Journal articles and conference proceedings

The Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) publishes research findings from its team of economists and their collaborators in peer-reviewed economic journals and in law journals.

Competitive dynamism in nascent markets: trademarks and superstar firm entry in the metaverse

Wendy A. Bradley and Julian Kolev
Industry and Innovation, 1-41, November 2024
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Does entry by a superstar firm change the competitive dynamics of nascent industries? Using USPTO trademark data and a quasi-experimental design, we analyse the introduction of new products in the metaverse. We develop a theoretical framework of heterogeneous strategies for market entry under uncertainty, contrasting digital vs. physical industries. Empirically, we show that firm size has a strong positive correlation with metaverse participation, and this effect is amplified for international, physical-goods firms and reversed for born-digital firms. Following Facebook’s entry in 2014, we document a 10–12% decline in metaverse product introductions, particularly among smaller and international physical-goods firms. This decline coincides with an increase in the international scope of metaverse trademarks, suggesting that superstar firm entry into the metaverse reduced the quantity but increased the geographic scope of product introductions. Our analysis highlights intangible assets as key drivers of firms’ competitive advantage in the global, digital economy, with implications for antitrust regulation.

Procrastination or incomplete data? An analysis of USPTO examiner search activity

Charles A.W. de Grazia, Alexander V. Giczy, and Nicholas A. Pairolero
Research Policy, Volume 53, Issue 7, September 2024
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Patent eligibility after Alice: Evidence from USPTO patent examination

Jesse Frumkin, Nicholas A. Pairolero, Asrat Tesfayesus, and Andrew A. Toole
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 122.
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Discovering value: women’s participation in university and commercial AI invention

Alexander V. Giczy, Nicholas A. Pairolero, and Andrew A. Toole
Nature Biotechnology, Volume 42, January 2024, pg. 26-29
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Listen to AUTM on the Air podcast ("Behind the Numbers: Insights from U.S. Patenting on Diagnosing COVID-19")

More can be done to diversify the AI innovation ecosystem, especially in the emerging field of biotechnology AI, where women’s participation is associated with substantial value. 

How does digital piracy affect innovation? Evidence from software firms

Wendy A. Bradley and Julian Kolev
Research Policy, Volume 52, Issue 3, April 2023
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Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial at the USPTO

Nicholas A. Pairolero, Andrew A. Toole, Peter-Anthony Pappas, Charles A.W. deGrazia, Mike H.M. Teodorescu
Academy of Management Proceedings , vol 2022, no 1, July 2022
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Challenges facing independent inventors: Do patents help?

Charles A.W. deGrazia, Nicholas A. Pairolero, Peter-Anthony Pappas, Andrew A. Toole, Mike H.M. Teodorescu
Academy of Management Proceedings, vol 2022, no 1, July 2022
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Identifying artificial intelligence (AI) invention: A novel AI patent dataset

Alexander V. Giczy, Nicholas A. Pairolero, and Andrew Toole
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2021
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Examination incentives, learning, and patent office outcomes: The use of examiner’s amendments at the USPTO

Charles A.W. deGrazia, Nicholas A. Pairolero, and Mike H.M. Teodorescu
Research Policy, vol 50, issue 10, December 2021
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The Promise of Machine Learning for Patent Landscaping

Andrew A. Toole, Nicholas A. Pairolero, James Q. Forman, and Alexander V. Giczy
Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal, vol 36, no 4, May 2020
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Innovation activities and business cycles: are trademarks a leading indicator?

Charles A. W. deGrazia, Amanda Myers, and Andrew A. Toole
Industry and Innovation, vol 27, issue 1-2, 2020
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