- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Trademark Fee Adjustment, 37040–37057 [2020–13262] [TEXT] [PDF] (19Jun2020)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants, 4393–4403 [2019–02154] [TEXT] [PDF] (15Feb2019)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing, 24701-24714 [2018-11353] [TEXT] [PDF] (30May2018)
- Exam Guide 02-17 Merely Informational Matter (July 2017) [Word]
- Response to comments on draft examination guide, "Incapable Informational Matter"
- Improving the Accuracy of the Trademark Register: Possible Streamlined Version of Cancellation Proceedings on Grounds of Abandonment and Nonuse; Request for Comments, 22517–22519 [2017–09856] [TEXT](link is external) [PDF](link is external) (16May2017)
- Trademark Public Advisory Committee, 63542–63543 [2015–26572] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (20Oct2015)
- Announcement of Pilot Program to Allow Amendments to Identifications of Goods and Services in Trademark Registrations Due to Technology Evolution (01Sept2015)
- Post Registration Proof of Use Pilot Final Report (25August2015)
- Examination Guide 1-15 (Repeating-Pattern Marks) (03June2015)
- Request for Comments: Proposal to Allow Amendments to Identifications of Goods and Services Due to Technology Evolution (Comment Period Ends November 3, 2014) [Word]
- Post Registration Proof of Use Pilot Status Report (July 2014) [Word]
- Examination Guide 2-14 (Geographic Certification Marks) (June 2014) [Word]
- USPTO Roundtable: Amendments to Identifications of Goods and Services Due to Technology Evolution (04Apr2014)
- Changes in Requirements for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Certification Marks [TEXT] [PDF] (20Feb2014)
- Trademark Rules of Practice and Rules of Practice in Filings: Changes Pursuant to Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, 3750-3757 [2014-01126] [TEXT] [PDF] (23Jan2014)
- Request for Comments: Post Registration Amendments to Identifications of Goods and Services Due to Technology Evolution (Comment Period Ends December 1, 2013) [Word]
- Beta Version of Trademark Electronic Official Gazette (02Jul2013)
- Review of Comments Regarding Amending the First Filing Deadline for Affidavits or Declarations of Use or Excusable Nonuse (10Jan2013)
- Share Comments/Suggestions on Draft of Examination Guide: Webpage Specimens as Displays Associated with the Goods (Comment Period Ends October 31, 2012) [Word] (28Sep2012)
- Extension of Comment Period for Notice of Inquiry Regarding Adjustment of Fees for Trademark Applications [PDF] (19Sep2012) NOTE: Submitted comments are now available.
- Extension of Comment Period for Request for Comments Regarding Amending the First Filing Deadline for Affidavits or Declarations of Use or Excusable Nonuse [PDF] (19Sep2012) NOTE: Submitted comments are now available.
- Notice of Inquiry Regarding Adjustment of Fees for Trademark Applications [PDF] (16Aug2012) NOTE: Submitted comments are now available.
- Request for Comments Regarding Amending the First Filing Deadline for Affidavits or Declarations of Use or Excusable [PDF] (16Aug2012) NOTE: Submitted comments are now available.
- Retention of "Old" TARR (25Jan2012)
- Extension of Comment Period: Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases (06Sep2011)
- Request for Comments: Effective Use of PTDLs (07Feb2011)
- Share Comments/Suggestions Regarding the TMEP (05Jan2011)
- Request for Comments: USPTO Proposal to Discontinue Its Secondary Design Coding (30Dec2010)
- Request for Comments: Suggestions to Improve the Accuracy of Identifications of Goods and Services in Trademark Applications and Registrations at the USPTO (29Jun2010)
- Continued and Expanded Consistency Initiative (23Jun2010)
- Introduction of New Mailbox for Trademark User Feedback (18Feb2010)
- Trademark Consistency Initiative (29Sep2008)