Online trademark tools


MyUSPTO is your personalized homepage and gateway to your USPTO records. It provides a secure location for you to actively manage your intellectual property portfolio, including easy access to search, file, and status functions. You can even sign up to get email updates when your application status changes.

You can access and customize your MyUSPTO page by signing in through your account. You must have a account to access MyUSPTO. If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free.

Trademark search system 

Our trademark database contains the records of all active and inactive trademark registrations and applications. You can search this database for any applied-for or registered trademarks to see if your trademark conflicts with these previously filed applications or registrations. This search will help you decide whether to apply to register your trademark. 

Trademark Center

Trademark Center is where you can file a new trademark application, pay application-related fees, and use the docketing feature to track the status of applications filed through Trademark Center.

File forms in TEAS  

The Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) is where you complete and submit all other trademark forms and make payments. You can respond to office actions, update correspondence information, submit registration maintenance and renewal documents, and more.

To complete a form, you must be logged in to your account.

Check status and view documents in TSDR

The Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) system allows you to access a trademark application or registration file using the serial or registration number. You can use TSDR to check the status of your application or registration at any time, as well as view, print, and download any documents in your file.

ID Manual

The Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual (ID Manual) provides a searchable listing of acceptable identifications of goods or services. You can use these pre-approved descriptions in your application to describe and classify your goods or services. Don't use a description if it isn't accurate. Misidentifying your goods or services can lead to delays in your application process or prevent you from registering your trademark. You can access the ID Manual before you start a new application and while you're in Trademark Center.

Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure

The Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) provides guidelines and procedures that examining attorneys are required or authorized to follow when examining trademark applications.

Trademark Official Gazette

The Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) is a USPTO weekly publication that includes Principal Register trademarks that received preliminary approval from a USPTO examining attorney. Publication in the TMOG begins a 30-day opposition period for these trademarks. Private practice attorneys and professional search firms regularly use this as a resource for their clients.

Design Search Code Manual

The Design Search Code Manual provides a way to search the trademark database for designs appearing in trademarks. The USPTO assigns all trademarks with design figurative elements one or more six-digit numerical codes for searching purposes. This manual indexes design categories, divisions, and sections that make up these codes. Learn more about our design search codes.

Trademark Decisions and Proceedings search tool

The Trademark Decisions and Proceedings search tool contains public information about trademark-related decisions and proceedings issued by or conducted under the authority of the Commissioner for Trademarks or the Director of the USPTO. Use the free text search field, filter options, and sort the results to easily locate decisions and proceedings.