Trademark Center updates and training

Trademark Center is a modernized system designed to improve your filing experience. It's the only way you can apply to register your trademark.

Trademark Center

Differences between TEAS and Trademark Center

If you’re familiar with the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), you’ll notice some differences in Trademark Center, such as: 

  • Draft saving. Applications are automatically saved every minute, and you can find them in the “My drafts” tab in the docket. If you want to use a draft application as a template for similar filings, you can save additional copies by using the “Actions” dropdown menu in “My drafts.” You can also make copies of drafts that have been shared with you. To avoid creating exact duplicates, the “Save as a new draft” option will copy all data except for the mark information.  

  • Draft sharing. Instead of sending OBJ files, legal practitioners can share draft applications with each other using the “My drafts” tab in the Trademark Center docket. Attorneys and paralegals can enable sharing with one another through sponsorship or association. For information about draft sharing, see our walkthrough video 

  • Electronic signatures and submission. Like TEAS, Trademark Center allows the preparer of a form to send it to the owner for electronic signature, even if the owner doesn’t have a account. However, only preparers who are an attorney or sponsored support staff can submit the application.  

  • Role-based access. Our filing system requires ID verification. You start that process by selecting a role, which determines what you see in Trademark Center. For example, if you’re a trademark owner, you won’t be able to add attorney information in your application. Owners can file their own applications, or they can hire an attorney to do it. If you hire an attorney, they'll prepare the form using their own account. If you aren’t seeing the right options in Trademark Center, email us to request a change and correct your account’s user role. 

We heard you

Your feedback is important to us. Based on your suggestions, we expanded the draft sharing feature. Now, attorneys can share drafts with other attorneys, and all support staff who are sponsored by the same attorney can share with each other. 

In March, we’ll add more sharing options including shareable links to draft applications. 

We encourage you to share your experience with the system and provide feedback so we can continue improving the platform. You can submit your suggestions via:

  • The feedback button on the bottom right side of each page in Trademark Center
  • Our feedback form

Visit our Subscription Center and sign up for Trademark Alerts to stay up to date on Trademark Center and trademark information. 

The future of Trademark Center

Over the next few years, we’ll gradually transition all forms from the TEAS and TEAS International (TEASi) to Trademark Center. Our next major release will give you the ability to update contact information and make changes to an application. 

On January 18, 2025, we retired these five initial application forms: 

  • TEAS Plus/TEAS Standard Application
  • Trademark/Servicemark Application, Supplemental Register
  • Certification Mark Application, Principal Register
  • Collective Membership Mark Application, Principal Register   
  • Collective Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register   


We offer live biweekly webinars to learn the fundamentals of our new filing system. Visit our Trademark Center webinar series page to register for an upcoming event.

You can also watch videos that focus on specific scenarios when filing a trademark application with a single class of goods or services: