- Changes To Implement Provisions of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 64300-64334 [2021-24926] [Electronic version] [PDF] (17Nov2021)
- Trademark Fee Adjustment 81123-81124 [2020-27564] [Electronic version] [PDF] (15Dec2020)
- Trademark Fee Adjustment 73197-73218 [2020-25222] [Electronic version] [PDF] (17Nov2020)
- International Trademark Classification Changes 69501-69504 [2020-22353] [Electronic version] [PDF]
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Trademark Fee Adjustment, 37040–37057 [2020–13262][Electronic version][PDF] (19Jun2020)
- Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing 69330-69331 [2019-27426][Electronic version][PDF](18Dec2019)
- Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice to Mandate Electronic Filing; Correction 68045-68046 [2019-26899][Electronic version][PDF](13Dec2019)
- International Trademark Classification Changes 65680-65683 [2019-25807][Electronic version][PDF](29Nov2019)
- Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing 52363-52364 [2019-21178][Electronic version][PDF](02Oct2019)
- Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing 37081-37099 [2019-16259][Electronic version][PDF](31Jul2019)
- Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants 31498-31511 [2019-14087] [Electronic version][PDF] (2Jul2019)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants, 4393–4403 [2019–02154][TEXT][PDF](15Feb2019)
- International Trademark Classification Changes 62711-62714 [2018-26373] [Electronic version] [PDF] (6Dec2018)
- Removal of Rules Governing Trademark Interferences 33129-33132 [2018-15163] [Electronic version(link is external)] [PDF(link is external)] (17July2018)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing, 24701-24714 [2018-11353] [TEXT] [PDF] (30May2018)
- Changes in Requirements for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Certification Marks; Correction, 1559 [2018-00428] [Electronic version](link is external) [PDF](link is external) (12Jan2018)
- Final Rule: International Trademark Classification Changes, 56887-56890 [2017-25880] [TEXT] [PDF] (01Dec2017]
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Related to Removal of Rules Governing Trademark Interferences 48469-48472 [2017- 22394] [TEXT] [PDF] (18Oct2017)
- Revival of Abandoned Applications, Reinstatement of Abandoned Applications and Cancelled or Expired Registrations, and Petitions to the Director 29401-29409 [2017-13519] [Electronic version] [PDF] (29June2017)
- Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases; Delay of Effective Date, 10273 [2017–02796] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (10Feb2017)
- Changes in Requirements for Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases, 6259–6265 [2017–00317] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (19Jan2017)
- Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice; Correction, 89382–89383 [2016–29728] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (12Dec2016)
- Trademark Fee Adjustment, Correction 78042–78043 [2016-26684] [TEXT] [PDF] (07Nov2016)
- International Trademark Classification; Changes, 76867–76870 [2016–26682] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (04Nov2016)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Relating to Revival of Abandoned Applications, Reinstatement of Abandoned Applications and Cancelled or Expired Registrations, and Petitions to the Director 74997-75005 [2016-26035] [TEXT](link is external)(link is external) [PDF](link is external)(link is external) (28Oct2016)
- Trademark Fee Adjustment, 72694–72708 [2016-25506] [TEXT] [PDF] (21Oct2016)
- Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice, 69950–69988 [2016–23092] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (07Oct2016)
- Changes in Requirements for Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases, 40589 - 40594 [2016 - 14791] [TEXT](link is external) [PDF](link is external) (22June2016)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Relating toTrademark Fee Adjustment, 33619–33632 [2016–12571] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (27May2016)
- Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice, 19325–19352 [2016-06672][TEXT](link is external) [PDF](link is external) (04March2016)
Trademark Rules of Practice: Rules of Practice in Filings Pursuant to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, 2303–2313 [2015–00267] [TEXT] [PDF] (16Jan2015)
Reduction of Fees for Trademark Applications and Renewals, 74633–74639 [2014–29413] [TEXT] [PDF] (16Dec2014)
- Trademark Applications and Renewals; Reduction of Fees, 26664-26669 [2014-10730] [TEXT] [PDF] (09May2014)
- Changes in Requirements for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Certification Marks [TEXT] [PDF] (20Feb2014)
- Trademark Rules of Practice and Rules of Practice in Filings: Changes Pursuant to Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, 3750-3757 [2014-01126] [TEXT] [PDF] (23Jan2014)
- Final Rule: Changes to Representation of Others before the USPTO [PDF] (03Apr2013)
- International Trademark Classification Changes [TEXT] [PDF] (09Aug2012)
- Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases [TEXT] [PDF] (22May2012)
- Trademark Technical and Conforming Amendments [TEXT] [PDF] (08Nov2011)
- Extension of Comment Period for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases [TEXT] [PDF] (09/Sep/2011)
- Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases [Text] [PDF] (12Jul2011)
- Trademark Technical and Conforming Amendments Interim Final Rule [PDF] (24Jun2010)
- Trademark Technical and Conforming Amendment Act of 2010 (17Mar2010)
- Changes in Requirements for Signature of Documents, Recognition of Representatives, and Establishing and Changing the Correspondence Address in Trademark Cases - Final Rule (26Oct2009)