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N-Cl Compound ..............................  8 / DIG 20
    Oxidizing compositions .................  252 / 186.35+
    Engine .................................  123 / 41.7
        Aircraft combined ..................  244 / 53 R+
Nad (Nicotinamide Adenine ..................  536 / 26.24
    Dinucleotide) ..........................  536 / 26.24
Nafcillin ..................................  540 / 339
Nail .......................................  411 / 439+
    Brush ..................................  15 / 167.3
    Buffer .................................  132 / 76.4+
        Compound manicure tool with ........  132 / 75.6
    Capping nail ...........................  470 / 7
    Design .................................  D08 / 391+
    Extractor ..............................  254 / 18+
    Feeding and distributing ...............  227 / 107
        Sorting ............................  470 / 164+
    Files ..................................  132 / 76.4
        Design .............................  D28 / 59
    Fluorescent or phosphorescent ..........  250 / 462.1
    Hammer .................................  227 / 133
    Hole plug ..............................  52 / 514
    Horseshoe ..............................  168 / 23
        Calk ...............................  168 / 38
    Insulated, electrically ................  174 / 159
    Making .................................  470 / 27+
        And driving ........................  227 / 82+
    Placer hammer ..........................  81 / 23+
    Polish applicator ......................  D04
    Sets ...................................  81 / 44
    Stripper ...............................  193 / 38
Nailing ....................................  227
    Broom making ...........................  300 / 13
    Receiving strip ........................  52 / 364
    Shoe heel working and ..................  12 / 43+
    Shoe lasting and .......................  12 / 13.1
        Tool ...............................  12 / 108
Nainsook ...................................  139 / 426 R
Name Plate .................................  232 / 46
    Design .................................  D20 / 15
    Holders ................................  40 / 642.02+
Name Tag ...................................  D20 / 22+
Nandrolone, in Drug ........................  514 / 178+
Nanotechnology .............................  977
Naphthacetols ..............................  564 / 222
Naphthalene ................................  585 / 400+
    Hydrogenation of .......................  585 / 266+
    Sulfonic acids .........................  562 / 89
Naphthalic Acid ............................  562 / 488
    Decarboxylation ........................  562 / 479
    Imides .................................  546
Naphthazarine ..............................  552 / 298
Naphthenic Acid ............................  562 / 511
Naphthionic Acid ...........................  562 / 68
Naphthisatins ..............................  548 / 451
Naphthols ..................................  568 / 735+
    Acylamino ..............................  564 / 123+
    Acylaminosulfo .........................  562 / 47
    Amino ..................................  564 / 428+
    Aminosulfo .............................  562 / 70
    Azo compounds ctg ......................  534 / 573+
    Carboxylic acids .......................  562 / 466+
        Amides .............................  564 / 173
        Esters .............................  560 / 56
    Nitro ..................................  568 / 707
    Sulfo acids ............................  562 / 79
Naphthothiophenes ..........................  549 / 43+
Naphthylamine ..............................  564 / 428+
Naphthyridine ..............................  546 / 122
Napkin .....................................  D06 / 595
    Design .................................  D06 / 595+
    Design,paper ...........................  D06 / 595
        Body supported .....................  24 / 7+
        Design .............................  D07 / 631
        Stands .............................  248 / 127+
    Sanitary ...............................  604 / 358+
        Design .............................  D24 / 125
        Materials for ......................  604 / 367+
Napping, Cloth Finishing ...................  26 / 29 R+
    Hat making .............................  223 / 18
Narceine ...................................  549 / 444
Natural Rubber (See Synthetic Resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
Naval See Marine  
    Calculators ............................  235 / 61 NV+
    Celestial navigation training ..........  434 / 111
    Computer based .........................  701 / 400+
        Dead-reckoning other ...............  701 / 494+
        Determining eta ....................  701 / 465
        Emergency use ......................  701 / 515
        Than inertial ......................  701 / 494+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  701 / 200+
        Global positioning system (gps) ....  701 / 468+
        Inertial ...........................  701 / 500+
        Way point navigation ...............  701 / 467
            Accuracy improvement ...........  701 / 469+
            Differential ...................  701 / 470+
    Course recorders .......................  346 / 8
    Decca ..................................  342 / 397
    Instruments see notes thereto ..........  73 / 178 R+
        Geometric ..........................  33
    Loran ..................................  342 / 388+
    Omega ..................................  342 / 396
    Radionavigation training ...............  434 / 239
    Tacan ..................................  342 / 399
    Underwater signal for position .........  367 / 137
    Finding ................................  367 / 137
    Sprayer structure ......................  239 / 338
    Surgical ...............................  128 / 200.14
    Appliance for thermal surgical .........  607 / 139+
    Treatment ..............................  607 / 139+
    Bottle .................................  215 / 40+
        Nonrefillable separate .............  215 / 30
    Cleaning brush for bottle ..............  15 / 67
    Glass reshaping to form ................  65 / 108+
    Labelling machine for bottle ...........  156 / 476+
    Body & .................................  156 / 476+
    Musical stringed instrument ............  84 / 293
    Pad for harness ........................  54 / 67
    Stock for animal restraining ...........  119 / 729+
    Support bracket engaging ...............  248 / 312
    Receptacle .............................  248 / 312
    Supported shower bath ..................  4 / 618
    Tobacco pipe bowl detachable from ......  131 / 222
        Trap ...............................  131 / 214
    Yoke for animal ........................  D30 / 137
        Draft appliance ....................  278 / 119+
        Restraining poke ...................  119 / 762+
Necklace ...................................  D11 / 3+
    Collars ................................  2 / 129
    Design .................................  D02 / 600+
    Ironer engaging neckband for ...........  38 / 13+
    Clamping ...............................  38 / 13
    Ironers for collars and ................  223 / 52.1+
    Neckbands ..............................  223 / 52.1+
    Ironing table with neckband ............  38 / 109+
    Shaper .................................  38 / 109+
    Napkin holder inclosing ................  24 / 9
    Shaping forms ..........................  223 / 81+
    Shirt neckbands ........................  2 / 127
    Ties ...................................  2 / 144+
        Design .............................  D02 / 605+
        Fasteners ..........................  24 / 49.1+
            Design .........................  D11 / 202+
            Magnetic, adhesive, or .........  24 / 66.1
            Snap type ......................  24 / 66.1
        Hanger .............................  D06 / 315+
        Machines for sewing ................  112 / 470.26
        Methods of sewing ..................  112 / 475.09
        Rack or holder .....................  D06 / 315+
Needle .....................................  369 / 173
    Blasting fuse setting ..................  86 / 21
    Compass ................................  33 / 355 R+
    Cord knotter ...........................  289 / 16
        Harvester needle cleaner or ........  56 / 448
        Guard ..............................  56 / 448
    Crochet ................................  66 / 118
    Gun ....................................  42 / 16+
    Hypodermic .............................  604 / 187+
        Pocket carrier for .................  206 / 365+
    Injecting for pickling .................  99 / 532+
    Injector liquid applying to ............  68 / 201
    Textile ................................  68 / 201
    Knitting ...............................  66 / 116+
        Design .............................  D03 / 28
        Buttonhole sewing ..................  112 / 65+
        Embroidering .......................  112 / 78+
        Knitting textiles ..................  66
            Independent ....................  66 / 7+
            United .........................  66 / 78+
        Leather sewing .....................  112 / 28+
        Sewing .............................  112
        Stitch forming .....................  112 / 154+
        Textile needling ...................  28 / 107+
            Fluid needles ..................  28 / 104+
        Weaving ............................  139 / 440+
    Making .................................  163
        Abrading process ...................  451 / 28+
        Crochet ............................  163 / 2
        Eye polishers ......................  451 / 315
        Straightening or bending ...........  72 / 319
    Packages or cases ......................  206 / 380+
        Design .............................  D09 / 700
        Drill holder type ..................  206 / 379
    Phonograph .............................  369 / 173
        Design .............................  D14 / 264
    Radioactive seed holder ................  600 / 7+
    Seine making ...........................  87 / 60
    Sewing .................................  223 / 102+
        Holder for .........................  223 / 109 R
        Machine ............................  112 / 222
        Machine design .....................  D15 / 72
        Electric ...........................  606 / 44
        Intravenous ........................  604 / 30+
        Needles ............................  606 / 222+
        Staple .............................  606 / 219+
        Suture or ligature .................  606 / 228+
        Hand needle ........................  223 / 99
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 222+
        Sewing machine design ..............  D15 / 72
    Winding cordage on seine ...............  242 / 472
    Processes ..............................  28 / 107+
        Fluid needling .....................  28 / 104+
    Developing apparatus ...................  396 / 564+
    Developing methods .....................  430 / 434+
    Photographic article ...................  430
        Making camera copy .................  430 / 951*
    Printing positives from negatives ......  355
    Sensitizing ............................  430 / 425+
        Developing .........................  430 / 401+
    Washing or fixing apparatus ............  396 / 564+
Negative Feedback Amplifier ................  330 / 75+
Negligee ...................................  D02 / 718+
Neomycins ..................................  536 / 13.2
Neon (See Gas, Rare) ......................  423 / 262
    Lamp ...................................  313 / 567+
        Manufacture ........................  445 / 26
        Repair .............................  445
            Apparatus ......................  445 / 61
            Process ........................  445 / 2
        Supply circuit .....................  315
        Tube per se ........................  313 / 567+
    Liquefaction and separation ............  62 / 606
        Processes ..........................  62 / 606
    Sign ...................................  40 / 545
    Tube support ...........................  248 / 50
    Tube support ...........................  362 / 217.14+
Neoprene (See Chloroprene Under  
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber)  
Neosalvarsan ...............................  556 / 67
Nephelometer ...............................  356 / 339
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.05
Nernst Lamps ...............................  313 / 14
    Supply circuits for ....................  315
        With heater for ....................  315 / 112+
        Medicated ..........................  119 / 348
        Traps ..............................  119 / 330+
    Poultry and fowl .......................  119 / 329+
        Design .............................  D30 / 108+
        Trap ...............................  119 / 330+
Nested and Nesting  
    Beds ...................................  5 / 8
    Bottles and jars .......................  215 / 10
    Drying drums or receptacles ............  34 / 128
    Lock tumbler ...........................  70 / 324
    Metallic receptacles ...................  220 / 23.6
    Multi article package ..................  206 / 499
    Multi part key .........................  70 / 400
    Stove kit ..............................  126 / 38
    Vehicles ...............................  280 / 33.991+
    Coated .................................  442 / 43+
    Fabric .................................  D05 / 11+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 138+
    Fishing ................................  43 / 7+
    Fly ....................................  54 / 80.4
    Hair ...................................  132 / 274
    Insect or bird catching ................  43 / 134
    Making .................................  87
    Making and handling  
        Hauling fish .......................  43 / 8+
        Hoist line slings ..................  294 / 77
        Textile ............................  87
        Textile design .....................  D05
        Vehicle fender barrier type ........  293 / 40
        Combined ...........................  293 / 40
        Vehicle fender scoop type ..........  293 / 46
        Wire ...............................  140 / 3 R+
    Mosquito for beds ......................  5 / 414+
    Torpedo ................................  114 / 241
    Tying machines .........................  87 / 53
    Wire ...................................  245
Nether Garment  
    Apparel ................................  2 / 210+
        Design .............................  D02 / 700+
    Apparel knitted ........................  66 / 175+
Netting ....................................  D05 / 11+
Neural Networks ............................  706 / 15+
    Analog .................................  706 / 38
    Binary .................................  706 / 41
    Digital ................................  706 / 41
    Optical ................................  706 / 40
    Radiant energy .........................  706 / 40
    Structures .............................  706 / 26+
Neuron Network See Neural Networks  
Neutralization of Amplifiers By ............  330 / 76+
    Feedback ...............................  330 / 76+
    Transistor type ........................  330 / 292
Neutralize Inductive Effect ................  307 / 89+
    Telegraphy .............................  178 / 69 R
    Telephony ..............................  379 / 415+
    Capacitor ..............................  361 / 271+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 189+
    Electric charge ........................  361 / 212+
    Absorbing, reactor control .............  376 / 216
        Control component structure ........  376 / 327
        Reflector or shield ................  376 / 458
    Amplifier ..............................  376 / 171
    Apparatus using ........................  250 / 390.01+
    Beam ...................................  430 / 953*
    Chemical apparatus .....................  204 / 193
    Control ................................  376 / 327
        Fuel component structure ...........  376 / 419
        Including testing, etc .............  376 / 215
        Reflector or shield ................  376 / 220
    Detection or counting ..................  250 / 390.01+
        Nuclear reactor combined ...........  376 / 245
        Scintillation ......................  250 / 458.1
        Tubes ..............................  376 / 153+
    Fast, reactor ..........................  376 / 171
    Fast, reactor ..........................  376 / 348
    Flux, distribution control .............  376 / 207
    Generation .............................  376 / 108+
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376
    Intermediate ...........................  376 / 346
    Moderated ..............................  376 / 347
    Moderated ..............................  976 / DIG 440+
    Particle accelerator source ............  976 / DIG 404
    Reflector ..............................  376 / 173
    Reflector ..............................  376 / 220
    Reflector ..............................  376 / 350
    Reflector ..............................  376 / 458
        Fluid ..............................  376 / 221
    Shield .................................  250 / 518.1
        Nuclear reactor, use in ............  376 / 287
    Survey meters ..........................  250 / 390.01+
        In fluid ...........................  250 / 336.1
        Tubes for ..........................  376 / 153+
    Thermal ................................  376 / 347
    Unmoderated ............................  376 / 171
    Unmoderated ............................  376 / 346
    Utilization ............................  376 / 158
Newel Post .................................  52 / 301
    Delivery box ...........................  D99 / 29
    Vending machine ........................  D20 / 6
Niacinimide, in Drug .......................  514 / 355
Nibbling Sheet Material ....................  83 / 916*
    Alloys .................................  420 / 441
        Copper .............................  420 / 457
        Iron chromium ......................  420 / 34+
        Super alloys .......................  420 / 445
    Cadmium batteries ......................  429
    Composite metal stock ..................  428 / 680
    Electrodeposition ......................  205 / 271+
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 594+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 675+
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Inorganic compounds ....................  23
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 138+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 628+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
Nickel Silver ..............................  420 / 481
Nickelodeon ................................  D14 / 173
    Screw heads ............................  470 / 60+
Nicotinamide, in Drug ......................  514 / 355
Nicotine ...................................  546 / 279.4
    Biocides containing ....................  514 / 343
    Removal from tobacco ...................  131 / 297
Nicotinic Acid .............................  546 / 318
    In drug ................................  514 / 356
Night Soil  
    Fertilizers ............................  71 / 12+
    Purification ...........................  210 / 600+
Nightgowns .................................  2 / 69.5+
    Design .................................  D02 / 720+
Nightshirts ................................  2 / 114
Nightwear ..................................  2
Nigrosines .................................  544 / 348
    Dyes ...................................  8 / 649
Niobate Ceramic Compositions ...............  501 / 134
    Alloys .................................  420 / 425
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 175+
        Handles ............................  30 / 341
        Manicure ...........................  30 / 28
        Shears combined ....................  30 / 145
    Label pasting ..........................  156 / 569+
    Manacle and cuff .......................  70 / 17
    Nail plate .............................  470 / 175
    Pliers combined ........................  7 / 125+
    Pliers combined ........................  7 / 133+
    Shoe lasting ...........................  12 / 14.5
        Nipper stretcher ...................  12 / 9+
        Nipper wiper .......................  12 / 8.5
    Textile spinning etc ...................  57 / 114
    Applying tool ..........................  29 / 235.5
    Chafe prevention .......................  128 / 890
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 490
    Firearm ................................  42 / 83
    Nursing ................................  215 / 11.1+
    Pediatric, oral stimulator .............  D24 / 194+
    Pipe coupling ..........................  285 / 239+
    Punching device ........................  83
    Teething ...............................  606 / 235
    Valve ..................................  137 / 846+
Nitramines .................................  564 / 107+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 109+
    Nitroguanidines ........................  564 / 108
Nitranilines ...............................  564 / 441
    Esters acyclic or carbocyclic ..........  558 / 480+
    Esters carbohydrate ....................  536 / 18.7+
        Cellulose ..........................  536 / 35+
    Explosive containing  
    Fertilizers containing .................  71 / 58+
        Phosphates combined ................  71 / 50
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 395
    Metallo organic ........................  556 / 1+
        Composition containing .............  149 / 23+
        Explosive or thermic ...............  149 / 23+
    Nitrogen oxides from ...................  423 / 400
    Organic explosive containing ...........  149 / 88+
    Cellulose ..............................  536 / 35+
    Hydrocarbons ...........................  568 / 924+
    Organic nitrate preparation ............  558 / 480+
Nitric Acid ................................  423 / 391+
    Cleaning compositions containing .......  510 / 245+
    Concentration ..........................  159
        Distillative .......................  203 / 13
    Esters (see nitrates)  
    Phosphate treatment with ...............  71 / 39
Nitrides ...................................  423 / 409
    Alloys based on ........................  423 / 409
    Carboxylic acid ........................  558 / 303+
    Ceramic compositions ...................  501 / 96.1
    Iron ...................................  148 / 225+
Nitrile Imines .............................  558 / 299
Nitrile Oxides .............................  558 / 299
Nitriles ...................................  558 / 303+
    Acyclic ................................  558 / 435+
    Alicyclic ..............................  558 / 428+
    Alpha-imino ............................  558 / 300+
    Aromatic ...............................  558 / 388+
    By ammoxidation ........................  558 / 319+
    Dimerization of ........................  558 / 360+
    Disproportionation of ..................  558 / 377
Nitrilotriacetic Acid ......................  562 / 572
    Esters .................................  558 / 488
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 385
Nitro Compounds  
    Organic ................................  568 / 924+
    Phenols ................................  568 / 706+
    Reduction to primary amines ............  564 / 416
Nitrocellulose (See Cellulose, Ether; ......  536 / 35+
    Ester) .................................  536 / 35+
    Compositions of ........................  536 / 35+
Nitrogen ...................................  423 / 351
    Acids & acid anhydrides, inorganic .....  423 / 385+
        Explosive or thermic ...............  149 / 74
        Composition containing .............  149 / 74
    Compositions containing ................  252 / 374+
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 617
    Electrolytic synthesis of  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 551+
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 360
    Electrostatic field or electrical ......  204 / 177+
    Discharge compound preparation .........  204 / 177+
    Fertilizer containing compounds ........  71
        Ammonia production .................  423 / 352+
        Arc or spark .......................  422 / 186.24
        Fermentative .......................  435 / 128
        Fertilizer preparation .............  71 / 7
        Inorganic cyanide production .......  423 / 364
        Wave energy or corpuscular .........  422 / 904*
        Radiation ..........................  422 / 904*
    Fuel containing compounds ..............  44
    Obtaining from air by liquefaction .....  62 / 643+
    Other inorganic compounds of ...........  423 / 351
    Oxids ..................................  423 / 400+
        Explosive or thermic ...............  149 / 74
        Containing .........................  149 / 74
    Rings ..................................  552 / 1+
Nitroglycerin ..............................  558 / 486
    Explosives .............................  149 / 101+
Nitronic Acids .............................  568 / 926+
Nitroparaffins .............................  568 / 943+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 89+
Nitrophenols ...............................  568 / 706+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 24+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 55+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 68
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 80
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 105+
Nitrosamines ...............................  564 / 112+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 113+
    Dyes containing ........................  8 / 665
Nitroso Compounds ..........................  568 / 949
    Dyes containing ........................  8 / 665
Nitrosoamines ..............................  564 / 112+
Nitrostarch ................................  536 / 48+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 58+
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 108
Nitroxides .................................  564 / 300
Nobel Metals  
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 136+
        Phosphorus containing ..............  556 / 13+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 631+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
Noils ......................................  19 / 115 R
Noise Bucking in Amplifiers ................  330 / 149
Noise Deadening (See Insulating,  
    Ear stoppers ...........................  128 / 864+
        Electronic tube type ...............  331 / 78
    Jet engine noise muffling  
        Blast deflector fences .............  244 / 114 B
        Highway screen or fence ............  181 / 210
        Audio type .........................  381 / 354
        In radio receiver ..................  455 / 213
        In radio receiver ..................  455 / 308+
        Noise or unwanted signal ...........  367 / 901*
        Reduction in nonseismic ............  367 / 901*
        Receiving system ...................  367 / 901*
        Pulse or digital ...................  375 / 285
        Squelch ............................  455 / 222
    Mathematical, reduction ................  702 / 191+
    Muffler ................................  181 / 175+
        Axle antirattler ...................  280 / 137.507
        Combustion products generator ......  60 / 723
        Gas separator combined .............  96 / 380
        Machine support ....................  248 / 637+
        Railway rolling stock ..............  105 / 452
        Railway surface track ..............  238 / 382
        Railway wheel and axle .............  295 / 7
        Resonance vibration suppression ....  280 / 124.108
        Suspension .........................  280 / 124.108
Non (See Anti)  
Non-Human Animal ...........................  800 / 8+
    Human disease model ....................  800 / 9+
    Transgenic .............................  800 / 13+
Nonrecoil Guns .............................  89 / 1.7
    Bottle or jar ..........................  215 / 14+
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 147
    Light bulbs ............................  313 / 314
Noodles ....................................  426 / 557
    Cutting machines .......................  83
Noose Traps ................................  43 / 87
19-Norandrostenes ..........................  552 / 642+
Nortestosterone, in Drug ...................  514 / 178
19-Nortestosterones ........................  552 / 646+
Noscapine ..................................  546 / 90
    Bridges ................................  351 / 124+
    Guard ..................................  2 / 9
    Hair cutters ...........................  30 / 29.5
    Pads or cushions for spectacles ........  351 / 136+
        Pince-nez type .....................  351 / 78+
            Integral with bridge ...........  351 / 131+
            On bridge ......................  351 / 132+
    Pieces nail plate ......................  470 / 175
    Ring and clip ..........................  119 / 866
Nosecones ..................................  244 / 158.1+
Nosing-Stair ...............................  52 / 179
Notation Music .............................  984 / 250+
Notching (See Cutters; Edge; Pinking)  
    Selective ..............................  234 / 47+
    Shears .................................  30 / 229+
    Sheet material .........................  83 / 917*
    Wood ...................................  144 / 196
Note Sheet  
    Instrument control .....................  84 / 115+
    Musical ................................  84 / 161+
    Musical comb ...........................  84 / 101
    Printed ................................  84 / 483.2
    Swiss or regina music box ..............  84 / 101
Nottingham Lace ............................  87 / 4
Novobiocin .................................  536 / 13
NOVOCAIN™    ...............................  560 / 49
    In drug ................................  514 / 535
Nozzle .....................................  D23 / 213+
    Agricultural, horticultural, ...........  D08 / 2
    Forestry sprayers ......................  D08 / 2
    Air blast ..............................  239 / 589+
    Air moistening .........................  239 / 543+
    Boiler cleaning ........................  122 / 405
    Cotton picker ..........................  56 / 32
    Design .................................  D23 / 213+
    Digest, drying & gas or vapor ..........  34
    Contact with solids ....................  34
    Dispensing see definition notes ........  222 / 566+
        Cutter or punch with ...............  222 / 80+
        Functioning as handle ..............  222 / 475+
        Molten metal .......................  222 / 591+
        Movable see definition notes .......  222 / 526+
        Valve or closure with see .........  222 / 544
        Notes to definitions of ............  222 / 544+
    Earth boring nozzle ....................  175 / 424
        Die expressing earthenware .........  425 / 461+
        Die expressing plastic metal .......  72 / 367.1+
        Die expressing plastics ............  425 / 461+
        Filament forming ...................  425 / 66
        Filament forming ...................  425 / 67+
        Filament forming ...................  425 / 76
        Filament forming ...................  425 / 382.2
        Sausage stuffer ....................  452 / 45+
    Fire engine ............................  239 / 436+
    Firemans nozzle operated closure .......  49 / 21+
    Flow meter  
        Pressure differential type .........  73 / 861.61+
        Weir type ..........................  73 / 216
    Flow regulating or modifying ...........  239 / 533.1+
    Fluid handling .........................  137 / 801
        Combined with valve ................  251 / 155+
        Fluid feeding nozzles digest .......  261 / DIG 39
        Swinging ...........................  137 / 615+
    Injection mold nozzle vale .............  425 / DIG 224
        Actuated by contact with mold ......  425 / DIG 226
        Automatic control ..................  425 / DIG 225
    Injection nozzle, positioned flush .....  425 / DIG 227
    With mold or cavity ....................  425 / DIG 227
    Jet motor ..............................  60 / 273
        Discharge ..........................  239 / 265.11+
    Jet pump  
        Regulator pump .....................  417 / 182+
        Structure pump .....................  417 / 151+
    Liquid level gauge .....................  73 / 294
    Making .................................  29 / 890.142
    Materials for ..........................  239 / DIG 19
    Oil filter for fuel entering ...........  261 / DIG 40
    Nozzle or float chamber ................  261 / DIG 40
    Pile installing ........................  405 / 248
    Pneumatic conveyor  
        Suction ............................  406 / 152
    Reaction jet motor drive ...............  415 / 80+
    Reaction motor discharge ...............  239 / 265.11+
    Resilient ..............................  239 / 602
    Safety air nozzles .....................  239 / DIG 22
    Sandblast ..............................  451 / 102
    Soda water (see valve, soda water;  
    Spray ..................................  239
    Suction cleaner ........................  15 / 415.1+
    Supports ...............................  248 / 75+
    Syringe ................................  604 / 275
    Textile machine ........................  68 / 59
    Track sander nozzle ....................  291 / 46+
        Cleaner ............................  291 / 12
    Vacuum .................................  15 / 300.1+
Nuclear Energy (See Atomic Energy) ........  376
    Alloys .................................  420 / 1+
        Compositions .......................  252 / 625+
        Organic ............................  534 / 11+
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 393+
    Nuclear energy simulation ..............  434 / 218
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Nmr See  
    Magnetic resonance imaging or  
Nuclear Reactions & Reactors ...............  376
    Absorbing material for neutrons ........  376 / 339
        Control component ..................  376 / 327
        Monitoring with control ............  376 / 207
        Thermonuclear reaction .............  376 / 143
    Accelerated particle reactions .........  376 / 190
    Actinide metal .........................  75 / 393+
        Conversion nuclear ................  376 / 156
    Adhesively bonded fuel layers ..........  376 / 416
    Alloys, actinide ......................  420 / 1+
        Conversion nuclear ................  376 / 156
    Altering fuel ..........................  376 / 358
        For control of reactor .............  376 / 212
    Amplifier neutron ......................  376 / 171
    Associated reactor components ........  376 / 347
    Boiling water reaction .................  376 / 370
    Bonded fuel layers .....................  376 / 416
    Breeder reactor ........................  376 / 171
    Bundle, fuel component as ..............  376 / 434
    By-products ............................  376 / 189
        Handling reaction products .........  376 / 308
        Treating reaction products .........  376 / 201
            Impurities removed .............  376 / 146
        Treatment ..........................  376 / 201
        Control or absorbing material ....  376 / 239
        Conversion, fuel ...................  376 / 261
        Material or sample .................  376 / 261
            Insertable carrier .............  376 / 342
        Fluid ..............................  376 / 354
        Molten vehicle .....................  376 / 359
    Ceramic fuels ..........................  376 / 409
        Compositions .......................  252 / 625+
    Chemical reactions combined ............  376 / 323
    Chemically bonded layers or parts ......  376 / 416
    Circulating fluid ......................  376 / 361
        Flow control .......................  376 / 370
        Fuel charge, discharge .............  376 / 264
        Plural fluids ......................  376 / 366
        Chemically different ...............  376 / 366
        Tanks for ..........................  376 / 403
    Coated fuel layers .....................  376 / 416
    Condition determining ..................  376 / 245
        Detecting fuel leak ................  376 / 251
        With warning .......................  376 / 251
        Testing, automatic .................  376 / 245
        Testing, with reaction control .....  376 / 207
    Contact, fluid-fluid ...................  376 / 366
    Containment, plasma ....................  376 / 150
    Control ................................  376 / 207+
        Absorbing material combined ........  376 / 215
        Absorbing material combined ........  376 / 327
        Adjusting, moving, or conveying ....  376 / 219
        Automatic control ..................  376 / 217
        Component mechanism ................  74
        Compositions .......................  420
        Control rod driving ................  376 / 219
        Handling ...........................  376 / 260+
        Location with .....................  376 / 353
        Respect to reactor .................  376 / 353
        Material for .......................  376 / 339
        Plasma containment .................  376 / 100
        Plural components ..................  376 / 213
        Sensing & automatic correlation ....  376 / 217
        Structure ..........................  376 / 327
    Conversion nuclear reaction ...........  376 / 156
    Coolant (see moderator) ................  376 / 350
        Circulating ........................  376 / 361
        Fuel contact .......................  376 / 395
        Materials ..........................  376 / 904*
    Core ...................................  376
        Arrangements .......................  376 / 267
        Associated with ....................  376 / 348
        Other components ...................  376 / 348
        Charging, discharging ..............  376 / 264
        Fluid flow pattern .................  376 / 395
        Geometry ...........................  376 / 901*
        Peripheral clamping ................  376 / 302
        Structures .........................  376 / 421
            X-art ..........................  376 / 903*
    Correlating reactor conditions .........  376 / 216
    Critical reactions .....................  376 / 347
        Area ...............................  376 / 212
        Sub critical .......................  376 / 158
    Damage control .........................  376 / 277
    Definition by reactor geometry .........  376 / 908*
    Detecting, reactor condition ...........  376 / 245
        Control of reactor combined ........  376 / 207
        In motion ..........................  376 / 215
        Leak in fuel structure .............  376 / 251
            Warning material included ......  376 / 450
    Deuterium heavy hydrogen ..............  423 / 648.1+
        Compounds inorganic ................  423 / 644
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 627
        Thermo nuclear fuel ................  376 / 151
    Deuterium oxide heavy water ............  423 / 580.2+
        Catalytic recombiner ...............  422 / 177+
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 464
        Moderator, handling ................  376 / 220
        Moderator, materials conversion ....  376 / 179
        Moderator, plural components .......  376 / 358
    Discharging, fuel ......................  376 / 264
        Grapple for ........................  294 / 86.4+
        Grapple for ........................  294 / 906*
        Machine for ........................  414 / 146
    Diverse reactor components .............  376 / 347
    Or materials ...........................  376 / 347
        Control rod structure ..............  376 / 327
        Fuel structures ....................  376 / 409
        Handled with fuel ..................  376 / 262
        Moderator channels containing ......  376 / 354
    E-layer in plasma containment ..........  376 / 126
    Effective density  
        Fuel ...............................  376 / 212
        Moderator ..........................  376 / 350
    Electrical field plasma control .......  376 / 144
        Electrodes-concentric ..............  376 / 145
    Electrically charged particles .........  376 / 190
    Accelerated ............................  376 / 190
        In plasma control ..................  376 / 105
    Encased fuel structure .................  376 / 412
    Energy-power or ........................  376 / 391
    Heat utilization .......................  376 / 391
        Electrical dynamo plants ...........  290
        Electrical generator motor .........  310
            Single systems .................  322
        Electrical, radiant ................  250 / 493.1
        Heat ...............................  237
        Motive fuel heating ................  60 / 644.1
        Propulsion air .....................  244 / 53 B+
        Reaction motors ....................  60 / 203.1
        Thermionic .........................  310 / 306+
        Thermoelectric .....................  136 / 202
    Fertile material or blanket ...........  376 / 172
        Fluid or fluent ....................  376 / 172
        Handling ...........................  376 / 178
        Location in reactor ................  376 / 172
    Fission ................................  376 / 347
    Fission ................................  376 / 409
    Fluid, fluent ..........................  376 / 361
        Colloid or slurrie .................  376 / 356
        Fluidized bed reactor ..............  376 / 355
        Moderator ..........................  376 / 350
            Coolant ........................  376 / 401
        Molten .............................  376 / 359
        Plural .............................  376 / 366
        Tank, for ..........................  376 / 403
    Fuel (see fuel, nuclear) ..............  376 / 409
        X-art collection ...................  376 / 901*
    Gas vapor ..............................  376 / 366
        Plural fluids ......................  376 / 369
        Single fluid .......................  376 / 383
        Used exterior of reactor ...........  376 / 378
    Geometry reactor .......................  376 / 908*
    Girdle, confining ......................  376 / 302
    Moderator structure ....................  376 / 302
    Handling ...............................  376 / 260
        Absorbing material .................  376 / 260
        Control component ..................  376 / 260
        Control rod motivating .............  376 / 219
        Fertile material or fuel ...........  376 / 171
        Fuel component element ............  376 / 212
        Refuelling grapples ................  294 / 86.4
        Refuelling grapples ................  294 / 906*
        Refuelling machines ................  414 / 146
        Refuelling schemes .................  376 / 267
        Shield or reflector ................  376 / 220
    Heat use of nuclear energy for .........  237
    Heatpipes ..............................  376 / 367
    Heavy water (see deuterium oxide) .....  376 / 221
    Hollow layer fuel, concentric ..........  376 / 431
    Helical ................................  376 / 431
    Hydrogen ...............................  423 / 648.1+
        Compound see water .................  423 / 580.1
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 637
        Thermonuclear fuel .................  376 / 152
    Impregnated fuel layer .................  376 / 414
    Impurity (see by-product) ..............  376 / 310
        Ceramic ............................  252 / 625
        Metal ..............................  420 / 1+
    Inorganic fuel compounds ...............  423 / 249+
    Ionized gas fuel ......................  376 / 156
    Irradiation conversion .................  376 / 156
    Isotope conversion production ..........  376 / 156
    Jacket materials .......................  376 / 457
    Jacketed fuel component ................  376 / 414
    Layered fuel component .................  376 / 414
        Coated or impregnated ..............  376 / 416
        Concentric helical, hollow .........  376 / 431
    Linear fusion reactor ..................  376 / 139
    Magnetic field plasma control .........  376 / 121
        Compressive, mirror, pinch .........  376 / 140
        Effect .............................  376 / 140
        Linear reaction zone ...............  376 / 139
    Material ...............................  376 / 900*
        Conversion or irradiation ..........  376 / 156
        Handling ...........................  376 / 260
    Measuring reactor condition ............  376 / 245
        With control of reactor ............  376 / 207
            Automatic ......................  376 / 217
    Mechanical spacer ......................  376 / 462
        Supports for fuel ..................  376 / 362
        Nuclear fuel material ..............  376 / 409
            And metals .....................  420 / 1+
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 393+
    Mirro effect plasma control ...........  376 / 140
    Mobile nuclear reactor .................  376 / 909*
    Moderator ..............................  376 / 458
        Associated with other component ....  376 / 350
        Circulating fluid ..................  376 / 350
        Confining means for ................  376 / 304
        Density varying of .................  376 / 350
        Flow effect ........................  376 / 352
        Fluid type .........................  376 / 356
        Fuel, encased with .................  376 / 423
            Dispersed in ...................  376 / 356
        Gas ................................  376 / 383
        Geometry ...........................  376 / 904*
        Girdle for .........................  376 / 304
        Materials for ......................  376 / 904*
            Metal ..........................  376 / 906*
            Organic ........................  376 / 905*
        Organic compounds as ...............  260
        Remaking ...........................  376 / 358
    Molten fuel or carrier .................  376 / 359
    Monitoring nuclear reactions ...........  376 / 245
        With reactor control ...............  376 / 207
    Neutron (see neutron) .................  376
        Burst or pulse production ..........  376 / 208
    Nonaqueous vapor treatment .............  376 / 380
    Organic compounds ......................  534 / 10+
    Peripheral support for moderation ......  376 / 304
    Personnel protection feature ...........  376 / 277
    Plasma see plasma ......................  376 / 100
        E-layer containment ................  376 / 126
        Electric field confinement .........  376 / 144
        Fuel injection .....................  376 / 127
        Impurity removal ...................  376 / 146
        Linear movement ....................  376 / 139
        Magnetic field confinement .........  376 / 121
    Plutonium see fuel nuclear  
        Alloys .............................  420 / 1+
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 44
        Inorganic compounds ................  423 / 251
        Metallurgy .........................  75 / 396+
        Nuclear fuel .......................  376
        Organic compound ...................  534 / 11+
    Pool tank .............................  376 / 403
    Power plant  
        Combined with prime mover ..........  60 / 203.1
        Combined with prime mover ..........  60 / 643+
    Pressure vessel ........................  376 / 294
        Concrete ...........................  376 / 295
    Pressurized ............................  376 / 230
        Fluid ..............................  376 / 366
    Product reactor  
        Handling during conversion .........  376 / 171
        Handling product ...................  376 / 308
            Recovery .......................  376 / 195
        Removal ............................  376 / 146
    Propulsion, using energy for  
        Air ................................  244 / 53 R+
        Marine .............................  114
        Thrust .............................  376 / 318
    Protecting against .....................  376 / 277
    Radiation damage .......................  376 / 277
    Pulse production, nuclear burst ........  376 / 208
    Pumps ..................................  417
        Gas ................................  415
        Plasma .............................  376 / 100
    Radioactive ............................  376
        Alloys as fuel .....................  376 / 422
        Associated plural reactor ..........  376 / 347
        Components .........................  376 / 347
        Compositions .......................  252 / 625+
        Handling ...........................  376 / 260
        Irradiation or conversion of .......  376 / 156
        Materials ..........................  376 / 156
        Waste disposal or containment ......  588 / 1+
    Recombiner included catalytic .........  376 / 301
    Reflector ..............................  376 / 458
        Handling ...........................  376 / 220
    Reservoir tank, pool ..................  376 / 403
    Rod for carrying .......................  376 / 239
        Control rod element ................  376 / 327
            Automatic ......................  376 / 217
    Safety devices .........................  376 / 277
        Control rod, reflector, shield .....  376 / 220
        Monitoring .........................  376 / 245
        Neutron absorbers ..................  376 / 327
        Safety fuse ........................  376 / 336
        Shielding ..........................  376 / 288
    Sample specimen  
        Irradiation of .....................  376 / 340
        Location in reactor ...............  376 / 342
        Treatment with .....................  376 / 189
        Accelerated particle ...............  376 / 189
    Seal for fuel component ................  376 / 451
        Leak warning feature ...............  376 / 450
    Sensing of reactor condition ...........  376 / 245
        Control combined ...................  376 / 207
    Separating (see --,by-product)  
        Chemically different fluids ........  376 / 368
        Chemically similar fluids ..........  376 / 370
    Servo systems ..........................  376 / 259
        Fuel handling ......................  376 / 261
        Fuel ...............................  376 / 409
            X-art ..........................  376 / 903*
        Biological or thermol ..............  376 / 289
        Handling ...........................  376 / 260
        Shielding for nuclear reactor ......  376 / 287
        Structures .........................  250 / 518.1
    Shock absorbers  
        Absorbing unit materials ...........  376 / 339
        Control component combined .........  376 / 234
        Control rod ........................  376 / 234
    Sintered fuel  
        Non-metal ..........................  264 / 21
        Stock metal .......................  75 / 228+
    Source for radioactive energy ..........  376
        Particles ..........................  376 / 190
        Structure ..........................  250 / 493.1
            Neutrons .......................  376 / 108+
    Stacked fuel components ................  376 / 433
    Subcritical reactor ....................  376 / 158
    Support reactor .......................  376 / 362
        Fuel core .........................  376 / 362
        Moderator ..........................  376 / 304
    Swimming pool reactor  
        Fuel component .....................  376 / 409
        Materials conversion ...............  376 / 176
        Plural reactor components ..........  376 / 361
    Tank, as reactor vessel ................  376 / 403
    Thermol ................................  376
        Insulation or shield ...............  376 / 289
    Thermonuclear reaction .................  376 / 100
    Thorium (see fuel, nuclear)  
        Alloys .............................  420 / 1+
        Compounds ..........................  423 / 252
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 45
        Metallurgy .........................  75 / 394+
        Organic compounds ..................  534 / 11+
    Transformation (see conversion) .......  376 / 156
    Underground nuclear explosion ..........  376 / 273
        Alloys .............................  420 / 1+
        Breeder material ...................  376 / 172
        Compositions radioactive ..........  252 / 625+
            Organic ........................  534 / 11+
        Electrolytic production ............  205 / 46+
        Fertile material ...................  376 / 172
        Inorganic compounds ................  423 / 253+
        Metallurgy .........................  75 / 398+
    Valves, joints .........................  251
        Systems ............................  137
    Waste disposal,radioactive .............  588 / 1+
    Weld closure for fuel component ........  376 / 451
    Well processes .........................  166 / 247
Nucleic Acid Synthesis .....................  536 / 25.3
    Dna ....................................  536 / 23.1+
    Genes ..................................  536 / 23.1+
    Rna ....................................  536 / 25.1
Nucleic Acids ..............................  536 / 22.1+
    Antisense ..............................  536 / 24.5
    D n a mimics ...........................  536 / 24.1
    Enhancer ...............................  536 / 24.1
    Promoter ...............................  536 / 24.1
    Ribozyme ...............................  536 / 24.5
    R n a mimics ...........................  536 / 24.1
Nucleic Acids With 2 or 3 Bases ............  536 / 25.6
Nucleosides ................................  536 / 27.1+
Nucleotides ................................  536 / 26.1+
    Oligonucleotides .......................  536 / 22.1
        Oligonucleotides synthesis .........  536 / 25.3
    Polynucleotides ........................  536 / 22.1
        Polynucleotide synthesis ...........  536 / 25.3
Number Plate Illuminators ..................  362 / 253
Number Plate Illuminators ..................  362 / 497+
    License plate ..........................  362 / 253
    License plate ..........................  40 / 300+
    License plate ..........................  40 / 204+
    Locomotive headlight ...................  362 / 534+
    Locomotive headlight ...................  362 / 478+
    Sign ...................................  40 / 541+
    Telephone dial (see telephone dial) ...  362 / 23.01
    Telephone dial (see telephone dial) ...  362 / 23.22
    Photographic negatives .................  396 / 310+
    Printing machine .......................  101 / 72+
        Ticket type ........................  101 / 70+
    Serial number punching .................  234 / 61
Nurling (See Knurling) ....................  72 / 191+
        Blouses ............................  2 / 104
        Brassieres .........................  450 / 36
    Bottles ................................  215 / 11.1+
        Air extruder (design) ..............  D24 / 194
        Cap (design) .......................  D24 / 194
        Design .............................  D24 / 197+
        Nipple applying tool ...............  29 / 235.5
        Nipples for ........................  215 / 11.1+
        Rack (design) ......................  D07 / 701+
        Supports for .......................  248 / 102+
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 304
    Cracker ................................  30 / 120.2+
        Design .............................  D07 / 680
    Fastening ..............................  411 / 427+
    Food preparation .......................  426 / 632+
        Bleaching ..........................  426 / 253+
        Cracker ............................  99 / 568
        Grinding ...........................  241
        Skinner or blancher ................  99 / 623
    Hardware ...............................  D08 / 397
        Hand tool for applying .............  81 / 10
        Washer making ......................  470 / 42
    Locked to bolt .........................  411 / 190+
        Jam nut, ie, plural nuts ...........  411 / 222+
        Used with thread lock ..............  411 / 259+
            Castellated nut ................  411 / 280
            Distorted nut ..................  411 / 276
            Segmented nut ..................  411 / 266
    Locked to substructure .................  411 / 81+
        Deformable or deforming nut ........  411 / 177+
            Cylindrical, inner & outer .....  411 / 178
            Thread .........................  411 / 178
        Folded nut .........................  411 / 170
        Pierce nut .........................  411 / 179
        Weld nut ...........................  411 / 171
    Making .................................  470 / 18+
        Assembling with bolt ...............  470 / 3+
        Punching blank .....................  83
    Plants .................................  PLT / 152+
    Roaster ................................  D07 / 323+
    Shell liquor synthetic resin ...........  528 / 1+
    Spring nut remover .....................  29 / 270+
Nutcracker .................................  30 / 120.2+
Nylon (See Synthetic Resin or Natural  
    Bleaching & dyeing digest ..............  8 / DIG 21
    Chemical modification of ...............  525 / 420+
    Dyeing .................................  8
    Fiber ..................................  428 / 475.5
        Chemical modification of ...........  8 / 115.51