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    Automated printing by scale to .........  705 / 414
    Measure cost by weight .................  705 / 414
    Clothing label .........................  D05 / 63+
    Design .................................  D20 / 22+
    Exhibiting .............................  283 / 81+
    Gumming apparatus ......................  118
        And applying .......................  156
        Dynamic information storage ........  360
        And retrieral ......................  360
    Identifying plug tobacco ...............  131 / 368
    Label or tape embossing tool ...........  D18 / 19+
    Labels .................................  283 / 81+
        Magnetic bubbles ...................  365 / 1+
        Read only memories .................  365 / 97+
        Static information storage .........  365
        And retrieral ......................  365
    Obliterating stamp scarifier ...........  81 / 9.21
    X-art ..................................  493 / 961*
Labeling (See Digests 1-51) ................  156
    Cigarette packaging machine ............  131 / 281+
    Fabrics or deformable surfaces .........  156 / DIG 19
    Feeding ................................  156 / DIG 28
    Flat rigid surfaces ....................  156 / DIG 1
    Magazines ..............................  156 / DIG 29
    Manual dispenser .......................  156 / DIG 48
    Non-flat surfaces ......................  156 / DIG 5
    Plug tobacco ...........................  131 / 113+
    Tobacco products .......................  131 / 106
Laboratory Apparatus .......................  422 / 500+
    Burettes ...............................  422 / 501+
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 209
    Elements ...............................  422 / 500+
    Laboratory equipment ...................  D24 / 232+
    Monitor nuclear ........................  250 / 472.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 483.1
Labyrinth ..................................  472 / 62
    Memory systems  
        Dynamic electric information .......  369
        Storage and retrival ...............  369
        Dynamic magnetic information .......  360
        Storage and retrival ...............  360
    Seal for a joint or juncture ...........  277 / 412+
    Digest art .............................  D05 / 47+
    Table cloth ............................  D06 / 617+
    Tipping ................................  425 / 807*
Laces and Lacings  
    Belt end connectors ....................  24 / 34
    Belt operated corset closure ...........  450 / 119
    Design,narrow ..........................  D05 / 11+
    Garment supports .......................  2 / 326+
    Knot or end holders ....................  24 / 712.1+
    Lacing and unlacing machines ...........  12 / 58.5
    Lacing device ..........................  24 / 712+
    Making .................................  87
        Fiber destruction by chemicals .....  8 / 114.6
    Packages for ...........................  206 / 49
    Sewing machine for lacing or ...........  112 / 470.21+
    Whipping ...............................  112 / 470.21+
    Shoe lacing machine ....................  12 / 58.5
    Shoelace fasteners .....................  24 / 712.2+
    Shoelaces ..............................  24 / 715.4+
        Design .............................  D02 / 978
    Stud making ............................  29 / 12
    Stud setting machine ...................  227 / 51+
    Tipping ................................  72 / 282
Lacquer (See Varnish)  
    Cellulose ether or ester ...............  106 / 172.1+
    Cellulose ether or ester ...............  106 / 168.01+
    (See also synthetic resin or ...........  106 / 168.01+
    Natural rubber compositions) ...........  106 / 168.01+
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber  
    (See class 523, 524))  
Lacrosse ...................................  473 / 415+
    Stick ..................................  473 / 513
    Caprolactam ............................  540 / 485+
    Delta lactams ..........................  546 / 243
    Eg alpha piperidone ....................  546 / 243
    Gamma lactams, eg alpha pyrrolidine ....  548 / 543+
    Isatins ................................  548 / 485
    Naphthostyrils .........................  548 / 437
Lactic Acid ................................  562 / 589
    Preparation from carbohydrates .........  562 / 515
        Fermentation .......................  435 / 139
Lactide ....................................  549 / 274
Lactometer .................................  73 / 32 R+
Lactones ...................................  549 / 263+
    Poly hetero o  
        5 Membered ring ....................  549 / 296
        6 Membered ring ....................  549 / 274
        7 Membered ring ....................  549 / 267
Lactose ....................................  127 / 31
Ladders ....................................  182 / 194
    Attached supports ......................  248 / 210
    Bracket attachments ....................  248 / 210+
        Scaffold or shelf type .............  248 / 238
    Chute or escape combined ...............  182 / 49
    Collapsible ............................  182 / 156+
    Convertible ............................  182 / 21+
        To chair ...........................  182 / 33+
        To scaffold ........................  182 / 27
    Design .................................  D25 / 62+
    Door combined ..........................  182 / 77+
    Elevating platform .....................  182 / 101+
    Extension ..............................  182 / 207+
    Fire trucks ............................  280 / 4
    Hose or nozzle support .................  248 / 76
        Attached ...........................  248 / 77+
    Land vehicle ...........................  182 / 127
    Platform detachable ....................  182 / 120+
    Propped ................................  182 / 165+
    Safety devices for .....................  182 / 107+
    Scaffold support .......................  182 / 116+
    Self sustaining ........................  182 / 180.1+
    Sleeping car ...........................  105 / 326
    Wall or floor attached .................  182 / 93+
Ladles .....................................  141 / 110
    Glass handling .........................  65 / 324+
    Hoist traversing .......................  212 / 335
    Kitchen ................................  30 / 324+
        Design .............................  D07 / 691
    Metal dispensing type ..................  222
        Molding device with ................  164 / 335+
    Reels ..................................  206 / 398+
    Dye fixing with ........................  8
    Mordanting metal .......................  8
        Tannate combined ...................  8 / 596
    Pigments containing ....................  106 / 402
Laminate See Class 428 Glossary ............  428
    Abrasive tool  
        Flexible cylindrical ...............  451 / 490+
        Making .............................  51 / 297
        Rigid cylindrical ..................  451 / 541+
    Belt transmission ......................  474 / 237+
    Brushes rotary .........................  15 / 181
    Building constructions .................  52 / 408+
        Curvilinear ........................  52 / 267
    Building panel .........................  52 / 662
    Conductors insulated ...................  174 / 120 C+
    Electrode for electrolysis .............  204 / 290.01
    Glass ..................................  428 / 426+
        Making .............................  156 / 99+
    Hinges .................................  16 / 372
    Insoles ................................  36 / 44
    Making .................................  156
        Coating and stripping ..............  264
        Coating apparatus ..................  118
        Coating processes ..................  427
    Metallic ...............................  428 / 615+
    Nuclear fuel structures ................  376 / 416
    Panel fences ...........................  256 / 24+
    Pipe ...................................  138 / 140+
        Flexible ...........................  138 / 137+
    Pulleys ................................  474 / 166+
    Rail bonds .............................  238 / 14.1+
    Shoe parts .............................  12
        Sole leveling ......................  12 / 33+
    Soles ..................................  36 / 30 R
    Stencils ...............................  101 / 128.21
    Wipers, eg blackboard erasers ..........  15 / 223+
    Wood ...................................  144
Lampblack ..................................  423 / 445 R+
    Agglomerating ..........................  23 / 314
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 150+
    Electrostatic field or electrical ......  204 / 173
    Discharge preparation ..................  204 / 173
Lamps (See Also Electrode)  
    Arc ....................................  313
    Barrel illumination ....................  362 / 154
    Bicycle ................................  362 / 473+
    Camera attached light ..................  D16 / 239+
    Candle in lantern ......................  362 / 161
    Candle simulating ......................  362 / 157+
    Carburetors for ........................  48 / 144+
    Chimney cleaners .......................  15 / 211+
    Chimneys ...............................  362 / 312+
    Consumable electrode type ..............  314
    Daylight illuminating fixture ..........  362 / 1
    Daylight lamp structure ................  313 / 110+
        Fluorescent material type ..........  313 / 486+
    Design .................................  D26
    Diagnostic .............................  600 / 249
    Dimmer structure .......................  323 / 905*
    Discharge device, energizing ...........  315
    Disinfecting, ultraviolet ..............  250 / 504 R+
    Dough raiser ...........................  126 / 282
    Egg candling  
        Box with lamp control ..............  356 / 67
        Lamp attachment ....................  356 / 68
    Electric ...............................  313
        Arc lamp ...........................  313 / 41
        Arc lamp electrode feeding .........  314
        Arc lamp gas or vapor ..............  313 / 567+
        Arc lamp mercury vapor .............  313 / 163+
        Automatic substitution of ..........  315 / 65
        Filament ...........................  315 / 65
        Circuit element in multiple ........  315 / 64
        Filament ...........................  315 / 64+
        Connectors for clusters of .........  439 / 638+
        Consumable electrode ...............  314
        Exhausting .........................  141 / 65
        Filament compositions ..............  252 / 500+
        Filament for gas or vapor lamps ....  313 / 341+
        Filament shapes ....................  313 / 341+
        Gas filling ........................  141 / 66
        Gas or vapor .......................  313 / 567+
        Glassworking apparatus for .........  65 / 152
        Making .............................  65 / 152+
        Glassworking processes for .........  65 / 36
        Making .............................  65 / 36+
        Glow discharge .....................  313 / 567+
        Incandescent bulb manufacturing ....  445 / 27
        Mercury vapor ......................  313 / 567+
        Multiple filament ..................  313 / 316
        Nernst .............................  313 / 14
        Portable self contained ............  362 / 157+
        Reflector built in .................  313 / 113+
        Repair apparatus ...................  445 / 61
        Repair processes ...................  445 / 2
        Sockets ............................  439
        Sockets rheostat combined ..........  338 / 70+
        Space discharge device .............  445
        Manufacturing ......................  445
        Systems of supply for ..............  315
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 177+
    Extinguishing devices ..................  431 / 144+
    Flashlight .............................  362 / 208+
        Camera shutter synchronized ........  396 / 180+
        Photographic type ..................  431 / 358+
    Globe or bowl ..........................  D26 / 118+
    Heater attachment ......................  126 / 255+
        Tool ...............................  126 / 235
    Heating with electric ..................  219 / 552+
        Sign attachment ....................  40 / 553+
        Sign lamp box ......................  40 / 564+
    Incandescent ...........................  D26 / 2+
    Inspection .............................  362 / 138
    Magnesium ..............................  431 / 99
    Miners .................................  362 / 164+
    Nonwired supply  
        High frequency field ...............  315 / 248
        Induction type .....................  315 / 248
        Radio ..............................  315 / 149+
        Transformer in lamp ................  315 / 57
    Ornamental bulb ........................  220 / 2.1 R+
        Fluorescent ........................  313 / 493
        Gas or vapor .......................  313 / 567+
        Reflector ..........................  313 / 113+
        Sign ...............................  40 / 541+
    Photographic lighting ..................  362 / 3+
    Photographic safe lamp .................  362 / 803*
        Decorative element .................  52 / 301
    Post combined with .....................  D26 / 67+
    Shades .................................  362 / 351+
        Design .............................  D26 / 118+
        Making .............................  493 / 950*
        Rotating ...........................  362 / 35
    Signal lamp, horn combined .............  116 / 3
    Signaling devices having ...............  340
        Design .............................  D10 / 111+
        Socket .............................  D13 / 134
    Stands .................................  362 / 382+
    Switchboard ............................  379 / 315+
        Testing of .........................  379 / 20
    Therapeutic ............................  607 / 91+
    Tool heater combined ...................  126 / 241
    Vehicle ................................  362 / 459+
    Wick trimmers ..........................  431 / 120
    Wick type for liquid heater ............  126 / 358.1
    Wicks ..................................  431 / 325
    Glass manufacturing ....................  65
    Bomb ...................................  102 / 371
    Fishing ................................  43 / 6
    Metallurgical ..........................  266 / 225+
Lancet .....................................  606 / 181+
    Anchors ................................  52 / 155+
    Markers for plows ......................  172 / 126+
    Rollers ................................  404 / 122+
Land Vehicle See Specific Types ............  280
    Air bags ...............................  280 / 728.1+
    Amphibious boats  
        Airborne ...........................  244 / 50
        Vertically adjustable wheels .......  280 / 43+
    Animal draft appliances ................  278
    Attachments ............................  280 / 727+
    Auxiliary article compartments  
        Add-on debris carrier ..............  224 / 400+
        Built-in general ...................  296 / 37.1+
    Bodies and tops ........................  296
        On & off freight container .........  410 / 52+
    Dumping ................................  298
    Mechanical manufacturing ...............  29 / 592+
    Motor driven ...........................  180
    Passenger safety guards ................  280 / 748+
    Seat belts .............................  280 / 801.1+
    Spare tire compartment .................  296 / 37.2
    Stub axles .............................  280 / 124.125+
    Tires and wheels resilient .............  152
    Toilets ................................  4 / 458+
    Vertically adjustable wheels ...........  280 / 43+
    Wheel substitutes ......................  305
    Wheels and axles .......................  301
    Xr-collection ..........................  224 / 928*
Landfill ...................................  405 / 129.1+
Landing Devices  
        Carriers ...........................  114 / 261
        Fields .............................  244 / 114 R
        Landing gear .......................  244 / 100 R+
        Retarding and restraining ..........  244 / 110 R+
    Elevator stop ..........................  187 / 283+
        Car supporting .....................  187 / 357
    Field or platform, floating  
        Illumination .......................  362 / 145+
        Mats ...............................  404 / 35+
        Mooring ............................  244 / 114 R+
        Searchlight ........................  362 / 145+
    Moving train ...........................  104 / 19
Language Teaching ..........................  434 / 156
    Forms ..................................  283 / 46
        Writing ............................  283 / 45
    Laboratory .............................  434 / 157
    Laboratory .............................  434 / 319+
Lanolin ....................................  552 / 544
    Purification ...........................  552 / 545+
    Recovery from wash liquors .............  552 / 545
    Design .................................  D26 / 37+
    Electric ...............................  362 / 261
        Flashlight .........................  362 / 208
    Hand lantern support on vehicle ........  362 / 474+
    Heated dinner bucket and ...............  126 / 267
    Heater and .............................  126 / 209
    Ornamental .............................  362 / 806*
        Slides .............................  40 / 701+
    Storm ..................................  362 / 159+
Lap Robe ...................................  2 / 46+
    Holder vehicle body combined ...........  280 / 288.4+
Lapidary Work ..............................  125 / 30.01
Lapped Surfacing See  
    Facer construction  
Lappet Looms ...............................  139 / 49
Lapping Abrading ...........................  216 / 88
    Compositions ...........................  51 / 293+
    Rigid tool .............................  451 / 540+
    Without tool ...........................  451 / 114+
Lapping,Chemical ...........................  216 / 88
    Wheeled vehicle combined ...............  280 / 288.4+
    Rendering ..............................  554 / 8+
    Substitutes ............................  426 / 601+
Larding Pins ...............................  99 / 494
Lariats ....................................  119 / 802+
    Amusement type .........................  446 / 247
Larner Johnson Type Internal ...............  137 / 219+
    Hydraulic valves .......................  137 / 219+
Laryngoscopes ..............................  600 / 185+
Larynx, Artificial .........................  623 / 9
Larynx, Electric ...........................  381 / 70
Laser ......................................  372
    Ablating ...............................  219 / 121.6+
    Amplifiers .............................  359 / 333+
    Beam ...................................  430 / 945*
        Applications, oscillators  
    Communication system ...................  398 / 1+
    Instruments with .......................  33 / DIG 21
    Laser assisted diffusion of ............  438 / 535
    Impurities into semi. substrates .......  438 / 535
    Laser induced vapor phase etching ......  216 / 65
        Beam recorder ......................  347 / 224+
        Electric photography ...............  347 / 129+
        Photocomposition ...................  396 / 549+
    Recrystallization ......................  117
    Semiconductor solid state ..............  372 / 43.01+
        Manufacture ........................  438 / 22+
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.41
    Inorganic compound .....................  204 / 157.41
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.61
    Organic compound .......................  204 / 157.61
    Used in reaction to prepare or .........  522 / 2
    Treat synthetic resin or ...............  522 / 2
    Natural rubber .........................  522 / 2
Lashes .....................................  231 / 4
    Boat ...................................  114 / 381
    Cargo on freight carrier ...............  410 / 96
        Freight car ........................  105 / 375
Lasso ......................................  119 / 802+
    Continental type machine ...............  12 / 10.7
    Darning ................................  223 / 100
    Delasting machines .....................  12 / 15.1
    Design .................................  D15 / 137
    Inserting machines .....................  12 / 15
    Machines for making ....................  12 / 7+
        Dash pots ..........................  12 / DIG 2
        Fluid actuated .....................  12 / DIG 1
        Nailing combined ...................  12 / 13.1+
        Sewing combined ....................  12 / 13.2+
    Processes for making ...................  12 / 145+
    Removing machines ......................  12 / 15.1
    Shoe ...................................  12 / 133 R+
    Tools ..................................  12 / 107 R+
    Vulcanizing boots and shoes ............  425 / 383
    Wire ...................................  12 / 7.9
Latch (See Lock)  
    Actuators for knitting machines ........  66 / 111+
    Bobbin .................................  112 / 188
    Closure fastener .......................  292
        Adjustable backset .................  292 / 1.5
    Closure operator combined ..............  49 / 279+
        Stove door .........................  126 / 197
    Design .................................  D08 / 331+
    Gate ...................................  D08 / 331+
    Hinge combined .........................  16 / 231
    Locks & other hardware .................  D08 / 330+
    Operated clutch ........................  192 / 22+
    Project retract pen ....................  401 / 99+
    Releaser closure fastener ..............  292 / 254+
    Switch combined ........................  200 / 318
    Trip ...................................  74 / 2+
Latent Image Formation  
    Electrophotographic copier .............  315 / 210+
    Brassiere ..............................  450 / 36
    Girdle or corset .......................  450 / 97
    Synthetic rubber or natural rubber  
    Containing (class 523, 524)  
        Natural rubber latex  
            Coagulating ....................  528 / 936*
            Creaming .......................  528 / 937*
            Physical treating ..............  528 / 934*
            Preserving .....................  528 / 935*
Lath .......................................  52
    Holders ................................  144 / 288.5
    Imperforate ............................  52 / 443+
    Slat type ..............................  52 / 342+
Lather Forming  
    Foam making ............................  516 / 10+
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261
    Lather maker ...........................  366 / 604*
    Spray type .............................  239 / 343
Lathes .....................................  82 / 117+
    Abrading attachments for ...............  451 / 435+
    Boring horizontal ......................  408
    Centers ................................  82 / 151+
    Chucks .................................  279
    Cutoff .................................  82 / 46+
    Cutters and cutter holders for .........  407 / 66+
    Design .................................  D15 / 130
    Drill holder for .......................  408 / 238
    Lathe - type winding machine ...........  242 / 443+
    Milling attachments for ................  409 / 165
    Planing attachment for .................  409 / 328
    Punching attachment for ................  83
    Spinning and fusing sheet metal ........  228
    Stoneworking ...........................  368 / 10
    Straightening shafts in ................  72 / 380+
    Turret or capstan ......................  29 / 33 J+
    Watchmakers ............................  968 / 724+
    Winding elongated material for .........  242
    Wood saw feed ..........................  83 / 704+
    Wood slicer strip cutting feed .........  144 / 165+
    Wood turning ...........................  142
    Wood veneer lathes .....................  144 / 209.1+
Latrines ...................................  4 / 460+
Latrobes ...................................  126 / 523
Lattice ....................................  52 / 660+
    Frame for panels .......................  52 / 455+
    Nuclear fuel cores .....................  376 / 346
    Nuclear fuel cores .....................  376 / 267
    Type product  
        Static mold ........................  249 / 60
        Machines for making ................  140 / 25+
Launches ...................................  114
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 63
    Boat ...................................  114 / 365
    Life boat ..............................  114 / 365+
    Marine vessels .........................  405 / 1
    Torpedo ................................  114 / 238+
    Toy glider .............................  446 / 63+
    Toy rocket .............................  446 / 212
    Toy vehicle ............................  446 / 429+
    Apparatus ..............................  68
        Design .............................  D32 / 6+
    Bag ....................................  D32 / 36
        Net or mesh type for use in ........  383 / 117
        Washing ............................  383 / 117
    Bluing compositions ....................  8 / 648
    Combined washer-drier machine ..........  D32 / 5
    Dry cleaning machine ...................  D32 / 10+
    Drying .................................  34
        Combined washing ...................  68 / 19+
    Household equipment ....................  D32 / 35+
    Ironing ................................  38
    Machinery ..............................  D32 / 6+
    Methods ................................  8 / 137+
        Manipulative .......................  8 / 147+
    Sorting ................................  209 / 937*
    Sticks .................................  294 / 23.5
    Tongs ..................................  294 / 8.5
Lauric Acid ................................  554 / 1+
Laurolactam ................................  540 / 451+
Lauryl Alcohol .............................  568 / 840
    Production from coconut acids ..........  568 / 876+
Lavatory ...................................  4 / 650+
    Basin supports .........................  4 / 643+
    Building wall attached .................  52 / 34+
    Lavatory ...............................  D23 / 284+
    Soap dish with .........................  206 / 77.1
    Soap handling means ....................  206 / 77.1
Law Enforcement Computer Applications  
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 933*
    Aerator ................................  172 / 21+
    Grass ..................................  PLT / 388+
    Mower (see harvester) .................  56 / 229+
        Bar handle hardware ................  16 / 437
        Circumferentially spaced blade .....  172 / 552
        Design .............................  D15 / 14+
        Disc type ..........................  56 / 255+
        Motor operated .....................  56 / 16.7+
        Mower-type tongue & crossbar .......  16 / DIG 38
        Reel type ..........................  56 / 249+
        Sharpener ..........................  76 / 82.1
        Sharpener abrading in situ .........  451 / 419+
        Small engine starters ..............  123 / 179.26
        Snowplow combined ..................  37 / 243
        Tool driven, laterally extended ....  172 / 121
        Bar or blade .......................  172 / 121
    Rakes ..................................  56 / 400.01+
    Roller .................................  404 / 122+
    Sprinkler ..............................  D23 / 214+
    Sweeper ................................  D15 / 27
    Swings .................................  297 / 245+
    Trimmers ...............................  172 / 13+
Laxative ...................................  424
Layers (See Composition; Sheet)  
    Bonded .................................  428
    Electroplating .........................  205 / 170+
    Explosive or thermic ...................  149 / 14+
    Composition containing .................  149 / 14+
    Filling of articles ....................  53 / 531+
    Filter .................................  210 / 290
    Filter screen gas separation ...........  55 / 486+
    Layering ...............................  47 / 5.5
    Nuclear fuel structures ................  376 / 432
    Railway track ..........................  104 / 2+
    Shoe sole machine ......................  12 / 29
    Signs multiple .........................  40 / 615
    Static mold having .....................  249 / 116
    Super-imposed metal ....................  249 / 116
    Structurally defined ...................  428 / 98+
        Metallic ...........................  428 / 615+
    Winding of bobbins .....................  242 / 476.7+
    Building facings or shingles ...........  52 / 748.1+
    Mines ..................................  102 / 411+
    Paving blocks ..........................  404 / 99
    Pipe or cable ..........................  405 / 154.1+
    Shoe machine for .......................  12 / 33+
Layout Device  
    Clothes ................................  33 / 11+
    Shoes ..................................  33 / 4+
Lays Loom ..................................  139 / 188 R+
Lazy Susan .................................  D07 / 501
Lazy Tongs  
    Bracket ................................  248 / 277.1
    Collapsible supports ...................  211 / 202
    Drawbridge .............................  14 / 45
    Elevator drive .........................  187 / 269
    Extension ladder .......................  182 / 157+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 40
    Linkage system .........................  74 / 521
    Mast or tower ..........................  52 / 109
    Pushing and pulling elements ...........  254 / 122
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 27
    Window operators .......................  49 / 363
Leaching (See Diffusing; Extracting)  
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 261+
        Electrolytic cell combined .........  204 / 233+
        Metallurgical ......................  266 / 101
        Sugar starch carbohydrates .........  127 / 3+
        Adsorbent reactivation .............  502 / 20+
        Adsorbent reactivation .............  502 / 22
        Water only .........................  502 / 22
        Hydrometallurgy ....................  75 / 711+
        Inorganic compounds ................  423 / 210+
Lead (See Pencil)  
    Acetate ................................  556 / 105
    Alloys .................................  420 / 563
        Copper .............................  420 / 491
        Copper tin .........................  420 / 474
    Battery ................................  429 / 149+
    Chamber processes ......................  423 / 524
    Compound inorganic .....................  423
        Carbonate ..........................  423 / 433+
        Chromate ...........................  423 / 595+
        Electrolytic synthesis of ..........  205 / 477+
        Carbonate ..........................  205 / 477+
        Halide .............................  423 / 462+
        Oxide ..............................  423 / 619
        Pigment filler or aggregate ........  106 / 432+
    Compound organic .......................  556 / 81+
        Stabilization ......................  556 / 3+
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 597+
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 369
    Fuses ..................................  337 / 290+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 706
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Paste for batteries ....................  429 / 225+
        Process of mixing ..................  252 / 182.1
        Process of putting on grid .........  141 / 1.1
    Plate ..................................  428 / 645
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 299
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 693+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 432
    Saw adjustments ........................  83 / 816+
    Shields for radioactivity ..............  250 / 515.1
    Shot making ............................  86 / 57
        Apparatus for comminuting ..........  425 / 6
        Liquid .............................  425 / 6+
        Processes for comminuting ..........  264 / 5
        Liquid .............................  264 / 5+
    Sounding ...............................  33 / 715+
    Styphnates .............................  556 / 109
    Tetraethyl .............................  556 / 95
        Fuel containing ....................  44 / 454+
Leaded Glass ...............................  428 / 38
    Cattle .................................  119 / 769+
        Halters ............................  54 / 24+
    Fair ...................................  114 / 101
    Fishing ................................  43 / 44.98
        Boxes ..............................  43 / 54.1+
    Magnetic record tape or wire ...........  360 / 131+
Leaf (See Spring)  
    Book binder sheet ......................  402 / 79
    Burner .................................  D34 / 1.1
    Extension table  
        Center .............................  108 / 83+
        Circular segment ...................  108 / 66
        Drop leaf type .....................  108 / 77+
        End ................................  108 / 69+
    Hinges .................................  16 / 387+
    Manifolding ............................  462 / 67+
        Books combined .....................  462 / 17+
        Envelopes combined .................  462 / 64+
        Strips and books combined ..........  462 / 7
        Strips combined ....................  462 / 8+
    Means to select ........................  40 / 532
    Metallic type ornamentation ............  428 / 17+
        Applying apparatus .................  156 / 540+
        Applying by transfer ...............  156 / 230+
        Packages ...........................  206 / 71
        Transfers ..........................  428 / 914*
    Music turners ..........................  84 / 486
    Paper ..................................  402 / 79
        Book ...............................  281 / 38+
        Strips combined ....................  281 / 2
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 61
        Sliding leaf .......................  283 / 65
    Resilient wheel ........................  152 / 1+
    Rests ..................................  248 / 441.1+
    Rotatable exhibitors ...................  40 / 493+
    Sheet manipulative devices  
        Flip, insert, lift, remove .........  402 / 80 R
        Transfer fork ......................  402 / 80 R
        Transfer post ......................  402 / 47
        Binder device releasably ...........  402
        Engaging aperture or ...............  402
        Notch of sheet .....................  402
        Hinge mounted displays .............  40 / 530+
        Holders combined ...................  248 / 441.1+
        Newspaper type .....................  281 / 45+
        Paper file .........................  211 / 169.1
    Tobacco treating .......................  131 / 290+
    Catcher ................................  137 / 312+
        Dispenser combined .................  222 / 108+
        Heat exchanger combined ............  165 / 70
        Composition ........................  252 / 964*
        Fluid pressure apparatus ...........  73 / 40+
        Heat exchanger combined ............  165 / 11.1
        Nuclear reactor control ............  376 / 250
        Nuclear reactor control ............  376 / 450
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 13
        System in situ .....................  137 / 455+
    Floatable matter, eg oil, confining ....  405 / 60+
    Or collecting ..........................  405 / 60
        Gas distribution illuminating ......  48 / 193+
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 148.6+
        Composition ........................  252 / 72
        Composition coating or plastic .....  106 / 33
        Ship ...............................  114 / 227+
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 13
    Electric current testing ...............  324 / 500+
Learners Instruments  
    Golf ...................................  473 / 131+
    Telegraphy .............................  178 / 115
    Animal .................................  119 / 795
        Design, dog ........................  D30 / 153
    Collars ................................  119 / 792+
        Design .............................  D30 / 152
        Design, dog ........................  D30 / 152
    Looms ..................................  139 / 98
        Stopping ...........................  139 / 350
    Warp beam ..............................  28 / 198+
Leather ....................................  69
    Artificial .............................  428 / 904*
    Bag, flexible ..........................  383
    Bating .................................  8 / 94.17
        Fermentive .........................  435 / 265
        Stretching .........................  69 / 1.5
    Beveling machines ......................  69 / 9+
    Bobbins or spools ......................  242 / 118.32
        Cop type ...........................  242 / 118.7
    Coating of processes ...................  427 / 389
        Coated article .....................  428 / 473
        Plural coating .....................  427 / 412
        Post-treatment combined ............  427 / 389
        Striping bordering or edging .......  427 / 284+
    Compositions containing ................  106 / 124.6+
    (See synthetic resin or natural ........  106 / 124.6+
    Rubber and class 524-11) ...............  106 / 124.6
    Degreasing .............................  8 / 139+
    Digest, drying & gas or vapor ..........  34
    Contact with solids ....................  34
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 436+
    Electrolytic treating of ...............  205 / 692
    Embossing ..............................  69 / 2
    Embossing ..............................  101 / 3.1+
    Extracting oil from ....................  554 / 175+
    Fastener made of .......................  269 / 906*
    Fertilizers from .......................  71 / 18
    Fluid treatment, eg tanning ............  8 / 94.19 R+
        Manipulative .......................  8 / 150.5
    Fulling apparatus ......................  69 / 33+
    Hammering apparatus ....................  69 / 1+
    Handgun holder made of .................  224 / 911*
    Impregnating compositions for ..........  424
    Biocidal ...............................  424
    Mailbag ................................  383
    Manufacturers, machines ................  69 / 1+
        Processes ..........................  69 / 21+
        Tools ..............................  69 / 20
        Work stretcher or holder ...........  69 / 19+
    Pocketbook, design .....................  D03 / 232+
    Portfolio, design ......................  D03 / 273+
    Preserving .............................  8 / 94.1 R+
    Punching ...............................  83
    Rougheners .............................  69 / 1
    Sewing machines ........................  112 / 28+
    Shoes ..................................  36
        Making .............................  12
    Skiving and splitting ..................  69 / 9+
    Softening ..............................  69
    Stock material .........................  428
        Laminate ...........................  428 / 473
    Stretching frames ......................  69 / 19.1+
    Stuffing with oil ......................  8 / 94.21+
    Tanning ................................  8 / 94.19 R+
        Drums ..............................  69 / 29+
    Treating compositions ..................  252 / 8.57
    Workers irons, forging dies ............  72 / 343+
    Working ................................  69
        Compound tools .....................  7 / 102+
Leavening Compositions .....................  426 / 561+
    Yeast ..................................  435 / 255.1+
Leaves (See Leaf)  
Lecher Wires ...............................  333 / 220+
    Oscillator combined ....................  331 / 99
    Radio receiver combined ................  455 / 130+
    Radio transmitter combined .............  455 / 91+
    Vacuum tube combined ...................  315 / 39
Lecithin ...................................  554 / 80+
    Foods ..................................  426 / 662
Lectern ....................................  D06 / 700
Leer (See Lehr)  
Leeway Navigation Side Slip ................  73 / 180
Leg (See Support)  
    Artificial .............................  623 / 27+
        Bathtub ............................  4 / 594
        Bedstead ...........................  5 / 310+
        Folding bedstead ...................  5 / 179+
        Folding chair ......................  297 / 16.1+
        Folding stand leg ..................  248 / 188.6
        Folding stool ......................  248 / 166+
        Folding table ......................  108 / 115+
        Plural folding stand ...............  248 / 166+
        Stand ..............................  248 / 188.1+
        Stand detachable ...................  248 / 151
        Stove ..............................  126 / 304 R+
        Table ..............................  248 / 188.1+
    Guards and protectors ..................  2 / 22
    Rest ...................................  D06 / 717
        Bed ................................  5 / 648+
        Chair reclining ....................  297 / 68+
        Vehicle occupant propelled .........  280 / 291
    Surgical appliance  
        Bandage ............................  602 / 62
        Electric applicator ................  607 / 115
Legal Services  
    Automated ..............................  705 / 311+
        Orthopedic .........................  602 / 23+
Leggings ...................................  36 / 2 R
    Design .................................  D02 / 901
    Footless stocking ......................  2 / 242
        Design .............................  D02 / 980
Legumes ....................................  426 / 629+
Lehr .......................................  432 / 120+
    With cooling means .....................  65 / 349+
Lemon Squeezers ............................  100 / 104+
    Comminutor combined ....................  99 / 495+
Lemonade ...................................  426 / 590+
    Concentrate ............................  426 / 599
    Effervescent ...........................  426 / 591
    Fermented ..............................  426 / 7+
Leno .......................................  139 / 50+
Lens .......................................  359 / 642+
    Axis finder ............................  356 / 127
    Blocking or work holding device ........  451 / 390
    Catadioptric lens ......................  359 / 727+
        Camera structure combines ..........  396
        Facsimile cathode-ray tube .........  358
        Combined ...........................  358
        T.v. cathode-ray tube combined .....  348
    Cathode ray tube  
        Structure ..........................  313 / 317+
        System .............................  315 / 14+
        Brushing ...........................  15
        Composition ........................  510 / 163+
        Scrubbing ..........................  134
    Coated .................................  359 / 581
        Coating method .....................  359 / 900*
        Coating per se .....................  359 / 581
    Combined with electric lamp ............  313 / 110+
    Contact for eye ........................  351 / 159.02+
        Contact lens fitting ...............  351 / 247
    Design .................................  D16 / 134+
    Echelon lens ...........................  359 / 742+
    Electromagnetic wave ...................  343 / 909
        Dielectric type ....................  343 / 911 R
        With antenna .......................  343 / 753+
        Zoned type .........................  343 / 910
    Electron microscope ....................  250 / 311
    Etching ................................  216 / 26
    Eye glasses ............................  351 / 41+
    Fog lamp ...............................  362 / 317+
    Fresnel lens ...........................  359 / 742+
    Galilean telescope .....................  359 / 744
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 507
    Grinding machines ......................  451
        Design .............................  D15 / 124+
    Hoods ..................................  359 / 611+
    Intraocular ............................  623 / 6.11+
    Lenticular elements ....................  359 / 619+
    Light fixture ..........................  D26 / 120+
    Luneberg type ..........................  343 / 911 L
    Making .................................  65 / 37+
        Grinding machines ..................  451
        Grinding processes .................  451 / 42+
        Shaping glass surfaces .............  65 / 61
        Uniting glass ......................  65 / 37+
    Marker gage ............................  33 / 200
    Mold ...................................  425 / 808*
    Moulding glass while hot ...............  65 / 66+
    Moulding plastic .......................  425
    Mounts and holders  
        Eye glasses and spectacles .........  351 / 41+
        Light source combined ..............  362 / 455+
    Optical ................................  359 / 642+
    Panoramic lens .........................  359 / 725
    Periscope ..............................  359 / 402+
    Projector combined  
        Antiglare ..........................  362 / 351+
        Reflector combined .................  362 / 341+
    Reflector signal combined ..............  359 / 534+
    Refracting combined ....................  362 / 326+
    Schmidt lens ...........................  359 / 728+
    Shades .................................  359 / 611+
    Sidewalk light transmitting ............  404 / 22+
    Spectacles .............................  351 / 41+
        Lens lining or rims ................  351 / 154
        Spectacle mountings ................  351 / 83+
    Telephoto ..............................  359 / 745+
    Testers ................................  356 / 124+
    Thermometer tube combined ..............  374 / 194
    Toroidal lens ..........................  359 / 711
        Fuse or primer combines ............  102 / 200+
    Variable focal length ..................  359 / 676+
    Zoom lens ..............................  359 / 676+
Lenticular .................................  430 / 946*
Lepidine ...................................  546 / 181
Letoff (See Clutch; Ratchet)  
    Warp ...................................  139 / 100+
Letter Box .................................  232 / 17+
    Closures and chutes ....................  232 / 45+
    Design .................................  D99 / 29
    Electric switch combined ...............  200 / 61.63
Letter Opener ..............................  D08 / 102
Lettering Guides, Stencils .................  D19 / 40
Letters Sign Interchangeable ...............  40 / 618+
    Planters ...............................  111 / 914*
Levees .....................................  405 / 107+
    Apparel ................................  33 / 7
    Clocks .................................  248 / 188.4
    Furniture ..............................  248 / 188.2+
        Caster adjustment ..................  16 / 19
    Illuminated ............................  33 / 348.2
    Load levelers ..........................  267 / 64.16+
    Metal straightening ....................  72 / 160+
        Wire fabric ........................  140 / 107+
    Picture frame ..........................  40 / 713
    Railway trucks .........................  105 / 164
    Self leveling supports .................  114 / 191+
    Shaft ..................................  33 / 412
    Sole machines  
        Fastener inserting and laying ......  12 / 33.1
        Combined ...........................  12 / 33.1
        Laying combined ....................  12 / 33+
    Straightedge geometric instrument ......  33 / 451
        Wall guide & plumb .................  33 / 404+
    Suspended railway car ..................  105 / 149
    Track ..................................  33 / 287
    Tripod or stand head ...................  248 / 180.1+
        Self leveling ......................  248 / 182.1
    Vehicle body land type .................  280 / 6.15+
        Body relative to wheels ............  180 / 41
        Steam boiler body ..................  180 / 39
Levels (See Leveling) .....................  33 / 365+
    Illuminated ............................  33 / 348.2
    Light ray type .........................  33 / 290
        Alarm electric .....................  340 / 618+
        Alarm mechanical ...................  116 / 109+
        Dispenser material level ...........  222 / 64+
        Control ............................  222 / 64+
        Gauge ..............................  73 / 290 R+
        Indicator ..........................  116 / 227+
        Responsive or maintaining ..........  137 / 386+
        Systems ............................  137 / 386+
    Material level detection ...............  367 / 908*
    Plumb ..................................  33 / 392+
    Spirit level ...........................  D10 / 69
Lever ......................................  74 / 519+
    Design .................................  D08 / 88
    Flexible material tensioning ...........  254 / 243
        Carpet .............................  254 / 209
    Floor jack .............................  254 / 17
    Handle, asymmetric .....................  D08 / DIG 10
    Link systems ...........................  74 / 469+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 192+
        Switch combined ....................  70 / 254
        Switch combined ....................  200 / 61.85+
    Nail extractor .........................  254 / 21+
    Pushing or pulling implement ...........  254 / 120+
    Rail or tie shifters ...................  254 / 44
    Shaft coupling .........................  403
    Treadle ................................  74 / 561
    Vehicle spring .........................  267 / 228+
    With electric heating ..................  219 / 648
Levitation & Reduced Gravity  
    Magnetic railway .......................  104 / 281+
    Single-crystal growth ..................  117 / 901*
        Non-coating apparatus ..............  117 / 200+
        Processes ..........................  117
Levitation Device  
    Acoustical .............................  73 / 570.5
Levulinic Acid .............................  562 / 577
    Esters .................................  560 / 174
Lewises ....................................  294 / 89
Lewisite ...................................  556 / 70
Leyden Jars ................................  361 / 301.1+
    Fermentative ...........................  435 / 262+
    Fibers chemical ........................  162 / 1+
    Fibers mechanical ......................  19 / 1+
Library Security By Metal Detection ........  340 / 572.1+
License Plate  
    Design .................................  D20 / 13+
    Frames .................................  40 / 209
    Holder with light ......................  D26 / 31
    Jewel reflectors .......................  359 / 515+
Licorice ...................................  426 / 638
Lid (See Closure; Cover)  
    Applying ...............................  53 / 287+
        With compacting of contents ........  100 / 54+
    Burner .................................  431 / 144+
    Car journal ............................  384 / 189+
    Lifter .................................  294 / 12+
    Lock ...................................  70 / 158+
    Manhole ................................  404 / 25+
    Purse ..................................  150 / 119
    Railway ties tubular type ..............  238 / 70+
    Retort .................................  48 / 124
    Stove ..................................  126 / 211+
Lie Detectors  
    Electrocardiograph .....................  600 / 510
Life Boats .................................  114 / 348+
    Design .................................  D12 / 316+
    Life craft handling devices ............  114 / 365+
Life Preservers ............................  441 / 88+
    Aquatic lifesaving devices .............  441 / 80+
    Design .................................  D21 / 804+
    Life vests .............................  441 / 106+
    Racks ..................................  114 / 190
Life Rafts .................................  441 / 35+
Life Signals  
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  600 / 300+
    Signalling from burial grave ...........  27 / 31
    Undertaking equipment ..................  27 / 31
Lifesaving Apparatus  
    Aquatic ................................  441 / 80
    Artificial respiration .................  601 / 41+
    Buoyant devices ........................  441 / 88+
    Drowning prevention ....................  441 / 80
    Fenders ................................  293
    Fire escapes and body catchers .........  182 / 137+
    Parachutes .............................  244 / 142+
    Submarine emergency equipment ..........  114 / 323+
    Supporting and launching boats  
        Handling equipment .................  114 / 365+
    Watercraft lowering drum ...............  254 / 266+
Lift Modifiers for Aircraft ................  244 / 198+
    By flap or spoiler .....................  244 / 213+
Lift Trucks  
    Fork type ..............................  187 / 222+
    Handling assistant .....................  414 / 444
    Jack type ..............................  254 / 2 R+
    Running gear lifts .....................  280 / 43+
Lift-Slab Construction .....................  52 / 125.1
Lifts, Lifters, Lifting See Conveyor;  
    Dispensing; elevator  
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 34 R
    Apparel skirt ..........................  2 / 217
    Beet ...................................  171 / 50+
    Beet ...................................  171 / 103
    Belt shifter ...........................  474 / 101+
    Bridge lifts ...........................  14 / 42
    Canal lock raising .....................  405 / 86
    Car coupling link ......................  213 / 192+
    Car journal box ........................  254 / 33+
    Cartridge ..............................  42 / 17
    Clutch for plow ........................  192 / 62
    Copyholder platen ......................  40 / 349+
    Damper musical instrument ..............  84 / 217
    Dobby ..................................  139 / 71+
    Door ...................................  414 / 684.3
        Traversing hoist ...................  212 / 166
    Drawbar locomotive .....................  213 / 5
    Drum sifter ............................  209 / 294+
    Foot sewing machine ....................  112 / 237+
    Harvester cutter .......................  56 / 273
    Harvester cutter bar ...................  56 / 283+
    Harvester cutter bar finger ............  56 / 312+
    Harvester cutter bar with rocking ......  56 / 276+
    Harvester reels ........................  56 / 364
    Hinge combined .........................  16 / 233
    Hoist ..................................  254 / 266
    Horse drawn rake .......................  56 / 397+
    Incline plane ..........................  254 / 88
    Invalid beds ...........................  5 / 600+
    Invalid from bed .......................  5 / 83.1+
    Jacquard ...............................  139 / 65
    Lantern globe ..........................  362 / 174+
        Electric ...........................  335 / 291+
        Electro combined ...................  294 / 65.5
    Multiple ...............................  254 / 89 R+
    Pallets fork lift ......................  108 / 51.11+
    Pawl driving ...........................  74 / 149+
    Pawl holding ...........................  74 / 155
    Pipe or rod ............................  254 / 30+
    Planer cutter ..........................  409 / 347
    Planter tool bar .......................  111 / 67+
    Plate and receptacle ...................  294 / 27.1+
    Plows ..................................  172
        Clutch .............................  192 / 62
        Control ............................  172 / 452+
        Plant ..............................  172 / 517
        Power take-off .....................  172 / 492
        Servomotor actuator ................  172 / 491
    Pot lid ................................  294 / 12
    Rail or tie ............................  254 / 121
    Shelf loading type .....................  414 / 246+
        Horizontal & vertical movement .....  414 / 260
    Ships and boats ........................  405 / 3+
    Spool in winder ........................  242 / 473.3
    Thread boards ..........................  57 / 360
    Traction cable .........................  104 / 199
    Valve lift regulation ..................  123 / 345+
    Vehicle body ...........................  254 / 45+
Ligators ...................................  606 / 139+
    Packaged ...............................  206 / 63.3
    Structure ..............................  606 / 228+
Light (See Electric; Electrooptical;  
    Arc lamp ...............................  314
    Automobile .............................  362 / 487+
    Battery light plants ...................  320
    Beam splitting .........................  359 / 618+
    Bicycle ................................  362 / 473+
    Building ...............................  359 / 591+
    Bulbs ..................................  313 / 315+
        Design .............................  D26 / 2
    Buoys floating bodies ..................  441 / 16+
    Burglar alarms light producing .........  116 / 7
    Christmas ..............................  D26 / 25
    Communication ..........................  398 / 1+
        Multiplexing .......................  398 / 43+
    Conductor ..............................  385+
        Body treatment type ................  607 / 88+
    Connecting roos ........................  385+
    Controls ...............................  315
        Time controlled ....................  315 / 360
    Decorative .............................  362 / 806*
    Direction instruments ..................  33 / 1 DD
    Dispersion .............................  359 / 615
    Dividers ...............................  359 / 618+
    Electric lamp ..........................  313
    Electric lamp supply systems ...........  315
        Display matrix .....................  345 / 82
    Filter .................................  359 / 885+
        Compositions .......................  252 / 582+
        Infra-red ..........................  359 / 350+
        Ultra-violet .......................  359 / 350+
    Fixture ................................  D26 / 24+
    Fluorescent screen .....................  250 / 458.1
    Game target and light ray ..............  463 / 2+
    Game target and light ray ..............  463 / 51+
    Globes .................................  362 / 363
    Grating ................................  359 / 566+
        Advertizing signs ..................  40 / 541+
        Extinguishing gas  
    Intensifier ............................  250 / 214 LA+
    Interference ...........................  359 / 577+
    Invisible light ........................  250 / 493.1
    Lens or glass for fixture ..............  D26 / 118
    Light pipe sign ........................  40 / 547
    Measuring testing meters ...............  356 / 213+
        Electrooptical batteries ...........  136 / 243+
        Invisible light and x rays .........  250 / 336.1
        Photocell controlled circuit .......  250 / 200+
        Photocell electronic type ..........  313 / 523+
        Photometers ........................  356 / 213+
        Photosensitive resistors ...........  338 / 15+
        Pyrometers .........................  356 / 43+
    Meters .................................  356 / 213+
    Modulation .............................  359 / 237+
    Mountings ..............................  362 / 382+
    Musical instrument producing ...........  84 / 464 R
    Light effects ..........................  84 / 464 R
    Parachute flares .......................  102 / 337+
    Pen display control ....................  345 / 180+
    Periscopes with ........................  359 / 402+
    Ports ships ............................  114 / 177+
    Position or condition responsive .......  362 / 802*
    Switch .................................  362 / 802*
    Post combined with .....................  D26 / 67+
    Projectors see projector  
    Ray type geometrical instruments .......  33 / 227+
    Reflectors .............................  D26 / 118+
    Responsive explosive igniters ..........  102 / 201
        Marine mines .......................  102 / 418
        Mines ..............................  102 / 427
        Decorative element .................  52 / 301
    Seals photographic plate holder ........  396 / 518
    Sensitive (see photoelectric cells)  
        Color film photographic ............  430 / 541+
        Compositions (see fluorescent, .....  252 / 501.1
        Compositions) ......................  252 / 501.1
        Film photographic ..................  430 / 495.1+
        Film sensitizing ...................  430 / 570+
        Film sensitizing and developing ....  430 / 486+
        Resistances ........................  252 / 501.1
    Shade holders ..........................  362 / 433+
    Ships running light ....................  362 / 477+
    Side or cross walk light ...............  404 / 22
    Transmitting ...........................  404 / 22+
    Signs ..................................  362 / 253
    Sockets ................................  439 / 660+
    Stage illusion .........................  472 / 61
    Stage lighting systems .................  315 / 291+
    Stage lighting systems .................  315 / 313+
    Sterilizing and pasteurizing ultra .....  426 / 248
    Violet .................................  426 / 248
    Straightline light ray instruments .....  33 / 227+
    Supports ...............................  362 / 382+
    Surgical applications ..................  128
    Switch for portable ....................  200 / 60
    Table ..................................  362 / 97.1
    Tents having light means ...............  135 / 91+
    Tool heater combined ...................  126 / 232
    Torches pyrotechnics ...................  102 / 336+
    Track-type light .......................  D26 / 61+
    Transmission modifying compositions ....  252 / 582
        Displays color change ..............  252 / 586
        Infrared ...........................  252 / 587
        Modification caused by energy ......  252 / 583
        Other than light ...................  252 / 583
        Produces polarized light ...........  252 / 585
        Ultraviolet ........................  252 / 588+
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.15+
    Inorganic or organic material ..........  204 / 157.15+
    Used in reaction to prepare or .........  522 / 1+
    Treat synthetic resin or ...............  522 / 1+
    Natural rubber .........................  522 / 1+
    Valves .................................  359+
        Illuminating devices having ........  362 / 394+
        Motion picture apparatus using .....  352 / 204+
        Optical testing using ..............  356
        Photo electric devices having ......  250 / 229+
        Sound recording and ................  369 / 100+
        Reproducing using ..................  369 / 100+
        With light conductor ...............  250 / 227.21
    Waves (see search notes to) ............  250
        Signaling ..........................  398 / 1+
    With photocell .........................  250 / 227.11
        With specific illumination\ ........  250 / 227.29
        Viewing geometry ...................  250 / 227.29
        With specific light conductor ......  250 / 227.27
        Component configuration ............  250 / 227.27
Light Detectors See Photocell and  
    Photoelectric cell  
Light Guide See Light Conductor  
Light Sensor See Photocell and  
    Photoelectric cell  
Lighters See Igniters  
    Barges .................................  114 / 26+
    Cigar see igniters  
        Design .............................  D27 / 141+
    Electric ...............................  219 / 260+
        Arc or spark .......................  361 / 247+
    Flint packaging ........................  206 / 528+
Lighting Devices (See Igniter;  
    Illumination; lamp; light)  
    Arresters ..............................  361 / 117+
        Design .............................  D10 / 105
        Gas tube per se ....................  313 / 567+
        Gas tube type ......................  361 / 120
        Manufacture ........................  29
        Resistance .........................  338 / 21
        Space discharge type ...............  313
        Space discharge type combined ......  315 / 58
        With impedance .....................  315 / 58+
        With thermal cutout ................  337 / 31
    Atmospheric electricity ................  307 / 149
    Collecting with condenser ..............  320 / 166+
    Conductor ..............................  D10 / 105
    Grounding ..............................  174 / 6+
    Rods ...................................  174 / 2+
    Static discharging .....................  361 / 212+
Lignins ....................................  530 / 500+
    Compositions containing ................  106 / 123.11
    (See synthetic resin or natural ........  106 / 123.11
    Rubber, compositions) ..................  106 / 123.11
    Fiber liberation .......................  162 / 1+
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 608
        Briquette ..........................  44 / 592
    Mineral oil from .......................  208 / 400+
Limber .....................................  89 / 40.07
Limbs Artificial ...........................  623 / 27+
Lime .......................................  423 / 635
    Burning processes ......................  432 / 1+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 792+
        Adhesive for catching insects ......  424 / 77
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 612+
        Containing .........................  106 / 612+
        Sulfur combined biocide ............  424 / 696
    Kilns ..................................  432
    Light ..................................  431 / 347
Limit Stop .................................  192 / 138+
    Elevator control .......................  187 / 282
    Phonograph turntable ...................  369 / 238
    Switch .................................  200 / 47
    Miscellaneous electronic device ........  327 / 309+
    Type ...................................  327 / 309+
    Radio amplifier ........................  330 / 129+
    Land vehicle combined ..................  301 / 113
    Railway axle combined ..................  295 / 50
Lincomycins ................................  536 / 16.2+
        Flow restrictor combined ...........  138 / 40+
        Fluid conduit ......................  138 / 89+
        Ammunition .........................  102 / 504
        Fire escape ........................  182 / 10+
        Shell ..............................  102 / 504
    Chalk ..................................  33 / 414
    Clothesline support ....................  211 / 119.01
    Drying spool ...........................  242 / 602+
        Block signal current supply ........  246 / 87+
        Polystation telephone ..............  379 / 177+
            Automatic ......................  379 / 182+
            Revertive call .................  379 / 178
        Signal control telephone ...........  379 / 179+
        Telegraph key ......................  178 / 103
        Telegraph line clearing ............  178 / 69 R
        Telegraphic printing ...............  178 / 31+
        Telephone party register ...........  379 / 117+
        Testing long line telephone ........  379 / 22+
    Finder telephone switch ................  379 / 293+
    Fishing ................................  43 / 44.98
        Attached bodies ....................  43 / 43.1
        Float holding ......................  43 / 43.1+
        Reel ...............................  242 / 223+
        Rod guide ..........................  43 / 24
    Harness ................................  54 / 36
    Lead sounding ..........................  33 / 715+
    Markers ................................  33 / 32.1+
        Moving markers .....................  33 / 32.3
            With moving sheet ..............  33 / 32.4
        Stationary marker ..................  33 / 32.1+
            With moving sheet ..............  33 / 32.6
            With moving support ............  33 / 32.5
    Musical expression .....................  84 / 463
        Bars ...............................  101 / 396+
        Spacer .............................  101 / 403
        Telegraphy .........................  178 / 31+
    Rat guards for ships ...................  114 / 221 R
    Scriber ................................  33 / 18.1+
        Parallel ...........................  33 / 41.1+
    Separator type .........................  276 / 35
        To protect amplifier ...............  330 / 51
    Spacer typewriter ......................  400 / 545+
    Wire driven planter ....................  111 / 43+
    Brake shoe arrangement .................  188 / 240+
    Electric motor .........................  310 / 12.01+
    Electric motor .........................  310 / 12.33
        Railway ............................  104 / 290+
    Plant support ..........................  47 / 46
    Traversing hoist .......................  212 / 71+
    Protective device ......................  174 / 5 SB
    Spurs ..................................  182 / 221
    Household ..............................  D06 / 595+
Liner & Lining (See Bushing)  
        Type casting mold ..................  199 / 58
            Modified .......................  199 / 57
        Typewriting ........................  400 / 16+
    Ball or rod grinding mill ..............  241 / 182+
    Bearing ................................  384 / 276+
        Brass railway car journal ..........  384 / 191.2
        Roller bearing .....................  384 / 569+
    Boat ...................................  114 / 69
    Box ....................................  493 / 93
        Temperature barrier ................  217 / 128+
    Brake and clutch  
        Brake ..............................  188 / 251 R+
        Clutch .............................  192 / 107 R
        Making by laminating ...............  156
        Stock material .....................  428
    Casting mold for .......................  249 / 87+
    Coating ................................  427 / 230+
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 131
        Rotary .............................  415 / 170.1+
        Tooth ..............................  433 / 217.1
    Denture ................................  433 / 168.1
        Composition ........................  523 / 120
    Earthenware pipe .......................  118 / 708+
    Earthenware pipe .......................  118 / 105
    Earthenware pipe .......................  118 / 125
    Earthenware pipe .......................  118 / 404
    Earthenware pipe .......................  425 / 110+
    Earthenware pipe .......................  425 / 262
    Electric conduit bushing ...............  174 / 83
    Electric furnace .......................  373
        Arc ................................  373 / 71
        Induction ..........................  373 / 138
        Resistance .........................  373 / 137
    Garment ................................  2 / 272
        Coat ...............................  2 / 97
        Glove ..............................  2 / 164
        Hat ................................  2 / 181+
        Hat try on .........................  2 / 63
    Grave ..................................  27 / 29
    Hat ....................................  223 / 22
        Paper box ..........................  229 / 117.27+
        Pipe ...............................  138 / 140+
            Flexible .......................  138 / 137+
        Pipe coupling ......................  285 / 55
        Railway car journal brasses ........  384 / 191.2
        Smoking devices ....................  131 / 219+
            Bowl or stem ...................  131 / 204
        Walled in space ....................  52 / 267+
            Curvelinear ....................  52 / 249
            With floor .....................  52 / 265+
    Metal bottle cap making ................  413 / 8+
        Apparatus ..........................  413 / 56+
    Metal mold .............................  118
    Metallurgical receptacle ...............  266 / 280+
        Compositions .......................  106 / 38.22+
        Earthenware ........................  425 / 412+
        Machine type-bearing ...............  249 / 87
        Or friction surface ................  249 / 87
        Rotary .............................  415 / 196+
    Railway car interior ...................  105 / 423
    Reactive furnace lining ................  75 / 301
        Closure, laminated .................  156
        Liquid proofed paper ...............  229 / 5.81+
        Metal closure making ...............  413 / 8+
            Apparatus ......................  413 / 56+
        Metallic ...........................  220 / 495.01+
        Wooden .............................  217 / 3 R
            Temperature barrier ............  217 / 131
    Shaft ..................................  405 / 133
    Shell ..................................  86 / 17
    Shielding nuclear reactor ..............  976 / DIG 180+
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 55
        Applier ............................  12 / 39
    Stove ..................................  126 / 144+
    Truck bed ..............................  296 / 39.1+
    Tunnel .................................  405 / 150.1+
    Umbrella ...............................  135 / 33.2+
Lingerie ...................................  2
    Closed lingerie clasps .................  D11 / 200+
Lingoes ....................................  139 / 90
Lingual Bars Dentistry .....................  433 / 190
Linguistic Computer Applications ...........  704 / 1+
Liniments ..................................  424
        Machines ...........................  59 / 25
        Sprocket chain .....................  59 / 7
    Belt transmission ......................  474 / 240+
        Sprocket chain .....................  474 / 202
    Button .................................  24 / 102 R+
    Chain ..................................  59 / 84+
        Antiskid cross .....................  152 / 243+
        Ornamental .........................  59 / 82
    Extension for closures .................  292 / 262+
        Lock type ..........................  70 / 93
        Bed bottoms ........................  5 / 188
        Flexible panel structure ...........  160 / 220
        Mats floor covering ................  52 / 663
        Mats scraping ......................  15 / 239+
        Penetration resistant ..............  2 / 2.5
        Wire ...............................  245 / 9
    Insulators .............................  174 / 208
    Lever systems ..........................  74 / 469+
    Motions in steam engines ...............  91 / 218+
    Railway drawbar coupling ...............  213 / 208
        Cushion connection .................  213 / 66
    Separation .............................  59 / 11
Linkers (See Link, Assembling)  
    Sausage ................................  452 / 46+
Linking Warp Chains ........................  28 / 177
Linoleic Acid ..............................  554 / 224+
Linoleum ...................................  428 / 456
    Making .................................  156
    Pattern and texture design .............  D05
    Rug ....................................  D06 / 582+
    Sheet ..................................  D05
Linotype Tm Machines .......................  199 / 1+
    Laminating .............................  156
    Molding ................................  425
Linoxyn ....................................  554 / 25+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 244+
Linseed Oil ................................  554 / 1+
    Compositions containing ................  106 / 252+
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 620+
        Biocidal or fireproofing ...........  106 / 18
        Bituminous material ................  106 / 246+
        Carbohydrate .......................  106 / 217.7
        Carbohydrate gum ...................  106 / 205.71
        Cellulose ..........................  106 / 203.3
        Cellulose ether or ester ...........  106 / 169.26+
        Inks ...............................  106 / 31.34+
        Natural resin ......................  106 / 222+
        Other fatty oil ....................  106 / 250+
        Polishes ...........................  106 / 9
        Portland cement ....................  106 / 663
        Protein ............................  106 / 124.1+
        Starch .............................  106 / 207.5
        Sulfurized or sulfonated ...........  106 / 249
        Synthetic resin (see fatty acid  
        Wax ................................  106 / 245
Lint Remover Brush .........................  D04
Lintels ....................................  52 / 118+
    Beam per se ............................  52 / 831+
    Ginning type delinter ..................  19 / 40+
Lip Seal ...................................  277 / 549+
Lipids .....................................  436 / 71
Lipins (See Fats)  
    Fermentative liberation or .............  435 / 282
    Purification ...........................  435 / 282
        Liquid core ........................  428 / 402.2+
        Medicinal composition containing ...  424 / 450
            Radionuclide containing ........  424 / 1.21
        Solid core .........................  428 / 402.24
    Processes making  
        Liquid core ........................  264 / 4.1+
        Medicinal composition containing ...  424 / 450
            Radionuclide containing ........  424 / 1.21
        Solid core .........................  427 / 213.3+
Lippmann ...................................  430 / 948*
    Brush ..................................  D04
    Compact ................................  401 / 49+
        With light .........................  362 / 135+
        With toilet article, eg mirror .....  132 / 297
    Compositions ...........................  424 / 64
        Design .............................  D28 / 4
    Container ..............................  206 / 385
    Holder .................................  401 / 88+
        Design .............................  D28 / 85+
    Shaped applier .........................  132 / 320
Liquefaction and Liquefiers  
    Gas ....................................  62 / 606+
        Handling ...........................  62 / 45.1+
        Process of .........................  62 / 606+
        Receptacles ........................  220 / 901*
        Refrigerant ........................  62
    Generation of gas and ..................  48 / 1
    Lubricant ..............................  184 / 98+
    Vapor condensers .......................  165 / 110+
Liqueurs ...................................  426 / 592+
    Aerating ...............................  261
        Spraying, sprinkling ...............  239 / 428.5
        Deffusing combined .................  239 / 428.5
    Arc preventing .........................  218 / 1+
        Electrolyte ........................  204 / 237+
        Electrolyte combined ...............  204 / 234+
        Gas and liquid contact .............  261 / 29
        Apparatus ..........................  261 / 29
        Gas and liquid contact .............  62 / 310
        With refrigeration .................  62 / 310
        Gas cooling ........................  62 / 406
        Gas cooling process ................  62 / 96
        Gas separation .....................  96 / 265+
        Heat exchange ......................  165
        Heat exchange tank .................  165 / 108
            With refrigeration .............  62 / 430+
        Liquid congealed ...................  62 / 348
        Liquid cooling by ..................  62 / 393
        Refrigerated circuit ...............  62 / 393
        Liquid electrode ...................  204 / 220
        Nuclear reactor combined ...........  376 / 370
    Clarifying .............................  210
    Collection, diagnostic .................  600 / 573
    Comminuting and solidifying ............  425 / 6+
        Processes ..........................  264 / 5+
        Article cooling process ............  62 / 64
        Discrete commodity cooler ..........  62 / 373+
        Electrode cells ....................  204 / 250+
        Electrode moving ...................  204 / 219+
        Switch .............................  200 / 182+
        Switch electromagnetic .............  335 / 47+
        Switch expansible liquid ...........  337 / 331
        Switch periodic ....................  200 / 196+
        Switches periodic ..................  200 / 200+
        Switches periodic ..................  200 / 205+
        Switches periodic ..................  200 / 208
    Contact with gas .......................  261
        Carbohydrate defecating ............  127 / 12
        Gas separation combined ............  96 / 243+
        Gas separation processes ...........  95 / 149+
    Contact with solids ....................  134
        Apparatus for comminution ..........  241 / 38+
        Lubrication for comminution ........  241 / 15+
        Seeds during comminution ...........  241 / 12
        Seeds prior to comminution .........  241 / 8
    Coolers ................................  62 / 389+
        Process ............................  62 / 98+
        Filter materials ...................  210 / 500.1+
        Particulate material type ..........  210 / 263+
        Separator ..........................  210 / 263+
        Processes ..........................  210 / 660+
        X-art collection ...................  210 / 917*
    Detectors ..............................  422 / 68.1+
        Measuring absorbance ...............  422 / 82.09
        Measuring color ....................  422 / 82.05
        Measuring conductivity .............  422 / 82.02
        Measuring current  
            Generated, consumed or .........  422 / 82.01
            Streaming current ..............  422 / 82.01
        Measuring current ..................  422 / 68.1
        Measuring dissolution ..............  422 / 68.1
        Measuring electromotive force (e ...  422 / 82.01
        Measuring fluorescence .............  422 / 82.08
        Measuring impedance ................  422 / 82.02
        Measuring optical density ..........  422 / 82.09
        Measuring potential ................  422 / 82.01
        Measuring pressure .................  422 / 82.13
        Measuring resistance ...............  422 / 82.02
        Measuring temperature ..............  422 / 82.12
        Measuring transmittance ............  422 / 82.09
        Measuring turbidity ................  422 / 82.05
        Measuring volatility ...............  422 / 68.1
        Measuring voltage ..................  422 / 82.01
    Dispensers .............................  222
    Extraction by squeezing ................  100 / 104+
    Feeding nozzles ........................  261 / DIG 39
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 300+
        Cookers ............................  126 / 38+
        Heating stoves .....................  126 / 84+
        Nuclear reactions utilizing ........  376 / 356
        Nuclear reactions utilizing ........  376 / 356
        Solidifying ........................  44 / 265+
    Fuel burners (see retort)  
    Gas contact ............................  261
        Gas separation combined ............  96 / 243+
        Processes ..........................  95 / 149+
            Gas content testing ............  73 / 19.01+
    Heaters ................................  126 / 344+
        Pressure generators ................  122
    Level control  
        Dispensing controlled by ...........  222 / 64+
        Float valves .......................  137 / 409+
        Tanks ..............................  137 / 386+
    Level or depth gauges ..................  73 / 290 R+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 618+
            X-art collection ...............  367 / 908*
        Telemetric system ..................  340 / 870.38+
    Meters .................................  73 / 861+
    Monitor radioactivity ..................  250 / 336.1
    Proofed ................................  229 / 5.81+
    Purification or separation .............  210
    Refrigerant separation .................  62 / 474+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 195
        Oil ................................  62 / 470+
        Oil, automatic .....................  62 / 192+
        Oil, process .......................  62 / 84
        Process ............................  62 / 85
    Refrigerated liquid separation .........  62 / 319
        Process ............................  62 / 85
        Dispensing apparatus ...............  222 / 188
        Gas separating apparatus ...........  55 / 355
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 10+
        Sewer trap .........................  137 / 247.11+
        Water closets ......................  4 / 300+
    Separation .............................  210
        Concentrating evaporators ..........  159 / 31
        Contact and ........................  261 / 2+
        Deaerating apparatus ...............  96 / 155+
        Deaerating processes ...............  95 / 241+
        Distillation .......................  203
        Electrical .........................  204 / 554+
        Electrical apparatus for ...........  204 / 660+
        Electrophoresis or electroomosis ...  204 / 513+
        Of hydrocarbon oil .................  204 / 513+
        Emulsion breaking ..................  516 / 135+
        Gas separation combined ............  55 / 421
        Gas separation process combined ....  95 / 253
        Ice melt and impurities ............  62 / 318
        Liquid meters ......................  73 / 200
        Liquid-solid .......................  4 / DIG 19
        Oil dehydration ....................  208 / 187+
        Oil paraffin separation ............  208 / 28+
        Oil residual from paraffin .........  208 / 30+
        Selective freezing .................  62 / 123+
        Selective freezing process .........  62 / 67
    Sprinkling,spraying,diffusing ..........  239
    Testing ................................  73 / 53.01+
        Amylaceous liquids .................  127 / 69+
        Coating implement ..................  401
        With material supply ...............  401
        Combs employing ....................  132 / 219+
        Drying .............................  34
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 687+
            Water, sewage, or other ........  205 / 742+
            Waste water ....................  205 / 742+
        Electrolytic foods and .............  426
        Beverages ..........................  426
        Fermentation .......................  435
        Ferrous alloy quenching ............  148 / 660+
        Processes ..........................  148 / 660+
        Food preserving by .................  426 / 330+
        Food sterilizing and ...............  99 / 467
        Pasteurizing .......................  99 / 467+
        Grain huller apparatus .............  99 / 600+
        Grain huller process ...............  426 / 482+
        Lighted tobacco extinguisher .......  131 / 236
        Metal heat treating combined .......  266 / 121+
        Metal quenching apparatus ..........  266 / 114+
            Continuous strip ...............  266 / 111+
        Sound muffling by ..................  181 / 220
            Disparate fluid mingling .......  181 / 259+
        Sterilization with except foods ....  422
        Textile apparatus for ..............  68
        Textile combined ...................  28 / 167+
        Textile fiber decorticating ........  19 / 7+
        Textile ironing ....................  38 / 77.1+
        Textile processes for ..............  8
        Thread finishing ...................  28 / 217+
        Vaporizing .........................  122
        Warp preparing .....................  28 / 178+
Liquid Crystals  
    Article or stock .......................  428 / 1.1+
    Cholesteremic ..........................  552 / 544
    Composition ............................  252 / 299.01+
    Display device structure ...............  349 / 1+
        For merchandise shelf price tag ....  705 / 20
        For voting machines ................  705 / 2
    Light control ..........................  349 / 1+
        Display of message .................  345 / 87
        Hand and dial ......................  368 / 84
        Monogram ...........................  345 / 50
        Time indication ....................  368 / 242
    Optical filter composition .............  252 / 582
Liquors ....................................  426 / 592
    Malt ...................................  426 / 64
Listers ....................................  172 / 642
    Drilling ...............................  111 / 83
    Walking cultivator or plow .............  172 / 351+
Listing Forms ..............................  283 / 66.1+
Lite Pipe Sign .............................  40 / 547
Litharge ...................................  423 / 619
Lithium (See Alkali Metal) ................  423 / 179.5
Lithocholic Acid ...........................  552 / 552
Lithography ................................  101 / 130+
    Chemical etching of substrate ..........  216
    Electrolytic coating process ...........  205 / 80+
    Exposing photo-sensitive material ......  430
    Liquid crystal lithographic mask .......  349 / 4
    Lithographic emulsion ..................  430 / 949*
    Semiconductor making ...................  438
    X ray lithography ......................  378 / 34
Lithopone ..................................  106 / 421+
    Drying oil containing ..................  106 / 255
Lithotrites ................................  606 / 127
    With light application .................  606 / 2.5
Litter .....................................  5 / 620
    Box, animal ............................  119 / 165+
        Absorbent material .................  119 / 171+
    Litter bag .............................  D34 / 1+
    Portable ...............................  5 / 625+
    Wheeled ................................  296 / 20
    Care ...................................  119
        Design .............................  D30
    Carrying vehicle .......................  119 / 400+
Living Product .............................  800 / 8+
    Animal .................................  800 / 8+
    Plant ..................................  800 / 295+
Lixiviating (See Leaching)  
    Braced on freight carrier ..............  410 / 121+
    Bridging vehicle .......................  414 / 460+
    Cell ...................................  177
    Hauling or hoisting ....................  254 / 266
    Lashed on freight carrier ..............  410 / 96+
    Levelers ...............................  267 / 64.16+
        Animal draft appliances ............  278 / 2
        Combined ...........................  278 / 2
        Wheeled vehicle attachments ........  280 / 151
Loaders & Loading (See Gun; Magazine)  
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 127+
    Ammunition .............................  86 / 23+
    Antenna ................................  343 / 749+
    Cartridge belts ........................  86 / 48
    Conveyor chutes ........................  193 / 3
    Dump truck .............................  298
    End gate loading chute combined ........  296 / 61
    Excavator ..............................  37 / 304+
    Fireworks ..............................  86 / 20.1+
    Glider pickups .........................  244 / 2+
    Harvester combined with raker ..........  56 / 344+
        Conductors for signaling ...........  178 / 45+
        Line ...............................  178 / 45
            Feeding to amplifier ...........  178 / 45
            Phantom circuit having .........  178 / 45
            With attenuator ................  178 / 45
    Marine .................................  414 / 137.1+
    Nuclear reactors .......................  376 / 260
    Nuclear reactors .......................  376 / 268
    Railway car bodies dumping .............  105 / 239+
    Railway mail delivery ..................  258
    Self loading vehicles ..................  414 / 467+
    Sheaf ..................................  56 / 120
    Shoe nailer ............................  221
    Textile fluid treatment ................  68 / 210
    Trains in motion .......................  104 / 18+
    Vertically swinging shovels ............  414 / 680+
    Weighing scales ........................  177 / 145+
Loafer, Slip-on Footwear ...................  D02 / 923
Loan, Financial  
    Electronic applications ................  705 / 38
    Claw clamp .............................  452 / 11
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 1+
Localizer ..................................  342 / 413
Locating (See Detection; Testing)  
    Foreign bodies .........................  600 / 550+
    Location determining devices  
        Acoustic ...........................  181 / 125
        Radar ..............................  342 / 126+
    Railway track defect ...................  73 / 146+
        Train protecting combined ..........  246 / 120+
        Mechanically .......................  181 / 125
        Submarine ..........................  367 / 87+
Lock (See Definition Notes,Associated ......  70
    Devices; fastener; detent; latch; ......  70
    Seal; securing means) ..................  70
        Caissons ...........................  405 / 8
        Diving bell combined ...............  405 / 192
        Dryers .............................  34 / 92
        Dryers vacuum ......................  34 / 242
        Furnace charging ...................  414 / 162+
        Material moved between unlike ......  414 / 217+
        Pressure areas .....................  414 / 217+
        Pneumatic conveyor discharging .....  406 / 169
        Submarine escape ...................  114 / 334+
    Article dispenser ......................  221 / 154
    Automobile .............................  70 / 237+
    Bicycle ................................  70 / 233+
    Book binder sheet retainers ............  402 / 2
    Box and chest ..........................  70 / 63
    Cabinet with  
        Selector operator ..................  312 / 215
    Canal ..................................  405 / 85+
    Cane, umbrella, apparel ................  70 / 59
    Closure ................................  70 / 77+
        Barrel bung ........................  217 / 106+
        Bottles and jars ...................  215 / 207
        Burglar alarm combined .............  116 / 8+
        Camera plate holders ...............  396 / 522
        Car dump ...........................  105 / 308.1+
        Check controlled ...................  194
        Drawers ............................  312 / 333
        Elevator door ......................  187 / 331
            On car .........................  187 / 335
        Fasteners ..........................  292
            Adjustable backset .............  292 / 1.5
        Freight car automatic lock .........  105 / 395
        Railway car platform trap door .....  105 / 435
        Safe alarm combined ................  109 / 44
        Safe bolt work .....................  109 / 59 R+
        Safe door poison gas releaser ......  109 / 30
        Combined ...........................  109 / 30
        Special receptacle .................  206 / 1.5
        Till drawer alarm combined .........  116 / 76
        Vault covers .......................  404 / 25+
    Combination ............................  70 / 286+
    Design .................................  D08 / 331+
    Dispensers with ........................  222 / 153.1+
    Dog for bolt ...........................  70 / 467+
    Door ...................................  70 / 91+
    Door latch bolts, biased ...............  70 / 144
    Electric lamp ..........................  439 / 133+
    Expansible chamber device with .........  92 / 15+
        Fluid ..............................  92 / 8+
    Firearm safety mechanism ...............  42 / 70.01+
    Fluid handling systems or devices ......  137 / 383+
    With ...................................  137 / 383+
    Gang bar type for cabinet ..............  312 / 216+
        Sectional unit type cabinet ........  312 / 107.5
    Hasp ...................................  70 / 2+
    Key removal preventing .................  70 / 389
    Keyholders .............................  70 / 456 R+
    Lap robe in car body ...................  296 / 77
    Machine elements valves etc ............  70 / 175+
    Mechanical gun .........................  124 / 40
    Mounting devices .......................  70 / 466
    Nail ...................................  411 / 439+
        Railway spike ......................  238 / 375
    Nut and bolt  
        Bolt pivoted end ...................  411 / 340+
        Bolt threadless key type ...........  411 / 340+
        Bolt to nut ........................  411 / 190+
        Railway splice bar .................  238 / 262
    Openers electric or magnetic ...........  70 / 277+
    Operating mechanism ....................  70 / 266+
    Pad ....................................  70 / 20+
    Permutation ............................  70 / 315+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 80
    Portable ...............................  70 / 14+
    Puzzle .................................  70 / 289+
    Rack combined ..........................  211 / 4+
    Railway switches and signals ...........  246
    Register ...............................  235 / 130 R
        Key locks ..........................  235 / 27
    Safety chains ..........................  292 / 262+
    Seal tamper detecting ..................  70 / 440
        Latch ..............................  292 / 307 R+
        Padlock ............................  70 / 50
    Shear line .............................  70 / 496
    Side lock ..............................  411 / 191
    Sidebar ................................  70 / 496
    Slotted bolt, railway splice bar .......  238 / 252
    Type ...................................  238 / 252
    Special application ....................  70 / 57+
    Stitch making ..........................  112
        Methods ............................  112 / 475.17+
        Lock combined ......................  200 / 61.64+
        Operated ...........................  200 / 43.01+
    Systems ................................  70 / 262+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 445
        Operated over telephone line .......  379 / 102.06
    Time ...................................  70 / 267+
    Trunk ..................................  70 / 69+
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 663+
    Valve ..................................  70 / 175+
        Automobile fuel ....................  70 / 242+
        Gravity feed lubricators ...........  184 / 86
        Lock operated ......................  137 / 384.2+
    Ward guard .............................  70 / 420
    Weigher ................................  177 / 124
    Wheel ..................................  70 / 225
        Brake ..............................  188 / 69
        Caster .............................  16 / 35 R+
    Yale ...................................  70 / 357+
Lockets ....................................  63 / 18+
    Design .................................  D11 / 80
    Making .................................  29 / 896.4
    Key locks ..............................  70 / 337
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 194+
        Intercommunicating .................  379 / 168+
        Polystation ........................  379 / 184+
    Boilers ................................  122
    Chain grate progressive feed ...........  110 / 198+
    Design .................................  D12 / 38
    Feeding air  
        Firebox ............................  110 / 198+
    Feeding air and steam  
        Firebox ............................  110 / 199+
        Heater .............................  110 / 201
        Undergrate .........................  110 / 202
    Firebox ................................  110 / 198+
    Fuel feeding stoker ....................  110 / 105.5
    Headlight and signal illuminators ......  362 / 478+
    Journal ................................  384 / 187
    Light supports automatic ...............  362 / 523+
    Railway ................................  105 / 26.05+
        Safety bridges .....................  105 / 459
        Truck frames .......................  105 / 172+
    Shed fixtures ..........................  104 / 51+
    Smoke and gas return ...................  110 / 198+
    Stoker type comminutor .................  241 / 276
    Tender scoops ..........................  417 / 232
    Toy ....................................  446 / 467
        Design .............................  D21 / 541
        Illuminated ........................  446 / 438+
        Smoking ............................  446 / 25
        Sounding ...........................  446 / 410
    Valves, gears ..........................  91 / 218+
    Ventilation of cab .....................  454 / 84+
    Borehole testing .......................  73 / 152.01+
    Building ...............................  52 / 233
        Toy ................................  446 / 106
    Gas burner .............................  431 / 125
    Gas or electric,simulative .............  D23 / 409
    Loading vehicle ........................  414 / 460
        Course recorder ....................  346 / 8
        Navigation .........................  73 / 181+
    Splitter ...............................  144 / 193.1+
    Wood sawing  
        Band saw ...........................  83 / 788+
        Log deck block .....................  83 / 708+
        Log transfer .......................  83 / 707+
        Log turner .........................  83 / 708+
        Log turner and deck block ..........  83 / 708+
        Stay log slicer ....................  144 / 177+
        Stay log veneer lathe ..............  144 / 214
    Cable type traversing hoists ...........  212 / 76+
    Pole or tree handlers ..................  414 / 23
    Vehicle ................................  414 / 460
    Wood sawing ............................  83 / 703+
Logic Gate Active Element Oscillator .......  331 / DIG 3
Logotype ...................................  400 / 95+
Looms ......................................  139
    Circular ...............................  139 / 457+
    Lace ...................................  87 / 27
    Special type ...........................  139 / 11
    Stationary weft supply .................  139 / 429
    Traveling wave shed ....................  139 / 436
    Amusement railway with vertical ........  104 / 55
    Animal catching lasso ..................  119 / 802+
    Antenna ................................  343 / 866+
        High frequency type ................  343 / 741+
        Machine for sewing .................  112 / 470.34
    Cartridge belt .........................  224 / 223+
    Clothes line endless ...................  211 / 119.02+
    Fastening device  
        Billet loops .......................  24 / 182
        Button engaging ....................  24 / 660+
        Button engaging garter type ........  24 / 464+
        Engaging with camming lever ........  24 / 69 R+
        Hat combined with comb or ..........  132 / 61
        Hairpin ............................  132 / 61
        Lace guides ........................  24 / 714.6+
        Pipe couplings .....................  285 / 71
        Tag attaching pins .................  40 / 668
        Tie to collar button ...............  24 / 58
    Garment ................................  2 / 271
    Garment supporter ......................  2 / 321+
        Crossed loop .......................  2 / 327+
        Plural loops .......................  2 / 331
    Handle .................................  16 / 444+
        For drawer .........................  16 / 419
        For luggage ........................  16 / 404+
        Insulated ..........................  16 / 431+
        Bridle crown .......................  54 / 13
        Checkrein hook .....................  54 / 17
        Design .............................  D30 / 140+
        Strap connector ....................  54 / 87
        Element on trunk ...................  70 / 36
        Rail holddown ......................  238 / 43
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 32
    Railroad splice bar ....................  238 / 256
    Textile pile ...........................  26 / 2 R+
        Cutting ............................  26 / 7+
    Trap ...................................  43 / 86
    Wire fabric interlocking ...............  245 / 5
Loopers Festooner  
    Carpet rag .............................  28 / 148
    Drier combined .........................  34 / 645
    Knitting ...............................  66
    Packet .................................  227 / 77
    Sewing .................................  112
    Web or strand feeding ..................  226 / 104
    Wireworking ............................  140 / 102+
Loose Leaf  
    Binder device releasably ...............  402
    Engaging aperture or ...................  402
    Notch of sheet .........................  402
    Opening reinforcement ..................  402 / 79
Lorgnettes .................................  351 / 56
    Design .................................  D16 / 302
    Supports ...............................  351 / 56
Lorol (See Lauryl Alcohol) ................  568 / 840
Lotions ....................................  424
Loud Speaker (See Telephone) ..............  381 / 150+
    Baffle .................................  181 / 155
    Design .................................  D14 / 221+
    Public address system ..................  381 / 82+
Loudness Meter .............................  73 / 646
Lounges ....................................  52 / 473
    Movable ................................  49 / 74.1+
    Unit design ............................  D25 / 152+
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 309+
Low Mu Triode ..............................  313 / 293+
    Beds ...................................  5 / 611
    Coffins ................................  27 / 32+
        Cable ..............................  254 / 266+
    Hoist hook .............................  212 / 89
    Life craft .............................  114 / 365+
    Load with automatic return .............  414 / 594
    Plow ...................................  172 / 464
    Support releasable .....................  248 / 320+
    Vehicle tops ...........................  296 / 112+
    Design .................................  D01 / 127
    Medicinal ..............................  D24 / 101+
    Presses ................................  99 / 353+
Lubrication and Lubricators See ...........  305 / 117+
    Oiler and oiling .......................  184
    Air line lubricators ...................  261 / DIG 35
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 511
    Axle jacks .............................  254 / 32
    Compositions see lubricants  
    Earth boring drilling fluid ............  175 / 65+
    Engines, internal combustion ...........  123 / 196 R
        Poppet valve operating mechanism ...  123 / 188.2+
    Fishing reel ...........................  242 / 319
    Fitting ................................  285 / 148.1+
        Valved .............................  251 / 142+
    Fluid handling .........................  137 / 246+
    Gun ....................................  D08 / 14.1
    Lubricants (see oil) ..................  508 / 110+
        Mineral oil only containing ........  208 / 18+
        Purifying used .....................  208 / 179
        Testing ............................  73 / 53.05+
            Frictional characteristics .....  73 / 10
            Gas content ....................  73 / 19.11
    Lubricating apparatus ..................  184
        Gun ................................  D08 / 14.1
        Oil dispensers .....................  222
    Machine parts  
        Band saw pulley ....................  83 / 169
        Bearings ...........................  384
        Belt and sprocket ..................  474 / 91
        Brakes .............................  188 / 264 B
        Casters ............................  16 / 36
        Clutches ...........................  192 / 113.1+
        Connecting rods ....................  74 / 587
        Crank and wrist pins ...............  74 / 605
        Earth boring tool combined .........  175 / 227
        Endless flexible track pivot .......  305 / 117+
        Gears ..............................  74 / 467+
        Glass making apparatus .............  65 / 170
        Hinges .............................  16 / 274
        Metal founding apparatus ...........  164 / 149
        Piston ring ........................  277 / 434+
        Pistons ............................  92 / 153+
        Planes wood ........................  30 / 483
        Planetary gearing ..................  475 / 159+
        Sewing machines ....................  112 / 256
        Sewing machines leather ............  112 / 43
        Shaft coupling .....................  464 / 7+
        Spinning rings and travelers .......  57 / 120
        Spinning whirls ....................  57 / 133
        Springs leaf .......................  81 / 3.7
        Springs leaf .......................  267 / 50
        Springs leaf covered ...............  267 / 37.4+
        Sprocket chain pivot ...............  474 / 91
        Textile drawing saddles ............  19 / 284
        Valve actuator .....................  251 / 355
        Valve interface ....................  137 / 246+
        Vehicle wheels spring type .........  152 / 2+
    Material working  
        Ammunition making ..................  86 / 19
        Cutters ............................  407 / 11
        Die expressing .....................  425 / 197+
        Die expressing .....................  425 / 200+
        Dies wire drawing ..................  72 / 41+
        Screw threading ....................  408
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 94
    Refrigeration apparatus ................  62 / 468+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 192+
        Process ............................  62 / 84
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Combined with filter or ............  277 / 918
        Separator ..........................  277 / 918
        Face or mechanical .................  277 / 408
        Gland packing ......................  277 / 513
    Separator, imperforate bowl ............  494 / 15
    Centrifugal ............................  494 / 15
    Textile processes ......................  28 / 169+
        Braid ..............................  87 / 1
        Coating or impregnating ............  427
        Strands ............................  57 / 295+
        Strands covered ....................  57 / 7
    Textile processing compositions ........  252 / 8.81+
    Winding, tensioning or guiding .........  242 / 914*
LUCITE™    (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Luggage See Baggage ........................  190
    Design .................................  D03 / 201+
    Electronic management in airports ......  705 / 5
    Latch ..................................  D08 / 331+
    Travel bag .............................  206 / 278+
    Building component .....................  52
    Compound ...............................  52 / 782.1+
        Beam ...............................  52 / 847+
    Denailing ..............................  254 / 18
    Impregnated ............................  428 / 541
    Laminated ..............................  428 / 18
Luminal ....................................  544 / 305
Luminaries .................................  362 / 296.01+
Luminous (See Fluorescent; .................  362
    Illuminated; light) ....................  362
    Cathode ray screens ....................  313 / 461+
        Photo process of making ............  430 / 23+
    Compositions fluorescent or ............  252 / 301.16
    Phosphorescent .........................  252 / 301.16
        Inorganic ..........................  252 / 301.6 P+
        Organic ............................  252 / 301.16
    Compositions radioactive ...............  252 / 625+
    Fluorescent and phosphorescent .........  250 / 458.1
    Heads for figure toys ..................  446 / 391+
    House number ...........................  250 / 462.1
        Sign ...............................  40 / 541+
    Illuminating devices with material .....  362 / 84
    Lamps ..................................  313
    Push button ............................  250 / 465.1
    Toys ...................................  446 / 485
        Chemiluminescent ...................  446 / 219
    Heaters ................................  126 / 261+
    Kit or box .............................  206 / 541+
        Design .............................  D07 / 709+
        With heater ........................  126 / 266
    Wagons .................................  296 / 22
Luneberg Lens Type .........................  343 / 911 L
    Heat-lung digest .......................  128 / DIG 3
    Lungmotor respirators ..................  601 / 41+
    Fishing ................................  43 / 4+
        Artificial .........................  43 / 42+
        Design .............................  D22 / 126+
        Food bait ..........................  426 / 1
    Fabrics ................................  26 / 27+
Lutidine ...................................  546 / 348
Lymphokines ................................  530 / 351
Lysergic Acid ..............................  546 / 69
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Lsd ............  546 / 69
Lysine .....................................  562 / 562
Lythrine ...................................  546 / 43