Patent Related Notices - 2018



* active hyperlinks in this column retrieve USPTO documents posted prior to publication in the OG or Fed. Reg.





Examining Computer-Implemented Functional Claim Limitations for Compliance With 35 U.S.C. 112 (20Dec2018)1458 OG 33819JAN201984 FR 5707JAN2019
2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance (20Dec2018) [MORE INFORMATION]1459 OG 24326FEB201984 FR 5007JAN2019
Closing of the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Monday, December 24, 2018 (21Dec2018)1458 OG 19815JAN2019  
Closing of the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (04Dec2018)1458 OG 5901JAN2019  
Authentication Changes for Registered Users of EFS-Web and Private PAIR (20Nov2018)1457 OG 13311DEC2018  
Change in the Electronic Retrieval Method for Priority Documents between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (20Nov2018)1457 OG 13211DEC2018  
Interim Procedure for Requesting Recalculation of the Patent Term Adjustment With Respect to Information Disclosure Statements Accompanied by a Safe Harbor Statement (30Oct2018)1456 OG 24627NOV201883 FR 5510202NOV2018
United States Postal Service Interruption and Emergency under 35 U.S.C. 21(a) [Michael] (26Oct2018)1456 OG 19720NOV2018  
Access to Relevant Prior Art Initiative (19Oct2018)1456 OG 20020NOV201883 FR 5385325OCT2018
United States Patent and Trademark Office to Deposit Certified Copies of U.S. Design Applications as Priority Documents via the WIPO DAS (World Intellectual Property Organization Digital Access Service) (01Oct2018)1455 OG 34930OCT2018  
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Program Between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile (01Oct2018)1455 OG 35130OCT2018  
United States Postal Service Interruption and Emergency under 35 U.S.C. 21(a) [Florence] (01Oct2018)1455 OG 27823OCT2018  

Filing Patent Applications Electronically During Designated Significant Outages of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Electronic Business Systems (27Aug2018) [MORE INFORMATION]

1454 OG 21625SEP201883 FR 4426430AUG2018
Notice Concerning the Japan Patent Office's Action as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority for International Applications Received by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (07Aug2018)1454 OG 5104SEP2018  
Continuation of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Program Between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (10Jul2018)1453 OG 5907AUG2018  
Change in the Electronic Retrieval Method for Priority Documents between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (10Jul2018)1453 OG 5807AUG2018  
New Pilot Program for Submitting Documents in Text Format in New Utility Patent Applications (27Jun2018)1452 OG 27824JUL2018  
Patent Cooperation Treaty Collaborative Search and Examination Pilot Project Between the IP5 Offices (21Jun2018)1452 OG 27424JUL201883 FR 3014527JUN2018
Continuation of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Program Between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil (01Jun2018)1452 OG 4703JUL2018  
Request for Comments on Determining Whether a Claim Element Is Well-Understood, Routine, Conventional for Purposes of Subject Matter Eligibility (18Apr2018)1450 OG 22615MAY201883 FR 1753620APR2018
Closing of the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 (13Apr2018)1450 OG 22515MAY2018  
Closing of the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Friday, March 2, 2018 (30Mar2018)1449 OG 26924APR2018  
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure, Ninth Edition, Revision of January 2018 (25Jan2018)1447 OG 22527FEB201883 FR 447331JAN2018
Changes To Eliminate Unnecessary Regulations (11Jan2018)1447 OG 22627FEB201883 FR 275919JAN2018
Extension of the Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program (05Jan2018)1447 OG 4706FEB201883 FR 124310JAN2018
Original Utility Patents Not Surrendered by Reissue and All Reissue Patents in the Reissue Patent Family Require Separate Maintenance Fee Payments (02Jan2018) [MORE INFORMATION]1446 OG 30030JAN2018