Beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 (October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022), we adopted the Agency Financial Report (AFR) and Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (APPR) in lieu of a Performance and Accountability Report (PAR). PARs for earlier fiscal years remain available for review and comparison.
Agency Financial Report (AFR)
The United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) Agency Financial Report (AFR) highlights the agency’s programs, accomplishments, and challenges, while also providing information on financial management and performance.
Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (APPR)
The USPTO’s Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (APPR) highlights our achievements and results of the agency’s programmatic performance. This report shows our stakeholders, including the public, our efforts to promote transparency and accountability as we strive to maintain America’s intellectual property (IP) system as the gold standard around the world.
Every four years we develop a strategic plan to define the USPTO’s mission, vision and goals. A Strategic Plan presents the long-term objectives an agency hopes to accomplish at the beginning of each new term of an Administration by describing general and long-term goals the agency aims to achieve, what actions the agency will take to realize those goals, and how the agency will deal with challenges and risks that may hinder achieving results.
Workload Tables (required by 35 U.S.C. § 13)
The USPTO workload tables provides stakeholders with multi-year listings on various statistics, including volume of patent and trademark applications (filings), how long it takes for the applications to work their way through the process (pendency), filings by states and countries, petition data, cases in litigation, end of year personnel, and other information.