Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and Trademark Center Maintenance
The USPTO will perform routine maintenance on TEAS and Trademark Center from 12:01-4 a.m. ET on Saturday, January 18.
The TEAS initial applications forms will be retired on January 18, 2025 as a new trademark application fee schedule is introduced. Please complete any initial applications in progress and note the following information:
January 17, 2025: This is the last day to file an initial application in TEAS, and the last day to apply under the current fee schedule.
- TEAS: If you start an application in TEAS on or after January 1, you must submit it by January 17 at 11:59 p.m. ET. You can’t transfer your saved application (OBJ) files and in-progress electronic signature requests to Trademark Center.
- Trademark Center: You must complete all electronic signature requests and submit any draft applications by January 17 at 11:59 p.m. ET. All saved drafts will be removed from your “My drafts” tab after that.
January 18, 2025: The new fees will be in effect. The TEAS initial application forms will be retired, and Trademark Center will be the only place to file a trademark application. These five initial application forms in Trademark Electronic Application System will be retired:
- TEAS Plus/TEAS Standard Application
- Trademark/Servicemark Application, Supplemental Register
- Certification Mark Application, Principal Register
- Collective Membership Mark Application, Principal Register
- Collective Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register