
Patent Public Search’s Advanced Search interface supports the following operators.

OperatorUse in Patent Public Search
ORTwo terms joined by "OR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the  
ANDTwo terms joined by "AND" must occur within the same document.
NOTThe first term must occur, the second term must not.
XORTwo terms joined by "XOR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the  
document, but not both terms.
WITHnTerms joined with WITH must occur within [n] sentences of each other. Patent Public  
Search does not consider a period at the end of an abbreviation as the end of a  
sentence. For example, if a document contained the sentence “The floor could be  
manufactured from wood, plastic, laminate, etc. and then be installed with glue”,  
a search for “floor WITH glue” would return hits in Patent Public Search.
SAMEnTwo terms occur within n paragraphs of each other. It is very similar to WITH[n] 
but the searches occur over n paragraphs rather than sentences. Maximum value 
of N is 25.
ADJnTwo terms must occur within [n] terms of each other, in order and within the same  
NEARnTwo terms must occur within [n] terms of each other and within the same  
sentence, but order is not relevant.
x NOT SAME yThe two terms are not contained in the same paragraph.
x NOT WITH yThe two terms are not contained in the same sentence. Patent Public Search does  
not consider a period at the end of an abbreviation as the end of a sentence.  
For example, if a document contained the sentence “The floor could be 
manufactured from wood, plastic, laminate, etc. and then be installed with glue,” 
a search for “floor NOT WITH glue” would exclude this document in the  
results in Patent Public Search.
x NOT ADJ yThe two terms are not contained adjacent to each other in the specific order in the  
same sentence.
x NOT NEAR yThe two terms are not contained adjacent to each other in any order in the same 
sentence. For example, a search for “blue NOT NEAR green” would not exclude 
a document containing “blue with green” but would exclude a document containing
“green not blue.”

Operator Precedence

The precedence for the order of operations in Patent Public Search’s Advanced Search interface is ADJ > NEAR > WITH > SAME