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G Acid .....................................  562 / 80
Gable, Roof ................................  52 / 90.1+
    Roof end ...............................  52 / 94+
    Fishing ................................  43 / 5
    Gamecock ...............................  30 / 297
    Grappling ..............................  294 / 19.3
    Ship spars .............................  114 / 97+
    Fishing tackle .........................  43 / 53.5
    Runner for bridles .....................  54 / 14
    Side cutting harvester lever ...........  56 / 271+
    Specula ................................  600 / 184+
Gage (See Gauge)  
Gagger .....................................  164 / 411
    Flask with .............................  164 / 382
Gain Control, Automatic ....................  73 / 900*
Gaining ....................................  144 / 133.1+
Gaiters ....................................  36 / 2 R
    Design .................................  D02 / 901
    Fastenings .............................  24
    Making .................................  12 / 142 W
    Ships stove ............................  126 / 24+
    Type setting ...........................  276 / 40+
        Justifying machine .................  276 / 33
Gallic Acid ................................  562 / 476
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 688
Gallocyanines ..............................  544 / 99+
    Lace ...................................  87 / 10
Gallows (See Execution Devices)  
Galvanized Sheets ..........................  428 / 659
    Metals .................................  427 / 433+
Galvanometers ..............................  324 / 76.11+
Galvanoplastic Processes ...................  205 / 67+
Gambling Article ...........................  D21 / 369+
    Bingo ..................................  D21 / 377
    Dice or agitator .......................  D21 / 372+
    Playing card ...........................  D21 / 376+
    Roulette ...............................  D21 / 375
    Slot machine ...........................  D21 / 370
Gambrels  +
    Butchers ...............................  452 / 189+
    Roof design ............................  D25 / 24
    Amusement railways .....................  104 / 53+
    Annunciator systems ....................  340 / 323 R
    Board games ............................  273 / 236+
    Board or surface .......................  D21 / 334+
        Checkerboard .......................  D21 / 348+
        Cribbage ...........................  D21 / 343
        Dart ...............................  D21 / 387
        Domino .............................  D21 / 391
        Horseshoe ..........................  D21 / 387
        Tic-tac-toe ........................  D21 / 344
    Carrier ................................  224 / 103
        Other than stringer ................  224 / 921*
    Check or coin control ..................  194
    Computer ...............................  463 / 1+
    Computer analysis, management, or ......  700 / 91+
    Monitoring .............................  700 / 91+
    Computer scoring .......................  700 / 92
    Design .................................  D21 / 300+
    Electronic type ........................  D21 / 324+
    Fluid filled ...........................  D21 / 311
    Game apparatus .........................  273
        Projectile .........................  473
    Handicapping, computer .................  700 / 93
    Peg tally board ........................  235 / 90
    Pieces .................................  273 / 288+
        Design, misc .......................  D21 / 386+
    Score boards ...........................  116 / 222+
    Spinners & indicators for ..............  D21 / 374+
    Tables .................................  D21 / 397
    Tally sheet ............................  283 / 49+
    Target .................................  D21 / 302+
    Tv .....................................  463 / 1+
    Tv, input control ......................  463 / 36+
    Boxing muff ............................  119 / 853
    Gaff ...................................  30 / 297
    Geiger survey meter ....................  250 / 374+
    Radiation reflector ....................  376 / 220
    Radiation reflector ....................  376 / 350
    Radiation reflector ....................  376 / 458
    Radiation shield .......................  376 / 287
    Radiation shield .......................  376 / 347
    Radiation survey meter .................  250 / 336.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 361 R+
    Ray detector ...........................  250 / 336.1
    Button, eyelet, rivet setting ..........  227 / 51
    Machine ................................  227 / 51+
    Circular saw roller feed ...............  83 / 425.2+
    Earthworking disk ......................  172 / 599+
        Plural .............................  172 / 579+
        Scrapers ...........................  172 / 558+
    Harvesters .............................  56 / 6+
    Metal working rotary cutter ............  407 / 31
    Nail feeding delivery ..................  227
        Wheeled ............................  172 / 314
    Punching machine .......................  83 / 620+
        Rotary disc cutter .................  144 / 237
        Slivering saw ......................  144 / 189
Gang Bar Type Locking or  
    Latching means  
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 216+
        Sectional unit type ................  312 / 107.5
Ganged Radio Tuner .........................  334
    Operator only for tuner ................  74 / 10.45
    Animal traffic .........................  119 / 843+
    Car loading side .......................  105 / 436
    Conveyer skids .........................  193 / 41
    Conveyer skidways ......................  193 / 38+
    Endless conveyer type ..................  14 / 70
    One end attached .......................  14 / 71.1
    Ship attached one end floating .........  114 / 258
    Unattached .............................  14 / 69.5
Gantry .....................................  212 / 324+
Gap Jumper Amusement Railway ...............  104 / 54
Garage .....................................  52
    Public, automated  
        Preventing theft ...................  705 / 13
        Ticketing ..........................  705 / 13
    Vehicle handler ........................  414 / 227+
    With ramp ..............................  52 / 174
    Boiler plants for destroying ...........  122 / 2
    Carbonization of .......................  201 / 21
    Dump & trash truck design ..............  D12 / 15
    Fat etc recovery from  
        Rendering ..........................  554 / 8+
        Solvent extraction .................  554 / 8+
    Fertilizer from ........................  71 / 14
    Grinding and disposal  
        Comminuting solids .................  241
            Undersink garbage disposal .....  241 / 46.013+
        Design of machine ..................  D07 / 375
        Grinder ............................  4 / DIG 4
        Sinks combined .....................  4 / 629
    Incinerator ............................  110 / 235+
    Insect trap for can ....................  43 / 120
        Household design ...................  D34 / 1+
        Stand with closure operator ........  248 / 147
    Truck, compactor type ..................  100 / 100
    Utilization for food ...................  426 / 655
    Wet fuel furnace .......................  110 / 238
Garden See Plant Husbandry  
Garland ....................................  428 / 10
    Design .................................  D11 / 119
    Paper,making ...........................  493 / 958*
    Absorbent pad holding ..................  604 / 393+
    Apparel ................................  2
        Apparatus ..........................  223
        Design .............................  D02 / 728+
        Design costumes ....................  D02 / 739
        Design lingerie or .................  D02 / 700+
        Undergarments ......................  D02 / 700+
        Design surgical ....................  D02 / 720
    Bag, protector .........................  493 / 935*
    Bandaging type .........................  602 / 1+
        Respirator mask ....................  128 / 206.12+
        Suspensory .........................  602 / 67
    Body discharge shield ..................  604 / 356+
    Buttons buckles clasps etc .............  24
        Article holders ....................  24 / 3.1+
            Necktie holders ................  24 / 49.1+
        Shielded buckles ...................  24 / 184
        Fluid treatment ....................  8
        Fluid treatment apparatus ..........  68
    Demonstration ..........................  434 / 395+
    Fastener bonding .......................  156 / 66
    Fastener making ........................  140 / 81
    Forms ..................................  223 / 66+
    Foundation type ........................  450 / 7+
    Hangers ................................  223 / 85+
        Making .............................  140 / 81.5
    Knitted ................................  66 / 171+
        Design .............................  D02 / 749+
        Design dresses, suits, skirts ......  D02 / 751+
    Life preservers ........................  441 / 88+
    Light etc application to body ..........  607 / 149+
    Parachutes attached to .................  244 / 143
    Protectors boot and shoe ...............  36 / 70 R
    Receptacles for ........................  206 / 278
        Hat and headwear ...................  206 / 8+
    Seat attached holders for ..............  297 / 188.03
    Stay making ............................  140 / 91
    Stiffener making .......................  223 / 28+
        Blouses ............................  2 / 107
        Brassiere with .....................  450 / 28+
        Combined ...........................  2 / 300
        Connected spaced for plural ........  2 / 304+
        Convertible or reversible ..........  2 / 301
        Corset or girdle with ..............  450 / 110+
        Elements ...........................  2 / 336+
        Foundation garment with ............  450 / 26
        Mens outer shirts ..................  2 / 117
        Partially encircling ...............  2 / 309
        Plural encircling type .............  2 / 308
        Rigid vertical type ................  2 / 302+
        Shoulder suspension and ............  2 / 310
        Encircling .........................  2 / 310
        Strip connected spaced .............  2 / 323+
        Torso or limb encircling ...........  2 / 311+
        Underwear ..........................  2 / 112
Garnet Paper ...............................  451 / 526+
Garnetting Machines ........................  19 / 98+
    Apparel design .........................  D02 / 625
    Brassiere with .........................  450 / 28+
    Combined ...............................  2 / 300
    Connected spaced for plural ............  2 / 304+
    Corset or girdle with ..................  450 / 110+
    Elements ...............................  2 / 336+
    Encircling .............................  2 / 311+
    Fastener ...............................  D02 / 625
    Foundation garment with ................  450 / 26
    Partially encircling ...................  2 / 309
    Plural encircling type .................  2 / 308
    Rigid vertical type ....................  2 / 302+
    Shoulder suspension and encircling .....  2 / 310
    Strip connected spaced .................  2 / 323+
Gas (See Fluid)  
    Ammunition and explosive devices .......  102 / 367+
        Drop bomb ..........................  102 / 369
        Grenade ............................  102 / 368
        Gun cartridge ......................  102 / 370
        Shell ..............................  102 / 367
        Chemical apparatus .................  422 / 50+
        Chemical process ...................  436 / 153+
        Content ............................  73 / 19.01
        Electrical .........................  324
        Physical ...........................  73 / 23.2+
        Spectrometry .......................  250 / 281+
    Apparatus, gas & liquid contact ........  261
    Batteries ..............................  429 / 400+
    Blood gas analysis .....................  436 / 68
    Burners ................................  431
    Burners ................................  239
        Nozzles per se .....................  239
    Cap for automobile .....................  D12 / 197+
    Cigarette lighter ......................  431 / 150
        Igniter correlated with feed .......  431 / 130+
        Igniter correlated with feed .......  431 / 254
    Circulated in circuit ..................  261 / DIG 27
    Coal ...................................  48 / 210
    Coating contacting .....................  427 / 248.1+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 372+
    Concentrating evaporators ..............  159
    Content of nongaseous material .........  73 / 19.01
    Cooler .................................  62 / 404+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 186+
        Liquid contact with gas ............  62 / 304+
        Process ............................  62 / 89+
    Deflector for separation ...............  55 / 434+
        Alarms .............................  116 / 67 R
        Analysis chemical apparatus ........  422 / 50+
        Analysis chemical methods ..........  436 / 153+
        Analysis miscellaneous .............  436 / 153
        Apparatus ..........................  435 / 807*
        Chromatographic ....................  73 / 23.4
        Density ............................  73 / 30.04
        Electric alarms ....................  340 / 632+
        Moisture content ...................  73 / 29.05
        Nonchemical gas analysis ...........  73 / 31.05+
        Thermal property ...................  73 / 25.05
        Vapor content ......................  73 / 29.05
        Vibration testing ..................  73 / 24.06
    Discharge display panels ...............  313 / 582+
    Discharging nozzles ....................  239
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 3+
        Packaging combined, method .........  53 / 403+
    Distribution ...........................  137
        Airship control ....................  244 / 96+
        Cooling and or insulating ..........  174 / 16.1
        Electrical conductors ..............  174 / 16.1
        Explosion prevention ...............  48 / 192
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48 / 190+
        Leak detectors .....................  137 / 455+
        Leakage detection & prevention .....  48 / 193+
        Musical instruments ................  84 / 330+
        Outlet nozzles .....................  239
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 763+
    Engines ................................  123
    Extinguishers ..........................  169 / 11
        Foam forming .......................  169 / 14+
    Filling lamp or radio tube .............  141 / 66
    Filters ................................  96
    Fittings, design .......................  D26 / 113+
        Coking .............................  110 / 230+
        Domestic hot air ...................  126 / 99 R+
        Industrial .........................  432
        Power plant combined ...............  60 / 669
        Producer ...........................  110 / 229+
        Solid fuel furnace combined ........  110 / 260+
    Getter (see getters)  
    Guns ...................................  42
        Bank protection ....................  109 / 20
        Bank protection combined ...........  109 / 29+
    Heaters and stoves .....................  126
        Boilers ............................  122
        Carburetor .........................  261 / 127+
        Cooking stoves .....................  126 / 39 R+
            Design .........................  D07 / 339+
        Design .............................  D23 / 314+
        Heating stoves .....................  126 / 58+
        Hot air furnace ....................  126 / 116 R
        Metallurgical apparatus ............  266 / 138+
        Combined ...........................  266 / 138+
        Stove burners ......................  431
            Nozzle .........................  239 / 398+
        Stove structure ....................  126
    Heating and illuminating ...............  48
        Acetylene ..........................  48 / 1+
        Carburetors ........................  48 / 144+
        Distribution .......................  48 / 190+
        Generators .........................  48 / 61+
        Mixers .............................  48 / 180.1+
        Natural ............................  48 / 198.1+
        Processes ..........................  48 / 197 R+
        Purifiers ..........................  48 / 128+
        Retorts ............................  48 / 119+
    Holders and packages ...................  206 / .6+
        Acetylene generator combined .......  48
        Heating or illuminating ............  48 / 174+
        High pressure ......................  220 / 581+
        Inhaler combined ...................  128 / 203.12
        Medicator ..........................  604 / 403+
        Structures .........................  220
        Telescopic .........................  48 / 174
    Illuminating ...........................  48
        Burner nozzles .....................  239
        Separating .........................  95
        Bathtub combined ...................  4 / 541.1+
        Convective distillation ............  203 / 49
        Iron steel (molten) ................  75 / 528+
        Liquid contact apparatus ...........  261
        Medicators .........................  604 / 19+
        Mortar mixer .......................  366 / 10+
            Process ........................  366 / 3+
    Ionization in thermo nuclear ...........  376 / 100
    Reaction ...............................  376 / 100
        Thermolytic distillation ...........  201 / 31
        Thermolytic distillation ...........  201 / 36+
    Lamp brackets, fittings ................  D26 / 113+
    Light incandescent burners .............  431 / 100+
        Design .............................  D26 / 1+
    Liquefaction ...........................  62 / 606+
        Processes ..........................  62 / 606+
    Liquefied handling apparatus ...........  62 / 45.1+
        Receptacles ........................  220 / 901*
    Liquefiers and solidifiers  
        Acetylene generator combined .......  48 / 1
        Refrigeration ......................  62
        Separating gases ...................  96 / 221
        Separating gases processes .........  95 / 289
    Liquid contact with ....................  261
        Automatic refrigeration ............  62 / 171
        Concentrating evaporators ..........  159
        Distillation .......................  203 / 49
        Gas separation combined ............  55
        Heat exchanger .....................  261 / 127+
        Mineral oil ........................  208
        Percolation control ................  261 / DIG 81
        Refrigerating process ..............  62 / 121
        Refrigeration ......................  62 / 304+
        Sugar treating .....................  127 / 12
    Log heater-fireplace ...................  D23 / 409
        Coking furnace .....................  110 / 230+
        Fire extinguishing compositions ....  252 / 4+
        Furnace ............................  110 / 229+
        Furnace and boiler combined ........  122 / 5
        Furnace using liquid fuel ..........  431 / 161+
        Generators chemical ................  422 / 164
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48
        Life preservers ....................  441 / 98+
        Oil ................................  48 / 211+
    Mantles ................................  431 / 100
        Compositions .......................  252 / 492
    Mask ...................................  128 / 206.12+
        Canisters for ......................  55 / DIG 33
        Fillers ............................  502 / 400+
        Processes of making corrugated .....  264 / DIG 52
        Tubes for ..........................  264 / DIG 52
        Separating gases ...................  96
        X-art collection ...................  425 / 815*
    Meters .................................  73 / 861+
        Coin controlled ....................  194
        Acetylene generator combined .......  48 / 3 R
        Fuel burner ........................  431 / 354
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48 / 180.1+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 434+
        Charge forming device ..............  123 / 434+
    Monitor ................................  73 / 23.2+
        Photoelectric ......................  250 / 573
        Radioactivity ......................  250 / 336.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 336.1
    Nuclear fusion fuel ....................  376 / 151
    Oil ....................................  48 / 211
        Pump ...............................  D15 / 9.1
        Water ..............................  48 / 214 R+
        Firearms and guns ..................  89 / 125+
        Rotary kinetic motors ..............  415
        Rotary kinetic pumps ...............  415
    Permeable coated fabrics ...............  427 / 245
    Poison .................................  424
    Pressure storage .......................  137 / 206+
    Pressurized gas treatment of ...........  8 / DIG 15
    Textiles ...............................  8 / DIG 15
        Chemical ...........................  422 / 126
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48
    Protecting joint during bonding ........  228 / 214
    Public utility meter ...................  D10 / 99+
    Pumps ..................................  415
        Impellers ..........................  416
        Oil or gasoline pump ...............  D15 / 9.1
    Purifying ..............................  95
        Chemical ...........................  423 / 210+
        Compositions, absorbent ............  502 / 400
        Compositions, chemical agents ......  252 / 182.11+
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48 / 128
    Ranges .................................  126 / 1 R+
    Rapid producers of .....................  149
    Rare ...................................  423 / 262
        Electric furnace atmosphere ........  373
            Arc furnace ....................  373 / 60
            Resistance furnace .............  373 / 110+
        Electric lamps .....................  313 / 567+
        Electronic tube ....................  313 / 567+
        Food preservation with .............  426 / 512+
        Lantern ............................  362 / 263+
        Liquefying and separating ..........  62 / 923+
        Purification chemical ..............  423 / 210+
        Separating .........................  95
    Rectifier full wave ....................  313 / 581
    Rectifier half wave ....................  313 / 567
        With hot cathode ...................  313 / 629
    Refrigeration produced by ..............  62 / 401+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 172
        Heat generation type ...............  62 / 6
        Process ............................  62 / 86+
    Samplers ...............................  73 / 863+
    Separation .............................  95
        Apparatus ..........................  96
        Chemical ...........................  423 / 210+
        Degasification apparatus ...........  96 / 155+
        Electrostatic precipitators ........  96 / 15+
        Flowmeter combined .................  73 / 200
        Flue ...............................  110 / 148+
        Liquid contacting means ............  96 / 243+
        Non-liquid cleaning means ..........  55 / 282+
        Recycle means ......................  55 / 338+
        Refrigeration apparatus ............  62 / 617+
    Solid ..................................  73 / 19.01
        Nonchemical gas content ............  73 / 19.01
        Detecting ..........................  73 / 19.01
    Solid contact with .....................  34
        Comminuting ........................  241
        Distillation .......................  201
        Gas separation .....................  96
    Textile treating with ..................  68
    Thyratron ..............................  313 / 591+
    Triode .................................  313 / 567+
    Tube amplifier system ..................  330 / 41
    Ultraviolet treating  
        Apparatus ..........................  250 / 432 R+
        Sterilizing ........................  422 / 121+
    Water heaters ..........................  126 / 344+
Gaseous Fuel Burners .......................  431
    Discharge nozzle .......................  239
    Igniters ...............................  431
        Discharge nozzle ...................  239
        Heating attachments ................  126 / 249+
        Tool heating attachments ...........  126 / 231+
    Synthetic ..............................  585 / 14
Gasket .....................................  277 / 590+
        Apparatus laminating ...............  156
        To metal cap or closure ............  413 / 8+
            Apparatus ......................  413 / 58+
    Barrel bung ............................  217 / 109
    Design .................................  D23 / 269
    Making by laminating ...................  156
    Pipe joint combined ....................  285 / 335+
Gasoline ...................................  208
    Carrier truck ..........................  D12 / 95
    Explosion preventing appliances in .....  220 / 88.1+
    Containers .............................  220 / 88.1+
    Fuel composition containing ............  44 / 300+
    Pump ...................................  222
        Design .............................  D15 / 9.1+
            Automated payment ..............  705 / 16
            Method for automated ...........  705 / 413
            Refilling ......................  705 / 413
            Verification of (pin) ..........  705 / 72
Gasometer (See Gas Holders)  
Gastroscopes ...............................  600 / 101+
Gate .......................................  49
    Animal racetrack starting ..............  119 / 423+
    Animal stall ...........................  119 / 524
    Design .................................  D25 / 48.5+
        Hinges .............................  D08 / 323+
    Drawbridge .............................  14 / 50+
    End for vehicle bodies .................  296 / 50+
        Standing top .......................  296 / 106
    Hanger .................................  16 / 86.1+
    Hinge ..................................  D08 / 323+
    Latch ..................................  D08 / 331+
    Motion picture .........................  352 / 221+
    Operators ..............................  49 / 324+
    Railway highway crossing  
        Automatic ..........................  246 / 292+
        Automatic electric .................  246 / 125+
        Fluid motor ........................  246 / 261
        Vehicle actuated ...................  246 / 272
    Register operated by ...................  235 / 93
    Sorting animal .........................  119 / 840+
    Umbrella joint .........................  135 / 32
    Valve (see valve)  
    Water gates ............................  405 / 87+
        With flow meter ....................  73 / 215
Gated Beam Discriminator ...................  313 / 300
    Brush and broom making  
        Tuft gathering .....................  300 / 7
        Tuft gathering and setting .........  300 / 5+
    Conveyor type loading machine ..........  198 / 506+
    Fish with conveyor to boat .............  43 / 6.5
        Ladling and gathering ..............  65 / 125
        Tank furnace gathering pool ........  65 / 336+
    Harvesters .............................  56
        Cornstalk type .....................  56 / 119
        Cornstalk type cutter combined .....  56 / 51+
        Cornstalk type picker or ...........  56 / 103
        Husker combined ....................  56 / 103+
        Design .............................  D15 / 10+
        Design hand tool ...................  D08 / 13
        Fruit ..............................  56 / 328.1+
        Seed ...............................  56 / 126+
        Seed motor driven ..................  56 / 12.9+
        Standing grain .....................  56 / 219+
        Vegetable ..........................  56 / 327.1
    Sewing machine attachment ..............  112 / 132+
    Signature ..............................  270 / 52.14+
    Stones and rocks .......................  171 / 63+
    Vertically swinging shovel or fork .....  414 / 686+
Gating Circuits ............................  327 / 365
        Telegraph ..........................  370 / 303+
        Telephone ..........................  370 / 534
    Radar ..................................  342 / 94+
        Automatic range gate ...............  342 / 95
    Transmit receive switches ..............  333 / 13
Gauge (See Guide) .........................  33 / 501+
        Process of gage grinding ...........  451 / 46
        Work holder ........................  451 / 364+
        Work rest ..........................  451 / 410
    Altimeter ..............................  73 / 384+
    Auger attachments ......................  408 / 72 R
    Awl or prick punch combined ............  30 / 368
    Bore ...................................  33 / 555.1
    Chisel attachments .....................  30 / 167.2
    Circular size ..........................  33 / 555.1+
    Collocating ............................  33 / 613+
    Combined with diverse tool .............  7 / 164
        With cutter ........................  7 / 163
        With handsaw .......................  7 / 150
        With hatchet, hammer ...............  7 / 122
    Contact type ...........................  33 / 501+
    Control for abrading wheel .............  451 / 1+
    Control for rolling mill ...............  72 / 6.2+
        Elongation .........................  72 / 250
        Metal thickness ....................  72 / 12.7+
        Strip tension between stands .......  72 / 11.1+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 343
    Dental .................................  433 / 72+
        Endodontic .........................  433 / 75
        Inkstand ...........................  15 / 257.073
        Liquid .............................  73 / 290 R+
        Ore electric .......................  324 / 323+
        Sounding ...........................  33 / 713+
        Specific gravity test combined .....  73 / 447
        Submarine, electro-acoustic ........  367 / 99+
        System electric ....................  340 / 618+
    Design .................................  D10 / 61+
    Die rolling ............................  72 / 250+
    Distance single contact ................  33 / 559+
    Feeler type ............................  33 / 501+
    Fixed distance .........................  33 / 501+
    Fluid flow .............................  73 / 861+
        Direction combined .................  73 / 170.01+
    Harvesting cutter ......................  56 / 121.4+
    Ionization .............................  250 / 374+
    Marking ................................  33 / 18.1+
    Nailing combined  
    Nippers combined .......................  30 / 179
        Calibrating ........................  73 / 1.57+
        Fluid ..............................  73 / 700+
    Punch point combined ...................  30 / 368
        Tie plate ..........................  238 / 288
        Track clamp ........................  238 / 339
        Truck changeable gauge .............  105 / 178
        Wheel gauge changer ................  104 / 33
    Saw making .............................  76 / 46
    Screw threads ..........................  33 / 199 R
    Sewing machine  
        Buttonhole .........................  112 / 75
        Hat ................................  112 / 15
        Shoe sole ..........................  112 / 39
    Shears with ............................  30 / 233+
    Sheet cutting machine ..................  83 / 268+
    Sheet cutting machine ..................  83 / 391+
    Sheet cutting machine ..................  83 / 467.1+
    Sheet feeding alignment ................  271 / 226+
    Static mold having .....................  249 / 53 R
    Structure ..............................  33 / 501+
    Tool ...................................  33 / 201+
    Track leveling light ray type ..........  33 / 287
    Tympan .................................  101 / 413+
        Paper feed edge ....................  400 / 630+
    Wheel ..................................  33 / 203+
    With point markers .....................  33 / 666+
    Wood hoop bending ......................  144 / 258
    Wood saw table .........................  83 / 522.11+
    Woodworking bench plane ................  30 / 481
    Work supported work holder .............  269
Gauging ....................................  73
    Automatic sorting by ...................  209 / 659+
    Fabrics ................................  139 / 419
    Looms ..................................  139 / 50+
Gear and Gearing ...........................  74 / 20+
    Actuated (see device actuated)  
    Backlash take up .......................  74 / 409
        Gear body ..........................  74 / 440+
    Bearing, hydrostatic ...................  409 / 904*
    Belt and sprocket or pulley ............  474
        Guards for .........................  474 / 144+
        Gearing ............................  74 / 423+
        Gearing intersected axis ...........  74 / 417
        Gears ..............................  74 / 459.5
        Pivotally supported gearing ........  74 / 385+
        Planetary ..........................  475
    Bolts for closure fasteners ............  292 / 279+
        Multiple ...........................  292 / 22
    Broaching ..............................  409 / 243+
    Casings ................................  74 / 606 R+
        Design for velocipedes .............  D12 / 124
    Chain ..................................  474
        Design .............................  D08 / 499
    Change speed ...........................  74 / 325+
        Friction ...........................  476 / 48+
            Planetary ......................  475 / 185+
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 269+
            Non-planetary combined .........  475 / 207+
    Crimping ...............................  28 / 279
    Cutting ................................  409 / 1+
        Disc type gears ....................  74 / 444
        Multiple input .....................  475 / 1+
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 220+
    Electric motor and gearing .............  310 / 80+
        Control gearing ....................  74 / 640+
        Motor control system ...............  318 / 9+
        Planetary gearing ..................  475 / 149+
    Epicyclic ..............................  475+
    Friction ...............................  476+
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 183+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 501.7+
    Gearing ................................  74 / 640+
        Planetary ..........................  475
        Gear ...............................  74 / 436
        Gearing ............................  74 / 84 R
        Planetary gearing combined .........  475 / 14+
    Hinge ..................................  16 / 354
    Holder, work ...........................  409 / 903*
    Indexing ...............................  409 / 221+
    Interchangeably locked .................  74 / 325+
    Intermittent motion  
        Geneva .............................  74 / 436
        Irregular teeth ....................  74 / 437
        Worm ...............................  74 / 426
    Landing (see landing devices) .........  244 / 100 R+
    Locks for ..............................  70 / 190+
        Cutter .............................  407 / 20+
        Cutting ............................  409 / 1+
        Forging ............................  72 / 376+
        Grinders ...........................  451
        Grinding processes .................  451 / 47
        Heat treating ......................  148 / 586
        Laminating processes ...............  156
        Processes ..........................  29 / 893+
        Rolling ............................  72 / 67+
    Metal rolling type .....................  72 / 249
    Meter ..................................  73 / 261
    Milling ................................  409 / 50+
        Expansible chamber .................  418 / 191+
        Internal combustion ................  123
    Mutilated (see gear and gearing ........  74 / 435
    Geneva) ................................  74 / 435
    Patterns,tracers and tools .............  409 / 2+
    Planer type ............................  409 / 1
    Planetary ..............................  475
        Speed varying ......................  475 / 14+
    Planing ................................  409 / 42+
    Power take off .........................  74 / 11+
    Printing plate stereotype ..............  409 / 901*
    Pump ...................................  418 / 191+
        Lubricating ........................  184 / 31
        Used as brake ......................  188 / 292
        Used as clutch .....................  192 / 61
    Rack and pinion ........................  74 / 422
        Pushing and pulling implements .....  254 / 95+
    Ratio changing .........................  74 / 393+
        Belt and sprocket ..................  474 / 69+
        Expansible pulley utilizing ........  474 / 47+
            Expansible cone pulley .........  474 / 8+
        Friction ...........................  476 / 48+
            Planetary ......................  475 / 185+
        Interchangeably locked .............  74 / 325+
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 269+
    Reversing ..............................  74 / 640+
    Robot ..................................  901 / 25+
    Roll with driving ......................  492 / 15
    Running gear land vehicles .............  280 / 80.1+
    Screw, helical or worm .................  74 / 640+
        And nut ............................  74 / 424.71
        Screw geared jacks .................  254 / 103
        Gears ..............................  74 / 439+
        Watch winding and setting ..........  368 / 197+
    Shift transmission control .............  74 / 473.1+
        Brake combined .....................  192 / 219+
        Clutch combined ....................  192 / 3.51+
        Motor control combined .............  477+
    Shiftable gear clutch or key see  
    Gear interchangeably locked  
        Alternating rotary clutchable ......  74 / 322
        Gear ...............................  74 / 322+
        Alternating rotary shiftable .......  74 / 321
        Gear ...............................  74 / 321
        Clutch and gear ....................  192 / 20+
    Speed controlled (see type of  
    Speedometer drive type .................  235 / 95 R+
    Spline and .............................  33 / DIG 14
    Sprocket ...............................  474
        Crank and pedal combined ...........  74 / 594.2
    Spur ...................................  74 / 460+
    Steering (see steering)  
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 400+
    Stock material, metal ..................  428 / 544+
    Switch .................................  200 / 501
    Teeth and bodies .......................  74 / 431+
        Bodies .............................  74 / 434+
        Teeth ..............................  74 / 457+
            Planetary ......................  475 / 344+
        Teeth lubricated ...................  74 / 468
    Testing ................................  73 / 162
    Tire mold ..............................  409 / 902*
        Expansible chamber motor type ......  91
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 90.1+
    Work tables ............................  409 / 92+
        Gearing ............................  74 / 411
            Planetary ......................  475 / 346+
        Gears ..............................  74 / 461
Geat, Gate, Git ............................  135 / 32
Geiger Counter .............................  250 / 374+
    Design .................................  D10 / 47
    In nuclear reactions ...................  376 / 254
Geiger Muller Tube .........................  313 / 93
    Survey meter ...........................  250 / 374+
    With circuit ...........................  250 / 374+
Geissler Tubes .............................  313 / 567+
    Illuminating fixture with ..............  362 / 217.14+
Gel (See Art Use Classes) .................  516 / 98+
    Radioactive ............................  252 / 634
    Silica aerogels and xerogels ...........  423 / 334+
Gel Route to Glass Making ..................  501 / 12
Gelatine ...................................  530 / 354
    Adhesives based on gelatin .............  530 / 354
    Jellies ................................  426 / 576
Gems .......................................  63 / 32
    Artificial .............................  501 / 86
    Changing color by radiation ............  250 / 492.1
    Design .................................  D11 / 89+
    Grinding or polishing ..................  63 / 32
    Setting methods and apparatus ..........  29 / 10
    Settings ...............................  63 / 26+
Gene .......................................  536 / 23.1+
Genealogical Charts  
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 154+
Generator Motor ............................  310 / 113
Generators (See Steam, Generators) ........  D13 / 112
    Acetylene ..............................  48 / 1
    Acetylene ..............................  48 / 2
    Acetylene ..............................  48 / 3 R
    Acetylene ..............................  48 / 4+
    Chemical ...............................  422 / 198+
    Chemical pressure in fire ..............  169 / 6
    Extinguisher ...........................  169 / 6+
    Combustible mixture for internal .......  123 / 3
    Combustion engine ......................  123 / 3
    Electric ...............................  310
        Battery charging ...................  320
        Bicycle ............................  362 / 193
        Chair operated therapeutic .........  607 / 115+
        Combined in electronic tube ........  315 / 55
        Compressional wave actuated ........  367 / 140+
        Correlated with burner feed ........  431 / 255
        Driven by compressional wave .......  367 / 178
        Electric meter having ..............  324 / 76.11+
        Electrically driven ................  322
        Electrostatic ......................  310 / 309
        For supplying engine ignition ......  123 / 149 R
        Infrared heat ......................  392 / 407+
        Locomotive .........................  105 / 35+
        Motor generator ....................  310 / 113
        Musical ............................  84 / 600+
        Nonelectric prime mover plant ......  290
        Nonmagnetic ........................  310 / 300+
        Nuclear ............................  310 / 301+
            Reactor ........................  376 / 100
            Reactor ........................  376 / 347
        Oscillator .........................  331
        Piezoelectric ......................  310 / 311+
        Piezoelectric systems ..............  322 / 2 R
        Plural generator in system .........  307 / 43+
        Rotary .............................  310 / 40 R+
        Sound wave actuated ................  367 / 140+
        Superimposed different currents ....  307 / 1+
        Supplying different circuits .......  307 / 18+
        Synchronous inductive ..............  310 / 171
        System of control ..................  322
        Systems ............................  322
        Temperature measuring plural .......  374 / 110+
        Thermoelectric .....................  136 / 200+
        Voltage controlled .................  322
    Fumigators sterilizing .................  422 / 305+
    Gas ....................................  48 / 61+
    Power calculation for  
    Refrigerator ...........................  62
        Electronic tube type oscillator ....  331
        Generator structure ................  310
        Generator system ...................  322
    Steam ..................................  122
    Steam combined with stove ..............  126 / 5
    Vapor pressure thermostat ..............  374 / 201+
Genes ......................................  536 / 23.1+
    Expression .............................  435 / 69.1+
    Mutation ...............................  435 / 440+
    Transfection ...........................  435 / 440+
    Transformation .........................  435 / 440+
    Vectors ................................  435 / 320.1
Genetic Algorithms .........................  706 / 13
Genetic Engineering ........................  435 / 440+
    Apparatus ..............................  435 / 285.1+
    Assay ..................................  435 / 6
    Recombination ..........................  435 / 440+
Genetically Engineered Cells  +
    Algae ..................................  435 / 257.2
    Animal .................................  435 / 325+
    Bacteria ...............................  435 / 252.3+
    Fungi ..................................  435 / 254.11+
        Yeast ..............................  435 / 254.2+
    Medicinal preparations with ............  435
    Material gene therapy ..................  435
    Plant ..................................  435 / 411+
    Utilization ............................  435
    Drive ..................................  414 / 905*
    Gear ...................................  74 / 436
    Gearing ................................  74 / 84 R
        Planetary combined .................  475 / 14+
    Body wear bands combining ..............  607 / 149+
    Catheter ...............................  604 / 264+
    Curette ................................  606 / 160
        Castrating .........................  606 / 137
        Embryotome .........................  606 / 126
        Urethrotome ........................  606 / 170+
    Dilator with light and electrical ......  606 / 13+
    Application ............................  606 / 13+
    Kinesitherapic appliance ...............  601 / 45
    Male electric applicator ...............  607 / 143
    Obstetric instruments ..................  606 / 119
        Forceps ............................  606 / 205+
    Orthopedic appliance ...................  600 / 38
    Pessary and inserter ...................  128 / 834+
        Body protruding member .............  604 / 346+
        Catamenial and diaper ..............  604 / 358+
        Obstetric ..........................  604 / 317+
        Urethrorrhoeal .....................  604 / 327+
    Sexual restrainer ......................  128 / 883+
    Stallion shield ........................  119 / 838
    Suspensory bandage .....................  602 / 67+
        Inserters ..........................  604 / 11+
        Structure ..........................  604 / 358+
        X-art collection ...................  604 / 904*
        Douche (see douche) ...............  604 / 36+
        Electric applicator ................  607 / 138
Geodisic Dome ..............................  52 / 81.1+
    Design .................................  D25 / 13
    Clock ..................................  368 / 21+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 130+
Geology, Artificial Intelligence ...........  706 / 929*
    Data processing ........................  706 / 929*
Geology, Teaching ..........................  434 / 299
Geometrical Instruments ....................  33
    (See type of instrument)) .............  33
    Blocks educational design ..............  D21 / 484+
    Design .................................  D10 / 61+
    Teaching geometry ......................  434 / 211
Geophysical Prospecting  
    (See prospecting)  
    Acoustic means .........................  181 / 101
    Digital computer with system ...........  367 / 60+
    Exploration in situ ....................  324 / 323+
    Geochemical exploration ................  436 / 25
    Nuclear ................................  250 / 253+
    Underwater seismometer spreads .........  367 / 15+
    Vibration transducers ..................  367 / 140+
Geothermal Power Plant .....................  60 / 641.2
Geraniol ...................................  568 / 875
    Masonry ................................  52 / 785.1+
German Silver ..............................  420 / 481
Germanium, Misc, Chemical Manufacture  
    Alloys .................................  420 / 556
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 81+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 689
Germicides .................................  424
    Germicidal lamp (see ultraviolet;  
    X ray)  
    Water softening compositions ...........  252 / 175+
    Containing .............................  252 / 175+
    Retarding & accelerating ...............  504 / 116.1+
    Compositions ...........................  504 / 116.1+
    Seed germinator ........................  47 / 61
Germine ....................................  546 / 28
Gerotor Motor ..............................  418 / 61.3
    Semiconductor manufacture ..............  438 / 471+
    Space discharge electrode ..............  445 / 55
    Manufacture ............................  445 / 55
Getters (See Absorbent)  
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 181.1+
    Processes of use .......................  445 / 55
    Pumps ..................................  417 / 48+
Gib (See Key)  
    Slide bearings .........................  384 / 39
    Inserter for fowl ......................  452 / 124
Gill Net ...................................  43 / 10
Gilsonite (See Asphalt; Pitch) ............  208 / 22+
Gimbal .....................................  248 / 182.1+
Gimlets ....................................  408 / 230
    Beverage ...............................  426
    Cotton .................................  19 / 39+
    Saw sharpening and gumming .............  76 / 32+
Ginger Ale .................................  426 / 590+
Girder (See Beam) .........................  52 / 831+
    Bridge .................................  14 / 74.5
    Composite ..............................  52 / 847+
        Dissimilar material ................  52 / 847+
    Design .................................  D25 / 126+
    I-beam .................................  52 / 837+
    Making .................................  29 / 897.35
        Mortar bonded ......................  52 / 433+
    Openwork ...............................  52 / 633+
    Static mold ............................  249 / 50
Girdles ....................................  450 / 94+
    Combined with bra ......................  450 / 7+
    Design .................................  D02 / 702
    Design bifurcated ......................  D02 / 704
    For nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 302
        Moderator structure ................  376 / 304
    Harness ................................  54 / 23
    Harvester ..............................  452 / 112+
    Seal for a joint or juncture ...........  277
Gizzard ....................................  452 / 111+
    Cleaner ................................  452 / 114
    Opener .................................  452 / 113+
        Medicines containing ...............  424 / 520+
    Reduction ..............................  359 / 601+
        Automobile screen ..................  296 / 97.1+
        Filters ............................  359 / 885+
        Glass antireflection coating .......  359 / 580+
        Polarizers .........................  359 / 488.01
        Rearview mirror ....................  359 / 602+
Glass ......................................  65 / 30.13+
    Actinic composition ....................  501 / 900*
        Developing by heat .................  65 / 111+
        Reflector ..........................  359 / 534+
        Reflector making ...................  427 / 163.4+
    Block construction .....................  52 / 596+
        Translucent component ..............  52 / 306
    Charging glass melt furnace ............  414 / 165+
    Cleaning of glass tableware ............  65 / 30.13+
    Clock or watch .........................  968 / 368+
    Compositions ...........................  501 / 11+
    Compositions of luminescent glass ......  65 / 30.13+
    Compositions for .......................  65 / 30.13+
    Photosensitive glass ...................  65 / 30.13+
    Cutters (see search notes) .............  83 / 879+
    Drinking glass .........................  D07 / 509+
    Electric furnaces ......................  373 / 27+
    Etching ................................  216 / 31+
    Etching ................................  216 / 80+
    Etching ................................  216 / 97+
    Fiber, coated ..........................  428 / 357+
    Glass-to-metal seal ....................  428 / 432
        Metallic ...........................  428 / 636
    Gratings optical .......................  359 / 566+
    Grinding processes .....................  451 / 41+
    Handling cylinders of ..................  414 / 24
    Household glassware ....................  D07 / 509+
    Laminated and safety ...................  428 / 426+
        Wire glass .........................  428 / 38+
    Manufacturing ..........................  65
        Filament or fiber making ...........  65 / 376+
        Process ............................  65 / 17.1+
        Processes of uniting glass .........  65 / 36+
        With electric lamp making ..........  445 / 22
        With metal founding ................  164
        With metal working .................  29
        By abrasive blasting method ........  451 / 38+
        By grinding ........................  451
    Photochromic ...........................  501 / 13
        Grinding and polishing .............  451
    Pot furnaces ...........................  432 / 156+
    Pots ...................................  432 / 262+
    Product manufacturing computerized .....  700 / 157+
    Roll for working .......................  65 / 370.1
    Scribers ...............................  33 / 18.1+
    Stand, rack or tray for ................  D07 / 701+
    Stemware ...............................  D07 / 524+
    Structural .............................  442 / 180
        Wire mesh ..........................  428 / 38
    Treating hard glass ....................  65
        Apparatus ..........................  65 / 348+
        Process ............................  65 / 111+
    Window .................................  428 / 38
Glasses See Eye Glasses  
    Eye and spectacles .....................  351 / 41+
        Design .............................  D16 / 300+
        Metal frame making .................  29 / 20
    Ground for cameras .....................  396 / 150+
    Sight for liquid level gauge ...........  73 / 323+
Glassware ..................................  D07 / 509+
Glaucine, in Drug ..........................  514 / 284
    Compositions ...........................  501 / 14+
Glaziers Points ............................  411 / 477+
    Setters ................................  227
    Earthenware ............................  427 / 376.2
        Firing .............................  264 / 600+
    Fruits and vegetables ..................  426 / 289+
    Aerial toy .............................  446 / 61+
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 16
    Furniture design .......................  D06 / 344+
    Porch swing ............................  297 / 282
        Hammock couch type .................  5 / 124+
Glides .....................................  16 / 42 R+
    Furniture design .......................  D08 / 374
    Clock ..................................  368 / 23
        Design .............................  D10 / 10
    Lamp ...................................  362 / 809*
        Design .............................  D26 / 118+
    Lantern ................................  362 / 363
        Design .............................  D26 / 37
        Operators for ......................  362 / 174+
    Manipulating pole ......................  81 / 53.11+
    Operator tube lantern ..................  362 / 174+
    Railway amusement ......................  104 / 68
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 131+
    Terrestrial globe ......................  362 / 809*
Globin .....................................  530 / 385
Globulins ..................................  530 / 386
Glove ......................................  2 / 159+
    Baseball ...............................  2 / 19
    Boxing .................................  2 / 18
        Design .............................  D29 / 116.1
    Buttoners ..............................  24 / 40
        Design .............................  D02 / 643
    Design .................................  D02 / 617+
        Distinct gripping surface ..........  D29 / 117.2
        Golf ...............................  D29 / 116.2
        Hockey type ........................  D29 / 116.3
    Fingerless .............................  D02 / 610+
    Forms ..................................  223 / 78+
    Knitted ................................  66 / 174
        Circular machine ...................  66 / 45
        Straight machine ...................  66 / 65
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 16+
    Discharge diode ........................  313 / 567+
    Discharge, chemical apparatus ..........  422 / 907*
    Transfer counter .......................  377 / 103+
Glower (See Electric; Electrode;  
    Filament; lamp)  
Glucamines .................................  564 / 507
    In drug ................................  514 / 669
Gluconic Acid ..............................  562 / 587
Glucosamines ...............................  536 / 55.2
Glucose ....................................  127 / 30
    Making .................................  127 / 36+
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 95
Glucosides .................................  536 / 4.1+
Glue (See Adhesive)  
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 124.1+
        Containing .........................  106 / 124.1+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 160.1
        Containing .........................  106 / 160.1
Gluing .....................................  156
    Applicator .............................  D19 / 70+
    Clamps .................................  269
    Glue heating pots ......................  126 / 284
    Press ..................................  100
        Using particular adhesive ..........  156 / 325+
Glutamates .................................  562 / 573
    Foods ctg ..............................  426 / 656
    Preparation by protein hydrolysis ......  562 / 516
Glutamic Acid ..............................  562 / 573
Glutamine ..................................  562 / 563
Glutathione ................................  530 / 332
Glyceric Acid ..............................  562 / 587
Glycerides (See Fats) .....................  554 / 1+
    Rosin ..................................  530 / 216+
Glycerine ..................................  568 / 852+
    Fermentative production ................  435 / 159+
Glycerol (See Glycerine)  
Glycidol ...................................  549 / 554+
Glycine ....................................  562 / 575
Glycocholic Acid ...........................  552 / 550
Glycols ....................................  568 / 852+
    Ethers .................................  568 / 672+
    Oleate .................................  554 / 223
    Silicate ...............................  556 / 482+
    Stearate ...............................  554 / 227
Glycolurile ................................  548 / 303.4
Glycopeptides ..............................  530 / 322
Glycoproteins ..............................  530 / 395
Glycosides .................................  536 / 4.1+
    Cardiac ................................  536 / 5+
Glyoxal ....................................  568 / 494
    Treatment of textiles, polyaldehyde ....  8 / DIG 17
    Combined ...............................  8 / DIG 17
Glyoxalidine ...............................  548 / 347.1+
Glyoxaline .................................  548 / 335.1+
GLYPTAL™    (See Alkyd Resins)  
Goad .......................................  231 / 2.1
    Design animal ..........................  D30 / 156+
Goblet .....................................  D07 / 524
Goddard Patent Collection ..................  60 / 915*
    Heated by induction ....................  219 / 619
    Strand feeding wheel ...................  226 / 168+
Goggles ....................................  2 / 426+
    Design .................................  D16 / 303+
        Combined with head covering ........  D29 / 105+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 507
    Beating ................................  72 / 420+
    Carbon compounds .......................  556 / 110+
        Cleaning by internal battery .......  205 / 707+
        Action .............................  205 / 707+
        Coating ............................  205 / 266+
        Synthesis ..........................  205 / 571+
    Foil ...................................  428 / 606
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Laminate ...............................  428 / 457+
        Metal-to-metal .....................  428 / 672
        With glass .........................  428 / 433+
    Plate ..................................  428 / 672
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 637
    Accessory ..............................  D21 / 789+
    Bag ....................................  206 / 315.3
        Bag cart ...........................  D34 / 15
        Holder .............................  248 / 96
        On wheeled carrier .................  280 / 47.26
            Digest .........................  280 / DIG 6
    Ball ...................................  473 / 351+
        Design .............................  D21 / 708+
        Making .............................  156 / 146
        Means to print on balls ............  101 / DIG 40
    Cart ...................................  224 / 274
        Cart motorized .....................  280 / DIG 5
    Club ...................................  473 / 282+
        Design .............................  D21 / 733+
        Rack or support for ................  211 / 70.2
        Woodworking machines for making ....  144 / 24.24
    Courses ................................  473 / 150+
        Miniature ..........................  473 / 157+
    Covers, flaccid ........................  150 / 160
    Game board .............................  273 / 245
        Pocket or capture feature ..........  D21 / 342+
        Simulation .........................  D21 / 350+
        Surface projectile game ............  D21 / 334+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 508
    Glove ..................................  2 / 161.6+
        Design .............................  D29 / 113+
    Handles or grips .......................  473 / 300+
        Design .............................  D08 / DIG 6
    Holes ..................................  473 / 175+
        Putting ............................  473 / 175+
    Marker (design) ........................  D21 / 794
    Powered passenger cart .................  D12 / 16
    Practice devices .......................  473 / 131+
    Score registers ........................  235
    Shoes ..................................  36 / 127
    Simulated game .........................  273 / 108.2+
    Targets ................................  473 / 173+
        Miniature golf .....................  473 / 158+
        Putting ............................  473 / 174+
        With ball return ...................  473 / 182+
    Teaching devices .......................  434 / 252
    Tees ...................................  473 / 387+
        Carriers ...........................  224 / 191+
        Design .............................  D21 / 717+
        Device for setting .................  473 / 386
    Tool (design) ..........................  D21 / 793+
    Training aid (design) ..................  D21 / 791
        Drop bottom ........................  105 / 244+
        Freight ............................  105 / 406.1+
        Inclined bottom ....................  105 / 256
        Side door ..........................  105 / 258+
Gong See Bell  
    Crystal testing ........................  356 / 31
    Light ray type  
        Horizontal angle ...................  33 / 285
        Vertical and horizontal angle ......  33 / 281
        Vertical angle .....................  33 / 282+
        Measure of light scattered .........  356 / 340
        By particles .......................  356 / 340
        With light conductor ...............  250 / 227.3
    Radio ..................................  342 / 428+
        Goniometer device ..................  342 / 441
    Straight edge type .....................  33 / 403+
Goniophotometer See Goniometer  
Governor (See Brake; Control;  
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 345+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 191+
    Gearing control ........................  74 / 336.5
        Reversing means ....................  74 / 404.5
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 319+
    Mechanical clock .......................  968 / 134
    Pump liquid ............................  417 / 279+
    Speed recorder .........................  346 / 73
    Speed responsive .......................  73 / 488+
    Switch electric ........................  200 / 80 R
    Valve ..................................  137 / 47+
    Vehicle motion and direction ...........  116 / 38
    Indication .............................  116 / 38
    Wind motor  
        Impeller deflection control ........  416 / 9
        Impeller speed control .............  416 / 44
        Rotary wheel deflection ............  416 / 9+
Gr-N Rubber (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Gr-S Rubber (See Also Synthetic Resin ......  526 / 340
    Or natural rubber) .....................  526 / 340
Grab See Grapple  
    Cable traversing hoist  
        Load dumping draft rope ............  212 / 81
        Load suspension ....................  212 / 84
    Clam shell buckets .....................  37 / 461
    Dredges ................................  37 / 315+
    Furnace charging .......................  414 / 186
    Hoistline grab hooks ...................  294 / 82.1+
    Irons railway rolling stock ............  105 / 461
    Magnetic ...............................  294 / 65.5
    Material handling elevator .............  414 / 618+
        Magnet and .........................  414 / 606
    Orange peel buckets ....................  37 / 182
    Rotary crane ...........................  212 / 243
    Self propelled traversing hoist ........  212 / 332
    Electric ...............................  212 / 332
        Guide bar ..........................  212 / 334
    Vertically swinging load support .......  414 / 680+
Graders and Grading (See Separator) .......  209
    Design .................................  D15 / 23+
    Grinding abradant supplier .............  451 / 446
    Railway ................................  37 / 104+
    Road ...................................  37 / 381+
    Scraper type ...........................  172
Gradometers ................................  33 / 365+
Graduates ..................................  73 / 426+
Graft Copolymer (See Synthetic Resin .......  525 / 50+
    Or natural rubber) .....................  525 / 50+
Grafting ...................................  47 / 6+
    Textile fiber grafting .................  8 / DIG 18
    Adjusters ..............................  56 / 466+
        Doors ..............................  49 / 404+
        Temporary closures .................  160 / 370.1
    Casse-grain type antenna ...............  343 / 781 CA
    Comminuting processes ..................  241 / 6+
    Cradles ................................  56 / 324+
        Chutes .............................  193 / 9
        Hoppers ............................  222
        Planters ...........................  111
    Drying & gas or vapor contact ..........  34
    With solids ............................  34
    Feeder or dispenser ....................  222
        Automatic control of flow ..........  99 / 488
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 467
        Design .............................  D01
        Preservation .......................  426 / 321+
        Processes and products .............  426 / 549+
    Harvesters .............................  56
    Hulling ................................  99 / 600
        By applying fluid ..................  99 / 518
    Land vehicle tank ......................  296 / 15
    Pattern and size  
        Grain boundaries in metal stock ....  148 / 33.2
        Metallurgical linings having .......  266 / 284
        Specific grain size ................  266 / 284
        Optical grain sensitizing in .......  430 / 571
        Photography ........................  430 / 571
        Paperboard container with ..........  229 / 940+
        Specified grain direction ..........  229 / 940+
        Stock, angular grain ...............  428 / 105
        Stock, artifical wood or ...........  428 / 151
        Leather surface ....................  428 / 151
        Stock, parallel grain ..............  428 / 114
        Superimposed grain as color ........  430 / 365
        Photographic technique .............  430 / 365
        Wood grain .........................  428 / 106
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 600+
        Processes ..........................  426 / 483+
        Scouring by brushing ...............  15 / 3.1+
    Shelled-grain catchers .................  56 / 207
    Standing-grain gatherers ...............  56 / 219+
    Storage units ..........................  D25 / 14
        Bin heaters ........................  D23 / 334
        Ventilation ........................  454 / 173+
    Threshing ..............................  460
        Flying grain arrestors .............  460 / 59
        Recleaners .........................  460 / 903*
        Savers .............................  460 / 905*
        Separtors ..........................  460 / 79+
    Wheels and casters .....................  56 / 322
    Wood grain, stock material .............  428 / 106
        Artificial woodsurface .............  428 / 151
        Pattern arrangement in buildings ...  52 / 313
        Working roller parallel to grain ...  144 / 362
Graining (See Granulating)  
    Boxes ..................................  451 / 74
    Paint brush texturing implement ........  D08 / 16
    Tools ..................................  15 / 210.5
Gramicidins ................................  530 / 310
Gramophones See Phonograph  
Granaries ..................................  52 / 192+
Grandfather Clock ..........................  D10 / 16
    Demodulators for radio .................  329 / 371
    Detectors for radio ....................  338 / 1
    Microphones ............................  381 / 180+
    Resistance elements  
        Brakes .............................  188 / 268
        Electrical .........................  338 / 223+
    Voice transmitter (eg microphone) ......  381 / 180+
Granulating (See Crystallizing)  
    Common salt ............................  23 / 303
    Evaporation combined ...................  159 / 45
    Inorganic materials ....................  23 / 313 R+
    Sugar ..................................  127 / 21
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 360
Grapefruit See Citrus Fruit  
Graphic Recorder ...........................  D10 / 61+
Graphics, Computer .........................  345 / 418+
    Graphical object processing ............  345 / 619
    Menu or selectable iconic array ........  715 / 810+
    User interface, gui ....................  715 / 810+
Graphite ...................................  423 / 448
    Fishing rod ............................  43 / 18.5
    Lubricants containing ..................  508 / 113+
    Moderator structures ...................  376 / 350
        For nuclear reactors ...............  376 / 458
Graphophone (See Phonograph)  
    Generation .............................  345 / 440
Grapnels (See Anchor; Grab)  
Grapple See Grab ...........................  294 / 86.4+
    Fish ...................................  43 / 5
    Fork or shovel combined ................  294 / 50.5
    Fork or shovel type ....................  294 / 50.6+
    Gambrel ................................  452 / 190
    Hand rakes combined ....................  56 / 400.12
    Hooks ..................................  294 / 82.1+
        Hand ...............................  294 / 26
    Overhead beam ..........................  294 / 85
    Submarine ..............................  294 / 66.1+
    Tilting handling vehicle ...............  414 / 444+
    Well ...................................  294 / 86.1+
        Lifting means combined .............  166 / 98
    Well, methods ..........................  166
Grasper (See Grapple; Holder)  
    Chucks and sockets .....................  279
    Hand and hoist line ....................  294
    Potato digger ..........................  171 / 50+
    Covering or wrapping ...................  57 / 4
    Spinning twisting twining ..............  57 / 28+
Grate ......................................  126 / 152 R+
    Bars ...................................  126 / 167+
    Cage ...................................  110 / 294
    Design .................................  D23 / 397+
        Fireplace ..........................  D23 / 398+
    Hollow air feeding .....................  110 / 298+
    Ore roasting ...........................  266 / 279
    Ore roasting,traveling .................  266 / 171+
    Roller for ore and fuel dressing .......  209 / 393
    Rotary .................................  126 / 181+
    Stokers ................................  110 / 268+
    Water cooled ...........................  122 / 371+
    Comminuting surface having opening  
        Reciprocating ......................  241 / 94
        Rotating ...........................  241 / 91+
        Stationary .........................  241 / 95
    Design .................................  D07 / 678
Gratings (See Grille; Register) ...........  52 / 660+
    Diffraction ............................  359 / 566+
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 17+
    Sewer inlet ............................  210 / 163+
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 330+
    Window .................................  49 / 50+
        Design .............................  D99 / 1
        Lowering devices ...................  27 / 32
        Rests ..............................  27 / 26
    Coverings ..............................  27 / 30
    Life signals ...........................  27 / 31
    Linings ................................  27 / 29
    Marker .................................  40 / 124.5
        Design .............................  D99 / 17+
    Monuments markers guards ...............  52 / 103+
        Coping .............................  52 / 101
    Vaults .................................  52 / 128+
    Roads ..................................  404 / 101+
        Apparatus ..........................  166 / 51
        Processes ..........................  166 / 278
Gravitometer ...............................  73 / 382 R+
        Endless chain water motor ..........  415 / 5
        Self-proportioning systems .........  137 / 101.25+
        Aerated column pump ................  417 / 108+
        Mineral oil increasing .............  208
    Conveyers ..............................  193
        Moving item from separating ........  209 / 924*
        Station ............................  209 / 924*
    Determination ..........................  73 / 382 R+
        Beverage infuser ...................  99 / 304+
        Boiler water .......................  122 / 456+
        Boiler water heater combined .......  122 / 458
        Dispensing nongravity combined .....  222 / 205
        Dispensing nozzles,spouts,etc ......  222 / 566+
            Molten metal ...................  222 / 591+
        Drier ..............................  34 / 165+
        Drier combined type ................  34 / 64
        Fluid sprinklers ...................  239 / 376+
        Furnace charging type material .....  414 / 208
            Discharging ....................  414 / 216+
        Liquid cooler ......................  62 / 397
        Lubricators ........................  184 / 65+
        Sprayer pump with ..................  239 / 329+
        Supporting or guiding item .........  209 / 911*
        Moving under influence of ..........  209 / 911*
        Track sander fluid or ..............  291 / 7+
        Trap chamber dispensing ............  222 / 424.5+
        Agitating ..........................  366 / 336+
        Aircraft control ...................  244 / 80
        Aircraft stabilizing weights .......  244 / 93+
        Bolt or nut to substructure ........  411 / 169
        Lock, mass offset ..................  411 / 169
        Check controlled connectors ........  194 / 301
        Check controlled lock releasing ....  194 / 260+
        Clock escapements pendulum type ....  368 / 136
        Dispenser outlet element ...........  222 / 500
        Fence wire stretcher ...............  256 / 38
        Folding table paired legs ..........  108 / 131+
        Fountain syringes ..................  604 / 80+
        Heating gas carburetors ............  48 / 160
        Heating gas mixers .................  48 / 185
        Hinges .............................  16 / 309+
        Hooked end closure fasteners .......  292 / 130+
        Janney type couplings knuckle ......  213 / 117
        Openers ............................  213 / 117+
        Janney type couplings locks ........  213 / 139
        Latch released closure .............  49 / 379
        Linear traversing hoist ............  212 / 92+
        Mechanical gun magazine ............  124 / 49+
        Momentum type brake operators ......  188 / 139
        Mortar mixers ......................  366 / 9
        Music leaf turners .................  84 / 488
        Nonrefillable bottles ..............  215 / 21+
        Open link couplings pin ............  213 / 194
        Support ............................  213 / 194+
        Power plant combined types .........  60 / 698+
        Railways cable rails ...............  104 / 113
        Sliding bolt closure fasteners .....  292 / 183+
        Sliding counter protecting .........  109 / 18
        Shields ............................  109 / 18
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 284
        Spring hinges ......................  16 / 303
        Spring locomotives .................  105 / 72
        Stamp mills ........................  241 / 273
        Swinging bolt closure fasteners ....  292 / 230+
        Telephone switch hook ..............  379 / 424+
        Vehicle actuated turntable .........  104 / 42
    Specific determining ...................  73 / 32 R+
        Fluid fire extinguishing ...........  169 / 10
        Store service ......................  186 / 2+
        Store service single impulse .......  186 / 12
        Pneumatic displacement pump ........  417 / 118
        Valve actuation ....................  417 / 118+
Grays Telegraphs ...........................  178 / 2 R+
Grease Guns  
    Dispenser type  
        Discharge assistant ................  222 / 251+
        Follower combined with pump ........  222 / 256+
        Material operated differential .....  222 / 253
        Piston .............................  222 / 253
        Movable nozzle connected ...........  222 / 320
        Assistant ..........................  222 / 320+
        Receiver discharge coupling ........  141 / 383
        Replaceable cartridge ..............  222 / 325+
    Lubricators ............................  184 / 14
        Hand operated followers ............  184 / 38.1
        Hand operated pumps ................  184 / 28
        Pumps ..............................  184 / 26
        Refilling devices ..................  184 / 105.1
Grease Traps ...............................  210 / 538+
Greenhouses ................................  47 / 17+
    Building per se ........................  52
    Design .................................  D25 / 15
Greeting Card ..............................  283 / 117
    Graphic and or movable .................  446 / 147+
        Display ............................  40 / 124.01+
        Folding display ....................  40 / 539
        Mechanical tape ....................  369 / 68
        Phonograph records .................  369 / 273
        Phonographic repetition ............  369 / 63+
        Sounding toy .......................  446 / 397+
    Explosive ..............................  102 / 482+
        Firearm attached ...................  42 / 105
        Mechanical .........................  124 / 4+
    Type fire extinguisher .................  169 / 36
    Battery grid filling ...................  141 / 32+
    Battery grid making ....................  29 / 2
        Static mold ........................  249 / 60
    Bucky ..................................  378 / 154
    Cleaning or combing ....................  15 / 142
    Deflectors in gas separation  
    Electrical resistance elements .........  338 / 283+
    Electronic tube ........................  313 / 348+
    Heat exchange device ...................  165 / 168+
    Ice cube tray type .....................  249 / 203
        Resistor ...........................  338
    Making of wire .........................  140 / 71.5+
    Nuclear fuel plates ....................  376 / 432
    Plates for storage batteries ...........  429 / 233+
Grid Glow (See Electric Space  
    Discharge device)  
Griddles ...................................  99 / 422+
    Household cooker .......................  D07 / 363
    Drip collecting ........................  99 / 444+
    Perforated food support ................  99 / 450
    Slice toasting .........................  99 / 385+
Grill Cooking  
    Slice toasting .........................  99 / 385+
    Solid heated surface ...................  99 / 422+
        Opposed surfaces ...................  99 / 372+
Grille (See Gratings; Register) ...........  52 / 660+
    Connected panels .......................  52 / 581
    Curtain shade or screen combined .......  160 / 104
    Design heating, ventilating ............  D23
    Frame ..................................  52 / 656.8
    Lattice ................................  52 / 660+
    Louvre .................................  52 / 471
        Ventilation ........................  454 / 309+
    Making .................................  29 / 897.15
    Rod for ................................  52 / 831+
    Tile holder ............................  52 / 384+
Grinding (See Abrading) ...................  451
    Attachments ............................  451 / 415+
        Cutlery ............................  30 / 138+
        Lathe ..............................  29 / 28
        Leather working tool sharpener .....  69 / 38
        Valve ..............................  137 / 243+
    Dental .................................  433 / 25+
        Design .............................  D24 / 146+
    Design vegetable and meat ..............  D07 / 372+
    Hand-held tools ........................  D08 / 90+
    Household mixer-grinders ...............  D07 / 372+
    Lens ...................................  D15 / 124+
    Machinery design .......................  D15 / 124+
    Mill ...................................  241
        Alarms .............................  116 / 71
        Paper making combined ..............  162 / 261
    Optical lenses and mirrors, process ....  451 / 42+
    Physical recovery methods ..............  435 / 803*
    Superfinish ............................  451 / 901+
    Tool ...................................  D08 / 62
    Wheel - dressing .......................  125 / 11.01+
Grindstone .................................  451 / 540+
    Truing or turning ......................  125 / 11.01
Grip (See Machine or Device Having  
    Grip; handle)  
    Assembling hand tool ...................  29 / 278+
    Chair or seat ..........................  297 / 183.1+
        Vehicle seat back ..................  297 / 183.7+
    Chucks and sockets .....................  279
    Cigar and cigarette holders ............  131 / 187+
    Clasps .................................  24
    Dashboard ..............................  296 / 71
    For invalid in bed .....................  5 / 662
    Golf club ..............................  473 / 300+
    Handle attachment ......................  74 / 551.9
    Handling implement .....................  294
    Handwheel attachment ...................  74 / 558
    Metal working with .....................  29 / DIG 19
    Nose grips for spectacles ..............  351 / 132
        Integral with bridge ...............  351 / 131
        Pince-nez ..........................  351 / 71+
    Paper article making ...................  493 / 405+
    Pivotal jaws ...........................  24 / 66.8
        Belt traction ......................  474 / 9+
        Strand catch .......................  254 / 391
    Robot ..................................  901 / 31+
    Rope or cable  
        Anchor .............................  24 / 115 R+
        Grip pulley ........................  254 / 391
        Railway cable ......................  104 / 202+
        Store service ......................  186 / 15
        Strand brake .......................  188 / 65.1+
        Vehicle fender cable grip ..........  293 / 3
        Combined ...........................  293 / 3
    Screw driver attachment ................  81 / 451+
    Switch, trigger type ...................  200 / 522
        Hand type ..........................  200 / 332.2
        Tool handle ........................  200 / 293.1
Gripping (See Device or Machine  
    Climbers ...............................  182 / 133+
    Clothesline combined ...................  211 / 119.01+
        Article dispenser ..................  221 / 210+
        Endless ............................  198 / 626.1+
        Rotary .............................  198 / 624+
    Horizontal rack bar combined ...........  211 / 124
    Receptacle closure removers ............  81 / 3.4+
    Shears .................................  30 / 134+
Griseofulvin ...............................  549 / 345
    In drug ................................  514 / 462
Grist Mill Alarm ...........................  116 / 71
Grocery Store  
    Cart ...................................  280 / DIG 4
    Display case design ....................  D06 / 657+
Groins and Breakwaters .....................  405 / 21+
Grommets (See Bushing; Eyelet) ............  D08 / 356+
    Eyelet lacing device ...................  24 / 713.6+
    Lining thimbles ........................  16 / 2.1+
    Sail cringle ...........................  114 / 114
    Tire bead ..............................  245 / 1.5
Grooming Devices ...........................  119 / 600+
    Design animal care .....................  D30 / 158+
    Design personal care ...................  D28
        Bristled articles ..................  D04 / 130+
    Snow or ice surface ....................  37 / 219+
    Gear cutting ...........................  409 / 1+
    Ice shave implement ....................  299 / 24+
    Metal planing ..........................  409 / 304
    Road or pavement joint .................  404 / 87+
    Shoe sole slitting and .................  12 / 40
    Type finishing and .....................  29 / 24
    Wood ...................................  144 / 136.1+
        Slicing ............................  144 / 173
        Turning spiral .....................  142 / 23+
    Detectors ..............................  340 / 650+
        Ground effect machine, vehicle .....  180 / 116+
            Vessels ........................  114 / 67 R
    Glasses ................................  396 / 150+
    Heating ................................  405 / 131
        Surface ............................  126 / 271.1
        Thermal mining .....................  299 / 3+
    Mats ...................................  5 / 417+
    Speed calculators ......................  235 / 61 NV
    Speed indicators .......................  33 / 231
        Optical ............................  356 / 27+
Grounds Electric  
    Antielectrolysis .......................  307 / 95
    Box or housing .........................  174 / 51
    Conduit or cable .......................  174 / 78
    Earth ..................................  174 / 6+
    Earth transmission radio systems .......  455 / 40
        Pulse or digital communications ....  375 / 218
    Electrolytic object protection .........  204 / 196.01+
    Gas separator having ...................  55 / 360
    Indicator ..............................  340 / 650+
    Lightning rod type .....................  174 / 2+
    Static electricity discharge ...........  361 / 212+
    With antenna ...........................  343 / 846+
Group Frequency Radio ......................  455
Grouper ....................................  101 / 58
Grousers ...................................  305 / 187+
    Process ................................  52 / 742.16
Growth and Displacement ....................  585 / 328
    Polymerization .........................  585 / 328
    Logarithmic growth phase ...............  435 / 802*
Guaiacol ...................................  568 / 653
Guanamine ..................................  544 / 205
Guanidines .................................  564 / 230+
    Biguanides .............................  564 / 233+
    Polyguanidines .........................  564 / 236
Guano ......................................  71 / 21
Guanosine ..................................  536 / 27.81
Guanosine Phosphate ........................  536 / 26.72
Guanyl Hydrazines or Hydrazones ............  564 / 227+
Guards (See Safety Devices)  
    Animal mouth ...........................  119 / 821+
    Animal poke face .......................  119 / 766+
    Automobile bumper ......................  293 / 102+
    Bed bottom .............................  5 / 193
    Bed clothing dirt ......................  5 / 501
    Bed side ...............................  5 / 425+
    Beer faucet hole .......................  137 / 380
    Bookbinding ............................  281 / 24
    Bottle nonrefillable ...................  215 / 17+
    Building and structure parts  
        Bank guard booth ...................  109 / 9
        Barbed fence .......................  256 / 3+
        Door and window gratings ...........  49 / 50+
        Fence top ..........................  256 / 11+
        Fire screen ........................  126 / 544+
        Insect blocking ....................  52 / 101
        Insect or animal blocker ...........  52 / 101
        Ladder attachment ..................  182 / 106
        Ladder convertible to window .......  182 / 21
        Pier fenders .......................  14 / 76
        Rail car seat guard control ........  104 / 241
        Railway car side ...................  105 / 439+
        Road vault cover ...................  404 / 25+
    Burner nozzle ..........................  239 / 288+
    Cable bracket for road .................  248 / 66
    Chair or seat ..........................  297 / 464+
    Closure knob attaching screw ...........  292 / 351
        Added to garment supporters ........  2 / 300
        Bed ................................  5 / 501
        Body protecting ....................  2 / 455+
            Abdomen ........................  2 / 464
            Back ...........................  2 / 467
            Chest ..........................  2 / 463
            Groin ..........................  2 / 466
            Neck ...........................  2 / 468
            Shoulder .......................  2 / 459+
            Side torso .....................  2 / 465
        Hat cord ...........................  2 / 175.7
        Hatpin point .......................  132 / 72.1
        Pin fastener .......................  24 / 706+
        Trouser ............................  24 / 72.1
    Crib movable ...........................  5 / 100
        Railway ............................  104 / 242+
        Store service wheeled carrier ......  186 / 30
    Dust and mud  
        Journal box lubricating ............  384 / 159
        Land vehicle .......................  280 / 847+
        Locomotive cab .....................  454 / 86
        Motor vehicle with .................  180 / 84
        Railway car door or window .........  105 / 350+
        Railway car window shield ..........  454 / 96+
        Resilient tire splash ..............  152 / 154
        Roller bearing seal ................  384 / 477+
        Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Excluder or wiping lip .........  277 / 568
            Journal box ....................  277 / 356
            Scraper lip ....................  277 / 550
        Typewriter bar .....................  400 / 467+
        Collector trolley ..................  191 / 72+
        Conductor ..........................  191 / 35
        Signal box .........................  340 / 303
    Eye glass nose .........................  351 / 136+
        Pince-nez ..........................  351 / 78+
    Fastener bolt ..........................  292 / 346
    Finger ring ............................  63 / 15
    Firearm ................................  42 / 83
    Fishing tackle  
        Bait ...............................  43 / 42.4+
        Bait casting guard .................  43 / 41.2
        Hook ...............................  43 / 43.2+
    Harness buckle tongue ..................  24 / 175
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 134.1
    Highway fence ..........................  256 / 13.1
    Hook ...................................  43 / 43.2
    Keyhole ................................  70 / 423+
    Letter box chute .......................  232 / 54
    Light ..................................  362 / 376+
    Liquid level sight glass ...............  73 / 325+
    Lock antipick ..........................  70 / 420+
    Machine and tools  
        Cable guide block ..................  254 / 403
        Cleaning nozzle ....................  15 / 422
        Control lever ......................  74 / 566
        Cutlery with .......................  30 / 284
        Dental .............................  433 / 116
        Fan ................................  416 / 247 R
        Fork ...............................  30 / 323
        Grinding wheel .....................  451 / 451+
        Hand rake ..........................  56 / 400.11+
        Harvester cord knotter .............  56 / 448
        Harvester cutter ...................  56 / 307+
        Machine casing .....................  74 / 608+
        Manicure edge ......................  30 / 27
        Piano pedal mouse ..................  84 / 233
        Power stop safety device ...........  192 / 129 R+
        Press ..............................  100 / 349+
        Razor edge .........................  30 / 51+
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 261
        Shear plural blade .................  30 / 233
        Shoe sole sewing machine ...........  112 / 40
        Shovel edge ........................  294 / 56
        Sickle .............................  56 / 298
        Slide ..............................  384 / 15+
        Spinning machine stand .............  57 / 352
        Spinning ring with .................  57 / 121
        Spool holder thread ................  242 / 140
        Textile wash board splash ..........  68 / 225
        Textile wringer roller .............  68 / 264+
        Way ................................  384 / 15+
        Weaving shuttle ....................  139 / 193
        Winding, tensioning or guiding .....  242 / 913*
        Wood saw ...........................  83 / 440.2
        Woodworking cutter .................  144 / 251.1
        Zither chord selector ..............  84 / 289
    Nozzle .................................  239 / 288+
    Plant covers ...........................  47 / 20.1+
    Platform associated ....................  182 / 113
    Pocket match safe with wind ............  206 / 97+
    Railway coupling .......................  213 / 154
    Railway track ..........................  238 / 17+
        Crossing tread .....................  246 / 456
        Fence ..............................  256 / 14+
        Foot guard .........................  238 / 379+
        Rail detachable ....................  238 / 140
        Switch nonderailing ................  246 / 422
        Switch point tread .................  246 / 441
    Rein ...................................  54 / 73
        Design .............................  D30 / 141
    Sheet retainer pin .....................  402 / 71
        Fenders ............................  114 / 219+
        Mooring line .......................  114 / 221 R
        Torpedo ............................  114 / 240 D+
    Smoking tobacco ash ....................  131 / 174+
    Splash for cabinet .....................  312 / 229+
    Tree covers ............................  47 / 23.1+
    Tree trunk .............................  47 / 32.4+
    Vehicle rein supports and ..............  280 / 181
    Watch ..................................  63 / 24+
        Brake ..............................  188 / 233.3
        Brake shoe fastener with ...........  188 / 237
        Land vehicle .......................  280 / 160+
        Land vehicle dust guard with .......  280 / 152.2
        Tires resilient splash .............  152 / 154
        Track sander hopper ................  291 / 39
    Window or door .........................  D25 / 48.8
Guayule Rubber .............................  528 / 930*
    Partition roll type with roller ........  160 / 326
    Rotary shafting ........................  464 / 184
Guide (See Associated Device)  
    Agricultural implement part  
        Cornstalk type harvester ...........  56 / 119
        Cotton picker spindle ..............  56 / 41+
        Reciprocating cutter ...............  56 / 305
    Apparel folding ........................  223 / 37+
    Bearings ...............................  384
    Belt and sprocket ......................  474
    Brush striping type ....................  15 / 166
    Cable line or strand ...................  254 / 389+
        Advancing material of ..............  226 / 196.1
        Indeterminate length ...............  226 / 196.1
        Bobbins and spools combined ........  242 / 125+
        Cable railway gripper combined .....  104 / 202+
        Cloth stretching clamp chain .......  26 / 71+
        Convolute winding ..................  242 / 548+
        Elongated running material .........  242 / 615+
        Fishing rod line guide .............  43 / 24
        Knitting feed ......................  66 / 125 R+
        Knotter ............................  289 / 15
        Reeling device .....................  242 / 397+
        Remote control cable ...............  74 / 502.6
        Sash cord ..........................  16 / 210+
        Spool holders combined .............  242 / 140
        Strand winding .....................  242 / 157 R
        Textile spinning ...................  57 / 352+
        Textile spinning centrifugal .......  57 / 76
        Pot ................................  57 / 76+
        Textile spinning rail or ...........  57 / 136
        Support ............................  57 / 136+
        Textile spinning receiving .........  57 / 71
        Twist flier ........................  57 / 71
        Textile warp .......................  28 / 172.1+
        Thread stripping guide .............  28 / 222+
        Magazine type quarter turned .......  396 / 369+
        Plate ..............................  396 / 369+
        Sliding plate magazine type ........  396 / 366+
        Automobile glass ...................  49 / 404+
        Door and window frames .............  49 / 404+
        Hanging or drape type ..............  160 / 330+
        Parallelogram type .................  160 / 159
        Plural panel type ..................  160 / 181+
        Roll panel type ....................  160 / 238+
        Sliding car door ...................  49 / 404+
        Sliding door or panel ..............  16 / 87 R+
        Venetian blind .....................  160 / 172 V
    Compartmented letter box ...............  232 / 26
    Conveyer belt ..........................  198 / 837+
        Automatic shew .....................  198 / 837
        Load retainer ......................  198 / 836.1+
    Conveyers ..............................  193
    Coopers stave jointing saw .............  147 / 34
    Copyholder with passive ................  226 / 196.1
    Cutting tool ...........................  83 / 821+
    Deflector for fluid motor ..............  415 / 208.1+
    Derailment preventing ..................  104 / 245+
    Dispenser with material guide ..........  222
        Movable guide type .................  222 / 526+
    Drawer .................................  384 / 20+
        Ball bearing .......................  384 / 18
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 350
        Combined with drawer ...............  312 / 330.1+
        Roller bearing .....................  384 / 19
    Earth boring tool combined .............  175 / 408
    Electric arc furnace electrode .........  373
        Arc furnace devices ................  373 / 60+
            Electrode support ..............  373 / 94+
            With electrode holder or guide .  373 / 69
            Guide ..........................  373 / 69
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 406+
    Fluid or fluent material see  
    Distribution, fluid; feeder;  
    Nozzle; pipe  
        Acoustical mufflers ................  181 / 233+
        Chutes skids guides ways ...........  193
        Conveyer fluid type ................  406 / 191+
        Metal founding furnace or ..........  266 / 275+
        Crucible ...........................  266 / 275+
        Nozzle,spout,pouring devices .......  222 / 566+
            Molten metal ...................  222 / 591+
        Receptacle filling .................  141 / 365+
        Receptacle filling .................  141 / 391
        Water control ......................  405 / 80+
    Forging hammer or press head ...........  72 / 428
    Foundry flask ..........................  164 / 385+
    Gate hanger  
        Bracket ............................  16 / 90
        Roller .............................  16 / 91
        Wheel mounts .......................  16 / 106
    Hair cutting and dressing ..............  132 / 213+
    Hand (see hand grips guards guides  
    Rests and straps)  
    Hat fastener ...........................  132 / 65.1+
    Line on fishing rod ....................  43 / 24
    Liquid level or depth gauge ............  73 / 320
    Lock or latch part  
        Bolt casing ........................  292 / 337
        Combination setting ................  70 / 331
        Internal key guides ................  70 / 453
        Key insertion ......................  70 / 454
    Machine or instrument  
        Bottle cleaner .....................  15 / 66
        Cultivator lister furrow ...........  172 / 26
        Cultivator tree or stake guided ....  172 / 24
        Drill ..............................  408 / 72 R+
        Drill planter check correcting .....  111 / 16+
        Peripheral face abrading ...........  451 / 241+
        Machine ............................  451 / 241+
        Radial face abrading machine .......  451 / 282
        Radial face opposed abrading .......  451 / 267
        Machine ............................  451 / 267
        Rotary cylinder abrading tool ......  451 / 545
        Rotary disk abrading tool ..........  451 / 549
        Shoe blacking polisher .............  15 / 266
        Sole and heel edge trimmer .........  12 / 90
        Stationary abrading tool ...........  451 / 555
    Manual cutting tool see machine ........  30 / 286
    Or instrument guide ....................  30 / 286+
        Coring or gage paring knives .......  30 / 282
        Ice pick ...........................  30 / 164.7
        Miter box ..........................  83 / 761+
        Nippers ............................  30 / 179
        Razor and sharpener ................  30 / 37
        Shears .............................  30 / 233
        Tool sharpener .....................  76 / 88+
    Metal can head applying ................  413 / 26+
    Metal coiling ..........................  72 / 142+
    Metal rolling ..........................  72 / 250+
    Metal turning template .................  82 / 11.1
    Miter box ..............................  83 / 761+
    Monorail system ........................  104 / 118+
        Rolling stock ......................  105 / 141+
    Paper calender doctor combined .........  100 / 173+
        Gear cutting .......................  409 / 2
        Wood sawing ........................  83 / 747
        Wood shaping .......................  144 / 137+
        Wood turning .......................  142
    Pencil sharpening implement ............  30 / 451+
    Pencil sharpening machine ..............  144 / 28.1+
    Photography film developing ............  396 / 646
    Piano key ..............................  84 / 436
    Piano key fulcrum combined .............  84 / 434
    Plain bearings .........................  384 / 26+
    Rail clamp lateral adjusting ...........  238 / 347
    Rail splice bar ........................  238 / 246+
    Railway automatic switch ...............  246 / 348
    Railway rolling stock truck  
        Axle box ...........................  105 / 218.1+
        Bogie bolster ......................  105 / 207
        Swinging bolster column mounted ....  105 / 191
    Saw making  
        Band saw type ......................  76 / 74
        Filing .............................  76 / 36
    Screw driver combined ..................  81 / 451+
    Sewing machine  
        Glove ..............................  112 / 20
        Hat ................................  112 / 15
        Leather channel ....................  112 / 50
        Leather edge and crease ............  112 / 51
        Leather welt .......................  112 / 52
        Needle .............................  112 / 227
        Work ...............................  112 / 136+
    Shaft bearing ..........................  384 / 29
    Stage scenery ..........................  472 / 79
    Tap metal screw thread type ............  408 / 72 R+
    Tool sharpener .........................  76 / 88+
    Traffic (see traffic lights and  
    Type casting ...........................  199 / 3+
    Typewriter part  
        Keyboard hand guide ................  400 / 715+
        Ribbon .............................  400 / 248+
        Type bar ...........................  400 / 456+
    Upending bedstead shifting fulcrum .....  5 / 137
    Violin bow .............................  84 / 283
    Washing machine wringer ................  68 / 264+
    Wave electromagnetic ...................  333 / 239+
    Weaving pattern ........................  139 / 332
    Web or strand ..........................  226
    Weigher loading ........................  177 / 161+
    Wheelwright spoke setter type ..........  157 / 4
    Wood saw ...............................  83 / 821+
        Beveling slicer ....................  144 / 169
        Curved work shaping ................  144 / 152
        Tool ...............................  408 / 72 R+
        Work ...............................  144 / 253.1+
    Wrench element  
        Pivoted outer jaw traveling ........  81 / 109
        Fulcrum ............................  81 / 109
    Writing or scribing (see masking;  
    Stencils and stenciling)  
        Educational ........................  434 / 164
        Scribers ...........................  33 / 18.1+
        Straightedge .......................  33 / 403+
Guided Missile  
    Control ................................  244 / 75.1+
        By radio see type of  
        Servomotor system  
    Design .................................  D12 / 16.1
    Manned .................................  244 / 75.1+
    Radar not within missile ...............  342 / 62
        Space ship .........................  244 / 158.1+
    Telemetering ...........................  340 / 870.01+
    Torpedo type ...........................  114 / 20.1+
    Tracking by antenna ....................  342 / 75+
        Aiming a gun .......................  342 / 67
        Unmanned ...........................  244 / 3.1+
Guillotine (See Execution Devices)  
    Poultry beheader .......................  452 / 166+
    Shears .................................  83 / 613+
Guitar .....................................  84 / 267
    Bridges ................................  84 / 298
        With tailpiece .....................  84 / 299
    Electric amplifier .....................  84 / 723+
Gum (See Synthetic Resin or Natural ........  520 / 1+
    Rubber) ................................  520 / 1+
    Chewing gum package ....................  206 / 800*
    Gums and derivatives ...................  536 / 114
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 52
    Gums ball vending machines .............  D20 / 7
    Resins (see resins)  
    Rubber .................................  520
    Tablet form  
        Design .............................  D01
    Envelope manufacture ...................  493 / 220+
    Saw aperture ...........................  83 / 850
    Saw making .............................  76 / 30+
Gun See Firearm ............................  42
    Airgun .................................  124 / 56+
    Antiaircraft ...........................  89
    Automatic ..............................  89 / 125+
        Blowback ...........................  89 / 194+
        Firing devices .....................  89 / 132+
        Gas piston type ....................  89 / 191.01+
        Movable barrel .....................  89 / 160+
        Movable chamber ....................  89 / 155+
    Band type clasps .......................  24 / 2.5
        Firearms ...........................  42 / 76.01+
        Materials or coatings ..............  42 / 76.02
        Ordanance ..........................  89 / 14.05+
    Bayonet combined .......................  42 / 86
    Billy club .............................  42 / 1.16
    Blowgun ................................  124 / 62
    Bore inspection ........................  356 / 241.2
    Breakdown type .........................  42 / 40
    Cane gun ...............................  42 / 52
    Cattle slaughter type ..................  42 / 1.12
    Control calculators ....................  235 / 400+
        Gun training mechanism .............  89 / 41.01+
            Motor operated .................  89 / 41.02+
    Cotton .................................  536 / 35+
        Composition containing .............  149 / 94+
        Over 10% ...........................  149 / 96+
    Design .................................  D22 / 100+
        Grease .............................  D08 / 14.1
        Pistol .............................  D22 / 104+
        Racks ..............................  D06 / 552+
        Sights .............................  D22 / 109
        Toy ................................  D21 / 572+
    Dummy ..................................  42 / 106
    Ejectors ...............................  42 / 25
    Electrically operated  
        Firearms ...........................  42 / 84
        Lighting devices ...................  362 / 110+
        Ordnance ...........................  89 / 135
    Electron ...............................  313 / 441+
    Extractors .............................  42 / 16+
    Firing mechanisms ......................  42 / 69.01
        Revolver ...........................  42 / 65
        Upward tilting breech ..............  42 / 41+
    Flare ..................................  42 / 1.15
    Fluid pressure adapter .................  124 / 58
    Foob, ie fire out of battery ...........  89 / 42.03
    Gatling type ...........................  89 / 12
    Grenade launchers ......................  42 / 105
        Gun engaging means .................  102 / 483+
    Handles ................................  89 / 1.42
    Heaters ................................  89 / 1.12
    Howitzer ...............................  89
    Implement combined .....................  42 / 90+
    Indicators .............................  42 / 1.01
    K gun ..................................  89 / 1.1
    Knife combined .........................  42 / 53
    Loading ................................  89 / 45
    Lubricating or caulking type ...........  D08 / 14.1
    Machine gun ............................  89 / 9+
        Toy ................................  D21 / 573
    Magazine ...............................  42 / 87+
    Making .................................  42 / 49.1+
    Mechanical .............................  124
    Mount ..................................  89 / 37.01+
        Training mechanism .................  89 / 41.01+
    Mounted ................................  89
    Movable chambers  
        Firearms ...........................  42 / 39.5
        Ordnance ...........................  89 / 155
    Multiple barrel ........................  89 / 1.41
    Nonrecoil ..............................  89 / 1.7
    Pen and knife ..........................  42 / 1.09
    Port ship ..............................  114 / 173+
        Stopper ............................  114 / 175
    Portable ...............................  42
        Ammunition loading with ............  86
        Bags ...............................  102 / 282
        Engine starters ....................  123 / 183.1
        Engines ............................  123 / 24 R
        Forms ..............................  102 / 283+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 64
    Rapid fire .............................  124 / 72+
    Recoil operated ........................  89 / 162
    Recoilless .............................  89 / 1.7
    Rests ..................................  42 / 94
    Revolver ...............................  42 / 59+
    Safety mechanism .......................  42 / 70.01+
        Automatic guns .....................  89 / 137+
        Revolvers ..........................  42 / 66
    Semiautomatic ..........................  89 / 4.05+
    Shields ................................  89 / 36.01+
        Deflected ray tube .................  356 / 253+
    Shotguns ...............................  42
    Sidearms ...............................  D22
    Sights .................................  42 / 111+
        Design .............................  D22 / 109
        Design,telescopic ..................  D16 / 132
        Optical system .....................  356 / 247+
    Stocks .................................  42 / 71.01+
    Teargas ................................  42 / 1.08
    Telescopic gunsight ....................  D16 / 132
    Toy simulating .........................  42 / 54+
        Ammunition .........................  102 / 281
        Machine gun or projector ...........  124 / 29
        Non-detonating .....................  446 / 473
            With sound .....................  446 / 405+
    Training in gunnery ....................  434 / 16+
    Trigger protectors .....................  42 / 70.07
    Underwater .............................  42 / 1.14
    Walking cane combined ..................  4 / 515+
    Water gun ..............................  124 / 56+
        Toy ................................  D21 / 572
    Water pistol ...........................  222 / 79
    Well tubing perforator .................  175 / 2
    Y gun ..................................  89 / 1.1
    Garment ................................  2 / 275
Gut or Gut Treatment .......................  8 / 94.11
    Splitter ...............................  83 / 932*
Guttapercha ................................  525 / 331.9+
Gutter .....................................  405 / 119+
    Eaves trough ...........................  52 / 11+
    Electric conductor underground .........  174 / 39
    Structure ..............................  174 / 39
    Road and pavement ......................  404 / 2+
        Support design .....................  D08 / 363
Guy ........................................  52 / 146+
    Bed spring and frame ...................  52 / 272
Gymnastic Devices ..........................  482 / 23+
    Coin controlled apparatus ..............  194
    Design .................................  D21 / 797
Gypsum .....................................  423 / 554
    Calcining ..............................  106 / 722+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 772+
    Containing .............................  106 / 772+
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 611
    Reciprocating sifter  
        Actuating means ....................  209 / 366+
        Horizontal and vertical shake ......  209 / 326
        Horizontal shake ...................  209 / 332
Gyratory Crusher  
    Jaw crushers rotary component ..........  241 / 207+
    Parallel flow through plural zones .....  241 / 140
    Series flow through plural zones .......  241 / 156
Gyro Stabilized  
    Article support ........................  248 / 183.1
    Furniture for ships ....................  114 / 119
Gyroplane See Aircraft .....................  244 / 17.11+
Gyroscope ..................................  74 / 5 R+
    Acceleration measuring and testing .....  73 / 504.03
    Aerial camera combined .................  396 / 13
    Aircraft control .......................  244 / 79
    Direction indicator ....................  33 / 318+
    Gimbals ................................  248 / 182.1+
    Gun sight combined .....................  89 / 202
    Gyroscopic compass .....................  33 / 324+
        Telemetric system combined .........  340 / 870.07+
    Gyroscopic light valve, ................  250 / 231.12
    Photoelectric ..........................  250 / 231.12
    Monorail rolling stock .................  105 / 141+
        Suspended ..........................  105 / 150+
    Rotary .................................  73 / 504.08
    Rotors .................................  74 / 5.95
    Rotors and flywheels ...................  74 / 5.95
    Ship antiroll ..........................  114 / 112
    Ship stabilizer ........................  114 / 122
    Ship steering ..........................  114 / 144 R
    Speed responsive devices ...............  73 / 504.01
    Torpedo ................................  114 / 24
    Torpedo steering .......................  114 / 24
    Toy ....................................  446 / 233+
    Transmission ...........................  74 / 64
    Velocity measuring and testing .........  73 / 504.02