IP Programs at GIPA


Enforcement Programs

The Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA) provides intellectual property enforcement training on a variety of different topics, such as border enforcement, criminal investigation and prosecution, civil litigation, and judicial administration. GIPA attracts leading professionals in these disciplines to deliver a superior level of instruction. Generally, applicants must be working in government agencies or ministries that are responsible for enforcement operations or in setting policy. These programs are technical in nature, and participants are encouraged to play an active role during the lectures and question and answer sessions. 

Patent Programs

The Global Intellectual Property Academy provides intellectual property training on a variety of patent-related topics. The participants must be officials of intellectual property offices of their respective governments, or of the agencies of their governments that are responsible for patent policies. The patent programs are designed to focus on topics that include office administration and budgeting, basic examination practice, examination issues in specific technology areas such as biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, industrial design examination, technology transfer practices, and awareness of UPOV plant variety protection. In-depth programs are offered, employing case studies or examples when possible, to strengthen understanding of concepts. The patent program goals are to share best practices and therefore improve patent quality around the world. Patent programs are available at USPTO headquarters and at regional locations around the world. 

Trade Related IP Topics

Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement are integral to all fields of intellectual property. Minimum international standards for all fields of intellectual property are covered by the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). Additional protections for international property rights are provided in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which update and expand protections to keep pace with technological and legal developments. These are some of the areas which you can expect to gain additional knowledge about when attending one of our programs.

Trademark Programs

The Global Intellectual Property Academy provides intellectual property training on trademarks. The participants must be officials of intellectual property offices of their respective governments, or of the agencies of their governments that are responsible for trademark policies. The trademark programs are designed to focus on administration, budgeting, recruitment and training, and treaty protocol. These programs provide discussions and case studies on examination procedures. 

Copyright Programs

The Global Intellectual Property Academy provides intellectual property training on copyrights. The participants must be officials of intellectual property offices of their respective governments, or of the agencies of their governments that are responsible for copyright policies. The copyright programs include challenging issues that are discussed with leading professionals in their field. The program includes topics such as exclusive rights, liability and piracy.