To access Trademark Center, the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), and TEAS International (TEASi), you need to log in to a account with two-step authentication.
Don’t share your password
You’ll use a password to access your account. Never share your password for your account, even with someone who helps you file your application. If you do, they may use your account to file without your knowledge, including in applications that don’t belong to you. This could result in your account being suspended.
If you hire an attorney to represent you, the attorney must have their own account to file on your behalf. They do not need to file through your account. If they tell you otherwise, they are likely a scammer.
Identity verification for trademark filers
Identity verification is mandatory for account holders to file through Trademark Center, TEAS, and TEASi. For most users, this one-time verification process can be completed online in less than 15 minutes. We also offer a paper verification process for those who do not wish to verify online.
For more information, see identity verification for trademark filers.
Previous login information and resources
See our previously posted information and resources about the ongoing login protection initiative.
- Logging in with two-factor authentication before you can access TEAS or TEASi forms.
- The 30-minute timeout after inactivity. You will receive a pop-up warning after 25 minutes of inactivity.
If you manage or use third-party systems that interact with Trademark Center or TEAS, you're likely affected by the login requirement. Please send any questions to
Video tutorial and Q&A about account creation and login
Watch the below video for a step-by-step tutorial on creating your account. In this recorded webinar, you'll also hear useful questions asked by fellow trademark filers and answers from our team.
You must create your own account. If someone offers to make an account for you, stop. They may keep using the account with your name on it to gain unauthorized access to USPTO systems.
Help resources
If you can't use Trademark Center or TEAS because you can't access your account, we have resources to help you. The MyUSPTO and account frequently asked questions page can help you resolve common issues.
If you need additional technical assistance, contact the Trademark Assistance Center. If you still can't access your account and your filing deadline is today, see our Filing documents during an outage page.