) 2
  42. Sterne, Robert (01NOV2011)
  43. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV03) 1
  44. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV03) 2
  45. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV03) 3
  46. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV07) 1
  47. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV07) 2
  48. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV07) 3
  49. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV07) 4
  50. Sterne, Robert (2011NOV08)
  51. Stoner, Bruce (2011NOV08)
  52. Sundby, Suzannah (2012MAR3)
  53. Vockrodt, Jeff (2011NOV09)
  54. Vockrodt, Jeff (2011NOV11)
  55. Ward, Thomas (2011DEC27) 1
  56. Ward, Thomas (2011DEC27) 2
  57. Ward, Thomas (2011DEC28)
  58. Wilson, Clark (2011NOV15)
  59. Wirz, Melody (2012JAN18)

ii. Others

  1. Atencio, Michael (2011NOV16)
  2. Azimova-Dupriez, Sitora (2011SEP21)
  3. Berger, Michael (2011SEP27)
  4. Blevins, Michelle (2012MAR26) a
  5. Blevins, Michelle (2012MAR26) b
  6. Boaz (2011SEP16)
  7. Bobay, Erin (2011SEP08)
  8. Boelter, Matt (01NOV2011)
  9. Bohms, Cicely (2011SEP16)
  10. Callender, Dawn (2011SEP09)
  11. Canter, Marc (01NOV2011)
  12. Clark, Kimball (2011NOV06)
  13. Crowe, Elizabeth (31OCT2011)
  14. Dai, Li (2012MAR27)
  15. Dansey, Matt (2012MAR27)
  16. Davis, McKane (01NOV2011)
  17. Delo, Stan (2011SEP20)
  18. DiCarlo, Paul (2012MAR5)
  19. Dowdell, Charles (2011SEP16)
  20. Georgalis, Nick (2011SEP25)
  21. Georgalis, Nick (2011SEP25)
  22. Georgalis, Nick (2011SEP20)
  23. Georgalis, Nick (2011SEP19)
  24. Glass, Gareth (2011OCT10)
  25. Goldstein, Bryan (01NOV2011)
  26. Goodwin, Charles (2011OCT03)
  27. Heims, Tracy (2011SEP29)
  28. Henderson, Katie (2011SEP29)
  29. Hiett, John (2011OCT09)
  30. Hill, Ken (2012JAN29)
  31. Hilton, Ron (2011SEP29)
  32. Hollaar, Lee (2011SEP09)
  33. Hollins, Terence (2011NOV22)
  34. Holt, Blake (2012MAR29)
  35. Hult, Wesley (2011SEP09)
  36. Jaquett, Patricia (2011SEP14)
  37. Jordan, Lawrence (2011AUG25)
  38. Kley, Vic (2011AUG23)
  39. Kley, Vic (2011NOV08)
  40. Layno, Carl (2011SEP16)
  41. Lee, Bruce (2012FEB26)
  42. Leggett, Nickolaus (2012MAR12)
  43. Leggett, Nickolaus (2012FEB28)
  44. Leggett, Nickolaus (2011DEC31)
  45. Leggett,Nickolaus (2011NOV03)
  46. Leggett, Nickolaus (2011SEP08)
  47. Leggett, Nickolaus (2011SEP08)
  48. Leggett, Nickolaus (2011AUG08)
  49. Leggett, Nickolaus (2011AUG05)
  50. Lietz, Derek (2011OCT13)
  51. Lloyd, Gregory (01NOV2011)
  52. Lutz, John (01NOV2011)
  53. McVeigh, Deanna (16SEP2011)
  54. McVeigh, Deanna (2011SEP16)
  55. Moetteli, John (2011SEP12)
  56. Mojica, Lissi (2011OCT26)
  57. Moore, Russ (2011SEP27)
  58. Muncy, Ken (2011OCT13)
  59. Schmitt, Alvin (2011AUG01)
  60. Schultz, Tom (2011AUG01)
  61. Schulze, Mike (2011AUG24)
  62. Schulze, Michael (2011NOV10)
  63. Sichelman, Ted (2011SEP16)
  64. Singh, Sanjeev (2011SEP29)
  65. Sunatori, Simon (2011NOV03)
  66. Swallow, Kevin (2011AUG02)
  67. Thomas, Neil (2011NOV07)
  68. Thomas, Neil (2011NOV03)
  69. Thomas, Neil (31OCT2011) 1
  70. Thomas, Neil (31OCT2011) 2
  71. Thomas, Neil (31OCT2011) 3
  72. Thomas, Neil (31OCT2011) 4
  73. Thomas, Neil (2011OCT31) 5
  74. Thomas, Neil (2011NOV08) 1
  75. Thomas, Neil (2011NOV08) 2
  76. Thomas, Neil (2011NOV08) 3
  77. Tsui, Talos (01NOV2011)
  78. Vella, Tony (2011NOV28)
  79. ViaE (17SEP2011)
  80. Warner, Gary (2011SEP09)
  81. Watson, George (2011SEP10)
  82. Weidner, Timothy (2011SEP13)
  83. Weidner, Timothy (2011SEP09)
  84. Wicker, Kerry (2011SEP05)
  85. Williams, Jonathan (2011SEP24)
  86. Yi, Chong Su (2011SEP16)
  87. Zaccaria, Gary (2011SEP03)
  88. Zebediah (2011AUG23)